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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jarvis stepped back when Amelia woke, and in response to her question, he sighed and said "Soon, I hope, little one. I'm sure we will be able to find a way. But we are leaving here, for now. We need to go find the others again, and help them if they need"
Penny smiled at Angelo, then shrugged at Jacye's questions, thoughtful, and trying to figure out how to answer. How could she admit that she had very little idea? "Well, I'm not to sure, except that they are aware about magic, and that Pen wishes to harvest it, in order to Gain...power to take over Edolas" She said, shrugging, "oh" she took out the last of her berries, handing it to Angelo "Eat it, so you can use magic" She said, starting to walk, clearly expecting both to follow her. She heard the unmistakable sounds of fighting, and wondered what new hell she could face, and she sighed, moving towards the sounds. It shocked her greatly to see What appeared to be Damian, and then she saw Mayt. Relief flooded through her. Mayt seemed fine, alive, and it appeared he had magic. Her eyes darted to Damian, but it merely took her a moment or two to figure out that it wasn't their Damian, but rather this worlds Damian.
Edo-Sasha did not appreciate being ignored, nor not acknowledged by this stranger. She narrowed her eyes, and immediately, she shifted so she was in line with the strangers sight. She held her dagger in one hand and said "Say nothing to the Princess's Location, Sayuri. I will not hesitate to stab you now. I don't know who you are, Stranger, nor do I give a damn. You will get no information as to Liana's location from anyone here"
Edo-Jamie stepped back, ready to intervene if Edo-Karn needed it, but not expecting it to happen. Edo-Angelica sneered, and didn't move at Edo-Karn's attacks, nor replied to them. She threw up a hand, and the attacks seemed to blow up before they even reached her, small darts having stopped them. More darts flew towards the group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia and Joshua
Amelia nodded before tying her hair up in her off-center ponytail before getting out of the bed. She let out one last yawn while stretching before smiling up at Jarvis. "I'm ready to go when you are." She said, still sounding a bit tired. "Then you'll want this." Joshua said, handing her the third berry Lazarus had handed him" However, it sounds like we might have some trouble here. Should one of us remain behind or shall we all just get going?" "Why will I need a berry?" Amelia asked "It supposedly will allow you to use magic." Joshua said
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus He still remained thinking to himself. It was taking immense effort not to simply break through the wall with magic and fly to the capital. He couldn't. He'd been given his chance back in earthland. To put right his wrongs. What kind of a man would he be, if he didn't let his counterpart become a new kind of man today. He clenched his fists as slammed one against the wall he sat against. He swore under his breath. This was hard, remaining calm at a time like this. Edo-Lazarus So this was magic. It was beautiful. Is that what it was like.... To live in earthland? He fantasised for a brief moment, before Sasha turned the entire courtyard floor to ice. He almost lost his footing, before steadying himself. He tried Pen again. "Please Pen. I have faith in you. As a brother. Together, we CAN help liana make this world a better place. Put right the wrongs of the kingdom.... Be at peace with ourselves. I don't want to fight you Pen. Don't make me..." He readied his sword just incase.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Trin only left Karn's side after placing a soft kiss on the others cheek. She stepped away slowly before turning and moving to Liana's side. She slipped an arm around the princess's waist and takes her hand, putting some distance between them and the fight. She retreated behind Master Jamie this way, getting to what seemed like a safe distance before she's stop and face the fight again. Trin saw the darts coming toward herself and Liana, and reacted on an instinct. By leaning Liana to manipulate her weight, Trin began the movement. She pushed the princess's leg with her own and danced their way out of the attack's path.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Angelica
As the false queen destroyed the bombs with darts, the blonde simply huffed. Briefly lashing the electric whip against any incoming darts before landing in front of Edo-Angelica. Lashing the whip from the right to come in from the side to hit the woman's waist, while thrust their left fist toward the jaw of their opponent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Outside Edolas Phoenix Wing's Guild Hall As Gentsai put his hood on to cover his face he quickly turned around the tree and disarmed Edo Sasha's daggers and pinned her to the ground. "You know, it isn't polite to threaten an unarmed person. Especially when someone might be around to stop a certain who is antagonize n unarmed person. Now..." Gentsai pressed her head against the ground as he changed from his polite tone to a serious one. "Now, regarding the princess. Before, I thought I was simply imagining things when I thought I saw her. But seeing as you are being quite defensive about Princess Liana's existence, then she might still be around. I'm going to assume you and your guild probably know something about her current whereabouts, but I'm sure you won't tell me anything at this moment. However, you and I don't have to worry about the that information now or later because you already mentioned the importance of the Capitol just earlier. My main question right now is what is going on in the Capitol. If you don't like that question, then the next one would be what bone in your body will be broken soon. So I hope you see that what I'm asking is not just important you or me, but for everyone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platawan
