Avatar of Yomojo
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    1. Yomojo 7 yrs ago


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"Logic would dictate that similar means would be used elsewhere, yes." Ash nods to Wingate in acknowledgement and appreciation before walking into the sand-pit room. Putting her hand on the wall and walking around the room, Ash begins to slowly rise. As she traces her hand along the outside wall, a curving ramp extends itself out of the wall underneath her feet, creating a sort of spiral staircase out of rough stone.

Lucille watches for a couple seconds, before following her compatriot and walking up the spiral ramp herself. "Well Winnie, if I'd be takin' a guess, there might be some sort of keyin' goin' on, where a specific knife only works in its one tomb. I mean, if they had this sorta tech, who knows what they could do with it." she says to Wingate, rubbing her hands in excitement. "Who knows indeed? Man, this has been worth it, and then some. Once we tell the fellas up top, we can come back in with all the proper gear now that the place is clean." Lucy then takes her hands and clasps them together, raising them above her head to stretch her shoulders. "I feel like this is gonna be a good day." she muses, looking back at Wingate and smiling.
@Patches @Ryougu @Polaris North
"Uh, yeah, I can keep slowing them down, if that's all you want me to do." V shoots up to his comerades, taking but a second to look up from his holoscreen. Doing this much work on this many viruses, even though they are just ransoms, was taking all of his attention. He was continuing to walk East, but he was barely looking at where he was going, trusting his team to take care of him while he was doing his thing.

"An Overwrite, eh?" VAC muses, pulling up a file on the virus type, minimizing it to one corner so he could continue his virtual assault on the swarm. "Well, worst comes to worst, I can forget about these chump viruses and focus my attention on the big guy, if he comes too close. You'd be amazed what I can do if there's only one thing I have to do it to." he shouts up at his squad mates over the gunfire and sound of disintegrating viruses, not even looking up from his screen this time.

"Speaking of which, I think we're coming to a point where we should probably make a decision. Do we go for a tactical retreat and try to lose them, or do we find a good place to make a stand, and try to outlast them? Hueco, what does it look like, are their numbers starting to dwindle a bit? I'd check, but I've got a lot on my plate right now." the voice comes out again above the furious sounds of fingers on a keyboard. It didn't have to make that sound, of course, but VAC thought it made him sound more like he was doing things. Silent hacking, he had found, sometimes went under-appreciated, due to it not really looking like he was doing much.
"I hope you ain't sayin' that lightly, Winnie. I'll hold ya to that." Lucy elbows Wingate after her comment about drinks.

Ashley cracks her knuckles as she passes through the doorway out of the crypt room. "Dealing with the spikes is something I can definitely do. Good idea, by the way. Anything to make this business safer will help. I wasn't going to suggest it, but since you've given the go-ahead to break them, leave it to me."

Ash keeps walking forwards confidently, then stops as she remembers (and sees) the still filled in sand pit. "Well, Ms. Ipswich, if you could please disperse this sand, we can continue onwards." she calls over her shoulder. Lucy jogs up after Ash, stopping a couple feet behind her and then looking back to Wingate. "Yeah, c'mon girl. We can come back down later, but I kinda wanna make sure we can get back up first." she says, jerking her head back to motion towards the wall of sand.
"What did I tell ya Winnie~" Lucy sing-songs to Wingate "Told ya you wouldn't regret it. What was it I said? Oh yeah, "You'll get your fair cut, but I get the feelin' you'd be tempted to help for free." Well, was I right or was I right?" Lucy winks at Wingate, grin stretched across her face.

"Well, if you two are quite ready, let's head back. Leave the sword and skull here, some of our people will take care of getting those out safely. Bring the dagger, however, we'll need it to get back down. Forgetting the dagger below the sands would be the worst possible thing we could do at this point, besides destroying anything." Ash says matter-of-factly, already turning to head back out the door towards the sand trap.
"Non-caster? Huh, well isn't that somethin'. Kinda ironic, seein' all the runes guardin' their tomb." remarks Lucy, looking at the unfamiliar word Wingate points out. Thinking about it, a slow realisation comes to her. "Hey, that blade there... I'm not too familiar with the stuff, but is there a way to tell if it's got some Voidstone in it? Could explain part of the reason why this fella was such a great hero. Learnin' to use anti-magic woulda made him pretty powerful, especially if he was fightin' the Silent King we think he was. And double hey... that would also give him a good reason to be fightin' in the first place. After all, the Children's whole shtick is tryin' to wipe out non-casters." She pauses for a moment, thinking. "There's definitely enough here that someone's gotta make sure it ain't just coincidence."

Sensing that not much more would be found down here, Ash speaks up. "Well, I would say that we've explored the place as well as we can. If no one has any objections, we should start working on getting back to the surface. When we get back overground, we'll brief with the crew up there, send them in for additional recovery, then the process of sorting and value estimating can begin." She doesn't move herself, waiting for one of the other two to speak up. "But of course, we can talk about that later, once we're out."
@Patches @hefewy @Ryougu @Polaris North
"Good idea, being surrounded isn't exactly my favorite position to be in. I'll go ahead and make sure the East doesn't provide too much resistance. Nazir, Coleander, you two push East. Boreas, keeping guarding us from the main hoard coming in from the West. Hueco, keep keeping an eye on things." VAC calls out to each of his team members. If none of them were the team leader, then why not have everybody be the team leader? As long as none of them were idiots, it should work fine.

