Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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At the top of the stairs was a short landing and a door, with little else for distraction. On the other side of the door was a wide room lined with bunk beds, clean and freshly made -- save for the two tomcats that lazed in the windowsill, and the one bedspread at the farthest lower bunk that had been shredded and disheveled to kingdom come. Oil lamps sat on small tables, ready for lighting. The window had a great view overlooking the fireflies and blinking yellow eyes of the fairyspiders, and the shimmer of moonlight reflecting in the puddles, and the forest beyond them.

Lila was not used to having a lot of other people around and might have stayed outside. However Kettle's words weighed on her mind so she resigned to stay indoors. The stairs leading up were a little narrow for her to go up like most would but the strong claws on her legs allowed her to move up the and manage the space sideways. Having entered the room she found it quite simple. The beds meant nothing to Lila and moving to an empty corner she busied herself making a bed from her own webs. She was quite fast with the operation and made a loose hammock of sorts in which to sleep in.

Turning around the spider woman faced the others that had entered as well. "I hope none of you are frightened of my appearance. I know that not all of us parted under the best of circumstances." Moatly she was referring to the encounter with Sarant, having scared the poor thing half to death.

Nel wasn't quite sure if she had wanted to stay outside and just watch the mushroom pixies dance. Despite her interaction with the spooky turned rather agreeable Clavic, the peacful cameldragon whose name she had gleamed was Grom, or the intense and oddly familiar Spider Woman, Nel was still... aprehensive? Perhaps she was being... doubful? Maybe just a little...


Yes. She had to admit that to herself. That was the reason she overacted so greatly when she first arrived. That was the reason she listened through the creaked doorway during Kettle's speech, and subdued her excitement at potential discovery with hyperrealism. That was the reason she stayed outside, trying to think of even one reason to avoid an encounter with Kettle, and just start walking to the nearest town. Nel was scared.

Of... not being accepted?

Still. Something had driven her to ignore that fear and finally walk through the front door. Something had driven her to shyly wave to the straglers still in the main room. Yes, I got Kettle's letter too. No, I didn't just get here. Yes, that was me hiding out on the porch. Ha ha. Something had driven her up those stairs, and in to that room. Something wanted her to stay-- and to do that, she'd need to... deal... with... all of this.

Wide eyed, Nel opened the door to the room to find herself greeted with the sight of a giant Spider Woman in a web hammock... Wait! She did know her from somewhere-- "Frightened? Aren't you famous? The Arachnocentaur?"

Glancing up from her work Lila turned toward Nel. More praise for the spider woman? This was becoming more and more an unusual day. Perhaps her efforts were paying off. Still Nel's words were more than expected. "Famous? No I do not believe so. But if I were mistaken I would be quite pleased to learn so." Fixing a strand of web she moved away from the corner over to Nel. "I do not recall if I properly introduced myself to you or not. My name is Lila. I do hope what you said about me is true. My kind does not have the greatest of reputations in the land.' Her words were a might more somber toward the end, but just for a moment.

Smiling the Arachnocentaur, as Nel called her, lowered her body so the human girl didn't have to stare up at her. "What makes you think that I am famous though? Far as I know there are still not many people that do not know of me. Did I perhaps visit a nearby village?" She really was curious. It wasn't often that someone she hadn't met would seem to know of her.

"Oh! Well, my name's Nel, missus Lila ma'am," She gave a small bow to Lila, "A-and where I'm from you're a celebrity!" Nel brought up a finger to her mouth as she thought, "Well... Not quite everyone is as big a fan as I. But they've all heard of you! Of the scary Spider Woman helping people and exploring so fearlessly... I'm actually sorry I didn't recognize you as soon as I saw you, I was so preoccupied with..." Nel shook her head, "Nothing! I just don't think we've any reason to be friehtened of one who's done so much to make the world safer..."

Lila was heart struck by Nel's words. Had she really made such an impact? For a moment she looked as if she might dry. But eventually she smiled brightly. "You do not know how happy your words make me. I haven't retred my path very often, so I rarely get to see of hear if my efforts have made a difference. Tell me, where are you from? Who spoke of me. I should like to thank them myself one day." She had come quite close to Nel, eagar to hear more.

"W-well I..."

Out of an old habit for sneaking and eavesdropping -- she wouldn't know half the things she knew if she didn't listen when she wasn't supposed to -- Kettle ascended the stairs on tiptoe, keeping to the edge of each step to avoid the telltale creak, and listened for the voices of the women in the bunk room above. She wouldn't go so far as to press her ear against the closed door (she wouldn't stoop to spying on her friends, of course) but if she happened to hear someone speaking, it couldn't very well be helped. Indeed, as she placed her hand on the door handle she perceived Lila's voice lilting with curiosity, and Kettle grinned as she knocked and slipped inside.

"I've heard those tales as well," Kettle spoke up, and the door clicked behind her. "Your goodwill precedes you, Lila, so much that what might have been fear has shifted to a keen curiosity in any who hear of it. I'm honored to know you." Her eyes shifted to Nel and narrowed with a grin. "I don't believe we've officially met. You're a relative of Len? You have his distinct eyes." She extended a hand to Nel.

"Y-yes ma'am," Nel looked down as she met Kettle's hand with a limp handshake of her own, "He and my Mom couldn't make it, so they sent me... I'm Nel, Len's daughter... I think we actually met when I was younger!" Nel gave a dry chuckle, maintaining strict eye contact with anything and everything that wasn't Kettle's eyes, "I was practically a different person back then, though.

Kettle's face -- as she squeezed Nel's hand in a firm shake -- brightened with the confirmation that she had been correct, then squinched slightly in confusion, then widened with understanding. "Oh! Yes, of course! I never forget a face, but you've grown so much! I remember how much you loved stories -- you were actually my inspiration to continue telling them, wherever I went. My goodness, you're a full-fledged adventurer now. I am so proud to meet you again, Nel, and honored that you've come all this way on your own." Her words were all very much sincere; this was truly a second meeting between them, but with all the love of a long-lost friend. She leaned to try and catch Nel's aversive eyes, smiling.

