Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Night Raven continued to appraised the boy in front of him, the mechanical appendages he'd manifested were certainly something of note. They didn't seem to be as refined as his own equipment but that was something they could deal with shortly.

After Reggie spoke, the Night Raven uncocked its head. 'My name?' he began 'You can call me Night Raven, or The Raven for short. I have an offer for you Reggie, I want things to change like you say. But I need help. To that end I have been recruiting a network of spies, assassins, informants, engineers. I think you could make a great asset to the network, what do you think?'

As he said this the Night Raven offered his right hand to Reggie to shake. The various cogs, whirred as the figure moved but they could barely be heard even in the silence of the derelict house.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkStar
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DarkStar Linux / LIKE BOSS IT IS

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Why now I don't quite know what you mean good sir", in response to his comment on the technocrats. With the same dozy grin she always had. "You take care now, toodles", she waved her fingers to the Captain before looking back to Jacoby. Lady Callaghan was greeted to the confused faces of twenty or so medics. Hers however was stoic. "Lady Callaghan. We saw your flare but see no casualties. Are you alright?", her face went a bright red as she tried to consume her rage at the statement. "There are plenty of injured...Do your job", she brought her fan to her face and began to walk off. "START A TRIAGE!", one of the medics shouted as they began to disperse across the room. Evelyn looked for the servant girl. Spotting her cradling her friend she quickly grabbed a doctor by the collar and began to drag him over with her. The poor doctor quite confused as to the treatment. "Excuse me miss...I don't know if your friend is still...but I have brought assistance. She will be in the best of hands", she motioned to the doctor and gently took the young proles hands from her friend. "Miss...I don't know who's done this, but I am going to need help to find out...Might I employ your services miss?", she said softly. "CLEAR!", the doctor said, and a rather loud electric shock could be heard. As a typical lady does she rather gracefully ignored the fact that her hair was now standing on end, merely continuing to speak to the young servant. "Master Jacoby, can you arrange for transport?, I have to get to the port...", she looked at the girl and wondered if she might take up her offer. If not she had to hurry. Evelyn needed to speak to her more, less than reputable friends there. If this man was truly in the underworld then she might just be able to coerce information out of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ezekiel Chisel

Arriving to his large house by carriage, the technocrat would walk up the steps and open his door which to his surprise would be locked. Ah, right. The boy. "Gilbert! The door please." The technocrat would yell hoping his servant boy was nearby. There would be silence for a moment until small footsteps could be heard. "Hello" The boy would call out from behind the door. "Gilbert it's me. Open up."

"Not to be rude to whoever this is but how do I know you're the real Mr.Chisel?"

"Gilbert..." The man would say in irritable tone before the sounds in his mechanized arm started to stir.

"Sorry, sir!" Gilbert would say quickly unlocking the door and allowing the Technocrat to pass. The house was dark and quiet, the usual look of his untouched house. Ezekiel being a busy man rarely ever had time to spend leisurely at home. Most of the time he was either running his factories or in his own personal workshop inventing, being a dealer also adding on to his travels. He would turn on various lights as he would walk up the stairs to his office. Gilbert would follow, hesitant to speak. "Uhmm...sir. You're bleeding." He would say pointing at his own forehead.

"Right. Bring me a towel" The man would say entering into his office and searching through his bookshelves. The boy would run off before Ezekiel would have a chance to ask him for bandages. It should be here somewhere... At first glance Ezekiel's bookshelf would like a regular filled with novels and literature, but really it is filled with books and journals holding many of his weapon blueprints and ideas, a few holding business information and etc.

"This one!" He would say snatching a book a flipping through the pages before sitting down at his desk and pulling the string on his desk light.

"Your towels, sir."

"Yes, yes." The technocrat would say snatching the towel and rubbing his forehead. He would stop flipping through the pages and stare at the present page he was on.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking. At the party, was that th-"

"The 'vigilante' that's been out killing corrupt technocrats. Yes, I suppose so."

