Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Daisuke glanced at the bloody man for a moment before turning his head back towards the enemies in front of him. A frown formed on his face, mostly from the man (if he could even be called one) and his appearance and demeanor. But the girl's reluctance to fight... Though it was understandable, her excuse was flimsy at best. Their entire world was thrown out the window and she was faced with supernatural beings, the living dead, and a possibly homicidal maniac... But still insisted on not fighting?

"You know, even if you can't fight now, you'll have to eventually. Relying on us is fine for now, but don't become dead weight in the future, alright?"

Though they were harsh words, they did truly come from the bottom of his heart. He had always strived to not be useless and weak and worthless, and so he abhorred anyone willing to sit back and let others work for them. Parasitic relationships like that doomed everything, which he would much prefer to avoid. But his own philosophical tangents could wait; survival was priority.

Rather than plunge headfirst into enemy lines, Daisuke open to wait for the enemies to come to them. It conserved what little energy he had left, which would probably make all the difference in the end. Watching as the Kobold smashed the skull of a zombie in, Daisuke shuddered. It was still a human mere moments before, so seeing it so quickly destroyed was still unsettling. As he turned away from the Kobold, though, he found himself facing a small, ghostlike creature that the app identified as a Poltergeist. If it was a ghost, wouldn't it be incorporeal...?

Daisuke soon found out that wasn't the case though, which was quite convenient. After smacking the demon around once or twice, it dissipated into the same light that it materialized from. Daisuke's phone immediately had a strange symbol- some h with a strike through it- flash and report he had made 10 macca. What?

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he asked, swinging his pole down on another demon. "I can only do so much on my own!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A thin smile crept onto Oswald's bloody face, listening and feeling the tension they bore over him gave him a tingle of delight. The feel of dread, danger and fear fed him more than food could ever do. And as the three humans stared and spoke, with each word of warning and angry they showed him, he thought to himself. "No, we haven't." Spoke Tai, as he stood in front of Keiko and defensively held up a pitiful excuse for a weapon in front of her and bludgeoned a zombie dead with ease, like he was some sort of brilliant hero from a story couldn't help but makes Oswald smile more. (What a pitiful excuse for a man), he thought to himself, as he stood without even flinching at his stance, his eyes like daggers piercing into each of their souls with but a mere look, as the zombies slowly approached from behind him.

"N-no. We haven't seen y-your son."

(Her voice was different...) He thought to himself. (No no, dear, stop lying, I know fear when I smell it, and yours is about as fake as each and every woman I've met... I'l be keeping a close eye on your, little one, trust in that... )

Oswalds gaze then turned toward Daisuke and shrugged uninterested, He wasn't interested in what he thought about him.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he asked, swinging his pole down on another demon. "I can only do so much on my own!"

By the time he spoke, Oswald erupted into a laughing fit, clutching his stomach as he bellowed loudly with a laugh not of insanity, but of happiness, as if he heard the best joke in the world and was laughing among family, before deciding to speak with his low and disturbing voice.

"Ahaha! Aaaah... I know you can't handle all this by your little selves, poor dears... But there's no need to weep, children... It's a good thing I found you so... closely knit together, hmm~? I just happen to be strong enough to destroy plenty of these weaklings... Try not to get devoured... Too often~"

His last words were heavily emphasized as he held his head back and slowly breathed in the stench of blood around him, two zombies closing in on his position, almost as if he didn't know they were coming, but of course, their stench was eye watering putrid, and it was a stench he was quite familiar with, and by twisting around 180 degrees, the mans bloody knives embedded themselves into two of the zombies' foreheads, sending a gush of blood straight over him, drenching him in more blood.

"The name is Oswald Rothschild, little children... Stay with me... You might be lost to all this murderous carnage without holding my hand with your innocent own... You don't deserve eternal slumber from such beasts...

Jack the ripper suddenly leaped down beside him and cackled with a maddening sneer, as Oswald approached the zombie horde beside his demon, giggling all the while.


