Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

She had noticed him glancing at her a few times. Uwaaa, he probably thought I was weird for getting all violent before. She had noticed how awkward he looked with her and had assumed it was hatred or disgust. It would probably end up just like elementary and middle school. Alone.
Her hands were fidgeting with each other as she walked. She really didn't want to be hated by people, especially by her first friend on the very first day of school. She was used to being violent and had thought that she could keep it on low since it was the first day. She stopped abruptly and tugged on the back of his shirt a little bit. "U-um... I'm s-sorry about before..." Her mouth was sort of being covered by her hand, with her cardigan sleeves pulled up, only one or two fingers visible. She paused for a while but began to continue. "I-I really don't want you to hate me on th-the first day. I mean, it's just that my hands move on their own. I don't want you to think I'm d-disgusting or something..." Her voice was kind of shaking and she looked down a little bit and hoped that he would reply quickly. She was ready to be hated though she didn't want to be. She bit down on her lip, ignoring the fact that it was already wounded.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Rini had continued to ignore the bully in front of her, but then she heard footsteps to her left, she looked up slightly to see a girl had started to tell off the boy in front of her. She looked up at them blankly, the boy had a really pissed off face as he grinned towards the girl. "How about you? What could your name be-" The boy had grinned at the girl, before he was grabbed by the collar and pulled close towards Nayu. his eyes were wide at this point as fear was present throughout his entire body. "Okay okay! Fine then!" The boy had ran off from them, a hand around his neck from where the pain was.

Rini simply watched all of that happened, not making a single sound, and not producing a single emotion. She heard the reason why this girl wanted to 'help' her, she simply pulled her scarf back up before speaking to the girl. "There was no need. I thank you for your efforts nonetheless." Rini said to the girl, before looking back down slightly to her work. Rini was one to finish her work quickly, but then saw that the notebook was once again slid back to her.

Rini read the notebook, before starting to write back on it, using her neat handwriting once again. Sure. Rini had done the shortest sentence yet, but she got back to her work and raced through it like a cheetah. It was due tomorrow, but Rini didn't know why she wanted to fix it so quickly. In no time to finished the second page, before flipping over to the third, she took a glance towards the door at the two students leaving.

Cute... what is cute...?
Rini had thought to herself, before turning back to her work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He was still a little lost in thought when she suddenly stopped and tugged on he's sleeve. He looked over and she acting all shy, which he found adorable and rare since very few girls weren't scared of him. He blushed a little but his mood change suddenly when he hear what she had to say. He turn around and looked her in the eyes with a very sincere face and voice.

"Please, how can anyone think your disgusting? I was going to do a similar thing, before you walked over there. I mean for me I simply look menacing enough so it's not so hard to scare someone off for me, in fact it happens all the time, most of the time when I'm not trying. I'm usually lonely thanks to this and not many people give me a chance, but when they do most find I'm quite different from what I appear to be. I mean I find you.......FUCK."

He gave his little speech grabbing her two hands. He said this with heart and ment every word of it. He broke to wet his mouth when he had the taste of metal in his mouth. His eyes slowly became wide and he felt a shot of adrenalin kick in. He yelled the cuss word and grabbed Nayu's hand and sprinted down the hallway, both the few teachers and students that were in the hallway moved out of his way. His thoughts were racing, ignoring what anyone thought or said.

He saw the nurses room ahead and was almost at the door when remembered or rather didn't remember taking his medication which he was usually very good at. He was reaching for the knob before his eyes rolled back and his body went limp including the grasp on Nayu's hand. His chin nailed the floor and his teeth cut his tongue on impact. He began flailing around thrashing his arms and legs uncontrollably which let a few bands, including the metal ID band, fly off. After about 10 seconds which seemed like eternity for most people, he went into the fetal position squeezing his muscles as tightly as possible. After about 5 seconds of that his muscles relaxed and he returned semi-conscious. He tried get to but it was like his legs couldn't support any weight and his vision was blurred. He tried wiping off whatever liquid was on his face which only smeared the blood. The only thing on his mind was trying to get up.