"Oh. Are you scared he might be after you?"

The technocrat would chuckled as he started to rip several pages out of the book laid on his desk before discarding the towel on his desk. "Boy, it's not the first time I've had someone who wanted to kill me." The boy would grab the towel as the man headed out of the office. "But I must say, this one seems very crafty."

"Yes, he seems....experienced in his line of work."

"That is why I need my own experience." He would say holding up the blue prints and papers that he tore from the book. "Ready the carriage will you, boy."

"Right away, sir" The boy would say running past the Technocrat and heading towards the carriages.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 20 days ago

Cornelia was desperately trying to staunch the flow of blood from Anne's chest when a red-haired Technocrat-Lady Callaghan, Cornelia recalled, dimly remembering that Lady Enright had mentioned her before the ball-approached her, bringing a doctor along with her. "Excuse me miss...I don't know if your friend is still...but I have brought assistance. She will be in the best of hands," she said. It took Cornelia a moment to realize that Lady Callaghan was speaking directly to her; most Technocrats would not even deign to glance at somebody like Cornelia, let alone address her by anything other than "girl" or "wench". Cornelia was even more surprised when Lady Callaghan gently moved her hands aside and was stunned for a second before stiffening instinctively and then relaxing again. Casting her eyes around the room, Cornelia could see medical personnel streaming into the ruins of the Lightfeathers' ballroom. She assumed that it was Lady Callaghan who summoned them somehow. Usually, Cornelia would not have missed such a big thing, but she had been too occupied with Anne to notice.

"Miss...I don't know who's done this, but I am going to need help to find out...Might I employ your services miss?" Lady Callaghan questioned quietly. Cornelia found herself taken aback for the third time. She eyed Lady Callaghan warily, wondering what the hell the Technocrat would want to do with a prole like her. Cornelia could only assume that Lady Callaghan wanted some sort of spy or "observer", but of course, Cornelia didn't work for free.

There was the sound of a loud explosion, and Cornelia waited for the reverberations to dissipate before opening her mouth to speak. Lady Callaghan was watching her expectantly. Cornelia looked in Anne's direction, and seeing that there were indeed doctors tending to her friend, she began.

"Ma'am, if you would have me serve as your parlor maid or serving girl, I am afraid that I am already employed," Cornelia said carefully, gauging the Technocrat's reaction. Cornelia lowered her voice as she continued. "But if you would have me watch and listen, with all due respect ma'am, I would be more than happy to oblige...for the right price." Cornelia was never one to tiptoe cautiously around subjects that were more controversial, especially not in a dire situation like this.

For the first time, Cornelia felt as if she had some sort of upper hand. If Lady Callaghan refused, well, Cornelia was still working for Lady Enright. And if she agreed to pay her? Cornelia would be able to send more money than ever before back to her family. She felt a sudden twinge of homesickness. What would her mother say if she knew what Cornelia truly did for her employers, other than dusting the candlesticks and scrubbing their floors? Cornelia impatiently pushed the thought out of her mind-it would do her no good to grow overly agitated in a moment like this.

However, thinking of home made Cornelia think of the other people she knew. It was true that she had few friends amongst other proles, but the few friends that she did have were very connected. Cornelia's lip twitched slightly as she thought of Sebastian Shoreditch, a middle-aged butler who currently worked for a wealthy Meritocrat family. He was born with a photogenic memory, an extraordinarily rare trait. Sebastian was a wily and shrewd, and kept his unusual talent a secret from most everyone, including his employers. He learned to read when he was in his 20's, and since then, he had been snooping on his employers. Cornelia always went to him whenever she needed to find something obscure like a valuable antique; if anyone knew about it, it would be Sebastian. Besides, he didn't ask for anything but a flask of cider, and he was good company. Cornelia fondly recalled his salt-and-pepper hair and cocky grin, his outrageous imitations of his employers, and his many sardonic wisecracks. Maybe Sebastian would know something about the vigilante-it would definitely be worth a try.

