Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@TTNoobs@SomeChap Thanks! just what I needed!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@TTNoobs What kinda engineer?!
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@TTNoobs What kinda engineer?!

Aerospace (student - I'm sorry)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

You're good haha, I'm an aviation electrician. I don't do much of the engineering but I work with it enough sometimes I feel I could be an electrical engineer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I'm an EE over here. Almost decided to be a mechie, but electrical engineering is more valuable to the military - double majored with criminal justice because I didn't think my life sucked enough.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name/Nicknames: Milo “Just Milo”

Age: Twenty-Eight

Appearance: Milo is roughly 5’11(1.8m) He sits at 170lbs (12stone). His skin color causes him to be slightly more tan than others due to his mixed heritage. He has a friendly face, and rough and calloused hands. He has a scar which runs from just under his left year ending on his right cheek bone. He wears a leather flight suit (Similar to the BoS uniform.) Over the top he wears a ragged cloak, old and worn leather boots and on his back he carries a homemade rucksack, with a metal backing. He carries a long pipe rifle of his own design, its shelled in 20mm, its slung across his shoulder while traveling. For close encounters he uses a short sword crafted from a jagged piece of metal grinded down to a point and to have an edge. The handle is but para-cord wrapped around the hilt. Other than that gear he keeps a pair of long johns in his rucksack, extra rope, a small medical kit, with a single stimpack, some stitching thread a needle, and homemade bandages. He keeps a small amount of cat food on him for dire emergency.

Race: Human

Personality: Although he’s been through hardship after hardship Milo keeps a positive attitude, he’s always kind to those he meets and tries to help out whenever possible. He’ll give his last bit of food to a stranger, or spend time with those who are dying. It's not often Milo doesn’t have a smile on his face, if he doesn’t it's because he’s either asleep or eating. Quick to drop a joke during a stressful time, or to make light of a tense situation.

Sniper, Through years of training and personal experience milo has become an excellent sniper.

Scavenger, having become very resourceful on the land he’s discovered a natural talent for finding useful junk.

Gunsmith, from being trained at a young age, he’s able to piece together guns, or maintain current ones.

Hunter, he’s learned to hunt from those he met on the land, and from his time on the ship.

Self defense. Having been in multiple scuffles over the years he’s learned to defend himself in hand to hand combat, and has become very proficient.

Back-story: Born on an aircraft carrier in the year 2249 with only a meager twenty people left on board the ship drifted aimlessly. Milo was trained from a very young age to maintain, and piece together weapons. It was his primary job while on board the ship. He was apprenticed under his Uncle Max. Throughout his life he participated in several raids on main lands the last being America, they’d fly in one of the two Vertibirds which worked on the ship to steal, and plunder. Often killing those in their way. Sometimes they’d take in new recruits, and breeding stock to diversify the gene pool. Milo’s other job was to man the rifle-cannon. He was the anti-vehicle sniper and occasionally personnel. During Milo’s time they never allowed new recruits on board it was saved for the strictest emergencies. The decision was made to sail across the “pond” as their captain frequently called it. At some point during their trip in the dead of night an explosion ripped a hole through its hull, they couldn’t shore up the hole it was several decks long, and very wide. He never figured out what happened, but they couldn’t contain the fire or fix the damage, between the flooding and the damage from the fire they lost the birds and the ship. As his father burned to death, the last captain of the ship himself and a few other managed to make it to the life-boat.

It had room to hold, thirty people. They had enough rad-x and radaway to last a year. He was made captain of the boat and they sailed away from the burning mass in the center of the ocean. They drifted for five long months. They left with five souls on board. The first died in the first week, due to injuries sustained from the fire. They survived off of mutated sea life, and birds who landed on the boat. They had a prototype g.e.c.k.o. which was outfitted for the US navy, it supplied them with limited bottles of water per day. The second died two months into it from starvation. The other three did what they had to, to survive. The third and forth both died from dysentery, a week before they hit land.

He changed his ways slowly, but eventually did. He helped those he found that were in need. He buried the dead, and fed the hungry. Eventually he found a small settlement to live in, one who had no idea of his past. He’d started collecting ammo for his weapon instead of spending it. He rarely had to use it, he still felt as an outcast and didn’t quite live within the village of Silvershaw. He was fairly sure that no one believed that he was American or had an idea what it was. Just as he barely knew about this place.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@vietmyke The helicopter I work on "Sea Dragon" is a work of art, just kidding the Electrical engineers who designed the electronics were actually sadist.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You guys use Stone or kg for weight?
@Wade Wilson

<Snipped quote by End Here>

I know I am not Wade, but generally we use Stone for weight. If you didn't know, a stone is 14lb or thereabout.

