Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jackalyn Walker

Right, so, going 17 years in a small hovel in the middle of nowhere to a huge Academy, pent-up with a large amount of students and very little personal space, was certainly far from her expectations as soon as Jackal was invited to this place. She even had to share a room with someone! Some grey-haired chick with blue eyes casually strolling around her sleeping place, toying around with music...the pair of them, admittedly, didn't talk much the night before. Jackal pushed on the curfew for as long as possible before she got in, then she simply lifted her hand to the girl in a hello, stripped, went to bed with a book. Let her do whatever she wanted so long as it wasn't near Jackal.

Now that she was (finally) awake, she dimly considered breakfast, but really wanted to see where Derek and Brooksy were...she hadn't seen them since the boat trip here. She didn't want to say that she missed them, but...really. She hasn't had a life without them somewhere. Naturally, Jackal assumed she'd bump into them eventually, she didn't like the prospect of an entire school year separated from them, like it was with Rosie.

Jackalyn started strolling over to the cafeteria where she assumed she'll get breakfast, but saw a few students wandering out and thought otherwise. Breakfast wasn't really that important, right? She could just head on off to lessons if she felt like it...Jackalyn wondered what these lessons would be about. It was an Academy, after all - perhaps just maths, science? In which case, Jackalyn would be flunking these lessons big time. That's the problem with being self-taught - you're a bit behind on what you should know.

Just before Jackalyn was going to veer of to the left and head straight to the training hall for her usual exercise routine, she spotted a grey-haired girl strolling out of the cafeteria with a guitar. Well, if they were going to be sharing a room, the best Jackal could possibly do was at least say hi, even if it did end dismally. Her eyes flickered to the training hall again. I bet Brooksy and Derek are in there... mused Jackal before she strolled over to Sylvia.

"You look mildly pissed off," idly commented Jackalyn, peering at the cafeteria doors for a moment. "Bad food or bad people? The name's Jackal, by the way, sorry I was being boring last night. New school and all...you know how it is." at least, Jackalyn hoped Sylvia knew how it was, she'd never been to a school in her whole damned life and to be fair there was a bit of her that was drop-dead terrified of everything going on here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Stephen Avarian

Stephen waited a few seconds after Matthias had started talking to him to respond. He was observing Sylvia's heat signature walk away. After she'd reached a decent distance he chuckled. "Yeah, well honestly it wasn't anything personal. You see Sylvia is someone that likes to have fun because her life is easy, and honestly I just wanted to ruin it for her. I'll take you at your word though, I don't need proof, in fact if you can do what you claim you'd be either a good partner in the fact that my abilities can't damage you, or I might just be your worst nightmare since they might end up torturing you." He smiled kindly. "My deepest apologies though." This whole time that Mattias had been looking at his eye though not once has Stephen looked back into his, it wasn't anything personal, he just couldn't see so he didn't bother, but now he decided to lift his head a bit and looked back at Matthias for the common respect.

Deep down he had come to realize that he respected Sylvia, and hated her. Her carefree attitude about everything pissed him off. As long as her life was just fine then the whole world was perfect. If he ever had the chance to, he would love to crush the false reality she seemed to put herself in. As for Matthias he wasn't sure yet. The guy had been a victim of Stephen ruining Sylvia's fun so hopefully the guy didn't take it too personally. He'd much rather make a new friend then yet another enemy. Finally though Stephen sat down to eat while he listened to Matthias.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

Red was satisfied with Deborah's answer. She seemed interested in the idea of discovering things about the school, which made Red feel that he had found his first notable ally in the Academy.. However, she was right. In an Academy packed with meta-humans, it was wrong to even consider that the two of them would be enough to complete such a difficuly task. They needed a stronger core. A group of people carefully selected for this kind of thing. He considered the requirements for people to join. What they should look for are people, each with a different area of expertise and most importantly people smart enough so as to not blow their cover and expose what they were up to. Red was pretty sure that Dellamore and everyone behind the school's secrets wouldn't be happy with students poking their nose in their business. With that in mind he immediately crossed out Amanda, who had a relative teaching in the Academy, Nikki, who was a relative of Amanda and Henry, who was almost part of the teaching staff. Poppy was also a candidate with low possibilities, due to her not being able to adapt in the Academy yet, making a not so trustworthy ally.

"Since you have so much trust in this Shannon girl, I have nothing to say. From my part, I will try pursuading my roommate. His abilities and personality could prove useful in our little "operation". From what I can estimate, our plan lacks in the areas of covert operations, stealth and resources. We might also need an inside man, someone who can grant us access to places in the Academy that we wouldn't be able to reach normally. With that in mind, we certainly need a chamelon, an espionage expert and a staff member trustworthy enough. We should also need people who could pack a punch in case we are in a tough spot. Someone who could have control over surveillance on the island could be useful too. I will keep my eye on people like that, but I am not as well acquainted with the place as you are. I guess that we could go further with that later, though, since we will have to go to class eventually." Red replied to Deborah.

He would wait for Deborah's response, but then he remembered:

"By the way, in case you power allows you to see any information I have in my brain, I would propose you don't do so. Not because I have anything to hide, but I don't know if you could bear so much data at once. You see, while my deductional ability is inferior to yours, my memory capacity seems to be limitless. I have memories and information stacked in my head since the day I started to think reasonably. I am afraid that there aren't many people who could do the same, at least not without some damage."

He obviously had no clue that Deborah's powers weren't related to telepathy, but he had to make sure that he wouldn't harm her if they were.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Aislin watched Jaska's chivalry with a high amount of amusement. His dramatic sweep of a wing made her giggle. "Aw, how charming. The ladies must adore you."

When the little dragon mentioned his want to explore the jungle, she felt he spoke her mind. Ever since they reached the island she's had a constant nag behind her thoughts, the urge to see what's out there. If the island was to be their new home, she almost felt it was her obligation to partake in some thorough jungle adventuring. "Oh, I know, and I was planning on exploring it myself as soon as I could. It's almost like the school's surrounded by a humongous jungle playground, and I just want to play."

"Dana, eh? Beautiful name." Aislin turned to Dana, flashing her a grin. "Wow, you're the first Full student I've seen. Do you really stay all-year round? I bet you'd see like, everything. Which would make for some potentially interesting school stories." She winked, dropping an innocent hint. Not that she was intentionally trying to nose. Dana looked like one of the other, more mature students. They tended to know what was really going on, based off experience. 

She laughed when Henry introduced himself, mischief in her eyes. His reptilian features really were fascinating to watch up close. Especially his eyes. "Mr. Olin, the pleasure is all mine. I love teachers, got nothing but respect for them. The amount of dedication they put into their work is impressive. I find they never have a sense of humor, though. That's usually where teachers find they don't like me so much." She shrugged, a sly grin on her lips. "But Professor, you seem to have a funny bone. I'm sure we'll get along juuuust fine."

Aislin was a prankster at heart. She admitted that a long time ago. Teachers never really liked her for long, only because each and every one of them had a stick shoved up someplace dark. They didn't understand the philosophy behind having fun at someone else's expense. School was a box, a lifeless, routine-oriented box filled with equations and homework. In her mind, pranks cracked the ceiling open long enough to make it all worth it. 

"Yeah, I heard this place was artificial." Aislin said, nodding along with Henry's train of thought. "An expedition after class is a genius idea, I'm so down. We should get as many new students as we can; if they're anything like me they'll be dying to explore the island."

When Henry mentioned the cave system to Jaska, Aislin's eyes glittered. A cave system? That's like, hitting the jackpot in adventuring terms. She thought giddily, almost not noticing a wave of translucent light pass through their table. Only moments later when a second pulse coursed over the cafeteria did she clue in. The pulse was very faint, looking similar to the white haze of inanimate objects when she saw their auras. The best description for it was static, almost a fuzz that no one else appeared to notice. And although Aislin could easily see the ripple-effect of the static, it was difficult to follow the static to its source. Eventually she narrowed it down to one fellow. He was on the other side of the cafeteria, but she recognized him from before. He's one of the students missing an arm!

Deciding to get curious on his perfectly toned ass later, Aislin turned back to the table. She blushed as she realized she'd been tuned out for a couple minutes. "Sorry, I thought I saw something." She quickly stuffed her face with a few more mouthfuls, devouring the last hash brown. 

"So, uh. What are the first classes of the day, Professor?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
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Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Peter would have frowned at Amanda's initial comments - but he took it in stride as he usually did, taking note of her brash behavior. It was a little disconcerting how she was eager to talk about how she made her enemies disappear and made them sleep with fish. He somehow doubted her power was one to make people actually go away by means of teleportation or something, otherwise she would have already sent Peter away. He nodded silently until she was finished, listening to everything she had to say until she was finished. It was, of course, just a courtesy. He doubted that anything she could say would convince him one way or the other. There was a study that showed the standard of education since his age had dropped by ten percent, which Peter had been highly doubtful of until he could see the evidence with his own eyes. By this point, he was beginning to suspect those studies might have been true. After Amanda was done with her boasting, he merely looked up at the standing young woman while remaining seated and unfazed by her claims.

"You are not invincible." Peter simply commented in reply. "Like Christopher Clarke, I don't have only one arm because I got bored of the other one."

