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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Angel Ferrara


"Well...I don't really think so."

Not like Angel's history with head injuries had quite been the best, though. In Boundary Forest to the north, there had only been his father to nurture him for the first third of his life - afterwards, all relevant information had been self-taught, sometimes through trial and error and sometimes through a lucky find in the form of a traveling hero or adventurer that shared a few stories, tools, techniques or books with him. One thing he had never been lucky enough to find a sage for was enduring the teasing of a pretty girl in a 4/5ths naked chance encounter treating head injuries. He had slept through them plenty of times with no idea of any potential ill consequences. Perhaps that had a long-term effect on someone?

Or perhaps Cyare was just taking advantage of her sharp tongue to playfully taunt Angel while he was helpless in the tub. That did not seem far out of the spectrum of her personality, either.

Angel's cheeks went pink again, only partially from the hot water. He sank down to his clavicle in the water, submerging the last of the small myriad of cuts that remained unhealed on his chest and shoulders.

"G-Guess the point of a head injury would be not remembering how I got it, though."

If only I could say the same for other strains on my body!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jasmine Cody

"Ah Penny this was who I was talking about yesterday. The Phoenix Wing member who saved me." Jasmine explained briefly as she helped Cody up. He mumbled a thanks as he dusted himself off.
He stood there uncertainly now. He wasn't sure what to do or say right now, so he began to stroke his chin in thought. Something then clicked in his mind.
"So her memories returned then? That's good to hear." Cody said, the relief evident in his tone, as he grinned sheepishly.
"Don't mind me tagging along to find her parents then do you?" He asked as he was now rather comfortable around Penny. She didn't seem as scary as the rumours suggested. He had promised to look after Jasmine as well, so he felt obligated to come along.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"It'll be ok... you'll be fine... I promise." He patted her head before embracing her. "You'll have to trust me on this one. I'll tell you when the time is right." He turned around, grabbing his things and opening the door. "We better be going, or we'll be late for our the games." His voice was jovial yet somehow sombre at the same time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Hotel


In the few minutes to herself bestowed upon Fleo, she had not only found herself a plate of eggs and fruit, but eaten most of it. During her last morsel of pear, the dusty woman found herself approached by the familiar and welcome figure of Trinity. Though the two womens’ recent weeks held no instances of further cooperation between them, or any special events for that matter, their friendship remained very alive. When Trinity’s dialogue hinted at some sort of favor Fleo could do her, she leaped at the chance. ”Sure! Happy to help ya anytime.” She crossed her arms, curious. ”You said ‘escort’, right? Kind of a weird turn of phrase if you’re just popular. Have you turned into some kind of celebrity overnight, and you need protection from the paparazzi? Heheheh. Well, I’m here for you. Anyone tries to shoot you, they won’t –shoot you, like with a camera, I mean- they won’t be able to see a thing for all the dust.”

To prove her point, she held up her bandaged hand. In her palm, a clod of dust swirled into the shape of a camera, before splattering onto the floor. Innocently looking at the ceiling, Fleo shoved it under the table with her foot. Afterward, Trinity received another curious look, though not of the same inquisitiveness that Fleo sported only moments earlier. ”Worry…? Uh, sure. Lead the way, I’ll lend an ear to your explaining.” Her fork zipped toward the last piece of egg and stuffed it into her mouth. The next moment, Fleo discarded the silverware and stood to her feet, ready to be of assistance.

Frenzy Plant

When the call came for the guilds to assemble in the Doma Flau, Frenzy Plant, ever anticipatory of action, was collectively ready. By now, everyone knew the drill, so without any sort of special appearance or speech from Master Sanders the company of soldiers left the camp, with the exception of Isla Takane, Eliza, Arivaderci Salvay, Nandy Rewman, and Bytan Brass. Isla received some books to read, but remained imprisoned in her spacious glass cell. With neither a Mystic Beast or a Crimson Demon to guard, Bytan remained nearby but not at rigid attention, and the other soldiers dispersed through the camp to attend to their various tasks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

