Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A letter from the Foreign Office of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Oranje-Vrijstaat and Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, transcripted and published in Dutch newspapers,

On the day of the 8th of January, 1806, the armies of the British Empire conquered Capetown. Taking advantage of the Netherlands' occupation by French imperial forces and their collaborators, the colony-hungry British would go on to establish themselves as the pre-eminent power throughout South Africa over the course of the Napoleonic Wars. In 1814, on the day of August 13th, the British forced a convention upon the Netherlands that saw to the permanent Dutch removal from the Cape, and international recognition of Britain's capture of South Africa. As would continue to happen over the course of the war, the British took advantage of a war-addled and French occupied Netherlands to see to the carving of the Dutch colonial empire. It was a deception that had long lasting and devastating consequences, as no doubt yourselves the Boers, more so than anyone else, know best.

With British possession of South Africa came the arrival of British settlers—not only from England, but from Britain's colonies abroad, India included. The hard fought and bountifully rich Boer homeland, the pearl of the African continent, became tainted. Defiled. The British conquerors subjected the Boers to the empty countrysides, stealing away the cities and the coasts. The Boers, resilient and fiercely independent peoples, made the most of their subjugation. They took the opportunity of having been evicted from their homeland to find themselves yet another patch of the uncivilized and unsettled lands of Africa to make their own. The Great Trek instituted yet another wave of technological innovation and proud European ingenuity to the African countryside. When the British stole the Boer's homes, the Boers built themselves new ones, larger, finer, and on better land. The penalty imposed upon the Dutch settlers of Africa was undone through their own effort, with no assistance from their new British overlords, and indeed, with the utmost contempt. Even now, it is no doubt that the war-hungry Edward looks upon the Boer Republics east of the Cape with the same malicious intent that his forefathers looked upon the Cape itself in the days of Napoleon. The British seek to make all of the south of the African continent their domain, to fill it with their settlers, to impose their values and their language, and to once again sweep the Dutch-blooded of Africa out of their hard-earned homeland. The British call us, our people, "dogs". To them, we are mutts to be swept out of the way to make room for their own ambitions. I invite the Boer Republics to prove Albert Edward, the equally war-hungry and equally insane heir of Victoria, right. To show him that the Dutch people, our people, are dogs—and that if you kick a dog too hard, if you deny those of Dutch blood their homeland in all unity, the dog bites.

The British garrisons mobilize in Europe. They seek to clean the European continent of all of the evils that they witness plaguing it; evils like nationalism, like pride, and the unity of all peoples in their rightful homeland. Just as the British not so long ago took advantage of war in Europe to enforce their designs abroad, the people of the Kingdom of the Netherlands ask their Boer brothers in southern Africa to take advantage of the war-addled British tying their hands in Europe, and to smite the Union Jack off of the face of the Cape. Resist the Britons, show them the might of Dutch blood. Make war now, while your enemy has their eyes closed to Africa, and you will be making peace for yourselves in the decades to come.

The policy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is the pride and unity of the Dutch people, wherever in the world they reside. We do not forget our stolen cousins in Africa, and unlike the British, we do not seek to impress any amount of oppression upon them. The independence of the Boer Republics and the people for which those republics stand will be guaranteed by their involvement in this war, and by their defeat of Britain.

Whoever has Dutch blood flowing in their veins, free of foreign blemishes; whose heart glows for their country, rejoice in song as we do!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 11 days ago

The Swedish-Mexican Trade Pact

The Danish-Mexican Trade Pact
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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German Dualism

Meeting of German Monarchs, Frankfurt 1864

As war heated up between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire, it was clear that the members of the German Confederation would end up being involved one way or another. Both Prussia and Austria pressed the petty Kingdoms and Duchies to pick a side, while many preached total neutrality, and others still wished to go so far as to set up a unified Kingdom, seperate from both Prussia and Austria. But with almost all of Europe engaging in the war, it was obvious that blood would be shed on German soil, and that neutrality was not an option. A meeting held in early 1864 in Frankfurter failed to achieve any solidarity amongst the members, and eventually lines were drawn. Most of the southern members sided with Austria, while the northern states sided with Prussia.

States aligning with Prussia:
Kingdom of Saxony
Kingdom of Hanover
Grand Duchy Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Grand Duchy of Oldenburg
Duchy of Brunswick
Various other minor states
Total Population: 7,001,663
Reserves: 210,000

States aligning with Austria
Kingdom of Bavaria
Kingdom of Württemberg
Grand Duchy of Hesse
Grand Duchy of Baden
Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen
Duchy of Nassau
Various other minor states
Total Population: 4,682,761
Reserves: 144,000
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bigscreech


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Estados Unidos Mexicanos
“In light of the recent news that Prussia has revealed the true articles of the Treaty of Constantinople leaves one both unnerved and baffled. The Old Powers seem to think that they can decide what truly is in best interest of the Americas, yet they can’t even seem to decide what’s best for themselves without some sort of conflict coming to pass. Now these petty squabbles have broken out into an open conflict that seems to be dragging the entire continent into despair. I will make it a point to do so like our brothers in South America to allow for those seeking to escape from the destruction that is about to befall Europe. They shall receive full citizenship and will now allow for open immigration into Mexico. We shall also be accepting Brazil and Columbia’s invitation to their conferences to hopefully carve out a peaceful Americas.

