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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

We are shocked by the Non-Aggression Pact, that was made behind our backs! How could you do it the Granadine Confederation and the Argentine Republic? Do you even know what it means to have an ally? Or do you guys like going behind people's back and make deals with the United Republic? Not only that you test the faith of the Treaty of Rio, but you also are putting the relationship of Brazil to the test as well. I demand that both Granadine Confederation and the Argentine Republic cancel the non-aggression pact or they shall face Brazil leaving the council, the only country in South America to have manners and to have the biggest landmass. I will be thinking for the next couple days on what decisions to make. As for the renewed of the treaty with Charles XV (one of our only friends left), I shall renewed it and sign it!

I also would like to talk to Mr. Lincoln about the fate of our countries, since we are the powerhouses of the Americas.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

If the Empire of Brazil's threat to break off diplomatic ties with countries that have pacts with the United Republic is a serious one, then they may as well break off ties with our nation due to our recently signed agreement with the former United Kingdom. Their rhetoric runs counter to the purpose and logic behind the Pan-American Conference and it only serves to show the need of a united conference for all countries of the Americas to sit down and air their grievances in a neutral and safe setting. I fully expect them to be in Panama along with representatives of the rest of the sovereign nations of the Americas. If the Empire of Brazil can even begin to consider itself a "powerhouse" of the Americas, then they should do well to look at matters rationally and dispense with threats of non-participation.

-- William Seward
United States Secretary of State
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

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Treaty of Versailles

Be it known, that from the signing of this treaty on until one party shall annul it, the Empire of France and the Kingdom of Prussia shall:

Article the First: Declare war in each other's defence in the event war is declared or a provocative action taken by a state (hereafter known as "aggressor") without a declaration of war being first issued or a provocative action taken by a signatory, superseding all alliances, pacts, and agreements formed hereafter or heretofore.
Section I: Provocative action is defined as, and limited to,
Clause I: Military infringement of borders, land or sea.
Clause II: Providing material support to enemies of the aggressor or allies, be they foreign or domestic.
Clause III: The placing of a blockade or quarantine on the allies of the aggressor or the agressor himself.
Clause IV: Taking covert action whose goal is the destabilization of the aggressor. Such covert action is limited to sabotage or assassination. There shall be no less than five witnesses to the act for the purposes of this treaty, with two holding valid passports from the accused nation.
Clause V: For the purposes of determining whether an aggressor is an aggressor, attacking a stated, public ally.
Section 2: No peace may be made without the declared upon signatory's consent until the capital of the aggressor twenty years prior to the declaration of war or provocative action has been occupied by no less than 10,000 French and/or Prussian troops for no less than a year

Article Two : Both signatories declare the Franco-German enmity at an end and will begin efforts to further improve both countries in all fields including but not limited to military power, Industrial Strength and Education.

[X]- His Majesty King Wilhelm I
[X]- Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

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thorgili said
Treaty of Odessa

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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My fellow brothers and sister of the British Empire, your government has certainly not been kind to you in recent years. Insanity and inconsistency have paralyzed our Nation both internally and externally. Today I say to you that this administration will no longer tolerate that stifling curse of incompetence. Our nation will be a beacon of stability in the coming years, but I will need each and every British Citizen to assist in this endeavor. We may have lost our royalty, but Britain will never lose her dignity. I promise my brethren that we will continue to grow the strength of the British Empire and will do such in our relations internally and externally. It is my strongest desire that our hands gripping the French Alliance will only hold on tighter. It is my strongest desire that we might extend our hands to other nations in the motivation of friendship.

