Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight
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Knight All Guns Forward

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TachyonBlade said
Well, Field Officer wouldn't be right at all. Because a Corporal isn't a commissioned officer. As far as I recall, a Corporal isn't even an NCO

Corporals are considered NCO's in the US Marines and US Army.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TachyonBlade


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Knight said
Corporals are NCO's in the US Marines.

Ah, I was thinking of a different Corporal then
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Here's my app. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please tell me, because I'm not too familiar with military-oriented things.

Enlistment Form
Full Name: Anthony "Tony" Carter

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Branch of Service: FSA "Landers"

Rank: (E-4) Cpl Corporal

Military Occupational Specialty: Fire Team Leader

Tony is a carefree, optimistic individual. No matter what the situation may be, he will always remain convinced that everything will be alright, and is therefore considered a bit foolish among younger, less experienced personnel. Carrying a strong sense of justice, he only ever does what he believes is right, and frequently finds himself clashing with superior officers because of this. He is a good leader, but his carefree demeanour and justice-fuelled decisions often see his underlings questioning him. However, it seems that he was born with the natural ability to overcome any situation, and his feats on the field have been noted by his superiors.

Tony has always wanted to enlist in the army. From a very young age, he'd taken immense interest in the tales of courage and heroism that surrounded the Landermarines, finding within himself a strong urge to enlist. So, at the age of eighteen, Tony said goodbye to his loving, middle-class family, and hello to the Marines, with plenty of potential and perhaps too free a spirit. During basic training, he found himself clashing with his trainers, disagreeing with their mean-spirited treatment of trainees. While this almost never worked out for the better (he was almost dismissed for insubordination), some trainers admired his ability to lead others against an opposing force, and Tony soon found himself deployed against insurgents. He quickly made a name for himself among his fellow soldiers for being able to seemingly make it through any situation, no matter how tough it may seem, and slowly he ranked up to Corporal.

Over the years he's served, Tony has been deployed in many combat zones, seeing his fair share of death, destruction and triumph. While all the death has scarred him, he continues to wholeheartedly serve the FSA, doing what he believes is right and beneficial for his team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Is there a mechanic yet? GG gave me the link for this... I'm craving some hard sci-fi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


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Hello Mistress Dizzy! I'm the Chief Engineering Duty Officer, LCDR Delilah D. Delores, aboard the Vigilance. I'd be more than happy to have a subordinate that isn't an NPC and as the OP says we are currently accepting personnel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight
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Knight All Guns Forward

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Sorry for not being on much today. I have to do a ton of work for school and wont be active again until Monday. Until then, yes we are accepting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nerendier


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Hey, would you mind letting us know what the setting for the intro post will be like so we can start writing it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight
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Knight All Guns Forward

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hey guys, I'm back now. I'm probably going to start writing the first post for the IC and get the final preparations to start on the way. We do however need a few more active players just to make sure things work. The setting for the first post will be a board a docked station, the personnel are being transitioned and briefed on the Vigilance for the first time before sortie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Am I accepted?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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roger dodger
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


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Knight said
Hey guys, I'm back now. I'm probably going to start writing the first post for the IC and get the final preparations to start on the way. We do however need a few more active players just to make sure things work. The setting for the first post will be a board a docked station, the personnel are being transitioned and briefed on the Vigilance for the first time before sortie.

That means I will have a ton of pre-launch work to do but don't worry I'll have plenty of time for lewd jokes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight
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Knight All Guns Forward

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GreenGrenade said
Am I accepted?

Yup, sorry about that. I added your character to the front list.

Working on the IC now, though it probably wont be up until very late tonight. Have lots of classwork that needs to be done. We are still accepting for those of you who haven't joined yet. I advise people to finish their character sheets if they haven't already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight
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Knight All Guns Forward

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The IC is now up. For those of you who do not know what is going on or what to do, please allow me to explain briefly.

The Vigilance has been docked at the Space Fortress "Auroria" as it makes final preparations for its first journey. If you don't know what to do, you are somewhere on this Space Fortress, doing something when you are called to board the ship. Your post should end with your character in the hanger bay with the rest of the crew.

We are still accepting new characters at this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EmperorWeapon


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Full Name: Delaney, Eric
Callsign: Kingfisher
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Branch of Service:FSA Navy
Rank: 01-ENS Ensign
Military Occupational Specialty: Fighter Pilot - Skull Squadron

Personality: Calm cool and collected, Eric has none of these. He is impetuous, daring and an idiot but he makes up for his lackluster attitude with a winning smile and good all natural pilot skills. Known as a lady-killer while off duty, Eric wouldn't throw his life away for just any reason, and his officers know that too well. Speaks his mind even when it isn't appropriate and often shoves his own foot in his mouth Eric has a tendency to try and make things his own way, which is why he hasn't made it past Senior airman. Eric has a natural talent with Interceptor craft and while he isnt too sure of himself flying anything heavier, he knows that if all he needs to do is get a little angry, punch a few buttons and show the top brass a thing or two about flying. He received the name Kingfisher for his excessive calling out and talking over the comms, he takes this name with pride and chooses not to be offended but to live up to it, annoying most if not all of his squadmates.

Biography: Born on the wrong side of the tracks on the FSA colony of Cerol, Eric grew up fighting his way past everyone who stood in his path. He cared little for his own life nor of anyone else and that showed in his school marks as well as his aptitude tests. When the Seige happened when Eric was 20 he was amazed on how quick the tide turned for FSA and how the fighter squadrons did so much damage in so little time. Eric vowed to fly up there with them and so registered for serve and did his boot camp. He was transferred to the Vigilance after winning a poker game against one of the commanding officers of his main place on Cerol, now he hopes to fly with the big boys, and earn his way amongst the stars.

(Thought you could use another pilot, let me know if anything needs changed)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TachyonBlade


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sorry for the short post, I ran out of time
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight
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Knight All Guns Forward

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EmperorWeapon said
Full Name: Delaney, Eric

Looks good other than two small details.

1. Senior Airman is not the correct rank. An E-4 in the Navy would be a Petty Officer Third Class. (We're going by US Navy ranks here, not Airforce.)

2. You need to be an officer to fly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Half done with the profile, I apologize for my lateness.

I figured there needs to be some kind of non-combat personnel on-board.

If this character doesn't fit, I do have another idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EmperorWeapon


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Knight said
Looks good other than two small details.1. Senior Airman is not the correct rank. An E-4 in the Navy would be a Petty Officer Third Class. (We're going by US Navy ranks here, not Airforce.)2. You need to be an officer to fly.

So would petty Officer be able to fly then? What is the lowest available officer that can fly out of the navy? I kinda want my character to be always held back because of his attitude
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight
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Knight All Guns Forward

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EmperorWeapon said
So would petty Officer be able to fly then? What is the lowest available officer that can fly out of the navy? I kinda want my character to be always held back because of his attitude

The lowest naval officer rank that will allow you to fly in the US Navy is [O-1] Ensign, as you are required to have a degree and an officer's commission through an officer's school. The Federation has the same qualifications to fly, especially for pilots that are flying the new HI-10 Whirlwinds.

Mistress Dizzy said
Half done with the profile, I apologize for my lateness.I figured there needs to be some kind of non-combat personnel on-board.If this character doesn't fit, I do have another idea.

Non-combat personnel are encouraged at this point. Feel free to post it whenever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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I kinda like how Eric's CS used some info from mine.. lol its nice to know people read these things xD
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