Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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"I didn't do anything, Mantam, that was all Void's doing. I just asked her to come over here to be my pillow." Raijin said as he snuggled with his warm, wolf pillow. He liked to sleep with animals, they were so warm, so soft, so unlike anything he had experienced for much of his life. "And as for food, I have to agree with Marinette. Then again, my culinary palette is rather limited, so that could make my opinion highly biased."

He flicked his ears and tail a little, his tail almost going asleep since he was laying on it. "Hey Cat, how does having these tails and ears feel for you, I always think it feels weird, yet natural. Sometimes, IRL, I think I flick my ears at people to let them know i'm listening to them, then remember that my ears don't do that." As he said this, he gave a secret telepathic message to Void, telling her to slink into the shadows and stalk silently over to Cynthia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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Cynthia watched the proceedings with amusement. She was wary though, and she didn't miss Void slipping off the couch and into the shadows.

"Maybe we should get a bigger place." She said, standing up and moving to the center of the room. "I wouldn't mind having our own kitchen, I'm getting sick of using public ones." She finished her apple and tossed it half heartedly towards the trashcan, where it fell in and was deleted. She moved over to the opposite wall and sat down next to Raijin. "Hey there buddy, where's your wolf?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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"Well, she appears to be. . ." Raijin began, before giving a telepathic message of 'Now' to Void, who leaped at Cynthia. She began to lick her face relentlessly, "right there. Bad Void." He said with false regret as he quickly moved away from Cynthia, in case the Blademaster didn't appreciate a surprise lick attack. He moved over to where Undo was currently sitting at, placing them in between possible danger and him. His ear were up and his tail was unconsciously wagging.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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We all know why there's too many posts from me at the moment. Move along. Nothing to see here. See below.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Catty smiled at Mantam, and said "I shall stick to what I said before. You show candy near me and I demand to have it shared" she said with a shrug, "I think it's more lucky I was throwing it to someone else anyway and you just caught it" she chuckled, watching as Hazadd found a rock he was sitting on. She snickered and sat up, running a hand through her hair.

"TV dinners are fine. But home cooked meals, especially mine, are awesome" she said unabashedly, "if we get a place with a kitchen, I'll treat you to a meal. If my level is high enough" she added, rummaging through her pack, flicking her own ears at the mention of her name.

"See, I can twitch my ears in real life anyway" she said, smiling pleasantly, looking over her shoulder at Raijin, she poked her tongue out, "I spend a lot of time alone. It's easy to figure out tricks and things. I have a lot of skills in real life" she yawned, and rose. "I was joking about the ear twitch thing. Mm I don't mind them. Animals here like them" she shrugged, watching the antics of Raijin and the wolf.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Hazard spent this time resting and listening to the banter of the group. It was times like this that he was glad to be a part of this, glad to have a group to call friends. He hopped up as Cynthia was lick attacked by Void, Raijins pet wolf. He vainly suppressed a laugh as this happened, finding it all to be hilarious. He then listened to the conversation about moving their ears and how they compare it to IRL. "I kinda can relate. Here when I am bored, I take my pistol out and spin it around" he said, pulling it out and demonstrating. "Sometimes when im at work, I find myself reaching for it, and I get scared when it isnt there, only to realize im not in the game. Who else has that happen to them?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia managed to push the wolf off in a fit of giggles, standing up to stave off more attacks. "Whenever I'm offline and need something, I try to pull up my menu, only to realize after two or three tries that I can't do that. It's actually kinda annoying." She picked up Void and carried her over to Raijin. "Here, I think this belongs to you." She said, dumping her into the Wildborn's hands. "And don't think I'm going to let you off the hook any time soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bubsy 2
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Mantam giggled as Void launched a surprise attack on Cynthia, instantly seeing through Raijin's feigned regret. "Nice save, Raijin, but it may have been a tad bit unconvincing. Anyways, as nice as a kitchen would be, I feel like this place is... cozy. Ya'know, like home. It may be a dismal cave light by the sickening glow of television, but it is ours." at the talk of animal ears, Mantam rubbed her head. "Well, I think it would be a bit odd if I found myself with the sudden yearning for animal parts IRL considering I rolled a Human... or pistols, for that matter. I can't say I've ever tried to morph into a wolf IRL, as cool as that would be... Oh! I did try to use the in-game cooking system in real life once. With people watching. That was an embarrassing situation... I think my family thinks I'm crazy." Mantam broke her train of thought for a second, but then had a brilliant idea enter her head. "I should find a cat! It would be cool to be a cat. Hey, if I was a cat, would you guys pet me, or would that be awkward?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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"I look forward to seeing what you come up with," Raijin replied, setting Void back down on her back and preceding to scratch her belly, much to the lupine's delight. "And I would totally pet you, Mantam,. . . that sounded a lot less wrong in my head." Raijin's tail laid flat on the floor, signaling his slight embarrassment. He then rolled Void over on to her belly and continued to scratch her, getting that place between her ears that she could never reach. "Let's all pretend I didn't say that, everyone in agreement raise your hand," Which he did, 'or your paw if you are lacking hands." He finished as he also rose one of Void's fore paws into the air. "That's two votes for the motion, any opposed?" Raijin made his voice sound all deep and stern as if he were a judge at a trial.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bubsy 2
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Mantam burst out laughing at Raijin's embarrassment. "No, we're never forgetting that one. I refuse to let it go" Mantam said through her laughter, not raising her hand. Mantam then decided to further Raijin's embarrassment, and said "You would pet me, right, Raijin?" In a faux-seductive voice, morphing into the form of her red wolf. She strode towards him, and settled her canine head on his stomach, whining. She was practically begging for Raijin to pet her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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"Pssh, you said it, live with the embarrassment." replied Hazard jokingly as he sat up. Thinking of Mantam becoming a cat... hmm, well he was a cat person. He then got a better idea and chuckled, "Id much rather get you some catnip and see you go crazy." he said jokingly, stretching his body for no apparent reason. He laid back down toward Voids direction and began playing with the wolf's forepaws. "Does Void wanna cat to play with and chase around? No I think void wants all the attention, no need for a cat to hog it all!"

