Avatar of Zitacamron95
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 521 (0.14 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Zitacamron95 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current If anyone wants to do a tabletop rp where you are a kid with a monster check out roleplayerguild.com/topics/… I'd love to revive it.
6 yrs ago
Interested in a Dark Circus 1x1? Check out my interest check! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Power is finally back on! I'll try to get to all my RP stuff tomorrow after I get all my homework done.
7 yrs ago
Correction to my last status my power is estimated to come back on on Sunday at 11:30PM.
7 yrs ago
My power is out. The website for the power company says it won't be restored until 11:30pm. If that's true, there will probably be no IC replies today.


My timezone is Eastern Standard, in case you need to know that sort of thing. I am very much a nerd, I like videogames and comic books. If you just want to chill and chat with me about videogames and comics, I'm totally down for that. I am more knowledgeable about the DC universe, when it comes to Marvel I know very little. My favorite Superhero is Superman and my favorite Batman villain is Mister Freeze, but I pretty much love all characters in the DC universe. As for video games, I usually stick in the range of anything with a good story. I've played the whole BioShock series, some of the Final Fantasys, both Portal games, all three of the Batman Arkham series and a whole bunch more. Right now I'm working on completing Persona 3 and 4, and Dragon Age Inquisition.

Most Recent Posts

Really Craving an MxM plot! Really want to do the My Quiet Guardian plot.

About Me

  • I can write up from 2 to 5 paragraphs, of course I can manage to do more or less depending on what I'm given, but my preferred minimum is 2 paragraphs.
  • I like to have a plan for my rps so be prepared to plot things out. I hate running head first into a story.
  • I'm still a college student and will be still taking classes through the summer, so I may get busy from time to time. I should still be available to post at least once a week, but I will probably post way more than just once a week.
  • I'm 22 for those that care about the age of the person that rp with.
  • I don't mind OOC talk, and would actually love to encourage it! Even if we're just talking about our characters in the rp and planning for what to do next, either way I'd like to keep some kind of communication up.
  • I'd like to know your favorite animal, so that I know you've read this section
  • I am female but will rp both male and female characters (I'd prefer to play the female in fxm relationships though, as I have had to rp the male counterparts to female characters way too often in the past)
  • I enjoy romance in my rps! I'll do MxM, FxF or FxM romances, and of course any other sort of gender pairings as well. So if you want to play a non-binary character, for example, and want them part of the romance, that works for me.
  • Please ask me any questions you have!

Partner Preferences

  • Please be open to have romance in our rp!
  • Be willing to play both genders if it becomes necessary.
  • Be able to match my posting length. I set a minimum of 2 paragraphs per present character, but understand the occasional small post.
  • So I know you've read this section, as it is the most important section, tell me your favorite color
  • Understand that OOC talk is going to be really important for this RP so please be cool with OOC chat and keeping up with it
  • Please bring some ideas to the table, I don't want to be the only one throwing stuff out there. I want to know you're also really into the plot or pairing too and that you want to participate in this just as much as I do.
  • Be willing to play multiple characters.
  • If you are interested, to make things easier give me what pairings you are interested in, including the gender pairing you're interested in.
  • If you have any other questions on what I'm asking for, please ask.


General Pairings

Royalty x Royalty
Royalty x Royal Guard
Royalty x Mage
Royalty x Assassin
Royalty x Civilian
Royalty x God
Mage x Demon
Mage x Mage
Mage x Royal Guard
Mage x Robot
Mage x Assistant
Mage x Apprentice
Mage x God
CEO x Robot
CEO x Assistant
CEO x Civilian
CEO x Bodyguard
CEO x Hacker
Hacker x Officer
Hacker x Ex-solider
Ex-soldier x Robot
Ex-soldier x CEO
Ex-soldier x Doctor
Criminal x Criminal
Criminal x Officer
Criminal x CEO
Twin x Twin (Can be put with another pairing)
Ancient Being x Modern Being
Criminal x FBI Agent
Time Traveler x Modern Day Average Person
Vampire x Vampire
Criminal Group
Hero Group (Not super heroes, just a group of normal people saving the world)
Anything Greek Mythology Based
Fairytales reimagined
Highschool based roleplays

You can also suggest a pairing if you'd like to!


