Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"All it takes one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy!"

A while ago the oddest thought buzzed it's way into my head. "Why should Batman and his spandex wearing family have all the fun of running through the night of Gotham?" Random I know, but it stuck with me until I finally found a way to scratch this tights wearing itch, start a RP. So here we are! My idea is that we will play as some of the wonderfully twisted and deranged members of the Bat family's rouge gallery. We would compete or team up with one another in order to take control of Gotham. We would develop dastardly plans, or maybe foil another villain's plans, form alliances with each other, or rivalries, and most importantly we would be the pain in the Bat family's flying rodent butt. If you are still here after those horrid jokes I thank you *gives a pat on head and a cookie* Now on to the fun part my fellow soon be rogues, the rules!

1. First off the time honored one for all RPs, no godmodding or powerplaying. If there are fights in the IC, and I hope there are, just try not to be like the kid on the play ground that says "You didn't hit me because of my supersheild was on!"
2. This one goes hand in hand with the first rule. When you are making a character don't go over board, as in being the Bane is one thing but being the child of the Killer Mouth and Catwoman who was trained by Ra' al Ghul is a whole other thing. Trust me it happens.
3. I don't mind drama in the IC, it's suppose to be there, but let's keep it out of the OOC, good vibes only dudes and dudettes
4. PG-13 guys, that goes for romance and fighting. No all out bloods baths in the IC and keep the "serious" romance in the PMs
5. Let us know if you're going to be gone for more than a day or so, I don't mind it just keeps people from being stuck in post lock
6. Put Gotham, City Of... somewhere in your CS to show you read the rules
7. The Co-GM spot for this RP is currently open
8. Feel free to shoot any of your ideas at me at any time I don't mind at all :)
9. Have fun!

Character Sheet

(Their actual birth name if it is available)

(What they are known as in the criminal underworld. i.e the Joker or Mr. Freeze)

(If it is available)

(I think this one is self explanatory)

(Things such as fighting styles they have learned, languages they learned, etc.)

(Things that set them apart from the average person, like enhanced intelligences, superhuman strength, etc.)

(The things we all know are the flaws in these villains. Such as Two-Face's urge for everything to be fair or Mr. Freezes need of subzero temperatures)

(What their personal arsenal consist of and what man power do they have)

(Picture, description, or both. Which ever you like best)

(What do they usually act like. This can be left blank and played out in the RP)

Brief Bio
(Some details of who they are and how they ended up where they are now)

(Whatever you want to add)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Your mistake was assuming I'm human."

Waylon Jones

Killer Croc



Croc is a master of the fighting styles of boxing and wrestling as well as being a legendary street fighter, making him a deadly force in close quarter combat. He is skilled when it comes to short scale planning and tactics, easily being able to take the lead of a small team and get current objectives done effectively.

Croc has been inhumanly strong ever since his birth do to the rare birth defect he suffers from, this is also the cause of his bizarre skin condition. His strength only grew when he was exposed to the Hush viruses, named after the villain who made it, which caused him to grow from his already towering seven feet height to a hulking eleven feet tall. He is now capable of lifting tons. (About the same level of strength as Bane while on his average amount Venom) He is unnaturally fast for someone his size, being able to charge down almost anyone, letting him kill the distance between him and his foes in a near instant. He has an advanced regeneration factor that allows him to recover from injuries in hours where for other people it would take weeks, he has been able to regrow whole limbs given time. His skin, or rather scales, is so thick it allows him to shrug off gun fire. His finger nails and teeth are instead razor sharp claws and fangs that can tear flesh and cut through bone. He is a expert swimmer, being able to dive to incredibly deep depths as well as hold his breath for hours. His senses are also heightened to animal like levels, being able to track people through their scents.

His titan like size and monstrous appearance makes it impossible for him to blend in with a crowd or use almost any form of stealth. He only has a high school education, a very limited one at that as he dropped out before he graduated, giving him a very basic mental range. Despite his skilled tactical mind he is horrid at planning things that will last over time. When he is angered he is known to fly into an animalistic rage where he only focuses on killing, being known to attack allies while in pursuit of his prey.