(If you have any questions about what to do feel free to ask.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

She smiled and was about to say something when he surprised her by cursing. All of a sudden, he grabbed her hand and began running down the hall to the nurses office. Her eyes went wide when he fell to the ground, hitting the floor with a loud impact. He began to have a seizure.
"O-oh no..." She loosened all clothing near his neck and waist, not that he actually followed the dress code very much. She then tilted his body over the side and began to clear his mouth of all the vomit, blood, and saliva to make it so that he could breathe better. She held his body a little "Shhh... it's okay" while she fumbled her pocket and found her phone. She then dialed 911 "Hello? My friend is having a seizure right now. Aosora high school, second floor, near the nurses office. Please come soon." Tears began to fall down her face as she held him and attempted to calm him down. She picked him up and put him onto the nurses bed hoping that help would come quickly, she only knew so much about how to help someone having a seizure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Manami was shocked to the point where it showed on her face, but she wasn't shocked at what he had said. Instead was shocked that he was brave enough to say anything at all. Brave wasn't the right word to use for what he had done, but it sure did fit in the moment. Simons queen bee comment was the cherry on top of the whole fiasco, so instead of feeling butt-hurt Manami chuckled as she stood straight up to place her hand on her hip while looking at Simon. "Queen bee? Me?" she continued to chuckle at the fact that others had given her that title. "I'm simply a girl who doesn't feed ugly ducklings lies." she said as she looked back to the boy who had insulted her an infinite amount of times. "My peanut-sized brain came to ask you your name," then leaned in to whisper something in his ear "Or do you just want me to call you baka? I can do either."

Of course she was a bit hurt that someone was honest, but she was also glad that someone wasn't as quick to lie to her like many of the useless students at this school. She could almost say it was admiration, but she wouldn't let him have the honor of making her feel that way just yet.

@WaddleDaisy @Eodwyn Aether
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Liam stopped doing his work and looked up at Manami and was rather taken aback by the expression on her face, although he did not show it. Carter assumed that she would be able to take his insults towards her but to him her face said otherwise. Maybe she hasn’t had anyone tell her the truth before. Or maybe this is part of an act cause she’s surrounded by a group of fellow students and she may just want to try to manipulate them and turn them against me. He thought as he looked at her with a harsh gaze.

Just as he did the short silence was broken when the Simon came up to his desk and confronted them telling them to basically stop fighting. That was all Carter heard before he softened his attitude and took a deep sigh. Just as he did he felt Manami’s breath in his ear as she whispered that she came over to the desk to ask for his name, unless he would prefer if she called him baka. Liam gulped hard as she pulled away from his ear.

Ju-Just give me a moment. He said in English as he got up from his desk and pushed his way to the front of Simon’s desk. I would like to apologize for the racket I caused a few seconds ago and if I caused you any inconvenience by doing so. I do hope this does not sour our possible future relationship as friends and I do sincerely hope that I get to know you better as the year progresses. He said bowing deeply in front of Simon before giving him a quick smile and walking back towards Manami. Those who heard Liam spew insults at Manami in Japanese were quite shocked, and some of the girls even let out a slight surprised gasp, by the way he spoke English. With Japanese, Carter spoke with a rather gruff accent and talked like he just got out of bed whereas with English he spoke like he was talking to the queen with a deep Irish/English accent.

As he approached his desk, instead of sitting down he went right up to Manami and gave a short sigh. Okay look I know we got off on the wrong foot but I am an avid believer in second chances so why don’t we start over?. However I am going to warn you just this once that if I catch you try to act like you’re above me or anyone else, I will kick you off that imaginary pedestal of yours and bring you back down to earth. He said reverting back to japanese as he looked her straight in the eyes with an intense stare before finally softening up and smiling.

