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Yep, you're doing it exactly as the format asks. Good job. I hope you can find some friends to play with soon.
After all these years, you’d think the nerves wouldn’t bother him anymore. They did. They probably always would. He paced back and forth on the marble floor, his eyes watching the floor dead ahead while a myriad of people spoke back and forth, their words falling on deaf ears. In truth, they were loud enough to be heard – but the sounds from outside were overpowering. The city, itself, was deafening every day. Today was worse, though. The crowd growing outside the Palace of Kings, named by some old leader from a time long before him, was screaming and chanting – their words were the ones which concerned him. They screamed obscenities and disgust. They were angry, and they had every right to be that way. Yesterday, in the early hours of the morning, an incursion occurred on their industrial world.

The mines were attacked, and hundreds of thousands of innocent workers lost their lives defending what belonged to them. Currently, the Armada was in pursuit of the invaders – and he didn’t doubt for a minute word of their utter demise would reach him soon. However, right now he had little to nothing to show for their efforts. He doubted the people would be happy if those were the words he spoke to them. The people in the room were talking a mile a minute, offering opinions and ideas on what to say, on how to pacify the crowd. On some level, their words registered and the pertinent pieces he stored away for use, but for the most part they spouted their usual nonsense.

A special meeting of the Council was already called, and he wondered when they’d begin to filter in from their respective homes and haunts. The Council of Gods was already prepared, the tables set out and the chairs brought in – those high backed, uncomfortable monstrosities they used out of a love for tradition. Still, it would be good to have people who truly understood what it meant to run things around again. They’d been separated for some time, each working on their own places and things – building up their own peoples. The council rarely met anymore, but that would have to change. Things were changing. Undiscovered cultures were coming from nowhere and attacking him. HIM! Shaking his head, he stopped pacing and turned toward the oversized window.

The people in the room stopped, as the chiming sound announcing midday began to ring. It was time for him to give his speech, and he shifted nervously as his feet carried him to the stand holding his ceremonial outfit. The long, black robes covered every inch of his body from the neck down – the collar raising up and up until it stood a full foot above his head. His hands wrapped around the cool metal of the head-covering, which enclosed around his head with a resounding snap. It was stuffy and hot, not even a few minutes of wearing it and he sweated bullets beneath it, but it was part of the outfit. The thing had no mouth, but it was comforting to the people who knew it. To outsiders, of course, it was a bit intimidating – and in some cases kind of ridiculous.

Within the confines of the helm, he opened the Gya’kun – his third eye pulling apart on his forehead. The exertion of his spiritual essence washed over the crowd when he pulled back the curtains and stepped out into the midday sun. His hands lifted, and the essence spreading out amongst them brought silence to the crowd. Of course, they all thought it was their own idea to quiet down and listen, but it was truly just mass mind control keeping their tongues still.

“My people, I regret having to be here today. I regret the circumstances which brought us together. This attack was unprovoked. This attack was atrocious, and the work of an unknown group of terrorists. Right now, as we speak, the Armada is running them down. They will not last throughout the remainder of the day, that much I promise you. But, let us not forget what happened. The mines were attacked, presumably for control of our immense resources – and people lost their lives. But, their sacrifices cannot be thought of as in vain.

“They saved our land. The ones who died fought bravely, and they died well defending the resources which keep you, their family, safe. They fought with what they had, and I promise you they will not be forgotten. In the future, this will not be a problem any longer. Effective immediately, the security around Furyk will be increased ten-fold. Several legions of the Armada are being moved as we speak, and stations are currently in production that will automate a defense system surrounding the planet. Until these defenses are in place, however, travel between the worlds will be restricted.

“I apologize for any inconvenience this might visit upon you, but we simply cannot risk more lives at this moment. You, the people, are what make this Federation great – you make us the power that we are, and I will not allow you to be in unnecessary danger. When more information is known, it will be passed along through the appropriate channels. Please, my friends, return to your homes. Mourn the lost, celebrate the living. And remember, we are one people. One world.”

As he spoke, the Gya’kun slowly closed – until by the end the only thing keeping the people silent was their own willingness to listen. It opened their minds, allowed him to begin uninterrupted – and then closed. They listened on their own now, their rapt attention focused on his every word. His hands lowered to, until they rested on the massive stone balcony and he leaned against it, his words reverberating throughout the whole system. He held tightly, indenting the balcony with his fingers. The anger was apparent in his voice, and the people felt the true passion in his words.

As he finished speaking, they began clapping – loud, raucous clapping and screams of adulation and joy at knowing the Federation planned to take care of them. Of course, some were angry at the travel restrictions – their vacations ruined, or trips to visit their families on distance worlds. That didn’t mean they didn’t understand the necessity, however, and even they joined in the clapping and screaming eventually. Smiling inside the mask, Odwin turned and walked back through the balcony window – reaching up and unsnapping the helm, setting it back on the pedestal.

Sweat ran down his face, but he refused to acknowledge it. Instead, he walked to the opposite end of the room and pushed open the door from his office. The air on the other side seemed to warp and twist back in on itself, and then the council chambers appeared directly before him – separated inside its own, special pocket dimension. A plethora of doors lead off in random directions, the pathway in and out for the other members of the council – who should be arriving any moment.