Like what @SomeChap said. However, I generally just use lbs for characters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Also, for your enjoyment :)

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

-- Posting what I have. Will give this a once over once I'm back.

Aaron Logan

Age: 24

A young man of African descent, Aaron Logan stands just over 180cm in height, and weighs in at roughly 75 kg. Logan is rather lithe and sinewy and he sports an athletic build suited for running and climbing. His once smooth complexion is pockmarked and marred by various scrapes, cuts, and injuries not properly healed. His hair is cut close, and his eyes are a dark, calm brown.

Race: Human

Direct and to the point, this quiet, serious man is rather blunt. Level headed and calm, Logan has a very analytic attitude and can be very perceptive and intuitive in regards to people. Aloof but confident, Logan acts on a mixture of instinct, and tactical awareness. Unless he has a well established relationship, Logan is typically distrustful of others, and will often show a lack of compassion an disregard for those he doesn't know- though children appear to be an exception to this rule. Possessing a well developed, but jaded sense of morality, Logan is quite gray in regards to ethics. He acts in what he believes are in the best interests of himself and those he cares about- not necessarily caring for what is good or bad.

  • Tracking/Navigation - Aaron is an excellent tracker, his keen eyes and senses easily picking out details in the land while following or searching for individuals or creatures. Aaron is also well practiced in traversing most landscapes with little difficulty, running, climbing, swinging, and other such modes of personal transportation come easily to him.
  • Survival - A key skill that any wastelander picks up in order to live. Aaron knows how to rummage and scavenge like the rest of them, and knows how to properly hunt and safely consume various wasteland wildlife.
  • Melee Combat - Bladesmanship and Fisticuffs. While Aaron is plenty capable of fending off a feral ghoul, facing down an untrained fighter, or holding his own against a raider, he will have difficulty besting any well practiced duelist or fighter
  • Marksmanship - Keen eyes and a patient demeanor contribute much to Aaron's marksmanship. A crack shot with a crossbow or a firearm, Aaron can put a fist sized group of crossbow bolts in a target from over 90 yards away, though his most common engagement rage is closer to 30-50 yards.
  • Guerrilla Tactics - Not capable of handling large groups of foes through his own combat prowess, Aaron relies on traps, misdirection, tricks, and illusion to throw his enemies into disarray. Often using his terrain to his advantage, Aaron will patiently pick at his foes over periods of time rather than striking at them forcefully in hopes of a decisive victory.

Born in the ruins of Winchester, Aaron, like most, had a very tumultuous childhood and like many other children, was lucky to make it through his first year of life. Forced to learn how to scavenge from a young age, near starvation and hardship was routine for Aaron and the group of scavengers he was born into. A sort of clan, made up of a few small families, these scavengers roamed from place to place, avoiding raiders, marauders and slavers, and scrounging the city ruins for valuable food, water, and other resources. The group’s number fluctuated often- close friends dying or abandoning the group, or newcomers desperate for survival joining in.

Around the age of 12, Aaron’s group of scavengers came upon an old pre-war military base, inhabited by the descendants of one of the UK’s pre-war military units, calling themselves the Regiment. While originally only interacting with the scavengers to trade for food and other scavenged resources, the pre-war base eventually allowed the scavenger to enter the base and integrated them with the Regiment. Integrating most of the younger scavengers into their ranks, the Regiment took advantage of the scavenger's affinity for sneaking and scampering around in the wastes, teaching them combat skills, and warfare techniques from the stores of manuals and equipment within their base. Much more flexible and adaptable than the strict, by the books tactics utilized by the Regiment regulars, these new scavenger-soldier hybrids became one of the cornerstones of the Regiment, allowing them to quietly observe potential foes and raiders from afar, and allowing them to make precise strikes to defend themselves, as well as being able to safely scavenge and operate away from the base for long periods of time.

