Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Finn Lockhart
Finn nodded as Cole spoke about the Wardens, warning them to keep the use of powers to a minimum. And then, just like that, the girl that Seth had quite obviously taken an interest in fainted. Cole reacted rather harshly but Finn kept his mouth closed, his eyes more focused on the nervous looking man who entered Lacie's. "Gentlemen, this is Car-tali, the ex-DMA I spoke about," Cole said after offering the man a seat. Finn had his arms crossed as Cole interrogated him, a stern look on his face. He had a special place in his heart reserved especially for the D.M.A. and it was not a happy place. He'd sooner kill this guy than have a nice chat with him. But deep down, he knew that Cole had the right idea of it. Go around killing random people and then you become no better than the D.M.A. itself. So, with great reluctance, Finn began to relax somewhat and listen to what this guy had to say. Who knew? Maybe it would help save their asses later on.

Jessica Thompson
Before Jessica even had a chance to begin doling out contacts the doorbell rang. Twice. In very quick succession. The blonde's hand instinctively went for her gun, in a pocket inside her coat. She held a finger up to her mouth to quiet the kids, though it wasn't necessary. Most of them were already pretty scared. She made her way quietly yet quickly to Cia. "Take the kids to the back of the orphanage. I'll find out what these people want," before creeping to the door. She took a deep breath. Jessica couldn't think of a dumber thing for her to do and she had done a lot of dumb things. If I die in an orphanage surrounded by gross sticky children well then I'm coming back from wherever I'm headed and I'm haunting Steven Frickin' Callahan until he feels compelled to jump from the top of the White House. Oh what the hell, I was gonna do that anyways she thought before swinging open the door. She was greeted by a one-eyed man selling chocolate and a woman with half her head shaved. And in that moment, all Jessica could say was, "Sorry, no solicitors," and slam the door very quickly, then step back and point her gun at it. If I survive, Finn will never let me live that down
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The children of the orphanage already knew what to do when it came to the DMA most of them actually just went on with their day after all an orphanage with no children was very suspicious. "Go wash the dishes." Cia said hoping to send the children into the kitchen where there was also an underground tunnel that lead to the sewers and then another part of the city entirely. The older children could take care of the younger ones easily enough so they knew what to do when trouble came.

Cia walked up behind Jessica. "Put down your gun, your only going to make the situation worse." Cia said as she walked up next to Jessica. Cia didn't really like people like Jessica who went straight to the gun before trying diplomacy first, after all the best way to take someone down was to kill them with kindness, at least that was her motto. Though thankfully Cia could protect herself enough against bullets, not having arms also helped as she was a much harder target to hit anyways. Cia opened the door again with her foot. "I'm sorry for my colleagues reaction, she's still a bit fussy after we almost got robbed last week." Cia said as she smiled at them. To many people a girl with no arms was Defenseless and hardly a threat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Liocalset
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Car-Tali had seen the small bunch in the bar around Cole. He had guessed that he would have friends, and at this point it wouldn’t matter if they talked alone or not. Car-tali took the offer to sit and stayed calm.
“First off, Cole I would like to apologize for my demeanor yesterday. It was not the best time to have a conversation given what I had witnessed. But that is beside the point I would like to fully express my gratitude for pulling me out of a difficult situation.” Car-tali held out his hand expecting Cole to shake it. “Truce”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

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The second the door closed Pariah turned to John with a look of disbelief on her face, "Fuckin' really John? Chocolates? I'm leading this, you can follow or wait in the car" her words were rushed as Pariah could hear someone approach the door. To her surprise another girl opened it...but without hands. "I'm sorry for my colleagues reaction, she's still a bit fussy after we almost got robbed last week", the girl apologized for Jessica's reaction but it was of little importance to Pariah as they'd get to know each other much better real soon. "It's fine, we need to talk to Jessica. We're with the Conclave", Pariah spoke in a rushed tone to give the illusion that Jessica was needed urgently.