As Oswald screamed this with a voice of sickening pleasure, Jack the ripper zipped forward and launched down upon a zombie, it's razor like blade powerfully sunk into its flesh and ripping it open from balls to hair, slicing it in half and dispersing a sickening odor around the corpse in the form of a green like gas, which infected a few poltergeists around the horde, and weakening them for the others to attack, as Oswald ran head first and proceeded to swing madly at his foes.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freikugel
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Freikugel Certified Stand User

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Damn!” exclaimed Gentaro after the new quake. The man was breathing heavily yet it wasn’t because of the running, in fact, he was proud of having a strong physical condition thus this was no different than jogging. He was tired due to the chain of events, the surprise and fear had greatly affected his focus and resistance, thankfully his hidden store was close as he installed it in Akiba as the city was perfect for business not only in the legal side but also illegal.

Hmm? What’s this?... Wondered the bulky man as he saw a considerable number of people in front of his office.
Clients? Never seen this many before. Don’t tell me it’s because of the monsters… Thought the man while looking at the small crowd.
On the legal side he was supposedly an accountant, he doubted that many people were interested in dealing with economic issues in a time like this, the logic conclusion was that these were people who knew about his real job or at least had heard the rumors and held a small glint of hope to find something to defend themselves with.

The man carefully surrounded the crowd trying to not be noticed, he would use the back entrance yet he couldn’t hide a smile that drew on his face.

Simply excellent, never had that many clients before, perhaps is a good time to leave this shitty country, it’s falling apart after all. Thought while entering the building.

What Gentaro called his storehouse was a very big basement within the two stores building which composed his office and whole business department in general.

He opened the door only to be received by an avalanche of desperate people, skilled as he was the man managed to calm them down, it was just as he thought, they were seeking for weapons. It wasn’t an easy task to gather them hence the price was often expensive, even with that, the number of clients and his experience told him that it was the best idea to lower it a bit, after all the profit will be considerable.

Although he used the basement to keep the weapons he had a few hidden in the office and thus the first sales went smoothly, it was the first time he sold weapons openly as if this were to be any common drug store, for a moment it felt weird but he ignored the feeling, he would had even forgotten the whole chaos weren’t by the fact the fearful clients talk about it in despair.

“I… I was too assaulted by one of these things… I’ve never run too much before in my life!”
“I was lucky I could beat that thing, but is now stuck in my cellphone, what’s going on?”
“Is the end of the world I tell you, these are demons, this is the judgement day!!!”
And like that the men talked and talked.

“Quiet!” Exclaimed as one of the desperate men demanded a handgun.
“That’s 60.000 yen, I’ll only accept the full cash.” Said with a stern tone, the man replied with a complain, a excuse and a promise of giving him the rest of the money later.
“If there is no money then there is no weapon, good luck being ripped apart by the monsters” said without changing his expression.
Out of madness the client decided it was better to attack him and take the guns themselves, in fact many agreed and weren’t to be by the fact that Gentaro arrived at time they would had probably broke in the store and steal all for them.
However, the client committed a mistake, he was dealing with a man made for the job. For a moment they all went speechless as the aggressive client lied now in the floor groaning in pain while grabbing his leg. Smoke poured from a gun held in Gentaro’s right arm, the same one he used to shot him in the leg.

“As I said, if there is no money get outta here” said with a calm yet threatening tone.
Things flew smoothly after that as no one tried to assault him again.

As expected, the weapons he had in the office had been now all handled. Gentaro exhaled his cigarette’s smoke and said “Wait there, I’ll go for more weapons”
The clients again revolted yet the only click of Gentaro’s gun calmed them down.
Tch! I really hate disorder thought while heading to his basement.

The man pressed his hand against the knob and immediately felt that something was wrong. It was cold, extremely cold. He closed his eyes for a second readying for whatever was waiting for him inside and then opened it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Akiba Streets

Daisuke sighed and massaged his forehead as he watched Oswald let loose, unleashing carnage left and right. That was definitely someone who wasn't right in the head... Not by any moral standards. The man reminded Daisuke more of a crazed beast than an actual human, which, given the situation, was surprisingly fitting. At the moment, though, it seemed he... Or it... Was on their side.

"Well, I guess in a world filled with killing a serial killer's probably your best bet. Or something like that." he said, vaulting over a pile of debris with his pole to dropkick a pixie in the face. it felt mean, beating up something small and so humanoid, but it was better than the death that awaited them if they didn't.

Looking around at the remaining adversaries, Daisuke noticed another demon reforming from a portal in the ground. That wasn't a good sign; the portals had to be destroyed for the demons to stop barreling down at them. Making his way over to the nearest portal (which just so happened to be a few feet away), Daisuke noticed the portal's origin was a cell phone- probably one of the deceased's, if anything. Smashing his pole into it, the portal quickly dissipated. So the demons were bound to the phones, then?