Wilhelmina Sullivan was about Cornelia's age. The two of them had suffered through countless beatings and scoldings together when Cornelia was fourteen; they were as thick as thieves. When Cornelia was fired from her first job, Wilhelmina was devastated, but through a long chain of underground communication and passing messages to people who might know someone that knew the other girl, they were able to stay in touch. The last Cornelia had heard, Wilhelmina had become a prostitute at a fairly established brothel. Cornelia could see why she would be hired; Wilhelmina was as delicate as a doll and ten times more beautiful than one too, with her rosebud lips and dainty figure and thick black ringlets. Wilhelmina would have definitely been in contact with wealthy Technocrats. It would be worth a try attempting to speak to her as well.

Finally, there was Charlotte Elliot, or Lottie, as Cornelia called her. Almost seventy years old, half-blind, and hunchbacked, most people thought of her as a helpless old lady. Cornelia had thought so too, at first, but it was Charlotte who got Genevieve Clarkson to employ Cornelia as an informant. From what Cornelia knew, Charlotte had stayed with the Clarksons after Genevieve's death despite the fact that Charlotte was Genevieve's nursemaid and very close to the woman. Gabriel Clarkson had obviously been swayed by his parents to let her be. Getting in touch with Charlotte would be tricky because she rarely ever left the Clarkson estate, but not impossible. Cornelia would figure something out.

Cornelia let a small, cordial half-smile slip onto her face as she awaited Lady Callaghan's reply. Maybe she would even be able to find out more about the masked murderer for Lady Enright during their exchange.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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In between Lady Callaghan's offer of employment to Cornelia and Cornelia's response, Lady Callaghan had asked Jacoby to procure some transportation. "Have the steamers swipe a carriage" Jacoby aside to Sir Geoffrey, causing the bird automaton to take flight in the direction of the steamdroids Jacoby had repaired and reprogrammed.
Some time later, Sir Geoffrey returned with a steamdroid. "We have acquired transportation for you and your associates" the droid said as Sir Geoffrey perched on Jacoby's shoulder once more "It awaits your usage at the main entrance".
"Excellent work" Jacoby told the droid. As the steamdroid turned to go, Jacoby stopped it. "Procure a carriage for yourselves too" Jacoby said "You 6 may prove helpful".
"Very good, sir" the steamdroid replied before walking off to carry out Jacoby's orders.
"A carriage awaits at the main entrance, my lady" Jacoby told Lady Callaghan once she had reached an agreement with Cornelia. 'Well Jacoby' he thought to himself 'It looks like you have an adventure on your hands'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DarkStar
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DarkStar Linux / LIKE BOSS IT IS

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Evelyn was quite embarrassed to be perfectly honest. It seemed funny but to her it was far from a joke. Speaking to the servant was more terrifying to her than a prole speaking to a Technocrat. She didn't ever really know what to say, as her position afforded her such impunity she never was able to find out what they actually thought of her. Looking down to the poor lass she gave the doctors shoulder a small tap. "Is it...good?", she said somewhat timidly. "Just in time, her chances are good", he replied before going back to his business. Soon after calling two workers to carry her out of the building. "Ma'am, if you would have me serve as your parlor maid or serving girl, I am afraid that I am already employed", Evelyns face dropped somewhat. Looking more sad than anything else. "I'm...sorry to have wasted you...", she was cut off as the lassie continued to speak. She was available for hire and it looked as if she might just have access to information that would come in handy, admittedly she didn't approve on such things but this was an exception. She gave a soft chuckle. "Wonderful!", she exclaimed excitedly, moving to hug her tightly. Then pulled back, looking somewhat more reserved and embarrassed. She hadn't thought if it would be seen as an offence. Or if she'd even appreciate it, the girl was right, what would a Technocrat want from a prole but a disposable servant. It's not like the servant wanted her for a friend. Most of the youths Evelyn knew were despicable. The kind of people that would use you up and spit you out. ."I don't know how long I'd need you Miss....um..., I'm Lady Callaghan....yourself? but I'd be happy to pay weekly. You can discuss it with my butler. But we must hurry away!"

