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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayat glanced back at Trinity, and chuckled some. "We don't really have time to be dancing Trinity, as fun as it looks, we're supposed to be walking to a job. Not frolicking. I have a feeling the sooner we get there the better. Something feels off." She slowed some for Trinity to finish dancing and not get left behind. She looked off towards Ailongam, to the north. "And I'd hate to miss it, you know?" She half-turned, smirking.
Mayt --- Ailongam
Mayt groaned, and occasionally let out a pained yelp. His vision was still swimming, and he couldn't make out anything other than the building he kept rolling into while trying to get up. He couldn't quite cope with all the knowledge suddenly swimming around in his head, he never knew there was this much to do with his magic, or his family. He yelled loudly as another flashback pushed to the front of his mind, warped by the confused state of his mind. Feet. Someone standing above him. A monster? Forbidden. Then, Screaming, shouting, someone's magic warped and used to obliterate them. Mayt grabbed his head, and the sounds of a couple of men barely filtered through his ears. The sudden kick to his stomach barely registered, and he called out again as an even more brutal flashback started to push into his head. He managed to focus on what was going on around him, and his vision cleared enough to see and feel two men feeling him for money and valuables, leaving his weapon alone. He couldn't do anything to stop them, he felt so weak, and his head huuuuuurt. His vision faded back into blurry nothingness as they finished robbing him and took off, leaving nothing. He groaned and tried to grab one as they left, but he missed by several feet. Dammit.
Melina --- Outside Council Building
Melina smiled at the blond boy, somewhat happy at his enthusiasm. "If I were to be objective and assume they're never coming back, I would've preferred if they had died. Would've been a lot less... Sudden. Would've been a much more gradual ache than a sudden roar of pain. But I assume that's not what you want to hear." She composed herself, and stopped leaning on Karn. "So, what are you Phoenix Wingers going to do now?" She looked at James as she said this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

5 Minutes before the Anima hit...
Jayce, having grown too irritated simply waiting for the issue to be resolved, and, seeing that there was another person keeping others from heading into the building, finally stood up and sighed. With a simple proclamation of: "Screw it." he bolted to the building, Nori staying at his spot and simply watching the onlookers. Jayce LITERALLY sprinted from where he was to the building, his cigarette nearly falling out of his mouth as he ran, smoke trailing behind him as he kicked up dust with each step. Once he was inside, Jayce started to frantically find a map or just about anything that'd give him an idea of where to go. With a few minutes of his time wasted, he decided the only way that'd really make sense to go to look for an archive was down. Even if the staircase was in shambles and covered in rubble. Pushing aside rocks as he ran down, Jayce simply bit down on his cigarette, really only keeping it in his mouth because he didn't think to spit it out. Continuing down the hallway, Jayce started to feel...something. The place already felt like it was ready to collapse, and like a big pile of nasty was under it, but it all suddenly felt...calm. At least until he felt the building shake again and couldn’t see anything. Blinding light overtook him, and, before he could even react, he was gone. All that remained was a lit cigarette that slowly died out on its own. ---
Nori suddenly stood up, eyes wide as she stopped sensing Jayce and whatever else was in the building. Barking wildly at the building after the light faded, Nori started to walk towards the building herself, appendages raised in case she needed to defend herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

now this, this is just perfect!" Angelo groaned softly as he started to trudge through the forest im in a forest and I have no idea where I am, on top of that mark is gone which means he was probably left behind on earth or earth land whatever this place calls where im from and to top it all off I have no idea how to get back home Angelo groaned talking to himself as he kept walking around trying to find phoenix wing even if it was edolas as he heard about it was still phoenix wing so maybe he would be able to find someone their who could explain how he could get back or if they seen anyone else from earth like him. What Angelo wouldn't do to have mark here to help, god he felt so lonely without that crow!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Edo-Sasha grinned, and let Edo-Trinity go, watching as she tried to engage Liana in dancing. The princess seemed confused at this, uncertain how she should respond. She had probably been trained in the way of royal, not the way of...them. She looked about as they walked, and saw someone appearing to be robbed. "hey!" She started to running, leaping over the fallen figure, retrieving her daggers from their hiding places as she did. Liana stopped by the figure, "Are you alright?"