Back at the bar Cole listened to what Car-tali was saying but he paid no mind to it. They'd gotten past pleasantries already, it was time to get to business. "Just take a seat, as I said before you told me you were ex-DMA. Why? What happened that you're no longer with them? What did you do while you were with them?", Cole dug hard into Car-tali trying to get as much information as he could out of him. With Seth and Finn with him the need to be coy was no longer necessary. This guy would either spill his guts or they'd do it for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sir Avita

Sir Avita The Awkward Fat Kid

Member Seen 9 mos ago

With some strange force compelling him to go to a random orphanage ( Which with some stroke of luck, everyone was there ), Wendel went there, asking strangers for directions every few minutes. Of course, he had to exit the bar ( which had alcohol ) and walk. " Really, brain? " he kept thinking to himself, walking casually and keeping his head down, keeping himself concealed from prying eyes.

As soon as he arrived at the orphanage, he thought that he could be polite, at least. Hey, maybe his subconscious urged him to go there and ask for food, and supposedly get rejected due to his size. With food ( and supposedly sleep ) as his priority, and maybe at least someone else to talk to, he knocked at the front door of the orphanage.

Hey, atleast he isn't being hunted. Yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Liocalset
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Car-tali had heard Cole and sat down.

“The DMA and I have a complicated past and most of the details are lost to me but I will tell you what I remember. I was with the DMA for a very long time most of my life really. I am a rouge agent walking with a giant target on my back. Recently I have just been trying to save other gifted. That was why I was at the rally, to tell as many as I could to leave. For some reason I thought the DMA would imprison them not what they did.”

Car-tali paused for a moment to think about what to say next.

“So now I’m trying to get to find out what exactly the DMA did to me and to what end. I do not have any leads and I was hoping that you could help me with that.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Pariah's questioning served to make John more nervous, and when the girl with no arms opened the door to the orphanage John extended the box of chocolate instinctively, she was a fairly pretty girl...then he realized she had no arms. "Oh, uh, oops...I'll just...hold on to these...a little longer..." He muttered and trailed off, relaxing his arms to hold the box at his waist, listening as Pariah spoke. "It's fine, we need to talk with Jessica. We're with the Conclave."

John picked up on Pariah's plan and joined in. "Yeah, I'm here to replace her...she's needed pretty urgently, but I insisted we stop so I could pick up these chocolates for the kids." He said with a slightly nervous smile, then looked down at the chocolates. "Truth is...I'm new to the Conclave...I just wanted to make a good first impression...but...well I'm honestly nervous about meeting new people, y'know?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Jessica Thompson
Jessica was listening behind the door. She would admit that Cia's penchant for diplomacy bothered her. Jessica was more of a, shoot first, ask questions never, kind of person. "It's fine, we need to talk with Jessica. We're with the Conclave." the woman on the other side of the door claimed. "Yeah, I'm here to replace her...she's needed pretty urgently, but I insisted we stop so I could pick up these chocolates for the kids." the man said. She knew this was fishy. The Conclave had assigned her here for the day. Why would they send a replacement so soon. On top of that, she'd never seen these people. She breathed in deeply and stowed her gun. Whoever these people were, she was confident they wouldn't have an issue hurting the kids or Cia. "Oh that's right my replacement. They told me about you," Jessica lied, moving behind Cia and looking into the man's eye. "I just need to talk to you two outside for a quick second. There's something that I was supposed to let you know and it's for Conclave ears only," she said, gesturing to Cia. She pushed pass the pair outside the door and turned to face them, waiting by her car. She didn't know how convincing she had been but she figured that it would be suspicious if they didn't come with her. Besides, they obviously knew her by name, so they were probably here for her. As long as she could keep them away from the sticky little orphans inside, she'd feel good about this plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia already knew that this was rather suspicious, but she decided she could at least put this man to work. And make him work hard at that. "Great to have more help!" Cia said with a smile to the man as she motioned with her head to come inside with her. "Since you have all that chocolate why don't we bake something with it!" Cia said with a rather large smile on her face.