Looking around once more, Daisuke noted that their numbers hadn't really thinned, minus the ones that Oswald and his friend were hacking and slashing at. His hypothesis was probably wrong, then; he could destroy the phones, yes, but the demons had to go by force. Pleasant. Not.

"Hey, smash the cells under the portals!" he shouted to the people near him. "It'll stop the number of enemies from growing any larger!"

Gentaro's Shop

As the door opened wider, an abnormal sight would meet his eyes- about thirty or so demons, white bodied and all with blue hats and incredibly goofy smiles, messing around in his storage room. They seemed to pay Gentaro no mind, instead opting to spend their time messing around in the now fully frozen over room.

"Hee-ho! This place is pretty interesting, isn't it, ho?" one of the demons asked another, who seemed to be examining an assault rifle in its hands.
"Hee-hee! I'd say so! And all of these toys are pretty interesting too!" it responded, shaking the gun around before putting it back in its former position. "Ho, but I really wish that the King was here. He'd definitely know what to do now, ho!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tai frowned a little as the man displayed some harsh truths. "You know, even if you can't fight now, you'll have to eventually. Relying on us is fine for now, but don't become dead weight in the future, alright?" he said. Tai had to reluctantly agree. Eventually something would happen that would force her to fight, he was sure. That was just how things worked, especially now that the world seemed to have become some weird pokemon cellphone simulator.

"Well, what are you waiting for? I can only do so much on my own!" the man said. Oh, yeah, he wasn't really doing the fighting he said he was going to. All he had done currently was defend the girl against a human, not even one of the demons. With a huff, he began whacking at zombies, not really paying attention to the crazy man who was laughing, condescending, and destroying foes with them. Tai honestly didn't care what he said if he was helping them, but as soon as he turned on them, that creepy douche was getting a bass to the face. He did catch the creepy dude's name though, Rothschild. Something foreign. Huh.

An odd cackle, not one made by any of his current teammates, distracted him. Another demon, controlled by Roths if the way he was commanding and screaming at it was any indication. He even gave the murderous beast a cute name, Jack. Yeah, he should probably give Obariyon a name too...

His distraction provided hazardous, as a zombie girl had sneaked up on him and scratched at him, leaving a wound not very deep, but still a little painful. "Agh, shit!" Tai yelped, before whacking it upside then head, generating a guitar strum and a sickening crack. "Ooh. That musta hurt. Now I feel bad." Tai said, giving the corpse a quick mournful glance and a frown before continuing to hit stuff. The exact same amount of stuff as before, actually.

Tai sighed. This was getting nowhere! It seemed that they hadn't made much of a dent in the enemy forces. He huffed again before looking over at Obariyon. "Hey, dude, let's pick it up! If you help me win, I'll give you a cool name, okay?" Tai bartered. Obariyon shrugged before beginning to attack the enemy with his master. With a quick leap, Obariyon got himself around what Tai's phone identified as a 'kobold' and restrained it with his suction cupped hands It was another one of those demons that the man had, the only difference being the kobold was attacking them, instead of other demons. Tai took this opportunity to murderize it with his guitar. A few bludgeoning blows, and the demon zapped out of existence. His phone notified him that he had gotten some 'macca'. "Huh? Macca? I thought enemies were supposed to explode into coins..."

But his videogame related tangent was cut short by the man recommending them a strategy. "Hey, smash the cells under the portals! It'll stop the number of enemies from growing any larger!" He said. Oh, so they were respawning. Tai was confused as to how little progress he had made, but it made a little more sense now. "You heard 'im, Obariyon! Let's get those cellphones!" Tai yelled. Obariyon just sighed at his master's enthusiasm and followed him into battle as they carved there way through to another cellphone to break.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Keiko Yamada~

"You know, even if you can't fight now, you'll have to eventually. Relying on us is fine for now, but don't become dead weight in the future, alright?"

Tsk. He was going to be a problem, wasn't he? Well, she would think on that later she had other rather, pressing concerns right now. Like trying to not become zombie food. But how exactly should she fight? She wasn't totally lying about the whole fighting thing. She didn't know the first thing when it came to self defense! Maybe if she had a gun or something, she could do a bit of damage. She may have never used one before, but she did know how they worked at least.