Curse you angel man! Zephyr would grumble before racing back and lifting Mikey over his shoulder. "Don't worry buddy! I will save you from stubborn incarnation! I totally didn't forget your fear of new people!" Zephyr said before looking at Carrie. "Oh if you do decide to take the shower, my clothes are still in my suitcase. Im too lazy to unpack. Now remember to rest you stubborn woman!" Zephyr said taking off with Mikey to the Doma Flau.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos

"Haha, yes, Fleo. I said escort." While the minstrel watched the dust mage eat her breakfast, her ear caught her name called from the counter. She bade Fleo wait just a moment, giving a giggle at her camera shenanigans before she ran and got- oh, he upgraded her! A whole bagel sandwich! Two eggs and bacon and- mmm! She gave the server a tip and skittered back to Fleo. She took a nice bite of her sandwich and lead the way out of the hotel, waiting until they were out of earshot to begin.

She swallowed her second bite, licking a bit of ketchup off her lip before she took a breath, finding the words for a moment, "Mmnn... I guess I'll just say it. So there's a dark guild from Minstrel trying to kidnap me for my magic. All I knew before was that I was hiding from someone, and what they wanted." She turned the hand holding the bagel so she could look at the back of it. "They already knew my face. Or, at least, he did. Mr. Kregor... Ryan Kregor, of Nightshade Silphium. But, well, now that he's found me and knows my guild, I guess I don't have a reason to hide it anymore."

It was actually quite worrying, it was no small guild. She took another bite of her breakfast sandwich.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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"Heh, you heard huh the conversation huh?" The model chuckled sheepishly. He didn't mean to be overheard talking about his intentions to join a guild. Well, I never intended to be a model to begin with. My guild disbanded after its master was caught for illegal deals with dark guilds so I was out of the job for a bit. I figured I'd take a break from working as a mage." He sipped his coffee, his face scrunched up from the bitterness and added two creams into it. "But then I became absurdly successful as a model and the pay was good so I thought I would roll with it until I felt ready to jump back into magic. Modelling is fine and all, but for me it's not as fulfilling as being a mage. Fighting bandits and dark guilds or hunting after creatures is much more interesting than posing pretty for the cameras."

Ferris grabbed a doughnut covered in a chocolate glaze and got crumbs all over his mouth. "Not to toot my horn or anything, but I think I'm strong enough to take on some of the contestants in the games. I'm certainly not just a pretty face." He smirked with charming cockiness that wasn't over the top, yet showed confidence in his skills as a mage.

The announcement from the stadium could be heard and he picked up the breakfast the Jessie brought. "Looks like we gotta walk and chow."

@Silver Fox

For some odd reason, Nolan felt like he was being intently watched by someone. His spine tingled alertly and his eyes shifted around curiously to figure out who was watching him. That's when he noticed that Karn was looking at him a directly while he was eating his breakfast. The God Slayer arched his brow and lowered his fork which held some of his eggs benedict onto its plate before saying, "Um...Karn? Is there something that you want?" His feminine friend seemed a bit odd...well, odder than usual. Karn didn't seem to be as cheery and direct as he tended to be. Instead, he was much more silent and somber, something that made Nolan quite uncomfortable considering how bubbly the blonde was.

"Hey Nolan, who's the hot chick?" Dalton asked after swallowing a whole fish in a single gulp.

"That would be Karn...and no, he's a male. A very...feminine male, but a male no less."

"Wait what?! How is he a guy! Sure, there isn't much in the chest department, but he definitely looks like a woman!"

"I question that myself sometimes. I will admit though; he can pull off drag very well." He sipped his tea nonchalantly, receiving a bemused expression from the feline. At the sound of the announcement, Nolan placed the cup down and stood up. "Damn, I thought I would get more time to enjoy breakfast. Let's go your furry pervert."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mors vincit omnia

(Death conquers all)

Ferrin, Colt and Claire

("Give me the damn narrative. You are a terrible storyteller.") Yeah, heeloo, Ferrin here. I was going to let the other guy tell the story, but he is a terrible lazy (and terribly lazy) writer and is currently claiming writer's block, (which is bull) so I am going to pick up where he left off. Anyways...where was I? Oh yes. Three days before everything changed...

I woke out of a blissfully deep sleep to someone who apparently had death wish shaking me and saying my name. "...in. Ferrin. Wake up. Hey, wake up. It's almost noon." I shifted slightly and cracked an eye open to see the face of the person I was about to kill.
Oh wait.
It was the Twin.

