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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Guts - Yamaku Academy Gut's eyes cracked open as the first shafts of sunlight entered the room. He was in the bed of an infirmary, dressed in a blue medical gown. Besides that, his armor was stripped, and replaced with a fresh layer of bandages over his cuts and burns. Even his stump was naked, and a fresh wrap of gauze covered the scar. "Oh, you're awake!" a voice greeted him. A squint-eyed man approached Guts. "You certainly got beat up there, buddy. You've been unconscious the whole night; we were gonna send you to a real hospital today. We would have sooner, but our facilities are a bit more intensive here. Mind telling me your name?" "...Guts." "Okay, Mr. Guts. Is that, first, last?" "Guts." "...Okay. Mind telling me what you were doing covered in armor and burns in the middle of our courtyard?" he asked, opening a single eye. "Well... even I'm not entirely sure what happened last night." The nurse nodded, and walked across the room, pressing a button on a telephone. "Hey, our John Doe's up. Yeah, the metal man. It's too early to tell, but he might have some form of amnesia.... yeah, he was pretty beat up. Might have been a LARP gone wrong.... yeah; it'd be good as a charity thing... No, it's all in storage. A bunch of bottles, jars, some jerky and stuff. No way that can be real; it's gotta be a prop. Just, a heavy prop.. This guy must have been really into it; he's like a body builder. Must be, to carry that thing on his back all day. Understood." he finished, and hung up the phone. "Alright, Mister Guts, we've got a proposition. This school is already equipped to handle the differently abled, and your injuries are really minor; I think you had exhaustion more than anything. We're offering to keep you here for a few days, until we can figure out where you're from. Oh, and, don't worry about your bags, and uh... 'clothes'. We have them in a storage closet. Does that sound good to you?" Guts looked away in thought. He'd been fighting to the point of collapse pretty often for a while; a sabbatical would probably be necessary at this rate. Wherever this place was, it offered meals and a bed. Guts squinted a bit, looking out the window. He couldn't look such a gift horse in the mouth. "Alright. Until these wounds close up." the swordsman agreed. "Alright! We got you some clothes that should fit. Feel free to walk around, just... don't cause any trouble, okay? Otherwise, I think you'll fit right in." the nurse said, before exiting the room, grabbing a clipboard on his way out. As he left, he mumbled something about a meeting with an Ibasomething. Guts looked at the table next to him, running his hands over the clothes: boots, denim pants, and an Aloha shirt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Another message went out to the Hench List. Hey. Takahara again. I'm going to come out and say it: Shadow Eternity left me stranded in a post-apocalyptic hellhole for a week where I had to find food and water for myself. This isn't how an Evil Organization should look at its employees. They are people, not resources. I'm sending this out to people I know have similar feelings about the goals, policies, and direction of Shadow Eternity. If you want a chance to make some real money, to belong to one of those Evil Organizations I keep yapping about when we're drinking, come to Freddy's. I've got some investors lined up already. All I need is some employees I can trust.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

- Freddy's
ZIIIIIIIIIP Inside Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, a zipper opened up right near the office. A man in a black and red coat emerged, while holding on to a few Sunflower Lockseeds. He put the Lockseeds away and wandered around. He was just at an alien planet before all hell broke out. He got onto his Rose Attacker and got out of dodge before it escalated. He wandered around until he got into a Crack, the very same crack that led him here. "A pizzeria?" Kaito muttered. He wandered about and even sat down at one of the tables. He'll need some time to relax after what had just happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Freddy Fazbear's
As Kaito exited the bathroom, the room, once full of jovial laughter and karaoke, went dead silent. The animatronics on stage were staring at Kaito, even if they weren't moving off the stage. The silence was broken by the mechanical whirring of a robot on treads approaching Kaito's table. "Okay buddy, let's see some ID! Dis here's a private affair!" "You dumbot, he's not even wearing a mask! He's OBVIOUSLY not on the list!" the chicken-bot replied.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shadow Eternity Commando Group A, Sacrificial Pit
A small tablet in Ollanius, Hu, and Microcline's pockets vibrated gently, but went unnoticed amidst the carnage ensuing. The Meset that had crashed into the catwalk fell under a hail of gunfire, reducing it to a rapidly-liquefying heap of rotten meat and feathers. As the beast desperately lunged forward in an attempt to strike its target one more time, it shook the catwalk. After months of wear and tear, the rusty catwalk finally gave way, dropping the soldiers to the floor below. Cursing his poor luck and thanking his well-padded armor, Hu Ameye was the first to get up. "Hey!" he called out to the rest of his rising comrades, "We can't expect to hit any of these while they're flying! Wait for them to slow down!" Elsewhere, Hampus the dead was lying peacefully for a man with a broken neck. As if by magic, his neck bones started knitting themselves together! Split arteries reconnected, torn muscles wrapped around one another and tensed, and spreading blood seeped back into the veins it came from. Hampus was healing!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