"Well, what are you waiting for? I can only do so much on my own!"

Ugh. This boy was getting more annoying by the second. So impatient. At least he seemed to know how to handle himself in a fight. It might be better to stick with him for a bit, even if she didn't like him so much. She tried to drown out the annoying cackling of the deranged psycho as she turned to face their current enemies. The Pixie was eagerly awaiting her command, so it seemed, flitting about watching the others doing their fair share of the work and apparently waiting for her to give her the 'kick their ass' sign. With a huff, and seeing little choice she gave the annoying fairy just that.

"Alright, U-uhm, Attack, I guess?" She said, to which the Pixie confidently replied.

"Alright! Fight time! Come and get some you hobos!" Really, the Pixie's attempt to be threatening were only comical at best. Her somewhat child-like voice and the fact that her threat consisted of the word 'hobo' meant she really had no idea how to properly threaten someone, did she? Not that it mattered. With a confident grin, the Pixie engaged the closest Demon next to her. The Pixie was surprisingly good at what it was doing. Not as strong as the - Kobold, was it? - but she definitely knew how to use her speed to an advantage here. With a few short bursts of attacks, the creature had been solidly defeated without much trouble and had dropped Macca. So killing demons was how one received 'macca'. It wasn't much, but it was a start at least.

"Hey, smash the cells under the portals! It'll stop the number of enemies from growing any larger!"

The voice momentarily distracted her. The phones? They were coming out of the phones? That had a few disturbing notions she wasn't going to contemplate at the moment. She would think about that after dealing with the current enemies. Unfortunately, it had seemed another Kobold had manage to sneak up on her while the Pixie had finished off another one. Before she could even say anything, the creature attacked. She noticed it just in time to dodge a what she assumed would have been a very painful blow to her head, instead the creatures club like weapon slammed straight down onto her shoulder. She gave a yelp of pain as the blow connected, momentarily stunning her as her legs crumpled. Thankfully, the Pixie was nearby enough to engage the Kobold, finishing it rather easily with a solid kick to the head.

"Oooh, you're hurt. Hold on a second." Without another word, the Pixie approached her, placing her hands on her shoulder. A few seconds later, a soft glow emanated from her hands, healing whatever wound she received from the Kobold. Huh...that was a surprisingly useful ability.

"Hmph. If you expect me to thank you, you're wrong. You shouldn't have let it happen in the first place." She whispered with a frown, as the little Pixie healed her.

"Well Gee, maybe next time I'll let him kill you." The Pixie jokingly replied, finishing up the healing surprisingly fast. Perhaps the blow hadn't been as hard as it felt...still, with her rather weak physical abilities taking too much punishment was a bad idea.

"Don't forget pest, it's me you're supposed to protect. Understand?" She gave the Pixie a brief glare as she rolled her shoulder - making sure everything was fine and that the pest didn't screw anything up.

"Aye boss! Won't save the cute boys!" The pixie excitedly, but quietly replied. Well, it seemed the Pixie knew to keep quiet when talking at least. With a sigh, she stood back up, and replied to the other boy.

"Alright! I'll see if I can get one!" She turned to the Pixie again. "Alright, you, uh, you heard him. See if you can get to one of those phones, alright?" With a giggle, and a nod, the Pixie started killing some demons and zombies once again, going for a third cellphone that was fairly close to the two of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oswald continued to blindly swing along with his demon and cut down a great group of the zombies before panting, noticing his Macca was increasing with every kill he managed, he didn't exactly pay attention to it all, and simply relished in being soaked in the sickening blood of these deceased monsters. Unfortunately after a minute he grew tired, not of stamina but enjoyment, scratching his ear with his knife, which slowly cut through the skin and made it trickle with a slight tinge of blood.

"These zombies don't entertain me... What a fucking bore! Seriously, where's the fun in killing your opponent if they don't SATISFY you?!"

Oswald then heard Daisuke speak, deciding to cock his head in an abnormal angle to listen to what the little boy had to say...

"Hey, smash the cells under the portals!" he shouted to the people near him. "It'll stop the number of enemies from growing any larger!"

Smash the cellphones you say? That's all? Very well... If that's our game, that's our game... These weaklings were boring me ANYWAY! JACK THE RIPPER, LETS DANCE!