A sudden blush painted Nel's cheeks red. She had been the inspiration for Kettle to continue telling stories! To think she'd had any influence on the famed explorer at all... Nel found herself surrounded by heroes and legends-- She herself was nothing more than a homebody, yet Kettle considered her an adventuerer! Nel found herself blushing for many reasons, feeling inadequate in her company was deffinetely one... but a bigger reason was perhaps an astonishment at how quickly Kettle had accepted her. With eyes still downcast, despite herself Nel matched Kettle's grin with a small smile of her own.

"I'm very pleased to meet you again, too, Miss Kettle... Although I'd hardly consider myself an adventuerer..." Nel's eyes went wide, "Don't get me wrong! I'm very excited to be here, I'm just not like... my parents, or someone like... Miss Lila!"

"Lila and I were not always renowned adventurers," Kettle reminded her with a little smirk. She found a bunk that seemed not to have been claimed and sat down to yank off her boots. "I was a goatherd until I was about your age, and it was a woefully long time before I even saw my first proper city. Lila, when you and I met, you had yet to venture far from your familiar ." She leaned on an upturned knee, sent a smile to Lila, and set Nel with a serious narrowed stare.
"I'm saying that the only thing that matters is courage. Just by coming here you've proven yourself capable -- but you're also true to yourself, which is a rare strength. We will need that strength in the days ahead."

"I wasn't much taller than you were then." She said to Kettle. Considering she could tower over most of them now said a bit about the amount of time that had passed. "Hard to believe that was only four years ago. Admitedly Jorogumo grow much faster than humans do. Living on one's own is very common. I'm not sure what possesed me to venture out into the worlds but I am glad I did. It is wonderful hearing that my efforts are making an impact."

"I wish you the very best in your future travels, Lila," Kettle said with a grin. "You've done so much good in four years, it won't be long before you'll have changed the world for the better. Maybe this journey will be a new beginning for all of us."

They spoke among themselves for awhile longer, until sleep claimed them; it had been a long day for everyone, after all. Without her robes -- in the simple garb of a commoner -- Kettle was much smaller than she at first might have appeared, though browned and weathered from her long travels. She waited until the rest had settled in for the night, then put out the lamps and laid down -- but she barely slept, and had slipped out again before dawn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"Ah!" He exclaimed with a grin on his face. "Good morning, Kettle! I was wondering what can be expected on this journey. One can never be too careful of course!"

Kettle pulled tight the last pack on Grom's back and laid a gloved hand against the beast's neck. "I honestly have no idea what to expect, Croft." She turned toward him and pushed her hood down to her shoulders; she had slept little but was brimming with energy; her expression was not quite as kind as it had been the night before -- in the back of her mind, she was concerned about the billows of fog that hung over the marsh in their path. "As far as I know, no one has gone this way before. You had best keep your guard up, and stay close. It looks like visibility will be low this morning."

Movement in the corner of her eye drew her attention to Leon. For a moment, Kettle studied him as if he were a puzzle that needed to be solved. There was absolutely no way Leon was going to trek across the mud and muck with that peg leg -- he had to have realized it, himself.

Kettle's original plan had been to use Grom only as a pack animal, as evidenced by the volume of bags and boxes that had been strapped to cameldragon -- but it seemed there was one more duty her faithful steed would have to undertake.

Kettle looped Grom's reins in one hand and gestured with them to Leon. "Leon, you're riding the lead," she told him factually, with no room for argument. She didn't explain her decision, nor did she invite questions: the look on her face told him that the decision was made and he would be riding Grom into the forest.

Grom turned his head lazily, chewing, and huffed a dull sigh.

7 am

After a quick breakfast the company gathered in the weeds outside the veranda. Kettle noted without surprise that there were fewer here now than had been at dinner. She had expected at least a few to turn back after her speech the previous night; the reality of their missing faces only steeled her resolve to move forward.

Kettle draped the hood over her head again and picked up her spear. She scanned the faces of everyone who was left -- her own eyes had hardened, and she stood straighter than she had the previous night. She knew they were being watched; she could see nothing beyond the distant fog and the dark mountains behind them, but someone, somewhere was watching.

"Where we're going, no one has been in centuries," she announced to them all. "I don't have a map, and I don't know what we might find past the treeline, only that we should make for the heart of the woods. I ask that you all stay close; Leon, if you will, we'll follow your lead." Atop Grom, Leon would sit far higher than the rest of them -- he would have a view of the path (or lack thereof) much farther than the rest of them, and would therefore be best equipped to direct their movements.

Frogs creaked and birds cackled all around them; the foggy morning was chill and damp, and the mud squelched under their feet. There was no road here -- the traveled paths had ended at the café door.

7:30 am

The creak and croak of crickets and toads filled the mist; puddles of murky water reflected gray skies and rippled from beneath; long-legged birds looked on in the distance; fireflies glimmered on the stalks of thick weeds. Grom squelched and splashed ahead at a leisurely pace. Mushroom-fairies lighted on the supply packs and rested there, wings shimmering.

As they drew closer to the twin hills at the northernmost edge of the marsh, the lines of trees began to take shape out of the mist. The trees that had seemed perfectly average from a distance proved to be enormous in girth and stature; like giants themselves, the moss-thick trees towered high overhead, and the company had still yet to reach them.

The sun rose higher behind the clouds, and enormous bright flowers blossomed; their huge red, yellow and orange petals -- each the length of a man's arm -- seemed to shimmer in the fog, like bursts of fire on the marsh.

8:00 am

The expedition passed between two high hills that marked the end of the wetlands. The ground was finally dry and solid under their feet -- but the fog still shifted and billowed gray around them.

Through the mist, high atop the hill to their right, something dark and misshapen stared down at them. It shifted and quivered -- and in a blink it was gone, replaced by only the moving fog.

