Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dr. Strange thought for a moment and said "Let's wait till its the right time...she's on the edge a cliff and we have to pull her back first. Besides...we need to stop the damage that both worlds are going thru"

Robin jumped up as they reached the base, Artemis hitting him and saying "Careful or your tear your stitches"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Meg'an had made it into the hanger, landing the bioship. "We're here." Wally was willing to be Robin's support again if he needed it. Conner got up and headed out.

Riza nodded, looking from Dr. Strange to Wolf before having to let go a moment to get into her suit before picking her up, knowing they were in the base and landing. When landed, she looked to Strange before walking with haste out of the ship in hope that they could help her. She was as careful as she could ever be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Batman and The Flash were waiting for them, Flash saying "I can get her to the med bay where Jonz is ready with Dr. fate...whoa, hey there" He waved at Dr. Strange and Batman went to robin and asked "You alright?" Robin nodded. "I'm fine, Batman...but WOlf..." Wolf was barely breathing, sweat running down her face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza nodded, handing Wolf to the Flash. "Please tell them not to seal her powers....its hurt her enough...Please Flash?" Riza felt that them sealing her powers were just hurting her. Riza was willing to help her control them. But what Jonn and Dr. Fate were doing just didn't seem to help. When he gave his answer, she turned to her mentor and walked over to him, not coming out of the suit. She felt safer in case something bad happened. She stayed silent, though looked to her mentor. She was already chewing herself out for what happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Dr. Strange rested his hand on her shoulder as flash said "I'll tell them. You coming bats?" Batman nodded, running after the flash to the medical bay. Robin looked at Riza and said "you know this isn't your fault right? Wolf has always jumped into danger just so someone doesn't get hurt...it's how she's always been"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Looking to Flash and Batman run off, Riza looked to Robin when he spoke up. She still felt bad but the injury he took for her. "Yeah...I guess." But now she was dealing with the thought Dr. Fate and Jonn dealing her powers. She never forgot Dr. Strange's hand on her shoulder. "Steven? Could we talk about home and what's going on? I remember you talking about it." Yes. She missed home and now it seemed to be in danger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

He nodded and said "Let's go somewhere quiet shall we?" Robin said "You can use one of the meeting rooms, they should be free right now" He lead the pair down the hallway and to one of the smaller rooms and said "I'll keep an on Wolf for you...I'll let you know if anything comes up" He left and Steven lead Riza into the room, closing the door behind him. "Just to let you know your parents are safe...worried about you but they are alright..." He sat down and sighed, looking tired. "But like I said before, things at home aren't good. The portals you've been getting here are appearing there as well. I fear until we stop this the already think veil between these two worlds will rip apart"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza followed to the conference room that Robin led her and Dr. Strange to. Stepping out of her suit, she looked to the Boy Wonder when he said he would keep an eye on Wolf. Smiling, she nodded. "Thank you, Robin." When Strange led her into the room, her suit stayed outside. Seeing as he was tired from how he sat down, Riza couldn't blame him. She listened, feeling relief that her parents were safe. She felt some guilt about making them worry about her. Hearing about the bad news, she leaned back into the chair. "Great. Just as I feared. We already had a portal open to the realm of Joutunhiem. But I figured out something interesting." She leaned forward. "It seems that someone here has made a device with the help of magical energy to make portals to realm, worlds, and other dimensions. We haven't found out where this things is but we have been looking. They seem to point Wolf's energy signitures for they use a burst of energy she makes and uses it as a place to put it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Steven rubbed his beard and said "it would make sense...her energy is tied to the shadow plain, much like our friend Nightcrawler is linked to the world he uses to teleport. But its not so much a device as an artifact" He reached into his robes and pulled out a torn page. "I was looking into what was happening and how I happen to find Wolf before...I believe our portal makers are using this" He slid the paper to her across the table, on it some kind of pendent drawn on it. "Its call the Key of Worlds. It was stole years ago from the Iris's clan. They never found it and all this thing needs is a huge power source to wield it. Most of the time a mage like me would use magic energies, but I believe the ones doing this is using man made energy to power it. It must be linking with Wolf's shadow energies to anchor its gateways"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Looking at the page that was put her way, she examined the page and what was drawn on it. Listening to his explanation, the young Stark nodded. "I see. It makes sense. There are magic users here but maybe it found its way to this world. Maybe the Batman would know. He seems to have many contacts and could help find it. Maybe even the sorcerers may know of it." She stood, feeling her resolve strengthen again. "If we can at least find the Blueprints to the machine they are using, maybe can remake it to reverse the effects that they are causing."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Steven smiled and said "That is a great idea...I think we should wait to ask your new friends for anything yet. Let's wait to see how Wolf recovers...you said she didn't have Logan's healing factor?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza shrugged. "I don't know. I am guessing by how she hadn't healed while on the ship so its a theory. Dr. Fate and Jonn have been sealing her powers. I don't know why but the thought of it just hurts. Maybe she does have it. Thats why I begged the Flash ask them not to seal her powers. I just want to help her. Help her understand who she is. be able to understand her abilities and try and help her control them." She stood. "She's helped me get through this as well as her friends. i just feel I want to do the same."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Strange suddenly paused and said "I don't believe it...why didn't I see it before" He jumped up and said "she doesn't have just Logan's powers but also her mothers...I bet the healing factor only triggers when her other powers are strongest...when she's in the shadows..." He paused, wondering if Riza would catch on to what he was saying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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And it clicked. At least Riza thought it clicked. "So if I am getting this right than if she is in the shadows than she can heal herself? Thats her healing factor?" She asked as she looked to Dr. Strange. If this was true, this got her thinking. "Hmmmm. How are we to get her into the shadows?" It clicked again. "I know its sounds dangerous and maybe not the wisest of ideas, but what if we to have her in the shadow realm, like maybe a few minutes?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Strange said "In her state I wouldn't risk it...but we can get her into the closet thing to the realm" He went over to the light switch and turned the lights off. "A room with no light it the closet thing to the shadow realm...it may be her only chance..." He opened the doors and said "Let's go see if we are right"