He then realized he was talking to a wolf, but simply said to the group, "Dont judge me, im a sucker for pets!"

He watched as Mantam turned into a wolf and tried to convince Raijin to pet her, and he laughed saying "If he wont pet you I will, I dont give a foop about it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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Prince raised a brow as he opened his eyes slightly to look around the room. Slowly, he let them open as a soft smile appeared on his face. This... This was his family. These people in this room right now...

With a stretch and a "faked" which turned into a real yawn, he sat up and looked around the room lazily. "Mantam, someone would have to be a fool to not want to pet you. I can imagine your fur being incredibly soft." He spoke, genuinely meaning it.

Prince's smile grew as he began to think, thoughts spinning around in his head. He'd ignored the talk about doing things in IRL. He'd never talk about that side of his life even if people begged him to, offering him gold and legendary weapons. He'd turn them all down. Standing up, Prince made his way over to Cat and let his hand fall on her forehead, rubbing it gently.

"See, Cat has soft fur." He spoke before pulling the hand away. Before anyone could react, Prince made his way to the back of the Cave, where most of the supplies not kept in their personal inventory were kept. It was public space and anything put into the safe was fair game. He took a peak inside to find a few uncooked fish, some branches collected from tree monsters, and 3 different copies of "The Beginner's Guide." He sighed and pushed the on screen button to put the uncooked fish into his inventory.

"Hey, anyone know how to make a campfire? I'm hungry." He asked, clutching his stomach. "Either that... or... we go out to eat. Rusty's had some great Paqueek meat in the other day. He might still have some he'd be willing to cook up for us..." He explained, looking around the room. "Besides, who goes on a mission on an empty stomach, right?" He added, chuckling. "Certainly not me." He finished, grinning at the group.

Pulling the fish out of his inventory, he walked over to Cynthia and put his arm on her shoulder, leaning onto her like one uses a table as an arm rest. In his other hand, he waved the fish around in her face. "Come ooooon. I'm hungry!" He whined, grinning all the while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

cattypea rolled her eyes at the talk of cats and petting. She liked cats, she liked all animals. But this talk of petting had a sexual tone underneath it that was just plain creepy when talking about cats. Complete shock came over her, her thoughts interrupted when Prince came over and pretty much pet her. She stuck out her tongue and grimaced, but before she could do anything, he removed his hand. She hissed, very much like a cat. "I'll bite your hand if you do that again" she said, her ears twitching, and flicked her tail in annoyance. She bared her teeth, but couldn't help but smile.

She sighed heavily, glancing to the time. She didn't particularly want to log out, but knew she would have to tonight. She hadn't percisely lied when she said that she was to cook dinner. It was her turn. But no doubt her uncle would insist it be a take a way night. One or all of the household would leave her be. Like they always did on the day of her parents deaths. They weren't without reason for leaving her be. When she was younger, she would lock herself in her room, and refuse to come out. Yelling abuse at anyone who disturbed her. Despite the fact that she hadn't done it for a few years, they were all likely to leave her be to her ever lasting grief.

