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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Correcting statement: It is automaton not robots organic."
Full Name; Mizn Tan-Erbo

Nickname Mizn

Gender; Automaton (a clockwork robot)

Age; 25

Birthday January 18, 3045

Astrological Sign; Capricorn

From & Creator; Oc by me from the endless space universe

Personality; Mizn is a calm person taking very long to anger him. He is a quite logical automaton taking the most logical out come or response. Mizn is quite inquisitive always trying to learn new thing. He is quite friendly individual few things will make him upset at a person.

Powers & Abilities;
Mizn is a Dust infected he manipulate the dust allowing him to create barriers, enhance strength. Hostile dust swam, decoys, and he can create some weapons mostly blades. However, the same power runs his body, he can't use too much or it will kill him. Normal this wouldn't be an issue as he could absorb Dust from the environment but due to the lack of Dust in this current world he can't due get any from the environment. His robotic body makes him stronger than humans and allows him to take a greater amount of damage than an organic body.

Likes: nature, technology, space craft, and exploration

Dislikes: Illogical action and disrespecting nature

Occupation/Hobby: building clockwork creations

Apartment; Interior; Space station

Apartment; Room 205

Possessions; A Model starship of an Automaton battleship, workbench, a box of tools to work on clockwork creations, a holo computer, and Endless relic

Clothing; nothing he is a robot

Other; he has little understanding of human culture and mannerism. He also speaks like hk-47.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Call me a fool! If I don't have any other talent, I might as well be the greatest fool of all!

Issei Hyoudou

Red Dragon Emperor/Crimson Dragon Emperor/ True Dragon



June 23rd


From: Highschool DxD
Author: Ichiei Ishibumi
Version: Light Novel

Issei is a happy go lucky guy with perverted tendencies, he goes in great lengths and develop skills that other female character in the series classify them as Sexual Harassment.
Do not be fooled by his lecherous tendencies, as he is one of the characters in the series to display strong degrees of loyalty, bravery, and compassion that earns him the love and admiration of his comrades. One example is the time when he fought the immortal Riser Phenex, he sacrificed his right arm to achieve his Balance Breaker "Scale Mail" and fighting an opponent more powerful than him then, to save his beloved Rias.
When he was murdered by Raynare, he developed a fear of admitting his feelings, as he thought it would cause them to turn their backs on him. He acknowledged that this would never happen, but it was still an intense fear. He overcame the fear of rejection later in the series.

Thanks to bbecoming a Devil Iseei has gained many new abilities, using the term new loosely.
- Night Vision
- Enhanced Senses
- Boosted Gear
- Balance Breaker "Scale Mail"
- Ascalon Blade
- Dragon Shot
- Power Increase every 10 Seconds, depends on user's Physical Limitations.
- Illegal Move Trident
- Promotion
-Dividing Wyvern Fairie

Likes the usual perverted stuff. Dislikes Fallen Angels, and Khaos Brigade.

Part of Rias' Devil Peerage. Now is without a job, he didn't have one in the first place anyways. Looking for one.

Antique Interior

Room 7, Floor 3

Familiar, Ryuttemaru

Issei arrived wearing Kuoh Academy's Uniform and wears it most of the time.


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cnash1303


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Corbin Greene






From and Buy
Earth by Cnash1303

Corbin is generally a laid back person, he is not anti-social, but he is perfectly fine with being quiet and alone. He loves to read and learn new things, and most of the time can be found with his head in a book or laptop which he uses to read and play a hand-ful of video games. He like documentaries, anime, and film in general. All around, he is nice guy who is smart, but doesn't flaunt it unless asked to.

Heat and fire Manipulation

Likes: reading, Writing, Gardening and playing video games
Dislikes: People being irresponsible with money


Apartment Room

1. His Pet Wolf - Dunbar
2. Laptop
3. Fishing Pole
4. Pocket Knife
5. A Leather Messenger Bag
6. Record Player
7. Headphones
8. Pen and Notebook

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"He who moves first always wins."

Full Name

Max Power


L, Eraldo coil (fake name)






September 30th

Astrological Sign


From & Creator

From: Death Note

Creator: Tsugumi Ohba

Alternate universe: Light never touched the death note


Max Power is a secretive person, often hiding behind a wall of secrets, He also keeps his name a Secret and refers to himself as L

He has horrible posture, and sits down extremely weirdly, this increases his reasoning skills apparently

He has a extreme love for candy and sweets, eating them literally all of the time, However Richard can also be manipulative, Often lying for the greater good, But Max is also very investigating, wanting to know more.