Robin was watching Jon and Fate work on Wolf, but it wasn't looking good. Artemis was standing by him, her eyes filling with tears. If something didn't happen soon, Wolf wasn't going to make it. Fate cursed and said "She's losing too much blood, we have to find the source and fast..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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"Well guess we better get her in a closet with the lights out." So Riza ran out of the room, her suit still standing near the door. She headed to the medical room that Wolf was in. Riza rather have a chance of something working to nothing working at all. No matter the slim of percentage. Hopefully it would work.

Conner, Wally and Meg'an watched as well, worried for their family and friend as she laid there with hardly a chance to live. Conner looked in a direction of a hallway when he thought he heard something coming their way from a distance. Soon he saw Riza come down running. "Guys! I think Strange and I know how to help Wolf. We need her in shadows, no light all. Its her healing factor, the only chance she has! Dr. Strange can help her." She looked to the team and the League Members that were trying to treat her, hoping they would give it a shot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Robin nodded and hit the speaker into the room and said "Jon! Fate! Hit the lights!" Jon looked up and said "What? Why?" Fate looked up and said "We don't have time to mess around..." The doors opened and Batman ran in, shaking his head. "fate for once just shut up and trust someone" He hit the lights and it suddenly pitch black. They all watched and Robin said "How will we know if it worked?" Suddenly a silver purple light appeared around Wolf and shadows started to wrap around her wounds, moving gently around. Strange stood by Riza and said "Amazing...the X gene never stops surprising me..." Wolf's vitals started to pick up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza watched as did the team with awe and amazement as they could see Wolf's wounds healing while in the dark. Riza felt extremely happy that Wolf was going to be alright and that Dr. Strange and her theory worked. "Wow...that's amazing. I didn't know that ones magic could tie to a factor such as healing. That's truly amazing." She said in amazement of such as a new discovery. Wally was all jaw dropped of this scene before him. "Whoa." He said above a whisper.

The young Stark looked to Robin. "This is her power. Jonn and Fate kept it restrained after all this time. I didn't realize it till she had kept them from doing so. I don't blame them. The X gene is something mysterious, unknown to what abilities it will given to you. So can be so harmless but others can be so dangerous it can keep someone from interacting with people unless being able to hone their abilities and know their limits. From what I can see, it won't take alot of time for Wolf to learn how to master her abilities." She told him and soon just to tell the team that had known her for sometime. Wally looked to Riza as she explained it as did Conner and Meg'an. Quite shocked of what one gene can do to someone. "That must be harsh." Meg'an spoke up. Riza shrugged. "I wouldn't know really. But I do know some who have the harmless to dangerous abilities. Many of them well trained and know how to handle them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Strange nodded and said "Their are many good people who use their gifts for good. I know Wolf here will become one of those great people thanks to the people she has been raised with" He smiled at the team and the doors opened and Batman walked in. "Wolf will be out for a while, but she's out of danger for now. Jon ran scans and thinks her mind needs to recover from what happened at the base...I would guess she will be out cold for a couple days to fully recover. Until then, the portals have been made Number one task for your team. We get this taken care of as soon as possible" He looked at Strange and said "Um....you must be Riza's mentor" Dr. Strange nodded and bowed. "Doctor Steven Strange, Sorcerer Supreme at your service"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Conner, Wally, Meg'an and Riza all listened to Batman as he explained Wolf's condition and recovery, relieved that she was going to make it. Hearing their main objective, Riza wondered if she wanted to tell them about the news she received about her dimension. But she thought about leaving it to Dr. Strange. Other than that she nodded to Batman. With the introductions of Dr. Strange to Batman, she smiled. "Dr. Strange also helped Wolf out of the Shadow Realm." She told Batman. She then looked at her ipod and yawned but not without covering her mouth. Yeah she was tired, the magic she used made her slightly tired but she wasn't to the point where she needed to go to bed. But she was hungry. "I'm going to work on the suit. while I try and find some more portal sightings." So Riza was off to the lab of which had her suit parts. Meg'an looked to Artemis. "Would you like to help me with dinner?" She asked. Conner went to go start a search on the portals. Wally heard Meg'an. "I wanna help!" Mega'an smiled. "Sure. Just dont eat most of the food this time."
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