"Hey kids this guy is gonna make some fudge come and help!" Cia added with a smile. Many of the children came rushing out and grabbed the box of chocolates, some of them went to find a recipe book. They then started to argue about what kind of Fudge to make. After awhile Cia got inbetween then and then turned towards John. "Mister, what was your name again? Anyways what kind of fudge do you think we should make?" Cia added. She was soon bumped into from behind by one of the children. She started to fall towards John only to have her rather large chest hit him. It was quite squishy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh that's right my replacement. They told me about you", Pariah was immediately put on edge. "Playing along, she knows. Need to sell it better", Pariah thought as she watched Jessica walked over to her car. "You could tell me in the car, we're kind of on a tight schedule and the sooner I can get this over with the better", Pariah walked over to her car and opened the driver's seat to where she had left her side arm and holstered it at her waist. "Don't worry, John'll take care of them. You armed? There's a good chance we'll be facing Hunters", the only reason Pariah asked was so she'd know where Jessica's gun was. The second she showed it Pariah would hit her with the terror stare.

Car-tali was obviously dodging the question and Cole had no patience for it, "What did you do in the DMA? You said you were with them for a long time then what did-", it hit Cole what this guy was. Cole jumped out of his chair with his arms already blackened by the veins. "Are you a fuckin' Warden?!", at this point Cole was less inclined to working with Car-tali. After what had happened this guy had better have a damn good excuse or there was going to be one less Warden in the world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Yeah...okay." John said and followed Cia inside only to be swarmed by children. The box of chocolates he was holding on to was taken right out of his hands by the kids, and he didn't even see it happen. Then the abrupt sound of yelling followed soon after as the kids started debating over what fudge they should make, and John's head began to spin. How the hell does she manage these children without any arms?! He thought, just as Cia got in between the arguing children and asked him his name and what kind of fudge to make.

"Well...I didn't say my name...but it's-" John started just before a child knocked Cia into him and cut him off. John put his arms around her to keep her from falling, but almost lost his own balance in the process. He opened his mouth to speak, realizing only then that her boobs were pressing on him. He then swallowed hard and laughed nervously. "S-Sorry...are you okay?" He asked, making sure she had regained her balance before his hands retreated to his sides. "Oh...uh...my name is John..." He added, scratching the back of his head. This feels so awkward...I think I just died inside...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jessica breathed in deeply. The woman wanted to get her in that car. She knew what would happen then. They'd take her to some D.M.A. holding facility where she'd be executed or forced to hunt other Gifted. Neither of those options are really that appealing, Jessica thought. She knew that they'd be taking her hostage anyways. Two against one didn't seem like very even odds. Even if it was only Jessica against this woman, Jessica's training was limited. She'd never been formally taught. Everything she learned she had picked up trying to survive. But if she made a scene, maybe Cia could warn someone. Finn is going to kill me for being so stupid. No screw that. When he finds me alive he'll be to frickin' overjoyed at my presence to be mad. Well here it goes. The woman had asked her if she was armed. "Actually yes I am. Jessica reached her hand into her coat and pulled out the pistol from earlier, leveling it at the woman. "Some might also say dangerous as well."

Pariah didn't hesitate, the second Jessica pulled out her pistol Pariah had already begun to draw hers. There was a split second as she contemplated what to do. A fatal shot would have made the trip here worthless but a non lethal ran the chance of her being able to fire back. "John better get his ass out here", Pariah didn't doubt her ability to disarm Jessica but what worried her was that she didn't know what type of meta she was. "Time to find out", she though to herself before firing a shot close to Jessica's head. Merely to distract her target as she began to sprint towards Jessica with smoke eminating from her hands.

Jessia heard the gun go off and she rolled left, watching the bullet flash by where her head had been. She got back to her feet as the D.M.A. agent began sprinting at her, smoke puring from her hands. Of course I was just given the ability to track Gifted. God couldn't have given me something to knock 'em on their asses or anything, Jessica thought. She raised her gun and fired three times, loud bangs that caused a ringing in her eardrums. She missed each time, and as the woman gained ground, Jessica lowered her shoulder and began to charge to meet the sprinting D.M.A. agent.

Pariah barely flinched as the shots rang past her. One came so close as that she felt the wind pass by her arm. What surprised her though is that Jessica, instead of running as most did, she charged straight for her. "Interesting", she thought as she continued on her approach. It was only at the last possible moment did she side step Jessica and with her free hand grabbed her by the hair. "You should have come quietly!", Pariah yelled before bringing her smoke hand around. If the punch connected then Jessica's face would be surrounded by the noxious fumes. Pariah's objective was still to capture, the obly difference was that she'd lose some blood.

