
Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Please check out my RP search thread! ✿…
9 yrs ago
Once I start the RPs I'm plotting now I can go on to start some more! Because I know there'll be lots of waiting in between. :) Putting my interest check on hold now.
9 yrs ago
OMFD. That interest check was more successful than I expected. Thank you all for your lovely RP offers! But I need to slow down!!!
9 yrs ago
Going to try to start some rps tomorrow!
9 yrs ago
The thing about me is that I need to be in a lot of RPs at once. One post will get the engine going for all the others. I've honestly never been in "too many" at once. RP with me a lot! <3


About Rin



Female, Late 20's, Southern USA, Single, Straight, Religious


Introverted, anxious, cat lover


Watercolors, blues and greens, mermaids, books, hidden faces, cats, old stuff, florals, typography


Read, write, consume TV. Pinterest/Wish/Etsy. Commissioning Art. Tumblr. Tea. Podcasts

Working On

ASL, Graphic Design/Typography/Web Design, MY HOUSE 😣


Modern: Brandon Sanderson, Tamora Pierce, Gail Carson Levine
Classics: Pride and Prejudice (and Zombies too), Robin Hood, The 3 Musketeers, Sherlock Holmes, Phantom of the Opera
Anime: Yona of the Dawn, Hikaru No Go, Pokemon, Inuyasha, Hayao Miyazaki, Sailor Moon, Naruto (fandom more than canon)
Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Pride and Prejudice, THE PRINCESS BRIDE
TV: Gilmore Girls, Stargate, Stargate Atlantis, The Librarian, Firefly, Timeless, Leverage, Alias

Most Recent Posts

She relaxed slightly when he acquiesced. At least that was one thing taken care of! He was a decent man, after all.

Ferona smiled at him slightly. Yes, she was stuck with him. And for now it was alright. She stood as well and nodded. "I will."

But as soon as he was gone she began to wander around. What should she do with herself now? Every day before this had been spent trying to get someone to listen to her or help her in some way. She'd eventually been reduced to scavenging and begging until she thought of selling her hair! She began to long for a book, any book. But could this fellow even read? Well... he was a business man of sorts so perhaps he could? What she really wanted was to learn about this kingdom she was in... They'd never had any dealings with her Demorion. Which made it the perfect place for exiling her. But of course there was no way to get that information from Berek's house. She doubted even the town would have it. So she needed some other way to pass the time... Since she was bored and still slightly weak and sickly she decided to just sleep.

As evening came on, she began to worry about her life from here on out. Seemingly only one person had come down the road in front of the house all day so she could safely say there were no people around. No books. No horse to go riding on. No musicians. What did one do around here all day?

...Chores... she finally realized. Oh, how depressing!
She lifted her eyes to the heavens as if to say, 'Lord, help me.' And then testily replied, "Yes, it's important! Just buy whatever is... Affordable." Saying that word was clearly difficult for her. But the fact was she didn't know what kind of dress to get either. All her old clothing had been tailor made for her. So neither did she know about sizes!

However, the absurdity of what followed actually startled a laugh out of her. It wasn't exactly a kind laugh. But she had looked much more disgusted by the money issue than the belch. She raised her eyebrows at him. "Am I eating with Berek or Humphrey?"
Ferona seemed to reconsider the food, even as she chewed the last bite and swallowed. She wouldn't necessarily say he was a good cook but he was adequate. She thought of a joke at her expense, but didn't find it very funny. She wasn't at the stage yet where she could laugh at her misfortunes. Her lips tilted down slightly. But she visually shook the thoughts away and returned her attention to him. She nodded in understanding.

"Thank you," she said.

Then she crossed one leg over the other and leaned back in the chair, folding her hands in her lap. They probably needed to talk about some things, like the fact that she didn't do chores.

"The money was for the dress," she explained. "And a scarf."

Would he bring up chores again? She pursed her lips in displeasure at even the thought.
Ferona let him pull her up and escort her inside. From the outside they probably looked bizarre and he didn't quite have the walk down. But she maintained her dignity, looking back at him calmly every time he glanced at her. But she was relieved when he dropped her hand and put a shirt on.

Again she sat while he prepared the food. But this time she noted his anxiousness to please her. Where had that come from? It wasn't entirely unwelcome, however... She inclined her head graciously as he placed the food before her. But didn't start to eat right away. Instead she mulled over his words while taking a sip of water.

"You've never had to be anything else," she finally acknowledged. "Why should you be sorry?" She lowered her eyes to the sandwich and took a bite. It was hearty and crisp and juicy at the same time. Delicious!
When he blushed, she blinked as if she didn't know what she'd been doing. And then she returned the expression two fold and looked away.