News from Europe isn’t completely bleak as we have just finalized a treaty with the Scandinavian Commonwealth that hopefully will foster bonds of friendship and be mutually benefits for both of our great nations.”

~Benito Juarez, President of Estados Unidos Mexicanos [/centre]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dannaroo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Republica Argentina (Argentine Republic)

Bartolome Mitre, President of the Argentine Republic, spent his first few years in office consolidating his control over the country. After decades of infighting and disunity, the Argentine people began to have a sense of common nationality under Mitre's leadership. The people began to understand that in order for the country to advance, their strength was inherently linked to their sense of nationalism. They have a common interest in bonding as a single, unified nation-state. Mitre implemented wide ranging reforms to modernise Argentina. He could see that in order for the country to improve its position he would need to focus on two core concepts: First, make use of the vast arable lands within Argentina's borders. This would create jobs for unemployed Argentines, increase nationwide happiness due to food abundance, and would have a knock-on effect of improving exports; Secondly, they would need to rapidly expand the population base. Argentina's population was far too small to be able to fully utilise the agricultural potential of the country, so Europeans were encouraged to immigrate to Argentina as, with the ongoing civil war in the United States, the government began advertising Argentina as the new land of opportunity.

With the internal situation of the country improving, President Mitre could turn his attention to matters of regional and international diplomacy. Despite lingering threats of assassination from a small number of Federalist sympathisers, still unhappy with Mitre's resolution of the Civil War, the President was a man of the people and would frequently make public speeches to crowds of Argentines in the central square of Buenos Aires.

"People of Argentina! The Civil War is over and we have begun the enormous task of rebuilding our country. Rest assured this will be my top priority over the remainder of my term in office. However, certain international events have transpired that demand a response from the Argentine Republic. On behalf of the government I stand before you today to address these matters.

Firstly, it has been brought to my attention that nations on the European continent have declared war upon one another. The politics of Europe matter little to us. The extent of Argentina's interest in this conflict is limited to our trade relations with Europe. As long as trade continues Argentina has no desire to comment further on the situation.

However, I will say I was appalled by some of the comments made by the Russian Empire regarding the South American continent. The Argentine government concurs with our good friend King Pedro II of the Empire of Brazil, that a conference of South American nations would be prudent in this situation to discuss any mutual threats that may be faced by our continent. I will personally attend the conference in Rio de Janeiro to put forward Argentina's position that a common defense arrangement would be practicable to deter unwanted foreign intervention on our continent.

Likewise we agree with our good friend President Ospina of the Grenadine Confederation that a pan-American conference in Panama City would also be sensible to discuss this and other issues facing the Americas. I can announce we will be sending a diplomatic delegation to Panama to attend the conference.

I have also been asked about the ongoing conflict within the United States of America. Again, our government has little desire to comment on the internal affairs of the United States. I will only say that the Argentine government fully recognises the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the United States of America. We hope for continued strong trade relations with the United States."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dannaroo


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mr. Speaker, if it pleases the gentlemen of the House of Representatives, I submit to the floor the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, abolishing the practice of slavery in the United States of America and any and all territories she owns. This amendment, having been reported favorably in the House Judiciary Committee, is now free for open debate on the House floor. I will yield the floor to the clerk for a full reading of the amendment.

-- Representative James Ashley on the House floor


House Debates Thirteenth Amendment for Twelfth Straight Day
Chicago Times Headline


We must not pass this bill, for it is not our place to decide a state's rights issue! This amendment is an affront to the Constitution, as well as an affront to the people who depend on chattel slavery for their way of life. And worse, this amendment will only make the Rebels fight that much harder to stay free of the United States. If it comes down to it, I will pick the life of one white man over the comfort of three million negroes! This measure starts with abolishing slavery, then what? If we let the Radical Republicans have their way, then the negroes will be able to vote, be able to hold land. What then? A negro congressman? A negro judge? A negro president?! This bill is the end of negro slavery, as well as the beginning of the white race's enslavement to those that are inferior to us. It is the end of the United States and the start of a new United States of Nergoes, and it cannot stand!

-- Representative Fernando Wood on the House Floor


Mr. Wood speaks of equality, he chastises me and my fellow Republicans because we believe in equality, and the fact that all men are created equal. How can I hold that all men are created equal, when here before me stands, stinking, the moral carcass of the gentleman from New York, proof that some men are inferior, endowed by their Maker with dim wits, impermeable to reason, with cold, pallid slime in their veins instead of hot red blood! You are more reptile than man, Fernando! So low and flat, that the foot of man is incapable of crushing you!

-- Representative Thaddeus Stevens in reply to Representative Wood


Mister President,

We cannot sacrifice peace for abolition. There has been so much blood letting in this conflict, and with spring fast upon us, the roads will thicken and we will witness another bloody spring and summer down South. Grant and Sherman are close to Charleston, but what is the cost if we can have peace now? You care about reelection, a negotiated Confederate peace gives you that chance. If not you, then the Democrats will negotiate with Davis. You know of my Southern roots and ties down South. You have heeded my advice before, heed it now and let me go to Charleston to at least get peace talks started.

