My username may contain wolf, however, I'm actually a dog. Give me attention.
8 yrs ago
Do you realize that if you call a restroom a bathroom that has no bathing facilities in it, you're just lying to yourself and the rest of the world? :D
9 yrs ago
I'm back :3
Yo. I'm a university student. I do the honors program with a major in Biomedical science and a minor in microbiology. I might have a brain but I don't always use it (aka I say a lot of dumb shit). I love getting to know people and I've met some life long friends from this site. With that being said, I am very busy during the school year but I hope to be around here a little more like I was before guild fall. I guess I grew up on this site a little. I've been around here since I was 15, so I've been roleplaying for quite awhile. I love fantasy, slice of life, anime ....and the kind of stuff you only RP in PMs *SUBTLE HINT*. Guinea pigs are my favorite animals and tofu is my favorite food. Oh, and I'm not a white person. I'm more of a dark white.. not really black but grey if you will. I'm not really a normal person.
Yo. I'm a university student. I do the honors program with a major in Biomedical science and a minor in microbiology. I might have a brain but I don't always use it (aka I say a lot of dumb shit). I love getting to know people and I've met some life long friends from this site. With that being said, I am very busy during the school year but I hope to be around here a little more like I was before guild fall. I guess I grew up on this site a little. I've been around here since I was 15, so I've been roleplaying for quite awhile. I love fantasy, slice of life, anime ....and the kind of stuff you only RP in PMs *SUBTLE HINT*. Guinea pigs are my favorite animals and tofu is my favorite food. Oh, and I'm not a white person. I'm more of a dark white.. not really black but grey if you will. I'm not really a normal person.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Yo. I'm a university student. I do the honors program with a major in Biomedical science and a minor in microbiology. I might have a brain but I don't always use it (aka I say a lot of dumb shit). I love getting to know people and I've met some life long friends from this site. With that being said, I am very busy during the school year but I hope to be around here a little more like I was before guild fall. I guess I grew up on this site a little. I've been around here since I was 15, so I've been roleplaying for quite awhile. I love fantasy, slice of life, anime ....and the kind of stuff you only RP in PMs *SUBTLE HINT*. Guinea pigs are my favorite animals and tofu is my favorite food. Oh, and I'm not a white person. I'm more of a dark white.. not really black but grey if you will. I'm not really a normal person.</div>