Oswald and jack bolted into a run and cackled in unison, dancing and dodging their opponents in a flurry of swings and dodges, that barely escape the hordes grasp, it wasn't skill it was sheerly blind luck he could dodge the strikes, the mad killer slicing down and recovering a few more Macca with each kill before reaching one of the portals and stomping onto it with his heavy boot, crushing it and obliterating one of the portals. He stared back he noticed the horde blocking the others direction toward the portals and sighed, smiling eerily as he ran behind the horde and attacked their legs, cutting past a few of the zombies to help them build a clear route toward the portal cellphones, laughing with glee as he stabbed and slashed and with each slice he called out.

"Slash, stab, stab, stabby, slashy slashy, MAIM!"

Oswald panted and wheezed as he returned to the group, having cleared some of the path for them before falling onto his knees in fatigue, and falling onto his back, his stamina having been drained from his maddening slashing spree.

"Aaah... Children... Your savior has cleared you a path... Obey and go destroy them now... I'l watch~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Daisuke wiped the sweat from his brow as he smashed a slime in its... Body? (at least, that's what the phone identified it as). For the most part, the threat seemed to be dealt with in the area nearby- the block they were on was now more or less devoid of demons, thanks to the efforts of a certain psychopathic murderer. Though he wasn't apt to thank the killer for his murderous rampage of death and destruction, Daisuke did have to admit that the job was done pretty efficiently, if not a tad messily.

"We'll handle it from here, then. Take your time resting." Daisuke said, directing his kobold to go and crush a cellphone a while away as he went after one nearby. Those two seemed to be the only ones remaining, and since the demons didn't have time to reform from the portals the last of the fighting was more or less over. Moving back over to the others he had met, Daisuke took a seat on some relatively flat rubble and looked at his phone. There was a function, "Recall demons", that was flashing yellow on his screen. He tapped the button, and it did exactly what he had expected it to do- his kobold soon returned to its form of while light and dissipated into nothing... Again.

"That was... Tedious." Daisuke stated, planting his pole in the ground as he looked at the others. The high school students were probably okay enough to be around, but that murderer... That murderer definitely felt like a ticking time bomb.

"So." Daisuke continued, staring at the recovering serial killer. "Thanks for clearing the rest of the way... I guess."

There was no doubt in his mind- this person took joy in taking life away, which meant they could very well be next on his hitlist. But the fact remained that he had actually helped them out while he could have simply run off to kill some other prey. There was always the possibility that he wanted to be the one to kill one of them (or maybe all of them, if he was feeling lucky), but his actions made Daisuke re-evaluate him. By no means would that justify his behavior, though- THAT reminded him of something straight from one of those seinen anime that people always found themselves talking about at his school. To think that he would actually find someone like that didn't exactly please him, but the situation at hand was definitely more dire.

"Fighting aside, I'd like it if we could figure out a plan of action. Self introductions can come later... After we get to a place where demons won't murder us and stuff. Anyone have any ideas about where to go? I'd rather not bust into a building here, though..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

With a grunt, Tai slammed his bass guitar onto the cellphone connected to the portal that was spewing the demons he'd just cut a bloody swath through. Well, not really a bloody swath, the demons never bled for some odd reason. Back on topic, after Tai heard the snap of shitty electronics under his instrument, he lifted it back up and groaned in annoyance. A large crack had formed itself down the body of the guitar.

"Man... I'm gonna have to fix that before Ichiro sees it..." Tai complained, inspecting the damage on his brother's guitar. Well, technically it was Ichiro, but it was pretty much Tai's. At least until Ichiro asked for it back. Still, Ichiro was protective of it, and he wouldn't like that his precious Rickenbacker imported all the way from America was cracked.

With a sigh, he rejoined with the man and Rothschild, who was lying on the ground from exhaustion. Murder sprees must take a lot out of you. Tai had to admit, he was kinda tired too. Not 'keel over and pass out' tired, but he could stand sitting down for a little while. His phone indicated him that he could recall his demons now. "Obariyon, I'll think of a name while you're gone. Next time I call you, I'll see if you like it, okay?" Tai said. He then confirmed the choice and Obariyon dissipated before it even had a chance to protest fruitlessly or give a halfhearted gesture of indifference.

With a sigh of relief, Tai sat down next to the man on the semi-seat worthy pile of rocks. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, his arm was starting to hurt a little more. He rubbed it softly as he swung his guitar around to his back to get it out of the way. Finally things were slowing down. This day was way more hectic than he was expecting, and he was honestly starting to doubt he would find his father in one piece.