Young Aaron, at only 16 years old, was one of the primes of their scavenger-soldier force. Easily picking up and learning the tactics and techniques taught to him by the Regiment's regular military men, Aaron proved to be quite resourceful and capable, smartly picking his fights and always managing to make it back to the settlement with a pack full of supplies. A talented marksman with his pre-war crossbow, as well as a capable survivalist, Aaron, was regularly praised by his instructors, and was often looked up to by younger, aspiring soldier-scavengers.

As the years went on, the Regiment slowly began to run out of its stockpiled supplies. The military base had long since used up the majority of its weapons and ammunition supplies, firearms were reserved only for the top ranking guardsmen of the military base, forcing the rest of the people in the base to use more primitive crossbows and melee weapons. The base had also scavenged almost all of the usable supplies within the immediate area, and its scavengers had to go out farther and into more dangerous territories for longer periods of time to acquire the supplies needed to keep the base running. This, along with numerous attacks from marauders, raiders, and slavers had stretched the people of the Regiment thin. Eventually, short on numbers and supplies, the remaining men and women of the Regiment were forced to abandon their base and flee with their remaining supplies.

The survivors eventually found their way to Silvershaw, a small town built around the husk of a Haven, an old pre-war shelter. These survivors eventually integrated themselves with the village of Silvershaw, proving once again how their soldier-scavenging skills could be useful. Rebranding themselves as 'Rangers', Aaron and the rest of the survivors from the old Regiment pre-war base often serve as scouts for the town of Silvershaw.

Other: Nada.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Lux

Race/Gender: Human Female

Age: 23

Appearance: Lux is short, thin, and wiry, but from the way she moves and handles herself, it's clear that she's not feeble, physically. Her skin is quite pale, mostly due to the fact that she keeps herself almost entirely covered most days. The lower half of her face is often covered by a scarf or other sort of mask, while her shoulder length dark brown hair shrouds most of her face, save for her dark green eyes. She has a tattoo on her left cheek, reaching up to her eye, in what appear to be old Celtic designs. Her eyes are often heavily shadowed, and her ears have a number of small rings pierced through them. She bears a few scars on her face, most hidden by her scarf or hair, but one notable one crosses the bridge of her nose in plain view.

For clothing, she dresses for the wasteland, wearing mostly leathers. She has strong hiking boots, worn leather pants, a dark leather jacket over a thin black hoodie, gloves, and the aforementioned scarves. She wears goggles either around her neck or on her head, and carries a large backpack tightly strapped to her body.

Personality: Extremely quiet, in every possible way. Lux will rarely speak when she isn't spoken to, and even then she often keeps her mouth shut. Most social interaction she avoids entirely, and she's actually quite uncomfortable with regular communication with people. She does better with strangers, performing business interactions. When it comes to interaction, she gets her task done, and then leaves.

She has an undeniably savage nature, expressed in the way she prefers isolation, and how she performs with absolute certainty in dangerous situations, never flinching away from violence when she deems it necessary. She has a very grim view on the world, and any desires or hopes she might have for it have thus far been overridden by her experience, and what she's seen to be true. All that said, her actions in recent years have expressed a sort of selflessness, and she hasn't been known to bring harm to any members of "civilized" towns and settlements. In quiet moments among a group, one could often find Lux in the shadows, keeping to herself, and watching the other people interact with an intense interest. Behind that scarf, sometimes she even smiles.

Stealth - Lux's primary talent is the ability to avoid being seen or heard. She knows how to examine an environment, path out the quietest route, and take it. Many a wastelander has been with just a few of her, and never known. These talents also extend to the arts of pick-pocketing and lock-picking.

Knife-Work - That little switchblade might not look like much, but Lux puts it to frightening use when she needs to. Her strikes are lightning quick, putting multiple holes in an enemy before they even have a chance to move. She has plenty of experience with it, and knows just where to stick it to cause her target the most possible bleeding, or pain, if that's the goal.

Demolitions - She's no gunsmith, but things that go boom are well known to Lux. Various kinds of mines and grenades in particular. She almost always has a couple on hand, and she knows how to make more from spare parts she finds around the wasteland. In addition, she's quite adept at detecting and disarming traps that might be set for her or her allies.

Scavenging - Lux has an eye for valuables, and seems to know all the good hiding spots people might think to put them in. Any room that she's never been in before will receive a look-over, followed by a thorough search if she has the time. She's a little pack rat, too, and can carry loads in that backpack of hers, as well as all of her pockets. Her bartering skill could use some work, but she's not really concerned with that.