- Freddy's
Kaito looked to the robot chicken and robot mole. He cracked a small smile before looking serious. These two were funny, yes, but he had to focus. The strong don't just laugh in the face of danger without showing their strength. "Very well." Kaito slaps on his Sengoku Driver and brings out his Banana Lockseed. "I'll wear a mask then... On top of some armor. HENSHIN!" He pops it open. BANANA! A zipper opens up as a giant metal banana slowly came down into view. Kaito locked the seed into his belt. LOCK ON! And then he cut the lock. COME ON! BANANA ARMS! KNIGHT OF SPEAR~!! The Banana came down onto Kaito and folded out, creating banana like armor over the materializing red and white spandex uniform. When the armor parts locked into place, a burst of banana juice came from the armor. "You may call me Armored Rider Baron. Though, if your requirement is a mask, then Kamen Rider Baron will suffice." Kaito brandished his spear, though he held it to the side in case these robots weren't the fighting kind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Freddy Fazbear's
"...Scratch... Did dis guy just say he's a Kamen Rider?" Kaito might notice that about 75% of the establishment, mostly Shocker mooks, was glaring at him. The elderly man in the purple robe was currently trying to push him out of the booth. "Listen, you REALLY want to leave. Like, now, bef-" "KAMEN RIDER?!" Chairs met the floor as a tremendous assortment of combatants- some humanoid, some less so, some mechanical,some of them Riders themselves- stood up in unison, bodies tensed. The animatronics on stage hopped down, a red glow through their mouth. Kuros and Nanashi stood from their tables as well, glaring at the Rider. Imperial Stormtroopers, Helghasts, AIM and HYDRA henchmen. One of the green insectoid minions spoke up. "You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Guts - Yamaku Academy Guts, in his new attire, began to wander the halls of this school. Everyone wore uniforms, which the swordsman found to be rather odd. A soldier would need a common banner, of course, but these were barely adults, not even training for battle. Moreover, many appeared to be missing limbs, or blind, or to have some other, less noticeable malady. "They put me in a damned hospice, didn't they?" Guts asked aloud, hoping he hadn't contracted leprosy. With a jolt, he turned around. The hallway behind him was empty. Perhaps years hunting apostles had left him jumpy. Perhaps this was a world that didn't house apostles. Was such a thing possible? "No, but they already..." Guts scratched his head in thought as he walked onwards, not noticing the raven lock flitting from behind a corner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Behind said corner was a young girl, with long dark hair covering half her face, trying to control her racing heartbeat. She swallowed a lump in her throat, and peered around the corner. The musclebound man in the aloha shirt was walking away now. She swore silently; she'd missed her chance. Slowly, she opened her palm, revealing a small, egg-like object, covered in human facial features. She'd found it in the courtyard near where he'd been found; it was an odd object, but this was an odd man. So, logically it must have been his. She had to return it, then. She steeled herself, and took another peek, seeing his powerful back. She'd get her chance soon enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Meta-Ridley - GFS Mothership Bridge
While the many ships surrounding the mothership got more and more on edge over their inability to react toward Ridley's actions in fear of not only damaging the hunter but also their precious leading ship. While the space bounty hunter sought a form of advantage by dodging Ridley's ruthless attempt to incinerate her in every way possible, she seemed to forget what was at stake when she consulted her grandiose starship to do the deed. Ridley glared at the ship he had met more than once during his many encounters with his current opponent. Knowing the benefits he could take from such a brutal approach, he'd let the ship perform its attack without a counter. When the projectiles were getting too close from him, both his clawed feet would heat up in a plasma charged redness that suddenly exploded and projected him immediately to the direction of the hunter, employing a speed that could easily deflect her normal shots and leaving a very small time frame for her to release a charged one. The consequences of her previous attack would cause the projectiles to indiscriminately crash on the mothership's surface as the cybernetic creature had swiftly got off the radar at the last second with its witty use of explosions. Perhaps she would understand the consequences of her actions with the many pieces of debris flying into space and the chain reaction caused on the many peripherals linked in that destroyed. Sporadic explosions occurred in a small area on the ship, likely killing a couple of foot soldiers and lowering the GFS's ability to respond to the threat. Ridley's attack, however, was aimed at grabbing the hunter at the level of her waist, this time the height chosen would at least give him the chance to critically slash her morph ball form if she were to got for the witty counter. As per usual, his tail was purposely laid limp and stretched backwards with the full launch of Ridley's body. It was going to be used as back up in case of another trick from Samus.