But he can also be a crackpot theorist at times, However usually he is right,

Powers & Abilities

(ability) Extreme intelligence

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Chocolate, the dark, investigating things, Theories, clue, Good quality riddles

dislikes: Showers, Fixing his hair, Pretty much anything that has to do with personal hygiene, crappy riddles


Private Investigator

Apartment Interior

Apartment Room apartment 408, jail cell,


He doesn't exactly have anything,


White shirt, Blue genes, ironically this is what he wears all of the time


Nothing of importance
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by JSwiftTehPwnlordXD
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JSwiftTehPwnlordXD Self-declared Democratic President of North Korea

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Meiya
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Meiya Royal Confident

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Full Name
Altrouge Brunestud

Princess of the Dead Apostles, Demon Lord, Eclipse Princess, The Lord of Blood and Contract, Dead Apostle Ancestor #9



December 24th (Self Styled)

Astrological Sign

From & Creator
Notes Co ltd., Kinoko

Her personality seems to change depending on her current form. In her base form, she is a playful but competitive Lady, with only a few hints at her core personality. Her adult form is a bit more sadistic, and tends to look down on others. Her final form is very serious and has undertones of Crimson Moons personality. In terms of daily life, she seems to be reliant on the people around her socially. This doesn't mean she won't shut herself into her room for long periods of time, but that tends to happen in bursts. She is particularly ambitious and can be cruel when she pleases. Despite seeming like someone who to some degree accepts this new world around her, she subconsciously rejects it.

Powers & Abilities
Altrouge is a cross between a True Ancestor and Dead Apostle Ancestor(Essentially a Vampire), so she has the abilities of both. She can use her marble phantasm and true ancestor circuits to change the world around her, and has resistance to conceptual and magical attacks. As one of the top ten Dead Apostle Ancestors, she is very hard to kill. However, she is noted as being unstable compared to Arcueid. She is capable of summoning her three servants(Rizo, Fina, and Primate Murder)

Much like a video game end boss(Or a Magical Girl), she has three forms; a base form that takes the appearance of a fourteen year old girl, an adult form, and a final form. She is completely normal in her base form, other than better senses and having a very tenacious body, along with the weird physiology of a vampire. She is only capable of being a true threat to anyone in her adult form and final form.

Altrouge can be noted as an intelligent person, and she has executed many plans that play a very, very long game. Despite her bossy nature she is actually capable of good leadership. She has the capacity of granting contracts with those around her which can help others fulfill their desires.

Likes & Dislikes
Altrouge enjoys doing something, though what exactly it is tends to be irrelevant. Because of that, she is open to doing almost anything, as long as its something coherent with a ends to the means. She likes those who submit to whatever status quo she typical enforcers. It seems that she likes a certain type of person at random and then tends to dote on those like them, though its likely not very random at all. She dislikes busy work and pointless activities, often getting somewhat annoyed at their mention.

She takes up the role of a Lawyer and Law Enforcer on the island. In reality Altrouge's more like a NEET who likes to make pretend she has a job when its convenient for her.

Apartment Interior

Apartment Room

Primate Murder(Her cute puppy)
Arcueid Brunestud's hair
Marble Phantasm
Her servants(Rizo and Fina)
Moon Rock
Fridge Full of Premium Blood

She makes do with the dress she came with, though she may change it up for variety. In addition her clothing changes with her form to whatever is pictured for that form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Hello, Commander.
In light of the recent extraterrestrial incursion, this Council of Nations has convened to approve the activation of the XCOM Project.
You have been chosen to lead this initiative. To oversee our first—and last—line of defense.
Your efforts will have considerable influence on this planet's future. We urge you to keep that in mind as you proceed.
Good luck, Commander."

Full Name
Commander Emelia Elwin




April 2nd

Astrological Sign

From & Creator
Xcom: Enemy Within


Curt and often to the point, Commander Elwin is someone who expresses her opinions openly and without hesitation. She likes to set a clear distinction between work and play, and as such she will often drive her employees to high standards. She is also accustomed to making extremely hard decisions, ones dealing with matters of life and death, but she has long since decided that there was no point in regrets, only lessons.

Despite her rather rigid personality, the Commander is often a risk taker and, more surprisingly, someone who is willing to bend morals to get things done - as necessary for someone who had to consider the approval of concepts such as transhumanism and "playing god".

Powers & Abilities

The Commander, unlike some of her troops, is a completely normal human.