"Fighting aside, I'd like it if we could figure out a plan of action. Self introductions can come later... After we get to a place where demons won't murder us and stuff. Anyone have any ideas about where to go? I'd rather not bust into a building here, though..." The man asked. "My house would probably be to far from here... I don't have the keys to my dad's new shop... I dunno, do any of you guys have ideas?" Tai thought aloud. "Oh, and does anyone have any tape?" Tai asked, holding up his bass to display the new battle scar on it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
Avatar of Happy Go Lucky

Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oswald slowly but surely stood up, having recovered most if not all of his stamina, the deranged chaotic individual folded his arms and lightly giggled in childish tone, looking around the destroyed enemies they had eliminated then at himself, his body now completely, or almost completely coated in the blood of zombies. One whiff displeased him surprisingly as he plugged his nose with disinterest.

"Urrgh, this blood is revolting...! It's smell of so darn putrid, I feel as if i'l be sick! So unpure so... so gross..."

With his free hand, Oswald immediately took his cellphone out and called back jack without saying a word, as he stared toward the two of them, speaking up so both could hear him out.

"I unfortunately don't have a place of residence anymore... Destroyed, the demons... Poor Childs out there all alone, and without his daddy to care for him... aaah... It's horrible, I tell you~! Oh, and don't look at me like that... I'm just a worthless jobless father who's having a bad day... Yes, I have anger issues, but i'm not a bad guy~ I just have my ... days..."

Oswald was surprisingly now more calm and collected, putting on a more intellectual but rather cold voice as he fixed his bloody jacket and wiped some of the blood off his hands and legs, half gagging at the same time.

"Everyone else is dying, why does it matter where we go? Break into a random store, and stay inside until we can think about what to do! Poor kids out there, probably doing the same thing, the smart little tyke..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freikugel
Avatar of Freikugel

Freikugel Certified Stand User

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Heh… I guess lady luck still considers me his enemy thought Gentaro as he saw the snow like creatures in the basement.

“Hee! An intruder Ho!”
“Let’s kill him Hee!, let’s kill him Ho!”
“This is the sacred vault of the King! Hee-Ho!”

They noticed the man’s presence and then three of the creatures run after him.

This is bad, gotta retreat!, thought the man as he run away, not the counter, not the back entrance but upstairs, a bad idea that he would later regret. Luckily he ice demon was quite a slow runner.

One of the Jack Frost followed him while the other two noticed the clients at the counter and scared them away, at the same time, the door to the basement was closed and sealed with a strong ice.

As Gentaro run his cellphone buzzed and with a flash of light the Angel showed its form once again.
The man was taken aback and almost fell from the stairs, this small moment of distraction allowed the Jack Frost to impact him with a ball of ice.
Gentaro screamed as his mouth expelled blood, he was about to fell but the Angel took his hand and lead him through the stairs.

“A bad… moment for you to show up…. Whaat do you want?!” asked Gentaro in cold and pain.
I told thee, I’m bound to thee… Let me treat thy wounds” said the Angel with a solemn tone as it raised its hand healing the wounds of Gentaro.
“Heh! That’s a nice trick you can do… what else you can?” asked and as if the application were to be sentient, the phone buzzed and showed the “Skills” of the Angel.
This guy… can’t fight?... Thought the man disappointed. However, clever as he was he quickly developed a strategy.
“This could be of use, listen pretty boy…..” said to the Angel. Gentaro told of his plan and the being nodded its head in agreement.

It was a luck to begin with that only one of the Jack Frost pursued him, otherwise he would be doomed, still the plan was risky.
“Where are you Hee? Are you hiding Ho!?” Asked the Jack Frost as it looked through the rooms of the second floor.
“Over here ice cone!!!” Exclaimed Gentaro from inside the bathroom.
“A human doesn’t insult me like that Ho! I’ll kill you!” Exclaimed the Jack Frost as it fired a ball of ice that blasted through the bathroom’s door and impacted Gentaro. The creature smiled however it wasn’t the only one. Gentaro was smiling as well.

Rakukaja, the skill to increase the natural resistance of a living being, it wasn’t a big change, but if Gentaro could withstand the first attack of the enemy, he sure could withstand the second one, more if covered by the door. It was still a strong hit that almost threw him back yet he did his best to maintain his position.

