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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Trin stayed by the princess's side, linked with her arm as they walked. Mayat was right, she shouldn't start dancing while they're trying to go places. She took a moment to examine this new Mayat they found. Male, so... Ma... May... Maaaayyyt. Yeah, probably. They got back to the guild hall, and the "princess" came and fussed over Mayt. Apparently they knew each other. Made sense, she supposed. Mayat was playing nurse with /her/ double... she had to wonder what hers was like. Everyone seemed to be busy with their own thing at the moment, in the guild. Trin lead Liana to an open place on the guild floor and turned to her. She placed the princess's hand on her shoulder and took her other, setting up their poise for a Waltz. "Shall we begin lessons, Lilianna?"
Council Building
"Hey, don't look at me. I would have been all for /not/ destroying the building, when you gave us the chance." The minstrel sighed and moved over to Maddox. "Not that any of these idiots seem to think anything like I do. Are you alright, Maddox? Let's join the others outside. They've got the right idea." She tilted her head toward Grane and Masahiko (defining the who of "they"), as she extended her hand to the Phoenix Wing mage. "Anyone else inside?" She looked up from Maddox as she posed the question, looking over at Grane and Masahiko. Open question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jarvis watched Amelia, then sighed. He suspected his Edo-version had the same quaters as he did, so he scooped Amelia up gently, as they girl seemed to be extremely tired. He went to where his rooms were, and opened the door. He wasn't surprised to see the rooms like his, and he put Amelia down on the bed. There was a few things different with the room, and Jarvis looked away from framed photos. "Will you be okay, here?"
Taken aback by Edo-Karn's behaviour, Sasha didn't have a chance to react, and then her attention was taken up by how to climb the legion in the dress without falling off, or without flashing everyone. She deliberately grabbed Edo-Karn when they said to hold onto something, and kissed their cheek. :You said those things to the wrong Sasha, even if it was meant in jest" And then she moved to settle onto the legion, feeling weird being on such a creature, and squirmed slightly, feeling so exposed in the clothes her Edo-Self wore. she crossed her arms over her chest, hoping that would help.
earthland Sasha would pass, Edo-Jamie thought, looking about the guild, He nodded to EL-Lazarus, "get on the legion then" They went over to EL-Mayt and Mayat. "If you can get on the legion, then you can come. If you can't, you stay here and rest" With that, Jamie climbed on Lizzy.
Liana blinked. "I know how to waltz" She said, moving in a waltz movement, "I just...was taken aback by the fact you wanted to dance on a job" She said, stopping and looking to Edo-Trinity, "And I think I'm going with Jamie and the others...are you coming too?"
Master Jamie
Given the fact that the group were still in his force, Jamie smashed the Lacrima in his hand. Lightening flashed and flickered in the area, around the intruders, and Jamie smiled, stepping forward, sword at the ready, she attacked. She moved smoothly, avoiding the lightening strikes easily, and moved the sword in a precious swing, ready to defend.
"You underestimate Jamie. He knows. You really think that the royal court is spy proof? People don't notice children" Edo- Jarvis said simply, leaning back against the door "I can and will stop you leaving. No matter if your intentions are good, doesn't mean you won't screw it up"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Jayce/Location: Edolas
Jayce groaned as he steadily brought his face out of a steadily flowing stream. Seemed like whatever that light did, it at least got him out of the building. [i]"...Wait...I shouldn't be happy about that at all."[/b] he thought as he suddenly sat up, shaking water from his black hair as he fully awoke. Getting a good look at his surroundings, he seemed to be beside a babbling brook, steady cold and clear water coming from a delta not too far from him. Beside him there was a sizable grove of trees, possibly extending out into a forest for about a mile or so. Sitting up, he held his face in the palm of his artificial hand. "...How long have I been out for...this place...didn't see anything like this on the way to Kabo." he muttered as he slowly rose to his feet. Patting the back of his pants to shake off grass, he let out a deep sigh as he wobbled a bit. "...What the heck's wrong with me? I feel...kinda tired for some reason." he thinks as he looks to his artificial arm. Testing it, he could still move it, and, a few jabs later, confirmed that it wasn't malfunctioning somehow. Starting to walk away from the grove, he wondered if he could find Kabo again...and if Nori was still waiting at the building.