Hello I am Carter, Liam Carter. It is a pleasure to meet you and I do hope that we get to know each other better as the year’s progress. He said sticking his hand out for a handshake.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Jiro started to move and finally his thoughts were clear and tried to help whoever it was move him to a bed in the nurses office. He was breathing heavily and just wanted to go to sleep but he knew that it was the last thing he should do. His eyes began to focus and saw Nayu on the edge of the bed crying in front of him. "Yep you nailed in Jiro, you just made a the only person that actually thought you were nice off the bat, cry." he thought to himself felling guilty even though there wasn't much he could have done.

His body ached and his tongue hurts but he sat up anyway to talk to Nayu. "Hey, there's no need for tears, this happens all the time, more or less. I have epilepsy so...yea. He said sorta just ending since there wasn't much to say about that. He looked at the time and put on a smile and asked "I shouldn't move very much now and my body aches, but you can fix one of the aches if you wanna run down and grab are lunches."


John was on the 6th gym leader, Skyla, in pokemon black 2. He was currently beating the hell out of her pokemon with his zebstrika. He just repeated the same two moves, charge which boosted his second attack and then spark which now dealt twice the damage, was super effective against her pokemon, and had a chance to paralyze the enemy if it survived. It also help his Pokemon were level 40 when the gym was only level 30. Just as he finished off the gym leader the bell rang for lunch.

He grabbed his clipboard and his Ramon noodles and started heading to the teachers lounge to heat them up. He looked around the class real quick to see who was doing what during the first half of school. He notice that two students seemed to be missing and start to panic a little since it was the first day and he didn't want to get in trouble, even though he was asking for it. He re-read the roster and picked out the two who were missing. He was walked to the largest group, which was Simon and the girls, and looked back at his clipboard before saying "Hey there, Simon, do you know where, Jiro, and, Nayu, went? There not in the classroom and I assume they weren't for a good period of time during class. I sorta don't wanna be yelled at the first day so if you know anything that would help."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 3 days ago


Turning over the page, Kyoichi continued on with his problems. It seems as if the teacher planned it so they would have just enough problems to do during their class period. Nevertheless, Kyoichi pushed on.

When the boy that heckled Rini left, Kyoichi noticed that Rini had answered his previous note. It was short, but it was a positive answer.

"Its settled then, let get coffee after school before the mandatory curfew and you can help me. Sounds good?"

He wrote on the notebook before passing it back. After he did, he looked up and scanned the classroom. Seeing all the other students that were present during the opening ceremony, it seems nothing was adrift...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@l0ck0n@joeycbee@Eodwyn Aether

Simon had heard the small comment by Manami on the way back to his seat, it had simply made him chuckle slightly. Simon was interested in how this girl behaved, if she wasn't Queen Bee, then what was she really? Simon had to figure that out for himself that much was for sure. Simon had sat back down in his seat, taking a quick glance back at Manami with a smile before looking to all of the girls that were surrounding his desk once again. "My Lady, there is no need for us to kiss under the stars." Simon said to the girl he was looking at, then giving her a wink before looking to the front of his desk, seeing the friendly boy from earlier.

Simon listened to the boy apologize to him, he simply smiled at him when Carter smiled as well. "It's no problem my friend, just be careful." Simon said to Carter as he bowed in apology, Simon waved to him with a smile as Carter walked back towards his desk. The period continued onwards as Simon multi tasked, doing both of his work and communicating with the girls to keep them happy. Simon kept on hearing the girls scream his name, eventually giving him the nickname Mr Heartthrob.

Eventually the bell went, directing everyone to go have some lunch. He stood up as he noticed that the teacher was starting to walk towards him, he gave the teacher a soft smile before he was asked where Jiro and Nayu had gone. "Glad you asked, I was getting worried about those two myself. I believe they were going to the infirmary due to Nayu's bleeding lip." Simon said as he made several hand gestures to show how worried he was for the two of them. He saw some of the girls head off with their friends to lunch.