Corporal Faures - GFS Mothership's Engine Room
The Ork was doing as the underling has expected from his superior. Shaz was down, but the biggest part of the job had been done. Faures swiftly checked his map in order to establish the quickest route that would lead back to the Cargo bay. There was no way their escape ship could navigate through the waves of sentinel crafts waiting outside of the bay with highly proficient detection capabilities. They had to reach the agreed checkpoint and quickly before the entire place gets wiped out. Upon analyzing the data, Anderson had managed to take out a couple more of now flanked GFS that were simply terrified by the monster's previous display of raw strength. The few remaining fled in one direction in search of more cover and backup. Faures signaled the OK to move forward while keeping his holopad active. He had quick access to local camera feeds as he progressed through the wasted hallway covered in the ork's goop and GFS corpses. At the end of the small corridor, there were two different directions to take. Faures quickly checked the route while connecting to the few nearby cameras he had access to. The side they were aiming for to escape was secure, however the other side where the GFS had previous retreated was starting to swarm rather quickly with GFS PED troopers. "This way let's go!" Announced the man behind his armored helmet, gesturing the OK sign once more. They were all to sprint in the direction he had given while he tinkered with a few functions with his holopad. As the reinforcements had burst out of where they came and had just entered the area filled with dead GFS, the incendiaries had gone off. Just their luck, they were set on the vents right above them. Needless to say, most of them perished by the sheer force of the explosions. The rest were left to die in the searing flames of napalm-like substances. Arragoz, Faures, Ridley, Samus and all of the GFS crew could feel the entire structure tremor by the explosives. The explosions were not strong, but had spread through the ventilation system and caused major internal damage, thus provoking a temporary loss of control. Ridley's attack would be slightly deviated because of it, but not enough to prevent him from catching the hunter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-Jeff Andonuts, Snow Wood Boarding School- "Aww, you're leaving AGAIN?" Tony asked Jeff, who was itching for an adventure with friends once again. "Yeah. I'll need to stop by my father's and see if he's repaired the Sky Runner, or even have upgraded it again..." Jeff said. "Give me a boost at the gate, would ya?" Jeff asked, and Tony let Jeff jump on his back and then over the fence once again to go on a long journey. Jeff waved at Tony before heading off and waiting at Lake Tess for Tessie to rise from the water and take him over the lake. It took a little bit, but Tessie came up and let Jeff ride on its back across the lake, and he went down to Brick Road's cave. He went inside, and came upon a Mad Duck. He shot it and instantly killed it, since it was a very weak enemy, and continued on, down the Stone Henge, and to his father's lab. "Jeff!" Dr. Andonuts exclaimed. "Haven't seen you in... well, a week, actually. What do you want?" Dr. Andonuts asks, and Jeff said "I wanted to know if the Sky Runner is... capable of more than it was," and Dr. Andonuts smiled. "Well, take a look. I've unlocked the secret to multiversal travel inside of it... the only problem is, the only place it'll take ya is space in some other universe. I think I've seen some sort of... well, not sure what it is. Looked kinda like a giant tree. But not really... I saw a fleet of other spacecraft approach it, so I wouldn't recommend... Jeff?" Dr. Andonuts said, Jeff having already instantly revitalized himself and boarded the Sky Runner. He took it out of the lab, and looked for the multiversal travel switches. He flipped a switch or two, pulled a lever, pressed a button, and steered it around, when it took off at blazing speeds, so fast that his vision was blue-shifted, and the inertia pulling him to the back of the Sky Runner, and knocking him out. -Jeff Andonuts, Yggdrasil- After waking up, Jeff stood up, and looked out the window, seeing what his father was talking about. He steered the ship towards the giant vessel, and parked it in some sort of spacecraft bay. Jeff got