She looked to see the little mechanical companion of Jacoby flying back to land on his shoulder. She gave a soft smile and gave the little automaton a soft stroke on the beak. "Thank you sir, might I enquire into your services too? If it's not a bother, I wouldn't mind the extra company and you seem to know your way around...I'll pay...", to be perfectly honest she was desperate for the company, it was rather a lonely life being a Technocrat, especially one who doesn't stick to social conventions. She didn't understand the other young aristocracy, their lives so filled with ambitions for power and money. Having friends like show pieces to brag about to their other collectables. It was rather disquieting to be honest and it seemed this was the first chance she had to actually hang around with people who were...well normal. "Your friend is in good hands miss. Please let us go. I'm sure we can avenge the damage done here today", she said before taking the two of them by the hand and trying to run to the carriage. It was getting late and the day was coming to a finish. The nightlife of the docks was getting rowdy and she had people to try and meet there. A young man actually being the first. Edward Thomson, a young prole that had robbed her purse. The police made short work of tracking him down but she refused to press charges. Instead she arranged for him a job in a bar in the port. It's the best way of reforming broken characters. Stick a man in prison and he becomes a hardened criminal. Give a man a job and he can work his way out of his destitution. He'd never let her down after that. Liberating stolen goods from criminals for her to return to their rightful owners.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"My services?" Jacoby said when Lady Callaghan inquired into his services "Well if you think you'll need a skilled engineer with incredibly good luck at your back in this venture, I think you'll have use for me. As for payment, we can discuss that at the end of our business engagement so long as we're both still alive by then". With an agreement reached, Jacoby took Lady Callaghan's hand (Somewhat enjoying the fact he was holding the hand of an attractive technocrat woman.) and followed her to the carriage.

Jacoby was the 1st to step out when the carriage reached the docks. Once on the ground, he reached up into the carriage and Lady Callaghan off as well. "I hope you don't mind that I brought a few 'friends' along for the ride" Jacoby said as the carriage that the reprogrammed steamdroids had commandeered pulled up behind them "I thought they might prove useful in certain situations".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ezekiel Chisel

Ezekiel would arrive alongside Gilbert driving the carriage. The boy would stop in front of a alleyway which stretched into a dark murky area. The alley would look like a regular spot many would avoid going through, due to its eerily dark feeling. Ezekiel would descend into the until he came to door which is hard to spot at first pass through the alley. Gilbert would stand still near the carriage, staring at Ezekiel nervously. "Well then..." Ezekiel would say motioning the boy towards the door. Gilbert in scrambling haste would then open the door, widening it and standing aside so that Ezekiel could enter. The lights would flick on automatically revealing a small, messy workshop. The walls were plastered in metal parts and weapons which Ezekiel hung as defective prototypes to "get back to work on". The man would search the workshop, mumbling to himself as he pushed through stacks of paper and other junk. The workshop was quite small, which was odd for technocrat conditions. But Ezekiel had good reason, the small environment helped him concentrate and keep focus rather than a loud bustling factory he has as an alternative. He prefers to work in the workshop though when it comes to inventing and has factory only as a means of mass production.

"Ahh here it is." Ezekiel would say opening a chest and revealing a long rifle with a magnifying scope attached to it.

"What is that?"

"A long distance firing rifle. Good for shooting at a distance over 4 kilometers away."