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Platawan Seer of Time

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Felix Lancaster
The Magnet Mage
Felix paused for a moment, thinking about the question. "I have a lot of questions, but in regards to the guild... "How much research do you guys do? Do you do much study of magic and inventing of new ways or magical devices? Do you train on flexibility in offense and defense? Do you even have a training program for the guild members?" He blinked, before slowing down. He blushed. He had just asked way too many questions way too fast. Felix rubbed a hand on the back of his head. "Sorry. I sometimes do that. My brain likes to run at a million miles an hour. That's why my magic works so well for me. I think fast enough to have it respond like it does. He straightened. "My questions stand, though."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[Damian] Damian blinked at Felix, then shook his head. "Right then, in order. Research is left to you, we don't do it as a magic guild is supposed to do jobs, not their own personal business. Study of magic, by any one, is usually done in your free time and on your own magic. We don't concern ourselves, for the most part, with devices. Flexibility and any training, answering your last two together, is left to you. You know your magic, your limits. We trust you do show restraint or push yourself accordingly." Taking a sip of his water, he levels his gaze with Felix. "Answer your questions? [Edo-Damian] Damian caught the slash on his own blade this time, redirecting the weapon into the ground. "Specialize in killing swordsman, huh? Jokes on you then, I don't have to use a sword to fight." Dropping into a crouch, he swept his legs into the charging man's, taking them out from under him and letting his momentum slide him a couple feet away. "Some assassin. You really the best White Hydra has to offer?" [James] James shakes his head and looks around, realizing that the other none member, Trinity if he remembered correctly, wasn't there. "Odd..." Pulling out the lacrima in his pocket, he tries to contact her and Maddox, who was also missing. "Hey, Trinity, Maddox, you two alright?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

When Mayt avoided her attack, Edo-Beatrix appeared both angry and surprised. She rotated accordingly, keeping him in front of her where she can attack and defend easily. Once he touched back down and began his assault she took to the defensive. The tan woman weaved around Mayt's attacks, showing surprising mobility. "You weren't supposed to be able to use magic," Edo-Beatrix muttered between motions. Her left fist shot out in a quick jab, but the same effect happened as when she tried punching him last. Her attack was blown backwards, though with significantly less power than last time so it was manageable recoil. It did, however, leave her open. The scabbard connected with her left side, stunning her briefly. Edo-Beatrix instantly clenched her teeth in pain, but before she could mount a counter-attack his scabbard hit her again. Her defense was broken and it only took a few more direct hits to send her reeling backwards. "This is bad," she let out, sounding rather painful and winded, before losing balance and falling backwards. The large, armored man saw Edo-Beatrix go down from the corner of his eye. "I knew she was useless," he commented, right before Edo-Damien tripped him up rather than tried to overpower him. Grade began picking himself up instantly, but now he had to divide his attention between two opponents. "I'm not the best, but I am one of the best," Grade responded, hefting his sword over his head. "I rank third. For comparison, that garbage over there ranks eighth." With a might downward swing, Grade slammed his blade into the ground, splitting the tile in the direction of Edo-Damien and shaking the earth. "What I lack in speed, I make up for in strength." Wasting no time, he turned around and performed the same attack in Mayt's direction, consequently sending the incapacitated Edo-Beatrix screaming and flying off to the side from the violent impact. "If you are wondering," he began after relaxing out of his previous attack. "You have already met the man who ranks second. He's not too far away." With more speed than before, Grade dashed towards Edo-Damien and began an assault of slashes. Around the group fighting Queen Angelica, several smoke bombs went off. In almost no time they were all in a thick layer of smoke, the Queen too, with incredibly poor visibility. The twin from before that remained appeared outside the smoke, several throwing knives in hand. While the Phoenix Wing members and the Queen couldn't see out, nor could he see in, he knew exactly where they were. The silent man began tossing the knives expertly through the smoke, aiming to kill each and every one of them in a bladed barrage.
