Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
Avatar of Zanavy

Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Shadow no!" he yelled, the shiny Eevee fell at his feet. His lustrous orbs turned a deep blue shade as he got sad. We cant give up now!"

"You have no choice! The masked villain laughed. You can never defeat me and now your hole family will die!"

"But why?"

"B/c your dad ash kept beating my parents until team rocket fired them and got poor" he anwsered.

"Im poor too" Storm objected. I have lived on the streets since my parents abandoned me for my kyogre pattern birthmarks but you don't see me trying to kill anyone!"

Too bad! said the villain said. "Regigigas use Exploshun!"

At moment, Shadow believed in her trainer more than ever be4 and evolved into Umbreon. The gem in Storm's watch turned out to be a new mega stone and turned into Mega Umbreon. Shadow used Fly to get him and her away just in time. But Storm saw his whole family die. His eyes turned red he would never 4give him, or himself for failing them.

The avatar of Kyogre sat on a boat, wind danced through his spiked raven hair with a little flippy thing in the back. He wore a navy blue tux with tails and all that fancy shit. His strong chin matched his beefy arms and abs he looked at the waves with silver eyes like gleeming silver. It was four years l8r.

OMG the volcano is erupting! she yelled. Storm could talk to his Umbreon b/c her mother was a Vaporeon. Mauville city will be destroy.

"We're there only hope" Storm said. They ran to the volcano. He sang b/c he likes to sing while running. His voice was soft deep and beautiful like the sea.

To be hurt, to feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And noone's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

When they got there Storm used Blizzard on the lava to stop it. Then Shadow used Defog to make the ash go away. The day was safed!

Wait said Storm I think we forgot something...

Suddenly a big earthquake. He tumbled down the mountain and landed right in the middle if the recked parade.

"Ow" he said then he noticed some hurt Pokemon "Dont worry I can use Wish!" Storm cried when he saw the baby Kabuto. His eyes turned blue his tear turned into a sparkling star it went into Maya and she was all better!

Thanks keymaster Kabuto said

"Shh" he said "Nobody can know im the chosen one or they will kill me.

"OMGGG" Mia squeed "U r so gourgeous! Are you single also your mega Umbreon is amazeballs"

"Back off! Rebbeccaa yelled" He's mine! "But aren't you supposed 2b mortal enemys?" she argued. "Our Pkmn hate each other but that doesn't mean we have to. I love and h8 him and its making me angsty and is it getting hot in here?

Rebeca's shirt burned of again and so did Storm's. Wells stared and saw his six pack abs.

"I have a conffesion" he announced "I'm gay for you!" But every1 ignored Wells like usual.

"It's not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alain suddenly yelled with sudden. U are getting all the girls! Im gonna kill u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Its not my fault I'm so sexy" Storm sighed. "Girls wont leave me alone it's like a curse" his eyes turned electric purple "but if you reallly wanna fight me, I have 1 more thing to say first....................


This isn't really Kyogre's avatar, and I haven't had a lobotomy. I hope you enjoyed this or at least didn't throw up too much. XD
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
Avatar of Thundercrash

Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Collaboration between myself, @MiddleEarthRoze, and @Eklispe

Vuduin waifted through the wreckage like a ghost through an abandoned town. In a remarkably short period of time he'd retrieved clothing from a neaby medical center, as well as a pack full of food was back on his way to the grouping of avatars. His previously bare upper body was covered by a thin green hospital gown that constrated oddly with his dark bottoms and white hair.

Without realising, Mia had quite swiftly outran Seras and Charity - whether they wandered off somewhere else to aid others, or had elected to stay with Rebeca, Mia didn't know. But it didn't matter - she was sure they'd meet again at some point. However, Tantalus' Mawhile had kept up with her and Scarlet, and after running for a while, the three had slowed down to a walk.

"Oh, I'm sorry little one! I forgot how small your legs were." Mia said with an apologetic laugh to the small Pokemon, who was breathing far heavier than herself or Scarlet.

"Mia - there's that Avatar again." Scarlet alerted her trainer to Vuduin, who they could see in the near distance. "Perhaps we should ask him for directions to... well, wherever we're needed the most."

"Hm - hopefully somewhere with food." Mia chuckled as they walked over to the Darkrai Avatar.

"Hello there! I didn't have chance to thank you earlier." Mia made herself known with a trademark bright smile; glad she was meeting more of the Avatars.

Vuduin nodded at the greeting of the flame avatar. Well, the other one. Meeting someone new meant you exchanged names. "Hello, I am Vuduin. Was there something else you needed from me? I have snacks." He said, gesturing towards the pack. He still felt bad about Alain's obvious embarassment of his barely clothed state. That and he wanted to make sure Rebecca had gotten help.

Mia noticably perked up at the mention of food, and she glanced towards the pack curiously. "Well, I was just going to introduce myself. I'm Mia - and thanks for the clothes. I don't think my dress would have lasted much longer." She said with a light grin, looking back to Vuduin. "But I won't deny that I feel starving - oh, is there anything in there the Pokemon could eat too?" She asked in afterthought, gesturing towards her Ninetales, and Tantalus' Mawile.

Vuduin shrugged, he wasn't sure what a Ninetales ate, though he thought he remembered stuffing some pokepuffs in there. Mia hm? He valiently ignored the slight coloring of his cheeks at Mia's mention of her dress scraps. Even the slighest amount was of course, painfully obvious against his pale skin. "One moment please." He set the pack down and rummaged through it for a bit before locating a baggy with some of the treats in them, of various color, right next to the granola bars. Vuduin took out both and tossed them to Mia, did avatars eat pokepuffs? Vuduin never had but he didn't think he counted as a norm so far as avatars went. "Here you go, don't eat all of them, I was planning on sharing it with the others as well." This girl seemed a little absentminded and he didn't want to make another trip.

Before Mia could answer, a distant, barely audible scream of rage was heard, followed by a shockwave that rolled through the ground, splitting the pavement and walls with a grinding crack and shattering what few windows that were still intact.