I closed my eye and hoped they would give up and leave me be. No such luck. They kept up their determined attempts to convince me that killing them would be a really good idea. Eventualy, the other one got frustrated. "GET UP YOU LAZY BUM!" She shouted. I heaved a soggy mental sigh.

I hate mornings.

"I am awake, I am awake." I said. Or, tried to. It came out more like "Mmmamske..." Finaly, the shaking stopped, but it was too late. I was awake.

I extracted myself from the blankets and my coat that I wrapped myself up in. I sat up and turned a bleary-eyed glare at the violator of my beauty sleep. "Oh, good you're up." Blue-eyed Colt said, cheerfuly, with a smile. The kid's eyes suddenly did something weird. They changed color. From a dark blue to a blood red hue. The eyes were not the only change, though. The pleasent smile was replaced by a deep scowl, and the voice change just slightly, to a higher pitch. "About damn time! Claire shouted. Blue eyes, and a gentle, brotherly frown. "Sis, watch your language." He chided. Red eyes. "I can f****** cuss as much as I want!" She shouted. Blue eyes. Colt winced, "I didn't say them, but the words still tasted foul." Red eyes. "Foul?! I'll show you foul! She said, them she let loose with an explosive string of expletives that I am NOT going to put down. "How lady-like." My sleep-fogged brain said without consulting the logic portions. She swung her ruby gaze on me. Oops.

Fortunately whatever she was going to say was cut out by Colt's timely interruption. He took control of their shared body and put his hand to his temple. My telepathy wasn't funtioning, so I missed whatever she said, but judging by Colt's reaction, it was pretty bad. "Sorry." Colt said breifly. I grunted, too tired to verbalize any complex sentences. He moved away, slightly, his eyes unfocused, probably arguing with Claire.

You probably are wondering why I keep mentioning the eyes. No? Well, too bad I will tell you why anyways. Its just a habit I developed at a young age. "The eyes are windows to the soul." Is very a very wise saying. I have found that watching people's eyes can give you insight (Pun intented) to what they are thinking, a hint to what they are going to do next, maybe a blink if they are lying. That habit, combined with the way I tower over most people, and the fact that I wear a big coat tends to intimidate people. I try to smile and joke, but I do not have a face for smiling. Something to do with the several faded scars, probably. But I digress.

I stood up and streched, squining against the bright sunlight, trying to think, and failing. I needed coffee, a big, steaming mug of holy mocha. Then I remembered that I was out of beans, low on money, and up to my neck in trouble.

Dammit, I hate mornings.

Colt walked over, apparently their argument was over. "So what now?" He asked. I scowled and tried to think through the coffee-less haze. "First, I need more information. I think I have an idea of what they are after, but I need the how, when, why, and where of it." I said. Too many syllables. "Do you have something in mind? A way to find out what you need to know?" He asked. "Yeah." I responded. Better. I grabbed my coat and put it on. "The ring. Oh, god. I sound like Valak. "I have it right here." He said, as he pulled it off his finger and held it out to me. I resisted the sudden ridiculous urge to snatch it and hiss "My Precious."

Man, I get loopy when I'm tired.

I took it an put it on, feeling the enchantmant put on it envelope me. I sartes to walk away and said, "You stay here, I will go into town and ask some impertinent questions to hopefully get some pertinent answers." With that, I headed into the city.

Valak Solidor
White Knights and Black Stars

Valak sneezed. How unusual. He thought. He looked around the interior of the train, habitually assessing everyone and everything for potential dangers. He took note of one person, most of their face and body hidden behind the newspaper they appeared to be reading. And another, weaing a big roomy cloak with enough room to hide a weapon and his hood up, who seemd to be asleep. To most people, they seemed innocent enough.

But you could never be certain.

One person that caught his attention was a sword-toting brown-haired man, staring out the window, on the far end of the car. Valak didn't seen anything unusual about him, but simply because he had a visable weapon, Valak decided to keep an eye on him.

