Avatar of Xhala
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 282 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Xhala 9 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current Back after my hiatus and looking for some RP partners. Hit me up if you're interested ;)


"Thats the spirit-one part brave,three parts fool."
Christopher Paolini, Eragon

“Loyalty never put blood back in a man's veins.”
Carol Berg, Flesh and Spirit

“Politics is ugly. Never doubt what small men will do for great power.”
Paolo Bacigalupi, The Windup Girl

Ballad of Serenity
I am not a princess

Most Recent Posts

@Nytefall Sorry, didn't you read the last two posts? Eyja is awake and the lovely doe creature saved her from immediate danger. They would be farther away, closer to some police cars I'd guess.

I hadn't answered @AdamantiumWolf since we said at the beginning we'd always wait two posts before answering to let the others respond.
I do tend to get antsy about inconsistencies since they really interrupt a story.
I have one, we're fine ;)
Uhhh! And cocktails! Please don't leave them out.
Yes! A big Party!
@TheDookieNutDon't worry about it too much. ;P

But we'll have to celebrate the RP reaching one year!

24th February, just checked ;)
Eyja felt herself falling. Then she hit something hard. It was cold and dark. Noises rang around her, most of which she couldn't place. A man was talking, metal brushed against metal. Then something clashed and everything was louder. What was happening? Where was she? Her body was splayed on the ground, red hair tangled. She felt so empty.

In her minds eye she saw her grimoure. It was tattered and torn at some places. Had she done this? No . . . definitely not. Slowly she tried to reach it but somehow couldn't. The noises grew louder. First she felt heavy, then, after a while, she felt pain. Something was very wrong within her but she couldn't place it.

Her head hurt.

She reacher for it and noticed her arm wouldn't move. When she forced it to it seemed heavy. Frustrated she tried opening her eyes and as she did everything was blurry. What was going on? Why were there so many flashlights? Sirens? Blinking Eyja slowly lifted her head. Dizziness made her pause her efforts. Gradually she managed to lift her upper body from the ground. Sitting there, dazed and confused, the witch took in the scene taking place, not yet comprehending what was happening.
Well, even if you're away from the scene you can still post about what you're doing in the meantime. I'm honestly a bit devastated that everyone simply fled the scene . . . and stopped posting . . .
@Lord Zee@AdamantiumWolf@Nytefall Are we all that's left?
You guys really didn't have to wait for me . . . I'll be able to post regularly again. ;)
Cold. That was the first thing she felt before realizing she was in the embrace of the man she had just addressed. The metal of his armor was digging into her skin. He was suddenly so close that she gasped in surprise. She struggled to get free, but it was futile. The cold was slowly spreading through her body, numbing her. Next came the pull. At first she didn't understand the tugging sensation she felt in her heart, but then it dawned on her. She was being drained of the magical essence residing within her. This was the kind of empty she sometimes felt after long rituals, only that it was coming upon her faster as the stranger fed off of her. Her vision started to blur as she weakly pushed him away - with no success.

Memories flooded through her in quick flashes. Was she going to die here?

A wide field, flowers laid out in a pentagram to her feet, her sisters and her all dressed in white and barefoot. They were chanting in a melodic tune. Amidst the flowers sat a small girl, barely three years old, rocking her little body to the sound of their voices. Her initiation into the covern.

Next the image of a cellar, lit by the single licking flame of a candle. A young woman stood in it's middle. Eyja stood by the door, holding the hand of one of her sisters. How warm that hand was in comparison to the rest of the memory. The woman was crying, an athame in her hand, the other cut and bleeding, sprinkling the floor as the woman chanted between her sobs. Eyjas hand was clutched tighter as she was pulled from the scene and they ran, the cold following them as the light died.

Then she was in the woods, the moon stood high in the sky, it's pale light casting faint shadows as the wind whispered int the trees. The sound of an owl brought her head up. It sat there, on a branch, ruffling it's feathers as it watched her. The animal was graceful. Her breath caught as it swooped down to sit beside her. Her heart beat faster as she stretched out her hand and stroked the bird's soft feathers.

Eyja felt weaker the longer he held her. Unable to hold her head up it fell to one side, coming to rest on the creatures arms in whose embrace she was held. With a somewhat grim resolve she clutched the pendant around her neck, calling for the grimouire within her minds eye and mumbling the spell to protect her from losing more of herself for she feared her capture might not stop with her magical energy. "Un, O dinn iodfev o gau fan sio cun as maum od fo aendom fil an so." her weakened voice could be heard. She felt the grimouire fade within her, going back to the place where it had come from. Then the spell slowly took effect. But before she could tell if it had worked and shielded her remaining energy from him blackness came upon her as she lost consciousness.
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