It bothered him a little to say that out loud. To admit he only had one arm. It was a constant case of denial for him most of the time, and while he didn't take up issue with it to prove his point, he still felt uncomfortable. He felt his body tingle and he longed to be able to feel his right arm again. He needed more electricity soon. His arm. Just for another ten minutes. That's all he needed. It's one of the few times he actually felt alive nowadays. To feel euphoric. It was a lot like returning home after being gone for a couple years...

Matthew's comments were unexpected. The boy had a strange sort of duality to him. He came to the table like a bully in a high school drama movie and started downplaying history as nothing. In attempt to assure Peter nothing was wrong? Was it out of fear or lack of care? Peter could admit he looked strange. Different. Or maybe Matt was trying to avoid trouble. Absorbing liquids wouldn't do much to defend against a man of metal, after all. Regardless, he figured the boy was attempting to dodge Peter's accusations or advice or whatever he might be interpreting him as. Another girl had approached the table, one who had seemed to take up the recent fashion consisting of primarily black. Her promiscuous attire was odd, but he didn't pay much attention to her. The only thing about her that really grabbed his notice was her calling to attention the amount of static in the air. Peter would do nothing in response, as reacting would imply that someone at the table was capable of affecting those conditions. He didn't trust her - she looked fishy - and so he would leave her in the dark. Besides... she looks as though she would enjoy that sort of thing. Amanda suggested that this new girl, Vespera as she said, went off along with himself so they could chat. No. Absolutely not. Vespera wasn't the sort he wished to be acquainted with. But in the end, he didn't say a word to either of the girls. This would perhaps give the impression he was ignoring them completely.

"Sociopathy," Peter began out of the blue, facing Matthew, "is a mental condition in which approximately four percent of the global population possesses. They are characterized by a lack of shame, remorse, the capability of formulating abstract lies, and are generally intelligent. They're manipulative. Calm and cold. Comfortable staring at others in the eeyy-ieeieee..."

He paused for a moment, allowing for an eerie moment of silence following his cryptic message. "They hide in the crowd well and know how to pretend. In other words..." Peter allowed another pause, and took a moment to face Amanda and then Vespera - he then slowly turned his head around to face Christopher, then back to Matthew, "you'll never know they're there."

Peter silently got up from his seat following that, allowing him to stand as his full height. The intended message of that is to watch who you mess with, because you never know if they'll try to kill you later, even if they look fine on the outside. However, Peter was pretty oblivious to how cryptic his message actually was, where it appeared to imply that Amanda could be one, or Christopher could be one, Vespera, or even himself. Were some people to take the time to think deeper on it, then perhaps it could even come across as a threat - like a "don't fuck with me" kind of way. Though Peter was a touch too apathetic in this circumstance to think that way, he did have the preference of not being harassed and bothered for as long as he was here. He stuck his one hand forward towards Matthew, almost as though his previous comments never happened.

"Dr. Peter Brooke." He introduced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Deborah Lillian Termellio.

Inside man? Wow, this is starting to sound more like the movies by the second! Debby thought to herself, somewhat a mix of excited, and amused. Red seems quite dedicated to this task. Finding all the secrets this Academy has to offer. Even if it means getting tossed off this island - Or worse! They might be sleeping with the fishies! Deborah laughed again, she was getting rather excited herself. They could be finding out some really juicy stuff here (To sate Deborah's near unquenchable thirst for knowledge). Red mentioned his room mate (Jake Valos. You've seen him the first night). "I'll look out for allies too. I've made plenty of friends here at the Academy, and I know them inside and out." She was about to take another sip of her coffee, but she found out that it was all empty. She shrugged, feeling disappointed that she was all out. She would get some more, but she had work to do with Red. But, yeah, he had a point when he said that they needed someone with an offensive power. Shannon could work, but she had to be honest with herself. While Shannon was very skilled, there was so much she could do - That someone else could do better. Red then asked her not to look into his head for her own safety (He believes my power is telepathy-based). Red was kinda correct, she has a form of telepathy, but her main ability was pure Extra-Sensory. "... My ability to make connections isn't telepathic, it's all Extra-sensory. But, I can read minds... I just need something that belongs to them to do it." Deborah explained, in order to get her point across.

Deborah looked at the time. Classes should be soon. "...Perhaps we'll meet at the student lounge after class to discuss this further. Here let me give you my number." Deborah started digging into her back pocket, reaching around for something. She pulled out a cloth, one made by Shannon, that had her name and number (Along with Shannon's) embroidered onto it. "I'll bring Shannon.... But, I have to ask is there any other things you want to know?" Deborah asked him. "I can tell you a bit about the upcoming classes"

Sylvia Lana Bertoose.

"Stitches" said "You look mildly pissed off," idly commented Jackalyn, peering at the cafeteria doors for a moment. "Bad food or bad people? The name's Jackal, by the way, sorry I was being boring last night. New school and all...you know how it is."

"Hm?" Sylvia looked at the girl, strange hair and finger tips, yeah it was her new room mate, Jackalyn or something like that. They didn't much - For what reason is up for debate. Sylvia was tired, and that boat  made her sick as hell (She was used to flying, not boats). Sylvia sat down next to Jackalyn (because why not?) and rested her guitar in her lap. She shrugged, closing her eyes briefly, speaking "I ain't even mad." She smiled slightly as she strummed her guitar. "It's just the chucklefucks that this island seems to attract by the assload." She grinned, shrugging. "I was just picking on this new loser who walked up to my table, then this other loser came by being... fuckin' weird. I can't put a finger on it, but he probably plays too much World of Warcrap or some shit and forgot how real people act." Sylvia kept her mouth shut, they probably weren't close enough that she could say that she 'picked on new people' when... Jackalyn was new (She had that pegged from the moment she saw her). Sylvia leaned in, smiling, "And sister, it's cool. Everyone here ain't chatty on their first day. That boat ride always make me want to vomit for hours..."

Sylvia shrugged again. She focused on her guitar for a few moments. "But, that's why we have a second day. A day where we can just get to know each other." Since she was sharing a room with this girl, she knew that it was best to make nice with them soon as possible. "I'm Sylvia Bertoose, a name known in the arena and the musical scene, and two year student coming from New Orleans. You?"

Matthias Landon Oxenford.

Oh? It apparently was just shitting on Sylvia's fun. Well, maybe he was overreacting a little bit. It wasn't like Stephen was trying to injure him. "Oh... Okay." Matthias swallowed it all without a second thought. He put a fist up to his mouth and coughed. "Apologies accepted." He nodded his head with a smile. "I personally don't get people who like to have fun at the expense of others." He looked at Stephen, "So sad they have nothing better to do." He coughed again, "I'm Matthias Oxenford, your name?"

Dana Lucille Alcott, & Jaska Din Valos.

Jaska smiled, laughing quietly, when he was called 'charming'. "Mhmm... They say I'm cute."

Dana said "Thank you." When Aislin complimented her name. She thought Aislin was one of the nicer. "Yeah, I basically live here, and believe me, I'm not the most interesting person here." She was being honest here, she lived here in the background, with few people actually knowing her. "I don't have many stories under my belt." She smiled awkwardly at Aislin. Henry brought up a trek through the jungle. Dana didn't go into the jungle a lot, because she's crippled and all (She has gone in there alone plenty of times at night). She nodded her head. "Sure. I'll go. You know I can get Tess to come with us." Theresa has come out into the forest plenty of times, to hone her hunting skills. "And don't worry me, I won't hold anyone up. If I fall behind, I'll catch up." She assured everyone, just in case they got the idea that she would be a burden. Well, she had the help of people like Theresa and Henry.

The prospect of a jungle adventure. "Ooooooooh! I'll go." He smiled widely. Normally, he would go in there by himself, but he thought exploring the place would be fun. "I can bring my brother and sister. They'll come!" There's even a cave?! This place was certainly a paradise. "I'd like to visit a cave. I can see in the dark just fine." He said, cheerfully. He realized that he was being. He pouted, crossing his arms, "Can we go nooooow? I don't feel like doing school anymoroooe...."

"... I'll pass up on caves." Dana said. She knew that it would nigh-impossible for her to get around in a cave without her power - Though she can see fine in a dark cave. She looked down. "I don't think wheels and caves go together." She laughed awkwardly and smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Oh dear god. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck offffff." Matt said under his breath when Vespera came over the the table, allowing his forehead to rest in one of his palms and closing his eyes. He signed. When he felt Amanda's presence get closed, Matt opened the eye closes to her, and leaned over slightly when Amanda began speaking, as to aid her in being secretive in what she was saying. "Good to know. Thanks." He said, nodding for a moment in confirmation that he had heard her. He went back to his casual position, and winked at her, cracking a smile. He was trying to play it off as if she had told him something that was between them, as to go with the suggestive laugh she had given.