out of the Sky Runner, looking about the place, and he saw someone approach him. "Welcome. We'll need to take this for your stay, since you are not part of the UMMA..." a guard said, taking his bag which had multiple weapons and different foodstuffs in it. Jeff gulped, and walked into a giant main hall sort of place. -Lucas- "... I've never fought any giant glove..." Lucas said, looking at him. Lucas' meal got there soon enough, and he began eating heartily, enjoying the omelet. It was his favorite dish, and the chef had performed it just the way Hinawa used to. He stopped eating for a minute, and looked at everyone else. Something bugged him a little bit... he felt like someone he may have known had just entered Yggdrasil. But not someone he knew well. Just someone he could... sense the presence of. He looked towards the door, and finished his meal quickly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaito was slightly intimidated by the sheer size of the mooks gathered around. Slightly. Kaito counted the minions. He could take on a few of them, he figured. That said, Kaito knew that, if he were picking the wrong battle, he could attempt to use the Rose Attacker to escape and call upon Inves from his Lockseeds to fend off the others while he made his escape. But for now, Kaito has to do what he does best: showboat his strength. "Hmph... I should say the same to you." Kaito said. He ran towards the green insectoid who called him out and tried to slash at him with his banana-like spear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The chicken robot and the one on treads dove under the table. As the slash should have connected, the insect seemingly disappeared. However, it would be fairly obvious where it ended up, as it firmly planted its foot on the Rider's back, pushing him forward. The Riotroopers and Kuro footsoldiers at the back trained their weapons on him and began firing. A few of the Zeon soldiers, however, made their way to the parking lot. The rest of the mooks began advancing, leaving a clear firing line for the Riotroopers and Kuros. Takahara, an elderly man in full Combatman regalia, pointed to Baron. "This asshole thinks he can come on OUR turf and start shit! After all the shit Riders do to us, he thinks he can come in to the one place we're safe and take it away from us! Well you know what I say?!" The mooks shouted in unison: "WHAT?" "I say we're not putting up with this shit anymore! Not the Riders! Not the incompetent leaders of these new Evil Organizations that keep fucking shit up for all of us!" "HELL NO!" "We're going to do things OUR way! We're going to get rid of all who oppose us, and we're going to get shit done!" "AMEN!" "And we're starting with this potassium-enriched fuck! Boys... put him through the ringer. We'll shampoo the carpets later." With that, the Riotroopers, Helghasts, AIM and HYDRA henchmen, Demon Clansmen, and Kuros renewed their assault. The Roidmude doorman joined in the firing squad as well. It wasn't so much an execution at this point as a wall of lasers and bullets headed for Kaito. This time though... they wouldn't stop firing when the transformation broke.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Once, I told everyone in the gym in my dream... -Strongest In The Multiverse- ...They told me to get out. That's why I don't train there anymore. ----- Masaru Takahara - Yggdrasil Restaurant District
Masaru was somewhat confused as he sat in the spacey-looking cafe, slowly chewing on the fat tuna sandwich he ordered. Normally he'd be scarfing it down to absorb all the protein as quickly as possible, but not now. Was this freaky space station in what didn't appear to be space as weird as Odio's realm? He wasn't sure. But at least nothing had tried to kill him yet. Back there, it seemed like the universe had emptied its garbage can of unfinished monsters and criminals on top of his head. But on the other hand, when he got sucked through the inexplicable portal here, he had to go through about fifteen layers of red tape before they'd let him in. Paperwork and him didn't get along, he thought, scowling to himself. Too many times, sticklers for paperwork were cowards who wished to take out their frustration on ordinary people. He spied the various patrons of the cafe again. Nothing too special; as per usual, he'd been looking for challengers since he learned about the