In the corner of his eye, he could see Rini, his cousin.


Rini had raced through her work like a cheetah once again, it seemed like in no time she had finished all of her work. She had finished the question on the last page, before looking over to see that the notebook had been slid to her once again. As Rini read the message that was given to her, the bell had rung, students rushing out to get some food. She looked back up to Kyoichi and nodded before standing up and getting out of her seat, she tucked her chair into the desk before folding the package correctly back to the front page.

Rini then picked up her pen quickly and wrote her name on the front page, then doing the same for the rest. She took a quick glance to the teacher walking towards her cousin, before following him with the papers in her hand. She pushed up her scarf before poking the teacher in the arm to grab his attention. The way she poked at the teacher wasn't hard, but it wasn't really soft either. It was a combination of the two in one. She continued to peer up at him with her blue/grey eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Eodwyn Aether Manami stared at the guy for a second wondering how he could turn from rude to completely nice in the blink of an eye. In all honesty she could do the same, but that's something that she normally does in the situations she ends up in.

"Liam," she murmured to herself in an optimistic tone. "You want to get to know me...?"

Manami suddenly snorted as she slapped Liams hand away. "I don't want to get to know you, baka." she flipped her hair off of her shoulder, and then grabbed his work off of his desk to put it in his face. "If you get all of these right then, and only then will I even remotely think of getting to know you." Manami then slammed the work back on his desk. She smirked as she stared at a possible friend candidate. That is, if he can actually do the packet right.

"Thank you for apologizing by the way. I didn't feel like doing it myself." Manami grinned at him in a smug manner.

In no way was she expecting to become friends with anyone, especially someone like Liam. Sadly, he wasn't someone anyone could push around easily either, so she'd have to find other ways like what she was doing at this very minute to be able to tick him off. Even then she didn't know if she could tick him off, but she had to try to get him to fall off of the possible "friendship' boat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Wow, I might just actually make a friend here. Sure she is a bit stuck up but hey that doesn’t re- Liam thought as she slapped his hand away and told him to pass every single exercise in the pamphlet. Back to square one He sighed as he proceeded to take a seat at his desk and focused on the pamphlet. He somehow managed to get through eighty percent of the pamphlet prior to their conversation so he decided to complete it despite the fact the lunch bell already rang two minutes earlier. As he finished it he looked it over again he gave another deep sigh. Why the hell am I doing this? And for a girl who acts like life owes her something for her existence.

All this life owes any of us is suffering and death Liam said aloud as he got up and walked over to Manami desk’s and threw the pamphlet on her desk. You be the judge of whether or not you “want to even think about getting to know me” I couldn’t give a rats ass about who you want to get to know or not. If you want to get to know me fine, if not I can’t really say I would feel hurt about it. But if you would rather have an academically smart “friend” who would do nothing but lick your ass all day than someone who would tell you the truth and would like you for who you are rather than what you have, than I would rather not know you at all. He said before moving towards the door. Oh and I’ll be on the roof should you want to seek me out. He said with a smile before walking out of the classroom.

That woman….She’s stuck up, snobby and borderline bully. But there’s something about that makes me want to…to……

Save her? Fix her? Maybe both?

Liam suddenly tensed as he heard her voice. The voice that brought him so much joy. The voice that, at one point, was the only motivation he needed to keep going. The voice of his sister.

Do you honestly think YOU can help her? Baka you could not even help me…. What more that stupid girl?

Not now

Ooh hit a little to home did I? Maybe I should stick to the answers you can deal with. Why did you let me die? Surely if you are strong enough to stand up to that little bitch you could’ve saved me right? Right?!