The metal man caught his attention once again, speaking about the qualities of a sociopath. He, for a moment, considered himself to be what Peter had described, or potentially Amanda or the others that he had looked at around the room. He played it off, as he had never been prescribed such a title before. He only semi understood Peter, but he got the basic gist of things. He, for a moment, was tempted to get pissed off, but then realized that maybe that wasnt what Peter had meant to come across. He allowed his legs to fall off the table when Peter stood up, and Matt stood up to his full height with him. When Peter stuck out his hand, Matt grinned and grabbed the man's hand firmly. He was actually pretty cool, and interesting to listen to. "Matthew Evans. Pleasure to meet you." He said, giving his deceased adopted sibling's last name over his own. Detmer wasn't anything special to him, really. He carried them in their blood, but that was about it. He never knew his parents, but he knew Grease. "I must say, Peter, if you dont mind me calling you that, you and... Vespera here," he said, taking a moment to remember the woman's name that Amanda had told him. "... Are incredibly good at cockblocking someone."

"Important matters, right." Matt said, putting his hands up in a bicycle rotation pattern and snapping his fingers towards Amanda, ending up with his fingers pointing at her. "I'm sure you understand... Well, maybe not you Vespera. With the attitude radiating off you I'd bet I could get more dick than you could. And I'm straight." he said, smiling towards her evilly. It was meant as more of a preemptive strike to keep her at arms reach, as he didn't want her getting near the topic of challenging anyone. Especially him, as he tended to go too far in fights, and someone always got injured more than they should when he did that. He knew this from experience, and tended to diffuse conflict by intimidation as often as he could. Of course, he had plenty of bite for his bark, but barking tended to be quicker and easier.


"You haven't had very many good teachers then, Aislin." Henry said, putting his hand to his chest. "As long as no one's in any direct danger, once you finish an assignment in my class you are welcome to mess around, as long as you don't do anything in excess." He said. He knew full well that statement probably wouldnt fly well with the headmaster, but fuck it. He wasn't hurting anything. "No, unfortunately we cant go now, it's after school." Henry said, crossing his arms at Jaska's complaining and giving a small smirk. "But hey, it's not all bad. Power training is something I think you'd like. I know I find it pretty fun. Adam said it was going to be team day or something. Whatever that means." He scratched his chin, taking a moment to try and decipher what the old fart was talking about when he was told that.

"Just makes sure everyone knows about the jungle thing, have them meet me at the gates near the wall. They should know where that is." Henry said, stopping himself from explaining more when Aislin, called his attention. "Well, that depends," He began. "Most of your classes earlier in the day will be focused on academics. This being so, not all students have the same class at the same time. Dana here could have English and you could have me for first period, when I'm teaching class, that is." Henry said. "The classes later in the day are more focused on power training, so your ability, which got you into this school, with be developed. Adam teaches that. It'll most likely be the only class period where you and I will both be on equal terms, not as teacher and student, but as student and student." He said. "Although, I must say, dont trust him for shit when he says he thinks you've reached your maximum potential. He said that to me six undiscovered abilities ago."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

Red was in fact clueless with power classes. The only reason he used the word telepath before was because it was a common word in science fiction movies. Apart from that, it was entire coincidental that he just happened to talk about a power class, although it was easy to figure what each power class represented when he heard about telepathy and Extra-Sensory powers.

"To be frank, Deborah, I have no idea that powers were categorised, but apparently they do. Of course, I am not going to ask you about the types of powers existing, since it would be a waste of time. Sooner or later, someone else will fill these trivial gaps. But it is pretty interesting that you can use telepathy if you have another person's object." Red stated.

Red followed Deborah's example and looked at the clock too. There wasn't much time left for him and Deborah to make a decent conversation about anything important. However, he was moved by Deborah's gesture of telling him things about classes. He took it as a sign that the two were now on friendly terms and that she was a person he could count on in the Academy if needed. He recognised her as a respectable individual and was willing to be as cooperative with her as needed, since he had the feeling that they could achieve many things together. He took the cloth with Deborah's and Sannon's number and wrote his own in a handkerchief with a pen he took with him, in case it was needed in class.

"The only thing that could surprise me in class was a gigantic lizard-man teaching Bio-chemistry, but I am aware of that. Other than that, if it was a normal school, I would probably graduate by tomorrow. I could probably correct the books if they have mistakes!" he joked.

He decided to make his leave and head to class, since he didn't want to rush there. If he was walking slowly, he would probably check out the surroundings and find something interesting.

"Thank you for your time, Deborah! See you at the lounge, I guess!" he said and left.

Victoria LaRouse

Victoria was awake from 6 o' clock. It was her daily routine to wake up so early, since she made a deal with Deborah. She should be awake before her and do her daily workout and come back by the time Deborah left, so they could avoid the morning quarrel about the room being a mess, with Victoria always complaining about it. From a normal person's view, the room was tidy, but Victoria would make a fuss over the shampoo's cap not been properly set or the curtains not symmetricaly pulled. Someone with sensitive nerves would probably kill her and any witness who knew about her habit would probably keep his mouth shut. So, after a long time of arguements, Victoria and Deborah came to this agreement. Victoria's workout lasted from 6:00 when she woke up to 7:30, when Deborah would surely be out of her room. After that, she would go back to the room, sleep again for half an hour, wake up again, eat quickly in the Cafeteria and then off to school. She would find either Vera or Sylvia to go together, otherwise she would just march on her own.

As usual, Victoria wore tight workout capris, so as to not show off her well-built buttocks much, a tight shirt and a cap, although the sun wasn't that bright this early. After three years in the Academy, she had found the best route for a workout, without being seen by the staff members and get scolded. Her daily routine included a 2 km run, aerobic excercise and leg muscle strengthening. After all, her legs were her weapons. It was them that would make her the Arena champion one day. Today, though, she happened to come across another runner, although from afar, since this one was taking another route, which, if Victoria remembered correctly, would eventually lead to Adam Blackmore, who was sitting nearby quite often. She didn't recognise the runner, probably because she was a new student. She didn't attend the opening ceremony, thinking that it would be a waste of time not to train, so she didn't come to meet any new students. The morning siren wasn't a startle for her anymore, but a reminder that she had After her workout was finished, she turned back to the room and slept for half an hour, after taking a shower, the time being 7:45. As promised, Deborah was gone by then, so there wasn't anyone around to complain about the room being "untidy".

It was now 8:15. Victoria had to dress, go grab something to eat and head to class. She quickly wore a yellow Nike T-shirt with "Never Give up" written under the brand's logo, another pair of tight, black workout capris and a pair of white Nikes with blue stripes, the latest model available at the shop. She always had her clothes prepared from the day before to save time. After going through the usual morning routine (brushing teeth, use cosmetics etc.), she rushed to the Cafeteria. Most of the people were already eating, so the line to the buffet wasn't that big, another good thing with the schedule Victoria had. However, the new students at the Cafeteria were pretty interesting. There was a small kid with a tail sitting in a table, an amputated Megazord offspring at another, another one-armed castaway a bit further and many other interesting faces. She would like to find out a bit about the students, but she was hungry. Her metabolism was burning calories pretty fast and she had to balance her diet, a pretty tiring task to someone who lacked the will to make sacrifices when it came to food. After picking up a well-balanced nutritional breakfast, she was about to sit in a nearby table, where she saw the runner from early in the morning. She felt bad for not warning her in the morning, so she decided to share her secret workout route with her. She approached her (Nikki) and said:

"You have a pretty good body structure! I saw you in the morning jogging and I am pretty sure that you must have come across a staff member. I guess that you wouldn't get into trouble since it is essentialy your first day, but I can show you a more discreet workout route, which I use!"

She was so eager to talk to the girl that she didn't realize that she came out of nowhere and just started speaking with excitement, until several seconds later.

"Oh, excusez-moi, mon amie! Je m'appelle Victoria, or my name is Victoria in plain english! Nice to meet you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Poppy Flanagan

Poppy felt her stomach beckoning her to eat. With the type of things on on at this academy she guess this was going to be a common occurrence. Why can't everything be normal long enough to eat... She knew that was never going to happen. Anyways thinking like that would be faulting Theresa for something she couldn't control. Furthermore herself. Thankfully somebody else came to join them that looked to be of the good sort. He even asked if he could sit, a tad overkill, but polite. Especially if he was friends with Theresa. Ego stroking, huh. Fights are nasty enough, it must be ten times worse with powers. Not that she had any real experience in fighting. Just a few scrapes with some of the lousy kids at her former school.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you!" Poppy said with genuine enthusiasm. That was until Theresa mentioned getting roomed with the girls. She was constantly aware of her roommates lifestyle, when it was brought up directly it made her rather uncomfortable. What she said next even more so. Power training... Her mind formed a scene where everyone was lined up and asked to demonstrate their ability one at a time. I don't know what I can do or how to do it. I don't want to. This was getting Poppy rather worked up. She shrunk down in her seat and looked between the others and off across the cafeteria.


As she took her seat Vespera noticed the others reactions to her. She didn't acknowledge most of it. How childish. Amanda had an annoying way of letting her no she didn't want her around. What actually got to her was what she whispered to the new kid who'd pissed off Chris. Doesn't she know I can hear her? it wasn't one of the obvious parts of her power, but she could have easily caught on. That or went to her daddy. Now that she thought about it she didn't think he'd even help out his own daughter in a way like that. At least he was consistently a stickler.

The boy tried to play it off like they were flirting, which could over very well been the case. Just not at the moment. Despite what Amanda said about her she didn't go around challenging all the new students. Only the ones that though they were all that. Particularly ones that got attention from boasting, and Vespera would give it to them. Make sure that they were prepared to back it up. She was right that she hoped they were weak so knock them into their rightful place, however there was no better feeling than overcoming a challenging adversary. Because of that comment she decided that she would avoid challenging him, unless he really asked for it. Instead she would see if Amanda was feeling froggy.