Sewer System- Croc's need to stay out of sight and for a place to stay lead him to take refuge in the city's sewers. All his time down there has given him a mental map of the whole sewer system and all of it's old and forgotten passage ways. He is the unofficial toll man of the sewer system, most of gangs of the city know that they have to barter with him before trying to use it in any of their schemes or they risk, as they have started calling it, "Feeding the Croc".

Homeless Population- Croc has a hold on the city's homeless population, who have taken to calling him King Croc. They serve as his eyes and ears on the surface during the day and other places he isn't able to get to. He keeps their loyalty through a combination of bribery, slight fear, and his relating to their plight of being scum in the eyes of the normal. Despite their working him Croc doesn't use them for the physical parts of his personal larger crimes, rather he does this out of care for them or that he simply doesn't think they would be any help is yet to be known.

Alligator Pets- Croc has "broken" most if not all of the sewer gators of Gotham's sewers. Though it can not be said that he has tamed the beasts they would never attempt to turn on him out of fear and are known to attack people that goes anywhere in the sewers that croc has deemed off limits.

Croc's Lair- Croc has an area of the sewers that serves as his home base. It is in the abandoned section that had been out of use for years. It is large enough to easily house Croc along with the exercise equipment Croc has looted to train himself.

Croc is a hulking juggernaut that towers over all those around him, standing at a staggering eleven and a half feet tall and weighting at a whopping five hundred and eighty pounds. His entire body is covered in dark green scales, though the scales on his chest and stomach are much lighter. He has not a single hair on his body and seems unable to grow any. His eyes are a sickening yellow and his pupils are reptilian like slits, he also has a second set of eyelids like real reptiles that are transparent and protect his eyes while he swims. His mouth is slightly extended like a snout and his razor sharp teeth protrude out of his mouth. He normally wears ragged clothes that he managed to find and fit him. His nails, both on his hands and feet, are sharpened claws.

Ferocious, remorseless, killer, all of these words can and have been used to describe Croc. He has been describe as unhuman and Croc wouldn't have it any other way for as he sees it he is not human, he is an animal and is better off for it. He honestly hates humans as a whole do to the horrible way he has seen and been treated by normal people for being different. He reveals in the kill, enjoying the fear in the eyes of his prey before he finishes them. He makes it no secret that the rumors of him eating people are true, quite frankly he seems proud of it. He is rather uneducated, being a high school drop out, but he is street wise and is able to get through most conversations with out coming off as a idiot. He is quick to anger and when that does happen he flies into deadly rage, destroying almost anything he can. His misanthropy however does lessen when he can relate to someone, which more often than not happens to be with the less fortunate like the homeless.

Brief Bio
Waylon was born into a life full of strife, starting with his mother dying from giving birth to him and followed by his father abandoning him. He was left with his aunt who was the town's drunk. She often beat him do to her own frustrations, but blamed it on his disfiguration do to his birth defect. She often locked young Waylon in a closet while she "entertained her gentlemen callers". Waylon also faced a similar type of torture while he attended school, the other kids would torment him with a combinations of insults and brutal beatings. Throughout his childhood years what ever good path or even humanity Waylon could of had was whittled away by the harshness of those around him. His hatred reached it's breaking point when he turned eighteen and his aunt attempted to beat him again. That was the day he snapped and he struck back at the woman, only stopping when she was dead. In order not to get caught by the police Waylon ran away and joined a circus' freak show where he took on the roll of a crocodile wrestler and got the name Killer Croc. He spent a few years in the circus, finally feeling accepted, but unfortunately that time came to a end after a bunch of people unhappy with the show set the big tent of fire killing all of the performers save for Waylon. This was the moment Waylon lost all kind of connection to humanity and turned to a life of crime. He made his way to Gotham where he made a name for himself on the mob scene under his stage name Killer Croc. He was quickly on his way to the top until he met face to face with the Batman who, like so many other criminals, brought Waylon into justice. Now after his escape Waylon is planning his rise to the top of Gotham's underworld and how he will enjoy killing Batman when they meet again.