Y-you know I couldn’t do anything sis

BULLSHIT!!! She said now appearing in front of Liam. She stood there, with blood pouring down all over her. Her left arm looked like a child’s broken plastic toy, bending and twisting in ways he couldn’t even comprehend. Her left eye was closed and Liam could see her ribs poking out of her stomach. He slowly averted his gaze in disgust as tears slowly started to appear on his face.

LOOK AT ME YOU COWARDLY SHIT YOU She snapped as she started to limp towards him




NO!! Liam shouted now having a full blown conversation with the air. Thankfully he was away from anyone that could’ve heard him.

Yes. What’s the point of being alive if you can’t help those around you? Dad said that once didn’t he?

Stop……Please…… Liam whimpered as the tears began streaming down his cheeks as he buried his face in his hands as he now was reliving the event with the commentary of his dead sister.

Stop telling you the truth? C’mon we both know you could have saved me…but you did not… why the hell are you even fucking alive? You should be dead. You know what I am going to give you some good advice I think you should heed. Go and jump off the roof of this scho-

LEAVE ME ALONE!!! He screamed once more banging his fist against a wall.

Hmph. Look at you, a pathetic mess is what you are. You really are a pitiful slob. I’ll leave you out of pity…..but never forget what you couldn’t do. Or I’ll be back…… She said in the most monotone voice before going into a high pitched girl voice.

See ya Tonight ONEEEE CHAN! She said as she limped away around the corner, leaving Liam crying at the bottom of the stairs that led to the roof. Liam darted up those stairs and out onto the roof, noticing what appeared to be a small lunch table.

He walked over there and put his backpack on the table and sat down. A slowly wiped the tears off his eyes and pulled out a packed sandwich, notebook, a spectacles case and pencil from his backpack and begun to write whilst wiping tears off his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Y-you're fine? O-ok if you say so. Ah yes, food" Her face brightened when it finally sank in that he was fine. She wiped away some of her tears and began to get up. "I'll be right back" As she walked through the hall she couldn't help but shudder and try to shake off the feeling that she just had. She wanted to hurt him.
His pained face would probably look just like- No! I mustn't think that way. I'm sorry Jiro... A tear welled up once again and she rushed to wipe it off before it fell onto the ground. She didn't want to be like this. She shook her head off and slowly opened the class door to grab her lunch. She didn't notice the teacher looking around and ran out since she was in a hurry. She grabbed her lunch and ran out of the room back to the nurses office. "Here you go" She handed him the sandwhich and waited for him to begin eating to hear his opinion on the food.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Nayu left the room leaving a few moments of perfect silence in the air. He looked around wondering where the nurse was, not that it would matter. The few minutes seemed twice as long, which was strange to him. He would usually pull out a book or something but he didn't have anything since he left it all back in the room. After awhile of watching the seconds tick by on the clock Nayu came back into the room with both of there lunches.

She place his on the side just out of his reach and gave him a sandwich from her lunch. As he took it he looked up and said with a semi-disappointed smile "Um, ok. I guess I'll try a bite..." He broke off a piece not knowing whether she had more or not and popped it into his mouth. It tasted like sand paper to him, while also tasting plain and boring, though it was just a ordinary sandwich. He was use to his own cooking which made her meal look like garbage, not that he was going to tell her that. After swallowing he replied "It's good, if you want you can have some of mine..."

Today he brought for lunch some pulled pork, which was part of the 4 pounds of pork he smoked for 48 hours over the weekend. It was mixed with his own barbeque sauce that had a nice sweet and spice kick to it. This was in a separate container next to the chaplain roll the was cut in half and slightly crisp. For the side he had pineapple casserole, which was pineapple and shredded cheese mixed together with flour, super, and pineapple jucie, topped with crushed Ritz crackers that were covered in butter and cooked in the oven to perfection. The other side was a simple fruit salad that was cut and placed to make it look like artwork. For a drink he was planning to buy a drink from one of the machines he saw around the school, of which he preferred coke or water.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