Nori/Location: Council Building
Nori stared at Karn and James curiously for a few minutes before simply barking and sprinting off to the Council Building, her tail-like appendages on her back still raised as she ran into the doorway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz
For the first time in a long time, suddenly, Rutger burst out laughing. "Chaos!? Destruction? Death and War?!" He put a hand over his mouth to make himself stop giggling; this was supposed to be a fight! "By the Celestials, are you being serious? Not even the worst books I've read have had villains with names that ridiculous!" After taking a deep breath, he finally managed to compose himself...but he found he didn't feel quite as bad about fighting now as he had before. A combination of open declaration by the trio and the sheer ludicrosity of their names--which were still making him snigger--had served to relax his conscience. He faced down War--snrk--more seriously now, quickly taking in his opponent. That arm and the sword probably make him really good at close combat. Because the arm's mechanical it may have a lot of hidden tricks, and I have no idea what his magic could be. Best choice would be to stay at range and test him out first. Raising his hands, he curled the middle finger of one against his palm while keeping the others extended, and placed it in the flat of his other hand as if he were flicking something at War. In fact, that's exactly what he did. "Flame God's Angry Sparks!" Three times Rutger flicked his palm in rapid succession, and each time as the tip of his finger struck his other hand it was like striking a match along a rough surface. At the extension of his finger the spark flew forward like a rocket, a high speed blast of fire. Although the blasts were small and weak, they moved incredibly quickly, leaving black and red trails as they whistled through the air towards War...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HeartlessAngel
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HeartlessAngel All around Bad-Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Vincent glanced over at Jamie as the rush of water swelled past them, crashing into the trio, and missing Rutger. Vincent thought it would be over then, feeling slightly disappointed. He had been itching for a fight, and thought perhaps he could get some entertainment from one of these guys. That's when the water suddenly evaporated, and the three remained unscathed. A normal person probably would have been scared at this point, power water magic like that being evaporated like it was nothing. But Vincent just felt a jolt of excitement spark through him, especially as the female drew her sword, and asked if he wanted to dance. Vincent smirked, raising his hands in front of him. "For a pretty girl like you, I'd love to. Though your name doesn't fit your beauty." He said, as he widened his stance. His plan was simple. She had a sword, so she obviously had some skill at CQC. He had no idea what kind of magic she would use, and so he would test the waters, while setting up his playing field. All at once, he threw the six knives at her, aiming for her vitals. While he was confident about his close quarters combat, where he truly shined was his knife throwing skills. Having honed them for years, his knives were a signature part of his magic. And even if she blocked them, they were weighted, so they would always stick into the ground...giving him a perfect playing field to leap through the knives. He just had to touch the area above her heart with even his fingers...and he'd be able to leap through, and stop her heart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 23 days ago

She had to admit he was fast. Skilled with that dagger too. She smiles, "You may not be weak without your magic. Unfortunately there is a difference between us," her smailes widens. She dashes forward slashing their blades clashing, "My magic is just used to enhace my fighting abilities and you seem out of practice!' She continues her attack pushing him on the defensive. Despite several taunts he throws at her she ignores them. With one attack her foot slips giving him an oportunity to strike back. The srike was deadly accurate. Suddenly feeling came rushing back. Blades biting into her back, laying unable to protect her firends, her life slipping away. She regains her footing ignoring the pain of the odd angle, "NO!! I refuse to die here!" she manages to dodge the main force of the blow taking a gash deep cut to her upper arm. She raises her sword and brings it down into his shoulder. She takes a couple step foward pushing him towards the cliff, "You know what, I kinda hope I see you again. So I can beat you again with your magic," she pushes him back towards the cliff pulling her blade out of his shoulder.
He sighs and starts walking, "To be honest, I have no idea if either of them were involved. I plan to figure that out soon. It'll have to be just the two of us until it's sorted out. I also had a couple nomenies in mind for the 3 empty seats that I was actually going to bring up at some point but that is for a later date. Come on we need to assess damages," he turns to see if anyone was following.