The sunlight shifted and warmed as it filtered through the boughs of the impossibly high trees. The fiery flowers bloomed gigantic here, each monstrous enough to envelop a person in its petals. Their perfume filled the air, sweet and thick like honeyed cinnamon. Eventually the fog dissipated, and the sun trickled brightly through the breaks in the leaves, illuminating lichen-thick boulders and moss-heavy roots.

10:00 am

The way ahead remained clear and wide; the marsh had been left far behind them, and all was quiet save for the sigh of wind in the leaves high above. The flat, dry ground only offered the occasional boulder or stream to make their trek occasionally difficult, and once they were forced to change course in order to navigate the huge girth of a fallen tree, but otherwise there seemed to be no reason at all this forest could have a reputation for being anything but a pleasant walk.


Everything was just the same as it had been since they had entered the forest. They weren't walking in circles -- each tree was slightly different from the last and the angle of the sun was changing -- but the deeper they walked into the woods the less likely it seemed there would be anything here worth finding. The stench of the flowers, at first pleasant, was now sickeningly sweet. Their feet ached from their trek across hard ground. All around were still only trees, and moss, and flowers, and rocks, and no sign at all that any person -- let alone civilization -- had ever set foot in this entirely safe, bright, sleepy forest.

Leon would see it first: a white glimmer of stone between the trees in the distance to their right.

It was an enormous pillar of jagged white rock. It was twice as wide as the biggest of the monstrous trees, and its sharpened tip disappeared in the clouds high above the canopy. The pillar, as peculiar as it was, appeared to be of natural origin. Nowhere would they find any trace of toolwork, human or otherwise -- except for something weathered carved into the stone at eye-level, the size of a hand. With some examination, it could be determined to be a spiral, chiseled into the pillar centuries ago.

Grom suddenly huffed, jumped, and bolted past the jagged pillar and into the woods beyond, whether or not Leon was still on his back.

"Grom!" Kettle cried. The cameldragon lumbered and leaped with a terrified speed no one had ever thought possible, leaving a few bags of spilled supplies in his wake. His scaly orange tail disappeared between the trees, with Kettle chasing full-tilt after him, calling and whistling.

Behind them -- should one turn around to see what had spooked Grom -- the trees were entirely different from where they had been a moment ago. They were of the same type, with the same moss and flowers as all the rest, but the way back was no longer obvious, and nothing looked familiar except the pillar of stone.

A magpie bobbed on a low root. It fluffed its feathers and tipped its head. It had a dark spiral on its chest.

In the woods to the left, something bright gleamed in the sunlight. A ruby was embedded high in the bark of a tree; it flashed every time the sun peeked through the leaves.

In the woods to the right was a clearing full of little white flowers. At its center stood a dark stone statue.

In the corner of your eye, you see something dark and shifting, staring at you from behind with faceless eyes.

Blink, and it's gone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Lila had some trouble with the bog, but thankfully her previous encounter afforded her some practice moving through it. This far it was still her least favorite place to visit. However once they reached solid ground the spider woman was able to move freely. The distance traveled on foot was not quite a problem. Her legs were not made of mostly muscle and acted more like hydraulics which made fatigue less of an issue.

When They came across some of the large flowers Lila approached them cautiously. Though sweet smelling she was not unaware that they could very well be poisonous. It was a mistake made in the past that she did not intend to repeat. As they trekked it was apparent that something was following. Lila could feel it in the air and the occasional glimpse. She was a little curious if she could catch whatever it was but that may not turn out to be a wise plan.

The forest seemed to go on forever. Each tree was much like the last. Were not for the sun they could have been in some trouble navigating. The fallen trees were of no consequence for Lila, but she stayed with the group using the height to take point until they were around the obstacle. By the time they found anything it was noon. Not far from them was a white pillar. Something spooked Grom and he took off with Kettle after. Hopefully Leon could hold on so as not to lose their supplies. Lila would likely be able to do alright with nothing, but the others may not be quite so accustomed to traveling so light. Looking back it was hard to tell where they had come. For Lila the only real indication was the thin trail of silk that she instinctively lay from time to time. However it was not continuous since they most likely were being followed. A magpie was nearby, something that at the moment looked rather appetizing.

Her concentration however was broken by a glimmer of red light that caused her to blink. Right, there was still the pillar to investigate. Glancing upward in the trees she spotted the source of the ruby colored glint. Which should she check first? Deciding that she could reach the ruby more easily than the others she left the pillar to them. Having a singular focus at the moment she had yet to notice the shadowy figure. Lila's unique physiology made ascending the tree a simple task and when she reached the ruby she pulled to free it from the bark.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SiliconColt
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Over the passing of breakfast, Leon contemplated the journey ahead as well as the dangers that even Kettle feared. However, her public speaking was comforting and assuring that -even at the expense perhaps of another leg- the discover of the tree would be worth the undertaking of the difficult task. Getting outside and prepared to lead them, or perhaps be led by Grom, Leon was anxious to leave.

"I won't let you down, Kettle." He said, nervously mounting the creature. He didn't know much about Grom but so far the passive reaction was better than a negative one. At first Leon was sure that Grom still didn't like him, even though he hadn't seen him for who knows how long.

Seeing the distance between his location and his destination, Leon perspective of the journey changed. He thought it would be far more dangerous but flowers with petals as long as his good leg made him wonder if the forest ahead was actually really far away with massive trees that simply looked close. A certain forced perspective had him fooled until the wetlands seemed endless to the hunter. Just when he thought they'd take hours just to arrive the forest of massive plants. The smells were amazing, but looking at flowers had the hunter worried again. They could be poisonous or worse, man-eating.

A couple hours passed again and the Hunter was very pleased by the fact kettle let him ride on Grom. The cameldragon was much more appropriate for a long trip than a peg leg. Leon guessed he'd still be marching through wetlands if he hadn't been on Grom.

At a fallen tree Grom turned and lumbered toward a way around. Leon looked at it, wondering just how long it would take for something that size to decompose. Then it made him wonder about the creatures living inside that corpse of a wooden giant. Bugs were probably burrowed so deeply into the wood that it was probably hollow.