Bolded characters are the role I'd like to play

DC Comics
Batman x Superman
Flash (Barry Allen) x Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Lois Lane x Catwoman
Lex Luthor x Sinestro
Black mask x Hush

Adventure Time
OC Princess x OC Princess
OC Princess x OC Adventurer
OC Adventurer x OC Adventurer
OC Prince x OC Prince
Prince Gumball x Marshall Lee
@Wick Hey, I'm sorry to have to do this, but I don't think this rp is going to work out. I don't think our writing styles match up well.
Alyss looked the man in the eyes, frustrated that he just wasn't getting it through his thick skull that she wasn't going to break the ban. She certainly wasn't going to just leave the kingdom with some random stranger, that sounded even more ridiculous. He wasn't going to leave though, and that bothered Alyss even more. Even after telling him that he had now made it even more difficult for her to live in her own home, he didn't seem to care a single bit about it. She wondered what her mother was thinking making her have to take care of this mess, not that she could actually do anything. She didn't even know how to get rid of curses or even if there was a way to cure whatever it was that he had. She practiced almost exclusively healing magic, which dealt with physical ailments not magical ones.

"How much more clear can I get? I don't know any magic. You're out of luck, and going to have to find someone else to help you. I'm sure a witch from another kingdom could just as well help you out. I'm sorry my relative screwed up your life," Alyss rolled her eyes. She really didn't know how much more of a clear stance on this that she could take. Of course as she had finished saying that, alarms started to ring in her home. It sounded a lot like the alarm for someone to wake up rather than anything to alert of danger.

"It is time to get ready for school," The robotic voice called out.

"Computer, turn off the alarm," Alyss spoke up.

"Request not recognized, please speak more clearly," The robotic voice responded.

Alyss looked at the man, now even more irritated with this predicament. She pulled the mask off of her face and repeated her command for the computer. She quickly pulled the mask back on and turned around to go back in her room to get ready. "If I end up in a hospital for a month because of you, I'm going to make sure I ruin a month of your life." She grumbled, "The moment it's dark outside, you need to leave my home and never come back."
Alyss narrowed her eyes at the man that used her birth name. If she had any sort of trust for this man, it had now vanished. She wasn't going to help someone that believed he knew who she was. That sounded even more like a trap than this whole curse thing. She just wanted this man out of her home now. "The mask, is for my illness. I have a chronic illness and one of the effects is a lowered immune system. I wear my mask to help prevent getting a disease that could likely send me to the hospital for more than a month," She answered, her voice still rather stern and her face still showing that she was rather irritated at this man.

She didn't really care how desperate this man was, her life was more important. Magic was banned and she was certainly not going to get caught doing it. Though, when he had moved in to promise he wouldn't tell anyone, she was caught off guard. Those eyes had grabbed hold of her, made her want to just melt. She hadn't really noticed his eyes until this moment. She faulted for a moment, what could be seen of her expression softened for a moment, but only for a moment. She came back to her senses and stepped back to get more room between them and she went back to looking at him irritated.

"As I said before, I don't practice magic and you have the wrong girl. I am Gabrielle. Alyss Alcanter died a few weeks after her mother's execution. Sorry, for your loss," Alyss pressed. She had to keep up her lie. She couldn't be caught in it, this man could easily be lying to her and she wasn't going to let herself get hurt by him. Her well being was just as important.
@RumikoOhara I'd be happy to come up with something with you! But, If you could make sure you read the about me and my partner preferences sections a bit more carefully that would be great! Please make sure that I fit what you are looking for and that you fit what I am looking for.
Updated with pairings!
Alyss blinked when the man just walked right past her into her home. For a moment it made her think of how much she wished that magic wasn't banned so that she could once again put up barriers and traps for those with hostile intent. It'd keep her safe, a least a barrier on the front door for those that tried to barge in uninvited. That way she could keep out those she didn't want in her home. But, of course that wasn't allowed because that was very blatant magic and she'd be thrown in jail and possibly even executed for practicing.