Edolas Sayuri
"The kindness of our previous rulers? The kindness?" She calmly sets the pen down and closes the book. Standing she removes her jacket revealing a large x shaped scar across her back and numerous along her upper arms. Looking him in the eye she continues her voice lounder then she meant, "All I remember of them are the wounds covering my father from tourture after false accusations of treason. Those and these scars I have from the former royal soldiers that used my hometown as a base. Several did this to me and my sister for getting to close to a group discussing what their next move would be. So no I don't remember any of their kindness. I've learned to judge a person for their actions not by what they say. So yes I dare say she needs to prove herself to me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Amelia let out a small, but cute, squeak when Jarvis suddenly picked her up, her face going the same shade of red as her eyes, or possibly a few shades deeper. When he took her to his Edolas' counter parts quarters and set her on the bed, she sat up and looked at him sleepily. "Are you sure it's okay for me to sleep in here?" She asked, as she allowed her wings to come out and thus allowing Jarvis to see them for the first time" Won't someone get angry if they find me here?"
War, Destruction, and Chaos
The three enemy mages easily danced around the lightning, War and Destruction getting out of range of it while Chaos simply stayed in it and dodged both the lightning and Jamie's sword swings with ease, his reflexes and agility being top notch. When the sword looked like it would finally hit him, the blade was stopped by a small amount of wind, moving just fast enough to stop the sword in it's tracks. "So... I assume you have some way past this little obstacle. Care to show me how?" He asked her calmly. War, meanwhile, took Rutger's attack head on. Probably to the surprise of the God-Slayer, the man seemed unbothered by the flames licking his coat and simply patted them off with his mechanical hand. "I assume you're new to the whole magic thing. Either that or you know your potential and wisely fear it." He said" But, if you plan on standing any chance against me, you'll need to actually try." Against Vincent, Destruction reacted quickly, blocking all the blades with precise sword swipes. She noted the blades sinking into the ground and knew something was up. This man was an assassin, so he likely had some sort of trick. The question was, what was that trick and how would she fair against it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo sighed loudly as he kept trudging through the forest talking to himself so that he didn't feel so alone here. Angelo didn't realize how lonely he would feel without the others with him so hearing his own voice was a sort of artificial comfort for him at the moment. Angelo kept going through the forest until he got to the edge and finally saw civilization ahead Angelo smiled a little glad that ordeal was over with so now it was time to go and look around and maybe find a way out of edolas. Angelo jumped from the flying islands until he landed in the city and started looking around wondering if anyone from Earth would be here hoping he would find his friends eventually Angelo decided to get something to eat although he wasn't sure if both realms used the same currency Angelo looked at the food they had and decided against it and just going to find someone he actually knew or the opposite of someone he knew, this was going to get confusing fast...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt and Mayat --- Edolas Phoenix Wing
Mayt grunted, and rolled off the table to his feet, still controlling his breathing. He started making slow steps towards the door, or what he assumed was the door. Everything was still fairly blurry. Mayat just watched him, a smirk on her face. She didn't try to stop him, deciding she might as well let him make a fool of himself. He winced as he bumped into the doorframe, but his steps became more sure. "I'm... Going with dammit." He put a hand to his head, turning it in a slow circle. Eventually he spotted what he was pretty sure was the legion. He started walking towards the large creature. He grunted slightly, trying to look past the images flashing before his eyes. "I owe my mother a good... A good earfull." He muttered under his breath, gently reaching out and feeling the side of the creature, looking for an easy way to grab on. He managed to find the hump of the Legion's leg, and started to pull himself up, throwing one foot on top of the groove. He went slowly, his vision swimming. Once he had gotten partway up, he threw his hand up looking for something else to grab to pull himself up. Mayat just shook her head as she watched her Earthland version try to climb the Legion. He was doing it like a novice, something that shouldn't surprise her, and he seemed to be out of it. "Hmmm. Hey, Miss Icy-Talks-a-lot. Something seems weird. He keeps saying his head hurts, but he seems to have full control over himself. Most head-trauma I see seems to cause people to lose motor control somewhat, but he seems fine." Mayt squinted his eyes shut, wincing, and stopped climbing, leaving his hand in the air. Mayat moved forward a step, but Mayt started trying to continue up, taking his sweet time about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz
"And I'd suggest you don't underestimate someone based solely on raw power." Rutger shot back. He kept firing the Angry Sparks, and now ran in a wide arc around War, blasting him from all different angles. Though Angry Sparks was definitely weak, the fact that the missiles were God Slayer flames and their high speed meant that they should still pack a bit of punch. That War could shrug them off--and more, put them out by smothering them with that metal hand--gave Rutger a better idea as to his abilities. Definitely durable, and he was strong enough to withstand the Master's magic pressure. I got a sense for his weight when I threw him. Heavy, hard to hurt, and strong. But he hasn't moved this whole time. Based on how he reacts to my run-and-gun, I'll get an idea of his speed... The Angry Sparks were coming from all directions now, and they were aimed at different parts of War's body. Some went for his face, others for his torso, and still more for his normal arm, the one that held the sword. Rutger, despite his pacifism, even dared to send a rare few shots at the man's eyes--surely the danger of being blinded would force a stronger reaction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Edo-Karn Interacting: Sasha, Lazarus, Mayt, Liana
Edo-Karn slightly blinked as Sasha held onto them and kissed their cheek. Not really expecting such a bolder action from the more shyer of the two Sasha's. Still, a soft smirk crossed the blonde's lips, huffing in soft amusement. Before wrapping a arm around and clasping a hand around the girl's head and pulled her close. Until the blonde's lips touched the corner of the darker haired woman's lips before letting go. "Mhmm you never know. Could be love at first sight. Or I'm just testing you on the part you have to play." the emerald eyed pilot smirked, glancing to Edo-Sasha briefly before looking down as Mayt attempted to struggle his way onto the legion, determined to come with them. Rolling their eyes, they brushed their hand against Lizzy's neck. "Lizzy, lend a tail to the stubborn wimp." Edo-Karn said, causing the legion to let out a growl in response, the long tail moving around to the foot and lifting the struggling man onto the back of the beast. "Make sure your buddy doesn't fall. I rather not risk too much aerial maneuvers on newbie riders." They said to Sasha and Lazarus before looking to Liana and Edo-Trinity. "You two hurry up! Or I'll come over there and drag Liana up here." They called, awaiting for the Princess and any other passengers to get on and secure before clicking their tongue and taking sweeping their foot slightly, the giant creature instantly leaping to the air and taking flight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Aah, so you have been taught. I'll just have to teach you other dances, then." Trin smiles at the Princess before turning her attention as people started to get on the Legion. She spotted Karn and... that's... EL-Sasha, kissing, and couldn't help but smile to herself. She hummed and turned to her dance partner, tilting her head toward the Legion before leading Liana by her hand. "C'mon, let's get on. I gotta get the good seat..." Trin helped the Princess climb up with her, and took the liberty of holding onto EL-Sasha around the waist, snuggling up against her back. The dancer looked over her shoulder briefly, "Lilianna, don't be afraid to hang on to me, okay?" She smiled warmly, bracing for take off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

[James] James looked the blood witch up and down for a couple minutes, debating on whether or not trusting even her scaly friend was a wise decision. Of course, he didn't see the harm in keeping the two apart either, because if he was lucky, neither would take a risk while they were separated. "Alright, fine. That works just fine, so long as nothing funny happens on Mithera's end either." [Edo-Damian] Damian sat on a ridge overlooking a lot of Edolas, specifically the Royal City and the palace. He'd watched Maddox make his threat, or more listened to him, but that was more than enough, and he'd watched the piece of filth fly away back to his hidey hole with the rest of the White Hydra guild. Here real soon, Maddox, you and I can finally finish things... Standing up and brushing the dust off his armor, he approached his Legion, a pitch black to his scales and feathers and stroked him as he growled at Damian. "Easy Titanus, I'll be OK. Just over eager is all." This seemed to placate the Legion for the time being and Damian climbed up onto his back. "Come on then, let's get visit some old friends. I wonder if they have some info on this." With his claymore strapped to his back, and Damian secure on Titanus's back, the Legion took off with a roar, heading for the Phoenix Wing guild hall. [Damian] Grunting at his dismissal, Damian watches and waits for an opening to attack one of the three. However, he wasn't about to just charge in until he knew what their magic was. So Chaos has wind magic, likely used for just armor right now. Fairly flimsy defense against something like the Hercules Blade, but that's awfully close to his personal space, even for me, and I don't know if he has other tricks... With a sigh, he waits, hoping to see more of his opponent's capabilities before he attacked anyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Master Jamie
"So... I assume you have some way past this little obstacle. Care to show me how?" Jamie just chuckled, and the wind died away as Jamie once more changed the property of the environment around them. She deliberately shifted slightly, twisting to the side, drawing the sword back. He kept the property change going, as he brought the sword back around for another attack. "I know who you are. I know how your magic works. The thing is...my magic negates yours" The sword flashed, bright and fast.
