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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube looked at her and nodded, "Alright."

He lingered for a moment, seemingly indecisive before suddenly he threw his arms around Kestral and held her close. He didn't pull away immediately, instead he just held onto her. "Thank you." He spoke softly.

Milo landed on a rock down below before shifting back into his human form. He looked around taking in the fact that the area was definitely large enough for them to practice flying, and if Jube took a crash, there was water below him. Milo nodded a bit, and then looked up at the falls waiting for Jube.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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She seemed surprised, but hugged him too.
"Please don't hurt yourself," she said, before releasing him. "I'm going to catch up on some rest whilst you fly, so don't worry."
She grinned and then headed for some shade where she lay herself down, Lupo resting his head on her chest. After a few minutes her breathing became steady.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube watched her lay down to rest and smiled gently before shifting into his dragon form to follow Milo out of the waterfall cave. He landed next to Milo who climbed onto his back immediately. "What are you doing?" Jube asked annoyed.

"This is the best way to teach you how to fly. Now start by jumping straight up into the air and flap your wings in slow powerful flaps." Milo instructed.

Jube jumped up, and did as he was told, flapping much more controlled. Before he had just taken a run and he flapped. It had worked, but this was getting him used to taking off gently. "Next, I want you to flap harder, this will make you go up." Jube began flapping a bit faster, rearing to one side, "Ah, ah!" Milo tapped him, "You need to move both wings in unison, in identical motions or you will be off balance in the air."

Jube did this, and rose up more evenly. "Now that we're in a clear area, show me how you steer!" Milo told him.

For hours the two worked together, making Jube a much better flyer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes had used the time to get a small nap, though each noise woke her from her light sleep. It was hard to rest fully in a place you knew naught of, and with someone not too far away whom could be anyone. It wasn't that she doubted Milo's offer of assistance, or that she mistrusted him, but this was a new world and each day had brought fresh problems and surprises.
When she did sleep, she dreamed of doors all closed and locked. When she awoke, she didn't feel rested, but she splashed water on her face so that it made her feel more awake.
She'd always dreamed of flying, and now Jube could. She'd wanted to see a dragon up close, and now Jube was a dragon. Somehow, part of her wondered if she had wished this upon Jube, though it was a small part which she knew couldn't possibly be true.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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The two finally managed to succeed in their practice. Milo had taught Jube how to steer himself properly through the air. He felt confident about his new abilities, and knew that he could safely evade any danger he couldn't handle. The two flew back into the cave, and shifted back into their human forms.

Jube smiled at Kestral, and it was one of the few times she was ever witness to his genuine smile. "I've gotten much better, Kes. You just wait and see." He was elated.

Milo sat down with his back to the cave wall. "Mmm... I think we could use a rest for today..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes felt a surge of guilt as Jube walked toward her, but she forced it away. It was a stupid, narcissistic thought to believe that she could have any such power over a person.
"You sound like you had fun," she said, as Lupo got up and began to yap and bound around Jube, trying to lick his face.
Kes looked to Milo as he spoke and took out their food supply. There was enough for at few more days, especially since most of it was dried meats. She threw a piece for Lupo, who went bounding clumsily after it, gave some to Jube and then took some to Milo.
"Thank you," she said, offering the food to him too. "I know you didn't have to, but I know Jube really appreciates everything you're doing."
SHe smiled, a soft smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube ate the meat content, and stroked Lupo gently.

Milo looked up at her and smiled handsomely, "I like helping people out. I don't get much interaction with other people... it's nice not to feel lonely for once." He looked at the food, "You know, you don't have to feed me. In bird form I eat seeds, and worms. I can always find food. Thank you though."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes looked surprised.
"I don't think you should live on worms," she said, trying not to picture eating them. "I mean, I'm sure they're very nutritious, as well as the seeds, but still, it can't really fill you when you change to human again."
Kes had always liked birds though. She could mimmick quite a few birds, thanks to her father. When they were little, it was the one thing he used to like to do with them. It was a favourite thing of hers when she was in the woods near her home.
Thinking about this made her a little sad, so she tried to put it from her mind.
"Besides, we have enough to share, and it's the least I can do," she added. "There's not much use to me I'm afraid."
She didn't know why she said it, but now she'd said it, she found that was what was bugging her. She'd left home without really thinking Jube would have followed, and now he was having to deal with all this stuff. Before, she had protect him, but he didn't need her for that anymore. From what he'd said, he hadn't needed her to do it for some time.
If she'd just stayed at home, their lived wouldn't have changed...
Except that I'd be planning my marriage to Pepper
"Excuse me," she said out loud, forcing a smile. "I think my thoughts just mugged me."
She was no longer hungry, but she was fascinated about the fact he could become a bird. Yes, Jube could become a dragon, and she'd ask him about it, but the idea of flying free, with no one looking at you in any way strangely. Jube would need to be careful. She was confused how their clothes seemed to change with them when they changed shapes, not that she wasn't relieved about that, but it was all new, exciting, now that she was over the terror of it.
"What's it like, being able to fly?" she asked, not sitting but leaning against the wall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Milo thought for a moment, "Its very freeing. It makes you feel weightless." He took the food she offered slowly. "You shouldn't feel useless you know? You seem to emotionally stabilize Jube when he is upset. Your friendship means a lot more than you know." Milo spoke quietly.