Jessica realized that she had missed only too late. Before she could even turn around, she felt a sharp tug as her hair was pulled back. Jessica listened to Pariah's shout and smirked. "Oh you guys obviously don't have my file because I haven't done anything quietly since I was in the womb." Witty remarks aside, the punch that came afterward hurt like hell. Better, she was inhaling a ton of smoke. She coughed and wrenched her hair free, adrenaline masking the pain. She turned back to her opponent, who was now obscured slightly by smoke and asked, "That all you got?" spitting out some blood to punctuate the sentence.

"You got spunk, kid. Remind me of myself when I was your age", Pariah fired off a few smoke shots towards Jessica before charging one and firing it at the ground. The area was filled with a thick smoke where only silhouettes could be seen. "I got another power too, perk of being a Type 3 but I'll show you that one later". Pariah lunged forward from hiding in the smoke to strike at Jessica this time she was aiming for her legs as she came forward with a powerful kick.

Jessica laughed at the woman's statement. "Isn't that sweet. Would you like to mentor me and teach me how to walk the road of life?" Jessica retorted as the smoke closed in around her. She could hear her opponent's boots as they hit the asphalt, although the sound was quiet. Suddenly, the woman lunged out with a kick. Jessica sumped back, then quickly got to the side of her opponent and aimed a quick jab at the side of the woman's head.

Pariah somewhat expected the kick to miss, what she didn't expect was the sudden jab to the side of the head. She raised her hand to feel the impact sight and felt blood. Her ear had been cut, "Not bad but you gotta do better than that". Pariah siphoned the smoke in the air back to her and in one swift motion fired a barrage at Jessica. "Time for the gloves to come off!", she said upon finishing her smoke volley. Next came the physical aspect of her attack, Pariah charged again this time in a serpentine motion until she closed the gap between herself and Jessica. Once in range Pariah locked her sights on Jessica's weakpoints: her throat, sternum, kidney, limb joints, and heart. Before were single strikes to test Jessica's resolve, now it was all or nothing as Pariah made a quick leg sweep then a chop to her side. Without pause she came with a powerful jab at the center of Jessica's ribcage and finally ending with another chop to the throat.

Jessica coughed as the smoke invaded her lungs. God damn this chick is good Jessica was coughing to much to notice as her opponent closed the gap. A jab to the throat sent her reeling and the jabs to her sternum, kidney, and heart took her breath away. Suddenly she was falling, her legs having been stolen out from under her. He head hit the ground with a crak and she groaned. A groan that was cut short by a chop to the throat. Jessica sputtered as her breath was taken away once again, but as her vision grew fuzzy and dark she found it in her to smile. "My friend will come for you. And he'll bring back up. You might be better than me but you haven't seen him. He's lost too much to you people. You take me and you'll just be setting the storm in motion," she sputtered before finally closing her eyes, her breathing settling as she fell unconscious.

Pariah gave a sinister smile as she heard Jessica's last words. Not that they were impressive she had heard this sort of thing before, "I'm counting on it". As soon as Jessica went unconscious Pariah opened the passenger seat of her SUV to bring out her duffle bag. Upon opening it she found a black head bag, plastic cuffs, and a gag. Of course before she did anything she first had to search the girl. Looking through her pockets she found Jessica's car keys which she walked over to put in the coffe holder of her car. Coming back she discovered something curious, a photo of what Pariah would guess as being of Jessica's family. She paused anstared at it, her curiosity getting the better of her until she pocketed the photo and began to prep Jessica for transport. First came the cuffs which she put on Jessica's hands and feet. Then the gag, just a simple cloth Pariah tied around her mouth before putting the bag over her head. Once everything was ready she loaded Jessica in the backseat of the SUV speeding off to the black site.

It was a bit of a drive but they finally arrived at the black site. Entering the garage she parked the SUV where it had previously been and opened the passenger door. "Shit I forgot I gotta carry you", Pariah groaned before hoisting Jessica over her shoulder and carrying her over to the elevator. Once they arrived on their floor, Agent Noore turned to see Pariah carrying Jessica and her eyes widened, "Jesus, isn't she heavy?"