There was much to discuss, and many new rules and sanctions that would be put into place after the recent events. He took his seat at the end of the table, and his eyes closed as he lost himself in his thoughts – attempting to figure out who might have thought to attack them, after all these years of peace and prosperity for everyone.
This is the opening roleplay for the GM group, and will consist currently of those members involved directly in building the over-arcing story. But, feel free to begin your own Roleplays in their own threads at any itme - just remember everything affects everything else.
United Federation of Planets

“Uniting mankind for the betterment of all”

Group Description

The United Federation of Planets (UFP) is a conglomeration of the innermost three planet within the Duryenkai System. The make up planets very similar to Earth in terms of atmosphere, land-mass, and overall topography. However, their size varies almost as much as the people. They’ve become hub worlds, and through that the UFP has gained much control over the commerce. The UFP is run like a Democratic Republic, and its world leaders and council members that control their dealings are elected by the top one percent of the culture.

Their current leadership is renowned for bringing in business, and keeping down rebellions in the outer planets. While their control extends only a short way past their central hubs, they are powerful and far-reaching in terms of their power. The majority of food and supplies are processed through their planetary system and then sold back to the workers at markups creating one hundred percent profit margins. At the end of the day, The United Federation of Planets is a business, and they operate like a business. The board votes, with the President being the deciding vote in situations without a unanimous vote.

The current president of the United Federation of Planets is Odwin Inealdo.


Currently the UFP controls the three central planets within the solar system. Each planet is rich in resources, nutrients, and have their own specific purpose. Each of those planets also make up the crucial points of the UFP, and they’ve begun to fit to them their specific needs and purposes. The planets are as follows:

Inealdo City -- Named for the president who resides there, this sprawling city is the central location for all dealings with the UFP. The city covers more than 90% of the planet, and every single business transaction the UFP makes is done here. Because of that, and because it’s where the Council sits - security is tight. It takes years of vetting to be allowed to even come within orbit of the planet, and even longer to be allowed to land and actually conduct business. The UFP Security Force patrols the city at all hours of the day and night, stopping random people for checks and scans. The city rests on the fourth planet from the second sun - Duryk.

Furyk -- Furyk is the main source of industry within the system, close enough to Duryk for quick-hops back and forth at FTL speed, many of the people who do choose to work mundane, ordinary jobs commute every morning to their job sites. The main industry found inside the Federation is mining. Furyk is a planet of mines. Series of tunnels run nearly the entirety of the planet, and minerals and ores mined from its depths are traded throughout the galaxy for credits and mundane goods alike.

Muryk -- The planet of Muryk is pure agriculture. A sprawling planet with rich and fertile soil, the people of Muryk spend their days laboring in the fields to grow crops that are used to feed every living person within Federation control. This planet is, by far, the most important to the entire system. Without it, hundreds of thousands of people would go hungry, and famine would run rampant throughout the system.


None yet.


None, yet.

Group Ability

Members of the UFP have specific traits granted only to them. Depending on their role within the Federation, they have options that allow them to determine a possible future for themselves. As of right now, only two castes exist within their society. The Council and The People.

The Council - Council members are the central leaders of all things within the system, they run trade, they own farms. They’re responsible and accountable for every dime pulled in and every penny spent. As such, they are capable diplomats and their words are laden with silver-tongues carrying their lilting speech. They’re capable of using their voice to sway minds and hearts to fall in line with their plan. Weaker minds are by far more susceptible, and certain people are entirely resistant to their call.

The People - The people are the blood, sweat, and tears of the empire. They are laborers and lazy. The fighters and the lovers. As such, they are capable of learning tasks and new things rather quickly. Whether its how to use a new piece of technology, or to bend the rules of reality to create magical effects around them - they have the utmost understanding of everything they put their minds to - and as a result learn twice as fast as normal people, when they apply themselves.


President - Odwin Inealdo played by Zyamasiel
Chairman of the Board - ---- Played by The Harbinger of Ferocity
Board Member - Played By Yoshua
Board Member - Played By Ruby
Board Member - Played By Circ
Board Member - Played by Rilla

You live as you choose

The goal of Expanding Horizons is to create, and maintain, a persistent world in which people can come and enjoy themselves. Regardless of what you like to play, be it a super powerful wizard or a guy with an improbability cannon for an arm, you’re welcome to come and coexist inside of our world. Ideally, we want to make this as open and as appealing as possible to every member of the community, regardless of experience and inherent skill level. We want to help you, and your friends, grow into better writers and storytellers through practice and collaborative efforts.

That being said, we also have several storyline goals we intend to reach throughout each cycle of our game. And we want your help in reaching them. So, how can you help? Easy! Just play the game with us, and we’ll build a persistent, ever-expanding world that will evolve and grow with each new person bringing something different to the table. So, when we say your live as you choose, we mean it.