Backstory: As far as the village of Silvershaw is concerned, Lux is just a quiet girl who comes by every now and then, weighted down with a wide variety of goods from who-knows-where. After assuring them her goods weren't stolen from any friendly sources, they agreed to take them off her hands. From the outside, it looked like Lux was getting ripped off, giving away her hard earned salvage and treasures for dirt cheap, but eventually it became clear that Lux wasn't really interested in getting much in return. Sometimes, the people of the village would just find little packages of supplies dropped in the center of town, with a note pinned to it with her name.

Repeatedly Lux was offered a place within the village's walls, a steady place to stay, but Lux politely declined every time, offering no reason. She continued scavenging the area around Silvershaw, and even some further locations, returning often to check on the town. Her motives were never cleared up, but at some point the people decided it was best not to look their gift horse in the mouth. When contact was lost with the town of Oking to the south, the mayor decided to try recruiting Lux into the group, to use her skills in stealth, scouting, and general wasteland survival skills. To the village's surprise, Lux quietly agreed.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@Luminosity ayy two scouts. I feel like these two (Lux and Logan) have very complimentary skills too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@vietmyke Agreed :) Though we'll see if they get along, haha. Complimentary skills =/= complimentary personalities.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TTNoobs
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, here's my CS. I know you said to PM it, @Kingfisher, and I have done, but I still want to leave it here to convey the gist of my character, lest anyone muscle in on my turf ;)


Gender: Male

Age: 26

Appearance: Wigstan is remarkably well preserved complexion, spending much of his life downwind of the sedgy, untainted expanse of the brecon mountains and far from the near-glowing-green hulks of decaying cities to the east.
A wanderer at heart, he grows his hair thick and matted, a crude first-line against the winters, made ever more bitter by the scattered trees and dusty atmosphere thrown up over 200 years ago, and his face is smoothed and wind-beaten,
pinking at the rounds of his cheek and on the bridge of his too-short nose. His face casts a stoic picture - his lips almost perma-chapped and tucked into the mouth, and his eyes plumped from squinting at the winds and the cold of
the exposed flatland-midlands. Nonetheless, he is considered to be of a mild, bland sort of attractiveness, despite a just north of lithe build.

Race: Human

Personality: Wigstan has grown to be tired and revulsed at the sedentary, subsistent lifestyle that abounds by necesity in the wasteland, finding himself much more at home on the road, camped out and freezing in one England's more
dramatic landmarks, ones ancient even to the pre-war world. As a result, he has become rather brusk and condescending with the more "simple" folk he encounters in villages, but becomes all the more animated when talk turns to the
curisoities and wonders to be found away from the bounds of villages and farms. Having grown up in the relatively untouched midlands, he reacts with depression and hopelessness when shown the scars left on the old world - so much of his drive
life derived from a hope for the future. Nonetheless, he is not openly rude or anti-social, and makes for an excitable travelling companion.

Skills/Attributes: Masterful swordsman, owed to his time spent in the The Ordinem Caelitum, Wigstan is less adept at hand-to-hand encounters, relying instead on dodging the clumsy swings of his opponent and revealing a crippling weakspot. This is not an exact science, and through his travels Wigstan has accumulated quite a few mis-set bones from mistimed steps and aborted parries. He is also an acomplished trekker and survivalist, having spent many years onthe road, learning the tropes of the land so as to find likely shelter and food. Unlike most in the wasteland, he can also read and write well.


For the first ten years of his life, Wigstan lived in idellic bordem. Aprenticed as a farmhand at the age of six, Wigstan longed for the evenings, when he would sit around the fire and demand his parents regail him with tales of theirtravels, now long even in their memories, enamoured with the twisted spires of metal and glass that spoked from the southern grounds, and terrified at the prospect of the shuffling ghouls that dotted the roads and roved around the farmlands just beyond the walls. Most days, whilst permitted to leave his studies as a farmer, he would exploit his father to let him climb the battlements to the tallest of the spires, to look out over the green-land, stretching just enough to meet the smoking desolation of the cities to the north. The uniquely verdant landscape, the chance for blissful monotony seemed poisioned to the young Wigstan, the tales of his parents exploiting ringing in his ears and pulling,unerringly, from the heaving battlements and out into the vast and decidedly un-monotonous world beyond.