There were many differences between the two Lazarus's, Sasha thought. And yet, there weren't. She sighed softly and said to Lazarus "To me, this guild is the same as ours. Just...different. The same morals and aims are there, Lazarus. You're just prejudiced because they don't like your version here" She looked to Edo-Lazarus and said "Fear isn't an excuse. I feared fighting our council. I feared fighting a demon. I feared standing in front of a camera and getting my photo taken, yet I did it all. Fear isn't an excuse. As for Pen, you worked with him still. You could have done more, and taken him down. But you didn't. And now it's happening anyway. Why didn't you stop this from ever happening? And what are you going to do now"
Ben stayed closer to Edo-karn, distrustful of Edo-sayuri, he snorted when Edo-Karn gave a reason why he didn't like her. "Yeah, like Sasha would let them take me. I don't know you, so why should I trust, believe or even like you?" Ben blinked as Edo-Karn gave him their scarf, revealing the scar marks on their neck. Ben looked down at the scarf, and then to Edo-Karn, watching them. "Why?"
Penny and Pen
"How curious. I'm a girl, in the earthland version of this world. Well, at least I'm good looking in both genders, then" Pen said. "I assume you are not called Pen, correct?" Penny warily watched herself, eyes narrowed. She had already noticed he did not carry a guild mark, and that immediately set her back up. "Penny. What are you doing, here?" Pen smiled, wickedly and said "Harvesting Magic. Just about got it all" Penny frowned, looking about, she carefully avoided the creature. If he was harvesting the magic....how was she, and the others if they had been sent here, meant to get back? "i see. Well then. I'll guess I'll stick with you, for now then"
How many other ways could this day be intruded upon? Was the royal army going to be sitting outside, waiting when he looked outside? As Edo-Karn came back with Edo-Sayuri and Ben, Jamie acknowledged their return. "You will be set up i n my office, Sayuri. YOu will have food and water, and any other comforts, but you will be watched and guarded. We cannot have iiana being exposed until they return"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Melina, Nori
As Melina spoke, he hummed thoughtfully at her words before smiling. "Well I hope you feel better soon. And if they do get stuck there, I hope they meet lots of new friends!" he chirped, still being optimistic despite the blood wizard's words before perking as he saw Nori without Jayce. He didn't sense his magical energy either. The spiderdog was barking at the building and slowly creeping toward it. Despite the creature instinctevly not liking him, the blonde bounded over to the black creature. Smiling gently, though by how Jayce just disappeared that suddenly, assumed he was also caught in the blast. Leaving the canine companion behind. Which was quite sad really. "Spideypup, I think your friend is going to be gone for awhile." Karn said as he crouched. Though was a bit prepared to dodge. Considering Nori didn't like him. That didn't stop him from trying to be friendly.
Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Sayuri, Ben, Edo-Jamie, Edo-Lazarus, Sasha, Lazarus
Edo-Karn slightly frowned in thought at Ben's words about his sister. "It was Edo-Jamie that saved all of us really." they murmured, hardly hearable before chuckling like nothing was said and hummed a little. "Yeah, kid didn't like me much either when I got here." Edo-Karn grinned before running their right hand along their neck, brushing against the numbered scar for a moment before giving a rare genuine smile and lightly patting Ben's head. It disappeared into a grin just as fast as it appeared though. "Because you're the only one I can trust not to ruin it. It was my mother's so I rather not have it used in one of the Party Trio's games." Edo-Karn chuckled, although seemed to completely avoid the reason they were giving it away in the first place, before looking to Edo-Jamie and gave a exaggerated sigh. "Guess that's my job. Now now GM don't frown so much or you'll get wrinkles. And yes I know I can't actually see if your actually frowning or not." The blonde joked a bit before glancing to Edo-Sayuri. "Guess Ya better listen till those knuckleheads get back. Hopefully they don't take too long." They said before heading downstairs and grabbed Edo-Lazarus, throwing him over their shoulder before starting to walk up the stairs to Edo-Jamie's office. "Hope you guys are having fun here in Edolas. It's pretty neat. Ya know, despite the wore, politics, and things." Edo-Karn said to Lazarus and Sasha with a soft grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayat --- Ailongam
Mayat looked over when she saw her comrades running into an alley. She sighed, she needed to un-learn how to look over things like that. "Leave them be Sasha, Money's money, this person is clearly in need of medical attention." She walked over to the shivering body, her happy attitude changed to one of stoicism. She looked down at the person Liana was bending over, and made a small yelp, stepping back a step. That was definitely it. "That's me from Earthland." She said with certainty, looking him over. "We need to get him back to Phoenix Wing." She backed away half a step as he began yelling in pain. "Quickly"
Mayt --- Ailongam