-- Francis Preston Blair


We must listen to reason, not tyranny. The policies of Abraham Lincoln have shown us that he is nothing but a would-be Caesar who seeks to take our Southern brothers right's away by force. This cannot stand, and it is for this reason that I, George Brinton McClellan accept the Democratic Nomination for the Office of Presidency of the United States If elected, I will seek a ceasefire in this civil war, and negotiate with the Confederacy on readmission into the Union on their own terms. We cannot, and will not let one man control the fate of this country.

-- George B. McClellan


Congress Deadlocked in Thirteenth Amendment Debate
-- Baltimore Sun Headline


I cannot accomplish a goddamn thing of any human meaning or worth until we cure ourselves of slavery and end this pestilential war. Whether any of you or anyone else knows it, I know I need this! This country is violently ill and this amendment is that cure! We've stepped out upon the world stage now and the fate of human dignity is in our hands. Blood's been spilled to afford us this moment! Now! Now! Now! And you grouse so and heckle and dodge about like pettifogging Tammany Hall hucksters! See what is before you! See the here and now! That's the hardest thing, the only thing that counts! Abolishing slavery by constitutional provision settles the fate for all coming time. Not only of the millions now in bondage, but of unborn millions to come. Two votes stand in its way. These votes must be procured. I am the President of the United States of America, clothed in immense power! You will procure me these votes.

-- Abraham Lincoln to his Cabinet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"The War is viewed too tragically, and presented too tragically in the press; the government did not seek war. If this crisis can be ended with honor, the government will gladly do so. However, we will not accede to Constantinople again nor compel our allies withdraw from Vlaanderen. The great independence of the Prussian makes it difficult in Prussia to rule under treaty. In France it is otherwise; there, individual independence is lacking. The surrendering of sovereignty and land, however, is no shame, but rather an honor. We were perhaps too educated to put up with the treaty - we are too critical. We knew there were too many Catilines, who would wrest its words to Prussia's destruction, as we have seen. Our blood is too hot, we prefer armor too great for our small body to carry, but we should put it to service the same.

In every way, this war summarizes in blood the question the world faces in general. The past, or the future? In Britain, Austria, France and Turkey, we see four empires. Four empires who have already seen their best days go by. Gone are the days when all from Morocco to Mosul answered to the Sultan. Bonaparte is dead, and only a shadow of his glory sits on the throne in France. The British Empire is in turmoil. Austria no longer commands the Holy Roman Empire and is daily facing increasing demands from the constituent peoples of its empire. These empires still exist only because greater men have given them the tallest height to fall from.

These forces are as the armies of the night, each desperately trying to prevent the sun from rising. But brothers, as we all know, light always casts out the darkness. These empires of their own shadows are doomed to fail. The moon would have a better chance of extinguishing the sun.

Thus we see, not by speeches nor treaties will the greatest problems of our time be decided - that was the mistake of Constantinople - but by iron and blood. This olive branch I picked up in Avignon, to offer, as a symbol of peace, to the Constantinopolitans: I see, however, that it is still not the time for it.

This war, to continue the analogy, is an eclipse. For a brief moment in time, the moon can triumphantly cover the earth in darkness once more. Indeed, if our enemies succeed, I expect there will be much self congratulating over the bodies of their dead young men, who died for no better purpose than to keep traitors and tyrants in power and brothers separated. Yet this triumph shall be most ephemeral. To the west, the Americans rise, having defeated the British attempt to divide them as we were. To the east, the Chinese Dragon licks its wounds and gains strength. That these empires of shadows will fall is fact. The only question is if we will fall with them.

But to the British, I must pointedly ask, Why have you betrayed us? You whom we called brother! We stood against Napoleon with you! Von Blucher saved Wellington! We stood against Maria Theresa and the Russians with you! We stood against Carolus in Sweden with you! When your colonies rebelled, who armed them? Us, or France? Who threatened an invasion upon your shores? Us, or France? How could you have come to hate us so? Who from your very inception as a state with the invasion of William of Normandy has opposed and battled you at every turn but the French? By whose hand have more of your sons been slain? Is this how an Englishman repays a friend? Do you forget all your forefathers?

I suspect that there is a place in Judecca being carved for Albert Edward right now; it is my most sincere hope it is a Prussian bullet that sends him there."

~Jnkr. Georg von Vincke
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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First Clash of the Giants

As the nations of Europe prepared for war, raising armies was the first move on everyone's agenda. With railroads now common in Europe, the example set by the Americans demonstrated how swiftly an army could now move, and military advisors on both sides of the war quickly realised this would be a war unlike anything before. Speed was now of the utmost importance, and instead of attempting to raise numbers to their full capacity before engaging, a move that could take many months, commanders instead elected to raise and train as many as possible in a short space of time.