"Gotham, The City Of Monsters"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I'll put up a CS once I finish my quizzes and get some sleep
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Napoleon


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

KatherinWinter said
I'll put up a CS once I finish my quizzes and get some sleep

Great can't wait :)

Napoleon said
NameDr. Thomas ElliotMonikerHush AgeWhatever age Batman is in this continuityGenderMaleSkills/Talents(Things such as fighting styles they have learned, languages they learned, etc.)Powers/Abilities(Things that set them apart from the average person, like enhanced intelligences, superhuman strength, etc.)Weakness/Flaw(The things we all know are the flaws in these villains. Such as Two-Face's urge for everything to be fair or Mr. Freezes need of subzero temperatures)Equipment/Resources(What their personal arsenal consist of and what man power do they have)Appearance(Picture, description, or both. Which ever you like best)Personality(What do they usually act like. This can be left blank and played out in the RP)Brief Bio(Some details of who they are and how they ended up where they are now)Other(Whatever you want to add)

Once you have it finished up I'll give my verdict and great to have you on board Napoleon *salutes* XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Dr. Jonathan Crane

Moniker: The Scarecrow

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Skills/Talents: Can turn a man's worst fear into reality.

Powers/Abilities: Fear Toxin's, Master of psychology and chemistry, Know's the Arkham layout because he used to work there.

Weakness/Flaw: Is still a human so normal human weaknesses, Own fear toxin's

Equipment/Resources: His fear toxin's,


Personality: Crazy, Like's people being afraid of him.

Brief Bio:Crane was always an outsider. Bullied as a young boy however where other's had strength Crane had his mind. After eventually graduating from College he got a job in Arkham. He tried rehabilitating people by using there own fears against them. After funding for his division was closed he still continued his work illegally. After encountering Batman on several occasions he was put away but escaped numerous times.

Gotham, City Of Fear
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by naxhi


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He has mastered many fighting styles, on par with Ra's Al Ghul and Batman, and has created several fighting styles himself. He possesses a Genius Level Intellect, making him on of Batman's most intellectual foes. He has Eidetic Memory (allows for memorization of everything), knowledgeable in various subjects including science, math, history, medicine, etc. He is also polylingual, being able to fluently speak 9 languages. He is a master escape artist, rivaled by only Batman, Nightwing, and Mister Miracle. He is an expert strategist, and he is at the peak of Human Condition, being able to bench 1500lbs, being a fast runner, and is extremely durable to injury. He has been able to stand up to numerous super-human beings.

While Bane's abilities are amazing as it is, one of the biggest characteristics of Bane is his use of the drug known as Venom. When injected into his body, Bane receives Superhuman strength, being able to lift 4 tons and higher, he receives enhanced speed, reflexes, superhuman endurance/stamina/durability, and can use venom as a medicine giving him a fast healing factor when injured.

He is extremely dependent on the Venom drug. Without it, Bane becomes weakened, and goes through serious withdraw, which is why a simple cut off of the venom supply to his brain can cause him to loose a fight, as shown in his many encounters with Batman and other heroes. On the other side of the coin, while Bane suffers from a lack of Venom drug, he also suffers from too much of it. Going over the maximum healthy dose of the drug into his body, Bane looses his sanity, and becomes a ragging monster, loosing all strategy and intelligence to focus on crushing his enemy, something his foes would easily take advantage of.

Venom, the drug that turns him into a super human. Bane has stockpiled a supply of the drug to be used in combat against his enemies. He also is known to carry a rocket launcher with him on occasions.

