Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Krytyn watched the girl catching her looking at Buddy every few seconds. She couldn't help but smile at her when she did that and shake her head," Looks like you have a Fan Bud," Krystyn said causing the pup to wags its tail making Krystyn laugh. After a couple of minutes they passed a dumpster where Justine disposed of the useless blade that she was using. Krystyn kept walking before stopping at the sound of her name. Quickly running over her bad out she looked into the dumpster,"Poor bastard tried ta hide," She said with a chuckle
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Justine put the lid to the dumpster down as to not expose this sight to anyone else that may come walking by and started off again in the direction they had been going. As she saw the door of her hideout in the distance, she suddenly felt tired. What time was it? She pulled out her phone from the smallest pocket of her backpack and checked the time. It was only 9:05. Not even noon and all this had happened to her. She was completely shocked that she still had signal but her battery was getting low. As far as she knew, the electricity was still on but she didn't know for how much longer. She decided that she would plug her phone in first thing when they got back to the building. She glanced sideways at Krystyn without moving her head to see what her facial expressions looked like. She wanted to learn a little more about this girl but she wasn't sure what to ask or what she was feeling at the moment. Justine knew as well as anyone that there was a time and place for everything, especially when asking personal questions. She looked away and realized that they had arrived back at the door of the store.
She pulled the heavy door open slowly and went in first motioning for Krystyn to stay put with her hand. She walked through the store once with her machete raised looking and listening for any noises or breathing. She didn't hear anything so she yelled to Krystyn to come in.
"Stand that table up sideways against the door would you? That's my only way of protection in this place." Justine asked as soon as Krystyn entered. She reached into her backpack and found her phone charger and began to hunt for a power outlet to plug her phone into. After about three trips around the store and having to move a fridge out of the way, she found one. 56% was not gonna cut it overnight. After it got to 100 she would put on battery saving mode and only text if it was absolutely necessary.
She went back out into the main area of the store and sat on the floor in front of the counter trying to think about what they should do next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Krystyn lets buddy run in before putting the table into place. Looking around Krystyn made a list of things that she could make into weapons as she walked to where she saw Justine and Buddy go. Walking in she placed her backpack down," Do ya have any other weapons?" Krystyn asked turning to Justine
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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"Nope. I searched the place before I left and not a single knife or anything. I was barely in here for five minutes when one of those creatures found its way to the door and was trying to get in. I had to bash his skull in with one of the chairs over there." Justine said pointing at the two chairs tipped upside down in the corner of the room. "I was thinking of stuffing my backpack with some food and water and trying to find a better place to hide that's more suited for a zombie apocalypse. What do you say?"
Justine looked at Krystyn quizzically. Maybe this could answer the question that was burning in her head about this girl right now. Was she more adventurous and risky or quiet and safe? Maybe if they did decide to go somewhere else, Justine would inquire a little more about her personality.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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"Damn," Krystyn says bitting her thumb thinking,"I would be more comfortable moving if we had more weapons, but there are a few things in here that I'm pretty sure we can turn into makeshift weapons until we find a gun store," Krystyn says looking around. Buddy comes up to the two barking happily making Krystyn chuckle looking down at the pup," Plus we got this lil' trouble maker," She says before looking at Justine," Lets make makeshift weapons then leave I don' want ta be stuck 'ere if any of the walkers come aroun'," Krystyn says pushing off the counter and walking away towards where they came in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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"What were you thinking of as far as weapons go? I thought about breaking off one of the chair legs and using that but I don't know how long that would last me. You seem to be better at this than I am." Justine looked hopefully at Krystyn trying to decipher exactly what she was thinking. Maybe this would be a good time to inquire more about this girl. Hoping this would go well, she politely asked, "So what's your story? How did you end up in all this? I've never even seen you before."
Reaching down to pet Buddy who had laid down next to her, she listened patiently for Krystyn's answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Krystyn came walking back into the kitchen with two broom sticks and some chair legs with a concentrate look," It'd get you far enough if ya don' go inta the city," Krytyn says putting them on the counter. Krystyn remained quiet after Justine asked her question looking down at the weapons.

"Ya never seen me 'round cause I don' come 'round 'ere often," Krystyn says grabbing a leg," My story is for another time as o' right now we gotta get outta 'ere before walker start showing up," She says looking at Justine," After travelin' together for a while I'll tell ya my story a'ight?" Krystyn ask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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"Where do you suppose we go? I haven't seen anyone else wandering around yet. Do you think we should pair up with someone else or sty by ourselves?
Justine thought she probably shouldn't ask so many questions but if she was going to run with this girl, she needed to be up to Justine's speed. She was used to always being ahead of the game and in this situation, she couldn't fall behind. She hoped this girl could handle her. . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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"I would say stay by ourselves but that's not a good idea," Krystyn said putting down her make shift broom spear and looking at Justine," We need ta get ta a gas station, I have a truck 'bout 2 miles from 'ere that we can reach," Krystyn grabs a Leg of a chair and handed it to Justine," We get the gas, an' then get the hell outta t'is city thats the first step. Sharpen t'is make it into a secondary weapon," Krystyn says. @Alina13
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Justine was VERY unsure about leaving her town. There were people here she needed to make sure were okay. She couldn't just pick up and leave without letting them know she was okay too. She knew there were people wondering about where she was and stressing about her safety. She looked around the room nervously as she began to sharpen the chair leg Krystyn had handed her. If anything, she needed to make sure her best friend was okay. And she didn't care if Krystyn liked it or not, she was coming with them when they found her.
