Avatar of Zero Hex
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    1. Zero Hex 10 yrs ago
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@Holy Soldier
Naw mate I meant these guys, y'know like Tambourine, technically the first Namekian of a sort to show up on screen and all. I was just asking because they might be interesting to have around. They'd still be Namekians but they'd add more variety to the race if players want it, and besides throwbacks to the original Dragon Ball are pretty cool and it potentially gives you something extra for the setting given their particular origin.

As for me I'll probably make a human martial artist and focus on a more down to earth portrayal of his fighting skills, rather more based on real life practices and styles compared to the usual DBZ fare.
Potentially interested though currently busy because of the holiday season, you know how it is. So out of curiosity, would mutant/demon namekians be playable? They are technically a form of the ole greens after all and it'd give people more room to get creative if they so wished.
Ah, that's a shame, had started working on a character. I'll keep an eye out if anyone drops I guess.
Well, I'm afraid that with the extended pause combined with other things coming up I've really lost steam for this. You'll notice I haven't posted in RPG since my last post either. So uh, if anyone's still gonna carry on don't wait for me. Best of luck.
Still seated in meditative posture, Sho Tenshin couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle as Ffamran sil Vadris bent over to pick up the offered jacket and quickly slipped it on. "Oh, excuse my amusement, I had simply never seen a proud lord in such need of a dog's charity that'll bend for it, ohohoho", he ironized at the expense of the dark skinned lad. Ah, the audacity of youth. Sho had been similarly proud in a way, though in different circumstances, many years ago. He had learned to let go of much of that atitude in time, and part of his eventual role as a teacher had been lowering such egos. After all how can one learn if one thinks they know best?

Now the old man rose to his feet with surprising sprightliness for his apparent frailty and looked around once more, taking stock of the people around him and taking in the introductions and especially the apparent task at hand. My, what a disparate group, he thought to himself. Though nothing betrayed this outwardly, he questioned the wisdom in gathering such a band instead of creating an organized, coordinated force if their mission was truly so important. He did not know what to make of the idea that even greater beings, ones that could toy with the cycle of life, might find their judgement impaired by personal whims.

Putting those thoughts aside, he pressed his palms together as a gesture of greeting for the others. "Once again, I am Sho Tenshin of the land of Hakugawa in the east. Forgive me if I should have heard of you all, but tales from the west only recently began to spread during my life". The old man gave the group a slight bow. "As for any further steps, before we depart I should like to give the dead here burial", he continued, looking about with clear pity in his clouded eyes. "Whatever happened here was bad enough, these people should be given at least the peace of the grave".
"Hmmm...I do believe some common courtesy is in order when one requests something from another", came the soft but firm reply from behind Ffamran sil Vadris. Sitting cross-legged in the snow, eyes closed and hands on his knees, was an old man. He appeared well over sixty, definitely much older than any of the others in the ravaged town, and looked withered and frail, wearing multiple layers of ample clothing that hid away his body and made him seem even smaller to the eye. He was also exceedingly calm, his breathing rhythmic and controlled, and as he sat with firm, unbending posture he did not appear to be bothered by the cold in the slightest.

"Not referring to others as dogs would be a start, along with a simple introduction. Sho Tenshin of Hakugawa, at your service", he continued unperturbed, finally opening his eyes to reveal them faded and clouded by age. The Ageless Master's short meditation on what he had experienced and the task at hand had borne little fruit, leaving him with many questions. He had died at peace, had he not? Or had he wanted something more? Did he want peace or was this what he truly sought, ever greater adventures to test himself? Had he failed to attain the peace of beyond and if so, was it forever out of his grasp? Questions for another time and another place.

Sighing, Sho Tenshin took stock of the situation and admitted to himself that did not know what to do. He did not know where he was and he only had vague ideas on who some of his companions might be, tales from lands distant to his own, it was all too strange. So he decided to try to clear his mind and focus on the moment, as had often been his way in life. As was often his way in life. As a gesture of goodwill to start, he removed his haori jacket and offered it to Ffamran folded in outstretched arms. "Still, this is no weather to be dressed as you are. Please, take my jacket at least, I assure you I am well protected from the cold".
Of course, he's kinda hyperspecialized and all. Even with the skill level there's still the obvious drawbacks and downsides to not even having the extra reach of a pointy stick and whatnot, let alone magic items.
Alright @Lyla, here you go, my third character for the game taking into account what you said.

Ay, I'm still trucking along here since we talked and I've changed concepts around a few times. I think I'll have it done by today.
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