She frowned when she saw his response. She didn't expect much since she knew her cooking wasn't the best since she only spent about 3 minutes on her meal before getting on the train to school and usually just ate cup ramen for dinner and nothing for breakfast. Once she saw his lunch, her eyes automatically went wide. It looked like a perfect meal, something her father would make her before. Her face went dark for a second as was reminded that the most recent "father" she had was her step-father. She looked up quickly, hoping he didn't realise her sudden change and put on a smile "Uwaaa~ It looks great! I haven't seen a meal this good in a while. I think I will take you up on that offer." She slowly picked up the sandwich and took a bite and all after her moment of pure bliss died out, she wanted to cry. The meal tasted like her fathers way too much. Something that he could make and something she would think about when she was with her step-father. She dropped the sandwich and began to cough, some blood came out and she fell to the ground. She began scattering around, looking for a place to hide. She could see him smiling before her but in an instant everything was gone and she was back in the nurses room with her friend. "H-he's not here? R-right?" Her voice was shaking before she stepped into full reality and shook her head off. She got up as fast as she could."T-that- I um-" She tried to think of something to say so that he forgets about that but nothing came to her mind. When she attempted to get back up, she realised that her legs were still shaking and she couldn't stand.
Why did that have to happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Eodwyn Aether Manami snatched the pamphlet away from Liam as he made his way out. Who are you to give me only those two choices? As she looked over the pamphlet many of the questions were right which was a shock to her since she didn't believe he'd be able to do it, and at that get some of the questions right. As she got to the middle of the work she began to notice that he was getting some of the questions wrong, so she sighed as she figured out she demanded something impossible from someone who did his best to get them right. She knew he did what he could because it showed on how he tried to solve the problem as well as the crappy erasing to do the equation over again.

"I wonder..." Manami whispered to herself.

Flipping the paper back to the front she rolled it up then walked out of class since it was lunch time, and headed to the roof of the school. Why she was doing this was beyond her, but she nonetheless was heading up there to see what this guy had to offer. As she was walking from floor to floor Manami was questioning her motives as to what had made her get out of her seat, and go see Liam up on the roof. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't be able to come up with a clear reason as to why she was going to the roof, but figured something would come out once she was up there. Once she reached the stairs to the roof Manami stopped to actually get a hold of herself because she was going to do something out of the ordinary. This boy had nothing to do with her, and up until then she had no interest in getting to know anyone unless it was for her entertainment. She was about to head back when something caught her attention. She didn't know what it was, but knew that someone was already on the roof. Is that yelling? Because the rooftop door was closed she couldn't be able to make out what it was, but as soon as she had taken one step up the stairs everything became quiet again.

"Oh for goodness sake!" she rolled her eyes, and began stomping up the stairs to the rooftop. "He's doing this on purpose so I'll have the curiosity to go up, and check for myself what those noises were. Slick prick."

As she made it to the top Manami grabbed the handle to the door, pushed it down, and swung the door open. "I knew you were a baka," she yelled as she saw Liam sitting on a table with his head down. "but I didn't know you were THIS dumb!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Jiro was mortified of what he just witnessed. Everything was in slow motion as the sandwich and the box fell and hit the ground. His sandwich he had spent a painstaking 48 hours on was now on the floor. On. The. Floor. All he could do was moan for he was at a loss of words. He thought about picking it up and eating it anyway, but not only were they in a public school they were in the nurses office were tons of sick people have been. He made a mental note to never let someone else handle his lunch again. Just when he was about to go into his sulking stage, Nayu grabbed his attention with a odd statement.

She seem to be shaking and he noticed a bit of blood on the ground. He would of assumed it was from her lip if it wasn't shaped like a splat and her lip already being scabbed. He looked at her and said "You ok? I didn't quite catch what you said, something about someone being here? Sorry I was a bit distracted since my lunch....." He turned his head and attention back to his lunch which was on the ground, with who knows what kind of dieses now infested in it. He tilted his head down and began to sulk one again. His lunch. On. The. Floor.


