Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

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You guys should really find an alchemist. Cause, you know, throw some potions at it, piss it off and maybe confuse it to the point of thinking its tail to be the worst enemy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Why don't you make an alchemist?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Working on a collab with Echo, who's having Net problems, and the going is slow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

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Working on a collab with Echo, who's having Net problems, and the going is slow.
How about less super-long posts? Even though I'm not really "in" the roleplay, I am trying to keep up. The posts aren't just catching my attention, so the longer, the harder, and Ellri always makes long posts- not to offend. Collabs are always longer.
Why don't you make an alchemist?
Started but no inspiration after the beginning. The Relic wouldn't give him the full ability of an alchemist, but more the ability to use things as they could be used. For example, he could make a hoop a gateway; a small pouch act as a large backpack, or use the full potential of plants. Where it might, before, only be a minor blood-stopper, it could be used as a poison that would kill someone in a couple hours by completely stopping the circulation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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There Sep, Aral's exited. My last scene until I can get Roan (or get to play Aral again, less likely as he's limited to only...2-3 players max and all currently unavailable) fixed so enjoy the fight guys. I savored my last post since it might be a while before I get more...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Let's get this party blacker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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Name: Kamil Vratislav Age: 35 Gender: Male Allegiance: Kalesian empire(formerly), Grechko's Anvil(former Tisic), presumed dead by the imperial military, though still loyal to the Empress (may she live forever). Relic Description: It is a Challenge Coin, with one side containing Iconography of what appears to be an eagle on a standard with an unknown language written on the edges. (heads) The reverse side is what appears to be a sort of knight holding a sword pointing up towards his head along with more unknown writing,(tails) however this side has had what looks like 3 overlapping bones scratched into it in a sort of pile. The coin has 3 sets of abilities which are all tied to the lunar cycle, Kamil also activates it by flipping the coin. The first set of abilities is a large bolstering of strength paired with a insatiable blood lust, meaning his strength is increased but he will get carried away and lose himself in the battle killing friend or foe. This set is associated with the fastest moon that orbits the planet. The second set is respectively associated with the second moon, this set gives him the ability to have increased thought at the expense of being weakened physically. The final set is associated with the slowest moon, this one give Kamil a healing ability that will repair any part of his body including lost body parts like fingers and hands. Though this comes at the price of intense pain while his body repairs itself as well as a lowered pain threshold. The coin's ties to the lunar cycle are rather direct and apparent. Which ever moon was last full will the power his coin will hold until the next moon is full. These abilities are stronger during full moons in which both aspects of each set are greatly increased. For instance Kamil will gain a even more significant strength bonus during the moon but he is also no longer able to fight the blood lust and will swing at anything that moves. However if 2 moons are full or even 3 those respective moons effects will stack whenever he uses the coin at all. Meaning his strength will become the same as well as get a blood lust and increased thought, however dealing with these can be quite tricky as the two conflict meaning the moons aligning is not always a boon to him. Appearance: Armor : http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/f/fc/Scalemail.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110522190605 (though he removed his pauldrons and covered himself in a cloak) Face: http://i.imgur.com/5DlGSqn.png Flaws: PTSD: As Kamil has gotten older the more death is the only thing filling his mind. He struggles with remembering most of their faces and seeing them become nothing from what they once were. He sees their faces and hears their pleas in his dreams, causing him to sleep very little. To another extent he hates having free tim as that is the only place his mind wanders now. He used to be able to cope with the constant thrill of battle but now whenever he leaves it his heart fills with sorrow for what he has destroyed. Even ordinary things will set him off now into a full combat ready mode and it may even drive him to see threats where none exsist at all. Mental state: His mind is only useful for things related to combat or survival if his relic is not active under the correct moon. Compounded with a blood lust Kamil can barely see through the fog and make a decision. Though if his relic is active under a moon his strength set will make him lose complete control, ignoring his evoker training and all his coping mechanisms. Addict: The relic has no limitations on how