Within two years, though, at the age of 12, Wigstan got what he wished. The Marauders, a confederation of the most vicious raders that remain, picking at the husk of England, freshy formed, needed to make markers of what little unpicked-scraps remain. Warwick was the perfect target. Resolving to carve their name into the folkloric physche of the wasteland, they besieged the settlement - their leader challenging Warwick's fiercest "champion" to a duel to save their town.

Desperate, Warwick's leadership turned to the outside. Evesham Abbey, a stronghold of The Ordinem Caelitum, was only three days walk away, and it was clear that Warwick now needed a kind of protection they could never provide, whateverthe personal cost. Wigstan's father overheard the plans and, knowing that if they were summoned, the Ordinem would claim its tribute in recruits from him too, his son, and so took drastic measures to avert it. One dawn, the castle looked down in horror as Wigstan's father, crude machete and piecemeal leather in hand. The old mercenary fought valiantly, but even with the salvation of his son to drive him, time and comfort had taken their terrible toll, and with one, maddened swing of board, the Marauder launched Wigstan's father's skull into the sky. In horror, his wife ran to bring save his corpse from becoming their trophy, but mistaking her grief for agression, the marauders felled her, too.

It took three more days for the Ordinem to relieve the siege, and once they strode, triumphant through the groaning portcullus to collect their prize, Wigstan was far too reclusive and numb to care, not when he was carted off to the Abbey, not when he was branded in the cross and cooled in baptisimal fonts.

Over many years, they filled the bitter memories of his old, sedintary life with the tinge of revulsion. Wigstan, a name gifted to him by the Abbott of the order, was taught that his presence here was to absolve and oppose the sins that had plagued his progenitors. Wigstan's parents, he was told, had been brash hedonists, trapsing the world and killing with abandon in the pursuit of wealth, and then "settling" to reap their own selfish sustenance. The Travellers, he was taught, flew in the face of the untity brought by "Christ", their insular nature a backwards, trivial extension of selfish self-preservation. All this could be absolved through his service to the Ordinem, through his blind obedience to the Abbott, and through his zealous destrtuction of those that sought to test man's Stewardship of God's creation.

For most of his life, Wigstan subscribed fully to the ideals of his order. When he became a Knight, he relished he savants into the wasteland, hunting down and destroying the tainted, restoring duty and alturism to the human race.

That was, until he found damning disproof of the Ordinem's xenophobia. Whilst pursuing a Ghoul, one who had been thieving from a nearby town, he stumbled upon a baby, crying in a cloistered cave deep in some thicket. Reaching out to save the child, he heard a cruch of twigs behind him. Turning, there was the ghoul, stolen grain and sweet-things in hand. It had been a friend's, a woman, a great love kept apart from him by the trappings of his decaying features, whonow had no-one but him. This ghoul, the ordinem saw as an infiltrator, a plague to be irradicated, but beneath his creased exterior law a soul capable of all the beauty he had once though reserved for humans.

Shaken, Wigstan let the creature depart, though he took the child back to the abbey, to give it a future worth living. There, he asked his Abbott to send him south, beyond the bounds of the Ordinem's purview, to expand and evangalise,co-opt the wasetland to their beliefs. In truth, he felt moved to some time away from the Ordinem's beliefs and practices after his experience, but the Abbott believed his intentions were pure, and it was agreed that he was to be sentsouth the day after christmas, to return not more than two years later.

And so, Wigstan set out, in the snow, frigid and stumbling, in the hope of clarity to guide his future path.


- Weapons : A crude sword made from melted brass and bronze, wrapped at the hild in tapered leather. A small bronze dagger fastened at his back.
- Apparel : A woven silk and salvage nylon cloak, complete with hood - blue. A gas mask, one eye cracked, painted in the colours of the cross of Saint George. Painted curiass of salvaged kevlar and carbon-weave, though weak
where the patches are sown. Thick, fur stuffed boots.

I hope you like it :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Not gunna lie to you guys, I've been refreshing this page religiously since I posted my char.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Gonna be making a queen's guard. Or, supposedly a queen's guard.

Armed with an old M1 Garand with a bayonet attached to it. With no bullets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just in case my own CS got buried under other stuff.
Warning: I made this when I was clearly high on something, this guy was meant to be an over the top jack ass turned up to 11 so sorry if I offend anyone.

Bonus points if you can guess the two major inspirations behind him (telling you now, it not easy :p)

Garand "McKilt" McCarren

"Ehh? Ya wanna piece of meh ya crazy Protestant fookbucket?
I'll rek ya face in fo the glory o de revolution fooker.