"No she's light as a fucking feather, what do you think?! Just bring me the rope", Pariah barked her orders to Noore who nervously ran over to get the rope and bring it to Pariah. Once she had it Pariah got to work on tying Jessica to a chair. Once it was done Pariah pulled up a chair and relaxed in front of Jessica. "When she wakes we'll begin. Noore you don't want to be here when she does".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia got back up after she fell. "Sorry about that, I don't always have the best balance." Cia said with a smile to him. The children however started to Cower the moment they heard gun shots. Cia went wide eyed at this. "Into the cellar!" Cia yelled as she used her telekinesis to open the door to the cellar for the others. "I should have known that woman wasn't to be trusted." Cia added. She would have gone to help with the fight but it was over so quick that she didn't have the chance to.

Cia at this point was now suspicious of John as she turned to him. "Your a DMA agent aren't you? You came with that woman." Cia said looking at him straight in the eyes. "I honestly don't know what is wrong with you people, choosing to go after and orphanage of all places!" Cia added her face now starting to fill with anger. "You people make me sick." Cia added her eyes went almost blank as frying pan floated up behind John. It then quickly aimed a swipe straight at the back of his head to knock him out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Liocalset
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Are you a fuckin' Warden?!" these words ringed in Car-tali’s mind.He had to pick his words carefully.

“Am I a Warden no, was I a Warden yes. By your tone you think I’m still working for the DMA and I wouldn’t blame you, but think. If I were with them then I would have called hunters in by now.”Car-tali had seen that things were getting bad but he kept his cool and continued.
“I am here as a courtesy. If you don’t believe me that is just hunky-dory, good for you. But I also hate the DMA, they broke my mind and I am struggling to put it back together. Everything I have done thus far has been atonement for the things that they have made me do. So Cole calm down and do what you asked me to come back here for and talk. I had no reason to attack you and I still don’t.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

John ducked down at the sound of the gunshots, and he knew what it entailed. God damn it Pariah... He thought, then turned to see that Cia was now looking at him with very distrustful eyes. She was obviously angry, and John started to slowly back off. "Wait, no! I didn't come with her! I lied! I had no idea she was coming!" He cried out, then stopped retreating and took a deep breath. "But I do know her...and I am an agent...but I'm not-!" Suddenly his explanation was cut off by the loud smack of the frying pan hitting him in the back of the head, and he fell to the ground. The pain he felt in his head was tremendous, his skull screaming as waves of pain washed over his head and down his spine.

"FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUCK! SWEET FUCKING TITTIES OF JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THAT SHIT HURTS LIKE A MOTHERFUCKING BITCH! GOD DAMN PIECE OF SHIT WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO FUCKING BE MY DUMB ASS THAT PAYS FOR EVERY GOD DAMN THING SHE DOES?!" John exploded as he writhed around on the floor holding his head. Soon enough he actually took to crying as he started to kick the wall, still holding his head. "I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS SHIT!" He screamed, a throbbing bump forming on the back of his head. "God fucking hell this huuuurts! Just kill me! Just fucking kill me! You'd be saving me a whole shitload of trouble, you know that?! Cause I'm fucking tired of this bullshit!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


She woke up eventually and wondered what had happened. She looked around scared, she heard a lot of voices. "Hey what happened, is everybody here?", she asked getting up. "Can I get something to eat before I faint again? I'm sorely sick of fainting", she replied slightly laughing. She hoped people weren't annoyed with her especially Cole and Seth.

(sorry for not being on yesterday I would of told you but I didn't know I wasn't going to be on)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cole stood there clenching his fists, the only thing stopping him from lashing out at Car-tali was the fact that he was right. Hunters could have raided this place anytime between last night and now but they haven't. Still he could be a sleeper agent for the DMA, he said he had no memory. There was so much to factor in, there were so many unknowns it was gamble to go either way. Cole pondered on the possibilities for a moment longer before taking a deep breath and sitting down. "Ok then...you want to help the Gifted? You'll help them. By helping me kill Mallory", just the thought of that woman made Cole's blood boil as he tried his best to keep his composure. "The Wardens are her creations so you must know where she is. If you want to prove you're on our side then your going to help me kill her". The MRF have tried in the past to assassinate Mallory and destroy the Wardens but every attempt has ended in total failure. Cole knew what he was asking was insanity but he had something the MRF never had. He had an actual Warden. It was his hope that Car-tali knew the easiest way to get to her, after all don't the Wardens answer to her?