Mayt heard more movement, and groaned softly, before grabbing his head and yelling again. Another person's history pushing its way to the forefront of his mind. He tried to push it back, more people were showing up, he heard someone ask something from him. He couldn't focus enough, shouting, he finally let himself succumb to the memory forcing itself upon him. A man dressed in elegant clothes, but standing in a drab wooden room, turned. His voice was soft but cold. "You used your family's magic, something we forbade you from using many years ago. I hope you understand the consequences of your actions." He turned back around, grabbing something from the table behind him. "You're just looking for someone to blame!" The answering voice came from out of sight of the memory, and was soaked in irony. "Yes, we're looking for someone to blame for the entire town being obliterated by you." The flashback suddenly ended, and Mayt yelled again, grabbing his head again. His vision half focusing, and his eyes locked on Edo-Sasha. "Sasha?" He groaned, and rolled onto his side. "I-It hurts..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 29 days ago

She moaned as she started to move. Her whole body ached. She'd been slammed and dragged against a wall which was bad enough but that wasn't the end. Appearantly the anima though it would be a good idea to put her on the edge of a small ustable cliff that crumbled the instant she tried to stand, 'I've only been here a minute and I already wanna leave,' she stands checking herself for injuries, 'I don't care that it wasn't his fault I'm gonna punch Wes when I see him,' she looks around and sees her sword several feet from her. Walking over she picks it up senses something. Spinning around she slashes cutting an arrow in midair. She looked around for the attacker and fond them quickly. Seeing them she took a sharp breath, "No, it can't!"
He watched helpless from his place in the control room as his daughter was dragged across a wall by the shadow mage was then pulled into the Anima that Wes activated. He watches severals others get pulled in as well. He stares at the screen for a couple minutes before moving towards the door, "I'm gonna go talk to Garne and the other guy. I want you to get all our information on him and bring it to us. We're going to figure out exactly how we're going to deal with him if he ever comes back... Good job by the way. We wont see him for some time," he leaves walking briskly towards where they had been fighting.
Edolas Sayuri
She eyes the kid, "Did I ever say I expected you to trust me? I don't expect anything of anyone. I'm just saying you should judge me for being me and not just hate me because I'm the 1st Divishon Commander," She gives Karn a sheepish grin, "I'm not actually all that great with animals. Most like me fine but I'm nothing special... Except with leigons. They seem to collectively hate me. In fact the only reason I'm using Tsuki as my main mount is that most other leigons don't like me. Tsuki's different cause I basically raised her myself," she looks at the girls scars and winces recognizing them from somewhere but not entirely sure from where. She waves at Jamie dismisively, "Yeah, yeah Ill be well taken care free to wander whatever space, typical POW type stuff. It's not like I would actually tell anyone, Her being on the throne could actually help me... Anyways lead the way Karn. Oh and If I could get something to write with it would be apreciated," she watches Lazarus as she waits to be lead whereever they were going to be kept.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Edo Sasha looked back at Mayat "I can run those fools down" she grumbled but returned to them, still grumbling. She studied the man, and did have to agree that there were similarities. "mmm nah. I like you as a girl better" she said, and wasn't surprised when EL-Mayat recognised her. "I'm not the Sasha you know, But come on. Let's get you up. Will probably hurt, but I'm not strong enough to carry you" she said kindly, kneeling, she went to Help EL-Mayat up, careful, "lean on me. We will get you to your people" the daggers were gone again, back to their hiding spots. Liana rose from kneeling, looking about, she frowned. There just didn't seem to be much she could do here. And that sucked. She rummaged in her pockets, coming out with jewel. She knew this city had a bad problem with poor, and she hated seeing kids in pain. The fact that someone had been mugged in front of them made it even more important that she do something positive. She approached a child, and gave them the jewel, smiling, and then darting back towards the group
Sasha, Edo-Jamie, Ben (too lazy at the moment to do three seperate ones)
Ben smiled and tied the scarf around his neck more securely, nodding "I'll take good care of it" he said brightly, looking back to edo-Sayuri, he didn't reply. There didn't seem to be much point. As Edo-Karn came and virtually dragged Edo-Lazarus away, throwing him over their shoulder, Sasha stood there, watching, slightly shocked. "un..." she looked i Lazarus, and followed up the stairs, slightly uncertain. Edo-Jamie sighed and said "actually, Karn, Jarvis will be watching then. I want you with me. We are going to the capital" he said, nodding to Edo-Jarvis, he didn't stop Edo-Karn from taking Edo-Lazarus in. She looked to Edo-Sayuri and said "it's not a matter of that. You know she's alive and here. Even if you don't tell anyone, I can't be sure that you won't."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Sayuri, Edo-Jamie, Ben