"You know it's rude to whisper at the table" Vespera chided. "Is there something you have to say?" She briefly stared Amanda down. A cheeky grin played across her face.

"My day actually has been quite lovely. What about yourself? But wait of course your not interested in conversation." Amanda had wasted no time in trying to send her and them tinman off. What could be more important to Amanda dearest than saving face? If she knew she could hear her then she knew that Vespera was challenging her. from what she'd seen the girl was quite eager to tussle. Much too eager. "I'm fine where I am, thank you."

The metal mans sudden lesson on lesson on sociopaths caught her off guard. Nothing that she didn't know, but it seemed a strange coincidence since she'd just sat down. A number of people held that impression of her, and it did more or less fit the bill. Her particular psyche came from having half the mind a a predator that trapped it's prey and sucked them dry. Upon conclusion the message he was trying to give still wasn't clear, and since he didn't single anyone out it was best not to dwell on it. After the two of them shook their names were made known to her.

Matt's objection was rather bold and amusing. "With what? Amanda here? Don't let me stop you."

"I bet you do." At this point her tone was that of agreement. "Most of the men here are so young." She brought her pointing and thumb together to indicate size. "Not to mention inexperienced." Vespera smiled back, his message was quite clear. She wasn't planning on trying to get close to him, but she didn't let people take stabs at her unchallenged either.


The day everyone arrived was sure to be boring, so Karlie uncharacteristically holed up in her dorm. With the exception of entering the cafeteria long enough to get something to eat and checking to see if they gave her a new roommate yet. Didn't seem so. It that didn't take very long to check wearing her running shoes. Sure there were people to talk, but since there wasn't class she claimed it as a lazy day. In any case missing the lame as speech the headmaster gave last year was fine by her. It was sort of nice to have some alone time, though if somebody had knocked at the door she'd have immediately ditched that train of thought. As it was her longest standing friend on this rock, Mary Jane, was always there to lift her spirits. She kicked back and watched South Park. It wasn't her favorite show by any stretch, but it had some weird shit in it. That made it a good option for when she was soaring high as a kite.

Next on her list was dressing up and fucking around with her powers. When she was all finished she lay on her unmade bed laughing exasperatedly. Various articles of clothes were strewn all about. She knew it was going to be a hassle to gather them up and put them back, but she didn't care. She had time to kill. After removing a lab coat that had been unceremoniously draped over the TV she clicked it back on. This time she hit the input and clicked on her PS4. Previously she was a fan of the Xbox 360, however the Xbox One didn't impress. Like buying a sofa and paying to sit on it. At least there was some good games for PlayStation now. Last time around Microsoft got all of the good contracts. Without a moment's though about what to play she popped in Grand Theft Auto 5. This controller is going to take some getting used to.

Later that evening she was about to light up again when someone did knock on the door. Ooh, whoever could it be? She took a peek through the peephole. Shiiit! It was a staffer. Karlie quickly hid her piece and sprayed herself with some body spray. Finally she messed up her hair for good measure, if he asked she would say she didn't feel so good and was resting. Then she opened the door and pretended to rub sleep from her eye. "What up?" she yawned. Turned out it was nothing to get worked up over. Looks like I'm getting another roommate after all. Dana wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but it could be worse. It wasn't that she didn't like her, in fact quite the opposite. What bummed her is that it would limit her activities in the dorm. Not that it'd matter too much, starting tomorrow she would only return for curfew. The only day spent alone in almost a year.

Thankfully she still had a night to herself, since for whatever reason the arrangement was last minute. Maybe it had something to do with Dana's disability and making sure she was all situated. That accelerated her time table on getting her stuff picked up. She looked between the mess and the lump in her blanket. Nah, I'll do it later. With that she went for her light once more.

At 7:00 Am the next morning it was still there. Karlie sat up and put on her headphones, once it was over she hit play and got. She stepped on a catchers mitt and cursed herself for procrastinating. Now she'd have to take the time since she was going to have to move her stuff. Eh, screw it. Breakfast had started and she didn't want to miss out on any interaction. After stuffing everything in her chest she slipped on the first articles of clothes she laid her fingers on. A grey tank top work under a loose, teal, long sleeved shirt and a pair of black yoga pants.

Once Karlie ran the gauntlet she emerged holding a plate heaped with scrambled eggs, bacon, and a couple slices of toast. Today she deliberately stayed clear from where the people she knew well were congregating. No better way to start off the day than meeting some new people. As she walked between tables she was on autopilot, what she was looking for is tiniest little bit of conversation she could jump in on. She found it in a couple of girls she overheard talking about running. One of them she knew. "Hey, Victoria. How's it going girl?" Karlie invited herself to the table.

"You guys run too? That's pretty cool. I wouldn't mind a partner or two except mornings don't do it for me." Karlie shoveled a large bite into her mouth and continued. "I'm curious about this secret workout routine though." Seeing as Victoria introduced herself she thought she'd do the same. "I'm Karlie by the way. I like your hair." By contrast her own looked atrocious, but she didn't give a damn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Beebee2121


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Chris' emotions read faintly on his craggy face, but projected so clearly in their proximity that she didn't have to look at him to know what he was feeling. She felt her own pang of sympathy and from the relief that washed him. As much as it pleased her to help him feel better, she couldn't imagine all the stress he was under all those years alone.

Suddenly, he drew her into a hug and she was instantly overcome with all of his emotions. Unprepared for the contact, Vera lost her breath feeling all of Chris' sentiments as if they were her own. The relief was a welcome, long awaited change from the persistent sensation of guilt and remorse- A beat passed before her training kicked in and she disentangled what was him and what was her in her emotional space quickly, coming back to reality in time to return his embrace with both of her arms.

Unbidden tears sprung in her eyes, but she couldn't tell if it was from him or herself. "I missed you too, Chris," She replied, tenderly patting his back.

"Really, Chris. A small cut like that? It's no trouble at all for me these days." His insistence still brought a smile to her lips. Vera threw a look back to Deborah when a new student approached their table. They seemed to be engaged in some discussion about their powers. She wouldn't disturb her with her conversation with Chris.

"Walk me to class and I'll fill you in on everything," She suggested lightly and stood, taking her mug with her. She threw another look back to Deb and bade her a, "I'll see you later."


A rush of warmth fell over Ethan, giving his skin a very faint glow. He offered Theresa a sheepish smile before placing himself in the seat next to her. It took some practice keeping up with the pace of her conversation making, but Ethan liked to consider himself an expert now. He was pretty sure she didn't like him as much as he liked her- as friends, of course, but he didn't blame her. He never had much to say, preferring to listen to Tess chat.

He tucked into his meal as she rattled off something about Vera- her name involuntarily making him flush imperceptible a shade pinker. He nodded knowingly and flashed her a grin.

"Nice to meet you, Poppy." His voice didn't carry well over the din of the cafeteria, but he hoped he heard her. It hit him just as Tess told him what having a female roommate implied. "That's wonderful, Tess! I'm so happy-" Then the topics were switched abruptly on Tess' part. Ethan shot a quick look and found that her initial enthusiasm had faded somewhat. Oh. Well, then. Hopefully no problems would arise between the two of them. Or else, Ethan would be at Theresa's defense in a heartbeat.

"Yeah, I'm just thrilled. Can't you tell?" Ethan replied in a flat tone, then quickly stifled a chortle with a hand over his mouth. Sometimes Tess' sarcasm rubbed off on him, inspiring him to make comments that he otherwise wouldn't. "I mean, I like learning more about how to control my powers, but Mr. Blackmoore is always so.... strict."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Stephen Avarian

Stephen gave him a friendly smile. "Well Matthias Oxenford, I am Stephen Avarian. Again sorry you had to deal with Sylvia right off the bat, she's not exactly the nicest person here, but as far as bad people go she's not really one of them either. She's just a little stuck up since she's high ranking in the arena, speaking of which, who are you going to be facing. Considering all things I'm assuming you'll be in the arena tonight right?" Honestly Stephen didn't even know what was going on with the arena himself but he knew that they'd be doing something with it, they usually were. Now that he though about it, is it possible he was scheduled? Oh well, someone would have to tell him, everyone that would be in charge of that stuff would know he can't read anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amanda Daisy Blackmore.

Seriously? Amanda was getting very disgruntled. The Silver Surfer's nerdy cousin was spouting some psychological bullshit, while Spider-Tits is being... Spider-Tits. These motherfuckers couldn't take a hint when she basically said "Go away"? Apparently not. Because that's way too subtle for these motherfuckers. Time to convey her message the old fashion way. She got up from off the chair, stood straight up. She grabbed the table by it's edges, and heaved it over. Sending everything on the table sprawling on the floor with a loud (yet satisfying) crash. The table was now face down on the floor. "Bitch. Please." Amanda crossed her arm, smiling smugly. "Since you motherfuckers can't take a hint and leave, how about I spell this out for ya'll?" She pointed at Peter, and dragged her finger over towards Vespera, speaking in an authoritative manner, "You, Iron Giant's handy brother, and you, My Chemical Romance concert, need to get lost. Got it? Because I've had it to here with. Your. Shit." This was an easy way to get her message across. By flipping a table and telling people to fuck off directly.