"Oh. That must be Rebeca." Mia said once the shaking had stopped, somehow keeping upright during the mini-quake. Really - wasn't the place destroyed enough already? Mia had a feeling the people at Mauville City wouldn't be inviting the Avatar's back any time soon. "Anyway, thanks for the food! I didn't think many restaurants would be serving anything right now - and I'm not sure where the hotel is. I just arrived, you see." She chatted away quite amicably, seemingly forgotten the quake already; or, she just wasn't concerned by it. It was always hard to tell with Mia - nothing much seemed to faze her.

Taking out two granola bars and some of the pokepuffs, she gave the latter to Scarlet and Apate along with a half of the bar each, before munching on the other.

"So, have you met all the other Avatars? I think I've only seen about four, including yourself. What are they like?" She asked, handing the bags of food back to him with a sweet, grateful smile. Scarlet sniffed the Pokepuffs suspiciously, but began eating in no time anyway. She was hungry, after all.

Vuduin's reflexively phased and his feet passed through the ground that ruptered and buckled benath his feet. He gazed at the girl in surprise, it seemed to her the earthquake was a passing thing. Now he didn't know very much about Rebeca, but given what he did know, an earthquake would be the start of something much worse rather than the finale. He couldn't help but think but to the avatar of Lugia's words. Now he wasn't sure if Rebeca could sink this place, but he wasn't eager to find out. While he was considering what to do next Mia seemed to be happily snacking away and content with small talk.

Vuduin grabbed the offered bags and carefully placed them back in the small bag and slung it back over his shoulder. "I wouldn't say all, but I've met most of them. For the the most part they seem to be like normal people, just a little more... eccentric." Yeah that was a word for it. "I need to get moving, we can chat after I've helped the others." He knew Alain for one would be grateful and on the more selfish side of things he wanted his cloak back, it was hand-tailored and this green hospital gown made him look stupid. Having said his piece Vuduin quickly began moving towards Rebeca's location.

"Yes, I suppose we would all be a little strange. I suppose that's what happens when Gods live inside of you." Mia agreed, with herself, Apate and Scarlet following after her, mouth's stuff with the pokepuffs, the Mawile's delicate little hands clutching onto the remainder of the granola bar.

"Are we going to see Rebeca? Oh - I imagine she'll want to know what happened while she was out of it." Mia paused, frowning ever so slightly in thought. "Ohhhh... that must be what the whole earthquake was about. Tantalus wasn't very merciful towards her Pokemon. Although, they did attack him first." She explained to Vuduin, skipping slightly to keep up with his long strides.

As the pair drew closer, several changes could be detected. Waves of heat were radiating from their destination, carrying with them the rank scent of sulphur. Every so often another minor tremor would rattle the ground, though none came close to the strength of the initial quake.

Reaching the epicenter of the quake, it was clear that things were not going well. A small ring of medics and Pokemon had formed, although all were keeping their distance. The heat was intense enough that they were visibly sweating. Among the Pokemon gathered there were a pair of Ralts, and both were clinging to their trainers' legs, shivering violently.

Inside the ring, a spider web of cracked pavement led to the center, where Rebeca stood. Her body markings glowed a dull red, and her eyes were lit with molten fury. Visible heat waves wafted off her body, and every step she took triggered another small quake. Maya was cradled in one arm, and her free hand was clenched in a fist so tight that blood was leaking from between her fingers. "WHO DID THIS! WHERE ARE THEY! WHEN I FIND THEM I'M GOING TO RIP THEM IN HALF!" She took a step toward the ring of medics, then let out a cry and stumbled to one knee, pressing her fist to her stomach.

One of the medics took a hesitant step forward, his hands held in front of him. "Ma'am, please. I understand why you're angry, but you're causing more harm to yourself and your Pokemon. If you don't calm down you're going to cause serious injury."

A low, angry growl ripped through the air, and Rebeca turned her molten gaze on the medic, sending him a couple steps back. "I want. To know. Who. Did. This."

The medic swallowed, blinking the sweat from his eyes. "I honestly don't know. But please, I need you to calm-"

Rebeca slammed her fist into the ground, pulverizing the pavement into gravel as electricity sparked around her skin. "Then find someone who does!" She winced, coughing, then turned her head and spat a semi-congealed mass of blood into one of the cracks in the pavement. "Somebody had to have seen something!"

Vuduin had a worried look on his face. This was rather unfortunate. Obviously something drastic had happened between his leaving and . . . This. He paused just outside the ring of people and turned to Mia. "Erm, Mia. What exactly happened to cause that?" Vuduin wasn't sure he could be much of a peacemaker but clearly somebody had to be or else bad things would happen. Shade peeked out from under the collar of the green gown and shivered breifly before tucking back in. Clearly he didn't like the looks of things much more than Vuduin did.

Wow. Rebeca was pretty angry. Still, nice to see her looking a bit better physically... despite the coughing up blood and whatnot.

"Oh, well. Rebeca got knocked out after the whole blowing up the floor thingie, and Tantalus wanted to help her. Then a Rhyhorn came out of nowhere - I suppose that was hers? - and attacked him. He was pretty pissed after that, and attacked both her Pokemon." Mia replied to Vuduin, brow furrowed somewhat as she spied the Kabuto in Rebeca's arms. "I'm not sure why he attacked the little one. Something changed in him... maybe he's got the same problems I did?" This query was directed more at Scarlet, who was watching the events unfolding carefully, regarding the obviously unstable Rebeca with narrowed eyes.

"I don't think that was his issue, Mia. There was a shift of power within him, not personality." She replied, and Mia breathed a sigh of relief. If one of the Avatars did have the same issues as she had once suffered from, there'd be the constant fear of it returning to her, despite Reshiram's influence.

"Rebeca, if you want to go and yell at him or something, he went that way. I think perhaps you and your Pokemon would be better off getting some help first though." Mia suggested nonchalently to Rebeca, an easy-going smile on her face as she pointed in the direction Tantalus went. "We've got some snacks too, if you want one."