But she looked back up when he invited her to lunch, not unlike she had done in her memory. Just saying it without necessarily meaning more. And yet it did mean more? Eat with me, enjoy my company, spend time with me. It reciprocated a yearning in her. And he actually was not unlike Tyrell, now that she thought about it. He would make just as good a royal guard, if he had that skill set. And perhaps HE wouldn't have rejected her offer?

"Yes, I'd love to," she replied, offering him her hand.
Ferona did rarely leave the castle. It required so much pomp and circumstance, even to her mind. She didn't always enjoy having people constantly around her. She did enjoy riding horses and hunting, especially with the dogs on the chase all about her. She could shoot quite well when she had the inclination. Even then there would be guards but they could be told to hang back. She spent a moment imagining the hunts she'd been on, and one particular time when she'd stopped for a sort of picnic. Tyrell had been riding with her that day... As he often did. But something had inspired her to ask him to join her. Why had she done that? He had not even accepted.

The memory made her awfully sad. So she was almost glad to be startled out of it. She smiled but as she turned the squirrel and dog came tearing toward her. She let out a little shriek and flapped her hands. For a moment she felt little clawed fingers and then the squirrel leapt off of her and onto the tree. Humphrey was all over her too and she heard his teeth snap next to her ear. She shoved him off and stood, breathing hard. And then her eyes met Berek's. She clutched her chest, trying to calm down, and then wavered back down to the ground, her arm coming to rest on the stump she'd been sitting on. Her eyes fell as she did, taking in his shirtless state but not quite processing it. Humphrey picked himself up and barked after the squirrel, gave up, and came back to look at her. She dropped her hand and petted him. "Bad dog," she chided, with no malice. She looked at him but then her eyes lifted back to Berek's hairy, muscled, sweaty chest for longer than they should have, and then his face.
It was for a dress, of course. She didn't bother replying, just finished storming into the much cooler air outside. It was such a relief! She went back to the table and poured herself a glass of water to cool down. For a few minutes she still mentally fussed about the insult. But then she began to be distracted... At least he wasn't around right now...

She wandered around the house and then went outside. There was a small road and then the barn to one side. She turned toward it and also passed a pathetic little garden. But eventually at the back of the house she spotted her salvation. Of course the one thing this little shack had in common with the castle was that it reeked before one even opened the door. There was only so much that could be done about such things... But this one reeked far worse inside. She had no choice but to do her business and leave though, quickly.

Ferona burst back into the open air, reflecting that at least these clothes made things quicker and easier! She shut the door tightly and strode quickly away from the spot.

After that she looked around and strode up to the nearest shady spot, which was under a tree. It wasn't far from the house, not into the woods, and she did not feel bad seating herself on a root in these clothes. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself outdoors back home.
She raised her eyebrows imperiously and gestured at the men's clothing she had on. "Why wouldn't I be?" At least the last outfit HAD been a dress! Once...

QUEEN Ferona perked up at the title, sitting up very straight, and listened intently. After that though, he didn't say anything she wanted to hear. And then he resumed working, just like that! She huffed in disbelief!

"CHORES!" she burst out, face flushing. "CHORES?!" Her eyes snapped and she got up. Perhaps everything he said was true, well, fine. She took out the bag of wig money and dropped it on the cot. Then she clutched the few left in her hands and stormed out to at least save those. She didn't have to stand for talk of chores.
She pouted slightly. It would be so much more convienient if he did have servants, and it proved how poor he was (although she already knew). Couldn't some nobleman have saved her? She could be living in the lap of semi-luxury then! But realistically, she knew a nobleman was even less likely to care about her, in the state she was in. As he'd said yesterday, she was lucky he was the one who found her.

However the idea of her becoming the servant or apprentice was horrifying. She made a flabbergasted noise and wrinkled her nose again.

As to the offer to hang around here and talk, no thanks! He might be pretty to look at but it was sweltering in here! She was sweating too and it was disgusting! She did have something on her mind though... so for the moment she went and sat on the cot. She held her hand up and shuffled the coins around.

"Buy me a dress," she finally said, glancing up at him.
He spoke up as she walked over to the dog. Had he seen her oogling him? She dropped down and petted the dog vigorously, trying to take her mind off it. Until now she hadn't realized how attractive the man was. And she was living with him!

"What about that, Humphery? What do I do about that hmm?"

She rubbed his ears and stroked his back. Of course his only answer was to lick her. She wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"Fine," she said to Berek, without really thinking about it. Instead she thought about the coins and how to get what she needed...

Preparing herself for the sight she'd seen before, she turned around. But she was looking upon him at a different angle now anyway. A bit more smoke came into the room and she coughed slightly, squinting. She stood up and said, "You don't have any servants around here?" still grimacing at the smoke.
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