Jarvis smiled at the squeak, then said "i'm sure that it would be okay, and I'll talk with my Edolas Self to make sure." At the wings, fury rose over Jarvis. The only way he knew that they could be in this world, was if they were actually real. Who had done this to a little girl? How could someone do that to a little girl? "How did you get them?" he asked, his voice soft.
Sasha was completely taken aback when Edo-Karn kissed her, even if it was just a brief touch. It was embarrassing, and she blushed deeply, turning toward Lazarus when he climbed onto the legion, she buried her face against his chest, feeling that that was safer then anything else. And then Edo-trinity wrapped her arms around her, and snuggled against her. "Save me" She murmured to Lazarus, "They are sex-starved manics, clearly wanting to have an orgy or something" She had obviously, briefly, forgotten that she was wearing a revealing dress, and was now close to Lazarus. But she pulled away, looking to Mayt, and saying softly "You shouldn't be such a fool. You need rest" but she sighed, and made sure he wouldn't fall off the legion.
Edo-Jamie watched Liana climb on Lizzy, before following herself. She moved up to Edo-Karn, sitting beside them. "Stop messing with the Shy Sasha, and lets get moving. If you want to proclaim love, and kiss a Sasha, you'd be better with our Sasha, given that Shy Sasha appears to be infatuated with the white Lazarus" she looked back over her shoulder, as if reassuring himself that the guild was okay, and that it would continue to be okay, and then forward. He could trust his guild members. When Lizzy was in the air, with all passengers, Jamie looked ahead, trying to banish the odd sense of foreboding she had, and appearing at ease, if thoughtful.
Edo-Sasha sighed, watching the earthlander trying to climb up Lizzy. "Well, at least we know you two share the stubbornness trait" She replied to Mayat, "Perhaps it is something to do with the sudden lack of magic? Who knows? If he wants to go get himself killed, then we can't stop him. Still, he's with Karn, Master Jamie and trinity. All will be alright" She sighed, watching the Legion fly off. "I swear I can still see my other self blushing"
Pen and Penny
Penny gripped the legion tight as it landed, eyes closed as the ground rushed up. She didn't like this, didn't like the inability to control the landing. She didn't like not being in control. When they were on the ground, she slid off the legion. She ooked to Pen as he climbed off the legion as well. "here, have some berries. They'll help you feel the magic again" Pen said, oddly sweet. Penny studied the berries with a slight frown, before taking them. She ate one, and as Pen looked away, she slid the rest in her pocket. Almost right away, she could feel the magic. She could just fly away now...but she needed to know more about what her Edolas counterpart was doing. So she followed him innto the castle building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HeartlessAngel
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HeartlessAngel All around Bad-Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Vincent smirked as she blocked the blades, exactly as he had predicted. She was skilled with that sword, that was for sure. He kept an eye on her as he drew six more knives from his belt, and took another battle stance. He wasn't about to reveal how it magic worked just yet, he needed to set the field up a bit more. Besides, he still had no idea what her magic was. It would be unwise to show her his tricks when he tricks when she had her's a secret. "Impressive. Not many people can black all six of my knives at once." He said, eyeing Destruction. "Tell me something though. Is your name your actual name, or is it just a code name? Perhaps relates to your Magic somehow?" If this was the case, then he would have to be careful. She probably had some high-damage output magic that would spell trouble. He couldn't get caught off guard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: James, Melina
Karn stared at James intently as the taller man thought for a moment before finally agreeing to the terms. The blonde cheered and huggled the armored man again, emitting loud purring noises. "Yay! Thank you JJ!!!" he chirped happily before letting go and hopping to Melina and huggling the blood wizard as well. "You two stay safe okay?" he chirped, apparently not really realizing the tension between the two or didn't care.
