Avatar of ZayZe
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: ZayZe
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 521 (0.14 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. ZayZe 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Enjoy the holidays.
5 yrs ago
Year long hiatuses are fun! ... Sorry to the one or two friends I've got left on here! :)
1 like
5 yrs ago
Gotta say, I'm gonna miss this long weekend.
5 yrs ago
I can't access the discord server.. can someone send a invite link?
5 yrs ago
Oof getting drunk on Christmas with your best buds is a good time. Enjoy your nights... drink some water and make sure you stay alive lol


Updated: April 13, 2018
Roleplaying Status: Moderately Active

Nice to meet you. I've been here since before the guild fall.

I'm not really looking for anybody in particular, but I am looking for somebody who can write very immersive stories, especially in the Medieval Fantasy genre. It doesn't have to be that genre specifically. I just have a slow start in RPs sometimes due to immersion difficulties. I basically like to do 'improv' world building as we go along with our posts. We don't have to have every little detail fleshed out. It makes it harder to get started in my opinion.

Somewhat active at the moment, but I'm in the U.S. Military. So there may be some times where I won't be able to respond other than hiatus reasons. I hope to be around more in the future. I always have my days where I just like to write and think of something to write about. Sadly I don't always have a creative mind, but it's a work in progress.

If there is something else I should add, let me know!

Most Recent Posts

Lucio had laid back putting his hands on the ground watching her undo her corset. When her gaze met his all he could do was look back at her. He raised an eyebrow at her sudden act as she had walked away from him, her body slowly disappearing beneath the water the further she had walked in.

When she had turned around to him gesturing him to follow her in, he chuckled. โ€œIโ€™m sure it does.โ€ He sat up without leaning on his hands, โ€œI wasnโ€™t expecting this.โ€ A small feint blush appeared on his skin. He stood up and took off his shirt and trousers revealing several lifetimes of scars all over his body. He had looked down briefly looking at his scars before looking back at Anna. He hadnโ€™t thought about revealing his body to her and didnโ€™t want to scare her away with his ugliness. A white cloth had covered his groin area as he had walked into the water.

The cool water had hit his skin. It was cool but not cold. He walked towards Anna, โ€œIt does feel nice.โ€ He said walking further into it, and diving into the water, soaking his head and hair. He came back up and combed his hair back with his hands looking at her, making a relieving ahh sound.

โ€œYou come here often?โ€ He asked her as the water had dripped out of his hair, ignoring the fact that he had possessed tons of scars on his body, hoping that Anna would ignore it. He doubted she would, but it didnโ€™t matter. Sadly it was just another lie heโ€™d have to make to her.

Most of his wounds would heal with no scars, but since he had lived so long, he had been in numerous battles that werenโ€™t against normal human beings or weapons.

โ€œI wasnโ€™t expecting to come for a swim.โ€ He stated looking down at his soaking underwear. He looked up at as she had stood half naked. He naturally had looked her up and down. He slowly sank back into the water, naturally staying afloat.
Hey sorry I've been absent. I was in training and literally had no time to do anything. I had only 6 hours of sleep when I had gotten back to the barracks.

I'll have a post up sometime today.

Sorry to hear, I hope it gets all better soon!

I'll have a post up today.
I'll honestly probably post tomorrow. I've been up for 24 hours straight, twice this week. I passed the training! So I'm excited for it to be over.

Sorry to keep you waiting. Hopefully everything has been okay? I saw your status the other day.

Both options sound good to me, I'll have to make a decision.

I'll be very busy this week and I still don't have time to reply.

Don't give up on me and the RP before I post though! <3

I gotta go.

Don't have time to reply :( first day of that training starts today... Gonna be a longgg night.

I'll reply ASAP.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind. :P
Studwick was dozing off in his chair in front of the fire. The living room was his place he went to when he had some down time. Earlier that day he had worked hard so he could relax the rest of the day. He had went to the dining room when he had eaten his dinner.

It was just another night for him. He had a empty glass of scotch beside him. Studwick jumped awake after hearing a loud creak in the floor. He stood up, grabbing a knife that he had in his pocket. He always had one on him just in case. He knew he was rich and could always be a target to someone. Maybe it was his paranoia from the past.

โ€œWhoโ€™s there?โ€ He quickly asked before being able to focus his eyes, holding the knife in his hand. Studwick usually dismisses Ralf before he goes to bed. He figured since he works so hard to keep him happy, heโ€™d let him off easy.

There was no way that Studwick could rely on Ralf for the possible intruder.
Name: Dexter Studwick

Age: 25

Height: 5'7

Background: He was born a noble. Growing up he didnโ€™t have too many friends, and mostly scolded by his mother and father. Heโ€™d have the occasional friend that he would make from a visiting noble, but since his father was a duke it was more rare to find friends, since the only above his father was the Queen. His father didnโ€™t much like the Queen. He himself wanted to be king. Sadly his father had died from sickness when he was at the age of 20. His mother had succumbed to depression and she had died from an unknown reason. No one could ever figure it out. Dexter was sad for a few years but he had moved past it, since it was his first taste of freedom he didnโ€™t take his parents deaths too harshly.

He had served in the military as a commander and had seen some combat. He retired from the military at the age of 23. He had been dealing with his parents loss while in the military but he had managed.

Personality: To the point, blunt, cares for respect, stern, generally nice to peers

Would you want to change it or just keep it? I don't really know what you are thinking for the plot.
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