"Oh what's that?" Leon said out loud. His attention turned toward a glimmering in the distance. Beautiful with rays of a light beaming like a star on a clear night. "Woah that's a big rock. Hey, do you all see that over there?" Leon pointed to the massive pillar piercing the heavens. Getting closer on Grom, Leon wanted to stand but couldn't because the cameldragon went into a panic, taking him along. Something caught his attention. Looking ahead and holding on as tightly as possible, Leon hoped those left behind were not in danger.

Hearing Kettle behind him, he neared the tail of the Camel Dragon. Trying to keep himself on top of its back he also bent over and reached his hand out to Kettle. Perhaps she could get him calmed and tamed without getting lost in the unfamiliar forest. They'd probably not since that pillar was too big to ignore, however, the hunter didn't know what else to expect from this overgrown wilderness.

"Take my hand, I'll pull you up." he called outwith his right hand tightly gripped to the nearest object and the other stretched out like the branch of a tree during a storm -which is to say wildly flailing because Grom isn't exactly the smoothest ride.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lila's unique physiology made ascending the tree a simple task and when she reached the ruby she pulled to free it from the bark.

The moment the ruby was removed, the tree was not a tree.

The bark and leaves and branches flickered once like a broken hologram. The tree was gone altogether, and Lila was instead clinging to a dark stone pillar with glowing runes carved along its length, with a small empty socket where the ruby had been a moment ago.

The flowers all around suddenly closed their petals.

The statue had disappeared from its pedestal. It now stood before A'shinok, with its stone sword pointed at his chest. The statue was of the same dark stone as Lila's glowing pillar. It was carved in the shape of a human man in leather studded armor, wearing a helmet in the shape of a dog's head. The statue was entirely lifeless and motionless, yet inches from a deadly blow.

Through the sockets of his skull, Clavic would see something that no one else could see: the shadows! The very same person-shaped shadows that had watched from the hilltop and had moved in their peripheral -- to Clavic, a dozen shadows wandered among the trees. Each of them stopped every so often, looked around, and walked back, as if they were guards posted on watch -- but none of the shadows saw the travelers at all.

There were other rubies embedded in the trees: seven in total, in a circle around the central white pillar, should one look carefully for the spark of sunlight on the gems.

The magpie flapped with a flash of wings, and it lighted on Nel's shoulder with a gentle grasp. It made a creaking noise deep in its throat -- even for the strange sounds of the magpie, that sound was most uncommon. "Push the button!" the bird squeaked excitedly into Nel's ear, bouncing just a little. "Push it push it!"

The spiral in the great white pillar had begun to glow just slightly, the same hue as the runes of Lila's dark pillar.

"Take my hand, I'll pull you up." he called out with his right hand tightly gripped to the nearest object and the other stretched out like the branch of a tree during a storm -which is to say wildly flailing because Grom isn't exactly the smoothest ride.

Kettle ran alongside Grom's tail, stretched out her fingers and grasped Leon's wrist as it flailed past her. With gritted teeth she caught a saddlebag with her other hand and hauled herself up behind Leon, clinging to him for balance.
"GROM! HEEL!" she screamed past Leon's ear while she grabbed for the reins that flapped in the wind.

Grom suddenly stopped. Leon and Kettle lurched and tumbled over Grom's head and fell into a muddy creek.

"Damned . . . no good . . . cameldragon . . ." were only the least colorful words Kettle chose to describe the steed who had just caused a great deal more trouble than she'd bargained for.

Her back was turned to the thing that had caused Grom to stop.

It was a moss-covered statue, centuries old and big as a house. The enormous sculpture had spines and claws and folded wings, and was curled into itself as if sleeping. Its sharp stone jaws were open, and in its mouth was a glimmering ruby.

All the flowers around them had closed their petals.

In the corner of Leon's eye he would see a shadow move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SiliconColt
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SiliconColt Best summon in the game

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"What in the world... a statue with a gem in its mouth. Kettle, what do you make of tha--" Leon's eyes moved from the statue to a shadow in his field of vision. It fled in a second but he knew that something else was there. "I reason that that statue is symbolic, maybe a key to unlock something. Otherwise why not hide it." He get up on his foot and peg. The mud would be the worst obstacles in their path.

"With something as fierce looking as that... I sure hope it doesn't spring to life." He was cautious at first, only moving slowly toward the statue. He moved around the flowers, careful not to touch what could be poisonous. Then he looked around the statue for anything that was odd like a crack across the smooth stone.

"I'll try pulling out that gem. Maybe something will happen. Kettle?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cinderella Man
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As Clavic slowly shambled his way along with the group, he did take notice to several different oddities in their surroundings but decided that they would be better left to those of a better physical state than his own. But when their environment took on all the changes that happened, and so suddenly, Clav had to act with a bit more vigor. He rolled closer to the others, stopping only a foot or two away from Leon.

"Don't do that just yet. That might not be the smartest idea, all things considered. We seem to have accompaniment." The bone-clad creature wrung his hands together, apparently in some form of distress. He motioned, rather than pointed, with the side of his form towards a couple of the shadows that he saw through his macabre mask.

"They're ignoring us now. But they're definitely not here just because stone pillars and statues are their optimal habitat. I would recommend mulling over the consequences of removing that gem."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

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For most of their trek, Nel had been keeping close to Kettle and Lila, finding herself more comfortable in the presence of the two women she had spoken to at length the night before. As the group trudged along, Nel noted that there were noticeably fewer people walking with them through the woods than there were in the cafe yesterday. She made a promise to herself that she would try to get to know the others who had decided to tag along with Kettle on her quest. But... she wasn't quite ready for that now.

She'd already passed some threshold of bravery simply by following Kettle this far-- others had already turned tail, literally and metaphorically, and headed back home. Nel wasn't even entirely clear on what a... world seed or whatever it was that Kettle thought that she knew was... somewhere... did, or it's importance. Nel was sure it had some special arcane importance, especially for Kettle to have assembled such a team to ensure that she got to it. But it's importance wasn't what ultimately impressed her to stick around. No, as her mind began to wonder, in part to avoid what were definitely callouses developing on her feet, she thought of her parents, and the life she was already beginning to leave behind. That was why she was here.