"When were you wanting to leave? Would you mind if I tracked someone down first? I'm worried sick about my best friend and I need to find her. Lexi needed to be found and taken care of considering Justine knew that she as NOT a very good survivalist. She could barely take care of herself in a normal world atmosphere, let alone a zombie apocalypse.
Justine finished sharpening the chair leg and tested it with the back of her hand. She then scratched her leg with it and it left a red mark on her calf. Waiting for Krystyn to respond, she yelled out, "This is ready! Is there anything else you want me to make?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Krystyn peaks from under the sink," Sharpen the rest of 'em an' we'll look fer yer friend but if hordes start ta appear we gotta book it 'ight?" Krystyn asks as she when back to unscrewing a pipe
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Justine gathered the rest of the chair legs and began sharpening them as she thought about how she would go about finding her best friend. There was no doubt that she needed to be found. Krystyn seemed like she didn't have any close friends, or at least, didn't act like she did. She seemed to be very closed off and reclusive. But she wouldn't make any judgments before she knew her.
"Do you want to come with me to look, or do you want to stay here?" Justine yelled as she checked her phone. No texts from anyone. She had 96%. That would last her a while as long as she wasn't using it a lot. She was worried sick about Lexi. She hoped they could go soon and that she was alright.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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"I might as well go wit' ya," Krystyn said standing up from under the skink and walking over with a pipe," I don' wan' ya gettin' hurt an' have no one else there," Krystyn says. She whistles and Buddy come padding in tail wagging and happy,"Donya know where Yer friend would've gone?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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"I have no idea. I would think it would be logical to check her house first but other than that. . ." Justine trailed off in frustration and put her head in her hands. "I'm going to try texting her and see if she responds. We will give her half an hour to respond and tell me if she's okay then we go looking for her. Unless you wanna wait till tomorrow? We don't know how long this is going to take or what it will entail. You tell me."
In all honesty, Justine wasn't really all that comfortable wandering out in the middle of the apocalypse with the half ass weapons they had. But if it had to come to that in order to find her best friend, she would do it. She reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone to send a text to Lexi. "Where are you? Are you okay? Do you need help? Im at the bottle shop with a friend. Make your way here if you can CAREFULLY! If not we will come find you. We have weapons." Send.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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@Alina13 Krytyn looks at Buddy who lets out a whine giving her a Be nice and do it look before looking at Justine," Taday better now than later," Krystyn says digging through her back pack and pulling out a green bandanna and walking over to Buddy and tying it around his neck tight enough to stay on but loose enough where if he had to he could pull it off,"T'ere," She said standing up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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"What's that for? Justine asked questioningly. She assumed that it was just to make him easier to see. She decided to pack her stuff and get ready to go. Phone charger, water bottles, random snacks and her pocket knife. She couldn't go anywhere without her pocket knife now. She began to prepare her mind for what she would find regarding her best friend. If she had been bitten and turned into a walker, Justine would have to kill her. She couldn't let Lexi suffer like that. She hoped she wouldn't have to do that though.
She turned to Krystyn and asked "Ready to go?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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"In case we lose her an' need to find her. Plus it has his name on it," She says lifting the pups head showing his name written on," its bright enough to notice but not enough where a walker would," Krystyn says getting out her baseball bat and shouldering backpack on," Le's go," She says walking out of the kitchen and towards the door she pauses. Something that Krystyn knew would be likely by now but she had to ask," Wha's the likeliness o' yer friend actually bein' alive?" She asks looking a bit worried.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Justine shouldered her backpack as well and met Krystyn at the door. She looked down at the ground, holding back tears and said in a low voice, I have no idea. I hope she has been smart enough to stay undetected and hook up with some others so she isn't alone. Maybe shes been looking for me too but that's the BEST case scenario and I doubt that is what's happening."
Justine gently pushed past Krystyn to get a look out onto the street through the dirty glass of the door. She didn't see any walkers but that didn't mean there weren't any out there. She really hoped they weren't smart enough to hide and ambush. She had read books about those kind of zombies and they aren't fun. She turned back to Krystyn with a worried look on her face and said You're the tougher one here, that's obvious. Lead the way?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Krystyn nods walking ahead with Buddy fallowing after her tail wagging and all," I'm logical, Justine, not tough," Krystyn mutters she turns to look at Justine and Lets a small smile slip through," When it comes time, Ya'll find out yer jus' as tough as I am now c'mon we gotta find a friend an' I plan on findin' 'er alive," Krystyn said walking ahead. As she passed a building a male walker came out from a corner and tried to catch her Krystyn side steps putting her foot out tripping the walker before smashing his head in with her metal bat. Krystyn looks up at Justine with a serious face," An' also ya gotta be smarter then 'em," She stands up letting out a low whistle and Buddy ran toward her walking by her side like a trained dog would.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Justine trailed behind Ktystyn and thought about exactly how she would go about finding her best friend. She guessed she should probably lead the way to her house where she hoped Lexi would be hiding. She wondered what kinds of snacks she had in her bag. She was hungry. She realized that she hadn't eaten anything all day.
"You hungry? I haven't eaten yet today and I probably need to before my hypoglycemia acts up. You want something?"
The dog turned around and came running towards her when he saw her unwrapping a muffin and she threw him a small piece and watching him chew it with happiness. Animals always made her smile.
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