Likes & Dislikes

The Commander enjoys a positive report as well as succeeding in tasks. She also likes jets and a nice cup of coffee.
The Commander is known to dislike traitors, people willing to switch to other sides. She really had enough of those kinds of people from EXALT.

She Manages the Amusement Park as well as assisting in the planning of island wide events.

Apartment Interior

Apartment Room


A Diary she kept of the Extraterrestrial invasion
A Computer.
A Plasma Pistol
Nanofiber Vest

A Military Uniform with the X-Com insignia on it. She mostly wears it when she's on her job as the manager of the park.

Through the Extraterrestrial invasion she managed to lead humanity to victory at the cost of thirteen soldiers excluding the volunteer and the withdrawal of the nations of Nigeria, Brazil and India from the Council.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Trainer N
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Trainer N a squad of bagpipe players

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Full Name
Gilbert Nightray
Gilbert of "Gil"


Physically 24, 125 actual

February 5th

Astrological Sign
From & Creator
Pandora Hearts - Jun Mochizuki

  • Gruff
  • Reserved
  • Loyal
  • Observant
  • Protective

Gilbert Nightray is a man of many faces. Towards most newcomers, he appears rather cold and reserved. There are many who consider him rather unapproachable due to this, and how disinterested he seems in most people at first glance. The kind, timid, easily picked on boy he once was has long vanished into a stronger, colder person with a deadly cunning. Yet, the endless loyalty he had then hasn't faded. He would gladly cheat, lie and even die for his friends, Oz specifically. He is driven by a need to accompany and protect those who he holds close. If anyone is a threat to Oz, he specifically targets them and won't rest until they're dead. His exterior seems rather frigid, as shown by his cold, unyielding gaze and expressions. Yet, Gilbert warms towards certain people after knowing them for a significant amount of time. Also, if he knows you're an ally, he's more likely to be more hospitable. Beneath the cold exterior is a loyal person who would go to the ends of the earth to support his friends.

Besides his duties to his master, he is very independent and does not like to have his schedule restrained. He enjoys his alone time significantly, and often cooks, practices his shooting and aim, goes for a quick smoke, or even reluctantly has a cup of tea with Xerxes Break. He likes being useful to Oz and those around him. He also doesn't like following a mundane schedule, and hates repetitiveness. He often attempts to change his schedule at least a tiny bit each day. This doesn't necessarily mean traveling all around, because he doesn't really have the time of money to do that. He knows he has too many responsibilities, and he isn't the type to just leave and abandon people. He can get irritated very quickly at times, even more when dealing with Alice or Xerxes Break, or any threat to Oz. He has a habit of disliking stubborn people, even though he can kind of be stubborn himself. He's ridiculously stubborn, and is willing to do terrible things if he's commanded to by Oz. He's weak-willed when it comes to Oz, but can be stubborn and stand up to those who have more power than he does for the sake of others. This is one of his fatal flaws and can certainly get him harmed.

Powers & Abilities
  • Talented with guns
  • High physical resistance
  • Very speedy fighter

He as control of a chain called Raven.
Raven can do the following:
  • Create dangerous blue flames
  • Able to somewhat seal the power of other chains, or summons
  • Create Illusions

  • Dogs
  • Generous People
  • Gourmet Food
  • Violin music
  • Cool, mild weather

  • Cats
  • Food with extremely spicy/sweet/salty/etc flavoring
  • Deadlines
  • Severely humid weather

Gilbert is rather talented with cooking.

Apartment Interior

Apartment Room

  • Gun
  • His infamous hat
  • Bookof Edgar Allen Poe's best stories
  • Pocketwatch

[ Each Islanders have eight total. Can be a sport's item, a weapon, a pet, a gaming console, a book, etc. ]


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Stephanie Dola
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Stephanie Dola

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Full name
Arcueid Brunestud

Moon Princess, White Princess of The True Ancestors



December 25th (Self Styled)

Astrological Sign

From & Creator
Tsukihime, Nasu

Arcueid is shown to be a whimsical individual who, although knowing the basics of the modern era, does not seem to know about social norms. Despite her age, she has spent most of it sleeping, and knows very little on interacting with others. It is best to compare her with a child, as she is just more innocent than anything else. Under her cheery persona, sleeps an inner monster who wants nothing than to drink the blood of anyone who comes before her. She only gets this way if she tastes blood, so as long as that doesn't happen, she should remain the same. Then there is Archtype Earth, where she becomes more like Crimson Brunestud than herself.