She wasn't sure if she was even cut out to be an adventurer, as Kettle had almost immediately labeled her as when she... rather painlessly... realized who Nel was. But she was happy that she was here, doing something different.

At least, Nel supposed she was happy doing this. At the precise moment of the thought, she didn't feel much of anything besides enervation action on her muscles and feet. Apparently, a generally stationary life indoors didn't build up one's stamina for miles of walking in a balmy swamp-forest.

Thankfully for her, she brought herself out of her own contemplation on whether or not she had made a huge mistake by joining in this expedition when a mosquitomoth saw fit to start trying to gnaw at the hair on her head. Her instinctual slap tot he area above her ear frenzied away the insect and brought her attention to Grom, the cameldragon she had held a lengthy conversation with, and Leon-- she wasn't really sure how she knew its name-- as they charged ahead into the underbrush, Kettle almost immediately sprinted after the beast, and was soon followed by most of the group. Nel, with soreness of body, couldn't have kept up with them if she had wanted! Besides, in being so busy to catch up with Kettle and the errant cameldragon, most people didn't seem to pay much attention to the bags of spilled supplies he'd left behind. Nel busied herself retrieving these items before catching up with the rest of the group.


A few moments later, with a grunt and a heave, Nel dropped the bags she could carry off at the side of the now completely stagnant Grom. As she had walked to his side, she noticed flowers closing themselves up, statues disappeared before her eyes, in the clearing gems appeared and mossy relics seemed to glow with a sinister light. The air held something... off. Nel was no soothsayer, not like her Aunt Aetha, but she was certainly perceptive enough to know when something of an otherworldly nature was going on. Or, at the very least she was perceptive enough to know when things completely beyond her perception were happening.

As she wiped some beads of sweat off her forehead, a bluish bird flew over to her and landed on her shoulder and... started speaking to her...? Nel knew she was unhealthy, but hallucinating after carrying a few bags was a bit much. No one else seemed to have heard the bird. And just as she assumed that it may have just been an odd chirp, it jumped a little and spoke again.

"Push it push it!"

"Push what?" Nel whispered back to the chirping magpie, she didn't want her companions to think she had become hysterical, talking to birds was usually not an activity endorsed by the mentally sound. Part of her seemed to understand that what was happening was real, and that she should play her part, observing her surroundings, she walked up to a white pillar with a glowing spiral, "This?"

The question was more of formality to the avian, already she was reaching out to touch the glowing spiral. Something seemed to be driving her to, and another part of her felt anxiety at the prospect of touching the black, pulsing rune. Chalking this up to her own self-doubt, Nel went ahead, assuming that was what the bird was referring to and pushed the glowing spiral on the white pillar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"With something as fierce looking as that... I sure hope it doesn't spring to life." He was cautious at first, only moving slowly toward the statue. He moved around the flowers, careful not to touch what could be poisonous. Then he looked around the statue for anything that was odd like a crack across the smooth stone.

"I'll try pulling out that gem. Maybe something will happen. Kettle?"

The statue was quite old, stained with ancient lichen, threaded with layers of vines and remains of animals long passed. It was made of a dark stone, unnatural according to anything Leon might have seen before; it was marbled with deep red, and even in its age the stone maintained a subtle gloss of strength. The only imperfection was a cracked, jagged crevice where the monster's heart should be.

"Don't do that just yet. That might not be the smartest idea, all things considered. We seem to have accompaniment. They're ignoring us now. But they're definitely not here just because stone pillars and statues are their optimal habitat. I would recommend mulling over the consequences of removing that gem."

So, Clavic had found them -- and he brought tidings of shadows. Kettle slowly crawled to her feet, and though her knees were shaking, her hands were certain as she reached into her robes. Her eyes did not meet those of Clavic or Leon; she let them converse between themselves.

While Leon was distracted by Clavic's well-intended warnings, Kettle raised a steady flintlock pistol and leveled it at Leon's chest.

"I'm sorry, Leon." Her expression was deeply pained, even as she pointed the weapon at his chest. She could not bear to look at Clavic. Even though Clavic had no face to show his expression, Kettle knew there was nothing good in his opinion now.

A shadow flickered across the path behind her.

"The only way to break the spell is with a sacrifice." Her throat worked against a sob, and she cocked the pistol. "No one is leaving the forest. I'm sorry."

She had gathered them all here for only one purpose. Already, she knew, several of their company had vanished into the hungry embrace of the forest.


Something seemed to be driving her to, and another part of her felt anxiety at the prospect of touching the black, pulsing rune. Chalking this up to her own self-doubt, Nel went ahead, assuming that was what the bird was referring to and pushed the glowing spiral on the white pillar.


The center of the spiral receded into the stone at the merest touch. The pillar hummed and vibrated. The ground under Nel's feet shifted back and forth, as if something deep underneath was moving and working with mechanical efficiency.

The stone beast -- the very statue that Leon had been examining a moment before -- began to growl.

Yellow eyes opened.

Ivy snapped and wings broke free of the vines.

The stone beast's jaws snapped shut, closing the gem in its violent mouth, and it raised itself up to its taloned feet, tall as a horse with a snaking head full of angry spines and spikes. Its deep, rumbling growl shuddered in their skulls.

Kettle froze, the pistol still pointed at Leon's chest. She stared at the stone beast, pale with fright.

The magpie on Nel's shoulder hopped in delight. "Wakey wakey!" it warbled. "Wake up sleepyhead! Breakfast!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

To say that Lila was not expecting the object she was climbing to change would be an understatement. Were she clinging to the side of the obelisk any other way she would have fell. It did cause her to move down though in some shock. What kind of trickery is this? She had had the privilege to meet some magicians. Their art of deception was truly a skill beyond her own. But this was well beyond that. Glancing at the ruby in her hand she wondered if perhaps it should be replaced.