In truth, Rebeca didn't actually hear most of what Mia had said. Both Avatars were just far enough away that they were difficult to hear over the roaring in her ears. However there was one word that did get through.


For a moment, her markings dimmed, giving way to the shocked expression on her face. the waves of heat seemed to weaken, and a couple of the medics took hesitant steps forward, hoping that she might have finally calmed.

That hope was dashed when her expression twisted into vicious rage. Her fist came up, then slammed backdown, sending out a shockwave even more powerful than the first. "Fucking BITCH!" A fresh wave of heat washed over the crowd as she bowed her head. "Dammit, dammit, dammit! Should have fucking ripped his head off!" A quiet sob shook her shoulders. "Never give people second chances."

Slowly, she stood up, murder in her eyes. "He had better be dead. Because if he isn't, he'll be lucky if I incinerate him."

Going forward a few steps, Mia offered up a smile to the cowering Pokemon and their trainers. They relaxed somewhat in her aura, but Mia doubted that it would help Rebeca much.

"I understand you're upset. I would be too, if someone hurt my Scarlet. But perhaps you should help your Pokemon first?" She suggested tentatively, Scarlet and Apate still by her side - although the Mawile slightly behind Mia. After all, the little thing couldn't really understand why her trainer had done such a thing, nor what had happened to him. As for Scarlet, she was watching on carefully. She'd seen kids this unhinged before, just as Mia had, in the hospital.

Well this was... Not good. Vuduin stepped in front of Rebeca instinctivly and raised his hands placatingly and attempted to lock eyes with her. Shade of course had opted to avoid the scary lady and continued hiding inside his green shirt, albeit ineffectively but hiding none the less. Vuduin nearly began lulling Rebeca to sleep reflexivly before thinking that plan through. It would almost certainly work in her slightly weakened state, especially with Shade's help. But if Rebeca realized what he was doing he had a feeling she would be distintly unpleased, when she woke up and was strong enough to do whatever she wanted. Which would make things as bad as they started but with an extra layer of frusteration to vent.

And what was worse, from what he knew her frusteration was well deserved. By all accounts, one, Tantulus had attacked her pokemon and left. Of course he couldn't very well in good consicense allow her to go off and attempt to kill someone, for a lot of reasons. What could he possibly say to dissuade her? He had a feeling offering a snickers bar wouldn't fix much. "Please, don't kill anyone yet. At the very least can't you wait until the tournament to fight? If you do this now you put yourself, anyone in your way, and your Pokemon in danger." Ah dang it, Vuduin was sure that his cloak he'd given her was going to burn, in fact he was surprised it hadn't already. A small part of his mind wondered how he could be wondering about clothing at a time like this but Vuduin was focused on Rebeca's reaction and the flamability of everything in the immediate area.

Rebeca growled and ground her teeth, her nails piercing deeper into her palm. She wanted to scream, to rage and pound at the nearest object until she was exhausted, and Vuduin was making himself a very handy target. She wanted to charge after Tantalus, to run him to the ground and then beat him until there was nothing but a bloody smear left on the ground, and then torch it to ash. She wanted to fall and weep, trying so very hard to keep what was left of her family together.

All of these things she wanted to do, her heart and mind being pulled every which way. She didn't know what to do, and it was just so warm, so hard to think...

If you do this now, you put yourself, anyone in your way, and your Pokemon in danger.

Her eyes widened slightly, and her entire body went stock still. Images flashed through her mind, and her eyes stung as tears formed and evaporated. No. I... I can't... I can't do that again. Not again.

Gradually, her glowing markings dimmed to black, and her head bowed. She fell to her knees, and though it would be a while before anyone would really notice, the temperature began to fall.

"Well, thank goodness for that. I was worried we were going to have to get into another fight, Scar." Mia thought, smiling at her Ninetales, who was still glaring at the crying Rebeca. Scarlet rolled her eyes, replying in a somewhat haughty tone.

"Worried? It wouldn't have taken much for us to put the girl down."

"Scarlet! Don't be mean." This chastised comment was promptly ignored, however, and Scarlet sat on her haunches primly, gazing at the scared Mawile still behind Mia with a somewhat softer gaze. It didn't have anything to fear from the Groudon Avatar.

"Well then... that's another crisis averted." Mia said to Vuduin, glancing around at the still apprehensive medical team. "Now what shall we do?"

Vuduin winced as Rebeca collapsed to the ground in tears. Well. He was relieved that she was pacified but also dismayed that he'd obviously pressed a button he hadn't meant to. He took a step back and let out a quiet sigh, well it was dealt with now, so there was nothing more to do. He turned back to face Mia in response to her question, "I want to stay with Rebeca to make sure she's alright." He shrugged and watched as the medics carefully approached and went about seeing how to treat her, a difficult task when regarding an avatar.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
Avatar of Zanavy

Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The streets were eerily quiet four hours after they had been teeming with joyous life. Other than a few daredevils, scavenging Pokemon, and damaged floats that hadn't been moved yet, the main streets looked abandoned.

The outskirts of the indoor city, however, bustled with panicked guests searching for any way to leave the city in droves. The more dedicated festival-goers huddled in every public building, awaiting news on the state of the event. Authorities believed another attack unlikely but urged everyone to stay indoors for a little longer and report any sign of suspicious activity.

About fifteen people and Pokemon were reported injured enough to be hospitalized. The only reported deaths were members of the terrorist group, including one human. Investigators were now seeking possible connections between the Alliance of Justice and other organized crimes.

The festival would go on, though many of the events were postponed or cancelled. The fate of the Tournament of Legends remained unknown.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
Avatar of Leos Klien

Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sitting in a small cafe on an upper floor of Mauville City, an Avatar sat drinking a cup of tea which was at least 50% sugar, as well as nursing several cakes. Other customers threw suspect glances at the man, as he frequently lit up with ribbons of rainbow-coloured light sparking from the top of his head. It certainly wasn’t subtle, yet despite that, he didn’t seem to notice the attention he commanded, continuing to drink the tea with the occasional small sip. Something seemed off about the way he looked, however. It was too perfect.