Multiverse from local law enforcement. He had been hoping he'd maybe meet some characters from his favourite fighting games, but instead, it seemed like everyone preferred hokey magic or fancy-shmancy gadgets to raw strength and skill. Different standards where they come from, perhaps. But there were two people who caught his eye, leading to a pause in his tuna-scoffing. A fellow at a table just down from his. He was almost certainly Japanese from the looks of him, although with bleached hair and about half a Kimono attached to his clothes. And a wooden Bokutou, which at least was a weapon of skill. The man reminded him a little of Oboro-Maru, but it was unlikely they'd met. And not just because Oboro was a Ninja. Next to that guy was a little kid with black, beady eyes and a stripy shirt, looking around all twitchy-like. He looked slightly familiar... a character from a fighting game, even, but not one who used his fists...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Guts had only walked and thought for a short amount of time before bumping into something scrawny. In front of him was a green boy, his eyes concealed by absurdly thick glasses, and his neck warmed by a firey scarf. "It begins", Kenji whispered as he stared at the swordsman, awestruck. With that, he dashed off, leaving Guts alone once more. The swordsman didn't sense any hostility, but couldn't help but feel something off about him. ~~~~~~~~~ Some time later, Hanako had tracked her target to an empty classroom. Alone, she could run in, hand over the face-egg-thing, and oh no what was he doing. She peeked around a corner. The one-armed man had sat down, and was getting directions from a stately blonde girl. And Lilly was smiling. He'd probably get them a lot now. No, she had to cut off the tie now, she decided, and marched into the room. The moment her foot created a tap on the floor, Guts' head spun around, his singular eye glaring at her. She gasped; from here she could see his face and arm were both riddled with tiny, ragged scars. She let out a stammered squeak. "Oh, Hanako, is that you? Come sit down, I was just telling Mr. Guts about our library. He was looking for older books; I was just saying you might be able to help him." Lilly said, giving a ladylike smile. Hanako gave a quiet, nervous 'yes', and sat down with the two. Guts made a reticent question about some other old tomes, and Lilly gave the usual dignified response. Meanwhile, Hanako sat next to the man, trying to avert her gaze, but nervously glancing at his stump or permanently shut eye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Blackout - Shadow Eternity Main Hangar Back in the hangar, Blackout silently waited. Once again he had time to think about things without being pestered by the constant happenings of the little beings around him. In his last attack, he had been unprepared, something he truly hated. They had surprises that he didn't anticipated ... it was a mistake he didn't intend to make a second time. Since he had done scans on their vessel, he now had a better idea of what they were armed with. Their cannons had the chance of damaging him, which meant taking out their defenses would be a priority. Once that was done, he would be able to freely rain destruction down upon them and blow them out of the sky. The idea of the enemy ship burning while he hunted down and slaughtered any survivors that emerged gave Blackout great satisfaction. Soundwave - Yggdrasil After having observed the arrival of the one he didn't trust, Soundwave deemed it wise to move on. For one, it would be annoying to have to explain his way out of being blamed on spying on his comrade. Sure, he could do it extremely well, but he would avoid the scenario if he had the capability to do so. Moving on, the silent bot found himself walking down the lesser used hallways of the massive complex. He did this by remotely observing the security camera's through his visor, and making the necessary adjustments to his journey to avoid large crowds. While he no longer needed to hide in the shadows, having done it nearly his entire life, it was like second nature to the ex-Decepticon.
Zooming down the hallways, the large metal Bird known as Laserbeak finally made its way towards its master. It appeared to be about to make a head-on collision, before it changed form and attached neatly to the larger cybertronian's chest.