Prussia had a flood of recruits, but decided it could only train 200,000 in time for their first campaigns, so many were turned away and told to wait until they were called up.
(+200,000 conscripts to Prussia)

Austria also found it easy to raise an army.
(+260,000 conscripts to Austria)

France, fueled by nationalism, quickly raised an army to face the Prussians, although the speed at which this war progressed forced them to cut their conscription short before the expected number was reached.
(+250,000 conscripts to France)

Britain, on the other hand, faced numerous problems. Tensions were still high on the home islands, and thousands attempted to dodge the draft.
(+150,000 conscripts to Britain)

Russia found that their earlier emancipation of the serfs freed up large numbers of their population for military service, and the planned number was reached quickly and efficiently.
(+200,000 conscripts to Russia)

The call to Jihad in the Ottoman Empire galvanised thousands to enlist. However, a minor shortage of equipment plus poor census records meant that the Ottoman military could only enlist a portion of those signing up.
(+220,000 conscripts to the Ottoman Empire)

Italy had a flood of volunteers, as a government propaganda campaign convinced many that it was for the defence of Italy itself.
(+260,000 conscripts to Italy)

The Netherlands found conscription fairly easy, and managed to raise as large an army as it could handle.
(+170,000 conscripts to the Netherlands)

Greece also raised a decent army.
(+30,000 conscripts to Greece)

Only Romania managed to raise an army to its maximum - indeed, some ethnic Romanians, frustrated by long waits, snuck over the border from the Ottoman Empire and Austria, and the Romanian government turned a blind eye.
(+100,000 conscripts to Romania)

The first shots of the war were fired in the Rhineland. 39,000 Prussian regulars of the Army of the Elbe moved into the territory heading for Metz. The Austrian government, having only taken control of the territory a few years previously, had placed few soldiers, and those that were there fell back almost immediately. Running parallel was the larger First Army, numbering 81,000 regulars. As they occupied the Rhineland and began to move beyond, they encountered resistance from French defenders. A short battle occurred, with few casualties on either side, before Prussian commanders pulled back their men, as they had not yet received orders to attack the French as of yet.
(-1,100 conscripts to France, -670 regulars to Prussia)

The first major offensive was planned by the Italians. The Army of Veneto, a huge army numbering 290,000 troops, 160,000 of them regulars, crossed over the Adige River and began marching for Veneto. Opposing them was a 230,000 strong force of Austrians, 100,000 of them regulars. The attack began with a heavy srtillery bombardment from both sides. Then, when the cannonfire ceased, the Italian army charged forwards and stormed the Austrian defences. The Austrian soldiers initially found it easy to mow down waves of Italian attackers, but the weight of numbers plus a determined charge forced a gap in the Austrian defences around midmorning. The Italians seized the opportunity and streamed through the gap, forcing the Austrian army back. The Austrian commander gave the order to retreat, hoping to save his army from destruction, and the Austrians fell back to the city of Venice, with the Italians following at a leisurely pace. The Italians had won the first major battle of the war, but it had come at a high price.
(-5,300 regulars, -24,500 conscripts to Italy, -4,900 regulars, -19,700 conscripts to Austria)

Austria also came under attack from the east. A Russian army, the Army of Saint Petersburg, numbering 150,000, attacked Galicia. At the same time, the 125,000 strong Army of Kiev moved from Ukraine to attack Czernowitz. While initially coming under very light retaliation, as they moved west it became apparent that the Austrians had dug in strongly along the Carpathian Mountains, and would not budge easily. The attempted two pronged attack by the Russians was quickly bogged down, as the Austrians held the high ground and cut down the Russians. Russian commanders ordered their men to keep pushing, but it came to no avail and as night fell, they were forced to call off the assault.
(-35,600 conscripts to Russia, -11,500 conscripts to Austria)

Although it was debatable which side was strongest on land, the Allied Powers held a clear naval dominance over the Eighth Coalition. A British naval contingent of 100 vessels moved into the Baltic. The poor navies of Prussia and the Netherlands escaped destruction by hugging the coastline and staying near coastal batteries, but this was not enough to stop the British, with assistance from the French navy, from completely blockading them. The countries of the Mediterranean Pact, Italy, Spain, and Greece, escaped blockade for the time, but with Britain controlling the Straits of Gibraltar and having dominance in the Atlantic, it would be only a matter of time before they were blockaded too. Russia lost any trade through the Baltic, and the Turkish Straits were also closed by the Ottoman government, but they kept a lifeline open through the Far East.
(Prussia and the Netherlands under a blockade. Russia partially blockaded)

In the Mediterranean, the Allied Powers initiated a campaign to take control of the sea. Placed under the control of the British admiral Michael Seymour, the combined allied fleet of British, Austrian, and Turkish vessels attempted to hunt down Eighth Coalition ships. The Eighth Coalition ships, wisely, scattered and attempted to escape destruction. After months of tracking individual ships with little success, the Allied Fleet encountered a gathering of Italian vessels in the Adriatic. A swift battle ensued. The Allies had numerical superiority on their side, but the Italians fought bravely, and made sure the Allies were bleeding for every Italian vessel lost. Although the Allies had the victory, it did not mean the destruction of the italian fleet, as some vessels escaped. More than that, Italian vessels being built in shipyards were moved and disguised, so that they might escape destruction. The Regia Marina would live to fight another day. Elsewhere, a Greek ship was sank, but the others fell back to Athens harbour, defended by coastal guns, and survived. Their new ironclad did not leave the harbour, as the Greeks did not wish to see it at the bottom of the Aegean so soon after its construction.
(-2 ships-of-the-line, -4 screw frigates, -4 sail frigates to Italy, -1 ship-of-the-line to Britain, -1 screw frigate, -3 sail frigates to Austria, -2 ships-of-the-line, -5 screw frigates, -3 sail frigates to the Ottoman Empire, -1 sail frigate to Greece)