Brief Bio
In the Caribbean nation of Santa Prisca, a revolution was underway. The Leader of the revolution would be known as "King Snake", and he would be defeated. He would elude capture however, and his sentence for treason against the nation would be passed on to his son, who was still in the womb of his mother. After his birth, the child was locked into the hellish prison called Peña Duro. The child would grow in strength, intelligence, and skill, and the other inmates soon gave him the name Bane. Bane would establish himself as King of the Prison, and the controllers took notice of this. They forced Bane to undergo a test involving the drug called Venom. While all other inmates died from this, Bane survived, and learned that the drug enhanced his physical abilities. Years later, Bane escaped from Peña Duro by faking his own death, He made his way to Gotham City, a place he heard about in which fear controlled the population, much like his prison home. Bane heard about Batman, and assumed Batman was the demonic bat that has haunted his dreams since childhood. He sought to destroy Batman. He knew a direct attack on the Dark Knight was foolish, so he destroyed the walls of Arkham Asylum, freeing all the inmates. Batman spent three months rounding up the inmates. Exhausted, Batman was confronted by Bane in Wayne Manor, after Bane had taken time to deduce Batman's identity (Only Villain to do so). After a one-sided battle, Bane broke Batman's back. After this, Bane declared himself King of the Gotham City underworld, but his reign was short lived. Jean-Paul (Better known as Azrael), took on the mantle of Batman, and defeated Bane. Bane is sent to prison, and he escapes, returning to Gotham City.

Gotham: City of the Broken
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Great Croc now has a fellow living meat wall he can duke it out with. XD Any who it looks all good and dandy so you I am proud to say you are the first to be officially accepted into the RP *sets off fire works* Yay!

Though I would like to correct that Bane is not the only villain who knows Batman's secret identity, it is actually a surprising amount of them that do XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

They thought to imprison a god?

Maximilian "Maxie" Zeus



Zeus is a natural athlete who has long studied the Greek martial art pankration, a vicious combination of boxing and wrestling. Despite his general eccentricity and bouts of actual madness, he is also an excellent organizer and charismatic leader, with considerable skill in keeping his underworld activities concealed.


While he is typically lucid and rational, Maxie's extreme megalomania and narcissism occasionally force him into brief times of insanity where he actually genuinely believes he is a god. These bouts of madness are usually triggered by the extremes of overwhelming stress or incredible good fortune.

Combat Gloves: On the few occasions that Maxie does his own fighting, he dons a specially made pair of insulated gloves, the fingertips of which have been fitted with electrodes that deliver a painful, disorienting electrical shock when he strikes or grabs a person.

Greek Mob: Maxie Zeus is the unquestioned leader of Gotham's Greek Mob, numbering around 40 members, all career criminals, with associates, allies, and owed favors throughout the city. While the gang is not particularly powerful at the moment, its stability and the mere fact that it has survived the Batman and numerous RICO indictments make it an increasingly powerful force in the Gotham underworld.

Material Wealth: Between the legal income from his fashionable nightclub Olympus and the illicit gains from his underground casinos and sale of party drugs, Maxie has tens of millions of dollars squirreled away.

Maxie Zeus has a fascination with Greek mythology. His unbridled ego and narcissism lead him to have a very high opinion of himself. While he is generous with his money, it is more to flaunt his wealth than out of any sort of philanthropy. The general public considers him just another irresponsible entertainment mogul. He considers the safety or well-being of others inconsequential to achieving his goals. As noted above, Zeus also has occasional breakdowns in which he actually believes himself to be the mythical Zeus. While brief and generally kept secret, these lapses in sanity have gone untreated.

Brief Bio
Maximilan Zeus was nothing special to start with, just another Greek man getting by in Gotham. What made him different, however, was his unquenchable lust for power and respect- working a nine to five job was not ever going to be his scene. He eventually wormed his way into Gotham's small Greek gang. Overshadowed as it was by the bigger gangsters- Falcone, Maroni, Thorne, Grissom, all the rest- the Greeks had managed to carve out a place for themselves with backroom poker games, underworld casinos. It was Zeus' idea to open a legitimate place as a cover, and so the nightclub Olympus was born, a place where the gods came to party. The most happening place in Gotham, City of Sin. Looking out over the bar and dance floor, now the leader of the Greek mob, Zeus truly felt like his namesake.