"We'll see if this murderer can dodge bullet." He would say before aiming the rifle and looking through it's scope. "BAH! It's blurry." He would then set it down on his desk and begin to screw into.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aundair was crouched over the shattered body of a young man, tending to his broken body. "I need a damn stretcher over here!!" he shouted to no one in particular. "Damn that man, there are other ways to get a point across. The Earl was my friend, though I didn't always approve of his thoughts... He needs to be brought to justice." The boy looked up at him and Aundair started.
"Shhhhh, you're gonna be fine. I just need to..." The boy coughed and his eyes slid to the side. He was silent and grew limp in Aundair's hands.
"No.... This is not okay" Aundair slumped back on his heels and was silent until a man placed his hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear to go home and let the paramedics take over. Disgusted by the day's events, he picked himself up off of the ground and left the ballroom. He wandered aimlessly through the streets until he found himself at the door to his favorite bar.
"Well old buddy, it's time for us to see just how much you can take." he said to his liver and strode into the bar. The air was clouded with smoke and filled with the sounds of drunk citizens. He sat himself at the bar and ordered a whiskey. As he sat there, he noticed that his gloves were covered in blood. After a miniature panic attack he pulled them off and slid them into his jacket.
"I should have known that this is how tonight would have ended," he remarked sarcastically
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Night Raven cocked his head once more looking at Reggie who seemed frozen either in fright or awe. The Night Raven reached into his long robes and produced a single black card about the size and constitution of a playing card. It had a single symbol and would embossed upon its surface. 'The symbol is the Raven's head, and the word in case you can't read is Unkindness' he began putting the card on the boy's table 'that should be enough for you to find me, should you wish to take me up on my offer'. With that he turned and exited the house as quietly as he had entered.

The Night Raven swiftly made his way to the rooftops and there he settled in against a chimney considering his next move. Back to the Rookery he thought, then he'd pay this weapon smith fellow a visit, best to get that one out of the way he thought. With that he set of silently into the night unnoticed by those below, he smiled behind his mask, soon justice would be done, vengeance would be exacted and wrongs would be righted. His smile vanished as he thought of what had happened all those years ago, he shook his head and continued on his way, now was no time for sentimentality.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkStar
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DarkStar Linux / LIKE BOSS IT IS

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lady Callaghan was quite excited herself. Even if it was just a business arrangement she rarely got the excuse to be around the lower classes. This was a break for her, she could afford to let her hair down a bit and stop worrying about status. Her parents worried so about such things. To think a Callaghan shunned high society for the proles was out of the question for them. They would bend the laws of nature before conceding that point to anyone. So this was welcomed, she looked quite excitable between the young lady Cornelia and the chipper engineer to her left. It was a nice feeling to her, no matter how long or short lived it might be. Usually it was the latter. "My, what an interesting quest we go on. It rather reminds me of those murder mysteries that Earl James Esquire writes. Fascinating stuff, his writings are so free, you can just relax into his worlds...", Earl James, was a Technocrat writer and free thinker. The worlds he came up with were full of novel ideas. Worlds without classes, without aristocracy, full of just people. No hierarchy as such to worry about. The last of her sentence was said with a wistful sigh. As if that was but a dream she could never achieve. It didn't take long for the steamcarriage to get to it's destination in the docks. Fifteen minutes or so later the scenery changed from the luxurious estates of the rich to the relative squalor of the poor. The buildings were flaking at the seems and very few had access to basic sanitation. The odd hotel and B&B dotted about the place made it an odd dichotomy. Most of them were their to cater to the upper classes whom were here on business and looked positively decadent in comparison. Her gaze leared from her companions to the outside as it stopped. Watching this pretender gentlemen offer her a hand from the ground, graciously she accepted it and took a deep breath of the fresh sea air. Looking around once more she gave a powerfull look of disdain to him as she watched Cecilia begin to disembark. Burning into him with her eyes her indigence the same wasn't offered to her.