Nikki Biyung.

It was a rather uneventful breakfast. Nikki was eating her food, yes. She was manipulating the bugs in the room to keep herself busy. Mostly keeping them out of the cafeteria by directing any outside to handle their own business. Except for a lone brown recluse spider that Nikki had called into the lunchroom, just so she could keep this specimen with her as a pet. She knew that Adam would never let her use such creatures during training, that is why. It was great knowing that there was such a rare arthropod on this island that she could never get back home. Hopefully Riley won't mind her keeping it in here. She had it on the palm of her hand, petting it lightly with a finger. Not fearing a bite like anyone else would.

In an instant, she became rather popular. Two girls walked up, talking about her running an hour or so back. She jolted out of surprise, but instinctively commanded the spider to travel up her wrist into the sleeve of her hoodie. With the deadly spider hidden underneath her outfit, she could focus on talking to her two new guests. The first girl (Or as she should put it, woman) to approach her was definitely older, had to be in her early twenties, and definitely French. The woman had pretty plain characteristics, but a great body... Very muscular. The other girl had to be around her age, also athletic and Nikki had to admit that the girl was attractive. Both girls were muscular in their own way.... Well, Nikki always prioritized staying in shape, and being at her physical prime. Better than lazing around and gaining hundreds of pounds. Ha...

For now, Nikki would keep this conversation going the best she can (And hope she doesn't fail spectacularly). "Um, thanks!" She responded to Victoria's comment about her own body structure. "I was talking to my uncle, Adam. I didn't know he worked here..." She coughed, wondering what they thought of her now. "Yeah, I'd like to see your discrete route too. I don't really like to be bothered when I'm running..." She trailed off, turning her attention to Karlie. A partner? She never thought of that... Like ever. She was always the type to mind her own business and do her thing, but these people? They probably thought differently. That's why they're here now. They saw an opportunity to talk to someone in Nikki. Is that a good thing? Maybe, maybe. Was she ready for it? Probably. Time will tell.

Well, everyone else introduced themselves. "Yeah, I'm Nikki Biyung, I just came here yesterday-" The sound of the table crashing was certainly surprising, but nothing that Nikki would freak out over. Her head darted in the direction of Amanda. Nikki groaned and looked very embarrassed, "... And that right there would be my beloved cousin..."

Theresa Sindel Obott.

The conversation was mostly just Theresa and Ethan now that Poppy decided to keep quiet. Ethan was still timid as Theresa remembered! Not that it was a bad thing. Theresa kinda found it cute - Almost as cute as him blushing at Vera like nobody would see. Ethan was a little bit more sarcastic this time around - He hasn't gotten it down yet. But the effort is what made Tess grin lightly. Classes were hated by everyone here. "Hmph, the first time I found someone who enjoyed their classes! I thought everyone treats this place as a superpowered country club!" Theresa continued off of Ethan's 'joke', laughing slightly. Theresa shrugged, deciding to be a little bit more serious. Just briefly. "I would enjoy Adam's classes more if I could do more than just regenerate." Theresa shrugged, winking at Poppy - Since Poppy is the other student in this school who knows Theresa's power. Nobody knew her true power other than the regenerative aspect. Not even Ethan (Though, she did thought about telling him). "Soooo much untapped potential...." Sarcastic as always, but she put some feigned irritation in her voice.

Theresa noticed that the little lady hadn't said anything since Ethan sat that. That was something that couldn't go unaddressed! "How about you Poppy? You've gone all quiet all the sudden. What's that cliche...?" Theresa tapped her chin inquisitively, like she was thinking. Ultimately, it was a gesture of sarcasm. "... Cat got your tongue?"

Amanda flipping over a table was a quick way to get Theresa to drop the subject of Poppy's silence. Like everyone else, she was kinda caught off guard. But saw that it was just Amanda. Theresa just rolled her eyes and acted like it was nothing. To be honest, nothing that girl did ever surprised her anymore. "Oh, it's just old Amanda, demonstrating the faults of the American education system..."

Deborah Lillian Termellio.

Deborah silently bid Red adieu. What an interesting child. If he's really serious about this, Deborah will do all she can to support him - Because it supports her drive to gain more and more information. Perhaps it will be sated for a little while, so she can finally relax. For now, classes were going to start soon, and Debby's plate is clean... Better get moving, classes will start shortly. Deborah got off her behind - But the crashing sound (Someone just flipped a table) caught her off guard, and her compulsion to get information made her turn to look. Amanda was obviously the one who flipped the table (Peter and Vespera are annoying her and she decided to send a message) and there was that one kid who got water poured on him. Debby watched the scene, it was, in her eyes, a goldmine (Amanda is romantically interested in Matthew, but Peter and Vespera are getting in the way. With Amanda reaching her breaking point very fast).

Well... She can watch just a little...

Matthias Landon Oxenford.

Arena? Matthias didn't know there'd be such a place here. Where kids just meet up and beat the tar out of each other? That sounded barbaric. Though, Matthias would love to fight on the fields of glory and be the superstar he dreamed of! Yeah, just out there, whacking people in the face with his fist... And subsequently getting his own ass handed to him on a silver platter. "I don't know who I'll be fighting... But I'll fight anyone who is willing to fight me!" He stated, all valiantly and proud. "Well, I hope I don't get put against someone too strong." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. The cacophony of someone flipping a table was a great attention grabber. He jolted out of surprise. This girl... She spoke all valiantly and like she was in charge. It caught his attention. "Who?! What...? Who's that?" He asked, pointing at Amanda.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jackalyn Walker

Jackalyn collapsed into a sitting position beside Sylvia, glaring out to the other students with her back hunched, shoulders drawn in, and holding her blackened fingertips with her other hand whilst a sheet of fiery red hair fell to the side, obscuring her view. This position also made little work of her low-cut vest top, revealing a fair bit of her (admittedly small) assets to the world; not like Jackalyn seemed to care that much, or have the body language of someone who'll accept that kind of crap.

In fact, her body language was really speaking for her. The hunched shoulders, withdrawn position...without Jackalyn really noticing it, she was subconsciously giving out a sulky, angry mood just in the way she sat. Not to mention the fact she wasn't looking at people, but glaring at them - eyebrows creased, lifted lip in a snarl - it looked like she was actively trying to push people away.

And yet, when she turned to look at Sylvia, she stopped glaring and surveyed her with a calculating gaze and a little twitch of the mouth to what would be a smile if it kept on that face of hers long enough. She seemed determined to make at least one friend. At the very least. Then she could go back to being shy by flipping the middle finger at everyone else, but just this one time, Jackalyn had to make a friend who wasn't related to her.

Seemingly, Jackalyn picked up on the subtle hint that Sylvia was playing nice too; she swore every other sentence (Jackal couldn't figure out whether or not that was just her attitude, or her upbringing) but her words were friendly and at least her body language wasn't the dictionary definition of 'go shove your face in a blender instead of talking to me'. This was a good thing. Jackal managed to figure out a few years back that it's easier making pals with someone who either has to be your friend or wants to be your friend, and from the look of it, Sylvia sat in both categories.

When she asked for a more detailed introduction, Jackalyn froze up for a minute. Well, better to say the truth than lying, right? It's going to pop up eventually, and if she makes fun of it, Jackalyn will just kick her teeth in and request for a new roomie...

"Jackalyn Walker," replied Jackal with a bit of a strain on her voice - it was as if she was forcing the full name out. "I-...I live in a small log cabin right on the base of the Rockies, and most of the people I met were at least a decade older than me." she continued, looking away from Sylvia, folding her arms protectively, physically drawing herself in, her body language becoming simultaneously more scared and more hostile by the minute.

"And this is my first day in school. Any school. Ever."

Jackalyn stole a glance up at Sylvia hopefully, flashing a nervous grin as the realisation tumbled right down upon her like a pile of bricks with nails stuck to them. This was her first day of school. Everyone else was probably way smarter than her, knew all the cool TV shows, fashion, celebrities and all Jackal could talk about were her brothers, her exercise routine, what books she reads and how she once wrestled a bear into submission, but none of those subjects were remotely interesting to any modern teenager, right?

Jackalyn sighed. She felt like there was a massive bubble separating her from everyone else, and she knew that Brooksy and Derek were also on the other side of this bubble somewhere, probably trying to make friends of their own, because they sure as hell ditched Jackalyn after all she's ever done for them. Just like Rosie. Just like Florence. God damnit.