His dispassionate, roving gaze fell upon his new companions. The shapeshifter-dragon-girl, Mithera, and the duo, Joslyn and Zen. The strength of their magic was yet to be seen, so he couldn't accurately judge weather thay would be an asset or a hinderance. He studied the pair, disturbingly intently, and with a slight amount of distrust.

@Burthstone (And whoever else)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn || Crocus || Phoenix Wing Hotel


Karn silently continued eating, well more or less having to listen to the conversation in her head. Which was mildly annoying as emotions not her own were rocketing and shaking her up. Still, outwardly, she hardly reacted. There was little time to break down, her mission wasn't done yet so there was little time to rest and let herself go. It doesn't exactly solve the problem. Plus she'd look a bit crazy if she started crying or something at random. Still, at least her otherself was at least coherent. She caught a glimpse of Trinity who seemed to be socializing, a brief look at Sasha before being dragged upstairs by Dumbass award winner. A fact that made her feel a irk of irritation and annoyance, which made her promptly shove more pancake in her mouth and close her eyes.

Looking to the man who smelled of Ash he spoke to her, she just had the same calm look before answering. "Apologies for staring. I was comparing your pheromones to Amaya. And checking you and the furball out." she answered bluntly, turning her gaze to the feline. Examining the creature as Nolan conversed with the cat. She found mild amusement that this world's Karn got mistaken for a girl, while she always was mistaken for a boy. Maybe it's because this body was a bit more slender and soft? Felt like a bloody marshmallow.

Standing up, she moved over to the two and looked over the feline with a calculating look. "Mhm.. to think this is what we revered as gods." she thought, wondering how exactly that came to be in her world before snapping her attention to Nolan. She was unsure why, but she got a strong urge to mess with this man. He looks like someone easily messed with. Trying to dig through scattered memories that Karn had of this man. What came around was... very bizarre situations that she was unsure what the hell was happening. Most of what came to mind was this man being mildly or absolutely terrified of this Karn. Others weirded out.

So with a innocent sly smile, she tapped Nolan's cheek and leaned closer, smile bright. "But you are right. If I was a girl, you'd be really scared right?" she said before giving him a peck on the cheek before walking to the door, hands behind her head.

"Well better hurry before we are late." she hummed, face returned to the calm neutral.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Master Jamie
@Joshua Tamashii
"You really need to see yourself how others do, Amelia" Jamie said softly, "You've proven you can hold your own, and do well. You'll accomplish alot, just wait and see. Go downstairs with your father, with Sam, and eat something, then hurry onto the stadium. I'll be along shortly"

As Jamie didn't have long, she quickly hunted up Penny.


Penny gave a shrug, and said "I don't see why not" Just passed Cody, she saw Master Jamie coming over, and from her look it appeared she had something unpleasant to do or say. Penny wasn't sure she wanted to know, and she shifted, as if to move away, but it was too late, Master Jamie was already calling out "penny, a moment!" And Penny gave a sigh, letting Master Jamie approach.

"I've had to pull Angelo from the games, as you know what's happened, so-"

"No" Penny cut across at once, but Jamie just continued on as if she hadn't interrupted.

"So I've brought Amelia in" And Penny felt a sense of relief. "However" And Penny felt a sense of dread "Maddox has pulled out of the games as well, and thus, I need you to step in. Hate me for it, but you're what I need, so suck it up, and get your butt to the stadium, I'd rather not argue" And with that, Master Jamie was off, walking almost purposefully away.

Penny could just not turn up, she knew she could. But what would be the point? She'd just embarrass the guild, and there had been enough of that going around. There were things Penny wanted to, needed to, do. And now she was going to be stuck in the games.

"I do trust you" Sasha said softly, stopping herself from saying but do you trust me? instead, she grabbed her satchel, slinging it over a shoulder, and followed Lazarus out, deciding she'd pick this up later. There was a sick fear in her stomach, twisting it into knots, as she wondered if today would be the day Lazarus was taken away, killed because of the knife over his head. She didn't know if she could suffer through this, forever. The constant wondering, the fear.

She sighed, and continued to walk towards the stadium, "I can't pretend everything is alright, Lazarus"

Michael was absurdly relieved that Zephyr came back for him, and did not put up a fight, letting Zephyr take off with him. "What was that all about? What's going on, Zephyr? Why do you have a council woman in your room?" he asked, as they made their way to the stadium.