The calls by the Ottoman Empire for Jihad reverberated around the Muslim world. There was some response in Spanish and Dutch muslim colonies, but the largest effect was seen in Russia. Russia's calls for Holy War and Christian rhetoric made large numbers of enemies amongst muslims in the Caucasus and Central Asia, and muslim guerilla forces began cutting railway lines and destroying supply routes.
(-1 infrastructure level, -10% public support to Russia, -1 resource level to the Netherlands, -1 resource level to Spain)

With the year's campaigning over, many nations began to train their soldiers better in expectation for even bloodier fighting next year, while others began purchasing or manufacturing weapons.
(-£510, +1 army sublevel to Britain, -£490, +1 army sublevel to Austria, -£530, +1 army sublevel to Greece, -£280, +6% equipment to Russia, -£190, +3% equipment to Romania)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You grand soldiers of the empire! you have fought well and have showed the Austrian foes that the Russian peoples are a strong hardy race! although the battle ended with a loss those men who died there in the foothills of the Carpathian mountains their blood shall not be spillt in vain! we shall make the Austrian pigs pay for what they have done! for every drop of Russian blood spilt a 100 times more shall be split when our proud armies march into Vienna! We are a proud people and shall not take one defeat and slink off into our caves oh no! the lives of our fallen comrades shall spur us on to further victories to avenge their deaths! I am gladdened that so many of the serfs I have freed decided to serve their state well by offering their blood and sweat for the glory of the Russian peoples and for the advancement of the Empire! While our Prussian allies march across the Rhine toward Paris we shall be marching across the Danube and forward unto Vienna and we shall show the Austrian pigs what they should have learned from napoleons defeat at the Battle of Maloyaroslavets where we lost the battle but showed napoleon that the slavic people would never kneel under his boot causing him to retreat where many of his men died from the harsh Russian winters that only the pure people of Rus can survive and prosper in! So i say to you men even though today brought defeat it showed the austrians one thing, and that is the the Grand Russian Bear is not one to be trifled with!
-Tsar Alexander II, Autocrat of all the Russias, King of Poland, and Grand Prince of Finland addressing the army of saint petersburg outside of the winter palace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With each passing day, our horror grows at the ever more demagogic and intolerant language used by the Russian Empire. As a nation with a significant non-Slavic, non-Christian population, this inflammatory language does not bode well for the people of Russia, who are proud of their all-encompassing Russian identity despite their many ethnic and religious differences.

The Ottoman Empire has for centuries - before Russia was even a passing thought in the minds of the people of Novgorod and Muscovy - been the caretaker of all those who would call themselves subjects of the Ottoman Empire. We have cared for our Muslim, Christian and Jewish subjects, our Slavic, Greek, Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian, Arab, Persian and other people. All lived together, perhaps not always as peacefully as we would have liked, but our tolerance and acceptance for each other cannot be denied, and God and history are our witnesses. Before Russia existed, the Ottoman Empire cared for its people, and even when Russia began making demands that the Christians of the empire be in its care, it was us who cared for them, and us who shall continue to do so.

Russia’s recent rhetoric in regards to its Muslim subjects has been most worrying, its attempts to glorify the Slavic people and make them somehow different from Muslims – even though being a Muslim and a Slav are not mutually exclusive – does not bode well for the future. By spurring hatred against a non-Christian religious group, you open the way for hatred against all non-Christians, such as Jews and Buddhists and many other sects and faiths existing in Russia. And with the hatred against these people of different religions, there will grow hatred for the ethnic groups who follow these religions, the Tatars, non-Christian Slavs, Manchus, Mongols, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmen, Caucasians, and the list goes on. With time, no doubt, even Christians of other ethnicities will come under the fire of demagogues and hatred will grow even against other Christians.

Thus, in response to these growing dangers for all non-Christians and non-Slavs in Russia, and in response to this clear sign that Russia does not wish to be a nation for all its citizens and peoples, we hereby reject Russian, and any other, authority over Ottoman Christian subjects. As a nation which cannot care for, tolerate and protect its non-Christian, non-Slavic people, and even its Slavic non-Christian people, we do not think it has any moral or religious authority over any Christian subjects of the Ottoman Empire.

Further to this, we cannot sit idly by as our brethren in Russia come under attack, we must rise to protect them. The Ottoman Empire can trace its roots back to the far east, the Turkic people who first united Anatolia so many centuries ago - to give rise to an empire for all its subjects - trace their roots back to the Mongols and the Chinese, and we do not easily forgot the bond of blood we share with our eastern brethren, with the Uzbeks and the Mongols and the Chinese and the Kazakhs and the Tatars, amongst others. Therefore, just as we rise to protect the helpless against Russian oppression, we beseech our brother, the Empire of the Great Qing, to also rise to the responsibility of protecting all eastern peoples under Russian oppression.

We pray to the Almighty that the hatred spewed by the likes of Satan’s Tyrannical Shadow on Earth, Alexander II of Russia, will not lead to permanent damage between the different peoples living under his tyranny, and we assure them that God has not forsaken them, if you show patience and forbearance, then surely He who liberated those before you from oppression will liberate you as well.