Turning she realized that the "tree" she had been on was not the only one. Below some of the statues had moved. Quite strange things were happening. She had yet to notice the large flowers among all the other things to observe. Speaking of, Lila spotted Nel reaching for the white obelisk, the magpie on her shoulder. "Don't touch anything! Things are not as they appear!" With that she tried to see if putting the ruby back in the socket would return things as they were. But it was too late, something else was set in motion and the ground rumbled. Not far Lila could hear a low growl and the trees rustle slightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SiliconColt
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SiliconColt Best summon in the game

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You're right, I shouldn't just grab things here." Leon said, his fingers almost grazing the surface of the jewel. The red color caught too much of his attention, investing his curiosity in dangerous territory. What was he thinking? Going to thank the bone-man-creature-uh-person, he turned around, only to see Kettle with a weapon pointed at him.

"Kettle..." he started.

"Goodbye." She said.

His instincts weren't working, he didn't know what this was. Nothing in his life was like this, no betrayal or conviction from someone he trusted. Bones in his fingers twitched with readiness to act... but what could he do to save himself.

But save himself from who?

Kettle was kind to him before and just recently with the ride in to the forest, how could he expect this? He tried to return that favor of kindness with an open hand and open mind about this adventure. But was he really just here to die? Did it even need to be him? Were all these people just lambs for slaughter, chosen because they were ignorant? What could drive a person to this.. insanity? Was Kettle really... the one he trusted so much that he traveled the world to see her?

He didn't know why she wanted this but.. that was an answer he wouldn't get to get. Resting his hands in fists, he kept his anger on his brow, staring at her face. He wouldn't forgive her for killing him.

Then behind him the statue moved, awakening him from the petrified glare he was giving Kettle. He turned to see it, the statue growl. Then the vines around it snapped like string around an ox's legs.

Thinking quickly Leon knew he didn't stand a chance at running away, not with his peg leg.

He could try to make some kind of diversion, using... using what though? He didn't have time to think for long, he backed up, observing more than trying to just flee. Watching for whatever it did, looking for its behavior any kind of heart beat, a vulnerability within its body. That growl meant predator, fiercer than tigerboars and gryphons.

Remembering that Kettle was about to shoot him, he wondered if there was any surviving this day. However. he'd be dead if this thing didn't start moving around. Was that some kind of sign? Some dumb divine intervention? What purpose was he serving now? Why was he alive at all. Everything wanted him dead at this point, why try to live?

That was the question wasn't it, why live?

"If you're going to shoot me, do it after you're a safe distance away from this big guy. I'll keep it distracted while you run. But if I live through this then you owe me answers, Kettle. Got that?" He said, making sure he could be heard.

Knowing his luck he could only rely on dodging its grasp of hands and open mouth. He could be nimble with the peg leg, especially if he was fearing for his life while angry. One of his most reliable memories of his father was him saying that the best way to stay alive is to keep surprising your enemy. That meant looking like a rock but moving like a rabbit, his best bet was to watch for some type of predator behavior now, then estimate when it was ready to strike, like crouching to pounce.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 24 days ago

"Wakey wakey!" the bird chirped, "Wake up sleepyhead! Breakfast!"

"Wakey, wakey...?" Nel tilted her head, glancing at the bird as it hopped on her shoulder, "What did you...?"

What did it do? This is your fault, you gullible idiot.

Nel's eyes widened in horror as the gigantic draconian statue before her shook the earth. It rumbled, vines snapped with it's movement, and moss that had been accumulating on it's stony carapace was shaken off as the stone-beast roared to life. Absolute terror flashed in her eyes, her pupils shrunk to pinpoints. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't-- she couldn't do anything. She wanted to turn her head to see her companions, what were they doing? She wondered. Were they paralyzed at the mere sight too? She doubted it.

Fool! Fool! Fool!

Perhaps they had left her here, already? Her body was no longer her own. Her blood, the knot in her stomach, the cold sweat that ran the length of her skin-- it all became ice as the yellow eyes glared at her. The soreness left her body, the enervation, the doubt... it had all been replaced by that overwhelming fear. It rushed to her head. It told her...


But her body was no long her own to move. In her head, her parent's bickered. Her mother laughed at her-- you're in over your head! Her father wanted to galvanize her, he pleaded-- you CAN deal with this. Neither got through, all the only thing here was her, and the beast, and with a glare, it had taken control of her body away. With a whimper, Nel fell to her knees.


She knew what was happening; she couldn't breath, her head felt slight, the light was dimming. She tried to turn, tried to murmur something to... someone... before... her eyes... closed... her.. . he ad. . h it th e gr ou n d .
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aloe wasn’t sure what to expect when he had wandered onto the ruins and stared in disbelief. He didn't know how long he had parted from his teammates, but it was a sure thing that the situation was dire. Instead of decaying stones and overgrown forestry as he had imagined, before him was a scene unlike anything he had ever experienced. While the towering pillars and shimmering rubies were a sight to behold, the main actors were the one who took center stage. A single jagged statue moved with the trembles of the earth. Its appearance would’ve been a severe beauty if it hasn’t been carved in the cruelest of ways. In front of it was a man with a peg leg, a walking pile of bones, and Kettle.

His heat pounded rapidly, and no matter how much he tried to breath, it raced against his chest. With his one good eye, the Changeling immediately assessed the situation. As much as he wanted to help for both his benefit and the others, he was very much lacking in weaponry. Instead, he made his way over to the nearest thing he could find – a seemingly unconscious person near a pillar. No pool of blood surrounded her nor did the body looked as though it was crushed.

Aloe knelt next to the prone figure and pressed two fingers – his index and middle - against the side of her bare neck, on an artery just underneath the jaw. He waited, keeping a steady eye on the danger, as the seconds passed.


He felt it – there was a pulse.