Then came the Batman, and the war against the political machine. One by one, the big gangsters began to fall. But even as the largest gangs were dismantled, Zeus and his Greeks were left untouched. Maybe they were too small to bother with, maybe it was due to Maxie's skill at concealing his tracks. Whatever the reason, the big boys on the block were gone, leaving the Greeks to take up the slack and Maxie's ego to inflate further. This has been a time of new wealth and prosperity for the Greeks as they've gotten into the market for narcotics as well as gambling, and Maxie plans to set his sights even higher. . .

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I like it :) Accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Jade Nguyen




Skills/Talents and Powers/Abilities
-Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Cheshire excels at hand-to-hand combat, and is proficient in various acrobatic and martial arts skills.
Martial Arts
-Acrobatics: Her joints are extremely flexible/ she is triple jointed, making her a skilled acrobat.
-Poison Specialist: In addition, she is also an expert on poisons, preferring to douse her fingernails into a vast variety of deadly chemicals..

She doesn't have any actual super power so she has the weaknesses of any normal human. Plus she has lost two children so she is weak when it comes to killing children or children being hurt if they remind her of her own children.


(What do they usually act like. This can be left blank and played out in the RP)

Brief Bio
Jade's mother was raped by either a French man or U.S. Senator Robert Pullman, it is not clear as of yet. She had a traumatizing childhood as she was sold into slavery. This made her psychotic, beginning her path to become one of the world's most ruthless mercenaries. She killed her master and was adopted by Weng Chan, who taught her all he knew of guerrilla fighting. She was taught poisons by the African assassin, Kruen Musenda, a.k.a. Spitting Cobra. She was married to Kruen for two years, before his death.

She was a rival to the Teen Titans, but when Roy Harper was ordered by the government to infiltrate her confidence and bring her in, the two fell passionately in love. She did not know his identity at the time, but he walked out on her because he could not turn her in. She gave birth to a daughter, Lian Harper, who Jade loved but could not care for. She left Lian with Roy and returned to her mercenary ways, saving Deathstroke so he would aid her in a plot to steal nuclear weapons from Russia to obliterate the Middle East country of Qurac. These plans failed when her base was attacked and she had to flee.

She later worked with the Secret Six and had sexual relations with Catman, becoming pregnant. But when she betrayed the team to Lex Luthor's society she was shot and critically wounded by Deathstroke. Though she seemed to be dead, she showed up alive in the Himalayas with her and Blake's son, Thomas Blake, Jr.
Star City was destroyed by Prometheus, killing Lian. Cheshire is outraged and blames Roy for not being able to protect their daughter. She tracks him down and attempts to kill him. After a fairly even battle where they both suffer some minor injuries, they eventually stop fighting and surrender to their urges. However, Roy could not pleasure her, leaving them both frustrated.

It was later revealed that Cheshire is a member of Deathstroke's new team of Titans. She appears battling Ryan Choi. While on the team, her and Roy restarted their relationship. She later convinces Roy to betray Deathstroke when the time is right. Cheshire's son by Catman, Thomas Blake, Jr., is kidnapped, chronologically taking place after the death of Lian. Catman goes on a murderous rampage believing the child to already be dead only to find that the man who orchestrated the kidnapping has given the boy to a loving childless couple and that the kidnapping itself was an act of revenge against Cheshire for murdering his family. Catman after realizing the child is better left where he is, informs Jade that their son is dead which sends her into a sorrowful rage, while Blake tells his son to rest in peace after killing all the kidnappers involved. Cheshire has now lost both her children.