Alyss closed the door and walked into the next room, watching the man now pull down every shade and curtain in her house. She crossed her arms and glared at this man, silently watching him work, but not enjoying how he had decided to just act like he could do whatever he wants. Now just upset with this man waking her up early, barging into her home and then acting like he owned the place, she was ready to kick him out. She wasn't in the mood anymore to hear whatever it was he had to say, all he was doing was being rude. Besides that, Alyss wore a filter mask for a reason, to keep as healthy as she could, this man walking into her house like this means that she'd now have to wear the mask in her own home for weeks to make sure she didn't catch anything.

"Well, first of all I am a distant relative of the family, I have no magic capabilities. None at all. And secondly, magic is banned here, if I practiced it, I'd be in jail, in a different kingdom, or executed like you had done to my last living relative," Alyss rolled her eyes. Even if helping people was something her mother had taught her to do and she enjoyed healing those that were sick, she wasn't going to get herself in danger. "I'd like you to leave now."
About Me

  • I can write up from 2 to 5 paragraphs, of course I can manage to do more or less depending on what I'm given, but my preferred minimum is 2 paragraphs.
  • I'm still a college student and will be still taking classes through the summer, so I may get busy from time to time. I should still be available to post at least once a week, but I will probably post way more than just once a week.
  • I'm 22 for those that care about the age of the person that rp with.
  • I don't mind OOC talk, and would actually love to encourage it! Even if we're just talking about our characters in the rp and planning for what to do next, either way I'd like to keep some kind of communication up.
  • I am female but will rp both male and female characters (I'd prefer to play the female in fxm relationships though, as I have had to rp the male counterparts to female characters way too often in the past)
  • I enjoy romance in my rps! I'll do MxM, FxF or FxM romances, and of course any other sort of gender pairings as well. So if you want to play a non-binary character, for example, and want them part of the romance, that works for me.
  • Please ask me any questions you have!

Partner Preferences

  • Please be open to have romance in our rp!
  • Be willing to play both genders if it becomes necessary.
  • Be able to match my posting length. I set a minimum of 2 paragraphs per present character, but understand the occasional small post.
  • So I know you've read this section, as it is the most important section, tell me your favorite color
  • Understand that OOC talk is going to be really important for this RP so please be cool with OOC chat and keeping up with it
  • Be willing to play multiple characters.
  • If you are interested, to make things easier give me what pairings you are interested in, including the gender pairing you're interested in.
  • If you have any other questions on what I'm asking for, please ask.

What I want out of this is a bunch of different stories but in the same world. I'm going to explain what I have in mind for this world, and from there you can pick a pairing and we'll come up with a fun story to add to this world. As for how plots go, if you get bored, then we can just move onto something else, or just stop the rp altogether, I don't mind if we don't finish a plot. I especially don't mind if you're just not all that interested in the plot anymore. I'm really just interested in using this world and seeing what kind of stuff comes out of it.

The World

The world itself is pretty simple to explain as a high technology fantasy world. It's a world filled with sci-fi gadgetry such as robots, smart houses, robotic prosthetics and holograms. It's also a world filled with magic that is nearly all specifically geared towards technology so like magic that allows a person to program a machine just by talking to it or someone being able to charge their phone using their own energy. There's also more mundane magic like potions that boost energy or enchantments the help focus or calm anxiety. It's vast and there's different countries and cities, some people still live in kingdoms, others live in a completely free capitalistic societies with monopolies that basically run their country.

The Technology

Space travel is something that has been done by a select few, but it isn't something this planet is interested in, so it isn't done a whole lot. It's mainly something done for study and nobody plans to really use that power to colonize other planets. Those that do, are seen as crazy, since it's not a common interest or a solution to any of their problems. Outside of that, most people rely on mass transit to get from place to place. Planes, Boats and Trains are used to get to far off places, while buses are used for smaller distances. People may rent cars to get from place to place or hire a taxi service. Cars that are owned are generally owned by the rich and cars and buses drive themselves now.

In the world of health, there are robotic prosthetics for those that lose a limb. They move just like a regular limb, but do take some time for the technology to understand what the wearer wants, but after a while of having the new prosthetic the limb will move just as naturally as what it replaced and occasionally even better than that. Stem cells and cloning are used to replace damaged organs, on occasion something electronic used instead, but they are seen as just a cheaper option that will need to be replaced frequently and run with risks. There is also some human augmentation, those that want stronger limbs bur really have no medical need will get robotic prosthetics or those that want better eyesight that is better than that of a normal human might switch out for robotic eyes. This is also something done mainly by those that have a lot of money to spend and not done by the average person. These objects are also made to keep the wearer looking human, so it does cost a lot more than some of the other options that don't require synthetic skin or natural looks.