long he can use it, though it is rather addicting. The longer he has any particular set active the harder it becomes for Kamil to bring himself to turn it off. Though after he turns it off the relic has a refractory period of about 30 minutes. While he can cope with it for a few hours the come down gets harder the longer he has it on. Skills: Veteran: Kamil has spent 17 years in the military and has trained with most weapons in the Imperial armory. Though he still prefers his short sword and shield he is considered proficient with most weapons and combat styles except fencing. While he may not have an intricate knowledge of the larger strategy employed he does understand what that means for him and those with him. Disciplined: Having marched across most of the mountains in the northern empire as well as being versed in phalanx tactics, Kamil is able to disregard himself for the god of the unit even if his mental state has been wavering as of late. Survivalist: Being sent on patrols that can drag into months occasionally means you have to learn to survive off the land. He has learned how to set broken legs and hunt down deer with makeshift spears. You could drop him into most places on the continent and he would be able to scrap by. Biography: Kamil was born kicking and screaming at a noble wedding. While most of the attendants didn't mind and rejoiced at the excitement the nobles getting married were a bit....apprehensive in their joining in on the celebration. He was told his parents, who were also nobles apologize profusely for many months after his birth. Though his sister was perhaps even more annoyed than those being married as she was no longer an only child. The early years of Kamil's life were rather par the course for a noble child. Being given tutors and getting dragged to hundreds of balls and parties of all kinds. As time went on he came to loathe the formality of all of these events nobles were expected to attend, while his sister who was 4 years older than him seemed to be enthralled by tutors and the complicity of it all. Kamil quickly developed a way of either getting out of the balls or evading his tutors. But even when he did have to go to some trumped up affair or sit on boring lessons he tried to listen, but most of it didn't stick with him. As he got older eventually his parents saw fit to try a different approach with Kamil, while keeping his sister on the path of becoming a noble herself. They gave him a combat tutor for his 10th birthday. At first Kamil attempted to evade the grizzled veteran his parents had assigned him in his family home. But eventually no matter how hard he tried he was always found and dragged to the lesson. At first it was really basic stuff which Kamil found demeaning and to a lesser extent annoying. But once his teacher gave him a wooden sword his outlook changed. He quickly went from evasion to being on time to the lessons even early. While Kamil began to have the best time of his life his sister distanced herself from him. Thinking him to be no better than the commoners that she was destined to rule over. His parents though were more receptive, realizing their son was not looking for nobility but rather combat they began giving him more tutors for this purpose. They even began removing his other tutors even though he had started to go to their lessons. By the time he was 16 he had become quite good at armed combat and begged his parents to send him to a combat camp. His parents while unsurprised were disheartened by this news as he had outright rejected his titling trials earlier and was nearing the end of his ability to become a noble. They finally gave in however and sent him to a combat camp, however this meant that their daughter had now become the only noble that could succeed them. But without Kamil's knowledge the decision had been made to give all of their holdings to his sister. Wary of cutting Kamil out of the family fortune entirely his parents saw it fit to put a stipulation in their will that if Kamil were to ask his sister Nastya, for any kind of aid that she must give it to him within reason. At this point Nastya began to feel sorry for Kamil, though she felt justified in being given the inheritance. When Kamil first arrived he realized he was at least for the moment a cut above all of the new kids being processed into the combat camp. His instructors picked up on this fact within a few days of initial training. So they made the decision to expedite his training and send him ahead a year. At first Kamil was rather smug about this before he realized how much harder it was. His pride was taken away from him and annihilated by the brutal training he encountered being ahead a year. All of his tutors could not have prepared him for the grueling process that came with his next step of training, specializing. Kamil was sent into a four year program designed to prepare him for a military life and what role he might play in it. After showing an affinity for high speed assault roles Kamil was officially dedicated to a shock troop role. This meant he was trained in an assortment of small squad tactics and quick assaults assisted by mauler calvary. This meant extreme conditioning for Kamil who had to deal with his fellow soldiers collapsing due to lack of food or just pure exhaustion, this was a problem he also had to deal with himself. However this was expected for every class of shock troops as every order was designed around this assumption. The most obvious example of this extreme toll was Kamil going from being a rather big guy to being