After a big battle against the Justice League Jade tells Roy she wants to leave everything that has happened recently behind her, including him. Thus ending her relationship with him and returning to her mercenary ways for good.


Gotham, City Of Maddness
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh good I was just thinking that this RP needed a crazy ninja, assassin lady XD accepted and hey kitty :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Haha hey saare
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Falconi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Val Kaliban

The Spook

30ish looking


The Spook was a master escape artist second only to Mister Miracle (Scott Free) and Batman. He was also trained in the art of hypnosis, and could easily manipulate the weak-minded. His aptitude in this arena was so strong that he once convinced a death row convict to take his place in the electric chair. The Spook utilized a wide array of gadgets and devices in order to simulate various supernatural effects. Some of these devices include inflatable effigies of himself that can float through the air, finger-tip and boot suction cups for scaling buildings, and smoke machines for obscuring the perceptions of others.


Human and a showboat.

variety of gadgets such as inflatable effigies of himself that can float through the air, finger-tip and boot suction cups for scaling buildings, and smoke machines for obscuring the perceptions of others


Gotham, Cityof

Cocky and egotistical

Brief Bio:

Val Kaliban was an architectural draftsman for a legal engineering firm involved in city planning for Gotham City. Kaliban tampered with the plans for its maximum security prison, to permit the construction of a network of secret passages throughout the prison. After the prison was built, Kaliban intended to use the secret passages to release convicts for a high price.

Kaliban murdered his superior at the engineering firm, because he had learned of Kaliban's plan. Sentenced to die in the electric chair, Kaliban found a look-alike and somehow substituted the look-alike for himself. The double was executed, while Kaliban, believed dead, remained at large. Kaliban then made certain that the Gotham maximum security prison was built the way he desired.

Ten years after his supposed execution, Kaliban, in the costumed guise of The Spook, offered "escape insurance" policies to criminals for a price. The Spook guaranteed that he would free any of his policy holders who were imprisoned. The shrouded rogue first reappeared in a puff of smoke inside the jail cell of "Big Turk" Ramis, "four-time loser and one-time syndicate boss". Despite being imprisoned in an escape-proof new maximum security penitentiary, Ramis was assured by the Spook that he could be freed easily. Because Big Turk had refused to accept the hood's "introductory offer," his "'escape-insurance' policy will cost you double!". Within minutes, Ramis' cell was empty, save for a Spook doll atop his bunk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MaskedHeroZ


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Character Sheet

Jack Napier..Or was it Heath? Troy? Nicholson? Maybe it was Mark? Who knows really.

The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime



While not exactly the best hand-to-hand fighter, the Joker is quite apt and adaptable with any kind of weapon he can get his hands on. Surprisingly, he has some faint knowledge of chemicals and their make-up as well as being able to properly plan out and execute goals and the like (if messing them up doesn't amuse him).

For all intents and purposes, the Joker is just a regular human like any one else. In fact due to the psychosis (that may or may not exist) he should be lower than the average person. He has more of a psychological affect on others, usually able to drive someone mad with his antics, if he doesn't kill them first that is.

His one true weakness is his obsession with the Batman, while it has been noted that he is easy to divert with objects of amusement. Though, it doesn't last long.

Joker Venom: A chemical cocktail made by the clown himself. It's uses vary wildly almost as much as it's creator's whims, but it has only one effect. A slow painful death caused by uncontrollable laughing. It comes in both a gas and liquid form.

Henchpeople The most deranged and most desperate people Gotham has to offer. Only they can really keep up with Joker's lifestyle, as the more sane criminal population know what he's capable of, due to his usual tendencies to kill his own people.

Anything in the way of weapons or vehicles are usually stolen by him or for him.



Brief Bio
The Joker, for all he knows and for all anyone knows about him, has always been The Joker. There was no beginning (at least one that is correct) and there will be no end to this agent of Chaos who had set his eyes on Gotham and it's protector. Recently however, he's been recruiting some street bums for a little surprise for his home city.