His Highness, Grand Vizier Mehmed Fuad Pasha, Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagnificentOne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Joint Communiqué of the Eternal Vigil

At the invitation of His Imperial Highness Mutsuhito, the Crown Prince of Japan, a Chinese delegation headed by Prince Gong of the First Rank journeyed across the East Sea to meet with their hospitable hosts in Kyoto. An earnest and friendly discussion followed concerning the well-being of both noble nations and the Orient as a whole, alongside the best course of action to undertake after the uncovering of a terrible truth hidden within the Treaty of Constantinople, and the unacceptable actions pursued by Russia.

It is only natural for each and every nation to enjoy prosperity in common through kindly aid and assistance, and it was in this spirit that the Russian Empire has promised peace. In truth, however, Russia has deceitfully lied as they signed the Treaty of Constantinople. Beneath their façade lay the proclamation of a so-called sphere of influence over the lands of Asia; fanciful words that mean nothing less than the oppression of other nations and peoples. Their declaration would allow them to pursue insatiable aggression and exploitation in order to satisfy their inordinate ambition of enslaving the entire continent, menacing the lives of hundreds of millions of innocents. Indeed, at this very moment the Tsar of Russia has embarked upon a self-proclaimed quest to rid his lands of men of a different creed under the guise of "Slavic purity". It would seem that his barbarous hatred for the guiltless people of the Orient knowns no bounds, and as such the Eternal Vigil is forced to act.

With a view to contributing to the cause of everlasting peace, the Eternal Vigil has pledged to cooperate towards ensuring the self-existence and self-defence of the Orient in accordance with the following principles:

- The countries of the Orient will ensure the stability of their region and construct an order of common prosperity and well-being based upon justice.

- The countries of the Orient will ensure the fraternity of nations in their region, by respecting one another's peoples and practising kindly assistance and amity.

- The countries of the Orient will respect one another's traditions and develop the creative faculties of each nation so as to enhance our ancient culture and civilization.

- The countries of the Orient will endeavour to accelerate their economic development through close cooperation upon a basis of reciprocity and to promote thereby general prosperity.

- The countries of the Orient will cultivate friendly relations with all the countries of the world, and work for the abolition of racial discrimination, the promotion of cultural intercourse and the opening of resources throughout the world, and contribute thereby to the progress of mankind.

Although the utmost principle of the Eternal Vigil shall be that of maintaining a perfect peace, it is an ideal proving hard to maintain in light of the Tsar's most insulting acts. Therefore, in order to uphold our eternal sovereignty, right the wrongs of the past, and ensure the safety of the Asiatic peoples, the Eternal Vigil compelled to make the following demands to the Russian Empire:

- A public apology for the trespassing of the independent sovereignty of the nations of the Orient

- The withdrawal of their claimed sphere of influence over the lands of the Orient

- The surrendering of extraterritorial rights enjoyed by the Russian Empire throughout the nations of the Orient

- Guaranteed protection to any citizen of the Orient residing within the lands of the Russian Empire, regardless of ethnicity or faith

- The surrendering of Russian sovereignty over lands that have been malevolently coerced from the innocent nations of the Orient, that is to say: the peaceful transfer of Outer Manchuria to the Great Qing, and the islands of Sakhalin and the Kurils to Japan

All the years of Russian cruelty shall reach an end. A refusal to abide shall compel the Eternal Vigil to take such action as it may deem necessary to meet the situation. Only through the compliance with these appropriate demands may friendly and fruitful relations be restored between the nations of the Orient and the Russian Empire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

In response to the recent words of hatred against the Russian peoples by the Ottomans all i have to say to them is that their sultan is being highly hypocritical, saying it is being offended by my dislike and distrust of Muslims and us to referring to our war as a sacred war for the Slavic peoples and yet they declare jihad and spur on our friends the Chinese by claiming some mythical blood ties! it is insanity that the sultan says and his words of the Russian empire being a non Slavic nation are uninformed thanks to the Muslim tradition of suppressing modern knowledge and teachings as to keep their subjects dumb and primitive as so they are easier to control. I also see that our Chinese neighbors are also falling under the influence of the Ottoman rats demanding us to apologize for trespassing on the independence and sovereignty of oriental nations even though no such trespass ever occurred and they still go forth to ask us to relinquish our so called sphere of influence which was created by the treaty of Constantinople the exact treaty our grand coalition is trying to defeat yet they support the Ottomans and their allies who were the main prepatraitors of the treaty! As I stand here I believe the world is slowly going mad after the queen succumbed to the madness of power soon after many of the other Heads of state have followed suit! I say to the Chinese I shall accept no treaty on the grounds that no trespass nor transgression has taken place and that their acts have been spurred on by a deception brought upon by the Ottoman scum! I must ask the Ottomans to read a book about basic human history even the blasphemous writings of Charles Darwin do not support their crazy childish claims of a Muslim Chinese connection and it will also tell them that many of the people now living in Russia are Slavs from the Cossacks from the east to the Yiddish jews living in the pale, Russia is a nation of Slavic a nation of a single blood and identity and it has only been recently that our great purity has been tainted! We the People of Russia while separate are weak but when united we are unstoppable like a faggot of sticks while one stick can easily be snapped,but together they are unbreakable!
Tsar Alexander II, Autocrat of all the Russias, King of Poland, and Grand Prince of Finland
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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The Gruelling Effects of War