V turns his attention back to his screen, swinging it over to point to the East. Focusing his efforts only on the spacefillers in the one direction, he starts doing some real tampering. Tapping furiously at the screen, he throws a flurry of cyber-attacks at the viruses blocking the way East. Messing with mobility, senses, communication and other permissions, he moves on to the next function just as they start trying to fix the one he just broke. To the rest of the group, it would look a bit strange. The ones coming in from the East would slow down a bit, and exhibit jerky movements. They were having to focus so much energy on combating VAC's rapid-fire hacks that their physical presence in the server was having to slow itself down. Distracted as the Spacefillers were, they'd provide an even easier target than normal.

"Heads up, I'm not putting as much effort into the invisibility, so the Spacefillers behind us might be able to load your graphics back up again. I'll delay it as much as I can, but the ones further back are probably going to be able to see you pretty soon." the hacker informs Nazir and Hueco "Which means more pressure on you, big guy." he offers, turning his attention to Boreas. "If you start feeling overwhelmed, I'll turn some attention to you. Nazir, provide a bit of cover fire to our generous protector once in a while too, and Hueco, make sure to keep him in good shape. Everyone good? Let's go!" VAC exclaims, turning and pointing his finger Eastwards.
"The fuckin' Children? Seriously?" Lucy asks, surprised, as she takes the two brushes, tossing one over to Ash. "You're really tellin' me that some runes mention one of the Children? I mean, I guess I knew that the group was that old, but to see one of 'em mentioned down in a place like this... well, it's strange alright." She turns to walk towards one of the walls, still thinking this new development over.

Ashley, who was now using the brush to clean up one of the walls a bit, was surprised as well. If the connection Wingate had made was real, then this wasn't some nerdy history stuff, this actually had to do with the here and now. The Children didn't seem to be doing anything too serious at the moment, but they had made themselves known as serious enemies before. "Well, if you're right, Ms. Ipswich, then at least it seems the Isz were as intelligent as you say. Disliking the Children of Kodo'Yim is something I can appreciate in a culture. Of course, it could be a complete coincidence. "Silent Ruler" isn't the most common thing to call yourself, but it is only two words."

"We gotta find out, one way or 'nother. If this has to do with the Children, then it's more than some dusty 'ol collectors interested in what's goin' on here." Lucy chats as she dusts off one of the walls. The wall she had went to was actually the one behind the table, and her cleaning work had revealed more runes. "Hey, Winnie, is this anythin' interesting?" she asks, looking over to the teacher and motioning to the wall.
Lucy stills, looking somewhat concerned. "Everythin' allright Winnie? We ain't in trouble, are we?" she walks over behind Wingate, looking at the Isz runes. A very rudimentary knowledge allowed her to make out the vague meaning of about one in ten runes, not nearly enough to give her any sense of meaning. "I mean, yeah, I can go lookin' for more texts, but is there anythin' in specific I should be lookin' for?"

"In addition to that, would you happen to have any more of those brushes? If I am to scour the walls, I do not want to risk damaging any carvings. As useful as they are in combat, my hands are admittedly not accustomed to such delicate work." Ash piped in, raising her hands for emphasis. She seemed less distressed than Lucille, figuring that if anything was immediately troubling, Wingate would have mentioned that first. Plus, she had taken a good enough look around, and nothing seemed obviously dangerous. Whatever it was that surprised Ms. Ipswich was probably something nerdy and historical anyways.

"Uh, yeah, brushes and knowin' what's up would be nice." Lucy concluded, looking curiously at Wingate.
Lucy audibly gasps as the room is lit up. Her eyes widen and sparkle, all attention fixated on the table at the back. She takes an impulsive step, then stops. Remembering Ash's warnings, she turns to look at the large woman, an expression of obvious anticipation on her face. Ash sighs, rolls her eyes, then waves Lucy onwards. Permission given, Lucille speedwalks up to the table, stopping about three feet from it and looking down upon it. Ashley keeps a keen eye on the younger woman as she approaches it, ready to protect the rash Lucy from any traps she might spring.

"Oh my gosh, this is so cool. You seein' what I'm seein', Winnie? This is it, this is the jackpot! A freakin' skull, of some forgotten Isz hero! Ooohh, my whole body's tinglin'." she shivers breifly, not even attempting to hide the excitement in her voice. "And how much you willin' to bet that sword's got some freakin' awesome rune powers? I betcha that thing's got legends of its own." She looks to Wingate, eyes visibly twinkling. "Aight, what do we do first? I'm all yours, just tell me what ta do." Lucy's excited energy is clearly visible as she bounces on the balls of her feet, awaiting orders.

Ash, unsurprisingly, takes a very slow and leisurely stroll towards the table, head scanning back and forth. Walls, floor, ceiling, who knew where danger could come from down here? She hoped that Wingate was right, and the worst they'd have to do from here is figure out how to get back out. Having the inner sanctum unguarded, however, sounded like a strange decision to Ash, so until they were back on the surface, vigilance was going to be maintained
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