Edo-Karn grinned, lightly ruffling Ben's hair as they passed by. Glancing back to Edo-Jamie at the plan with a soft hum. "Well that's a pretty dangerous place to be going. Why? And are they coming?" the blonde asked as they nodded to the Earthlanders in the room before opening the Guild Master's office door. Looking to Edo-Sayuri at the request, the blonde gave a nod, walking inside and dropping Edo-Lazarus on the floor. Going to a bookshelf and flirting through it before pulling out a empty journal and setting it down at the desk beside a quilled pen. "Have at it. Hope you can detour boredom. If it was me, I'd probably just end up messing with Emopants here." Edo-Karn said before walking out the office, waiting for Edo-Sayuri to go in before shutting the door and locking it. Before slipping the swords out from the belt and handing them to Edo-Jarvis. They did promise not to scratch these, and if it was a trip to the capital they were going, then the swords were probably safer under Edo-Jarvis.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Trin looked at the Princess with curiosity. "Aah? You have not learned to Waltz?" She was sure that was something Royalty would have learned. Tsk. "Well, I'll just have to teach you." Before she could start that, they found a body! Trin followed after Liana, kneeling next to her. She watched as the Princess walked over and passed out a jewel to a kid. She stiffened a little bit, worried that the kid might just draw attention, but he seemed smart enough. Hid the jewel before running off. Good... The dancer linked on to the Princess's arm as she rejoined them, and spoke with a sigh, "reckless."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Of all the jobs on the board there was currently a more recent one. Interesting though it was nobody had taken it yet. The reason was likely because despite being a simple monster extermination the monster was something nobody would want to take on. A dragon. Yes there was a claim of a dragon located on Mt. Hakobe. But that couldn't be possible. Still with the reward offered and even the slightest chance it was a worrisome threat. Not just any mage was going to take up the quest.
-------------------------Meanwhile on Mt. Hakobe-------------------------
Zenoram and Zero
Zenoram, no Zero, had just returned. Hemlock had spent enough time with this one to know who had taken over based on the little changes in outward appearance. His shirt, though still buttoned was untucked. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and the tie hung loosely. It was a small change, but a noticeable one from that of the neat appearance the body had left with. No doubt Zero had intervened in something happening to Zenoram when they'd gone to the village to pick up a few things. "I've told you I can gather food, and other things for you." Hemlock said calmly as he stared down the two refusing to move from his relaxed laying position near the back of the cave. "Dragons may have long life spans but Zenoram and I should be able to depend on ourselves as well as you Hemlock." Zero said as he dropped the bags being carried onto the floor. There was nothing fragile in it, so the bag would be fine.This speech pattern which displayed at least some form of respect towards the dragon wasn't one most people got from this particular person. It was one used only in regards to his parent and the other whose body this one truly belonged. "Besides!" The voice was the same was much more cheerful and optimistic now. Amazing what one picks up with enough practice. Zenoram was back in the driver's seat. "I like seeing other people and buying things." He spoke as he touched up the appearance, tucking in the shirt, tying the tie, etc. all the while approaching the beast much larger than him. Soon he was finished and threw his arms around the snout of his resident dragon hugging tightly. "But thanks for worrying." He was so much kinder, affectionate. This was truly one strange human. Yet all the same, Hemlock would protect him and watch over him for as long as time would allow. This was more or less how the "three" lived. It was a simple life. Zero and Zenoram could occasionally make money when they went to villages aside from their own. Buy things from the village or others. They might have hated him and the fact that the dragon had chosen not to eat him, but they would take any money they would get. Zenoram did most of the talking and handled socializing. However, on the off chance that he was attacked Zero would take over. Hemlock did whatever it was he wanted on the mountain when they weren't around. It was mostly napping, until he went out to find food and the like if he needed to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayt and Mayat --- Ailongam
Mayt felt himself being picked up, and he couldn't quite hear what Sasha was saying. "I can't... My head." He let out a loud groan, having trouble staying on his feet, even with her help. "Where...? The light." He yelled and grabbed his head again, memories pushed to the forefront of his mind. An Anima, that's what it was. One of his ancestors had dealt with one before, over a hundred years ago. Mayt groaned, he couldn't remember anything more, and his head was killing him. Mayat looked at her pitiful Earthland self. "He'd be cute if he wasn't clearly in agonizing pain. Here, let me make it easier to carry him." She moved forwards quickly, and with one heavy punch she knocked Mayt out cold, then slung him over her shoulder. "Mmph. Someone needs to lose some weight. Trinity, you mind going ahead and getting a space prepared for him back at the guild hall? And go ahead and tell his fellow Earthlanders they've got a new friend."