As Ferris spoke, Jessie happily doctored her coffee, adding milk and cream to it and drinking it happily, grabbing a caramel glazed doughnut and munching it contentedly. There were some simple pleasures that just made the day worth it. Coffee, Doughnuts, a conversation with a cute guy pretty much topped it as a good way to start the day. As the warning came, she shoved the rest of her doughnut in her mouth, chewing it and swallowing before saying "What guild were you thinking of joining?" She nicked another doughnut, a strawberry one this time, and bit into it, licking her lips. Her tone seemed almost careful, reserved, and she seemed quite somber.


Gabriel took his time packing up, setting aside a bowl that had some of the stew in it, he quickly washed the others, and set the pot, which still had some stew in it, aside. Maybe some of the others would eat it later. He rose, and gave the bowl to Isla, before following after those going to the games. He stayed silent, wishing he could have something else to do, but after yesterday, he didn't see that happening. He hesitated as he got to the outskirts of the camp, and almost turned back, but continued towards the stadium.

Games Master Sheldon

Games Master Sheldon was only too happy to be back again, happily playing up the crowd, right up until a timer donged, and he began to speak. "And thus the fourth day of the games being! it certainly has been a wild ride so far! Well, the event is up first, as it always is! and today its quite simple, really! But I'll explain that later! it seems some teams have had to pull in reserves, as sad as that is, how great is it to get fresh faces? Once more, Amelia Averyonna will be in one of Phoenix Wings teams, my my, this girl seems to get around! Well, her display before was truly amazing, i'm sure we can expect great things from her! And Penny Hoff, known as "the Phoenix" And isn't that a funny coincience, will be entering the games as well. I'm sure we can-haha-expect fiery things from her! They are replaced Angelo, and Maddox.

Enough of that, lets see who will be in the event today!"
The screen flickered and names appeared, flickering, Sheldon began to read them out

"Penny, in Phoenix Wing B!
Karn, in Phoenix WIng A!
Demetri, in Frenzy Plant!
Zephyr, In Dragon Fang!
Phyrra, In Riders Blade!
Malice, In Pirate Lord!
Jacob, In Iron Enigma!
Nash, In tough Love!

Come on up and I shall explain the first event! Boy, this is gonna be fun!"

@Burthstone@lugubrious@oblivion666@Silver fox(^.^)@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Yashia @Jangel13

"If you're only fear is resorting to Mach 2 the solution is simple. Never use it again unless you're against an opponent you absolutely must defeat. Either because they're going to kill you or someone close to you." Joshua said, looking at Angelo, completely unimpressed. "You're searching for answers in the wrong places. Lightning is fickle, but at the same time, your magic is nothing compared to that which nature can produce. At best, after a few hits, your opponent will be paralyzed. So long as you don't focus on their vitals. Aim for nonlethal areas, like their arms or legs. Take out their mobility. Make them unable to do anything and you can win without resorting to anything drastic."

"You're assuming that an animal can suppress it's instincts. Why bother trying to teach this beast anything?" A voice said from nearby. The mystery girl from the day before walked out from behind a nearby bookshelf. She made no hostile moves and her expression was blank but her eyes held nothing but anger as she stared at Angelo. "How long will you last before you discard what you're trying to do simply to win? How long until you attempt to kill again?"

Lucus Griffonbane and Amelia Averyonna

@Amaya Yashia @Caits

"Don't worry. If anyone dares attack us, I'll be the one to take care of them. And they will suffer the entirety of my wrath." Lucus said to Rose. Once they reached the Stadium, Lucus accompanied Rose to the Phoenix Wing stands. Once there, he quickly spotted Amelia. "Hey, Miss Averyonna. How're you today? And I see you're not wearing your usual style."

Amelia turned towards Lucus when he spoke and smiled.
"Mr. Griffonbane, Miss Rose, good morning. How're you today?" The young girl asked. She was wearing a plain white sleeveless shirt today alongside a pair of jean shorts that fell just past her knees. Though not much different from the cloths she usually wore, it was definitely a rare sight. "Hey, guess what. I'm in the Games. Mama had me take Angelo's place after yesterdays incident."