Dia, the magic to remove wounds and accelerate the healing process of the body, even while not suited to fight, this was one of the Angel’s great assets. The quick and risky strategy the man developed in the few seconds was simple, to increase his resistance, withstand a hit of the creature and then be healed again all so he could have a perfect chance to counter attack.

However a body made of ice would not be greatly wounded by a gun, thus resorting to an improvised and wishful move, Gentaro offered the Jack frost a smile.
On his left hand there was a lighter, on his right hand an aerosol. The Jack Frost could only look dumbfounded before understanding what that means. Soon, as if it were to be a flamethrower, Gentaro charged against the creature wielding his improvised weapon. Both the fire and the iced body entered in contact and a steam formed. The scream of the Jack Frost could only mean that the plan was working and the creature was slowly stepping backwards as Gentaro advanced. However, although wounded, the creature was not finished and once the man run of “ammo” the Jack Frost found its way to counterattack.

“Now I’m really angry Hee!” Exclaimed, however Gentaro smiled once again.
“Go, Angel!” exclaimed as the winged being showed in front of the Jack Frost and physically attacked him with the same palm strike it used against Gentaro before, a fairly weak attack, however…
Jack Frost fell, it was at the border of the stairs, the exact point where Gentaro lead it and thus although the attack of Angel was weak it pushed the creature and made it roll painfully through the stairs.

Gentaro could not lost any more second, he quickly run towards his room and picked hidden under his bed’s cushion a handgun which he hid within his pants, inside his closet a submachinegun and lying over the wall a black sheath containing a katana that he kept as an ornament and although he never used it he did know how.
He made sure he had all his money in his pockets and exclaimed.
“Angel! You handle the landing!” and then the man broke through the window and jumped from the second store, normally not a big height, but his house was very tall, even above standards. Thus, he would surely break a bone or two in the landing, yet the Angel carefully caught him.

Gentaro was breathing heavily yet he still had energy to perform a fist bump with the Angel.
Even when tired he could not lost time, hence he run away from what used to be his previous office and home and was now the base of a bunch of walking ice cream.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Keiko Yamada~

Keiko watched in a mix of annoyance and displeasure as Oswald ripped through the zombies rather easily. She had to admit, the animal was good at what he did - which was kill things. Now, if she could tame the beast...he could be a very useful little tool. The thought caused her to smirk a bit. Her own, personal little guard-dog. Now, that, was an idea she could get behind. She'd have to be careful though, unless she wanted to end up one of his victims. A thought for later, anyways.

"Aaah... Children... Your savior has cleared you a path... Obey and go destroy them now... I'l watch~"

Soon though, he had cleared a path for them. Most of the demons were easily dispatched, and Keiko made her move. While the Pixie fended off the last of the demons, She reached the cellphone. With a loud stomp, she brought her foot down on it, crushing it and closing the portal in one swift motion. Well, that was much easier than she thought it was going to be. She got a little rough up in the process, but she learned her pest of a demon could heal. That would be useful.

For her, at least. She had no intention of blabbing that to the others...

Keiko made her way back over to the others, not bothering to put away her Pixie, who decided to take up a residency sitting on her shoulder for the moment. She looked at the others - they seemed to have fared well enough.

"Fighting aside, I'd like it if we could figure out a plan of action. Self introductions can come later... After we get to a place where demons won't murder us and stuff. Anyone have any ideas about where to go? I'd rather not bust into a building here, though..."

The man said. He had a point. Standing around talking like this was probably a bad idea. More demons would probably pop up, soon enough. Going into one of these unstable buildings...well, she was fairly sure that was better than standing out here, even if it meant that the building was unstable.

"My house would probably be to far from here... I don't have the keys to my dad's new shop... I dunno, do any of you guys have ideas? Oh, and does anyone have any tape?"

Tai commented, asking for some tape. Really, in a time like this? How idiotic. They had more worries other than his precious guitar for the moment. Like not getting mauled by the demons. Before she could comment, however the...creature spoke.

"Everyone else is dying, why does it matter where we go? Break into a random store, and stay inside until we can think about what to do! Poor kids out there, probably doing the same thing, the smart little tyke..."

...she couldn't believe she was agreeing with him. It would be better to get inside, rather than stay out here after all. Off the streets and into some place they could defend themselves and lay low for a bit, until they could find another plan of action. With a sigh, Keiko finally replied.