Then turned with a hmmph. Pushing up her delicate silk umbrella to shield herself from the unforgiving sun. It was a short brisk walk to the bar she was after. The Rump and Harrow, a notoriously despotic place but information on anything and anyone could be found here for the right price. Technocrats had long since abandoned money, it was too easy to have it stolen from you in the brief times they took strolls among the dregs. They carried intricate machines with precise gearings, allowing them to give an effective IOU to whomever they were dealing with. The most advanced models could be mounted to the cash register and be verified. Letting the machine print a one off code for the owner to take to the bank. As soon as she entered the lively nature of the bar silenced. Until a brimming face came to meet her with his arms open. "EVELYN!", the voice sounding like it had come from a man who's voicebox got caught in a automatons multitool. The large man walked with powerful strides before embracing her. "Ahem...", she coughed softly. Giving a quick hug back. Trying to let the old man know he was making a public display that might end up biting her. He chuckled loudly. "Not a soul in here would say a word against mine. You are always welcome here. And who are your servants?", he asked nonchalantly. Evelyns head dipped some. Her face seeming to lose some of the chipper edges that had been given from the elation of meeting them. "N..no, this is Cecilia, a lovely young lade who has agreed to help me find Earl Lightfeathers killer. To my right here is Jacoby. A skilled engineer, I asked him to come along too because....", she seemed to be struggling to find a reason to give. It was only proper that she ask him along for a reason, why else? It's not like he could be her acquaintance, or friend... She was beginning to stutter nonsense as she tried to think up a lie. A reason other than company.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The man burst out laughing as Evelyn tried to think of something to say about Jacoby. "That magnificent bastard needs no introduction here Evelyn" the man said "Everyone at The Rump and Harrow knows Jacoby Drexlehand and Sir Geoffrey the Impeccable when they see them. And considering you're at a loss for words trying to explain his presence, I have a feeling I know why you brought him with you".
"What ever could that reason be, Mortimer?" Jacoby asked.
"I think you know what I mean, you charmer" Mortimer replied "You really are a lucky man, Jacoby". It was then that Jacoby's reprogrammed steamdroids entered the bar. "Friends of yours?" Mortimer asked Jacoby.
"Why else would they be here?" Jacoby answered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 20 days ago

When Lady Callaghan pulled Cornelia into a hug, Cornelia was stunned into silence. "I don't know how long I'd need you Miss....um...I'm Lady Callaghan....yourself? but I'd be happy to pay weekly. You can discuss it with my butler. But we must hurry away!" she exclaimed, pulling Cornelia by the hand outside to the carriage.

"My name is Cornelia," she said as soon as she had a chance to catch her breath. Cornelia could only hope that Lady Enright would not come looking for her anytime soon. Besides, she technically was gathering information about the masked murderer, albeit in an extremely unconventional way. And with another Technocrat. Oh well, Cornelia thought. Might as well see how much Lady Callaghan is offering. If she pays better than Lady Enright, I may as well just work full-time for her. Cornelia did not want to abandon Anne, but Cornelia would certainly stay in touch if she did end up working full-time for Lady Callaghan, just as she had with Wilhelmina and Lottie and Sebastian.

Inside the carriage, Lady Callaghan chattered on. There was also a young man in a worn suit with a bird automaton. "My, what an interesting quest we go on. It rather reminds me of those murder mysteries that Earl James Esquire writes. Fascinating stuff, his writings are so free, you can just relax into his worlds..." Lady Callaghan remarked dreamily. Cornelia simply made a faint noise of agreement. She had never heard of this Earl James Esquire, and she couldn't read. It wasn't like she had any time to read either. And real life was certainly not a murder mystery. Lady Callaghan seemed like she had her head in the clouds, a sharp contrast to Cornelia, who had her feet planted firmly on the ground.

After about fifteen minutes or so, the carriage pulled to a stop. They were now in a poorer part of the city, just a stone's throw away from the slums that Cornelia had grown up in. "I hope you don't mind that I brought a few 'friends' along for the ride" the man said as another carriage pulled up behind them, filled with steamdroids. "I thought they might prove useful in certain situations," he elaborated. Cornelia let the man and Lady Callaghan disembark before climbing out of the carriage herself, pushing a few strands of blonde hair out of her face as she did so. She followed them into the Rump and Harrow, a bar that Cornelia had not visited in ages. She had worked as a barmaid there in between jobs before, and gotten into quite a few close calls with drunkards. Just the memories of them made her skin crawl.

