Avatar of Zenphilvian
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    1. Zenphilvian 8 yrs ago


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@Mistress Dizzy AP Calculus over here.
I'm still around. I'll try to make a post soon.
Sorry about that. I've posted now, so that's a bit better.
Adrenaline controlled the next few moments. Kaede didn't even bother thinking. The word just slipped out naturally.
It felt right, like finding a long-lost friend. There was a bright, but not blinding glow and a figure appeared.
It was a winged man wearing a crown. A fairy king, to be more accurate.
Everything felt so natural, so right, like this had always been a part of him. At least it wasn't Bottom...
His pondering was cut short by the sight of those creatures coming closer. It didn't take a genius to know that they were bad news. Again, instincts took over.
"Zio!" Kaede shouted, lighting appearing and striking one of the creatures. The brightness light up the area a bit, and Kaede saw he wasn't alone. But there were countless more of these enemies.
Again and again he shouted the spell, being somewhat successful. Kaede was so busy keeping them off of him, he couldn't help the others right away, a fact that bothered him greatly.
I'll try to get up a post as soon as possible, since I'll be out this weekend. Probably Friday-ish. Time zones are a pain.
@Rai Oh, you know, denial, confusion, freaking out, wasting bullets. The usual.
@XxEdgyEggxX That's too bad! Well, if you get older, and we're still around, I'd bet that you'll still be welcome to any role play around here.
Kaede didn’t understand. He couldn’t comprehend the scene in front of him. There was no simple explanation. All the feeling left his body, only dimly aware of his surroundings.

He heard footsteps and people talking panickedly, their meaning lost on him. Slowly Kaede regained his senses, feeling what he was hoping was merely sweat dripping on his face.

“Yamamoto-kun, are you alright?” Someone cried out. Kaede thought he recognized the voice, but wasn’t too sure.

He tried to say that yes, he was, but his throat was tight, dry, and clammy. So it came out like the croak of a dying frog that was halfway through puberty. Kaede swallowed and tried again. “I- I’m f-fine.” Was what he meant to say. He wasn’t too sure if it came out exactly like that.

Kaede attempted to get up and almost fell, but was caught by a girl with long purple hair, and eyes that matched. Her name was on the tip of his tongue, but his mind was on other matters. He also spotted another classmate on the other side of the room, trying to help some of the other students, but again, there were more pressing concerns.

My fault. Gone. Missing. Have to help. Clock tower. My fault. My responsibility. Blood. Why? Why? My fault. I don’t understand. What happened? I could have been there. I should have been there. Clock tower. Missing. Gone. Okazaki. Oogami. Hanazawa. Sasaki. Why? My fault. Should have been me. Have to save them. Have to do something.

Kaede’s thoughts were scrambled, basic, the thoughts of someone almost at the edge. He knew he had to do something. The Drama club was his home. The members were his family. Immature, reckless, rude, rambunctious, but still definitely family. He would rather die than lose them. There are many fates worse than death, and this was one of them.

Without thinking, Kaede grabbed the girl’s wrist, Tatsuya, that was her name, he was pretty sure, and he ran. She screamed at him to let her go, but he was deaf to it, heart pounding in his ears. Kaede thought that the other guy was running after them too, and that was good. The more people the better. He wasn’t sure how he knew, but the clock tower was his destination. Something important was there. He knew it. Kaede concentrated on the sound of the footsteps hitting the ground, and the sound of the blood dripping off his back onto the floor.




Finally posted! I'll be better in the future, I promise.
Why am I late? Kaede thought as he sped-walked towards where the Drama Club was meeting. He knew the answer to that question, but couldn’t help but ask himself. I am making a terrible example for everyone else, but with 3 cups of coffee, duty calls. Also whatever was in that cafeteria food. Ignoring everyone that was loitering in the hallways or going to other clubs, Kaede kept walking.

Turning the corner, from the room came a bright light. Kaede thought that it probably was all the stage lights turning on at once or something like that. It sounded like something Youta would do. But he was pretty sure that Okazaki would stop him from doing something that stupid. It was too early in the year for things to start going wrong. There was still so much to plan and put together and coordinate and… Calm down, breathe. No getting stressed today.

Kaede took a small breath and opened the door, realizing that the noises on the other side were screams. The scene before him was indescribable. Well, there was one word for it. Chaos.
“What is going on here?”
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