"Me name's Garad and me parent's name's McCarren. Most folk justa call meh "McKilt" though or some variations like "the Kilt" or "Kiltlington the Third" or "Holy-fook-its-the-guy-ina-fooking-kilt".

"Twas born no more than 32 yeers ago today, give 'n take a munth or four."

"Ima by far the must handsome bastard ya'll ever meet. I stand at around a gud, oh I dunno, two meters just about? Me eyes are black as the nioit 'cause Im edgy n shit. Me hair and glorious beardo here are both, whaddya call it, allburnt brownie? Dunno, all ya need to know is that Ima both gud lookin' enough and strong enough to fook up ya face and fook your girl. Chilsed abs and faces tends to be pretty popula dese days ya know."

"As fo what Im wearin', I got meself a nice jacket made o strong stuff, called it "rockweave" in me village. Durable shit it is. I've got me self some bit 'n bobs o armor, most stuff for me shoulders and upper chest; can't swing a sword if me arms are dead and well... if me heart stops workin' then I'm just as dead. The entre thing is pretty asymmetric if ya will, one shoulder has a flat plate on it while the other is more layerada. Same with me shins, plate metal and spiked boots, perfect fo dilverin' a swift kick to ya gonads. Knife down 'ere toom just in case. Of course, then there's me kilt 'n shit, all made by me mather. Last bit o' stuff I've got is a sleepin' pad rolled up behind meh with a knapsack above it. Got sum poutches on me belt for extra stuff. 'N me gin

"Ima an Oirish-Scottish-Kockny-English-Something mix and a human if ya can't tell. Whut? Ya expecting a talkin' lamp post?"

"Ima a jovial and friendly man who love spreadin the words of Jaysus Christ 'n the gud Charman Mao, teachin' people about love 'n kindness 'n generosity 'n socialism. I love me a good story and fud, Ima always huntin' for a man or woman who can grill me a fine slab 'o meat."

"As for killin' raiders and protectin' the many innocent, gentle lambs of de world, just try 'n stop me. Ol' McKilt will always foind a way to winna foight. As fo heathen... well... Second the first and as the third; now tellin' me where they are so I can pu'em ina herarse."

"I gotta say, Ima damn fine with me sword right here, no I dun callin' her 'Betsy' o what ever that crap is. I guess Im gud with most o the heavia two-hander 'n dat ain't to to no 'luck o' the fooking Oirish crape'. Also notta bad speaka, tellin' stories, preachin' the ways of the Revolution 'n quotin' Charman Mao has made a me a damn gud speaka."

"Fo sum o' me otha skills, I'd waga Ima decent enough crafter, sword don't sharpin itself ya know. I also know enough 'bout the wild to know how to survival in it as well as some o' the basics o' medicine."

"So, ya wanna hear about me life do ya know? Well alright, sidown fo McKilt storytime you little buggas. I was born into a small lil' farmin' village in the old Highlends. Loife was alrigh' there, ain't much to see o' do besides farmin or keepin' the village alive dough. But then, when I was a makin' my awkward transitor flum a wee lil' lad inna man. It was then that I pick meself up a copy of "Quotatins frum Charman Mao" and got me self into communism, it just seems to work so well, lookin' after the common man like me religion."

"When I foinally gotta to the arge o' 17, I decided to pack up and haul ass witha me father's old sword. Beautiful thing it is, served me all me life. Any ways, I became a mercenary and a damn fooking gud one at that. Been doin' people good and hired work since then, preachin' about the gifts o' God and the glory o' the revolution. And here I am here! Imagine that!"

"Meh weapon is me sword. Good solid claymore made 'o that nice old world steel beam, none of the crap you find made today. Served me well, fancy guns 'n crap make men weak and dependent on the fookin' things so I dun use. Callin' it 'Betsy' will earn you a free stab to ya guts."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Gonna be making a queen's guard. Or, supposedly a queen's guard.

Armed with an old M1 Garand with a bayonet attached to it. With no bullets.

That's a REALLY old weapon. The M1 is already pretty old nowadays, wasn't prewar fallout like 2070?

Nice choice though, first weapon I ever fired was an M1, really kills your shoulder after a while.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fallout 3 you get the Lincoln repeater@vietmyke
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