Melina --- Outside Council Building
Melina smiled as Karn ran off to reassure whatever that thing was, and she followed him over after a moment, seemingly perfectly fine now. "Karn, I think I'm going to head to Magnolia sooner rather than later, if you want to ride on Mithera. She's getting tired, and It's a bit of a flight to Magnolia."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Joshua and Amelia
"I would love to fight you sometime then. But you seem to be busy babysitting right now so I guess I'll have to wait." Joshua said as Amelia mumbled something in her sleep. Sighing, Joshua got up" Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find some trouble... or at least something to do around here. I'm going to be driven nuts if I don't." With that he walked off.
"Yeesh, are you this hostile towards everyone. You all need to calm down and relax." the man said, scratching the back of his while giving them all a relaxed smile." Anyway, maybe you can help me if I told you who I was looking for. I'm looking for a child, a run away. Her parents are offering a generous reward for her return but don't trust mages enough to post in the guilds. I got a photo here, somewhere." The man looked in his pockets for a few seconds before pulling out a picture of a young girl with blond hair that was longer on one side then the other and bright, cherry red eyes. "Her name is Amelia. If you do know anything and let me know, I'll be willing to give you a bit of the reward money. Do a good deed and earn some cash in the process. You can't get much better then that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

[Damian] Damian shook his head and stepped forward. "To answer your question, I'm only this hostile to liars and cheats and you're at least a liar. That's one of the most elaborate and time wasting lies anyone has ever ever said to me. If parents don't trust mages, they go to local authorities and mercenary guilds. You're neither." He waited for Master Jamie to add on, knowing that she'd not let the matter rest. "Besides, there's no one by that name or description here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Magic Council's Underground Hallway After the anima was fired and dispersed, Grane simply fell on his knees. He noticed the Minstrel girl from earlier show up demanding another question and he slowly rose up, giving her a dark glare. "What happened? You tell me, because if it wasn't for your despicable pest of a guild, that monster would not be free!" Grane's voice echoed across the hallway as he yelled and looked at the other guild members. "Let it be known this say that although you might of changed this Council rule over this world, you simultaneously put the same world in grave danger!" Steam and a few small flames could easily be seen from Grane as his rage continued building as he recapped in his mind all of the events that occurred. "That man, that monster took hundreds of lives over some challenge that he proclaimed to anyone he encountered and left nothing in ruins in his wake. None of us still don't know why he even did those things. That little fight we had earlier was nothing compared to what he done before I sealed him away. He was simply toying with us while he was regaining his strength from the one year of being restrained in that ball of a prison. You should already be aware of this Maddox seeing as he used most of your magic only to hit nothing while your target was behind you the entire time! Now he is free in another world where he could possibly find a way back here and continue whatever his mission was. And there could be more like him, but we won't know anymore now that he's gone and not sealed away where we can keep an eye on him!" Grane finally realized his frustration that he expressed might of been a bit too harsh. Although he tried relaxing himself by taking in a few deep breaths with his steam and flames vanishing, but he was still frustrated inside. "Sorry about what I said earlier, but it's still does not excuse anything. Now, there is currently a unpredictable rouge wizard out there and could possibly make a return with others just like him. So if you all are done, I'm going to rebuild this Council with intentions of preventing this from ever happening again and stop that monster if he ever returns. And for your guilds's punishment for what it did today, I will postpone it until the Council is back together and working properly."