In a more domestic place, homes are all smart houses. Sensors are everywhere that sense when someone is home, lights will turn on in rooms where people are and will turn off when people leave. Refrigerators are able to tell you what you have in stock and suggest recipes for what's available and also give a grocery list for those that plan meals ahead of time. Rooms are kept at temperatures to what the person prefers. The wealthy have humanoid robots that will clean their homes, take care of their laundry and have personal assistants. Some of these robots are even trusted to watch and care for children. In a more normal family a person may have a automated vacuum cleaner that takes care of cleaning the carpets daily and a robot that mops up floors. There might be an AI assistant built into the house that is just a voice over a speaker system.

As for how everything is powered, solar power is the preferred method. Most things run on electricity and most things use solar power, usually gathered from more desert like areas and then transported around the world, but more sunny areas may still have solar panels on their roof tops. People have also found a way to harvest energy from magically imbued objects, so those may be used to power a system as well and would run kind of like a battery that can be recharged.

The Magic

Magic has evolved with the needs of the people. Those that decide to practice magic and become good at it, usually use it for convenience. The most common and first spell people learn is how to charge their own devices with their own energy. But, there are also people out there that can use magic to program devices just through their speech or even those that can transfer their own consciousness into another piece of technology. Some have learned how to use electrical wires as a sort of way to travel, being able to teleport from place to place as long as there is electrical wiring around. Some others have used it for mundane tasks as well. Like reviving energy, like caffeine that instantly works and wakes a person up, or to help them focus on the task at hand. Magic can be used to create barriers around homes to keep those with intent to harm out, and can be used to heal minor injuries.


Royalty x Royalty
Royalty x Royal Guard
Royalty x Mage
Royalty x Assassin
Royalty x Civilian
Royalty x God
Mage x Demon
Mage x Mage
Mage x Royal Guard
Mage x Robot
Mage x Assistant
Mage x Apprentice
Mage x God
CEO x Robot
CEO x Assistant
CEO x Civilian
CEO x Bodyguard
CEO x Hacker
Hacker x Officer
Hacker x Ex-solider
Ex-soldier x Robot
Ex-soldier x CEO
Ex-soldier x Doctor
Criminal x Criminal
Criminal x Officer
Criminal x CEO
Twin x Twin (Can be put with another pairing)
Sky Pirates
Criminal Group

You do not have to go with any of these pairings, if you'd like to go with a completely different pairing that isn't listed, definitely bring it up!

So, that's what I have so far! Thank you to those that have made it to the end of this long post. And please, if you're interested let me know!
Alyss had been sound asleep after going through her homework and studies. It had taken hours to get through everything, gladly she didn't have to start her days so early and she still had time to get in a good amount of sleep before starting her day again. That was, until the lights turned on in her room waking her up. She let out a groan, grabbed the pillow nearest to her and plopped it onto her head. She didn't want to wake up just yet, she was still tired and not at all ready to face the day again. Then an electrical voice came over the speakers, "You have a guest at the front door."

The young witch rolled her eyes, but managed to get herself up and out of bed. She was still in her pajamas, but that didn't really bother her. Still, she knew better than to trust the outside germs, her mother had always made sure she wore an air filtration mask. With a low immune system, it was just necessary to get around. She grabbed a disposable one and pulled it over her mouth and nose. She fixed her hair up into a pony tail for some kind of effort in her looks. Not that she usually cared that much, she already looked constantly sickly.

Finally, though the girl got to the door and opened it up, the man before her was unfamiliar. She didn't like that. That usually meant another house inspection to see if they could find some sort of magical potion lying around, so they can kick her out of her house. It wasn't like they'd ever find anything with a magical property in her home, she was careful enough to hide everything, besides witchcraft was more than just potions and weird objects around a home. She looked the man up and down before finally stating, "May I help you?" Her voice muffled by the white filter mask over her face, but still rather audible.

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