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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 13 days ago

Introducing The Spook and The Grizzly Bear
Selk “The Spook” Sarvog

"Intruders, defilers, vermin. All the same to me. Something to be... dealt with."


Horror Magic
A twisted offshoot magic that has roots in Illusion Magic. Horror Magic creates an image that reflects the victim’s fears. These illusions are in truth harmless, and are easily overcome if the victim has a semi-strong will. The results of Horror Magic vary from person to person, but it commonly disables people temporarily, with no lasting effects. However, there have been a very few cases in which Horror Magic causes permanent trauma. Horror Magic is very similar to Illusion magic in the respect that the caster is able to determine who sees and hears the magic. Unlike illusion magic, however, Horror Magic has a terribly small range, as it relies on a person’s fears. Many people know horror magic, but each practitioner learns it on their own after knowing at least a little illusion magic.

Animal Soul
Selk was born "knowing" how to use Animal Soul, and he can turn into a bear.

Druid Magic
Thought to have roots in plant magic, and some of the other “natural” magics, Druid Magic is a “recent development”. It does not really do anything by itself. It is a magic that amplifies other magics, drawing power from, but not draining power from, nature. Druid Magic is most powerful in places untouched by man, where the ebb of nature is almost untouched. It is weakest in places such as cities, where the order of nature has been disrupted greatly. Druid Magic is near impossible to teach, as it is a very subtle magic that remains with a person their entire lives, starting from birth. Most people who are born with Druid Magic are unaware of it their entire life.

Magic Level:
A member of the Ragged Brotherhood is not ranked.
However, it is worth noting he is one of the founders.

Selk Sarvog was once the keeper of a hidden grove, one that remained untouched by the hands of man for ages upon ages. He called himself a Druid, tending to the grove’s needs as if they were his own. He did this for ages, for he believed it was his sacred duty. But, all good things must end, and so the grove was found. Selk tried to defend the grove, using his magic to scare the intruders off. Only, that did not happen. He was driven from his sacred home, and the grove became a hotspot. The intruders tended to it, but it was desecrated. The beauty of the place fled over time, and soon, it was just another structure that desecrated nature. Selk grew angry, and used his Horror Magic to scar the minds of any man or woman he came across.

Selk is a stone serious man, not laughing at many of the jokes that he hears, and often speaking with a stone serious voice. Despite his serious demeanor, he has a soft spot for anti-humor and dark humor, laughing at the occasional dark and anti-jokes. Other than that, he is a sadist that enjoys spooking people.

Team Members:

Sylla, the Grizzly Bear
Any members of the Ragged Brotherhood

Three Strengths:
1. Selk is proficient in horror magic, being able to spook almost anyone. Almost.
2. Selk has a bear that will help him whenever it can.
3. Selk is a great gardener.

Three Weaknesses:
1. The less plant and animal life around, the less powerful Selk is.
2. Selk’s clothes are rather flammable.
3. Selk’s ideals are zealous, so he is blind to many ideals.

Greatest Love:
Nature, and its protection.

To protect nature by destroying those who would defile it.

Additional Details:

Sylla, the Grizzly Bear


Sylla is a grizzly bear that has known Selk since she was a cub. She didn’t like Selk at first, but as time progressed and Selk found himself waking up as a bear on occasion, Sylla treated him as a sort of father figure. Sylla is loyal to Selk, and responds to his commands. And Selk does so likewise. They are the best of friends, and together they’re rather tedious to take down, especially when out in the open and untamed wilderness. Many have joked that Selk and Sylla have a romantic relationship.

Bear-like. Hostile and not very rational. Loyal, but only to Selk.

Team Members:
Selk “The Spook” Sarvog

Three Strengths:
1. Thick Hide: Swords and other sharp objects have a hard time penetrating Sylla’s hide.
2. Roar: A bear’s roar is intimidating, and often scares people away.
3. Natural Predator: Sylla hunts for food, and will often share it with Selk.