Pariah stared at the black bag that covered Jessica's face. Her eyes were glaring so hard it seemed as if they'd burn holes right through the bag. In the meantime, Noore sat silently from her seat by the moniters and watched Pariah. She'd never worked with Wardens before but she had heard they were something like this, so dedicated to their mission they seemed inhuman. Noore's stare was broken when Pariah spoke, "Why are you staring at me Noore". Noore was immediately creeped out as Pariah never turned to see what she was doing. "I uh was just...are you really going to watch her till she wakes up", she asked with a nervous quiver in her voice. Being trained for intelligence analysis was not good preparation for what she'd see while working with Pariah. For that exact reason she decided to stay when Jessica woke up. "Its a scare tactic. If you wake up and are immediately being asked questions by strangers in an unfamiliar environment it tends to mess with your head. Hopefully I can get her to crack as soon as possible so I can move onto other targets. You sure you want to stick around?", Pariah glanced back but only for a moment. Noore thought it over but only for a moment before reaffirming her decision. "If I'm going to be doing work like this in the future I need to get used to it now rather than later". Pariah chuckled slightly before replying, "You'll never get used to it. Sure it gets easier to watch but each time it leaves a mark on you. That's why they made us Wardens".

"You don't feel emotion?"

"Its different for every Warden. Most of us reject our emotion, we become solely focused on the mission, but those usually end up stupid. They're too simple minded. Others develop personalities but its only to help us understand our targets. If we can think like them it makes it easier to hunt them"

"Ah so they removed empathy towards the enemy but still gave you enough humanity to think like a human. Wow, Mallory knows she's doing"

"Yeah, I guess so"

"So what is she to you? To Wardens I mean. She created you after all so do you all see her like God or something"

Pariah turned around to face Noore with a look that said, "Shut the fuck up". That was exactly what Noore did as she swiftly turned her chair to face the monitors.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Tagged; @TheDarkTemplar - Cole, @smarty0114 - Finn, @PhoebeCarlisle - Theo, @Liocalset - Car-tali

He also noticed Theo fainting, and was surprised, becoming wide eyed, "You never see that everyday." he muttered, getting up and placing her on the seat next to him as he continued to listen to the rather tense conversation. Theo reminded Seth of his sister, perhaps thats why. She soon got up and asked for food weakly, Seth got up and started walking to the kitchen. He cooked some extra eggs and some rice that was there from yesterday. After he was done, he placed the plate infront of Theo, "Here." he said with a smile, before turning his head to the conversation.

Seth sat there as Cole harshly questioned Car-tali who seemingly betrayed the DMA. Seth understood the need for cynicism and skepticism as the DMA have been getting more and more crafty- especially with the recent events, but he also believed in second chances, "Cole, calm down- we haven't been raided as of yet." he said, glancing at his clenched fist. "Though it is a bit sketchy, I agree with Cole that you have to prove yourself."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Liocalset
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tagged; @TheDarkTemplar - Cole, @smarty0114 - Finn, @PhoebeCarlisle - Theo, @Inertia-Seth

Car-Tali heard Seth and Cole. This plan was insane; he had been tracking Mallory, she was his ultimate goal. Mallory had answers about him and the warden program, but the amount of resources it would take.

“Thank you Seth for the hand ,and I plan to prove myself to the best of my ability. Now you miss understand the Wardens are there for delicate operations; they receive their orders and carry them out. Yes she created us but that does not mean they are her children, and they are not supposed to know her location. They are soldiers to her loyal soldiers there to do her bidding, nothing more nothing less. I had learned that the hard way."Car-tali had re-assessed his mindset as he felt it was getting to personal.

"Killing Mallory won't be a cake walk and we are not going to be able to eliminate her with a small group of five. Well we could but it would be extremely hard to say the least. Anyway, yes I could find her or rather I have been trying to find her. But so far I have been only able to get an approximate location in upstate New York."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


She was happy to see Seth again. "Thank you for the food', she said quietly so not to disturb the conversation. She listened to the conversation and said "Excuse me for interrupting but what is this argument about", she exclaimed hoping to not be yelled at for interrupting. She kept on eating while she was waiting and after she was finished she was biting her finger nervously.
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