Location: Magic Council's Surveillance and Anima Room "Masahiko, sir!" He called out trying to get his attention, but was probably already too far to hear. "Sayrui..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Edo Jamie looked over the earthlanders, thoughtful. It would be good to have their numbers, but could they fight without their magic? Still, it might throw of people who knew who Lazarus was. The hair could be explained. And if no one looked too close, they wouldn't see that EL Lazarus was younger. There were pros and cons. But if they could access their magic...it would be a great asset to them, even if it was just taking the magical energy back and keeping it away from people like Pen. "if they want to come, they can" she said
"well that's ne way of doing it" Edo-Sasha said, with amusement,, looking around and making sure that Liana was with them, watching the people, wary of another attempt at mugging. Not that she expected that, given that they were a group, but she didn't want to risk Liana. Liana stayed close and looked to Edo-Trinity, with mild amusement ""I figure if I'm acting a part of this guild, the i must be reckless, at least somewhat"
Master Jamie
Amelia. That had been one of the jarvis had said was at the guild. Before he disappeared. Master Jamie made a show of studying the image, then shrugged "sorry. Don't Recognise her. But of she ran off, I imagine she had good reason to. And even if I did know who she was or where she was, I wouldn't tell you. I won't sell out an innocent to people like you" she stalked towards the people, and said "leave my guild. Now"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The young man sighed. He obviously wasn't going to be getting anywhere. Why was is always difficult? Seriously, did people pity these freaks. Putting the picture in his pocket he shrugged. "Fine, the hard way then I guess." He said before two more people entered the building. One was a young, slightly slightly inhuman woman with a sword on her back and a man with a mechanical arm and sword walked into the guild, neither looking too pleased. "Not talking?" The man asked "No, I said 'the hard way' while intending to run with my tail between my legs after they refused to be kind people and help us. Of course they're not talking" The first male replied sarcastically. "Doesn't matter. Do I get to blow something up?" the woman asked "Yes." the other two replied "Then we're all good."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HeartlessAngel
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HeartlessAngel All around Bad-Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Vincent had picked up his dagger and was about to answer Damian challenge, when a stranger entered the guild. Vincent held onto his dagger as he went to stand beside the others, and listened intently to the conversation between Damian, Jamie, and the stranger, staying silent much like Rutger. Both of them seemed to be mistrustful of whoever this was, and Jamie was much more hostile to this man then they were to him, which actually surprised him. He had been a known assassin and got a warmer treatment....which meant this person must of really meant business. When it was obvious he would not be getting any information out of Jamie or Damian, he muttered something about the hard way, and two more figures entered the Guild. They were...interesting characters to say the least, and Vincent was instantly on guard when they mentioned the male could 'blow stuff up.' "Uhm, guys..." Vincent said, drawing 5 more daggers, holding each between his fingers. "I think we may have a problem on our hands..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 29 days ago

He stops and sighs, "I know Wes, I know. I'm worried about her as well but we need to focus on whats going on here. We both know she can take care of herself. They've both lost their magic so that may give her an advantage. Either way se need to worry about getting out of here first," he continues towards where the fighting took place and arrived just as Garne started yelling at everyone who was present. He waits until he was finished before entering the hallway. He walks up behind Grane and places his hand on his shoulder, "It's alright Grane. Everything that happened today falls on my shoulders. I asked for Pheonix Wings help. I found some extremely troubling evedince involving Angelica and the twins. I needed to act quickly and I was unsure who on the Council I could trust. I also couldn't risk her finding out what I was doing. Our first priority should be a damage assessment once we get out of the building. Also I beg you to please remain calm and allow me to explain once we get out," he walks over to the knealing Maddox and offers him his hand.
She stares at the young woman in front of her. She was mostly unremarkable. She was a few inches shorter then her wearing black boots, white and green knee socks, a blue skirt, green shirt, and archery gloves holding the bow aimed down with another arrow nocked. She had shoulder length brown hair and bright blue eyes that Sayuri would recognize anywhere, "Mina! So your alive here..." the girl narrows her eyes when when Sayuri speaks. Sayuri was about to respond when she feels a presence and turns sword ready and watches as a man approaches.
Edolas Sayuri
She nods at Karn, "Oh, I think I'll manage. I need time to do my own thing anyways. Beside I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to talk when you get back," sitting down in the chair and opens the book. Picking up the pen she looks at Lazarus, "Hope you don't mind silence as I probably wont be talking much I have other important things to worry about," she starts writing pausing every once and awhile. She keeps a huddled posture over the book keeping others from easily looking at what she was writing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 35 min ago

Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz
"W-w-wait a moment! Can't everyone calm down a bit?" Rutger said, standing up from his stool with his hands up defensively. "Master Jamie, runaway children don't always have good reasons for leaving--I don't think we have enough of this story from either side to make conclusions. And you guys," he looked at the three people who seemed to be just as eager to fight as everyone else was, "There's no reason to try and beat information out of anyone here, why not just explain things more thoroughly?" He really hoped things wouldn't come to blows--not only had they just finished cleaning the guild up, but if he had to fight and use his magic, Rutger was afraid of what the consequences might be...
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