If you’re a war-mongering character bent on taking over everything, then you’re free to do as much of that as the community is willing to do before they stop you. If you want to live peacefully on a far-off planet to yourself, using your magic and your friends to build a utopian society, then you’re welcome to do that. The possibilities are endless. The only thing we ask is that you make your game as inclusive to other, like-minded, people as possible.

And of course, we’ll do the same. The GM staff will be running the main story arc in the beginning, and it will be on us to pull everything together into a cohesive story. Any additional help in that endeavor will be appreciated, but not required for play. However, we will not allow other people to be ignored. If a group of people show up and begin attacking you, we expect you to respond properly to them. With few exceptions, all of the threads will be open - and that means anyone can show up at any time! So, always be prepared to work together to defend what is yours, or to build a peaceful story with another group of wanderers within the galaxy.

Ultimately, how you play is how you play. We’re not going to impost heavy restrictions on magic or science. There are limitations - but even those can be broken when you bring in enough story justification to make it reasonable. So, how do you get involved in this persistent community where everything you do affects everything else? It’s simple!

Character Creation

First, you’ll have to build your characters. Every character will be submitted in a character specific thread designed expressly for the GMs to review and either approve or deny your character. Outside of a few game-breaking mechanics, we’re not foreseeing any denials coming through. The thread will be stickied to the top, so it will always be easy to find - and we welcome you to create your own character database systems to help better keep track of the characters you have currently inside our universe.

The basic template for characters is probably one everyone has used before, and isn’t necessarily anything new or foreboding, I hope. All you have to do is give us the basic, need-to-know information required to interact (and combat) with each other.

Name: Your name here
Title: Do you have any titles?
Height : How tall?
Weight: How much do you weigh?
Age: How old are you?
Race/Species: Are you human or alien?

Tier: What level is your character? Human, Light Power, Mid Power, or High?

Personality: How does your character act?

Appearance: How do they look?

Abilities, Traits, Powers, Etc. : What can they do?

Equipment/Weapons: What do they carry?

History: A brief overview is fine!


Groups of individual people working together to a common goal aren’t only allowed, but encouraged. We would love to see players working together to build something amazing. The whole goal, after all, is to be collaborative and inclusive! So, with that in mind, the creation of groups consisting of more than five individual members, with a write-up in the group sticky thread and and approved by a member of staff, will net you some bonuses. What are these bonuses, you ask? Well, they’re pretty nifty.

First of all, you can come up with up to three group specific powers that - while other people might be able to use from time to time - your group are masters of. Those powers don’t have to be magic, either. Maybe you’re a group bent on technological domination, a true Technocracy if you will, and you have a piece of proprietary tech. Then that belongs to your group, and your group alone. Someone can steal it, of course, from you in a story or a fight - but it belongs to you.

Or maybe you’re a special group of wizards with your own particular set of magical talents, that nobody has been able to replicate or come up with before. Each member of your group, just by being in your group, is allowed to partake in that power! The possibilities are nigh endless, and are only limited by your imagination. So, create whatever you can and come up with whatever your beautiful little minds can compute!

That being said, Group write-ups should somewhat follow a set of guidelines before being posted. Each group is required to have at least five(5) individual players playing a unique character. Granted, each person in the group is allowed as many characters as they wish to play, and can keep up with playing, but there must be five players involved OOCly before a group becomes official.

Official groups will be granted territory, which will be in the shape of a planet, ship, asteroid belt, etc., that belongs only to them. They will have complete say and dominion over their territory, and will be able to use it as they see fit. The guidelines for writing up the group page, and the territory (which should be included in the approval request) are:

Group Name: Are you the Dominion of Solitude? The Destroyers of Hope? Give yourselves a nifty name.
Group Graphic: A logo or picture of some kind that fits your group.
Group Motto: Do you guys have words you live by?
Group Leader: Who runs this? Is it a council? A single person? A priest or some form of God?

Group Description: What does your group want? What is their goals, their drives and desires.

Group Territory: Is it a planet? A ship? What does it look like, what would a person feel when there?
Critical Point A: The most important, possibly capital city of the group.
Critical Point B: A secondary place where things of important nature might exist
Critical Point C: And a tertiary.

Group Members: Here you’ll want to give a list of every person’s account, as well as what their characters in the group are. So, say I’m a group with John. We both play two characters. The list should look something like:

Zyamasiel: Character A, B.
John: Character A, B.

Critical points are points inside of the group’s territory that are valuable and important for whatever reason. A group cannot exist if it does not own a piece of territory with at least three critical points. The only way to have more than three, however, is by taking them from another group in a fight, or through diplomatic relations. Capturing a critical point gives you that critical point to add to your group, and of course you can completely change the lay of the land when you take it. Subjugate its people into slavery, allow them to be free, full members of your society. Whatever you wish.

However, when a group loses all three critical points it has lost its territory and can no longer be considered a true group. Critical points will be the main threads in which battles take place between existing groups, and as such the write-up for the territory, as well as its critical points, should be as detailed and graphic as possible. For the sake of everyone involved.

Thank you for joining, and we hope you enjoy your stay. Tell your friends, your family. Bring everyone who enjoys this kind of thing, and come build a better tomorrow with us!

Thank you,
The Harbinger of Ferocity
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