rather skinny. Once the instructors felt they had shed most of those not cut out for the role they began setting realistic goals and began retraining them in specialized sword combat. After his training was completed he was asked along with most of his fellow initiates to join the imperial army in their respective role. Kamil gladly accepted the offer and was given time for leave before he was to be shipped off. He decided to return home and tell his family. However when he returned he found things much different than when he left them. His mother had passed while he was away sending his father into a depression and his sister had married herself to another noble and moved away. Kamil attempted to repair his father's mental state with his short time home and even sent off a letter to his sister. Nearing the end of his leave his sister finally arrived and told him of the inheritance, though she neglected to mention that she was forced to help Kamil she did give out the offer. While disappointed by this new information Kamil understood, though he did feel as though maybe they preferred her over him. Shortly after Kamil was shipped off being forced to leave his father in a not much better condition as when he had arrived, however his sister vowed to help him as much as possible. Now confident in his position Kamil was formally appointed to the shock corp and initially he was sent to many areas along the borders of the empire but after about a year he was permanently stationed at the infamous “Field of Bones”. Initially Kamil and his first Tisic “Karl’s Deranged” were used to enact quick infiltration and assault of bandit strongholds on the border but once the Tisic’s commander(who was the group’s namesake) resigned he requested his Tisic be disbanded and the name retired. For the most part this request was carried out though smaller groups were kept and temporarily shuffled into other thousand’s as an attachment. While in the temporary situation the bandits decided retribution for their years earlier raids. Kamil’s fort was assaulted and walls breached. While the assault was quickly repelled after the walls were breached heavy casualties were taken. Kamil was one of the units used to flank outside of the walls and hit the bandits as they rushed in. In the fighting one of Kamil’s few friends from combat camp was mortally wounded in the fighting. As his friend bled to death in his arms he made a point to give Kamil his challenge coin. While it seemed odd to him at the time it would make him an evoker. After being reinforced by the rest of the Tisic, Kamil and several units that survived the attack were permitted to go on a hunt for the bandits who attacked them. Before going into combat Kamil flipped the coin on a whim. What happened after that was a blur to him but he remembered the death and how he became it’s servant. He killed 10 bandits himself and most of them quite brutally, impaling some of them with each others arms. After word of his “heroics” reached the Tisic commander he immediately sent Kamil off for evoker training. Evoker training was not a difficult task for Kamil after the hell he had gone through to become a shock troop but it was also a different kind of training. Though something did happen while he was in this training. Letters stopped arriving from his father. Kamil managed to put it out of his mind while he went through training but there was always a gnawing feeling in the back of his head. When he finished his training he requested leave to go check on his family. Seeing as his unit had yet to be assigned to a Tisic proper his request was granted rather quickly. When he arrived home he came to find preparations being made for funeral processions. He learned apon finding his sister in the study that their father had killed himself while Kamil was in his training. Devastated Kamil requested more leave and was again granted given the circumstances. He spent nearly a month in a drunken stupor after the funeral before his sister managed to drag him out of his spiral before his leave was up. After being informed that Nastya was going to sell the estate as she and her husband had a combined higher status than their parents ever had Kamil set off. Saying goodbye to his childhood home. Kamil’s unit was assigned to “Grechko's Anvil” Tisic which was again in the “Field of bones”. The next five years were an absolute blur for Kamil as he slowly began to acquire a distaste for his assignments. Most of them were patrol missions taking them much closer to the Kalnach border than any soldier would have liked. One mission in particular had them occupy an old Kalnach outpost on their side of the border for months. At one point a Kalnach patrol ended up heading to the abandoned outpost to what he assumed was to check up on it. The Kalesian soldiers attempted to hide in the old ruined outpost but one of them slipped up. They ended up having to kill the whole patrol and leave the outpost with haste. Though on their way back they encountered some incredibly rough terrain. There was so little food in this area that they ended up boiling near all of their leather yet were still a long was away from the next outpost. They came across a small caravan on their way back. From what they could gather they were carrying food. After the realization that the caravan was carrying food was made the starved soldiers decided that not only did they have no money between them but the merchant was also Kalnachi. they did the unthinkable at this point. They raided the caravan killing four guards and two merchants. The