Xerneas didn’t care about the stares of the other people around him, nor the subtle whispers of the staff considering asking for him to leave. The current task was far too important to devote anything less than complete focus. Since waking up, a little way outside of the city, he had been working hard giving Tantalus’s body a renovation. After two years of being stuck in the recluses of the human’s mind, a great understanding of exactly what made him tick had developed. Even without that, the desire to test this newfound freedom was enough to start experimenting.

So, the Pokemon had began to alter the structural template of his new body. Cosmetic changes, for the most part. Tantalus’s blue eyes had become a vibrant pink. His cheekbones were raised, adding a much sharper look to his face, and a little melanin had been removed resulting in skin a couple of shades paler than it had been. Xerneas even added a small height increase, for no other reason than he could.

Shortly after re-entering the city, his power highlighted several mental imperfections within. It was those now being ironed out, at the cafe. The sugar within the tea was working wonders in terms of providing raw energy to use, especially when coupled with a power enabling the optimal rate of conversion. Congestion points and inefficiencies when responding to external stimuli were slowly being corrected over the course of what was proving to be a rather satisfying meal. His first in a long time. More and more issues were being detected and fixed, and at a faster rate with each passing alteration. It was an extremely fulfilling task, ever so slowly moulding the body into that worth of the Embodiment of Life.

With the latest neural adaptation - the restructuring of a few synapses allowing for sharper vision - a wave of power washed over his entire being. Taking the Pokemon slightly off guard, he directed it down into his right hand. There it flowered into a bright ball of swirling pink energy. Everyone in the cafe turned their heads as the glow spread across the small room. With a sparkling grin, Xerneas allowed himself a small chuckle.

How wonderful. What an unexpected bonus this is. With that thought, his hand smacked closed, crushing the ball which flared white before vanishing. Not before blinding some nearby customers, however. Brain whizzing at a tremendous speed, hundreds of ways to evolve beyond current limitations stormed through his mind like a shoal of fish. Denser bone structures, stronger muscles, heightened senses, larger blood vessels. All minor changes, in themselves, but when gathered together changed the entire dynamic of what it means to be human. By continuing down this road, the end result was clear.


That thought drew another, almost delirious, chuckle from the man. What better way to spend life everlasting than by moving to abandon the frailties of mankind? Finishing the tea in a single swig, and polishing off the last cake, Xerneas left the cafe, using the sugars from them to start work on the first two improvements on the steadily expanding list. Without a plan of action, nor any idea of what to do next, he began to wander the city. Paying no heed to anything and moving on autopilot, he guided the power as it toiled away. Afterwards, perhaps it would be wise to sign up for the tournament providing the Alliance’s appearance had not spoiled it. Watching and fighting the Avatars would supply more data for analysis. Alternatively, hunting down Rebeca was also tempting. It was possible the girl had bled out, after Tantalus left without healing her, but he prayed that wasn’t the case. Her death would ruin the fun. Plus, if that little Kabuto had been turned into a glorified bowl of clam chowder, their next encounter would be nothing short of riveting.

Germaine gazed up to the world above him for a while, watching from the all too familiar window, the sight was unique this time though, and it was also one that he - personally, had no intention to observe any longer than he needed to.
His body moved in a similar fashion as to what one would imagine a Mermaid would swim through the waters, there was almost no resistance when moving about in the Distortion world, but one still needed a form of propulsion to get about in it.
Giratina “flew” for want of a better term towards the portal back and back into the fray - or rather, that's what he would have done, moments before he tried to pass through it, it abruptly shut, sending out waves of energy in an arc around it, akin to what an explosion would be like but it had no effect on the master of this realm.
This. This was worrying.
Immediately a wave of panic flew across Giratina's mind - if a portal was to close without his action in the doing so, then maybe - just maybe, he would be trapped here once again.

In a incredibly violent turn Giratina swivelled his huge frame around in a circle demolishing a small island near by- he quickly shot off into a direction he knew held a focal point.
A would be wind was at his back and a fervour in his movement - he would not be trapped here again, not ever again would this place be his prison!
The mere thought made his movement increase with an almost delirious amount of will, another small island got destroyed as he plowed through it.
As he drew close to his would be freedom a sigh of relief escaped his lungs - the focal point still held a door for him to cross worlds, maybe it would be wise not to create portals whenever he felt like - or at the very least unless it was an absolute emergency.
He quickly made his way to it and almost threw his body through it in a mix of relief and fear.
His massive frame dissolved into shadows as he came through the portal and his body resumed the uncomfortable body of a human.
There was a few yelps of surprise from the nearby pedestrians, but given that most of them had already seen his original entrance to the event they quickly realised that it was Giratina, a few of them gave awkward smiles to him, and others hurried away in a different direction.
Clearly the avatars were already earning a cautious reputation - but what really struck Giratina odd is that this area was relatively calm, they must not of heard or seen the terrorist attack - “Ignorance is bliss...” he thought with a shake of the head.

Despite being lost in his own little world, the portal was impossible to ignore. The short glance into the Distortion World revealed a hulking figure, but it was too shrouded to pick out details. Except for one. Burning red eyes. Much to the surprise of Xerneas, no great beast appeared, but the Avatar of Giratina. Without being sure of why the man had suddenly shown up, he decided to approach him for a chat.

From what I can gather, Germaine, your appearance here has gone a slight better than your first. It seems people are getting rather accustomed to you, now.” He said, with a smile. At the dinner, Germaine had told everyone that he was entirely Pokemon, without all of that pathetic human baggage. Perhaps he held some kind of secret which would ensure Tantalus never returns.