Three Weaknesses:
1. Flammable: Sylla is flammable due to the grease on her fur.
2. Frowned upon: Sylla isn’t allowed in many public places.
3. Unbearable: Sylla finds bear mace unbearable.

Greatest Love:
Salmon. (Selk too, I guess.)

Salmon, and the promise of salmon. (The promise of restoring nature too, I guess.)

Additional Details:
“Salmon /ˈsæmən/ is the common name for several species of fish in the family Salmonidae. Other fish in the same family include trout, char, grayling and whitefish. Various species of salmon display anadromous life strategies while others display freshwater resident life strategies. Salmon are native to tributaries of the North Atlantic (genusSalmo) and Pacific Ocean (genus Oncorhynchus). Many species of salmon have been introduced into non-native environments such as the Great Lakes of North America and Patagonia in South America. Salmon are intensively produced in aquaculture in many parts of the world.”
-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Awesome applications.

Rather then have a big long post with each of your cs's in it, all of them are accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Always that one guy who makes me regret everything with simply their character app.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Okay, so I leave for about a day and I return to giant long posts of character applications of some extremely dark twisted very omen like guild that goes by the name of the Ragged Brotherhood that has the creepiest members on the dark and terrifying side (with two guys with Scrub as their first name), especially with their magic that they wield.

But anyways, it's a very interesting and cool band of members within this guild that your group made. Sounds quite different then Phoenix Wing and its members. Also I will have to read into more for my own little Co GM accepting (just mention though that since Caits is the head of the thread, you guys are fine to post, I just like thoroughly reading though everything). And it's nice to see some familiar faces in this new guild, I'm looking at you Ostarion, but does this guild have it's own little post coming up that explains it a bit more because I would very much appreciate that, unless I some how missed it which then can you please tell me and mention where it is so I can read up on it please because I would like to see how they relate with Phoenix Wing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Expolar, if you see anything wrong with the application, don't hesitate to mention them, because I might have missed it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I forgot to post the ranking.

The Ragged Brotherhood has more members than what we've actually posted - those are the most important and prevalent.
In the quest fr unity, the Ragged Brotherhood has recruited many lesser minions who are loyal to the First's cause. The Ragged Brotherhood doesn't have magical ranking, but does have it's own form of ranking which grants authority over each other. This is what seperates The First from say, an average Ragged Brotherhood cultist.

. At the top is The First, naturally. He holds the highest rank as he is the founder of this movement, and the most powerful.

. Second is Selk Sarvog, as he was the first to be recruited.

. The Twin Enforcers of the Brotherhood are the equivalent of commanders. They would be the third leading force in the Ragged Brotherhood. It consists of Aedius Darkwater and Arya Kilae. Their magical power is somewhat equal, so neither of them have authority over each other.

. Ragged Cultist Ensign is the highest tier rank a regular member can receive. It's the elite group of Ragged Cultists, which means that not many people will be in this division. Both Isaac Wilton and Cordelia Mirelle are in this division.

. Ragged Cultist is the middle tier rank. It is the basis of the movement. There are many Ragged Cultists, some are open about it, while some are secretive they are the most abundant of all the ranks.

. Ragged Apprentice: Past the initiate phase, but not yet a Ragged Cultist. Ragged Apprentices tend to be mentored by Ragged Ensigns, and when they show promise, they are promoted to the rank of cultist.

. Ragged Initiates are the newest recruits. Not everyone starts at this rank, but most newly accepted members do. This rank doesn't do much, besides basic training.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Okay, since we know how two guild, it would be beneficial if, in your posts, you can put your characters name, and guild in your post, to make it clear, and avoid confusing with the two guilds.

e.g. Sasha. Phoenix wing
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Caits said
Expolar, if you see anything wrong with the application, don't hesitate to mention them, because I might have missed it!

