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Banner by @FallenReaper

Dear Reader,

What I am about to tell you, is classified. It may or may not reach you, but the world needs to know the truth, you need to know the truth.

What if I told you there is more to the world than what an ordinary bystander can perceive?

What if I told you there are forces in this world kept at bay so you may enjoy your tranquil life of ignorance and bliss?

What if there is an organization that has overseen humanity for centuries, rewriting truth, reshaping history and institutionalizing you to revere logic and reasoning all so as to dull your senses?

Surely you would think me insane, but let me tell you something. In a world of madness, sanity is for the foolish.

I am sure you are wondering who I am? I am one of the soldiers of this organization, trained to maintain order in a world tainted with madness. All those tales of magic and sorcery, well in my world those aren't stories you tell children and in my world we call it Alchemy. It is a force which enables us to bring change and break the chains of limitation but at a price. There is always a price for such things.

Alchemy is like a drug, the more you use it the more you crave it. It is an addiction that slowly strips you of your humanity and I mean that quite literally. Within my organization we have a name for it, we call it insannadiction. The use of alchemy comes at the price of your soul, of your sanity and those that abuse this curse slowly find themselves to be but a husk of their former selves fueled by base and carnal desires of destruction. The world almost fell to these vile monstrosities, that is until the Alchemy Management and Restraint Organization (A.M.R.O) surfaced to combat the malice of Alchemy. Their rational for this war was quite simple, 'to fight monsters we shall use monsters'. I am an Alchemist sworn to battle madness, to stop insanity, within my organization we are called by a different name, we are known as Asylums and we are everywhere.

I cannot give you the entire history but I can tell you of the origin point for what was the domino effect that lead to A.M.R.O's ruin. It all started with the "Fall of Innocence". This is a tale of those that experienced that fateful day and tried to stop what was to come.



Link to A.M.R.O's database: Confidential: Password required

Those that have taken an interest in this matter, feel free to contact me.


If you have any questions feel free to PM me or join our discord channel!

EDIT: I would also suggest to read the dictionary at the bottom as that will explain quite a bit of the lore. :D

Credit to @fallenreaper for the lovely banner

Credit to @Ryver et Rhine for layout design

GM: @xodus & Co-GMs: The secret Inner Circle
Current Chapter: Prelude to Madness, Status: Spots Open

"In a world of madness, is sanity for the foolish?"

Link to Chatroom


Since the dawn of Mankind's innocence and subsequent fall, he has always sought dominion over that which lies beyond the perimeters of understanding. Always desiring more yet never satisfied, the endless cycle of gluttony in an eternal loop of irony. This unquenchable thirst for the taboo led Man to discovering a force of change, one that could transcend mortals from the restraints cast by the laws of Nature, Reality and Sanity. This malevolent force came to be known by many names, but we call it Alchemy..​

Roleplay Mechanics

The Plot Thickens

Chap 1: Prelude to Madness (Status: Ongoing)

Character Sheets & General Rules

Players & Their Characters

Submitted Applications

The Chrono Asylum Dictionary & Lore

Current Announcement: Spots are open and everyone is welcome!
Rena simply stood and stared at the gathering of Asylums in front of her, her head tilting slightly in confusion, quite possibly directed at just how on edge they all were. Before the Chrono could respond to Olivia her head snapped towards Alistair who had activated his Alchemic Drive and everything suddenly stood still. If at that moment Rin had been the dominant personality there are quite a few ways how she would have responded to this perceived challenge, none of them would have been pleasant. Luckily it was Rena who was awake and unfortunately even she had seen this as a challenge.

The Chrono smiled innocently as she twirled about and gauged the alchemic power of the Overseer who stood before her and once she had his measure she spoke. "My turn now!" At that moment her alchemic drive which had been dispersed throughout the city suddenly began to pull back, as if drawn to a magnet her sheer force of alchemic energy returned, radiating around her. Rena was enveloped in an aura that could only be described as raw blinding power, this is what it meant to stare at a titan. Before the adverse effects of such overwhelming alchemic drive exposure could take root in the Asylums, Rena instantly stopped her alchemic drive and everything returned to normal, everyone could remember how to breathe once more.

"I win!" The Chrono chirped as she twirled about clearly impressed at her own capabilities when compared to the sheep around her, albeit she viewed it far too innocently. For her it was but a game where she won and as such deserved praise.

"Rena what mischief are you up to?" Angel's weary voice echoed and interrupted the uncomfortable silence that had arisen due to the Chrono's display of power.

"Big brother is awake," she whispered while wincing, much like a child who had accidently woken her parents. She eventually turned to face Olivia and summoned a jovial smile. "Our butler makes the best ice-cream in the world, I will tell him to get us some while you go talk to Angel. With those words the girl instantly made her retreat, snickering at how the Asylums would be the target of Angel's ire, a perfect escape goat. "Oh Crowley....we need more ice-cream!" Her voice echoed, growing all the more distant.