Giratina heard a rather familiar, and a rather surprising voice beat at the back of his head, he turned on his heels to confirm his doubts as to whether or not it was actually the man he thought it was.
And, it was.
“Tantalus?” Germaine stated genuinely surprised.
“Why aren’t you at the fight? Is it over?” Another thought crossed Germaine's mind - time flowed oddly in the distortion world, some areas ran faster or slower - what could be a few minutes in that world could be hours or seconds here.

Fighting down a tiny bit of annoyance at being referred to by that fool’s name, he spoke, careful to keep the displeasure hidden. “Xerneas, actually. My host - although I suppose that is not longer the right word - has decided to take a holiday of indeterminate length.” Grinning, a lighter tone took over. “As for the fight, I was led to believe it is wrapped up, but i’m afraid Tantalus dealt with that.” Cocking his head, curiously, it occurred that was a odd question. “Come to think of it, I thought you were there. What happened?

The words that came out of Tantalus’ mouth; in their overly elaborate fashion -something, despite Xerneas now being the new master of the body -was a common feature between the pair, were nothing short of surprising, but Giratina's surprise was quickly replaced with a laughter.
“Xerneas huh? I remember Tantalus claiming you to be dead, heh, turns out the braggart was wrong on that front.” Now that he realised it, Tan… Xerneas did look different, or rather the vessel for the Pokémon of life did, small subtle differences, but nevertheless, he looked a different man.
“I was there, but a Gourgeist tried to self-destruct, so I dragged it into the Distortion world to nullify the explosion. Turns out I couldn’t go back through the same portal I used to enter on that occasion.”
It was a relief that the fight was over at the very least, but finally there was another actual Legendary here with him, not just hosts with powers of their perspective legends.
“I must say, it’s a relief to finally be with one of my kin.”

The grin spread from ear to ear, now. “Oh, that imbecile was wrong about a lot of things. Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Besides, I am Life.” Thinking back to the parade, he had seen a Gourgeist. Or at the very least, what he assumed had to be one. It dealt a strong blow to Charity. If Giratina had dragged into the Distortion World, it must have met a nasty end. “The feeling is mutual, truly. It is nice to talk directly to an equal, as opposed to an emissary.” Scanning the area, one that was blatantly clear. “You would think that a terrorist attack hadn’t just taken place, from the atmosphere here. I wonder if it’s the weather. Humans are very susceptible to heatstroke.

Giratina laughed once again, but he had to admit - he disliked this city for its design, you had to actually GO outside, your job was never to leave a building and through the streets in the sunlight - it was truly disgusting how anyone could easily throw aside such a beauty as if it were a hinderance.
“You’re right on that front, speaking of would you care to go outside? I’m growing sick of seeing a ceiling that is nought but a few feet away, I don’t know how you could take the fresh air away from people and make it a selling point.”
One of many things that Giratina disliked about the race -they cared little for nature.

Definitely. The city is an impressive architectural feat, but just because something can be constructed, does not mean that it should.” Xerneas took a few minutes to think. “Maybe it goes without saying, but I much prefer forests over the cities, any day.

Together, the two men - or Pokemon - walked up the stairs of the sweltering interior of Mauville City bound for the roof. As they arrived onto the expansive garden which topped the otherwise cold and lifeless city like an organic crown, the air was suddenly much cooler. A light breeze caused the various species of flowers to sway back and forth, and their scent filled the air. Of course, the entire city could have been like this. Xerneas almost felt sorry for the poor bastards underground. Stopping at the railings marking the edge of the roof, the view was spectacular. It overlooked a long and winding valley, and you could see streams of cool blue water running through it. Several herds of Pokemon wandered around merrily, various breeds and sizes. Xerneas stopped, leaning back against the black metal, watching them run around without a care in the world.

The pair of them walked to the roof in relative silence but it wasn’t forced or awkward, which was a relief in of itself.
The outside hit him like a wall, it was a wall of relief mind, but nevertheless the stuffiness and artificial condensed air of the underground was no longer there - the air was fresh, cool with an underlying warmth to it.
Truly a blessing after the fight they had been in a while ago - the pair stopped at the railing over to the east, the sight was breathtaking, truly, such a folly for living underground when you had sights like these on your doorstep.
After a short while of just taking in the cool air and the beautiful sight Giratina finally spoke “You know, the worst part of being in the Distortion world wasn’t the time, it wasn't the context nor the loneliness, it was never feeling a cool breeze, the warmth of the sun - the serenity of a starry night the things humans take for granted.”

Wind flicked the man’s shoulder-length blue hair lightly. “I’m not entirely convinced my sanity would have remained after that length of time with simply nothing, if you truly were trapped as long as they say.” The irony wasn’t lost on the Pokemon. An entire new worldview had been constructed after a mere two years of that kind of torture. Likewise, it was clear Giratina was the Avatar the rumours spoke of. Which begged the question, exactly what he did to be imprisoned by none other than Arceus himself. “I’m no stranger to being trapped, but there are worse things in life than being a tree.

Giratina offered a weak smile back to Xerneas - “That is true, so long as you don’t get cut down a tree wouldn’t be too bad.”
Odd, that he actually liked Xerneas much more than the Tantalus fellow, this one is actually respectable.
“What do the rumours say, I wonder? I was trapped for well over 1,000 years. I didn’t count but I watched humanity grow into what it is today; from mere cave dwellers who barely knew how to communicate, it’s oddly surprising that they didn’t go extinct in their early years.”

Well, the rumours painted it at a substantial amount of time. Far in excess of 1,000 years, certainly. As for the humans, I wouldn’t put it past them yet. Some are insufferably stupid.” Watching over a pack of Poochyena, led by a Mightyena alpha, hunting by the looks of things, it dawned on him just how much more intelligent Pokemon really were. They tended not to fight over stupid grievances, acknowledged how useless emotional ties can be. Or they could, until humans started capturing them to use for combat or tools. “So. How does one wind up banished to a completely separate plane of existence by Arceus himself? It had to have a great deal of weight behind it to warrant a punishment like that.” Realising the question was incredibly blunt, he attempted to soften it by tacking on an addendum. “Providing you don’t mind my asking, of course.