The red-haired mage looked over at Trinity for a moment, a serious expression on his face. After a few seconds a smile formed. "Me? I'm fine. In fact I wasn't even touched," Maddox explained, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm just tired and out of shape. But I suppose you're right. There isn't anything we can really do here other than provide moral suppor-" A voice rang out, sounding like James. This puzzled Maddox for a moment before he remembered he had a communication lacrima in his pocket. Withdrawing the small orb, Maddox held it up so Trinity could also communicate clearly. "James? We're here," Maddox said. "We're fine. Just standing outside the Council building. We were just about to head back to the guild hall with Trinity's lacrima. You still around the Council too?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayt sighed as his opponent went down, he had expected a little more fight from someone like her. "If I didn't have magic I wouldn't have challenged your entire group at once." He was halfway through turning to walk back to the rest of the group when he caught sight of an attack heading his way. He barely had time to get out of the way, and he focused his sight on the aggressor. He had originally meant to just let Damian, Edolas Damian, he corrected himself, fight the other man. But now he had attacked him, and he still wanted to test his limits. Mayt started to approach Grade, walking, and he drew his sword. Tossing his scabbard to the side, he pointed it at Grade. "You know, I had originally planned to just let you two fight, but then you had to go and attack me. Shape Magic: Reinforce Inanimate, Amplify: Heat." Two magic circles appeared at either end of his sword, moving up and down the blade. Mayt approached the other swordsman carefully, watching for any further attacks on him, but not attacking Grade yet.
Mithera jolted awake with a sharp intake of breath, before letting out a long, relaxed sigh. She looked over at Karn and Zenoram as they talked about his relationship with his alter-ego, getting up slowly and carefully walking next to them before lying back down. She made sure not to disturb Hemlock in any way, not wanting to arise the dragon's ire again by waking him. She rested her head near to Karn, looking over at Zenoram. "Who's to say, Karn, that you won't end up with someone like that for you. Just hopefully a little bit more... Temperamental. I didn't appreciate almost being knocked out of the sky." She gave a little bit of a glare at Zenoram, but didn't hold it, not wanting him to think she was actually angry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

He looks up at the building and sighs, "What do we need to fix the Council? Members on the Council who are able to put their own agenda's second... Well our first order of business will be to comender some buildings for us to use as a base while we get the building sorted out. So how are you feeling? I know you're basically out of magic, anything else?"
Edolas Sayuri
She watches the little short exchange between Sasha and her mentor. She smirks before speaking, "Nice going Sasha! You just gave away some free information! You fell for a trick he wasn't even trying to pull. Now as for what I know? It's going to be very limited. Oh, here's some of the research I've done since I last saw you," she tosses the book to her mentor, "Jamie took some of Pheonix Wing and took her off to the capital and Pen has made his move as well whatever that may be. I've heard that White Hydra is making their move too. Which means that the Queen will be forced to make her move soon as well. I'm going to assume we'll need to make a move. Else our plan will never come into play. Especially if Maddox is the victor here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Jayce/Location: Edolas
Jayce crossed his arms once he'd heard Penny's answer, mainly thinking: "Great. No plan. This'll be a fun day." Once she'd started walking, he followed along silently, trying to think up what combination would be the best for him to use for someone who didn't use magic. He didn't even really know what the people of Edolas were capable of producing on a technological level, so firearms weren't out of the question. Swords were a definite, as were most other forms of iron weaponry. Sighing, he pushed the thoughts from his mind as he followed Penny towards the fighting. Staring for a bit, Jayce gave a soft whistle as he watched, placing his right hand on his belt. "Friends of your's?"