Gotham: City of the Too Serious
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Victor Fries


unknown possible 40s or 50s but ages slowly

Brilliant scientist in medicine, and cryogenics. Is skilled with technology

Slowl aging, and genius intelect. Uses a cryosuit that keeps his body temperature below freezing. It also enhances his abilities to superhuman levels. He can lift over 1000 pounds, and take some a lot of damage from gunfire. His freeze weapons are powrful to instantly freeze and object

Heat, and his suit isnt fasdt and is weak to heat

Cryo-suit, and ice weapons


Cold hearted, cares for his wife, can be obsessive

Brief Bio
Otherbrilliant scientist who lost his wife to a illness. He kept her frozen to keep her alive. When trying to make a cure he suffered a accident which rendered him unable to deal with warm temperatures. He has used his knowledge to keep his body stable and hopefully find a cure however he used criminal ways to find to bring his wife back.
Gotham city of lost dreams

Ra's Al Ghul

Head of the Demon, Demon's head, The Demon



Various combat and weapon skills. Skilled in tactics, and is a genius,

The Lazarus Pit has enhanced his abilities to superhuman levels(Can lift over 1000 pounds, take heavy hits, he can run faster then any olpympic runn , and can last longer in a fight), and extended his lifespan

Reliance of the Lazarus Pit, and temporary insanit from the pit

A katana, a hidden lazarus pit, and dagger.


Ra's is very cunning, and also likes playing mind games. he fights to bring the planet back to what it once was and will defeat anyone who dares get in his ways. he sees Batman as a heir

Brief Bio

Gotham City of new beginnings
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

LordZell said
Name: Dr. Jonathan CraneMoniker: The ScarecrowAge: 32Gender: MaleSkills/Talents: (Things such as fighting styles they have learned, languages they learned, etc.)Powers/Abilities: Fear Toxin's, Master of psychology and chemistry, Know's the Arkham layout because he used to work there.Weakness/Flaw: Is still a human so normal human weaknesses, Own fear toxin'sEquipment/Resources: His fear toxin's, Appearance: Personality: Crazy, Like's people being afraid of him.Brief BioOther

Kind of bare, but accepted :)

Falconi said
NameVal KalibanMonikerThe SpookAge30ish lookingGenderMaleSkills/TalentsThe Spook was a master escape artist second only to Mister Miracle (Scott Free) and Batman. He was also trained in the art of hypnosis, and could easily manipulate the weak-minded. His aptitude in this arena was so strong that he once convinced a death row convict to take his place in the electric chair. The Spook utilized a wide array of gadgets and devices in order to simulate various supernatural effects. Some of these devices include inflatable effigies of himself that can float through the air, finger-tip and boot suction cups for scaling buildings, and smoke machines for obscuring the perceptions of others.Powers/AbilitiesWeakness/FlawHuman and a showboat. Equipment/Resources variety of gadgets such as inflatable effigies of himself that can float through the air, finger-tip and boot suction cups for scaling buildings, and smoke machines for obscuring the perceptions of othersAppearancePersonality:Cocky and egotisticalBrief Bio:Val Kaliban was an architectural draftsman for a legal engineering firm involved in city planning for Gotham City. Kaliban tampered with the plans for its maximum security prison, to permit the construction of a network of secret passages throughout the prison. After the prison was built, Kaliban intended to use the secret passages to release convicts for a high price.Kaliban murdered his superior at the engineering firm, because he had learned of Kaliban's plan. Sentenced to die in the electric chair, Kaliban found a look-alike and somehow substituted the look-alike for himself. The double was executed, while Kaliban, believed dead, remained at large. Kaliban then made certain that the Gotham maximum security prison was built the way he desired.Ten years after his supposed execution, Kaliban, in the costumed guise of The Spook, offered "escape insurance" policies to criminals for a price. The Spook guaranteed that he would free any of his policy holders who were imprisoned. The shrouded rogue first reappeared in a puff of smoke inside the jail cell of "Big Turk" Ramis, "four-time loser and one-time syndicate boss". Despite being imprisoned in an escape-proof new maximum security penitentiary, Ramis was assured by the Spook that he could be freed easily. Because Big Turk had refused to accept the hood's "introductory offer," his "'escape-insurance' policy will cost you double!". Within minutes, Ramis' cell was empty, save for a Spook doll atop his bunk.