There was a brief moment where a fluffy cloud blocked out the sun, the temperature dropped slightly and the wind turned cold, the moment was fleeting but enough to make the body involuntarily shiver.
Appropriate given the nature of the question, but he had answered it in detail once today, and Giratina was not overly keen in giving a full account once again - “In short, I got into a fight with Dialga and Palkia, whom were equal to blame as I, the result of the fight almost left a continent uninhabitable and as a result, I was banished to the Distortion realm by Arceus, whilst the other two got away with little more than a slapped wrist.”
He hated telling this story, and it had only be done twice; he just hoped that would be the last one...

Xerneas was about to ask who Dialga and Palkia was, but realised an explanation wouldn’t give any more of an answer than simply not asking the question. You either knew these names, or you didn’t. It was clear that Giratina was rash in his decisions, while those two were not, and that led to the entire blame falling on a singular entity. “Well, it sounds like you were outplayed. Everyone has done something substantially wrong, in the past. The key is to manipulating the events in your favour far enough that no-one can claim it was you.” As much as he hated to admit it, Tantalus had a point on that front. The lessons learned from watching him outwit his lessers would be invaluable. “My host understood that. I must admit that i’m surprised you didn’t.

Germaine was taken aback at this statement, just like Rebecca, both of them failed to understand!
In that respect they were identical! Their sheer ignorance of what he suffered, and the reasoning for it!
Germaine looked truly affronted when he spoke- “Excuse me?! You weren’t there, so how can you truly understand the gravity of what was at stake! The God of Time, and the God of Space, they made an unquestionable affront against me! And they got away with it!”
Giratina looked Xerneas straight in the eyes and accompanied his next sentence with an accusing finger.
“You can’t manipulate events when the God of time is present - and the end result was enough to warrant attention from Arceus himself!
Tell me, master manipulator, just how does one such as yourself outwit the Alpha Pokémon, when a human so easily outwitted yourself!”

He blinked several times at the verbal assault from Giratina, blood boiling more with each passing word. Before long, it congealed into a raw mass, which could not be tempered any longer. “Do not take that tone with me. I am unclear on where you source information from, Giratina, but you are sorely mistaken. If I have been beaten by a human, then why do I stand before you?” It took a significant effort to swallow the power of Fairy Aura attempting to materialise around him. Xerneas met Giratina’s stare. “If you wish to take my statement to heart, feel free. However, that does not make the point any less relevant. I have observed Tantalus carve a name for himself wielding trickery and deception, a mere human walking among Gods. Yet you are unable to grasp even the basics.

Dialga and Palkia outwitted you. Maybe your punishment was deserved.

Why was this so reminiscent of earlier?
Rebecca barely escaped him actually dragging her into the Distortion world just so SHE could find out for herself - but this, this was different, Xerneas truly thought that what he had done was because of his own fault, his own actions…
This pathetic excuse for a being, lecturing a Pokémon that had endured the wrath of the strongest Pokémon in existence, and HE was lecturing him!
It was almost beyond belief, Giratina actually had to take a few moments to swallow what he had just heard.

After a the red mist cleared from his eyes, barely enough to form a clear image of Xerneas - next what followed was a mixture of a lapse in judgement, and pure bliss.
If it put this arrogant wastrel in his place, then it would be beyond worth it- Giratina with both hands grabbed the collar of this man's extravagant clothing and hoisted him slightly above the ground, and pulling him closer, face to face, whereupon he could feel his hot breath against his face Germaine spoke, in part glee and inpart hate.
“Tell me, you’ve never had the experience fighting a Legend have you? I sincerely doubt it, but no manner of guile or glibe tongue will save your sorry hide from the wrath that is a GOD, the God of life?! Pah! You’d only witness the very thing you embody expire!”

Dangling an inch or two above the ground, as Giratina spat venom, Xerneas felt the blood within him pump in a way it hadn’t in some time. Glancing at the floor, with a hint of disdain, he gave a dead-level stare to the Pokemon holding him aloft. “Do you know the traits of a sore loser? Really, Giratina. Resorting to violence only proves my point in it’s entirety. After explaining what you did wrong, I really expected better from a ‘God’.

This man?! Even as he dangles like a child in his grasp, he continues to act in his idiotic way, calling him a sore loser? What does he hope to gain?!
“You expected better from a God?! This is what Gods do, what happened to me is more than enough proof to that, these past few days prove the point further! A god is handed a problem - what can it do to resolve it? It deals with it in as permanent a nature as it can, because IT can - it's a God!
Call me a sore loser all you want Xerneas, but when your body lies broken and the last wisp of life leaves your corpse, where does your “victory” leave you?”
This fool, he is determined to learn the hard way, he is absolutely dead set on receiving the harshest lesson of life, and if he continued, by Arceus, he’d give him it.

A grin spread across his face. “When did I call you a sore loser?” Turning into a chuckle, the humour tainted every word. “You make it too easy. I understand why they used you as the scapegoat.” His expression grew much harder, more intense. “I’ll give you one warning. Put me down.

This fool was close to finishing his game, good.
“The intent of what you meant was more than clear to me, but then again, your words intent are ever so clear.
I’ll put you down.”
Giritana with a small curl of the lips gave the impression of lowering his foe to the ground, before giving an almighty hoist and flung his body over the edge of the railing.

As Xerneas felt Giratina’s weight shift after his last statement, the realisation of what was about to happen dawned on him. The wind rustled past, as he began to float over the edge of Mauville City. Luckily, the mental augments included in the ‘software’ update earlier meant the Pokemon boasted vastly increased reaction times, and was already preparing for it. Gathering silver-white energy around both hands, he released them in a downwards stream, causing him to rocket skyward. Giving a frontflip - for added flair, of course - he landed, dropping onto a knee. Rising to stand with his back to Giratina, he spoke, somewhat irritated despite the gradual smirk that appeared. “Alright, I’ll concede that point to you. Well played. One small tip though. When attempting to get the drop on someone, it’s a good idea to ensure it works.” Another glow gathered around his hand, as Xerneas gracefully spun round, throwing the hand forward and clicking his fingers. A concentrated stream of light smashed into the floor underneath Giratina, which promptly caved in, and the man began to vanish into the floor below.