Nori/Location: Kabo
When Maddox pulled a talking glowing rock from his pocket, Nori stared at it curiously. It looked like the things Jayce powered his arm with. Wagging her tail slightly, she just watched and listened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya VanIsis - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall
Amaya smiled listening to jamie as she was suprised that she was accepted just like that, no exam, no background checking or explaining. Nothing was required, this was going to be awesome just like the mark she recieved. Amaya examined her mark as excitement was all over her face. She finally achieved her goal in life so far.."Now what is there to do? Well lets see...'she said to herself reaching into her coat, pulling out a small book of paper and pencil. she flipped through several of the pages before finding the one she wanted, crossing something out on the piece of paper "there now to find her..."She said to herself before looking up finally noticing felix and the other guy. Shw turned to felix first "It is nice to meet you, I also agree it is going to be fun being guildmates."She commented to him "I am Amaya VanIsis."She added before turning to their new guide. She lifted a hand after he asked if there was any questions "I need unfortunately a place to stay...I do not have much money and I am very new to this area...Food and work isn't an issue for me either..."She said more or less wondering about the rooming situtation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Outside Edolas Phoenix Wing's Guild Hall "Well then, I guess we'll need a move of our own." Gentsai lifted Edo Sasha from the ground and pushed her aside as he grabbed her daggers that he left on the floor. "Thank you, I'll look at it as we're flying." he said as he looked at Sayrui and gestured where the legion should be. "Maddox is an foolish if he thinks he can simply take the throne and Pen is just an idiot if he's thinking the same thing. I hope Tsuki recognizes me because we're going to the Capitol. And you're flying while I read this." looking at the book, and began walking towards the legion stable. "It's a good thing that Sayrui told me what she knew or else you wouldn't be on the ground. Perhaps, if you weren't rude earlier, all of this could of been avoided, probably. Oh, and if you want your daggers back, you could join us on the ride to the Capitol. It's been a long time since the last time I've been there. So it should give us enough time to finish our chat about the princess. If not, then fine. Teasing Edo Sasha as he held the daggers in the air and putting them beside him as he approached the legion stable.
Location: Magic Council "I've haven't felt my magic this drain in a long time. So it feels great. It just means that I still have much to learn and space to improve in." laughing from what he said for a bit, he sighed as he thought about Masahiko's first question. "I have a few ideas of where we could have our temporary building. But for one of those ideas, I cannot believe that I even gave him a consideration in mind as one of the possible places to stay in."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jarvis suddenly held a Lacrima in his hand, it glowing white, swirling, and he said "See? I can use my magic. This is a transportation Lacrima. It will take us to the capitol, but first, we have to get Lazarus" He said softly, sighing heavily, before heading downstairs. "I don't want to do this, but I will" he muttered to himself, heading to the room where his Edolas Counterpart was, and where Lazarus was. He moved swiftly, entering the room. "Since this is our Lazarus, we can deal with him" he said to his Edolas Counterpart, trying to seem at ease, looking to Lazarus. Who seemed almost ready to blow.
Penny nodded, smiling as Mayt seemed to win his battle, only to have someone else attack. The flames were in her hands in a second, and the two balls launched through the air, just as Mayt used his attack, heating his sword. She pulled the attack back when it seemed Mayt was handling it, but watched. "Yes. Well. They are members of Phoenix Wing" Well. That was true, even if one was an Edolas version.