"U-uhm, thank you for clearing out those demons." She said to the psychotic man, a bit nervously. "I do think your idea is b-best..." She quietly continued, shuffling a bit uncomfortably on the spot in fake discomfort as she voiced her opinion. "Standing out in the open is obviously bad, is it not? It would be better to head indoors and then think about a further plan of action while we lay low, for a bit."

Despite her being a notorious liar and manipulator, she was being truthful in thanking him for clearing a path. She very well knew when thanks was due, even to some pleb like that beast of a human. Though, really she just wanted a place to lay low for a bit to collect her own thoughts, and gauge how much control she could potentially have over this little group of boys. Tai would be easy, probably. The other, was going to be difficult for sure, but the...creature was a complete mystery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Daisuke nodded at everyone's responses before sighing, his shoulders drooping down in defeat. It didn't seem like cared much for formalities and property, but given the situation it was kind of understandable. Picking up his pole, Daisuke walked over to the nearest storefront; the metal shutters seemed to have bee cracked in multiple places, so Daisuke wedged his weapon into one of them and began to push down. The thin metal that made up the shutter slowly but surely gave way, though it found itself wanting to close soon after. How irritating that was. Carefully using his pole as a support for the shutters, Daisuke began moving some of the nearby debris into the gap, prying it open even further. The pole would probably be necessary to keep the thing open, which meant he was now without a weapon.

"Alright, guess we can duck in here for a while." he said, beckoning the others as he attempted to turn on the lights. Sadly, the electricity seemed to be out, which meant that nothing was going on anytime soon. Looking around at the store a bit more, Daisuke soon found that it was an electronics store... Which, to be fair, didn't change much at all. The computer monitors that would normally be on display had found themselves shattered on the floor, and the towers had for the most part been crushed by debris. It was probably dangerous to walk down the display aisles, but on the upside there seemed to be an area for computer accessories that didn't have as much dangerous stuff lying around.

"Dang, what a shame. The stuff here actually looks pretty expensive..." he muttered as he wandered deeper into the store. If he was lucky, maybe he could find something useful... Like a solar charger or food. Or maybe another weapon. Any of those would work, really.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tai shivered a little as Rothschild eyeballed him. That creepy man... he was enough to make Tai's skin crawl. Covered in monster's blood, it reminded him of a serial killer. Rothschild talked about his state of living, probably trying to get some sympathy. "I unfortunately don't have a place of residence anymore... Destroyed, the demons... Poor Childs out there all alone, and without his daddy to care for him... aaah... It's horrible, I tell you~! Oh, and don't look at me like that... I'm just a worthless jobless father who's having a bad day... Yes, I have anger issues, but i'm not a bad guy~ I just have my ... days..." He said. Tai didn't care what this dude said, he wouldn't believe it for a second. He was enjoying that bout a little too much. Tai found it boring, he wanted a fight, and zombie's didn't provide a challenge, and would keep attacking until you offed them. Rothschild relished in it though. It wasn't the fight, it was the kill.

Tai was surprised how much he could intuit about the man. Normally, he couldn't read people at all. He guessed he just needed the motivation or something. Rothschild calmed a bit, still laughing a little, but now trying to get his hands free of blood, and talking in a more even voice. Didn't mean his voice was less unnerving though. "Everyone else is dying, why does it matter where we go? Break into a random store, and stay inside until we can think about what to do! Poor kids out there, probably doing the same thing, the smart little tyke..." He said. Tai wasn't sure. Maybe those people were still alive, and Tai was sure he wouldn't want his shop busted into. But then, the cute girl also agreed. "I do think your idea is b-best... Standing out in the open is obviously bad, is it not? It would be better to head indoors and then think about a further plan of action while we lay low, for a bit." Yeah, maybe she was right...

With a sigh of resignation, the man busted open a store front. An electronics store, judging by all the computers and stuff now broken on the floor. Tai followed his lead and entered. The electricity was cut by the tremors, judging by the lack of lights. The man wandered deeper into the store, but Tai decided to check out the checkout counter. There was a possibility they had some form of tape or something in the drawers behind there. "I'm gonna see if I can find anything to repair my bass with. Can't fight with a broken weapon, right?" He told the others, as he started opening up a drawer and skimming through it.
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