Giratina was honestly surprised to see his foe in effect do a pirouette over his head using one of his moves, he landed on one knee and offered a witty remark, hardly surprising given his nature.
He braced himself for the retaliatory attack, but ultimately he wasn’t the target - the ground beneath his feet was.
Giratina felt his heart go into his mouth as gravity grabbed him and dragged him below into the building below.
He had to be quick, he had no way of stopping himself mid fall, and as time seemed to slow he heard the distressed screams of those below him, making desperate attempts to escape the collapsing rubble and its occupant.
They were dulled though, the prominent noise in his ears at the minute was blood thumping at his ear drums.


All at once, he knew what to do.
Time seemed to resume its normal path and as the first few bits of ceiling landed against the ground, cracking and shattering into pieces - Giratina opened another portal into his Distortion world, and as such he resumed his normal forme.
This forme would easily dispatch his foe, but he knew fine well Xerneas wouldn't be a fool enough to try and fight him in his home turf -despite his ego.
He would take his forme to him.
He could do it, it would not be easy -it would take an exceptional toll on his mind without the Griseous orb, but he would do it.
He would teach this insolent worm a lesson in futility.
He would be the unhappy ending to his deity.

Giratina ceased his falling the second he entered the world and assumed his real forme, and then he pierced through the barrier, head first - the shadows wanting - willing his forme to revert, but he cast them back, his golden mandible like jaws formed first, then the rest followed with increasing ease.
And he shot skyward, to his foe, whereupon he would teach this fool a lesson in what it meant to be a God!

Walking over to the hole, he peered down at the falling form of Germaine. Gravity was a beautiful thing, and so he left it to work it’s magic. Xerneas decided it was high-time to go and see how to sign up for the tournament later today - and find out if it was still running. A few people had arrived to view the hole in the roof, looking bewildered as to what caused it. How everyone relaxing up here had missed the event was beyond him. It wasn’t exactly subtle. Nevertheless, unwanted attention would prove to be a burden. Taking in the stunning vistas, he cut a path in the direction of the stairs. Around halfway between the starting point and his destination, however, things took a dramatic turn.

An inky black and purple vortex opened above the garden area, which seemed to rob the very light from the sky. It tainted the colour of the sun, causing it to appear a burnished red. From the center of the swirling mass, a pair of blistering scarlet eyes sliced through the darkness. Unfeeling and alien, they fell upon the man with a physical intensity. Descending from what seemed to be the heavens themselves, a beast of unfathomable size materialised from the shadows. Blood red claws, black leathery hide, white chitin and golden adornments, including a mock-crown. The almighty creature fell a good 20 feet from the sky, crashing onto the roof only a short distance from Xerneas.

Watching with a mix of awe and horror, his legs began to shake. The mocking voice of his host’s Mawile resonated from within. How many times do I have to tell you not to poke the Beedrill’s nest? It would seem the situation had certainly gone a little further than anticipated, and he made a serious mental note to do homework on any Legendary before berating them, in future. Xerneas shared several traits with Tantalus, which had been built-in to his very brain. One of these was responding to life or death situations with further snark.

Roaring out into the wind, for better or worse, his voice travelled across the once-tranquil gardens. “Hey, Giratina! Anyone would think you were compensating for something.

Giratina felt his mind tear slightly as he fully materialised in the real world, his eyes Burned towards his target, nothing - no force in existence would take away his Need to put this whelp in his place, his mind was bordering feral where pure instinct drove his actions.
Giratina spoke, offering a rebuttal, no doubt his foe would have wished he never heard this voice as long as he lived, it sounded guttural, as if the word hate derived from the sound of Giratina’s origin forme voice, despite this there was an underlying sophistication, this was no beast speaking, this was a God.
“It appears that the human has influenced you, Xerneas, such a human defence mechanism to offer a quip in the face of death - today, you will meet your counterpart; the day when Life itself is extinguished - somehow I doubt you will be missed.”
Giratina began to amass dark energy and thoughts for Dark pulse, he wouldn't use it just yet, but it would be ready for his foe depending on his actions.

He laughed, somewhat hysterically. “You might be right Giratina, perhaps he has influenced me, somewhat. However, if you allow Germaine more of a say, it might help you fare better against your peers in future.” Generating a ball of light around his left hand - about the size of a football - he extended it towards the unleashed form of Giratina. “Let’s see if your power can back-up your arrogance.

Giratinas beastial eyes narrowed with hate. - ”The arrogance is your own, but enough words - it’s time to end this farce!
Giratina opened his maw and unleashed a thick viscous energy at his foe, it spanned a large cone towards Xerneas - it was a thick swirling mist, a miasma of dark energy and hateful thoughts - Dark pulse.

Watching the oncoming swirl, Xerneas’s lips curled up in a slight smirk, before he fired the orb of light as a counterattack. The two masses, one bright pink, the other a fierce purple, slammed into one another. Sparks flew as the very air distorted around the focal point, before the Dark Pulse ultimately swallowed the ball, and continued onward. It was still large enough to engulf the man as it reached him. Howling winds burst out in every direction as the energy obscured all vision for a few moments. When it subsided, Xerneas stood behind a hastily erected Light Screen, the slight smirk now a full-blown grin. “Come on. You can surely do better than that!

”You’re a glutton for punishment aren’t you? Do not fear - I’m more than happy to oblige! Giratina offered what could never be deciphered into a grin, his face was far too alien to comprehend as to what emotion; barring hate, it was showing.
He prepared his next move - he felt in his own mind that it may do nothing against this particular foe - but it should, at the very least wipe his grin off for the time being.
Giratina unleashed another purple ball of energy at his foe, although this one was not like it’s predecessor, it looked liquid almost as if he had spat at Xerneas.
The move was Toxic, a heavy poison that would deteriorate the foes health down violently over time if left to fester, its virulence would be enough alone to make him feel bad.

