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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin nodded as Thomas gave his description of the room. She could almost picture the room. She made no attempt to go into his room. That would be rude. She made her way slowly down to the room Thomas said was hers. She carefully opened the door and felt her way inside. She slowly made her way around the room counting her steps as her hands found the items around the room. She made she found all the items that Thomas had told her were in the room. "This is perfect."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

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Thomas closed the door to his own room as Katherin moved on to her, and he followed. Waiting just outside the door, he gave her all the time she needed to move about the room. He didn't want to get in her way, and felt that it would be rude to enter uninvited. As new as it was to her, it was her space.

"I'm glad you like it. It isn't much, but it's comfortable and simple. I've lived here most of my life and there's no place I'd rather be," he admitted, leaning against one side of the door frame. Thomas tried to avoid blocking the door, in case she wanted to leave and didn't realize where he was. Both of them being blind wouldn't make either of them feel any less awkward if they walked face-first into each other.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"It's more then I have had in a long time. I have been in foster homes but they rarely keep me. So I've spent most of my life on the streets."Which wasn't the best place for a blind person. Especially a young blind girl. But she had survived. She made her way back towards the door. She blushed when she bumped into Thomas. She had thought she was getting close. She used her ice to feel in front of her and knew he was near the door but she hadn't been able to tell exactly where. "I apologize. I didn't think you were so close."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

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"It's alright, no harm done. Um... if you don't mind me asking though... Are you always cold?" Thomas had moved one foot back to steady himself even as his arms reached out for Katherin's shoulders to make sure she wouldn't fall. He of course could not see her blush, but he sensed the embarassment that caused it and it in return caused his own cheeks to color. Though he hadn't really been paying attention to it before, now that they were alone he was better able to notice that even the air around Katherin seemed colder than normal. He assumed it had something to do with why she was at this particular orphanage, but didn't want to ask outright.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 34 min ago

"Sorry. I think it is a side effect of my power. I can control ice. Well sort of. I don't have the best control over it. Sometimes I freeze things without meaning to. I hope it doesn't make it uncomfortable."Katherin explained as she made her way out of the room. It was odd to be around others with powers. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to ask him what his power. She was curious about him. It was nice to have someone helping her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fourtimesnine
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Brooke stared out of the car window, watching the scenery fly past as she listened to music on her iPod. She thought of the events of the previous weeks - first the fire, then discovering her powers, then being shipped off to an unknown orphanage mere days after her family's funeral. Suddenly, the car stopped in front of a tall brick building, jolting Brooke out of her reverie.

"We're here," said the driver. "The Orphanage for Supernatural Kids." He exited and courteously held the car door open for her.

Brooke removed her headphones from her ears, carefully stashing them in her small backpack, and slowly exited the car. She stared blankly up at the building that was to be her new home.

The driver smiled at her. "Hey, don't look so down. This is a good place to be. You can make new friends."

Unsure of how to respond, Brooke nodded mutely. New friends. As though she knew how to make friends. She watched as the driver returned to the car and drove away before she climbed the stairs to the imposing-looking double doors, and knocked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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"I'm sure it won't come off even with your speed but we haven't had anyone faster than you... as far as I can remember. Maybe someone else was before I came here. He replied with a small shrug. He may have been here for a long time but that doesn't mean he has been here ever since it was established and many people have left the orphanage once they were at the legal age... or so Leo thought.

Leo opened the doors to the gym and then pointed to the inside. "You guys go on ahead. I think I heard a car park in front of the orphanage. I'll greet whoever is out there. You can wait for Ms. Smith here alright?" He then proceeded to leave the two there and then inside the main building once more and then to the entrance.

He was just in time to hear the knock on the door. So they were expecting more, this day just keeps getting better and better for Leo. Well, he hopes it's the same to say for the others who might have had something horrible happen to them prior to being sent here. When he first entered here, the brown haired male's parents died in a plane crash and was sent here almost immediately after that.

He opened the door to reveal the girl who just arrived. He put on his widest smile and asked, "Are you going to be part of the orphanage as well?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fourtimesnine
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Brooke looked up into the grinning face of a brown-haired boy. Was he another resident? He seemed awfully cheerful. Then his question registered in her mind, and she realized that she had had stood there for several seconds without giving a reply.