Powers & Abilities
Arcueid was created to be the strongest True Ancestor, and fills the role perfectly. She can use her marble phantasm and true ancestor circuits give her the ability to resist magic and conceptual weaponry, as well as change the world around her.

However, Arcueid can never go all out. She can currently only use 30% of her strength, and the rest needs to keep her stable. If Arc ever drinks even another drop of blood, her vampiric impulses will take over, turning her into the monster with an eternal thirst for blood. Arc will do everything she can to avoid going into this form, because if she ever does, she will never be able to return.

Basically, if you're bleeding, avoid Arc at all costs.

Likes & Dislikes
Arcueid's favorite thing is food. There is no exact preference for a specific type, but her favorite food is food prepared from the heart, but only if it tastes good. She doesn't care about how much effort you put into it, if it is bad, she will not eat it. Arc likes people for the most part, finding them interesting creatures, and just wants to learn all about them. She has burning hatred of Michael Roa Valdamjong, and even mentioning him is likely to irritate Arcueid. On top of that, she also doesn't like bad food, and killing humans.


Apartment Interior

Apartment Room

Aoko's Glasses
Marble Phantasm

Arc wears her usual dress most of the time, but she might change on occasion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ItsToppyTippers
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ItsToppyTippers Yuri!!! on Ice got me SHOOK.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Full Name
Yang Xiao Long




August 19th -- self-styled

Astrological Sign

From & Creator
RWBY: Monty Oum, RoosterTeeth

Straightforward. Confident. Energetic. Bright. Takes Combat and Hostile situations extremely lightly. Very sociable, enjoys having conversations and making friends. Extremely nurturing, especially when it comes to her baby sister. Very optimistic, though extremely protective of her hair. Enjoys making puns, but tends to hold grudges towards those who have annoyed or wronged her.​

Powers & Abilities
Semblance - Whenever she is hit, she gets stronger.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Her teammates in Team RWBY -- Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Blake Belladonna.
  • Making puns.
  • Cute boys.
  • Having a good fight.
  • Chatting with buddies.
  • Meeting new people.

  • Bad puns.
  • Baddies
  • People who hurt her family, friends.
  • People who discriminate others.


  • Huntress in Training

Apartment Interior

Apartment Room
Room 102

Ember Celica - Her beloved babies.
Aviator Sunglasses - She just looks awesome in them.
Bumblebee - Her motorcycle.


Not Applicable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Trainer N
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Trainer N a squad of bagpipe players

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Full Name
Vincent Nightray



23[physically], actually 124

September 23rd

Astrological Sign

From & Creator
Pandora Hearts - Jun Mochizuki

Vincent is a cold and calculating young man with a slanted mistrust against women, which was likely caused my how his mother treated him. He blames their mother for abandoning them both, and is mostly very irritated by women. He despises those who trust others easily, and is disgusted by those who sleep around freely, considering them to be too trusting. His mother caused him to lack the ability to trust women at all. He believes that his very existence is troublesome for his brother, Gilbert, and wishes to erase his very existence from the world in order to make Gilbert's life easier. He believes he is the cause of Gilbert's current unhappiness. Vincent will never stop trying to aid his brother, and is admittedly very attracted to him. He has a very deep obsession with his brother, desiring to be more intimate and closer with him. Vincent is generally sociopathic and lacks empathy towards most human beings besides his two brothers, Elliot and Gilbert. He's terribly sadistic, and is stated to enjoy torturing people. Gore and blood hardly ever phases him, as he has been subjected to multiple terrible events and tragedies during his childhood.

He is rather cruel, but tends to become stressed over his brother's wellbeing rather easily. He's not usually very concerned about himself, but believes he needs to stay alive to achieve his goal of never existing in the first place.
Powers & Abilities
  • Sleep - He is capable of putting an enemy to sleep using his chain, the Dormouse
  • TortureMentally and physically, he's a cunning young man who knows exactly how to hurt people
  • Chess - He's deeply intellectual and good at predicting his enemy's next move, therefore he's good at chess
  • Shooting - Vincent almost immediately surpassed his brother in terms of being able to aim and shoot guns

Likes & Dislikes
  • Gilbert
  • Loyal family members
  • Sleeping
  • Torturing people
  • Earl Grey Tea
  • Fresh fruit

  • Most women
  • Those who have betrayed their families
  • Thieves
  • Those who get in the way of his goals

  • Playing chess
  • Scheming and strategy

Apartment Interior

Apartment Room
Room 206

  • Chessboard
  • Silver and gold scissors x4


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