He wasn’t sure what the others were up to, but for now, his priorities were to get the wounded/useless out of here. He’ll worry about the stone monstrosity when the unconscious woman is out of the way. His physique may be small and thin, but now is the time to act. It wouldn’t do to let the pegged man die in vain when he seemed to have offered to act as bait. Wrapping his arms under her pits and around her chest, Aloe dug his heels into the ground and began to pull. At a much slower rate than he would’ve liked, he dragged the young woman to the nearest thicket, concealing themselves among the branches.

Out of sight, out of mind – that was how the saying went. Often times it was true; although, for how long? He aimed a light slap on the woman's cheeks, hoping she would wake soon. He has no time to babysit those who nap – he was no medic for a reason.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Don't touch anything! Things are not as they appear!" With that she tried to see if putting the ruby back in the socket would return things as they were. But it was too late, something else was set in motion and the ground rumbled.

The ruby would no longer stick in its socket -- the glowing runes in the column pulsed with a deep blue light as Lila's valiant efforts proved fruitless.

The ruby shone brilliantly, and red light illuminated the bones of her fingers from within her grasp. Strings of tiny red runes snaked and twisted around her arm, raced up her elbow to her shoulder. The ruby dug itself into her palm and the runes continued to draw themselves on her skin: across her torso, her throat, her face.

She would feel constricted, like the air was pressing in on her. The ruby was a sealing stone, and now it was trying to seal her.

Itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout

A child's voice sang in the treetops. Or maybe it was just in her own head.

She ate all her friends and turned to stone throughout

Lila saw red. Below her, Leon and Clavic and Kettle were being accosted by a monster -- as monstrous as she herself. A command hissed in the back of her mind; Leon, Kettle, Clavic, Nel and Aloe glimmered in her vision as targets.

Kill them

He didn't have time to think for long, he backed up, observing more than trying to just flee. Watching for whatever it did, looking for its behavior any kind of heart beat, a vulnerability within its body. "If you're going to shoot me, do it after you're a safe distance away from this big guy. I'll keep it distracted while you run. But if I live through this then you owe me answers, Kettle. Got that?"

Leon didn't have time to finish his sentence. The stone beast leaped and landed with a crashing rumble between him and Kettle, its fangs sharp and snarling. Its spiked tail whipped fiercely, catching Kettle in the chest; the pistol went flying into the bushes, and Kettle slammed into the white pillar with a sickening crack of bone.

The beast had barely noticed; its glowing eyes were focused on Leon, and the ruby glowed bright in its mouth. Something dark dripped from the crevice in its chest, where bits of fur and bone were visible among patches of stone.

The beast barked and snarled and shook its head -- then suddenly switched its attention and dove directly for Clavic, its jaws open wide to clamp down upon him.

It was behaving as if it were frightened and uncertain, lashing out at anything that seemed a threat. Anything that the spell in its head told it to attack.

Grom bellowed mournfully and pawed the ground where Kettle's spear lay in the mud.

She knew what was happening; she couldn't breath, her head felt slight, the light was dimming. She tried to turn, tried to murmur something to... someone... before... her eyes... closed... her.. . he ad. . h it th e gr ou n d .

Wrapping his arms under her pits and around her chest, Aloe dug his heels into the ground and began to pull. At a much slower rate than he would’ve liked, he dragged the young woman to the nearest thicket, concealing themselves among the branches.

For awhile there were only sounds of confusion and destruction -- then, the flap of wings, and the magpie perched on a boulder behind them.

"They're here! They're here!" the bird warbled happily, hopping and flapping to draw Lila's attention. "Itsy-bitsy, bitsy spider, come to eat you all up!"

The ground continued to shake.

The grass a few feet from where Aloe and Nel sat began to move and separate. A clink and clank of scraping metal echoed in the darkness below a perfectly square hole that slid open in the ground.

A stairwell led deep below.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cinderella Man
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Cinderella Man shall become the wings of Rebellion

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The small bone-y creature began to speak, ready to shout out some sort of plan to those who weren't completely out cold. Unfortunately for him, the stony beast decided that it wanted a nice marrow appetizer before its meaty humanoid main course. Clavic was not very happy about this. He let out a screech that was accented by the rattling of bones and he immediately dropped to the ground. The full force of his weight was thrown forward, causing him to roll forward rapidly and hopefully out of the way of the creature. As he rolled, many of the bones that weren't tucked into the tighter parts of his furry clothing began to fling themselves off of his person and backwards into the maw of the beast with a few flying askew and stabbing into the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Seeing that the ruby was not going back into place Lila gave up. Unfortunately the events she appeared to set into motion were not finished. The runes appeared and spread across her body. Before she could drop the object it dug into her palm. What was unfolding before her eyes was beyond her understanding. Was this magic? A curse? Did such things even exist? Of course that thought gave way to fear and panic when the spider woman felt constricted from what appeared to be nothing.

As if that was not enough the voice of a child came to her ears. There didn't appear to be anyone above her where the voice seemed to come from. It was the words though that caught her attention. Eating her friends was something that she wanted to avoid. The mention of turning to stone struck a nerve. Was that where the statues here had come from? She was going to become forever stone.

It was all becoming clearer but the sealing stone was not through. Lila's companions flashed in red in her vision as she was given a command. Kill them. The order was counter to her purpose, but very much spoke to her base instincts. Since the start of their journey she had not had a chance to feed on anything fresh. Try as she might the combine call to attack overcame her rational thought.

Exactly what everyone was doing was not important. Immobilizing them all with a bite wouldn't be possible, but several were already crippled in one way or another. The motion of Clavic caught her attention and Lila dropped down from the treetops to cut off his escape.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

There was a tremendous ruckus that brewed about as Aloe failed in his attempt to wake Nel. The changeling huffed in annoyance which was followed by a disappointed click of his tongue. Still nothing. Maybe a stronger strike will do? ? In one swift moment, Aloe raised his hand higher as his grip on a bundle of the lady’s shirt held her steady.

“Itsy-bitsy, bitsy spider, come to eat you all up!” The magpie cried out, flapping its wings.

His hand pulled away at the last second as Aloe fixed the magpie with a glare. Confusion reflected on his expression as though he was thinking through a riddle. “Spider? What— OUCH!"