"Yes,"she stated softly. "Can I come in?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

William would be laying on the floor in middle of the Gym already ahead of the others. he would look towards the door as it opened to Leo, Leon, and Haven. he would wave at them getting up as Leo suddenly took off, he raised eyebrow then shrugged and stretched some "...hopefully this wont fall into some trouble" he says bit outloud to himself before hoping they can just get to what their going to be doing.

@Polaris North @BreakingMe @makarov
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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"Sweet, you can come in." Leo said as he stood aside one the girl answered. "I didn't think we would have another resident come. You see, we already had breakfast and now we're assembling at the gym." He informed her, telling her everything that had transpired before she came. "Would you like to... perhaps see your room first before you go to the gym or would you like to go there now?" Of course, they had a lot of time after whatever Ms. Smith was thinking of doing in the gym to take her to her room but if she had things to drop off, then that may be for the best.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fourtimesnine
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She considered the options. Brooke did have a few belongings that she wanted in a safe place, and she wasn't looking forward to being in a room full of strangers, although it wouldn't be that bad if they were all as nice as the boy who had opened the door.

"Room," she decided. She wanted to see what the place she'd be living in for the foreseeable future was like. Hopefully she wouldn't keep the people in the gym waiting for too long.

@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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"Alrighty then." Leo said. "My name is Leo, what's yours?" He asked as he began to walk upstairs and towards one of the vacant rooms, which was noticeably much less than before since there was a sudden influx of new orphans. He stopped soon enough, took the key hanging on the left side and then unlocking the door. He then opened it and gestured for her to get inside. "This here is your new room." He said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fourtimesnine
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"It's Brooke," she replied. As they went upstairs, she noted the number of other doors they walked past. How many other residents were there? Even if some of the rooms were empty, it seemed that there'd be no lack of company here.

They reached her room and Leo opened the door for her. Brooke entered, taking in the invitingly cozy-looking bed and the well-lit desk. She commented, "This is nice." And It was - in fact, it was nicer than her room at home had been. Though, she mentally corrected herself, this was home now.

Brooke hung her backpack up in the closet and placed her iPod in one of the desk drawers. There would be time to unpack her few other belongings later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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"Nice to meet 'ya Brooke. Just a heads up, there's probably... uh... six people who joined this day so there's a lot of new people like you." Leo informed her just to let her know. "Oh and all of the people here have powers, like you, so don't hesitate to talk about it. Just don't use it for violence against other kids, Ms. Smith, the owner, doesn't like that." He continued as he watched her place her things in her room.

"You all good? If so, let's hurry to the gym. I'm sure everyone is waiting now." Leo asked. He doesn't like being late all that much but this was a special case since there was someone new who just entered. Nevertheless he wanted to get going as soon as possible. Whatever Ms. Smith has in store would probably be a lesson or something and that means they have to hurry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fourtimesnine
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"Ok," she answered. Six new people, all with powers, in addition to the people who had been here originally. Despite herself, Brooke was curious about their powers and their stories. She also wondered if there had been violence before, for a rule against it to be necessary. Maybe there were other powers more conducive to fighting than hers?

"Yes, let's go," she said. Brooke was finished, and she preferred not to make other people wait.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wayward
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Wayward Black Sheep

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"Will you not go to breakfast?"

"Huh?" A young, dark brunette girl lay out upon a soft couch, only half aware of her surroundings. Coming to at the sound of the question, she peered, annoyed, at the man sitting in the armchair next to her. "Why'd you stop?" she asked the man. Only a moment earlier, the middle aged man, a Telepath and the hired Orphanage psychologist, had been engaging in a relaxation exercise, the sudden ceasing of which had left the girl in a daze.

"Because, Sara, breakfast is almost over," the psychologist said, jotting down a brief note on his pad.

"Oh." Sara scowled, meaner than a girl her age had business scowling. "Nah. I had an apple when I woke up. Can't stand breakfast right before Gym; makes me want to vomit. Besides, lunch is right after."

"I see." The psychologist jotted down several more notes.

"What do you write in that thing anyways?"

"Progress," the man replied, evading Sara's gaze.