Throughout Yin and Geko had been rather preoccupied in maintaining a relatively calm disposure as they had been subjected to the full force of Rena's alchemic drive. "She's a damn monster!" Yin replied, her tone laced in her native Chinese accent.

"Should be glad it wasn't the other one," Geko responded with a little chuckle, as if in fond reminiscence. "Well the worst is over, let's go meet Angel, convince him to come with us, avoid running in with Rin, stop what could be a demonic plague and live and grow old together." By the time Geko finished his motivational pep talk, Andrew had already charged straight towards the exit, his arms flailing about as he screamed. "Get me the fuck out of here." The researched managed to say it twice before being close lined by Yin who had teleported in his path, knocking him out once more.

"Can I please kill this guy?" The Lost Number replied as her fingers twitched towards her daggers.

"No we cannot kill the alchemic researcher who may help us stop an alchemic pandemic," Geko responded while performing soothing gestures as if calming a tantrum throwing child.

"Fuck it, send the Banshees first....or the leech." True to her words Yin entered Angel's chambers last and contemplated leaving when her gaze matched with that of her fellow Lost Number.

Angel languished on top of a luxurious throne while two empty thrones lay unoccupied on either sides. Behind him rested a massive portrait which had been draped over by a cloth, hiding the contents of the painting. It took the Lost Number a few seconds to even acknowledge the presence of the Asylums that had gathered, there was no greeting, no sarcastic comments, nothing. Instead Angel merely observed the group with disdain, his expressions quite visibly antagonistic.

"Why have you come here?" The Silver Reaper spoke as he stood and pried open his coffin, his arm disappearing within the coffin's mouth and reappearing with the living cloth that formed his iconic overcoat. The fabric warped and twisted about Angel, devouring him until it took on the appearance of a large overcoat. The iconic gunmetal overcoat which the Reaper wore to battle.

"To die," Angel responded, answering his own question. Though by his tone it was not an answer but a statement directed at the futility of whatever these Asylums had hoped to do.

"Back the fuck up!" Yin growled and the darkness around her pulsed sharing in her anger. From every cervix the darkness that it held slowly began to seep and approach the Lost Number.

"Angel don't do something you will regret, do you want A.M.R.O coming after you?" Geko replied, his arms raised in an act of displaying his passive intentions.

"I have grown tired of acting upon the whims of a fractured organization, I have grown tired of it all. If it must end....so be it." Angel didn't sigh or heave, instead he almost seemed eager for conflict. His fingers clasped around the hilt of an antique sword that was displayed on the wall, drawing it from it’s sheathe, the metal gleaming in response, still sharp even after an age of slothful decadence.

Credit to @fallenreaper for the lovely banner

Dear Reader,

What I am about to tell you, is classified. It may or may not reach you, but the world needs to know the truth, you need to know the truth.

What if I told you there is more to the world than what an ordinary bystander can perceive?

What if I told you there are forces in this world kept at bay so you may enjoy your tranquil life of ignorance and bliss?

What if there is an organization that has overseen humanity for centuries, rewriting truth, reshaping history and institutionalizing you to revere logic and reasoning all so as to dull your senses?

Surely you would think me insane, but let me tell you something. In a world of madness, sanity is for the foolish.

I am sure you are wondering, who am I? I am one of the soldiers of this organization, trained to maintain order in a world tainted with madness. All those tales of magic and sorcery, well in my world those aren't stories you tell children and in my world we call it Alchemy. It is a force which enables us to bring change and break the chains of limitation but at a price. There is always a price for such things.

Alchemy is like a drug, the more you use it the more you crave it. It is an addiction that slowly strips you of your humanity and I mean that quite literally. Within my organization we have a name for it, we call it insannadiction. The use of alchemy comes at the price of your soul, of your sanity and those that abuse this curse slowly find themselves to be but a husk of their former selves fueled by base and carnal desires of destruction. The world almost fell to these vile monstrosities, that is until the Alchemy Management and Restraint Organization (A.M.R.O) surfaced to combat the malice of Alchemy. Their rational for this war was quite simple, 'to fight monsters we shall use monsters'. I am an Alchemist sworn to battle madness, to stop insanity, within my organization we are called by a different name, we are known as Asylums and we are everywhere.

I cannot give you the entire history but I can tell you of the events that have led to this point, they are in within the attachment below. I have also managed to hack my organization's data base so you maybe able to read up on additional information. I shall paste the link below the attachment.



Link to A.M.R.O's database: Confidential - Password required


. This RP while located in the advanced section has high casual standards and as such we do not promote a ridiculous amount of text, instead we focus on character building, world building and quality experience. Anyone that is interested can view the OOC given in the link above and then you are more than welcome to approach me regarding any queries you may have.

. Currently we have roughly three spots open.
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