At that very moment, something bonked him on the head. Luckily, it wasn't enough to knock his out yet it still hurt. He growled as he whipped around... only to paused. He reached down to pick up a gun. For a moment, he stared at the weapon until the noise grew even louder than before.

Peering over the bushes, the scene was enough to draw curses from him. Kettle was down near a white column, not moving an inch. There a gigantic stone beast after one of his traveling companions with a lady-spider – a Jorogumo, wasn’t it? – that was about to cut off the bone-y creature’s escape path. Just what is that Jorogumo doing? She is an ally, is she not? He saw her as part of the traveling pack when he had lagged behind. Although, the red in her eyes weren’t there before… A gem shone brightly in her hands. Slowly, his eye widened, the magpie’s words slowly sinking in.

Crap, what was he suppose to do?

It wasn’t long before the ground trembled a few feet away from where they sat and caught his attention for a moment. A section of grass shifted. In slow cranks and grinding metal, a hole revealed itself in small increments. Hidden within it was a staircase that descended into darkness. No matter how well his eye could adjust to the darkness, he couldn’t see the bottom.

His gaze flickered from the hole to the approaching spider lady and finally to the fallen Clavic. The gun felt heavy in his hand. Aloe grimaced. He wasn't sure what was in that hole, but it seemed to be the only option if they wanted to live.

With a sharp intake of breath, Aloe rushed out of the thicket, leaving Nel behind. With adrenaline pumped into his system, he shortened the distance that separated him and Clavic. He grabbed onto the fur that Clavic wore and pulled the being up; the gun he held shook unsteadily as his aim kept switching between Lila and the stone beast.

“Creature of bones, there’s a staircase along with a girl hidden behind those bushes. Take her and go down!” Without waiting for the poor creature to recover, the young man pushed it toward the shrubs, ignoring whatever bones that may fall out of it. He turned his gaze over to Leon. “Young hunter, come!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The full force of his weight was thrown forward, causing him to roll forward rapidly and hopefully out of the way of the creature. As he rolled, many of the bones that weren't tucked into the tighter parts of his furry clothing began to fling themselves off of his person and backwards into the maw of the beast with a few flying askew and stabbing into the ground.

Exactly what everyone was doing was not important. Immobilizing them all with a bite wouldn't be possible, but several were already crippled in one way or another. The motion of Clavic caught her attention and Lila dropped down from the treetops to cut off his escape.

He reached down to pick up a gun. For a moment, he stared at the weapon until the noise grew even louder than before. He grabbed onto the fur that Clavic wore and pulled the being up; the gun he held shook unsteadily as his aim kept switching between Lila and the stone beast.

“Creature of bones, there’s a staircase along with a girl hidden behind those bushes. Take her and go down!” Without waiting for the poor creature to recover, the young man pushed it toward the shrubs, ignoring whatever bones that may fall out of it. He turned his gaze over to Leon. “Young hunter, come!”

Bones flung into the stone beast's face and mouth; it skidded in the dirt and shook its head vigorously, snarling, giving Clavic and Aloe a precious few seconds. The glowing ruby flashed on its stony tongue.

But those seconds were short-lived, for Lila was even faster than the beast. Perhaps she would think twice when faced with the barrel of Aloe's stolen pistol. But the voice hissed steadily in her head, and Aloe surged red in her eyes: Kill.


The terrible bellow did not come from the stone beast, but sounded like the roar of a dragon.

Grom galloped to Aloe's aid, the saddle bags shifting and bouncing on his back. The cameldragon stumbled to a halt, curled his tail around Aloe protectively and stood his ground, baring sharp teeth he'd never revealed before, like a dog defending its owner.

The red in Lila's eyes dimmed, and so did the voice. Bloodlust faded. Similarly, the stone beast opposite her stood wavering, still hateful but no longer inclined to attack. The red of both rubies faded, and they no longer glowed.

The facts were these: Grom and Kettle both had sigil tattoos on their backs. These tattoos ensured the stone guardians would not attack them -- and also gave them the ability to command the stone guardians to attack or to stand down. Kettle's desire to kill Leon had caused the awakened beast to attack, but now she was unconscious, her head bleeding from an unintentional flick of the stone beast's tail.

Grom himself was confused and wary of the situation, not quite intelligent enough to understand. He remained by Aloe's side, glancing between the stone beast and Lila, growling deep in his throat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

One moment Lila was ready to tear into her companions, the voice driving her mad. And likely she would have had not the montra been shattered by a roar. The sound rang in her ears, drowning out everything. The grasp on her mind melted away. Taking a deep breath the constricting force disapated.

As her mind cleared the spider woman held her head. It still throbbed from the experience but at least she was herself. Turning away from everyone Lila shrank away. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." whilst moving away she noticed the ruby color in her palm. That's right, there had been some runes coming from it. Feeling the spot it appeared that whatever it was could not simply be extracted by normal means.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Stop.” A firm steady voice called out after Lila. Despite her apology, Aloe stared at the spider woman with a cold gaze; the gun was now aimed at her chest. His eyes spoke with clear intent and distrust. Just seconds ago, she aimed to kill as he saw his own troubled expression reflected against her irises when she drew too close. And not long before that did she try to get that strange creature of bones when it had fallen.

While the giant statue still posed as a threat, it is ninety-eight percent pure stone. It would be a waste of bullets. He would have to find an alternative solution. More concerning though was Lila. She is still able to move and able to talk instead of growling. Was she an enemy or an ally? Will she revert back into something murderous? When will she? As much as a threat she still posed, Kettle chose her for a reason. She could still be useful for something, but is it worth the risk?

Honestly, Aloe had no idea what just happened. He had just wandered onto the scene and saw a disaster. Why was Lila rampaging? What is that statue? It was luck that Kettle’s feathered beast somehow managed to keep the murderous forces at bay. But long will that luck last? Although the red in her eyes may be gone, Aloe didn’t live this long on just hope and optimism.

A small click could be heard as the cock of the gun was raised. “Care to explain yourself?”
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