Edo-Karn Interacting: Sasha, Edo-Jamie, Edo-Damian
Edo-Karn couldn't help but end up busting up in a fit of laughter as they watched Sasha retreat into Lazarus, blushing more as Edo-Trinity hugged her. Smirking at victoriously embarrassing the shy version of Sasha, their emerald gaze glanced toward Jamie at their words, Edo-Karn simply smirking. "Hey, I was going to stop at the jest but she decided to be bold. Besides, I think I just gave Whiteboy over there a little treat." they grinned, noting Sasha's more revealing clothes and being snuggled up to Lazarus. "Plus, I like redheads... Even though the only ones I know are assholes. Shame. Plus, never know, maybe this means Ice Queen will end up with Emopants." they said before pausing at the thought and making a 'bleeeeh' face before chuckling. After a few moments of flying, heading toward Ailongam as the closest town. The blonde's expression turned back to neutral as they watched the path ahead, briefly glancing back to see what the others are doing before ahead. "Besides. It's easier to say goodbye to someone you barely know." they said softly so only the Guild Master could hear. "Jamie, it's okay to be scared in our situation right?" They said quietly, but actually said the Guild Masters name instead of the nickname they gave. Though it was then Edo-Karn spotted a familiar black legion and the blonde scoffed but grinned. "Guess Swordboy is finally paying us a visit as well. At least he's a friendlier face." They mused, giving a light waved toward Edo-Damian. But it wasn't long until they landed into Ailongam, the townsfolk looking to the legion curiously. Grinning once more, Edo-Karn turned to the Guild Master and the others. "So.... I suppose this is where the Princess talks to the people?" they asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Amelia looked up at Jarvis, looking a bit scared, mostly because of Jarvis' furious expression. "They... were added." she said, looking at the ground." They... they cut open my back... put them in... connected the nerves... it hurt, a lot. I've never known so much pain before or since they added them. I don't even know who they were."
Chaos, Destruction, and War
War didn't really bother dodging the flames. When they went for his eyes, he simply turned his head so that they hit somewhere else. Planting his sword into the ground, he patted them away. "The flames of a god are stronger then a Dragon's, that is for sure." He said, touching one area of his face that was slightly burned but only slightly so." I fought a Dragon-Slayer once. One that used a Lacrima to gain the magic. How he got it I have no idea, nor do I care. He's dead now and I have that foul device stowed away." Looking at Rutger, he frowned slightly "You're cautious. You want to measure my strength before going full force. You're not a warrior though. The fear in your eyes tell me such." He said calmly" You have much potential. But unless you use it, others will suffer. 'War' is my code name for a reason. Trust me, you won't be laughing like you were earlier at our names." "One second." Destruction said to Vincent for dashing away. She intercepted Jamie's sword and blocked it." Switch with me Chaos. I'm better suited to fight the shemale then you are." "Fair enough." Chaos said, walking away and over to Vincent, staying out of the center of the knives." Shame as it much be to stop fighting a lovely lady, you'll have to make do with me. And also, Destruction is not her real name. When on missions, we go by code names, often associated with our magic, past exploits, or something else about us. Now, do you have another nineteen questions, or shall we continue this dance." Destruction meanwhile, just wanted Jamie, her eyes narrowed "Property change magic. The ability to manipulate almost everything and anything. This sword of mine isn't likely to last long and neither will my magic work against you." She said." However, you can't effect the human body, like most magic. Not only that but such a magic is sure to draining on your magical reserves so... all I have to do is out last you." With that, she tossed her sword away before holding up her hand, palm up. She then motioned Jamie to come at her, obviously unafraid of the guild master.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayt --- Ailongam
As the beast took off, Mayt leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the stomach of the person ahead of him, holding on. He had been grateful that he had been helped up, if a little embarrassed. As he rested his head on the back of person in front of him, he spoke loud enough for them to hear. "Sorry... I still don't feel that great... Is it alright if I stay like this for the ride?" He blushed slightly, as he knew the person he was leaning against was a woman of some description. She was too frail to be another guy. "I'll try to sit up if this is too uncomfortable for you." He closed his eyes, listening for a response, and half-giving him up to the images playing across his eyelids.