Jube ate quietly paying attention to Lupo, he played with the pup by dragging a stick around the cave floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Her eyes had moved to the mouth of the cave as he spoke, her mind's eye envisioning how it would be to fly. She'd thought about it all before, so it didn't take a moment for her to recall it. She liked to stand on her roof when the wind blew and feel the breeze through her hair.
His words about Jube made her come back to earth with a thud, and she looked over an her friend, whom Lupo was playing with. The little wolf was watching the stick with great enthusiasm and then chasing it. When he caught it, he'd pull it like he was playing tug-o-war.
"Yes," she said, eyes still on Jube. "I might make him feel better, but just lately I seem to be more often the cause of it in the first place."
She pushed herself off the wall, heading back to Jube and putting a hand on his head.
"So, you're flying," she said, sitting down not next to him, but behind him, her back against him. She tilted her head back so it came to rest on his shoulder, her eyes on the roof of the cave. "Think you can breath fire?"
She wanted to be supportive, and now she could get past the dragon thing, mostly, it was easier to joke about it. It was her fault he was out her, so she would be the best friend she could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube smiled a little looking back at her mass of hair, "I think I probably could give it a shot. I think I still have some things to work out... like magic. I'm hoping perhaps we could find somewhere that can teach magic... I'd love to be able to do more."

He stroked Lupo gently, and relaxed with her. "I don't know what's in store for me... but I know I need you to be part of it, yeah?" He looked back curiously to see her reaction.

Milo ate quietly, and stared at the falls. They were beautiful, and very relaxing as the sunset proceeded to illuminate the water in various colours.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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She reached up behind her head, touching his hair for a moment, then letting her hand fall again.
"You'll be fine, Jube," she told him. "Don't worry. In a couple of days we'll know more about everything and then we can make a plan."
She looked back to Milo, who was eating quietly. She wondered how long he'd been somewhere like this. Was he the only one, or were there more like him. He must have a family but then why was he here with them.
"Get some rest," she said to Jube. "You must be tired after all that flying."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube nodded, "I am... I just hope I can get comfortable on this stone floor..."

Milo closed his eyes and rested against the wall of the cave. He seemed capable of relaxing anywhere regardless of comfort. "Tomorrow we'll head out." Jube decided looking back at Kestral.

He yawned and patted Lupo on the back gently before he moved and got himself a place to lie down using his blankets. It wasn't much, but it was going to have to do for now. He longed for another Inn to stay in. A real bed...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kestral didn't mind the hard floor, since they would no doubt need to get used to such a thing, but it was a far cry from a bed. She watched as Lupo placed himself neatly between them, curling up close to her.
She looked at Milo, sat alone and away from them, not distant but apart. She wished to say something, but held her tongue, her eyes closing. She thought, as sleep took her, that she'd been unconscious so much in the past few days that she wondered she should be able to sleep, but it claimed her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube woke up in the morning, and looked around. He noticed Lupo sleeping between them, and smiled a little. He felt good for once. Milo stirred a bit, but didn't wake.

The sound of the waterfall filled the cave in a peaceful fashion. Jube looked at Kestral, and gently pushed her hair out of her face. She always looked so peaceful when she slept. Jube got up after a moment, and sat near the waterfall. He cupped the water in his hands and began drinking from it. The cool water tasted very fresh and clean. It somehow reminded him that he should likely wash up today. He'd wait and see if Kestral wanted to do the same. he didn't want to bother her as she slept.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes stirred in her sleep, rolling onto her back from her side, which Lupo, half awake and ear pricked, seemed to take as an open invitation and moved so that he climbed onto her chest. This woke Kestral, but with a smile and not a start.
"Morning," she murmured, putting a hand to the pup's head.
Lupo, taking this as excouragement began to lick her face, clear affection.
"Stop," she said quietly, pushing his nuzzle away. "Yes, I need a bath, but you don't need to give it me."
She pushed herself up slighty, Lupo hopping off, and then pushed herself the full way, rubbing her eyes.
It was then that she noticed Jube was not where she'd eft him, but a quick scan of the cave relieved her concerns and she moved to join him, mirroring his actions.
"I am going to find a river soon," she told him, washing her face and neck with the water. "I need to bathe, and wash my clothes."
She had enough for now, but she had no intention of walking around like a beggar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube looked at her and nodded, "I think that would be best for all of us. I can fly you down if you want?"

Milo got up after a bit and stretched. "I can watch Lupo if you two want to bathe."

With that Milo turned into a wolf and came over to Lupo. He moved around playfully nuzzling him. He managed to get the wolf pup excited as they ran around each other.

"Milo is a pretty good baby sitter." Jube commented.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes nodded, patting the wolf on the head and leaving him with Milo's care, though she absently almost did the same to Milo.
"Yes, you can show me what you've learnt," said Kes with a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube smiled at her before shifting into a dragon. He crouched down so she could climb on his back. "Let's go then."

Milo grabbed Lupo by his scruff gently in an attempt to keep him from jumping on Jube to get to Kestral.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kestral climbed onto Jube carefully, in her head picturing him like a child wearing a very large costume. It made it somewhat easier to make sense of the whole thing.
"Come on then," she said to him, gripping him with her legs and hands, though she cast a back glance at Milo and Lupo.
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