Avatar of Zardoric
  • Last Seen: 21 hrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 355 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Zardoric 8 yrs ago


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The Voice of Reason

I guess I should do this, shouldn't I?
Meh, do I have to?
Yes? Fine.

Name: Confidential, although that's doubtful to last seeing how quickly I throw it around.
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Location: Tacoma, Washington, USA
Sanity: Non existent but always there.

Do I need to add more?
So that people might actually talk to me? Why would I want that?
Because that's what this site is for? I guess, but I though it was a site for finding and helping make interesting stories...
It is? Then why would you say it is for meeting people? Oh, that's the only way to make the stories? I guess I'll add more to this then.

Favourite Colors: This, this and this.
Food: Almost anything
Music: Almost anything
Likes and Intrest: Women, Books, Video-games, Dogs, Good conversation, interesting worlds, interesting characters.
Dislikes: Awkward conversation, bad host, shaky world design. Having to come up with something for this Bio.
Most other platforms and sites: Zardoric.

When It come to role-playing I like well constructed and interesting worlds. Magic, advanced tech, strange world? I'm in, or may at least lurk. My main enjoyment in role-playing is in the story and the characters, and often take the story five or six different ways in my head then what actually happens, often with a romance plot in mind. Action is secondary, or even tertiary. However I myself am (relatively) new to forum Role-playing and most of my experience comes from playing and GMing a table top RPG.

I am also pretty good at designing role play setting and such so if you would like help creating your RP I would be more then happy to assist.

Oh, and if you want to talk go ahead and PM me.

Most Recent Posts

I'll get a post in tomorrow. I have too much of a headache to do it now. Sorry for taking so long but I don't like putting together crappy post and phoning it in.
So you are using the basic Earth as a starting point and adding to it/changing specific aspects?

@Run9 You need to know what Era your in in order to even start thinking about kingdoms and politics, otherwise you don't have any kind of knowledge as to the tech level, which affects communications, which affects maximum size and political alliances.

@Kenaron@Run9@rush99999 I don't mind working with a team, but Rush was here first, so after this post I will back off and see if he is willing.

So flora, Fauna, Magic(?), Races/species(?), Landmasses, land continuity (Pangaea, continents, islands, ect.), Environments, Divinity (if real, otherwise an aspect of the Kingdoms section), World size, World Age, and I believe I'm missing some pieces here, but this frames step one.

Era, Kingdoms, tech, politics, resources, history, legends, religions, knowledge, population spread/density ect. is step two.

Then the polish, refitting, and anti-contradiction measures.
How big and how much detail? What kind of world? Ideas for mechanics? Era?
Anthony Scott

Seriously? So he could have just help onto the pants and she would have been perfectly happy? He doubted that she would have kept that point of view once they were actually out and about... until he saw her start trying to chew on one of the Digimon that is. Just then a small blue dog-cat-ball hybrid thing Digimon ran up to him and started jumping around him.

"Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Are you going to be my partner? Do you think I can digivolve as fast as the others? What do you think I will digivolve to? How powerful do you think I will be? Oh! Oh! Your not ignoring me are you? Oh..." he quickly ran over to Lillymon, "I'm talking to fast again aren't I?" And before Lillymon could answer he ran back over to Anthony, "Sorry, I talk a lot. So are you going to answer my questions? Or better yet try to digivolve me?"

While Wanyamon was doing all of this a small smile appeared on Anthony's face as he was reminded of a puppy, or was it a kitten, that was able to talk. He used the opportunity of Wanyamon running over to Lillymon to pull out his digivice and got ready to digivolve Wanyamon. But before that... he just had to try scratching Wanyamon on the head.

Silence, almost, now the only noise coming from Wanyamon was a quiet purr. That was getting louder. "Well, looks like I found a way to keep you somewhat quiet. Let's try this digivolving thing now, Shall we?"

Anthony sharpened his concentration as he did when playing video games. Or writing them. While at the same time trying to pay attention to exactly what was happening. He felt some kind of energy well up inside him and focused it through the digivice and into Wanyamon.

"Wanyamon Digivolve to... Gaomon...!"

Anthony was impressed as not only did the Digimon get bigger, but it grew arms, legs, and equipment. And from what he had just heard, the name actually changed as well. Then Gaomon reached out his gloved hand and spoke, "Well then, looks like that went better then expected. Nice to officially meet you, the names Gaomon."

Anthony grabbed the proffered hand and shook it, "And my name, now that I finally have a chance to talk, is Anthony. Nice to meet you partner."

Are you two still in this?

Sorry, I'm still interested in this but my sleep schedule got completely messed up, and I have fallen behind on almost everything I need to keep up with. I didn't even realize that I missed 4 days here until just now. I'm working on the post now, and will do my best not to drop the ball again.
Sorry for disappearing, Just got ME: Andromeda and literally lost track of time. For two days... and I'm not sure if that trend will continue or not. I'll try to get a post up later today... maybe.
Sorry, just got ME: Andromada and lost track of time. And yeah, it would probably be better to replace me anyway.
Yeah, managed to force a post out. Sorry for the delay on that, just haven't been able to motivate myself enough.
Anthony Scott

So, he gets put back together only to get dropped onto somebody. Followed by getting thrown off of them and hitting his head. By the time he managed to focus Anthony had barely enough time to sit up before what looked like a wingless dragon covered in some type of armor addressed them and asked them to follow. It wasn't until after he had gotten up and started following the group that he noticed the rather attractive half naked lady.

Seriously? Didn't she read the warning to prepare before opening the gate? Although it definitely wasn't a bad view, it would probably be a good idea to offer his aid immediately, otherwise it could cause future problems. He sighed as he opened his bag and pulled out his spare pair of pants. They looked like they would just about fit her. He walked up and poked her on the shoulder to get her attention, and held the spare pair of jeans out to her, "Hey, would you like some pants?"

Great way to start a conversation, way to go genius. You are definitely going to be going somewhere with this. Yeah, right.
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