To the nations of Europe, I express firstly my admiration for the French Empire. Where once stood enemies, now stand solid friendships. The French Empire have entrusted us with their Navy and we have entrusted them with our land. We will not falter in our responsibility to defend the French at sea just as they will not falter in their responsibility to take care of the citizens in our former colonies in North American. Secondly, I wish to heartily approve the French-Prussian Defensive pact. Long has the British Empire, save for recent tensions made by incompetent leaders, been friendly towards the Prussian Empire. We desire a united Germany under the banner of the Prussian Empire. It is our hope, that together our Three Great Nations might develop a bond that no circumstance shall break. In the spirit of this, we shall freely send a gift of Ten Ships of the Line to the Prussian Empire. Both as an apology for past relations and as a gesture of goodwill for the future. To the other nations of Europe, we freely offer our hand in friendship though not at the expense of our current alliances.

I turn my attention to our policies in the East. It is the Policy of the British Empire to take a stance of non-interference save for where it interests our colonies. We strongly wish to consolidate India and hope that other nations will back us in such an endeavors. To the nations of China and Japan, I humbly ask for you to seek peace with the Prussian and Russian Empires. To the Russian Empire, I call upon you to be willing to make some sacrifices in order that peace might be maintained. It is true that your military might alongside those of Prussia is enough to squash the Chinese and Japanese, but we hope that you recognize the loss of life that will occur. Therefore we ask that both sides might come to a compromise in order to provide peace to the Orient.

And now my attentions turn to the West. We commend the United States for their victory in the war and the desire of Mr. Lincoln to restore that which was destroyed in the South. We hope that your nation will solidify and work towards a brighter future. It is our hope that the Non-aggression pact we share shall grow into genuine friendship despite our hostiles relations previously.

To the nations of Argentine Confederation and the Grenada Confederation, we applaud your wisdom in seeking peaceful methods of communication. We respect you at legitimate governments not just over your own nations, but over your desires to solidify your control over South America. However we cannot respect the Nation of Brazil. Despite numerous attempts to extend the hand of reconciliation to their nation, Brazil has threatened our ambassadors and been entirely belligerent to our nation. Even going so far as to accuse our friends in the Argentine and Grenadine governments of betrayal for a simple peaceful treaty. Emperor Pedro truly is paranoid beyond all measure if he believes our government had even the slightest inkling in antagonizing Brazil prior to his own spiteful statements. The war in Europe was of no concern to the people of Brazil, yet Emperor Pedro still saw fit to ridicule and vilify our government. Such a stance is truly insanity when we wanted nothing more than friendship and the betterment of Brazil. As such, we declare the Nation of Brazil persona non grata. Their ambassadors shall have no place on British soil. If they wish to communicate with us, they should humble themselves and give such messages to the Argentine of Grenadine Confederations to pass on. This is the British stance on Brazil.

That said, we encourage all nations in America to be allowed to attend the conference in Panama. It is our hope that the New World might have a more peaceful future than the Old World's past.

This is the policy of the Gladstone Administration. We shall not falter from it.

-William Gladstone, State of the Republic 1867.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bigscreech


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Estados Unidos Mexicanos
The United States of Mexico accepts The Grenadine Confederations invitation to the Pan American Conference hosted in Panama.
~Benito Juarez, President of Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Giant


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Beginning of the Pan-American Conference
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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Last Blow of the Confederacy
written by Byrd Man

1867 saw the United States at peace for the first time in nearly six years, the first year Abraham Lincoln's presidency would not face open rebellion from the south. It would also be the last year in the president's life. On April 14th, 1867 a small group of Southern sympathizers launched a plot to eliminate the president and the high-ranking members of his cabinet, inspiring a new succession movement through the South. Assassin George Atzerodt, tasked with killing Vice President Schuyler Colfax at a Washington hotel, lost his nerve that night and fled without acting. Lewis Powell attacked Secretary of State William Seward at his home. After bludgeoning and stabbing Seward repeatedly in his bed, Powell was driven off by Seward's family and bodyguards. Powell's attack had severely injured Seward, but no major organs or orifices had been punctured by the assassin before he fled.