Don't worry, I'll share what I see and do some posts on the OOC on any updates. But I do want to say that these character sheets do look interesting and will be a fun read through all the work you guys put in to you CSs. And from the ones that I have briefly read through, their pretty cool, especially their magics. Just please DO NOT abuse your magics because some I almost dropped the OP Hammer until I had to really to reread them to actually imagine how it would work in the RP and accepted them at the end, like the Jutsu Shiki magic that The First knows. Also from what I read from the founders' CSs, they don't really like Phoenix, so can't wait to see how this plays out in the future, but I should also mention that Magic Guilds are somewhat new since, from the first post explaining the Background of the RP's history, magic had a tremendous decrease a hundred years ago, but now it's growing back up as well as actual new guilds being built, but guilds are still quite new being a couple of years (This current year should be X891 if I'm right) and that there is a Magic Management Council making sure that magic and guilds aren't being trouble making or worse.

(This part came after reading Ostarion post of the guild, thanks for posting it by the way).
Just wanted to mention how much fun I had piecing together the Ragged Brotherhood's ranks and who were in them (though I got a bit confused when I read a Twin Executioner in The First's CS, but now makes sense with the guild's detail post).

So... I still got some more to read so more update posts will be continued in the future.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 13 days ago

Expolar said
Okay, so I leave for about a day and I return to giant long posts of character applications of some extremely dark twisted very omen like guild that goes by the name of the Ragged Brotherhood that has the creepiest members on the dark and terrifying side (with two guys with Scrub as their first name), especially with their magic that they wield. But anyways, it's a very interesting and cool band of members within this guild that your group made. Sounds quite different then Phoenix Wing and its members. Also I will have to read into more for my own little Co GM accepting (just mention though that since Caits is the head of the thread, you guys are fine to post, I just like thoroughly reading though everything). And it's nice to see some familiar faces in this new guild, I'm looking at you Ostarion, but does this guild have it's own little post coming up that explains it a bit more because I would very much appreciate that, unless I some how missed it which then can you please tell me and mention where it is so I can read up on it please because I would like to see how they relate with Phoenix Wing.

Well, The Ragged Brotherhood isn't really, known widely. They were silent for a few years, building up their numbers, but now they've kind of... put themselves out there. They've done a few things, but none of them are really news-worthy, so only a few people know of their existence. Of course, with a decent amount of members, there's always a loud mouth. But still, they're on the down-low.

Their relationship with Phoenix Wing is something that has yet to actually develop fully, but it is a rather negative relationship. Often times, the Ragged Brotherhood will be in direct conflict with Phoenix Wing, as some of their ideals conflict. Not to mention, The First dislikes Phoenix Wing because he feels that "they are holding people back", though that would be his opinion. Sometimes, but not always, the Ragged Brotherhood will find itself working towards the same goals as Phoenix Wing, but mostly for public appearance.

Now, the goals of The Ragged Brotherhood may seem noble in intent, and they are, but The First goes about accomplishing his plans in a rather immoral way. Their goal is "to unite all magic users under one banner", and beyond that, they also seek to expand this to "to unite all people under one banner". The way they go about doing this, however, is usually through force and indoctrination.

The Ragged Brotherhood is supposed to be an antagonist guild, but one that has "good intentions". It's also a guild that does not rank their members, because they believe that everyone has the potential to become powerful; to them you can either use magic, or you can't. It's also important to note that many members are taken in at an early age, and are wholly devoted to The Ragged Brotherhood. I can't think of anything else right off the bat, but if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Ostarion/SilverDawn/myself will probably get back to you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Caits said
Okay, since we know how two guild, it would be beneficial if, in your posts, you can put your characters name, and guild in your post, to make it clear, and avoid confusing with the two guilds. e.g. post.

Also if someone isn't part of a guild yet but are going to join one, please note it.

Ex: Edward Tortini, will join guild (or some kind of note that tells us that you're not part of a guild yet).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Scrub Mage said
but if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

*Quickly raises hand in air*
I have a quesion!

Does the Ragged Brotherhood have their own mark or symbol of the guild?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

they do, I've just put it in the front page.

Just organising people into their guilds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I hope I have everyone organised right
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ionion and Paingodsson's characters are part of our guild, they already posted in the IC mentioning that they're inside already.