With Laserbeak returned, Soundwave continued on his journey. The extra armor felt comfortable, and it was as if he had managed to fully complete himself with Laserbeak's return.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gintoki looked at Lucas in slight disappointment following his comment, but quickly put that to the side as his food arrived. The fruit itself seemed to have been remade into a gelatin of sorts, probably due to his offhanded mention of Toriko's name. Well, that name was probably floating around their listing because of how famous he and that chef friend of his were in their own world, so the way his meal was served was probably derived from they had it prepared. Not that it looked that bad, though. "Really? My bad then. You might still want to check it out, though." he said to Lucas as he picked up a spoon and carefully took a piece of the gelatin off of his plate and lifted it up. "Well, let's do this." he said, smiling as he took his first bite of the food. Gintoki's immediate reaction was one of incredible shock. He had expected something like a layered multiflavored gelatin at first, but this was more like a gobstopper that just kept rotating through flavors over and over again. It was amazing, but the taste reminded him of something else entirely. "...Crap. I'm sorry Shinpachi, but I'll probably die of sugar overdose today." he muttered as he swallowed his bite of the gelatin and continued eating. "I have no regrets. I can die a happy man now."
Suwako shot a glare full of malice at the second of the three enemies who had just appeared, the Mishaguji slowly taking form at her feet. His words only confirmed her suspicions even more, and it was probable that conflict would break out at any second. But would she make the first move? ...No. That was suicidal. That boy was intentionally provoking her, for sure. She had let her emotions get the better of her before, and it had ended up with her in hot water multiple times over. That didn't mean she would simply let them go, though. Though she didn't know anything about the girl that was just rescued, protecting those that needed protecting was on her to-do list as a deity of the Moriya Shrine- something Sanae had tacked on, saying it would 'rally the people behind them' or something of the sort. If she didn't stick true to those beliefs now, then how could she face those two back at home without guilt?
"Well, if the theory of parallel worlds was true in other worlds as much as ours, then it'd only be a matter of time before people would get curious. Though I must say your motivations otherwise are... Interesting, at the very least." Kakine stated as his meal arrived. The pungent aroma of foreign spices wafted from his noodles, attacking his nose as if with a sharp knife. Maybe it was a mistake to order this food... "That aside, though, another person to travel with might make out job a bit more interesting. Though I do have a few... Qualms about bringing you into the city itself. I wouldn't doubt that the officials wouldn't take kindly to your entrance, either... Hm... Oh! There's always the option to just meet up in the next world over." he said, holding out his left hand and forming a small while earpiece out of Dark Matter within. "Take this- if we need to, I can transmit information across worlds with it. Probably. I haven't had anyone to test it with yet." With his right hand, Kakine took a pair of chopsticks and looked at the noodles warily. Maybe it was just better to bring it back to Academy City for analysis instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samus Aran - GFS Mothership Bridge
As Samus' ship began firing upon the ruthless space pirate, she thought that surely this would get him. Yet once again, she was wronged. Ridley's clawed feet began heating up and as the projectiles were close to him and with a sudden explosion, he speeds right towards the bounty hunter with formidable speed! As her ship's projectiles missed their target, they crashed onto the mothership's surface, dealing some damage to the surface. Yet Samus is now in a tight situation. She needed to avoid his attack and fast! She considered using her morph ball, but judging at Ridley's intelligence, he wouldn't be fooled for a second time. She begins charging up her cannon slightly, as she figures out a daring plan. As Ridley would try to grab her waist, Samus leaps up into the air, right into the mighty toothed-beak of her nemesis. With a small flip, she then lands on her two feet and using all her strength she struggles to keep the beak up, like a pillar supporting the ceiling. Then wasting no time, she fires her cannon into his mouth, with several rapidfired lasers going right into his cybernetic gut. This should deal some good internal damage to him.