"Whatever." Sara rolled her eyes. Kicking off of the couch, she sprung to her feet. She shot a glance at the grandfather clock at the other end of the room and spat. "Almost time for gym," she said.

"Do you feel that you're ready?" the psychologist inquired, now standing up as well.

"Of course I'm ready." the girl pulled back from the doctor, bearing a glove-adorned fist as though prepared to fight the man if she had to. "I always feel better after Gym." Not breaking sight from the doctor, Sara picked up a worn out, hand-me-down Gym bag and slung it over her shoulder. "If you're not going to help me, stay out of my head." Still brandishing her fist, she backed out of the room, slamming the door shut. At a sprinting pace, she began the trek to Gym.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BreakingMe
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BreakingMe My whole existence is flawed.

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Once they made it to the gym, everyone kind of scattered. So much for having new friends, she thought. She quickly banished it though. No sense in being negative now. Maybe I just need to put in more effort on my own. After all, they are probably thinking the same thing about me. She smiled to herself. This was a new place and she could be a new person. If that meant going out of her way to make new friends, that's what she'd do. She sauntered back over to Leon. "So, what do we do now? Just wait for an adult or something? By the way, I love your hair color. It's beautiful." She shifted awkwardly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

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"I see. I don't mind the chill, and it's not so uncommon for people powers to bleed over a little here. We're all still learning, after all. You felt mine when you first arrived, and I'm afraid I can't explain it in more depth with just words. I feel... no, that's not right... I experience the emotions of others as though they were my own. Your nervous tension is mirrored in me at this very moment, causing me to feel the same to some degree." Thomas felt awkward explaining his ability so openly, as it addressed one of the things many people wished to hide from the world; their true feelings. Few and far between were the people that could block him out, and to him they felt like a void in the world. A place where something should exist, but nothing at all did instead.

"You also felt the more dangerous part. If I focus on a person and an emotion, I can force it into them. It's easier to do when I'm touching them, but that also makes it easier to sense their emotions. I can't control it very well, so whe I first touch someone it's like a feedback loop. Their emotions pour into me and, amplified by touch and my power, are forced back upon them. I've caused more than one person to faint outright," Thomas explained while they stood in the hall. Another new arrival had passed with Leo, and he had waved politely at the girl he could not see. The time was coming for them to return to the group, and his long-winded explanation was in part an attempt to stall further.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 34 min ago

Katherin could only imagine how awkward Thomas's ability had to be. People hated having their privacy invaded and there was nothing more private then a person's emotions. Especially the ones that they didn't want to admit to. If she had that ability Katherin was sure that she would avoid touching others as much as possible. Of course with her he hadn't had much choice in the matter. "That can't be any easy ability to have. I am sorry to have to expose you to my emotions. I will try to memorize my way around as quickly as possible." She promised. She tilted her head as she heard two more orphans come upstairs. Neither of them acknowledged either her or Thomas. How many new arrivals were they getting? In a way she couldn't wait to met everyone, but she was also nervous. She had never spent alot of time with people her age. "I think we should head back down. Going down stairs isn't as easy as going up then." Or at least for her it wasn't.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"Cool." Leo said before gesturing for her to follow and he passed by the two blind people they now carry. He sent a miniature wave at them out of habit although he was well-aware that they couldn't see him do so. He didn't mind; he did that all the time back when he and Thomas would pass by each other. Well at least Thomas was getting along with her and she hasn't fainted yet despite him touching her all the time to guide her. Such a good omen. "Take care on your way down Thomas, new girl." He never did catch her name... or maybe he did and just forgot about it since he has been walking back and forth. He'll have to ask later after gym.

He then opened the doors to the gym and started to scan the place, searching for the group he was with earlier. He finally found them and then looked at Brooke, signalling for her to follow. It's better to make friends now than later. For Leo, he wasn't meeting new 'friends', he was meeting new 'family', just like how he treats Thomas like a brother. An older blind brother. "Well, Brooke, welcome to the gym. These people beside me are Haven and Leon, I was with them earlier before I met you at the door." Leo explained, gesturing to the female and male respectively. "Guys, this is Brooke, a latecomer but new to this orphanage nonetheless."

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