Fredrick Seward Wrestles His Father's Would-Be Assassin

President Lincoln and First Lady Mary Todd were at a showing of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre when actor John Wilkes Boothe infiltrated the Presidential Box. With a single-shot derringer Booth mortally wounded Lincoln with a point-blank shot to the back of the head. Shouting “Sic semper tyrannis” -- Thus Always to Tyrants, the state motto of Virginia -- Boothe leaped from the box and on to the stage, breaking his leg in the process.

The Assassination of President Lincoln

The dying president was transported to the Petersen Boarding House across the street where three physicians attempted to save his life. Although bullet fragments were recovered from the back of his head, the majority of Boothe's shot was too far inside to find and repair. A group of men led by Secretary of War Stanton held a vigil around Lincoln's death bed. Army surgeon Dr. Charles Leale held firmly to Lincoln's hand all through the night in an attempt to provide comfort. President Lincoln was pronounced dead that morning at 7:22 AM. He was fifty-eight years old. At 11 AM that morning Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase swore in Schuyler Colfax as the new president.

Schuyler Colfax, Seventeenth President of the United States
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Our Great Loss
President Lincoln Dead by Assassin's Hand

-- New York Herald Headline


It was almost half past seven that morning when Mr. Lincoln died. There was a look of unspeakable peace that came upon his worn features as he slipped away. Secretary of War Stanton bowed his head and said "He belongs to the ages now." I was by the president's side since he was elected. I was present in the dark days at the war's beginning, I saw him break down in mourning at the untimely death of his son, Willie. All that tragedy, all that loss, and now he can finally have peace. I have no doubt of Mr. Lincoln's greatness. He was the greatest character since Christ.
-- John Hay
Presidential Secretary


My dearest Molly,

I know it is strange for me to be writing you when we have both neglected a personal correspondence for years now. I write this in the early morning hours, preparing to return back to Washington from my visit at Fort Monroe. I found myself waking in a cold seat, I had that terrible dream again where I saw my own funeral. I know I should not share this with you, my dreams have a way of vexing you and sending you into frights. I visited Jefferson Davis in his cell at the fort. I was appalled at the sight of him, shackled to a wall. I immediately ordered his release from the shackles and made the commander of Fort Monroe provide him with proper living arraignments. We spoke, albeit it briefly. We attempted to speak about everything but the war, eventually our talks turned to that. I informed him that I intended to pardon all but a few rebels, himself included among the clement. He consented to that, but I saw the disappointment in his eyes when I informed him he would be banned from ever venturing into politics. He said he understood, but I couldn't help but feeling immense sadness as I looked at him. I remembered the dark days of the early war, when the fate of this country stood on the edge of a knife. I thought there but for the grace of the Almighty go I.

I confess, Molly, that these next two years cannot come fast enough. I imagine the Republicans will be calling for me to run again, but I have no desire to take this wicked office again. I have accomplished all I have set out to do as President, and then some. It is my sincere desire to return back to Illinois and go back to practicing law, perhaps Bob can join me along with Tad if he wishes to follow in our footsteps. I can let Mr. Herndon take over the practice in Springfield and open my own law firm with Bob. Lincoln and Sons Law Offices has a nice ring to it. War and destruction and death have controlled every facet of our lives for the past five years. I look forward to peace and my family again. I hope that you will forgive me for this letter, for it seems my advancing age has come with the side effect of advancing maudlin.


[Written April 10th, 1867]


O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! My Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

-- Walt Whitman


I take this office uncertain of my own capabilities, especially when in comparison to my predecessor. President Lincoln was without a doubt the greatest American this nation has ever seen or will ever see, his greatness eclipses even that of our Founders. While those men were a coalition, President Lincoln was a force of one. His sheer willpower and perseverance kept this country together in times that would try the souls of much lesser men. He famously said that he would rather die than succumb to the will of foreign intervention. He was the sixteenth president, he said, and he would do everything within his to see that he was not the last. His work, those long days of stress and hardship to keep our Republic together, are over and now his words have come to pass in a way he did not intend. He can now finally be at peace. I cannot hope to match him, and I will not promise such. All I can promise is that I will serve this office to the best of my abilities for the next two years.