"The infirmary huh. Well at least I have a excuse if someone asked where they are." He thought to himself a bit relieved. He continued to the teachers lounge to cook his Ramon. He microwaved the hot water and poured himself some coffee. As he walked to a empty chair a few teachers glared at him, but he didn't even notice them, nor would he have cared. He took a few sips of his coffee when he heard sirens in the distance. He ignored them and continued to ignore them until they were right outside. What was odd is that they stayed there so he took a look though the window and saw paramedics rushing into the school towards the nurses office. "Well shit." He said before running to meet them at the nurses office. He wonder how the hell a bloody lip could turn into a ambulance trip.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He didn't notice. He didn't notice? She felt extremely relieved before she realised what she had done. Her face turned cold as she thought about what to do. Money. Food costs money. Money! She got out her wallet which she conveniently carried around with her in a small bag that was around her and took out 50$. She shoved it in his hand and bent all the way over to bow. "I am so sorry!! P-please use that and get more ingredients or maybe buy another! I am really s-sorry" She got out a napkin and quickly wiped off any blood remaining but ended up smudging the blood all over her lips, making it look like she had a light red lipstick on her and backed up slowly.
"He's here" She heard some say from the back of her head and slammed straight into the wall behind her. She laughed lightly before rushing out and making her way to the classroom.

Fuck. She had forgotten all about the ambulance that she now had to deal with. She walked over to them and began to explain the situation. She was about to quietly leave before she saw the teacher. The teacher that looked exactly like a certain pedophile that she knew. "N-no... It's just the teacher, yeah, n-not the same"She knew that that wouldn't convince her from being afraid but hoped that she didn't see her trying to walk away quietly and quickly which proved hard since she was so shaken up. Trying to walk around him without getting noticed, she felt afraid.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 3 days ago


Folding up his packet, Kyoichi did it to the best of his abilities and decided that it was finished. Standing behind Rini, seeing how the instructor is not paying much attention, he set his packet down and did the same for Rini. "Let's go, he isn't even listening..." He said, chuckling slightly. Reaching out nonchalantly, he took her hand again and walked out of the room.

They have a few moments before the next class started so he thought they can get some fresh air. It wasn't too cold outside so he thought Rini could take her scarf off as well...

"Wanna take the scarf off? Its not too cold.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Rini had continued to stand there waiting for the teacher patiently, she never got a response, but continued to wait. In no time her package in her hand was taken out and placed down with Kyoichi's, she looked back to Kyoichi with an emotionless look like usual. She looked their hands for a short moment before looking back up at Kyoichi to see his calm smile. Then in no time, the two of them were heading off to have a small break from the classroom before class started again. Rini looked at the surroundings, seeing all of the beautiful cherry blossoms starting to fall from the trees. Rini could appreciate beauty like this, one of her earliest memories from a child was when she had a cherry blossom in her hands, but then it died soon afterwards.

There was a warmth coming from Kyoichi's hand, it made her want to hold it for as long as she possibly could, after all she didn't really have a reason to let go of it. As she stood there staring at the cherry blossoms with him, she heard a question come from him, asking if she wanted to take off the scarf. Rini was silent for a while but then broke it, speaking back to him.

"Will you hurt me?" Rini said, no emotion in the voice yet again as she looked to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Liam was just about to take a bite out of his sandwich when Manami burst through the door, calling him dumb. Liam stayed still for a few seconds, before looking up.

Well look what my horrendous attempt at a math pamphlet dragged up here. Liam said as he took a bite of his sandwich. Outwardly Liam was calm, but inside he was panicking. Shit, I honestly did not think she would actually come up here. What do I do now? Maybe ask her to sit down, then we can take it from there. Yeaah that’s a good idea He thought as looked at her again, taking off his spectacles. Care to join me? He said motioning for her to sit on the bench opposite of him.

1x Laugh Laugh
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