The fact was, she couldn't remember her parents very much anymore. She knew they had loved her. Knew they had cared. Knew they had been getting ready to give her a puppy, just before the start of school. But she couldn't remember much else. Most of hee grief came from not be able to honor their memory. Disturbed at her line of thoughts, Catty huffed and hugged herself, rising and saying "I don't have much time. If I'm going to level, I should do so now"

She wanted to be moving. She knew it was just a distraction technique, but that didn't bother her. "Whose going with me?" She asked, looking around at the group, an easy smile on her face. It was easy to let herself relax, to talk with them, and to forget. Her ears twitched, her tail swishing with her need to be outside, as her hand curled around her staff
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijin nervous expression quickly turned mischievous, Mantam had just made a big mistake.

“If you insist, but remember that you asked for it” He reached over and began to pet her, softly, with his hand as he did with Void. He had tamed a couple of wolves before Voud, and had made sure to study them, looking for weaknesses he could exploit.

One discovery he had made was that wolves in game have a extremely sensitive spot right between their ears. While he pet Mantam in a way thay calmed and relaxed her, he reached over and gave her a good scratch right on the spot.

Void licked Hazard's face, happy to play with him, wnen she caught a rather delicious scent, fish. She bolted up, jumped on the table and launched herself at it, snatching the tender morsel right from prince's hands, then running of to a corner to enjoy her prize in peace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bubsy 2
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Mantam practically jumped as she turned back into a Human. "I don't know what that was that you just did... but that was evil. If I ever become a cat, you won't get to pet me." She said, turning her nose up against him. She turned away from him, gazing at the raw fish Prince dangled with longing. "Being a Mirage Shifter has it's downsides... I sometimes get the strangest craving for raw meat." She said, disgusted with herself. Catty turned around to leave, asking for assistance. "Awwww, c'mon Catty, you know I want to go with you, but Prince is promising food... can't you stay and eat? I'll cook, if we don't opt to go out. I'm goooood." She said, trying to bait Catty into staying, giving her the 'puppy dog' eyes, something she has become very adapt at after becoming an actual dog.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Catty gave a grimace, she did want to stay, and did want to eat. The trouble was her real world commitments were pressing on her, and she knew that if she let herself, she would get caught up in the game and wouldn't log out for hours yet. It was a tough battle.

And one she was doomed to lose. She sighed and nodded. "Alright, alright. I swear to go im such a push over" she would have done the same to her cousins, if they knew she had candy and begged her for some. She just couldn't say no. What was she going to be like, if she ever had kids?

A terrifying thought. "Well then, hurry up and cook since you've worn me down into staying" she said with a smile, a chuckle
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago

“Why, what ever do you mean Mantam? I only did what you so desperately begged me to do.”

Raijin kept up his joker grin, laughing like a maniac on the inside. That's what happen's when you mess with a Xenomaster, if you were a beast of course.

“That you can be, Cat, that you can be.” He was dissapointed that they Cat had given in, he was icthing to do something.
Unlike the 'Prince of catnaps', he couldn't spend hours of time doing absolutely nothing.

He gave a whistle, calling Void over, fish still in her mouth.

“Your such a naughty little girl, you know that. Keepit up, and your earn yourself a treat of some fox meat, your favorite.”

At this Void let out a cheerful howl, dropping the half-eaten fish on the cave floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline shook her head at the direction the conversation was going, and snatched the fish out of Prince's hand. "Give me that. I bet you'll just char it. What a waste of a fish." She moved back into the storage area and took the branches she had put in there. She also grabbed the rest of the fish. "If I cook you a meal, will you promise to focus on leveling today? I don't want to hang around Arnoth for a year." She cleared a space on one of the tables and opened her inventory, bringing out a cutting board, frying pan, flint and steel and several spices she had just sitting in her bag. "There, that should be enough," She added, equipping her Katana before closing her menu.

She put the fish she was holding down on the cutting board, and stepped back, putting one hand over her shoulder to grab the hilt of her sword. Pausing for a moment, as much to let all eyes settle on her as to focus, she drew the sword and brought it down on the hapless scaled creature in one motion, cutting it cleanly in half. Then she flipped one half into the frying pan with the sword blade, and the other with her hand. She moved to the mouth of the Cave with the wood under her arm to set up the camp fire. "Would somebody mind bringing those spices over while I light this?" She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bubsy 2
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Mantam was quick to start sulking. "I see how it is Cynthia, I convince Cat to stay and you take all the fun work." Mantam said, flopping onto the chair formerly occupied by Cynthia, folding her arms in exaggerated anger. "I bet I'm a better cook then you." Mantam said under her breath, just loud enough for Cynthia to hear. Mantam was hardly actually angry, knowing that the group would probably perceive her hyperbole. "Who the hell cooks with a Katana? That's unnecessarily campy, use a knife like a regular person Cynthia."
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