-- Schuyler Colfax
17th President of the United States of America
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

We realize that this has gone on too far, the debating along the British government isn't helping us out. So, I would like to say sorry from the comments made from me as they were short-sighted and blind. I, Dom Pedro II, will greater foresight in the future and I shall avoid antagonism any other nation unless any events effects us in the spirit of reconciliation and continued peace towards the British government. We would like to ask the government of Britain to accept our sorry and to move on for our past and restart our relationship.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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The United Republic appreciates the response of Brazil despite its lateness. We will open our shores to Brazilian Ambassadors once more and the persona non grata lifted, however we would ask that the Brazilian government take more care with their words and stance towards not only European Nations as well as American Nations. It is the right and sovereignty of the nations of the Grenadine and Argentine Confederations to ally with whom they will. Europe is not a devil to be viewed with mistrust.

Now, turning towards the Orient, as I look over the reports of the East...I find myself appalled at the incompetence shown by the previous Administration. The mobilization of such an enormous Chinese army is truly a threat to the stability of the Orient. Therefore, in the interest of stability and peace, we hereby demand that China downsize their forces and are to only maintain a functioning army of no more than 400,000 troops. We consider the numerous Chinese forces to be a threat to the stability of the Orient and our interests there.

-William Gladstone
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 10 days ago

The Scandinavian Commonwealth

The Northern Schleswig Exchange

Article I: The Kingdom of Denmark, as a member of the Scandinavian Commonwealth, shall cede St. Croix, Frederiksøerne (i.e. the Nicobar Islands), and Danish India to the Kingdom of Prussia.

Article II: In exchange, the Kingdom of Prussia will return Northern Schleswig to the Kingdom of Denmark. Henceforth, Prussia, as the head of the German Confederation, shall recognize Northern Schleswig as a integral and necessary part of the Kingdom of Denmark.

[X] King Charles XV, the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway
[X] King Christian IX, the Kingdom of Denmark
[X] King William I, the Kingdom of Prussia
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagnificentOne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Empire of the Great Qing

To Mr. Gladstone;

I look upon admirably at the most wonderful reconciliation and friendship that had blossomed in the last decade between our two nations. Your men are welcome to trade in China at anytime, and the kindness in which many of your officials, merchants and civilians alike have treated us Chinese have been more than welcome. The Great Qing desires not a single territory nor protests the rights enjoyed by the British in the Orient; nay, we have welcomed both.

We do, however, understand your great concern over the size of our armed forces. It was in our intentions to begin the downsizing of our forces as of last year back to the peacetime levels enjoyed in the early 1860s, as with the Eternal Vigil's achievement in affirming our independence from the Treaty of Constantinople and reclaiming those lands lost to the Russians during our times of duress, we felt the time was ripe for negotiations. The most unfortunate circumstance of the Prussian declaration of war against ourselves, however, made this process impossible to pursue last year.

Let it be known that we hold no desires but peace now, and the moment that this opportunity is upon us we shall see no reason to possess an enlarged army; an immediate downsizing would begin. Therefore, so that we may find peaceful circumstances in which a smaller army would be perfectly suitable for, we would like to invite Mr. Gladstone to help arbitrate the peace process between the Eternal Vigil and those warring with us so that we may both comply with his request and bring about a newfound peace to the Orient.

- Prince Gong, Regent of the Qixiang Emperor
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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The United Republic of Great Britain and Ireland would like to thank the Qing Dynasty for their understanding and our position on the matter. We hope they recognize the threat such a large force poses to our interests in Asia. In the interest of maintaining stability in the region, we thank the Qing for their suggestion.

The French Federation of Great Britain, comprised of the United Republic and French Empire, would like to host a conference in Hong Kong for the Eternal Vigil and the Prussian and Russian Empires. It is our hope that peace might be achieved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxwell500


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Treaty of Tbilisi

Article I: Hostilities between the Eighth Coalition and the Ottoman Empire shall end immediately.