Edo-Sasha sighed,, letting them both talk, and letting them both think she was cowed. As the stranger rose, Sasha moved swiftly, she snorted as he taunted her with her own daggers, and said with a sigh "Do you think they are my only weapons? She moved, drawing her last dagger. Her emergency dagger. She twisted, and she moved swiftly, she made a running jump, leaping over the stranger, she landed smoothly, crouching and holding the dagger with a wicked glint in her eyes. "You don't want to know where I got this dagger from, but I will have it sticking out your body in a second, if you make one wrong move. Return my daggers. Now" She wasn't worried about Edo-Sayuri, merely about the stranger. She narrowed her eyes and did not speak any further. Instead, she watched. She studied. And she readied herself for battle. It reminded her suddenly of when she use to watch the guild. She'd been 13, struggling to find her own place in the world. Struggling to be seen. With another sudden jolt, she realised she had seen Liana, leaving the guild, with Edo-Master Jamie. She had been she had been such a geeky little kid. Shy, and struggling to find her own image, Edo-Sasha had wanted so much to be a part of the guild. So she had worked hard, trained with her daggers, and changed her image, so she could finally be seen. And then it hadn't matter. The guild had seen her. So she watched, ready to fight for her guild.
Pen just laughed, which was all the incentive that Sasha needed. She swallowed, and she moved swiftly, just as the Legion swooped down. It wasn't Edo-lazarus's, but rather, it was pure white, its black eyes gleaming dangerously, and Pen laughed, vaulting up onto the Legion. Sasha moved, "Tiger Impact!" The tiger formed, flying down like a hammer, but the Legion was in the air, and narrowly avoided the attack, which proceeded to slam down into the ground, shattering the ice there. "You are such a sentimental fool, Lazarus. Such a shame about that. I hoped for better. Oh Well. there's plenty more people who will be happy to serve me" And the legion was off, towards the castle. Sasha let out a sound that might be considered a growl, before sighing. She looked to Edo-Lazarus, and shook her head. She realised that this worlds' Lazarus probably wasn't accustomed to her magic. Strange, to have to remember that. And that he probably wasn't accustomed to her ice floor. "Sorry" she said softly, "I guess I forgot for a moment, that you weren't my Lazarus. I'm use to fighting with my guild mates" She cleared her throat, realising that she should probably get back to the others.
Edo-Jamie watched as edo-Angelica seemed to move, and not move. She blurred, and suddenly, she was a foot away from Edo-Karn, in the same position she had been as youth had attacked her. Edo-Jamie sighed. "You gotta be quicker, Karn. She's slimy" Edo-Jamie said, amusement tinging his tone. [color=f26522["Attack her from all sides, if you can"[/color]
Liana gasped at edo-Trinity's sudden movement, and the spin out the way of danger. It just seemed so amazing, that. It seemed easy to simply move with the girl, and Liana did so, not fighting her. How could these girls be so...sure of themselves? to be able to react like that so instinctively? Liana had never been able to do that, part of her always focusing on being a princess, the other part on maintain the facade that she was nothing but just another person in Edolas making her way. "How...how can you do that?"
Master Jamie
Master Jamie settled at his desk, and sighed softly, dropping her head into his hands. It seemed that things had just gone in wild different directions. How had searching for a way to get Wes back, resulted in several members being in Edolas? Lifting her head, her eyes fell on the worn, faded photo of a little girl. Three in the picture, the girl was laughing as she chased a cat. 15 years was a long time. In some ways, things had changed. And in others, they had stayed the same. Yet that Little girl never saw five, and Jamie had never been the same after her death. "Sometimes, Sam, I still wonder. What more could I have done? Am I doomed to repeat it all again? To see those I care about die?" On a sigh, Jamie rose, gently sliding the photo back under some papers, and back out to the guild hall. And smiled. No. These youngesters, these members could protect themselves. And trusted one another to protect each other. Jamie moved silently, and leaned against the job board, wondering how long it would take to be noticed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn Fiore || Mt. Hakobe Interacting: Mithera
As Mithera woke up and moved closer to them. Karn smiled brightly with the muzzle of the Chimera before turning back into his human form and stretching out. His aching body feeling much better now. Thinking about the possibility of having someone like how Zero and Zenoram were, the blonde softly chuckled. "Well if I did have someone like that, they probably would be super serious and cautious. Probably would disagree a lot with me." Karn chuckled softly.
Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Jamie, Edo-Angelica, Twin
"Yeah yeah, I'm just getting warmed up GM. No fun if it ends so soon." Edo-Karn smirked, emerald eyes flashing upward as smoke bombs went off before they rapidly twirling the electric whip around the body, surrounding themself in a electric tornado and brushing the incoming knives while using the other hand to swiftly pick out knives that broke through and tossing them right back at the attacker was throwing them. A few had managed to slice against Karn's brown jacket, causing rips in it. Revealing some flesh that was ether covered in scars or metal wires. After that, they reached into their belt briefly and pulled out a few small spinning tops, three in each hand before tossing one handful at the false queen and the other towards where the other attacker was. The tops would spin rapidly around their opponents before emitting a electric tornado all around them, damaging and electrocuting those inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Trin spun in place with Liana for a moment before locking their bearing down where she can see the fight easily. She glanced only briefly at the princess as she spoke, shaking her head and leaning her head against the young lady's shoulder. "It isn't that I can fight or dodge attacks, y'know? I just like to dance. I was surprised when I found I could protect people like this..." She keeps the princess close, so they can move immediately when needed.
Outside Magic Council
Trinity looks up with Nori when Maddox pulled out a lacrima. Of course Maddox had been given one, too. The young bard pulled out the lacrima she'd been given, as well. "Yeah, did everyone go back to Magnolia already or what?" She looked around. She didn't spot anyone else immediately...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia and Joshua
Amelia tucked her wings back into her shirt before following Jarvis out of the room, sticking close to him, as if she was afraid he would leave or vanish suddenly. Joshua was waiting patiently and followed after them, noting how Amelia stuck rather close to Jarvis. He had to wonder what the two had talked about when no one else had been around. Shrugging to himself, he leaned against the doorway of the room Lazarus was in with Edo-Jarvis and waited patiently for them to get moving. Some action would be nice right about now but he was sure he'd see some given time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Angelo nodded at penny as he ate the berries they actually didn't taste that bad but he wasn't going to plan on eating them as a meal. He followed penny as they saw mayt and Damien and Angelo was about to come out and say hi when he saw penny duck back into cover and then he noticed it to, that wasn't their Damien but this worlds Damien and the one here looks like he was tough and considering the Damien in the normal world is an S ranked wizard that's saying something. thankfully it looked like Mayt got the upper hand and won and Angelo waved "looks like we came in the same way but in different places. Good to see someone that is normal, well normal under the circumstances. So far I've meet penny here and her edo version and now you. All we need is to find a way out and make sure everyone gets to it if im not mistaken"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[Edo-Damian] Grimacing, Damian dodged, parried and countered the series of slashes as they came, though he never really pushed any advantage a parry or counter attack might provide. He stepped as if he was studying the sword wielding assassin in front of him. Finally, he took the initiative during one of the overhead slashes his opponent was throwing. While the blade was still up in the air, Damian rushed inside his opponent's guard and delivered an open palm strike to the face of the man, stumbling him. His momentum suddenly transferred to his rear, the sword buried itself in the ground and was incredibly difficult to pull out, even for the big man. Moving forward, Damian delivered a quick series of slices, cuts, and thrusts at the man to test his defense without the weapon, which was good, as he'd avoided most of the attacks, taking only a couple new nicks to his armor. "Well, I'll give you props for being more than show. But that's about it. You WILL die here today." [Damian] "You're actually in luck." Damian noticed Master Jamie come back out and smiled to himself. "Master Jamie is much better at answering those kinds of questions than me. Jobs are over there," he points at the job board, "on that board. Boarding can be discussed with Master Jamie as I have no actual idea how it works." [James] Looking around for the pair, James frowns before turning his attention back to the Lacrima. "No, I'm at the Train Station waiting for the all of our guild mates to come back. I think Damian left with a teleportation lacrima, so he's already back at the hall. And I know Master Jamie is as well. That leaves you guys and a few other stragglers who are trickling in." He looked around one last time to confirm it with himself then nodded. They were all that hadn't boarded.
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