Swerve - Hunter-Class Starship - GFS Mothership Bridge
"Damnit!" Swerve says as the projectiles missed Ridley, "I missed! Damn ya, ya stupid mechanical bird!" The ship continues to circle around the fighting duo, trying to find another opportunity to fire on Ridley when he would least expect it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Nono, Restaurant District, Yggdrasil Seated at the table with the rest of them, Nono was visibly more than a bit happy that Saber had sat by her, though she didn't do anything more amazing than humming happily as she looked over the menu, perfectly accommodating for the other girl as Saber finally got around to ordering. And as expected, it was a suitably large amount. "Yep," she confirmed with a nod to the waiter when he asked about the sheer size of it all. "Onee-sama eats a lot. But you won't have to worry about leftovers." That was the truth, and Nono hadn't met anyone else who could really match her in that. Well, Nono herself could, but that was cheating, given that she didn't actually have to eat food in the first place. It seemed the good mood was infectious, Saber brimming with anticipation, and Nono feeding off of the good mood of the person she had practically claimed as her older sister, happy to be spending time with her, and nothing more complicated than that. At this point she was almost bouncing in her seat, though with some restraint, as she talked and enjoyed herself. Soon enough the food arrived. Red sauce, meat, rice to go with it. And of course, the panoply of options that Saber had gotten, which took up quite a bit of the table in front of her. Nono shifted to make some room then, before she got to eating. with some of the rice, some meat, and the sauce, for the full experience. And then, she bit down. Hot That was the first thing she could say. Oh god, it was hot, and her face heated in reaction, red tinting her cheeks as she rushed it down, followed by some water. "Wow, that's amazing," she said, panting a bit with her face flushed. "It's like a fire in my mouth, but...it's got a good aftertaste to it." Which was, of course, why she proceeded to repeat the experience, like she was some sort of self torturing masochist, as opposed to doing the reasonable thing and getting a different dish. Well, that is, excepting the times when she grabbed a sampler from whatever dishes Saber was having at the time, just to see how they were. Presumably the King of Knights wouldn't mind, and if Onee-sama had picked it then it couldn't be terrible, right? So, she'd enjoy herself in the company of her friends, not a care in the world. ------------------------ Misaka 10032, Client World Macross Misaka listened to the conversation without speaking, unsurprised to hear that Marisa was exploring the same as them, though previous actions as well as her own predictions based on sociological analysis indicated that the Witch was probably also looking for things of perceived value to steal, though the Sister didn't have proof of that. Then her food arrived, a complex dish of stir fry involving noodles, chopped vegetables, and alien spices. It certainly sent her stomach rumbling at the realization of how hungry she was, and with her own chopsticks she began to eat, while keeping an ear on the conversation. She didn't visibly react to the action Kakine took, handing the experimental Dark Matter earpiece to Marisa for possible use, though she agreed that their companion coming to Academy City would probably not be received well without some preparation and the filling out of paperwork beforehand, which they could do when they returned if they so desired. For the moment though, there was eating, and Miskaa went at it slowly, cataloging every flavor, caloric intake, range on the Scoville Scale, the various ingredients, and other information that her Sisters or Academy City might find of use. "Good," she said succinctly in between bites, placating her stomach in the best way possible, and getting more energy for further exploration, while a tangential thought thread wondered if Touma could make something like this for her. She'd have to ask later. ------------------------ Cinder Fall, Shadow Eternity HQ Cinder Fall paced the halls of the headquarters with smooth steps, her gaze flickering across rooms and doors, an inquisitive look seeking activity. But there was nothing in particular to draw her attention, which was a shame. Still, it wasn't surprising, with many of the operatives away on missions, and opportunities at a near nadir, it seemed. This was a less than optimal situation for her though, but one she was as unsure how to remedy as she paced across the base. She had goals, plans, a mission that needed to be fulfilled, and that couldn't be done stuck here with no one to interact with. She couldn't launch another mission so soon, lest she attract suspicion, which left her to lay further groundworks of support here. But she couldn't d that if no one was here. Still, she wouldn't let it daunt her. She just had to be patient, and calm, and wait for her time to move and act. Her purpose would survive without issue for the few days or so that would be necessary. She'd held on for years, and this would be childs play compared to that. Then an idea occurred, and with a fiery smirk she spun about, heels clicking on the floor as she made her way deeper in, to find their esteemed Leader, the one who had brought them all together, for a little chat. She knew that Leader had her own goals for this organization, and she wanted to know what they were, and to build up the trust that existed, so that when the time came, the dagger in the back would be all the more unexpected. Further in she went, to find their Leader and to talk, no more than that. It wouldn't be too difficult. Deception was her forte, and now she'd just have to see how good it was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