Also I'm calling it a night, I've been up longer than I should've of been, so good night everyone please welcome our new guild :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 13 days ago

Here's a seperate post to The First so that he can be linked on the front page.

"There will always be those who wish to oppose us, but in the end, only unity will remain."
The First does not give out his age. It can only be assumed that he is somewhat old;
his control over, and understanding of magic is something that indicates this.


Nullification Magic
The First activates his nullification magic from the mind, intensely concentrating on the magical energy he nullifies.

The First uses this magic to communicate with the Executioners, and Selk Sarvog.
He sometimes connects the thoughts of all of these people at a time, for group conferences and battle planning.

Jutsu Shiki
The First has an innate understanding of Jutsu Shiki, and is able to create traps which seal opponents within the runes until they fulfill the rules set within said runes. These runes are normally placed in places where The First normally is, giving him an advantage in places where he normally stays. One of his most common traps is known as the Void Zone, where magic which can be used for offence cannot be used by an opponent, if it is used, then a powerful arcane shock is delivered to the user of said magic, which will persist for as long as the person uses their magic in that area. This renders many magic users useless, as if a person is willing to be shocked by the arcane energy, The First can still nullify it with his own magic, which is not counted as offensive.

Magic Level:
Being the leader of the Ragged Brotherhood, The First can be assumed to be somewhat powerful; as he would be above the Executioners of the Ragged Brotherhood.

The First: a name that strikes terror into the hearts of many, and hope into the hearts of few. He was not always known as The First, but he has since abandoned his old name. For this name was filthy, like the magic users who cast it upon him. The First was born with a few “setbacks”, being born shorter than the average man, and with dulled senses. He could not feel the things he touched, and his eyesight was poor. As life went on, The First grew, but not by much.

It was hard to live, for The First had a hard time staying upright and what not. His eyes were practically useless. He was tended to by his mother, whom loved him very much. But this made The First bitter and stubborn. He wanted to live. He wanted to do things for himself. Alas he could not. He was cursed to a life of bedrest and damnation. His only saving grace was the fact that he could cast some primitive forms of magic.

When he was alone, The First would cry. This was no way to live. His tears made him feel better, stronger. But this was just the first steps of mastering tear magic. As he withered in bed, he began to actually do things with his tears, and when the time was ripe, and he had learned a few tricks, he stood up. This time without falling. This was no special blessing, as he could still hardly see.

The First, would wander within the darkness, bumping into things that should be easily avoided. He cried less, and felt himself become weaker and weaker. Eventually, he stopped crying altogether, and he collapsed. As he cried from the sudden shock, he stood once more. Tear Magic, was the conclusion his mother came to.

As time progressed further, The First found himself able to see, barely. His structure filled out, and his mind became sharp. With time, he no longer needed to cry to stand upright on his own. With even more time, he found himself much bigger than his mother, and even his father, whom he held no special opinion towards.

But The First felt wronged. Whose fault was it that he was born with setbacks? Whose fault was it that he missed out on a childhood? It was theirs. They were responsible, and he knew this deep down inside. It was a lie, truly, but The First felt wronged. He was bitter, stubborn, and angry. The First held nothing but malice for his parents.

They had not wronged him, but he felt they had. He felt that they had… restricted him too much. He had missed out on a proper childhood. He had not had the opportunity to learn, he could not read, he could not write. He blamed his parents, whom had not known enough magic to help him in any way. They disgusted him. They were useless in his eyes.

So, he left without a word. His mother mourned, his father hardly noticed. But The First vowed to learn. So, that was what he did. He learned much. His now large form made him strong, so those that angered him did not remain a problem much longer. The First traveled to many place, learning different forms of magic at each.

With time, he became strong. He easily outclassed his peers and found himself able to read and write. But the more he learned, the more he found the world to be a vile disgusting place. Many people spoke rather fondly of Phoenix Wing, which befuddled The First. To him, they seemed… corrupt and vile. Disgusting creatures to be blotted out like flames. They reminded him of his parents. They seemed to restrict others, at least in his eyes.