As the trio made their way into the bar, a hush fell over the normally rambunctious patrons, likely due to the fact that Lady Callaghan had just walked in. "EVELYN!" a loud voice called out, and Cornelia watched as the red-haired Technocrat was pulled into a bear hug by who she assumed to be the current owner of the bar. The man asked about Cornelia and the man who had brought the steamdroids, and Lady Callaghan that Cornelia was there to help her find the masked murderer. However, she couldn't seem to come up with a good reason for why the other man was there, and she seemed to be getting quite flustered about it as well.

"That magnificent bastard needs no introduction here, Evelyn," the man said, chuckling at Lady Callaghan's apparent difficulty in elaborating why the man who had brought the steamdroids was accompanying her. "Everyone at The Rump and Harrow knows Jacoby Drexlehand and Sir Geoffrey the Impeccable when they see them. And considering you're at a loss for words trying to explain his presence, I have a feeling I know why you brought him with you," he continued.

Jacoby Drexlehand responded amicably to the man-Mortimer-before the steamdroids made their entrance. After the initial staring, most of the patrons had gone back to what they were doing before. Cornelia shot Lady Callaghan a meaningful look, nodding slightly at her before immersing herself in the rowdy bar atmosphere. Hopefully, none of the patrons had paid any mind to her when they had walked in. And Cornelia had noticed a familiar head of black curls as she entered.

"Willa, are you just too pretty for all of those filthy bastards tonight?" Cornelia asked in a lightly teasing voice, walking up to Wilhelmina Sullivan, who was sitting alone in a corner, a drink in front of her. Wilhelmina turned at the sound of Cornelia's voice, a wide grin breaking out on her face.

Wilhelmina pulled Cornelia into a hug, and Cornelia sank into it, savoring the moment. "Corny, it's so good to see you again," she whispered, addressing Cornelia by her childhood nickname. As usual, Wilhelmina was ravishing, even in her plain clothing. "And no, I have tonight off," she continued with a laugh. "My goodness, it's been much too long. How have you been? What brings you to the Rump and Harrow?"

"I've been well. Lady Enright is probably the best employer that I've had yet," Cornelia admitted. "And, well, I'm here with Lady Callaghan." Cornelia cast a furtive glance around the crowded bar. She lowered her voice before speaking again. "Listen, Willa, I was working during a ball at the Lightfeather estate, and a man wearing a mask came and blew the place up. Then, he killed Earl Lightfeather, saying that he was guilty of oppressing the proles or whatever, and left. Does this sound familiar at all to you?"

Wilhelmina's eyes widened. "Oh, Cornelia, are you alright?"

"Yes, Willa, I'm perfectly fine. But do you know anything at all about this whole situation?"

Wilhelmina pursed her dainty lips, furrowing her brow in thought. She shook her head slowly. "I think I have heard a few clients talking about the deaths of some powerful Technocrats lately, but other than that I cannot say."

Cornelia nodded. "Thanks anyway, Willa. Would you mind keeping an eye out for me?"

"You know that I would do anything for you, Cornelia. Is that all you know as well? I kind of like the sound of that-Technocrats being punished for oppressing proles."

Cornelia shrugged. "I've no idea what this is all about either. And I think that it's too good to be true, but I guess we shall see. I'll see you later, okay Willa?"

"Definitely. Take care, now," Wilhelmina replied.

"You too." And with one last quick hug, Cornelia was off. She wove her way through the crowd and back to Lady Callaghan's side.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 7 days ago

After spending much of his time trying to find answers Samuel found himself at the door of his favorite bar. Before entering he cleared his mind of all that he was doing and wrote it down on a piece of paper he had. Tucking the paper into his jacket Samuel proceeded in to the bar which seemed fairly full he sat at the bar and ordered his usual. While waiting for the bartender to get his drink ready Samuel looked around and saw he was next to a surgeon who seemed to be having a rough night, and he thought who isn't having a rough night tonight. The bartender gave Samuel his drink "And one for the surgeon, looks like it's been a rough night for him." he said.