- Freddy's
Kaito got kicked by the Worm and into a barrage of gunfire. His armor sparked up as he was knocked around by the bullets. A man gave his rant about how he or his mooks won't put up with these 'Kamen Riders' for any longer. The firing kept on going. Kaito could try on Mango Arms, but one of the things he learned from asking Sid about the details behind the Sengoku Driver is that switching between Arms leaves you vulnerable and ripe for an opportune back stab... or back fire in his case. Kaito leaned on his Banaspear until he couldn't take the bullets no more. The armor liquified as he fell onto the ground. Kaito tried to get up. Even when he was beaten, he was not one to surrender.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Moonman
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Moonman Ancient Aelings

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Arragoz - Enjin Room / Muthership Suffice to say, the PED Trooper wasn't going to go down as easily as their fellows. Rather than being knocked clean off their feet by the Ork slamming into them, they were merely thrown off balance and temporarily dazed. An opening was still an opening, however, and Arragoz would gladly take it. Bringing his choppa to bear, the greenskin drove it into the muhrine's backpack. While the blue aura surrounding the PED Trooper stopped it from going too deep, the Kommando still succeeded in leaving a noticeable gouge in the mechanical apparatus. Before Arragoz could have 'anuvver go' at the humie with his choppa, the muhrine regained their bearings, and retaliated. Their strength and speed greatly amplified by the Phazon coursing through them, the PED trooper span around and clubbed the greenskin with their arm-cannon in one swift motion. While this failed to cause any significant damage to Arragoz, it did a spectacular job of messing up his neck, as the Ork's head was now facing to the left. With his free hand, the greenskin forcibly twisted his skull back into place, just in time to see the muhrine follow up his previous assault with a point-blank blast of Phazon-boosted energy to Arragoz' chest. Unlike the former of the two attempts at harming the Ork, this one actually left a mark. Or, to elaborate, it burned a fist-sized hole about half-way through the Kommando's chest. While a human or similar creature would be very, very dead, the Ork's only reaction was to briefly glance down at the freshly created cavity, shrug, and ask the muhrine "Wuz dat sa'posed ta 'urt?" Briefly stunned by the blast's inability to do so much as even faze their target, the PED Trooper took a moment to regain their composure, and prepared to fire off another shot. Just before the marine pulled the trigger, however, something unfortunate happened. The thrumming PED unit producing the Trooper's Hypermode sputtered, backed up, and finally petered out, taking the blue aura and all that that entailed with it. As a result, instead of loosing another mighty blast of energy, the muhrine's arm cannon produced a comparatively piddly beam, incapable of even piercing the Ork's hide. Evidently, the marine's good fortune, in addition to any chance at victory, had gone out for lunch. Yet despite this, the PED Trooper didn't surrender, flee, or do anything of a cowardly sort. Quite the contrary, as the muhrine proceeded to loose a haymaker at the Ork's face, using the hand that wasn't encased in the now functionally worthless arm-cannon. At the very least, the humie deserved credit for not being a complete panzy. Deciding to oblige the muhrine's desire for good ol' fisticuffs, Arragoz responded with his own fist, enhanced by the spikes of his knuckleduster/choppa. Barely a moment later, the fist of one impacted the face of the other, and a sickening crunch could be heard. The PED Trooper collapsed to the ground shortly afterwards, making the source of the prior sound clear. With the brief, but still somewhat satisfying duel at an end, Arragoz casually ripped the PED unit from the muhrine's corpse, before returning his attention to the matter at hand: gettin' da zog off da ship afore it 'splodes. Luckily, one of the humies accompanying him had already determined an escape route, so the greenskin proceeded to leg it in the indicated direction. When the firey bombs were finally set off, the Greenskin managed a short chuckle, knowing that the humies would now be too busy either 'Doin' da Burny Dance' or putting out the fires to effectively pursue them.
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