"Is that so. Well, I look forward to see you preform once again." Lucus said with a smile.

Pyrrha Arvanitas

"Just don't do anything rash. Jamie knows how we feel, so don't deliberately target Phoenix Wing okay. Just do what'll get us the most points." Fraquar said to Pyrrha.

"Yes, I hear you." The girl said before heading down to the arena. Once there, she glanced around at her competition, glaring at the members from Phoenix Wing, her anger causing the air around her to heat up slightly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

He finally stopped running when he finally arrived at the Doma Flau to which Mikey asked him the obvious question. "Well as much as I want to say that my natural good looks won her over, I can't. I stumbled into her fighting some old council members and I decided to help her out. She was stubborn about it and clearly had an injury but noooooo she has to be stubborn and do everything by herself. More stubbornness and then I finally convinced her to rest. Then you came around, thanks for that by the way. So there we go." Zephyr said upon hearing his name on the speakers, then heard his sisters name as well. Grinning Zephyr rushed on down to the arena, bouncing almost at whatever the event could be.

Malice Hardt

Sighing and rubbing her face with her hand at having to do an event with her brother in it didn't appeal to her. Yet she sat up from her team stands and walked on down, taking her time hoping they would start before she got there. The jerks didn't and her arrival was greeted by Zephyr who waved at her. Why couldn't she get subbed out from her team for this? OH yeah, they weren't to be trusted to not mess this up. Crossing her arms she couldn't help but feel herself sweating despite not doing anything tiring yet. Yet the source of heat seemingly came from the Riders Blade girl. So Malice took a few steps away from her as to not set on fire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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@Joshua Tamashii@Amaya Yashia

Angelo sighed "How is it that you make everything sound so easy?" Angelo said with a small laugh Josh really was negative a lot and everything he said sounded so easy yet everything that happened in a fight was done without him even noticing. After all fighting was hard for him to truly think about each and every move so was it so bad that he wanted to learn anyways. Angelo then turned to see the girl from yesterday and Angelo was about to run but he realized that she wasn't looking to attack him like yesterday maybe because he had help now she couldn't claim that he attacked her. She called Angelo a beast and asking how long until he does whatever it takes to win again. "You are saying that under the assumption that I was attempting to kill jack when I wasn't. I have never once had the thought to kill someone. What im learning is going to stay with me and what happened to jack is something I will forever carry in my heart and remind me that being reckless could make me a killer. Yet you are and people like you are trying to portray me as one, how are you any better?" Angelo asked her with resolve in his voice he will be damned if he will be portrayed as a killer and be a bad person even worse then his own father. Angelo is a good person and he was getting tired of people trying to get back at him for something he didn't consciously do...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Arie Jorah
A young woman would quietly make her way across the stadium from her seat among Iron Enigma, to the small group around Amelia in the Phoenix Wing section. "Excuse me? Miss Amelia?" The woman would try to wave her hand over the heads of the people in front of her to catch the girl's attention. "If I may have a number of words with you, my friend wishes for I to press an inquiry to you as to whether her apology reached you." The woman said in a sweet voice, though her soft smile was a tad... Odd. The upper half of an Iron Enigma guild make would be visible over the top of her sweater on the front of her right shoulder.

@Joshua Tamashii@Amaya Tamashii@Caits(?)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

((Caits gave me special permission to ignore the temporary two-post rule))

Grant Vale -- Grand Magic Games Stadium
Grant grinned as his name was called for the grand magic games, and he lost no time in getting down to the field for whatever the event was going to be. He felt sure he was going to win this event, but his hubris wasn’t going to make him do stupid things like not go all out. He was going to win, and he was going to do everything in his power to get the widest margin between him and second place.

”Alright, finally a chance to actually compete!” He said as he landed, a cloud of dust arising around his feet. ”So, what’s the event that I get to cream everyone in, huh?” He seemed almost giddy with excitement, pounding his fist into his opposite palm.


Mithera -- Train
Mithera would give a little wave to Valak as she got up and headed towards the back. ”I’ll be back in a minute, okay Valak?” She’d give him a smile before heading towards the caboose two cars behind them. She would walk by the man with the sword reclining on the far side of the car. He wouldn’t notice her, too busy staring out the window, but she’d clearly notice him, standing and staring at him for a long moment. She’d shake her head after a moment and take a deep breath before heading through the door.