But this is through the eyes of a man who was born nearly blind. The First’s mind was corrupted by his bitterness. The First needed to learn, but he had devoted his time to learning magic. Each magic user, to him, seemed greedy. He believed they each withheld information, not just from him, but from everyone. Many required payment, while those who did not, taught little.

The First believed information had to be free, so it did not take as long for others, as it had for him to learn. He continued to learn, but as he learned more, he realized he had known much already. So, he returned home, for it was all he had thought to do.

When he returned, it was with knowledge. But he still lacked the ability to see from the eyes of his mother. One thing led to another, he called her a filthy magic user, and proceeded to kill her in a very violent manner. He did the same to his father, because his father had done nothing for him in his life.

It took a long while for The First to realize what he had done. Few knew his face, and he preferred to keep it that way. Donning a mask and a cloak, he departed. He learned a few more tricks, but a few things still eluded him. He sought these isolated corners out, learning what he could. It took a long while before he heard of “Druid Magic” which could only be taught by a very few; and it took even longer for him to find one who had known this. He tracked this man, using local tales, and intruded this man’s home. He was assaulted by horrifying images, which he quickly nullified.

When he was no longer being assaulted by these terrible images, he found a bear at his throat. He tried to mutter something, but found himself unable. The man had spooked him, but not hard enough. He managed to let a request escape, and the bear was called off. The man taught him what he could, which was limited to horror magic, and delivered to The First some disappointing news: Druid Magic is not so easily taught.

The First stayed with the man, Selk, and they conversed for a time. The man had goals, much different than his own, but he saw an opportunity. If they joined forces, they could knock out two birds with one stone. Selk, liked this idea, and agreed. They decided to found the Ragged Brotherhood, which would unite all mages under one common banner, and The First promised Selk that they would help to “restore nature”.
This was not a lie, but it was far from the truth. The First cared little about nature, or this man. But this man was skilled in the few magics he knew, and could be used to draw others to his cause.

The First is calm, calculating and confident in his abilities as a leader. His views and orders are absolute, and he expects the members of the Ragged Brotherhood to understand this. He is a tactician, and goes over many scenarios in his head in order to choose a path which provides the highest chance of victory. Those who are not in the Ragged Brotherhood are simply pawns to him, and he does not mind destroying these pawns to further his goals and ideals.

Team Members:
In the extremely rare occasion that The First engages in combat, he is normally accompanied by the Executioners and Selk Sarvog. Otherwise, he fights alone.

Three Strengths:
1. He can force magic-users to fight on his terms with both Nullification Magic and Jutsu Shiki.
2. His ability to plan and prepare with his Jutsu Shiki.
3. Leadership skills.
4. Expert Hand to Hand Combatant
5. Enhanced Durability

Three Weaknesses:
1. If you do not use magic, then the Nullification Magic will have no effect.
2. Unpredictability/General stupidity
3. You could just not pursue him in an attempt to fight, as trying to reach him will likely result in you being captured.

Greatest Love:
His motivation.

To unite all magic users under the banner of the Ragged Brotherhood.

Additional Details:
The First is a character controlled by Scrub Mage, SilverDawn, and I.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@explolar its your reply
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jangel13 said
@explolar its your reply

Sorry if I've been away from the IC section but I shall post the continuation of our adventure when I wake up, cya then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Expolar said
Ionion and Paingodsson's characters are part of our guild, they already posted in the IC mentioning that they're inside already.Also I'm calling it a night, I've been up longer than I should've of been, so good night everyone please welcome our new guild :)

Thanks! Couldn't remember!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I apologise for my absence, I'll be sure to post something which brings my character into the RP again tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oni_ said
I apologise for my absence, I'll be sure to post something which brings my character into the RP again tomorrow.

Jangel's and my character s are about done on the island so if I remember correctly you said you wanted to introduce your characters to our in Hargeon, right?
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