Article II: The Ottoman Empire shall cede its authority and claim over the following territories:

i. Libya and Tunisia to the Kingdom of Italy.
ii. Bosnia to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Article III: A Non-Aggression Pact shall be implemented between the Eight Coalition and Ottoman Empire for a period of fifteen years.

Article IV: A plebiscite shall take place in the Caucasus region, regarding whether the aforementioned area and its populace shall remain in the Russian Empire or join the Ottoman Empire, the plebiscite is to be handled by a neutral party and will be binding.

Article V: Plebiscites shall take place in Janina, Monastir, Southern Salonica and the Cretan State, regarding whether the aforementioned areas and their populaces shall remain in the Ottoman Empire or join the Kingdom of Greece, the plebiscite is to be handled by a neutral party and will be binding.

[X] Abdülaziz, Caliph of Islam and Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
[X] Representative from the German Empire
[X] Representative from the Austrian Empire
[ ] Representative from the Russian Empire
[ ] Representative from the Kingdom of Spain
[X] Representative from the Kingdom of Greece
[X] Representative from the Kingdom of Netherlands
[ ] Further Representatives
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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Eye of the Storm

Despite peace in Europe being a near-certain thing, the war was still being fought in the east. However, very little fighting occurred during the year of 1867. That did not mean the combatants were idle. Both sides continued to build up their forces and shore up their defences in preparation for the coming battles.

Guarded by a powerful naval escort, a Prussian force of 8,000 conscripts dodged the inferior Japanese navy and landed on the island of Naha in the Ryukyu island chain. The small force of regulars on the island put up a brave resistance, but there was little they could do to stop the Prussian army. With the island in Prussian hands, the Japanese home isles were suddenly far more vulnerable.
(-205 conscripts to Prussia, -130 regulars to Japan)

The only other military action took place in the north, as a Japanese force continued its march north through Kamchatka, meeting with little resistance and freeing political prisoners as they went. Although very few were killed in action, a number of Japanese soldiers were killed by the bitter conditions.
(-50 conscripts to Japan, -2% public support to Russia)

The nations of Russia, Japan, and the Great Qing increased the level of conscription and a flood of new recruits were rushed to the front lines, ready for fighting to commence in the new year.
(+100,000 conscripts to Russia, +150,000 conscripts to Japan, +300,000 conscripts to Qing)

Prussia continued to build up its fleet, and construction on new ironclads began with typical Prussian efficiency. They also began an ambitious plan to improve its level of equipment. The costs racked up, but many saw it as necessary.
(-£11,300, +5 ironclads, +5 ironclads in 1 turn, +5% equipment, +5% equipment in 1 turn)

The Great Qing began preparing its monstrous army to face the Russians and the Prussians. Basic fortifications - breastworks, mudwalls, etc - along both the Sinai-Russian border and along the coast were built, with emphasis placed on defending cities. Soldiers were drilled in utilising the landscape to their advantage and to dealing with the cold.
(-£1,100, +1 army sublevel, improved defences of Qing)

The Netherlands, now equipped with the world's first all-steam driven navy, decided it still wasn't big enough. More ships were ordered and production began. The ones already in service conducted naval exercises in the North Sea to make sure the sailors were well trained with steam-driven ships.
(-£5,770, +2 ironclads, +3 screw frigates, +2 screw frigates in 1 turn, +1 navy sublevel)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Treaty of Tbilisi
[X]Representative from the Kingdom of Greece
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Treaty of Tbilisi

[X] Austrian representative.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[X] Otto von Bismarck, on behalf of the Kingdom of Prussia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Kingdom of Netherlands is pleasantly hopeful that the plebiscites put into place by the Treaty of Tbilisi shall further the goal of national unity, help unite the Christian peoples of the Caucasus and Aegean, and facilitate the goal of prosperous and lasting peace in both Europe and her environs.

[X] Representative from the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
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