Once at the caboose she’d calmly sit on a chair somebody had left out. She let out a deep sigh as wind blew through her white hair and across her face. It felt like she was flying again. really bumpy crappy flying, but flying. She couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with… Nausea. Oh god did it make her sick to sit around too long. She stood up and coughed, pacing back and forth with her hand on the railing. Fortunately, her stomach settled after a few moments of walking, and she sat back down. Maybe this was because she spent so much time as a dragon? She had heard some things about dragon slayers and moving vehicles, so it must apply to dragons too in some manner, she guessed. Regardless, she had felt sick for a bit, but now she was fine. Very odd.

@Crimson Raven@Zarkun@Burthstone
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cyare Staunton

"It was a facetious question, Ferrara." Cyare corrected casually, sinking briefly to duck her hair under the water before rising again. Her fellow occupant of the tub was decidedly flustered, but there was little to be done about that. She could have made it worse, but there wasn't much to do to make it better. So she wouldn't bother. Feeling the heat sinking into her muscles, exactly as she'd hoped, she rolled each shoulder in turn and steadily worked the aches out of her upper body with slow, deliberate movements. "You need to just relax."

"It's what the tub is for."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Angel Ferrara

Kill me.

Strike me dead.

This is insane.

Angel closed his eyes and took soft, careful breaths for upwards of half a minute. It helped to briefly distract him from being stuck gazing at the girl, who was currently limbering herself in such a nonchalant fashion that she could have made him pass out in the tub purely based on her relaxation choreography. Add to the fact that she sounded downright husky - especially when saying his name! - and it was a miracle that the effeminate boy managed to calm his breathing down and force the blush to ebb off his face.

"I-I'll...do what I can, ma'am."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaya Yashia

Amaya Yashia healer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rose Yashia // Crocus // Phoenix Wing Hotel

@Joshua Tamashii

"I dont blame her for wanting to have him out of these games after what has happened and i am proud of you whilling to take part in these games, I am sorry ms. penny is now part cause I dont think she wanted to be but for now we just have to deal with what goes on, hopefully you wont have too tough of a match against whatever or whoever the game master has planned for us today,"

Amaya Vanisis // Crocus // Phoenix Wing Hotel - Crocus Streets

@Jangel13[@joshua Tamashii}

Amaya listened to the two boys bicker about how angelo should go about leaning more abbout himself and his magic before she heard a female voice. she looked towards it seeing a girl as amaya had a bad vibe about this girl and it seemed this girl might have a grudge against one of them and she was sure it was angelo by the way she spoke.

"why is everyone wishing to attack phoenix wing one way or another...even a beast can learn restraint cause look at the history of dragons...some dragons use to hate humans but over time some of those dragons took in humans and assisted them when it was necessary and Anyone can change if you just give them enough help and time. Now quit being rude and introduce who you are and what guild you come from..." she said to the girl
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cyare Staunton: Unwittingly Unnerving

"Ma'am? I do not think I am quite that old. Or that refined." Frankly, she was running out of ways to tell him to relax. Everything simply seemed to make him more and more unnerved, as though her mere presence was distinctly unsettling. Rather inconvenient, if she were perfectly honest. Getting him to relax was taking up time she had intended to spend in silence. The company wasn't unpleasant in and of itself, but the stress was going to start spreading if he didn't relax.

"Just take some deep breaths. Enjoy the hot water."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
Avatar of Plank Sinatra

Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Angel Ferrara

"It's just politeness. Besides, I don't know your name, so there's nothing else I can call you anyway."

The hot water was soothing, though. The thing about bathing in lakes all your life was that their temperatures depended on the actual weather. This water may have been artificially heated, but it was still even more comfortable than bathing during the spring and summer. The former could still be relatively cool on good days, and the latter got muggy, with a small assortment of bugs that he had to watch out for. Angel had been chewed on up and down his arms and back by things that made even the bite of the girl across from him softer to think about in comparison. Of all the things he missed about the forest and Veronica...modern tub convenience wasn't one of them.

Sure beat the hell out of bathing in winter.

"S'nice water," he murmured absently.
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