The election loomed close for Lincoln. The Union had had some victories, but the population was growing weary of war, and victory in the election was far from a certain thing for Lincoln. Hoping to end the war as soon as possible, he drafted the Enrollment Act, which was passed by Congress. This allowed for wider conscription of men, but the new conscripts were mostly factory workers and knew little of soldier life. It would take a while before the new recruits could be trained. There was also a widespread outrage in the Union over conscription, with many comparing conscription with slavery, and draft riots in New York City killed dozens, wounded hundreds, and caused a large amount of damage.
(+100,000 conscripts, -5% public support for the USA)

Determined to not let Grant bully him all the way to Charleston, Thomas decided to push northwards to try and force Grant back. With both sides recieving reinforcements, the size of the armies dwarfed anything seen on the North American continent before. Thomas' Army of Northern Virginia, numbering 160,000, faced the 250,000 strong Army of the Potomac. Thomas gave the orders to advance, surprising Grant, who had expected him to continue to use a defensive strategy. The Army of Northern Virginia moved northwest, hoping to get around the Army of the Potomac and make a break for Washington. Grant immediately sent an advance guard to cut them off, before rousing his main force to give chase. Thomas overran the advance guard, but it did slow him down for long enough for Grant to catch up and force a battle near the town of Roxboro. Thomas had planned on leaving a rearguard to hold off Grant while he advanced forward, should this situation come to pass, and to try and counter this, Grant was forced to split his army and engage with only half his men while the others swung round to the north of the Confederates. The battle almost immediately swung in favour of the Confederates, with the experienced soldiers sending a hail of fire onto the Union force. Casualties were piling up, but Grant held firm, trusting in his subordinate Winfield S Hancock. His faith was not misplaced. The remaining half of the Army of the Potomac engaged the Army of Northern Virginia a few hours after midday. The now surrounded Confederate army fought on bravely. Thomas, realising his attempt on marching on Washington had been foiled once again, broke out through the weaker flank of the Union army and moved south again. The Army of the Potomac, shocked by their huge losses, allowed Thomas to escape. The north had won once again, but at such a high cost, many wondered if it was worth it.
(-62,300 conscripts to the USA, -28,400 conscripts to the CSA)

Sherman once again attempted to take Atlanta. Lee, perhaps feeling sorry that he had made so many attempts without success, decided the best strategy was to withdraw during the night and regroup southeast. Sherman entered the city, but a few hours later, came under attack as Lee attempted to circle around the city and cut off Sherman's supply lines. However, it was not to be as easy as Lee hoped; Shermans army was around the same size as Grant's was, and Sherman was able to put the pressure of sheer weight of numbers against Lee. Deciding that surrounding Sherman would not be an option, Lee was forced to abandon his gambit and withdraw south. Sherman, having finally captured the city of Atlanta, embarked on what he described as a 'march to the sea', claiming he would burn his way to the city of Savannah, cutting the Confederacy in half. However, Lee met him at the outskirts of the town of Macon. Having the advantage of terrain once again, Lee ground Sherman's advance to a halt, and although he couldn't defeat them completely, he managed to force Sherman back, to wait out the winter in Atlanta before trying again in the new year.
(-41,100 conscripts to the USA, -19,700 conscripts to the CSA)

The newly formed Army of East Tennessee, 40,000 strong under the command of General Edward Porter Alexander, made plans to move north to attempt to recapture Nashville. However, news that Atlanta had fallen shocked Alexander, and he was indecisive as to whether he should carry on or not. When he finally decided to follow orders and march, a series of technical failures and poor experience of the men delayed him so long that he decided he would not make it before winter came. Alexander did not move his army, instead staying in his camp and relaying instructions back to Charleston, ready to either move forward in the new year or move east to assist Lee.

On Tuesday 8th November, 1864, Lincoln once again ran for Presidency. His opponent was George B. McClellan, who had been put forward as the Democrat condidate due to his popularity after his vicory in capturing Richmont earlier in the war. Lincoln used Sherman's recent success in capturing Atlanta as propaganda to further his campaign, and as the votes were counted, it seemed to pay off, although only just. 4,031,887 votes were cast, with Lincoln gaining 2,118,388 of them, McClellan gaining 1,913,499 votes. Lincoln retained the Presidency of the United States of America.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lincoln Narrowly Elected, Fate of Slavery Amendment Questionable
-- New York Herald Headline

War is hell. Even I who regard the death and mangling of a couple thousand men as a small affair, a kind of morning dash, see that for fact. These battles have taken their toll on my spirits. I confess, without shame, that I am sick and tired of fighting. War's glory is all moonshine; even success the most brilliant is over dead and mangled bodies, with the anguish and lamentations of distant families, appealing to me for sons, husbands, and fathers. It is only those who have never heard a shot, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated, that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, and more desolation. But we need to press on. We must make the deaths of all these man stand for something. To end now in stalemate or armistice negates the sacrifice of so many.

-- William Tecumseh Sherman to Ulysses S. Grant

This election as a referendum on Abraham Lincoln's popularity. Even with the capture of Atlanta, he barely squeaks back into office. Atlanta is captured, the Mississippi is under Union control, and the entire Southern coasts is blockaded but yet the South still fights with all they have. Look no further than this blood year. Over one hundred thousand of our boys were killed, wounded, or captured. One hundred thousand! Grant and Sherman are not generals, they are cattle drivers pushing herds of men into the abattoir for the slaughter! I give not one single of iota of compassion for Negro freedom and equality if the price for that freedom is to be paid with the lives of good white men.