"Alright, you can laugh now if you want by the way." grunted Jackal, clenching her blackened hand and her good hand into fists. This conversation was going to end up in one of two locations in about five minutes; the classroom, or the hospital.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Stephen Avarian

Stephen sensed the heat signature moving so Amanda's little tantrum, or stunt if you will, didn't really surprise him. In response to Matthias' question Stephen smirked. "Amanda Blackmore, the girl is one over confident bitch. Unlike Sylvia I have no respect for her really. Tries to act better than people, and I personally find that that's because of her family. They always feel so superior to others just because they can make cheap copies of other peoples abilities and what have you. Personally I've never faced one, I'm not even sure if they could since I don't technically attack with anything, I just intensify things around me making them unbearable for others, but in any case, she's not too big of a threat really, but that doesn't mean you should take her lightly either." Stephen continued eating his food before continuing. "Sad as it is, if you were looking to be friends with a popular returning student you didn't exactly come to the right place. I'm a little different due to some events that have made me change my views on some things over the break. Before this year I was a little different, and most people hated me, or just tried to ignore me. Hope that doesn't bother you, but if it does I understand." He kept eating as he awaited the response of Matthias. Whether or not Mattias still wanted to hang around him wouldn't bother him either which way, admittedly Stephen was a horrible individual last year, and he wasn't going to change that really, what he was changing was what he stood for, and how he acted towards others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Victoria was hoping to make it quick with Nikki, since she had to eat fast and head to class. But Hell decided to pay a visit and, by Hell, she meant Karlie. Victoria was always mad at Karlie because she was picking on her perfectionism. Worst of all, whenever Victoria asked Karlie for a match in the Arena, Karlie would turn her down, just to get on her nerves. She never had a chance to smack this little bitch a good one and it would seem that Karlie would never give her the chance to. Obviously, she was agitated with her mortal enemy popping out of nowhere while using Victoria's name. It's not like they were talking with each other, or rather, Victoria would most probably just say many bad things to her if they did. But what was even more maddening, was the fact that Karlie even invited herself to their morning jog.

"Listen to me, you cosplaying witch! This workout is off-limits to you! And don't act like a friend of mine! To hell with that, just fight me already!" Victoria yelled do Karlie, although it was obvious that it was just another chance for her to decline and get on her nerves.

Her fit of comedic rage was downright interrupted by Nikki, who surprised her with the news that she was Amanda's cousin. That was like, huh? It was like looking at two poles of a battery, they were complete opposites. Amanda was an over-extroverted, cynical maniac, while Nikki seemed to be a composed, introverted individual. It made Victoria believe that it was some kind of miracle. Freaking Amanda just heaved over a table for God's sake!

"Are you sure you are related to her? I mean, did you two do a DNA test or something?"

However, before Nikki could answer, Vic checked the time and she figured she would be late for class. She picked a toast from her plate, drank her milk in one go and left after saying:

"I am going to be late for class and you are going to be late, too! Nikki is an incredible name, by the way! Oh, do yourself a favor and just don't mix with Karlie! She is a pain in the ass! Au revoir!"

She then put the toast in her mouth, grabbed an apple from the buffet on her way out and dashed to the classes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Rude to whisper at the table? Ha! Rude to listen in on things that don't concern you. And if you actually think some of the young men are inexperienced, then you're about four times dumber and six times more oblivious than you carry yourself as. Just WHERE do you get all the bullshit confidence? They're still MEN." He said, smiling the whole time as he spoke. He was about to continue on with Ms. Sunshine when Amanda showed her own anger at the whole situation. Matt raised an eyebrow at Amanda's physical display of discontent. He couldn't blame her, really. He was feeling the same way, he just wasn't as... expressive about it.

All he could be now was be happy his legs weren't on the table when she chucked the thing over. He mumbled something along the lines of "Calm down Satan." before finally getting ahold of himself. He had been showing his level of anger to Vespera since the bitch was so content on gluing her ass to the seat for some odd reason. Matt stood up to his full height, and pushed in his chair to where it would go if the table was right side up. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Doctor. I look forward to our next chat." Matthew said seriously. He had actually come to respect the metal man in their short time knowing each other. Vespera's mere presence flat out annoyed him. "Alight Amanda, lets blow this popsicle stand before I pop a blood vessel. Classes start soon anyways." He said, circling his arm around her shoulders and turning her away and walking himself along with her to the cafeteria doors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Aislin smiled when Dana admitted she didn't have any stories. Being one of the less interesting students was something Aislin felt too, just from one look at her roommate. Alex was a natural strobe light. Between all the Animal Metas, Energy folk and Cerebrals, she looked at her own little ability and felt small. Like an angel fish in an ocean of sharks. Well, that may have been exaggerating, but Aislin enjoyed its poetic flair. 

Jaska echoed her enthusiasm with the caves, she could only laugh when he mentioned he wasn't interested in school anymore. He was such a cute kid, honestly. Dana kinda looked down, that awkward smile back on her face. Aislin frowned, looking at her wheels. "I thought this school, with all it's funding and super-functioning humans, would also have superior technology. I'm sure hovering tech would be within the grasp of a Meta genius."

The reptilian teacher made a good impression on her. He seemed solid. It didn't quite feel like a hierarchal teacher-student relationship, not with him. She couldn't quite categorize it, but if he was leading a few of her classes, that'd be a blast. As Henry divulged information on how the Academy worked, Aislin was dead focused on him. Power training piqued her curiosity, but it sounded scary. She had never used her ability in a classroom setting, never mind arena setting. God, this school is insane... But I think I like it. Aislin chuckled, shaking her head. 

"Wow, six undiscovered abilities? Do our powers really keep unfolding like that?" The idea of ever-improving abilities intrigued Aislin, she was convinced her own talent couldn't get any better than what she had. But she guessed that was narrow-minded thinking. In this new Academy world, she really had to start throwing assumptions out the window. 

The certain individual who so pleasantly scared the shit out of Aislin with the thunderous crash of a cafeteria table was immediately blacklisted in her mind. Not that she could see what was really going on, but just the action was significantly rude. 

She checked the time. Yikes, gotta go. Placing her utensils horizontal on her empty plate, she got up from the table. "I actually gotta run, I need to grab some stuff for class. But it was lovely getting to know you all. Professor, I'm looking forward to that expedition." She unfolded a note from her pocket and placed it on the table, flashing a grin. "This is my cell. Feel free to keep in touch, if you'd like."

She gave a little wave as she left the table, putting her tray away while giving that one table-flipper bitch laser eyes and a wide breadth. Gross, she had an entourage too. Aislin exited before them and hurried on her way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
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Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Peter stood expressionless at Matthew's comment. It was basically his way of shrugging and not caring, however, it wasn't quite as expressive. It was an esoteric notion - or lack of notion - that could be interpreted in a number of ways according to how his given associate's mind processed. Apathetic? Ignoring? Silent agreement? Though Peter personally detached himself from such conversations, about how he and Vespera were good "cock blocks". A vulgar phrase, but he didn't care so much. He found it strange how Matthew Evans, as he introduced himself completely, had a peculiar duality. Now he was here making proper introductions! Not at all like the introduction he gave to Christopher Clarke: shoving him off of the seat. But there was still the prior suspicion that he perhaps didn't want to contest with Peter, or "tango" as kids said it nowadays. Christopher appeared a lot less intimidating.

But these weren't thoughts Peter had much time to think on.

After nodding to Matthew Evans' in return to his bidding goodbye, but before he could even sit down or completely finish farewells, Amanda Blackmore had gone and flipped the table. Literally. She outright heaved the kitchen table from underneath and flipped it on its top, before it fell and clashed against the floor in an alarming clatter. He simply looked over at Amanda Blackmore, who had subsequently listed her demands: that he and Vespera "got lost" - which wasn't an option as far as Peter was concerned - because of... she was done, with whatever it was that they did. Vespera? Understandable. Sort of. She was grating, but so was Amanda Blackmore. The latter had overreacted. It had to be hormones, what else could it be? There was no reason for that to have happened. It was illogical. And for what purpose? Was Amanda Blackmore and Matthew Evans... oh. Right. Of course. Talk about hormones, for sure. It was still illogical though, and Peter was pretty swift on the uptake in responding to the crazed teenager's demands.

"I don't understand. Does your labia entitle you to the destruction of academy property?"

In a school full of damaged kids who God only knows what they went through, charged up with hormones and super powers, security was inevitably going to be tight. And with anything being a possible trigger for either a stress response to occur, or a group polarization effect in which Amanda Blackmore's actions could influence similar rowdy behavior in other students, she was - without a doubt - going to be reprimanded, receive some sort of punishment. Blackmore? He read the files and information he was to be aware of if he was to work here. A highly respected instructor here was a Blackmore. Surely, not a common name. Neither were the odds of there being two different Blackmores, both with superhuman powers. The odds were more likely that a Blackmore that had connections to the academy, who happened to have kin, managed to bring them here. Powers were also inherited, yes? Then that had to have been the most likely reason.

Peter continued. "I can only imagine how embarrassed the father must bee-e..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Poppy Flanagan

Poppy caught Theresa's wink, but wasn't herself at the moment. She smiled weakly then looked off again. Only bits and pieces of their conversation registered with her until she was addressed directly. Come on I have to hold in. I couldn't really be the only one... Still she was doubtful and shaking with nervousness. "Well... I..." A racket from across the cafeteria startled her out of her stupor and saved her from having to reply. I wonder what made her so angry. Inside Poppy felt a little happy that somebody had disgruntled Amanda a little. Served her right for the way she treated her and more importantly, Theresa. "Huh, where is everyone going? Are guards going to come in or something?" Without a clock or being used to the schedule she had no way of telling it was about time for classes.