Samuel then turned to the surgeon "Names Samuel, and take it from me I know when someone is drinking because of something troubling them. So since I just bought you a second drink why don't you tell me what's troubling you." he said to the surgeon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Cornelia left Wilhelmina three men watched her walk away, one of them nodded to the other two. He stood and followed her, whilst the other two surreptitiously left the bar without being observed by the various patrons all to be found in varying degrees of inebriation.

The two men that left the bar proceeded to vanish into a maze of alley ways, before finally coming to an old blast furnace. Long forgotten the colossal edifice was as much rust and grime as it was metal and stone. The two men walked around the circumference of the furnace coming to the back of it situated against a wall. The two men looked to the back of the smelter and there in black paint was daubed a talon. The two men looked fervently around checking they were alone, before opening a hatch at the base of the blast furnace and disappearing inside.

Meanwhile back at the bar the figure who'd been following Cornelia, came up to where she and the others were standing. 'Scuse me miss' he began, he had a thick Liverpudlian accent and wore his black hair short. He was strongly built and wore a long grey coat and waist coat, alongside black work trousers, boots and what had once been a white shirt. 'Scuse me miss' he repeated 'But I didn't just 'ear you asking 'bout this vigilante character did I?'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aundair looked up as the man set himself down next to him and ordered him a drink. "Mostly the explosion and the carnage. It's not looking too well for the populace. Some strange psychotic murderer slaughtering civilians whilst claiming to be fighting for the good of the commonwealth. Ridiculous." He drank deeply and then continued his rant. "And what was with those claws? Fancy and unnecessary. But it also is a good hint as to narrowing down who it is. Who could afford such a strange contraption suggests that it isn't a poor man, but his willingness to kill technocrats suggests that either he used to be or his family is a peasant." Aundair knocked back the last of his drink and waved his hand to order another. He then looked back at Samuel. "Well, needless to say I've been thinking too much and I do believe that it's time to get drunk." he picked up the tumbler that was set in front of him and filled it with whiskey. "Are you going to join me?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 7 days ago

Samuel listened to rant the surgeon had about his night and was surprised to hear he was at the ball. He talked about who could possibly be behind this, and even though the surgeon thinks no poor person could this Samuel likes to keep in mind everyone is just as cable of murder no matter what class. Next up was the offer of getting drunk this idea caused Samuel to chuckle a little. "Oh I thought you would never ask." Samuel said as he grabbed his glass and began downing it. He took a quick minute to say "I think we're gonna get along just right." and then continued downing his drink.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aundair looked up at him and smiled. "That's something I can drink to." He raised his glass "To friends, old and new. To people we won't forget and nights we will never remember." He finished his glass and set it down. He gestured the barkeep to come over. "Hey Jim, we've all had a hard night, and lord knows that I am a rich man. Let's spread some cheer. As long as I am here, all drinks are on me." he looked back at the man sitting next to him. "Name's Aundair." he put out his hand "What's yours?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 7 days ago

Samuel was on his third drink by the time the surgeon had announced drinks on him. Samuel also heard him say his name was Aundair and put his hand out. After finishing his drink Samuel said "Captain Samuel Macintosh." and then shook Aundair's hand. Samuel knew this was gonna be a great time, new friend and free drinks what could possibly ruin his time now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Several of the bar's patrons came over to Aundair and thanked him for the free booze "Ahhh shaddup. It's better to spread the wealth around a little bit and what is worth more than a drunk night with the friends." he turned back to Samuel "So tell me about yourself captain. You have any saucy tales of adventure and daring? or is it a bit more like a normal life?" he sat back on his seat and took a sip of his drink.
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