men grabbed the food and ate as much of it as possible while also stuffing it into their empty bags. Kamil is not proud of what they did but he felt it, necessary. Before reaching a fort the soldiers all swore to not breath a word to anyone ever. All of them agreed but a few of them did not last the next couple of months before they either went missing or simply committed suicide. That event continued to weigh heavily on his mind as he continued his work. Most of his assignments after that were in dealing with more sightings of Kalnachi forces in the field and a potential sabotage operation. At this point Kamil was leading patrols as his commanders knew how long he had been in service to the empress. He lead his shock units deep into the field of bones multiple times and coming close to large Kalnachi patrols just as many. But something changed, they engaged them. One particularly large patrol was going through the woods that his unit had set up camp in. Having very little time and even fewer places to hide his unit hid in groups around the camp in full gear. There were several minutes of tension before the first Kalesian soldier was found. They quickly rushed the unsuspecting Kalnachi troops as a group and managed to break through a good number of them. But it turned out that they were prepared for an attack. After their initial charge and the element of surprise gone the fight quickly turned on the Kalesians as numbers came into play. They were cut down quickly and began to pile up. Kamil got all of the fingers on his left hand cut off and impaled in the gut and leg. As the troops began to file out and Kamil lay bleeding on the ground he went for his coin. He had not been paying attention to the moons for several days so on pure faith he managed to flip the coin even if weakly. His body was immediately filled with agonizing, his body began regenerating and it took every fiber of his being to not scream out in pain as the enemy might come back. He lay on the ground for 2 days waiting for his body to heal and too afraid to move from his position among friendly corpses. He grabbed what food he could from the bodies around him as he experienced intense pain as his gut closed and his fingers began to regrow. He even had to turn it off a few times during those few days so he could gather the strength to eat. On the 3rd day Kamil gathered what supplies he could and made a decision. Keep fighting until someone actually kills him or leave and let the empire think him dead. It was an easy choice for Kamil, he was done. He no longer wanted anything to do with this senseless fighting any longer. He grabbed what he could covered the bodies the best he could with such little materials and set off. He went towards the setting sun thinking maybe there would be something better that way. He hoped it would be a city of some sort, maybe even a place where no one would ever be able to find him.. Relationships: While on his trek through the mountains he saw a large black wolf multiple times through the mountains, while he can’t explain it Kamil felt as if he shared a kinship with the wolf. Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nksp7zjrYE Because it’s rad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just as a quick reminder to all... don't hesitate to talk to us if you have anything you wish mentioned... We don't mind PMs, though we do prefer to reuse old convos whenever plausible. We certainly don't have a rule concerning who may PM us (other than the obvious one that pretty much anyone can do it) We'll review your CS later on, cqbexpt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Name: Actual name- Ardee. Fake name- Thom Adonis Age: 32 Gender: Female, but currently disguised as a Male, as she's well aware of the power the opposite sex holds in the lands outside Kalesia Faction/Allegiance: Kalesian Empress(May she live forever) Relic Description: Ardee's relic is a tattoo of a quill pen. It can become an actual quill pen that never runs out of ink(due to drawing on Ardee's blood), and can bring whatever it draws to life. For drawings that are the actual size of the drawing in the book, it only requires blood. For something bigger than an inch or two, it requires the materials of whatever she's creating. For example, if she wrote down with her quill pen that what she was drawing was six feet tall and made of metal, she would need metal to create something six feet tall. As long as she has the materials she needs, she can essentially create characters. For example, she can draw the figure of a man. Off to the side, she can put his height, what he's made out of(flesh, earth, light, etc.), what his personality is like, and what his skills are. Unfortunately, if her ink doesn't give life to something in 24 hours it fades away, and when it does give life to something, it fades away as well. Appearance:
That's Ardee. Currently her face looks nothing like it does in the picture, a fake beard around her mouth and fake scars over her face. Dirt and grime cover her, and her hair is ragged and wild. She is not Ardee, the dignified Imperial Agent. She is Thom Adonis, crude mercenary for hire. Flaws: Combat- Ardee has basic training from her time in the camp, so she can hold off your average street thug, but anyone more skilled has her beat. Sensitive- Ardee is very, touchy about the subject of rape, and her own self esteem. Sometimes violently so. Doesn't like to be touched- Ardee tries to avoid people touching her at all costs. Dislikes Murder- Ardee, despite all her training, prefers to avoid killing people, if left with any other choice. Skills: Artist- Even before she gained her relic, Ardee was a skilled artist, be it changing how she looks, or simple painting. Actor- Ardee can fake just about anything, given the right tools. Fast- Ardee is very quick, both in the traditional sense of running, and the not so traditional sense of with a blade. Biography: Ardee has never known her parents. Her mother died at child birth, and her father was a foreigner who raped her mother then left. She grew up in an orphanage, feeling something was wrong with her despite repeated assurances that there was nothing wrong with her. She was a child of rape, a result of the sick mockery of worship. At best she was unclean at worst she was a living insult to the Goddess, and thus, the Empress(May she live forever). At the age of 12 she decided the simplest thing to do would be to redeem herself by serving the Empress(May she live forever) in the military. Hopefully she could gain a redemption in death. During her time there, she met a young man named Roan. The two became friends, despite it being obvious they were going into different factions of the Kalesian military. Ardee's talents lay more in espionage and deceit, while Roan's was more suited for the mauler cavalry. They managed to stay in touch when they went their separate ways, primarily through letters, and meeting face to face when they could. It was an imperfect system, but one that worked nonetheless. Ardee actually discovered her Relic by complete accident. She was researching in one of the libraries the Imperial Intelligence had and picked up a quill pen to write down notes from a book she was reading. The quill pen instantly tattooed itself onto her skin, giving Ardee no time to react. It was a peculiar sensation, and the silence was only broken by her heartfelt 'well, damn.' She couldn't do anything but report the event to her superiors, and be moved to another faction of the Empress's(may she live forever) military. As luck would have it, her Relic only increased her talents in the Imperial Intelligence force. Still, she spent some time learning how to control her new powers, and during that time, word of Roan Adonis's betrayal reached her. It was a hurtful, enraging blow. Upon learning of his betrayal to the Empress(may she live forever) and his subsequent escape, she begged her superiors the right to track him down and demand answers. Much to her relief, she was given that right. Personality/motivation: Ardee is usually reserved and dignified, keeping her true emotions a secret from everyone but her closest friends. When you can put on emotions like most people put on clothes, you tend to stop showing your true emotions for everyone to see. She's mistrusting of new people, thinking that they might have an agenda that they aren't showing. However once she's sure you're not going to betray her, and you're a friend, she's fiercely protective. Ardee never had many friends and she treasures the few she does. Right now however, her confusion and anger aren't faked. Roan was one of the most loyal people she knew. And to hear of his betrayal was a blow she was not prepared for. Right now she's unpredictable and emotionally unbalanced. Roan was one of her rocks, one of her foundations. Now she's found out that foundation is rotted and falling apart. Not good. Relations: She had a strong friendship with Roan Adonis before word of his betrayal reached her. Final Point - Secrets: Ardee is a child of rape. In a cruel twist of fate, she herself has been raped before, though no child came of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

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A wild arturn appears.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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A wild arturn appears.
*Pokemon battle music begins to play* Also, you get all the bonus points for Blacker fucking Baron.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

aaand then a *hiccup* a wild *hiccup* wild Willy *hiccup* W-Willy appears! *faceplants*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A wild arturn appears.
*Pokemon battle music begins to play* Also, you get all the bonus points for Blacker fucking Baron.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Roped in a few friends, Ellri.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Soap on a rope?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Soap on a rope?
No, she used my tactics. Unrelenting persuasion, talking up of the RP, and slight pleading. What have I created.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

We started the CS reviewing today, but kinda got derailed on some other stuff... here's the first draft of a completely new map for Relics. Feel free to tear at it: Reasons for new map are these: Old map had unused named nations Old map had blank nations bordering Othea Old map had geographical inconsistencies Old map wasn't something we'd truly made ourselves We'll be making sure that the map matches stuff mentioned IC. Oh, and suggestions for what can be improved are very welcome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

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I was gonna complain about there being too many Kalesian characters, but I fact-checked my ass and saw that wasn't a problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

we're going to close the opening for Kalesians for a bit after any current sheets, as Othea needs more right now.
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