Read rule six and you should be good :)

MaskedHeroZ said
Character Sheet NameJack Napier..Or was it Heath? Troy? Nicholson? Maybe it was Mark? Who knows really.MonikerThe Joker, Clown Prince of CrimeAge?GenderMaleSkills/TalentsWhile not exactly the best hand-to-hand fighter, the Joker is quite apt and adaptable with any kind of weapon he can get his hands on. Surprisingly, he has some faint knowledge of chemicals and their make-up as well as being able to properly plan out and execute goals and the like (if messing them up doesn't amuse him).Powers/AbilitiesFor all intents and purposes, the Joker is just a regular human like any one else. In fact due to the psychosis (that may or may not exist) he should be lower than the average person. He has more of a psychological affect on others, usually able to drive someone mad with his antics, if he doesn't kill them first that is.Weakness/FlawHis one true weakness is his obsession with the Batman, while it has been noted that he is easy to divert with objects of amusement. Though, it doesn't last long.Equipment/ResourcesThe entire city of Gotham is his equipment and his resources, anything he doesn't have he can get through his reputation alone, the things he's done securing him a good long shopping list of goodies and shiny things to play with, while the things he do make the more deranged and dangerous thugs and mooks seek his ever joyful company.AppearancePersonalityBrief BioThe Joker, for all he knows and for all anyone knows about him, has always been The Joker. There was no beginning (at least one that is correct) and there will be no end to this agent of Chaos who had set his eyes on Gotham and it's protector. Recently however, he's been recruiting some street bums for a little surprise for his home city.OtherGotham: City of the Too Serious

Hmm can you be a bit more specific with his resources please?

Zerofighter said
NameVictor FriesMonikerMr.FreezeAgeunknown possible 40s or 50s but ages slowlyGenderm Skills/TalentsBrilliant scientist in medicine, and cryogenics. Is skilled with technologyPowers/AbilitiesSlowl aging, and genius intelect. Uses a cryosuit that keeps his body temperature below freezing. It also enhances his abilities to superhuman levels. His freeze weapons are powrful to instantly freeze and objectWeakness/FlawHeatEquipment/ResourcesCryo-suit, and ice weaponsAppearancePersonalityCold hearted, cares for his wife, can be obsessiveBrief BioA Otherbrilliant scientist who lost his wife to a illness. He kept her frozen to keep her alive. When trying to make a cure he suffered a accident which rendered him unable to deal with warm temperatures. He has used his knowledge to keep his body stable and hopefully find a cure however he used criminal ways to find to bring his wife back.OtherGotham city of lost dreamsNameRa's Al GhulMonikerHead of the Demon, Demon's head, The DemonAgeunknownGendermSkills/TalentsVarious combat and weapon skills. Skilled in tactics, and is a genius,Powers/AbilitiesThe Lazarus Pit has enhanced his abilities to superhuman levels, and extended his lifespanWeakness/FlawReliance of the Lazarus Pit, and temporary insanit from the pitEquipment/ResourcesA katana, a hidden lazarus pit, and dagger.AppearancePersonalityRa's is very cunning, and also likes playing mind games. he fights to bring the planet back to what it once was and will defeat anyone who dares get in his ways. he sees Batman as a heirBrief Biohttp://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Ra%27s_al_Ghul_(New_Earth)OtherGotham City of new beginnings

Can you elaborate on what you mean by superhuman levels?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MaskedHeroZ


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Updated my CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MaskedHeroZ


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Accidental double post, ignore this
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Looks good. Welcome aboard Mister J :)
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