Mayat --- Edolas Phoenix Wing
Mayat smirked, heading inside as the Legion took off. "If it has to do with the sudden lack of magic, then the other you would give some indication of not being the most comfortable too." She smirked. "More than she already has around you." She went to the bar and started to fix herself a drink to pass the time. "I wonder how we'd fare in Earthland." She muttered as she finished hers, and started to work on one for Edo-Sasha.
Melina and Mithera --- Outside Council Building
She nodded, and looked up as Mithera began descending in lazy spirals. "If Mithera wanted to hurt the boy she would've already." She suddenly slinked up to James, sliding her arm around his and locking elbows. "So, what do you say we gather your friends, finished any unfinished business, and head back?" She gave him a smile, but it was impossible to tell if it was sincere or if she was just thinking of all the brutal things she could do to him. After a moment, Mithera landed, and she gently lied down on her stomach so that Karn could climb on. Her exhaustion was more than clear in how relaxed she seemed, she had been flying for hours on end, and a good bit the day before as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz
"Well, I guess you're not as stupid as whoever thought up your code names." Rutger replied, though he was just trying to hide how unsettled he was that his flames weren't doing anything at all. Not to mention that the man had seen through his strategy. He still hadn't moved, and normally Rutger would have thought this meant that his speed and agility were low. It would make sense, given his sturdy nature and the kind of tanky, strength focused archetype he seemed to follow. But now that Rutger knew the man was guessing his gambit, he could be pulling a double fake and concealing his real speed. But, he already had a good setup--whether he was a slow but strong fighter, or someone capable of both speed and strength, Rutger doubted that War would be able to simply shake this next attack off. He raised his hands and spread his arms. The few patches of Angry Sparks on War's body and clothing that he hadn't patted out yet flared up more brightly and floated away from him, as did any Angry Sparks that had been dodged or swatted aside. Now the man was surrounded from all sides by an arrangement of hovering black spheres of fire. "Flame God's Will-o-the-Wisp!" Rutger brought his hands clapping together, gripping them together into a double fist. Simultaneously, every orb crashed towards the center point--War. With every fireball surging towards him from every angle at once, there was no way to dodge them all. And when they collided, their powers combined and burst into a mighty explosion, a dome of black fire that expanded out in every direction, roaring with intense heat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HeartlessAngel
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HeartlessAngel All around Bad-Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Vincent shrugged as Destruction and Chaos switched places, a bored look on his face. "I really could care less who I fight. A target is a target. I've killed beautiful women, and big burly men. It doesn't matter who your target is in my line of work." Vincent looked at Chaos, who confirmed his suspicions about their names. He wondered what kind of magic a guy named 'Chaos' would have. Just because the opponent was different didn't mean Vincent could let down his guard. "Sorry." Vincent apologized as Chaos asked if he was going to ask more questions. "I just hate going into fights blind." As Vincent spoke, his body flickered, and he was gone, his body going through three of the six knives that circled Chaos. He exited the one behind the male, and silently pulled his fist back, aiming to stab the three knives he held in his right hand right into Chaos' back.
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