-- Representative Alexander Long on the House floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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The United Republic of Great Britain applauds the soldiers of Austria and France for the blows that they have deflected so greatly. They have lost numbers in the thousands, but for every Austrian or Frenchmen dead...they have slain twice as many! It boosts my heart with courage that our Alliance is striking a great blow at the armies of Tyranny. Also, though we wish to mourn the loss of our sailors, we must congratulate the British Navy and our Allies for their victories.

War changes many things. We know this. It was the intention of the United Republic to leave American affairs to the United States. We will abide by the Monroe Doctrine. However it has come to our attention that the Netherlands have been in talks with the Union regarding a Union incursion into Canada? We must ask Mr. Lincoln to address these concern on an International stage.

Furthermore, if the Dutch are so concerned about colonies...I say let them worry more about their own. The United Republic of Great Britain and Ireland call upon the United States of Mexico to rally their armies according to the Treaty they have made with the FFGB and move against the colonies of our opponents in the Carribean. We promise Mexico that their assistance will not be forgotten when this war is won, but it must first be won. Mexico...we hold you to your Word. Now stand with us against this Coalition of Tyranny!

-Albert Edward, British Prime Minister
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

To address the claims put forth by the Prime Minster of Great Britain, emissaries from the European Coalition had reached out to United States ambassadors with a proposal of a Canadian invasion. This offer was swiftly turned down based on the fact that this country is currently engaged in one conflict, a conflict that has seen nearly one hundred and fifty thousand Americans killed in the past year. I understand the concerns Great Britain may have about United States retaliation from the European involvement in the early part of our civil war, but it is not our intent to take Canada. The fiery rhetoric from our politicians may be cause for alarm, but they are just words. I can no sooner control Thaddeus Stevens than I could control the outgoing tide. That is the beauty of freedom of speech in a Republic,it protects everyone. That fact is something that I can forgive the new Prime Minister for being confused over as his country adjusts to their new political system. I would also like to end by appealing to the great country of Mexico and to advise them not to become sucked into this horrible European war. There is no need to involve the good people of Mexico in a conflict they had no hand in starting nor will gain anything from any victory their side might achieve.

-- President Abraham Lincoln.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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The Foreign Office of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

It has thus far in this conflict been a habit of Prime Minister Albert Edward of the British Republic to forgo facts in the interest of much more interesting falsehoods. What precisely has forced Albert Edward to resort to these childish lies is a matter of conjecture, but it can be assumed that the Prime Minister's insistence on intervention in the war on the European continent was not popular with the British people, only so recently removed from a violent Marxist revolt. It is not unreasonable to make the estimation, then, that London's voice rising once again to discuss matters across the Atlantic is not truly a speech to the European powers, but the British people themselves. Albert is fashioning himself a distraction, and is willing to sew whatever lies are necessary to create such a distraction.

The Foreign Office of the Kingdom of the Netherlands would like to correct the British Republic's statements pertaining to Dutch relations with the United States of America. The truth can be summarized as thus: no discussion of any kind has occurred between the Dutch and the Americans, least of all one pertaining to American intervention in Canada. The United States' government and citizens should be concerned about the civil unrest in the south-east of their country more so than a war in Europe, and both the King and elected officials of the Netherlands suspect that immediately after the importance of domestic affairs to the American people comes the importance of the country's frontiers. Frontiers such as the border with Mexico, which the British Republic has recently confessed to militarising.

The stance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on all matters pertaining to the United States is one of either total neutrality or support proportional to that between any two friendly sovereign nations. Let the world not forget that the Netherlands was the voice of reason, insisting upon European non-intervention in the American Civil War, when Paris and London were sending their men off to die in New York. Praise be to God that both countries, France and Britain, regained their sanity before such an invasion took place. It is the utmost hope of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that Victoria's successor does not prove as insane as the woman herself; unfortunately, Albert Edward's recent statements do not lean any great amount of credence to that hope.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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I am overcome with laughter at the words put forth by the Netherlands. It is the rhetoric of a hopeless desperation attempting to deny any such involvement when not moments before the word of Mr. Lincoln contradict his own. Regardless of whether it was the Dutch (though our information gained points directly to their nation) or another member of the 8th Coalition, the fact remains that our enemies sought to 'distract' us in Canada. I would quote the words of Otto Von Bismarck to the Netherland,

"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied."

We thank the Netherlands for officially confirming their actions in North America. We thank the Netherlands for their colonies in the Carribean as well. I am quite certain that Mexican and British soldiers will soon be taking a nice vacation on the sandy beaches.

To Mr. Lincoln, we thank him for his official response to the our request. However we must remind him that the United Republic, as the United Kingdom, had allowed our government officials freedom of speech nearly a hundred years before his Nation had even existed. It is because of this familarity that we can state how all too soon fiery rhetoric can be the hasty decisions of a government. After all, after Mr. Lincoln is gone from office...who is to say that Thaddeus Stevens or a man like him will not be President? We warn the Union against any movements towards our colonies in Canada or against our Allies in Mexico. We thank you for not accepting the hideous offer made by the 8th Coalition and hope that peaceful interactions between our two Nations will continue.

-Albert Edward, British Prime Minister
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