Vespera Spindel

The look Vespera gave Matt was a combination of quizzical and amused. Is this guy for real? He was terribly unclever in his responses. She hated the kind of people that took whatever was just said to them, spun it around, and shat it back out. This was a waste of her time. "Am I to presume you have first hand knowledge in this matter? You sound about as straight as a circle." The last part was brushed off, if anyone was being over confident it was him. Where his train of thought was going with the whole thing she had no idea, but it didn't matter. It was about time to ditch these children. When the table started titling back Vespera slid out of her seat gracefully and took a couple steps back.

"Now that wasn't really necessary, was it?" If they wanted to get away so badly they could have left already. Which is exactly what they did next. So juvenile. Then she realized she could still feel the static, this caused her lip to curve up slightly.

"Very embarrassed if I were to guess." Vespera took a glance at clock. "At least it was nice talking to you, so long." Not that they actually really talked. With that she walked off in the opposite direction Amanda and Matt had taken.

Karlie Davis

"Jeez, who pooped in your cereal? Take a chill pill. Nobody is going to be fighting anyone." There was an extra emphasis on the last word. Karlie took a little to wolf down her food. Last thing she wanted was to was waste time not eating until she had to head to class. Amanda's fit of rage interrupted her.

"Oh dear, guess I better go see what's got 'Manda so worked up- Wait, you're her cousin?" She looked over Nikki briefly. "That's so cool! I can a little resemblance, but I never would have guessed!" I think that's sorta something she would know... never got tested to prove who my family was. Despite her thoughts she didn't say anything out loud. After Victoria had left Karlie turned to Nikki. "Don't listen to her, she's so up tight. However we are going to miss our classes if we don't get a move on." She lifted her plate and scraped the rest of her breakfast into her mouth with her fork. Then she looked to the overturned table to see it vacated. Karlie shrugged. "Your cuz can take care of herself, c'mon lets go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A loud bell rang that vibrated through the speakers. That was the signal that everyone was to head to the Education Center soon as possible, and begin classes. Everyone quickly vacated the Cafeteria and started heading straight for class.

Sylvia Lana Bertoose.

Sylvia raised an eyebrow when Jackalyn told her about herself. So Sylvia was going to take a shot in the dark and say that she didn't have a traditional childhood. She can tell from Jackal's body language that she was trying to protect herself - From what, really? What do you have to be defensive about? Sylvia didn't have to be a psychologist, but she knew that Jackalyn had some deep shit going on in her head. The kind of stuff she knew that the red-haired girl would never share. So that's why she wasn't going to even try. Just be nice to her new room mate, don't go too deep, and everything will be great. When 'The Jackal' said she can laugh now, Sylvia was going to calmly play it off (It wasn't funny to begin with). "Naaaaaaah, I've heard worse." She shrugged, giving her room mate a witty smile, "Everyone has their first day, sweet heart. Doesn't matter when. You just need to play it cool and everything will go just fine." These were words for encouragement. Sylvia opted out of commenting on Jacklyn's past living on a small log cabin. There were so many things she could say, but all of them were stupid jokes. Sylvia knew that Jacklyn was probably the chick with a stick up her ass, so she was not going to joke about her origins. Sylvia was going to also assume that her room mate at least got basic education.

The bell rang and it was time for breakfast to end right here and now. She probably should have spent it eating instead of screwing with the chucklefucks. Oh well. "C'mon, class is in session. I'll walk you there..."

Nikki Biyung.

Suddenly, Nikki was caught in between the feud of two girls. This definitely didn't improve her mood about strangers. She found herself sinking into her seat, waiting for the shooting to stop. When asked about her cousin, totally forgetting the possibility that it might be a joke, "... Yeah, her mother is my aunt." She sounded strained, even as she retreated into her chair. It wasn't long until Victoria left, leaving a warning behind for Nikki to avoid Karlie. Well, she was going to file this bit of advice under trash. She was independent, and she never judged a book by it's cover (Or let someone else decide what she thinks). Nikki nodded her head. Karlie said some things about how being Amanda's cousin was cool. Being related to her was stressful, yes, but never "cool". "Um, thanks. I take it that you're a friend?" Nikki asked her, she was actually quite curious about Karlie's relation to Amanda. "Yeah, I won't, I don't even know her, or you." Okay, maybe saying 'you' wasn't the best course of action. "Yeah, I'll-" The bell rang and Nikki was quick to get up and start running for the exit. Saying, "Goodbye! I'll see you later, Karlie." To her new acquaintance.

Amanda Daisy Blackmore.

Amanda's box of fucks is currently empty.


2:00 PM

Adam Blackmore.

Later on today, Adam, and the three other power instructors had finally gathered in the Training Hall for the power instructing class. The room for this particular training session was a large rectangle shaped room, with a bland grey smooth ceramic floors, walls and ceiling, with a few scratches here and there. The room was set up like an auditorium. With a large amount of chairs in the center of the room, all facing a small stage. The room was large enough to hold the entire cast and more. On the left and right sides of the room, there was a door, stairs and a window. On the right side of the room was a large window, that overlooked the much larger training room. The training room that was through the window was a massive octagon shaped room. The room was made out of a smooth, durable metal, and was capable of withstanding a nuclear bomb (Just in case someone's power went out of control). The room was connected to a variety of devices made for training the students. On the left side of the room was a door that lead into a large locker room, that was divided into gender, and age. That was full of marked lockers for the students to place their possessions, and private dressing rooms. There were also stairs that lead into a smaller room a floor under the "class-room" that was before the training room itself.

Students began pouring into the room.

Jake, Gabriela, Jaska Valos & Sylvia Bertoose.

The first group to arrive were the three Valos siblings: Gabe, Jake, & Jaska. They made their way in a orderly fashion, and with Gabe in front, seemingly leading them. They had finished with the rest of their school work, and finally made their way into the last class of the day, power training.

Next to Gabe, nervously walking in was Jaska Valos, the youngest non-infant of the Valos family. He was nervous as hell, which was blatant due to his twitching and overall hesitant demeanor. Which normally is a more jovial and excited personality. "This is a power class, right? Do I have to talk about it...?" He says, tapping the tips of his index fingers (claws) together, nervously. Occasionally covering his face up with his hand whenever he noticed people are looking at him. Jaska wore a black shirt that said I love house music. With holes cut in the back of it where his wings went through. He had his wings folded, so they looked a lot less intimidatingly large, occasionally twitching them, since it was uncomfortable to keep them folded like his for long. Whenever he made a step, his claws made a tapping sound against the floor.

Taking note of Jaska's hesitancy when it came to the power class, Jake tried to reassure him, "Don't worry about it, Jask. Long as you don't talk about it, then people won't ask." It was easy to fool people into thinking that Jaska's animal-like mutations were his only power.

Skipping past them was Sylvia Lana Bertoose, totally oblivious to the two people she was closest to. Having completed her own classes, she was excited for power training class. She got to play around with the new kids, and learn more about her power - Which was something she was interested in, since she learned so much under the wing of Adam. How to use her ability to see soundwaves, focusing her sonic bombs, finer control over her sound manipulation...

While Sylvia didn't notice the Valos, they noticed her. Gabe stopped in her tracks, "Is that who I think it is...?" Gabe asked Jake, curious as to who the girl. Yeah, she didn't have the best vision, but Sylvia was one person that always stood out to her. White hair, guitar, small frame. Yeah, someone that she'd never forget. This definitely matched up.

"One way to find out..." Jake took a step forward towards Sylvia, he had a similar guess as to who the silver-haired girl was. Sylvia was Johnny's half sister, not a member of the Valos even in the slightest. They've met in the past several times, and became heavily acquainted with each other. To the point where they regard each other as siblings, rather than friends. He asked, "Sylvia Bertoose?"

"Who the f-" Sylvia was about to curse at whoever for interrupting her, until she saw who it was. "Oh my god, Jake!" Sylvia said as she ran over to Jake, giving him a tight hug. "You're still the pretty boy I remember you being."

Gabe wasn't a fan of the open gestures of affection, but she didn't consider that when she joined in on the hug, and she smiled warmly. "Heh, haven't seen ya' in ages, Syl."

Sylvia opened her eyes, looking at Gabe. Mildly surprised because of Gabe's... drastically different appearance. She took a step backwards, she almost had to double-take, "Uh... Yeah and last time I saw you..." She pointed at Gabe's eyepatch, "... You had two eyes..."

Gabe rolled her sole eye, "... Long story." The nice and simple explanation.

Respectfully nodding, Sylvia turned her head towards Jake. "And you were shorter."

"Heh, yeah." Jake scratched the back of his neck. "So, when did you come here, Lana?"

Sylvia flicked her wrist, shifting all her weight to a hip, "Oh, two years ago, I caused a ruckus in Orleans and they sent me here. I've been loving it! I became the best-" Sylvia was tooting her own horn here, "-Arena fighter here!" She knew there were better, but they didn't know that.

"We got here yesterday." Jake answered, tipping his hat slightly, "A lot of people here are a real piece of work..."

"Oh the chucklefucks? Better get used to them." Sylvia spat out, contorting her face into a comical frown, "They're like cockroaches, I tells ya'!" Then just like that, Sylvia snapped back to a smile. "... But there's nice people too. I should introduce you to them sometimes."

Jaska hid behind Gabe for the majority of this conversation. He and Sylvia weren't on the best terms. However, he had to ask, "Is she going to make my ears hurt?" Whenever she was around... things got loud.

Oh shit, he's here? With this many people? Sylvia was worried, since Jaska was here, that meant he could transform at any given moment. She didn't want to fight this fucker again, he scared the piss out of her (Right now he was the only person who did). She forced a smile, trying to be nice to him, "Oh, you're here Jaska? Don't worry, I'll keep everything quiet for you."

"Thanks." Jaska thanked Sylvia.

"Now, how about we find somewhere to sit? I'll fill you in on everything you need to know about class.."

Theresa Sindel Obott, & Dana Lucille Alcott.

Rolling into the room was Dana Alcott, being pushed by Theresa Obott, naturally.

Dana looked rather bored, resting her head on her hand. Her body language spoke for her when she rolled in. "I hate these classes." She complained. Like, what was the point of her even training her power? Her fullest potential was irrelevant to her. She turns into a super fast abomination when no one is looking. Honestly, she'd rather be back in her room playing a game or something. Anything but these classes.

"We all do." Theresa agreed with Dana on this one. For the sentiments that she had earlier in her head. "I think we can just wait this one out. Adam knows we prefer private lessons than group."

"Hope so." Dana shook her head, and decided to keep quiet. She placed her hands neatly onto her lap. "Everyone else seems to be having more fun than we do."

"C'mon, let's go find someone like Henry, or Ethan, or Karlie." Theresa said, walking around the room. "Have a quick chat before class starts." She was social as ever.

Nikki Biyung.

Nikki walked into the room, with a gym bag containing plenty of the creepy crawlies. Just like Adam said she should. It wasn't too long and hard as she thought it'd be. She kinda over-thought it a bit, and got a little anxious, so she started calling bugs to her right when class was about to end. Which caused a little bit of a stir when bugs started forcing themselves into the class room. Yeah... Nikki felt like an idiot for that one. On the other hand, she got all the arthropods she needed for class today. The bag was rather heavy. A single bug didn't weigh a lot. A few thousand bugs did. Thank God I don't skip arm day. She walked up and found a seat, right in the corner where nobody would (hopefully) notice or sit next to her, because she didn't want to explain what was in the gym bag just yet. She waited for class to start.

Unfortunately, Nikki could never have her way.

Amanda Daisy Blackmore, & Nikki Biyung.

Amanda strolled into the room with her new bagged boy's arm wrapped around her. It was so romantic how he saved her from those fools who were pushing her buttons - Or she would rather say he saved them. Either way the gesture was appreciated, and the two hit it off. She would totally call him her boyfriend, and make out and stuff. Perhaps they'll be grouped together in group practice. She spotted her cousin, Nikki. "Oh! Let me introduce you to my favorite person here!" She grabbed Matt by the arm, and dragged him over towards Nikki.

This was seen coming from. Nikki was still rather embarrassed when Amanda flipped that table. "Yeah?"

"Oh, Nikki, this is Matt Evans! My new butt buddy!" Amanda loudly said to her cousin.

"Uh..." Nikki was once again at a loss for words. "... Hi? I'm N... N-Nikki, like Amanda said. Biyung Nikki, if I wanted to be really authentic." She introduced herself to Matt, hoping that they could get around that first under understanding.

Deborah Lillian Termellio.

Everything is information, and information is everything.

A term Deborah had invented herself. As confusing as it sounded it makes sense if you think about it. Everything in the world was just one piece of a larger mass of information, while information is key to survival. How do you think humanity gotten this far? They learned, got better, and gathered together that shared knowledge and sliced it into bits to distribute it. Today was no different. Gather knowledge, and distribute it. Deborah walked into the room, where everyone was gathered together. She took this time to get a peak at people, their body language alone would be enough to give her a peak into them.

Deborah saw her friend Sylvia hugging some new kids (Not related by blood. Close enough that they might as well be). Hm, interesting. She never knew that Sylvia was that close to people. She watched their dynamic for a moment or two (Gabe destroyed her own eye). Getting a feel for the Valos, and Sylvia. An interesting moment popped up when Jaska and Sylvia spoke briefly (Sylvia fears the child, represses it for politeness, stems from a past incident). More things that Deborah's curiosity was begging to answer. What incident could make Sylvia fear such a child? Sure, he was a bit scary with the teeth and claws (Inherited gift from mother), but from what she sees, the child was innocent (To a degree). Deborah watched them go off and discuss things privately. At this point, she was probably going to get noticed, so she averted her eyes and turned away.

Dana and Theresa were the next to catch her attention. Dana looked rather displeased with the whole (Power is situational, and believes that she can't improve it) power training, while Theresa had similar sentiments (Chooses to hide power, for various reasons) but was much more upbeat about it. Deborah can understand why some people would keep their powers hidden. Some people have the kind of powers that immediately get you distrusted, or even exploited. Thus, she was respectful towards them by not (intentionally) gathering more information about their abilities, nor sharing what she already knows.

Who was next was old Amanda, and Matt scrolling in (Romantically attracted to each other). Thanks power, I would totally love it if you told me something new.... (Amanda was the one who flipped the table). Oh god dammit! This power left her very irritated sometimes. They walked up to the girl who Deborah remembered, could control bugs. Amanda choose to introduce her new boyfriend. Well, it was better than Red being her butt slave.

Enough with the staring and- Eh, she isn't even going to try to fool herself. Deborah loved to watch people and learn things about them. So, she was going to find a nice place to sit down and then chill there. Out of all the seats, she choose the one in the back. This room is bound to fill up fast, so she better hope it's the best place to sit.

Her sentiments on power training were simple, she found it enjoyable, partly because she could so much about her fellow students, but didn't have much to contribute. Some people liked it because they had a lot to contribute (and show off), while everyone else disliked it because their powers weren't as flashy, useful, or they wanted to keep them under wraps. Those were honestly acceptable reasons. There are people who can move mountains, for example - but, there was so much they could do. Even they needed someone to pick up the slack and fulfill a niche they cannot (Such as healing). In other words, everyone here will get their moment. Sooner or later. That was Deborah's belief anyway.

Adam Blackmore.

Class was present. It was about time to get started. Adam stood in the middle of the stage, donning a black Suit, and had a clip board in one hand. He put a fist to his lips then cleared his throat. Three teachers stood directly behind him, whom the returning students would recognize as his assistants. "Welcome, I am sure that the returning students are familiar with me, but I am Adam Blackmore, head Power Instructor of the 218." He put an open palm and introduced the three. "These are my assistants for this session, Leon Vahan, and Greta Faust. They are happy to meet you." The three nodded their heads but didn't speak.

Leon had to be the tallest one out of all of them, standing at a good 6'5 feet. He had to be in his late twenties, or early thirties, it was hard to tell. He had pronounced and squared facial features, with a strong jaw, he wasn't good looking, but he wasn't going to make a mirror shatter. He was built like a body-builder, like someone who spends all their free time working out. He had a military haircut, and a bushy blond beard. He had these sunglasses, but his eyes glowed white - In fact they were like a bottomless expanse of light. He wore a grey-suit, at his waist was a sheathed sword, a katana.

Faust was a older woman, she had to be younger than Adam, but not by much. She had the appearance of a soccer worm, out of shape, and wrinkled face. She had the demeanor and outfit of a scientist. Where everyone else was wearing suits, she was wearing a white lab coat, gloves, boots, with goggles over her eyes. Her orange hair was styled as a very spiky and neat trim, not very lady-like. Her face was contorted into a frown, indicating that she didn't want to be here, or something else.

Returning students would know that Leon can see anything, Megan can shapeshift, and Faust can turn any liquid into a potion that has a lot of effects. Each of Adam's assistants had clipboards in hand.

Adam nodded his head. "This will be the first power training class of the year. Where we go usually over a variety of subjects to help you improve your power, and yourself. Today, is Team Exercise day, the students today will be divided into two teams and preform a variety of heavily monitored exercises. After class, I will discuss things you can improve with each and every one of your abilities." Adam started writing on his clip board. "Before we begin..."

Suddenly the sound of a very violent wind filled the room. Adam, using his air manipulation, made a conspicuous bodysuit float in the air for the entire class to see. It was the standard training suit. The suit took the appearance of military armor. It was near-skintight suit, made of a flexible, but durable, fabric. With an armored kelvar vest, and shoulder, elbow, feet, and knee pads integrated into it'a design. "... Returning students should know exactly what this is. It is the standard Training/Arena suit. Each of them are specially made for each student. Made with your size, weight, and powers in mind. Each suit accommodates your powers, such as, those with temperature-based powers may have a heat or cold resistant suit. A person who can absorb light's suit will allow easier transferal." Adam cleared his throat, pointing towards the locker room. "All students are required to put on their suits before class. We will not start until everyone here has their suit on."

Adam rolled his eyes as he finished explaining, "I am also required to tell you that-" due to one stupid rule or another "-everyone is allowed to take their suits freely, and personalize them. However, you have to return them before classes start, and if they don't meet the requirements of the arena or training, you will be reprimanded." He hated this rule because students always tried to find ways to screw with their suits. One kid tried putting a taser in his, while another hid a knife in his. It was all so stupid. Adam put his hands (And clipboard) behind his back. "But, let's take this time to talk to get any questions or concerns out of the way."
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