As the attack sailed through the air, for several seconds he did nothing, confident that Light Screen would stop it. Only a brief moment before it hit, however, it became apparent that the move was different. The lack of light caused by the Distortion Portal above had dire repercussions, it would seem. Passing through the screen as though it wasn’t even there, the glob of liquid-esque material exploded around Xerneas in a cloud of thick smoke. Coughing harshly, it began to burn his throat and eyes. Poison. The cloud dissipated, and he stood grasping his throat. Despite the pain, he laughed, the sound very coarse and strained. “Poison. You infect the healer with poison.” A second cloud washed out from the man’s hands, smelling of a cocktail of wondrous things. It counteracted the biting toxin spreading throughout his system. What it had done, however, was seriously mess up his hair, which had been battered by the blast of wind. Attempting to smooth it down, he spoke again. “Well, you messed my hair up at least. I’m sure hairdressers everywhere are quaking in their boots, now.

Figured that it wouldn’t do much, but at least he knew now - he wasn’t sure how his powers worked, did his healing cost him in some way? If so then at least he was weaker in one respect - but this fight was getting boring, he wanted to crush this fool, not play around with him.

Giratina gave a shrill cry before vanishing from the air.

Xerneas watched the giant creature vanish into thin air. No Distortion warping, so he couldn’t have gone far. Keeping up the defensive stance, he yelled out into the empty space. “Don’t tell me that’s it. You can’t just throw a few half-baked moves my way then disappear. Get back here!

The poor fool.” Giratina thought
Giratina was still here, he had already reshaped from the shadows behind him, Shadow sneak, given that the sun was practically blotted out meant that shadows weren’t hard to come by, the only down side to the move nullified.
He was a massive creature, but he had mobility in the open space, Xerneas’ defensive stature would do little to remedy the move coming for him.
What must have felt like being plowed like a truck, or rather being charged into by a Rhyhorn, Giratina smashed the three tendril like tentacles that came from the upper right of his back, into his targets unsuspecting body - it sent his foe from one side of the rooftop, to the other in a spectacular display of flying.
Giratina offered a harrowing laugh and stated ”How was that one? A bit over done? Or was it cooked to perfection?”

Pain flared across his entire body, as the ground went flying by below. Mid-flight, he crashed through an atrium, holding various exotic plants before smashing into the ground quite a ways from his starting point. Glass had sliced deep into various points, causing cuts to be dotted around all over him. On landing - if one could call it that - Xerneas felt the muscle at the top of his right leg twist inside, rendering it essentially useless. Throwing a glance to the hulking monstrosity from across the distance between them, it was clear running away wasn’t going to be an option.

Of course, neither was losing. Summoning up an immense resolve, the man fired another of the orbs of light directly at his foe.

This man, he truly underestimated his opponent - Giratina couldn’t believe the naivety of him, he used an attack that was both telegraphed and foolish - if anything he should be using the time to heal up, he looked like he needed it.
Instead he used the same attack as last time - he clearly had something up his sleeve, not that he’d get the chance to use it.
Giratina unleashed the thick miasma once again, blotting out the light and swallowing it entirely, ending it as he had done previously.
He then flew himself up high in the air, his opponent still lying on the roof of the building. He looked like an ant, and he would soon meet the same fate as one when it met the boot of something bigger than it.
Giratina gave a howl as he dived down at his foe, taking both of them straight through the roof of the building and down on the first floor, leaving a large gaping hole where the roof used to be, wires, insulation, pipes and all other manner of materials were sent exploding down with the monster and his prey.
What Giratina didn’t know is that they had once again made their back to the festival area, the pair of them landed on top of the float to Lugia, crushing it in the process.

Going through the wooden float underneath the weight of the infernal beast, the pain was unbearable. A sickening crack of a bone breaking sounded from somewhere around his ribcage. Choking for breath, he coughed and spluttered uncontrollably. Giratina jumped back, off from the man, as debris from the ceiling came crashing down. By a stroke of luck, none hit him, a large chunk of concrete missing by a mere inch. The tattered form of Lugia, which had once taken pride of place atop the float, landed in various scattered pieces across the road. Lying on a heap of wood, with the entire bottom half of the float broken into little more than sawdust, blood began to pool around the man. Cuts from splinter of both wood and glass ran deep and many. The whirling dark portal above the city cast vicious shadows into every alcove, broken only by those blazing red eyes. Xerneas needed to heal, soon, or he was going to die. The second his power fired up, though, Giratina would end him.

Thinking was hard, as thoughts were polluted by a headache pounding hard enough to shake the ground. Or maybe that was just his vision swimming. Looking up at the beast again, he rose his hand and fired another ball of light at him. A plan formed inside, but it was a long shot. Literally. It swirled past, not even making contact. Instead, it collided with a construct on the roof, the leg of one of four great metal containers. The gems of Mauville’s crown. It sheared the metal clean through, unbalancing the weight. Lurching, the small squeal of strained iron filtered out. He allowed himself to smile, slightly.

I have underestimated you, it would seem.” Xerneas said, stopping to cough midway. “Have mercy, beast. You have won.

T’was a pitiful sight, the one that was before Giratinas eyes, the foe that was So sure of himself, so clever and arrogant, and there he lay, in a pool of his own blood.
So close to death, and yet despite this the man turned to begging for his life, even though he tried to land another one of those pathetic balls of light - that didn’t even hit!
He was 18ft long, and he failed to hit that target? Truly pathetic, such a being was undeserving of life, it would be better to put this creature out of its misery.
”Pathetic, after all you have said and done, you resort to cowardice… I will savour ending your feeble existence.
Without a moment's delay Giratina lunged at the broken body of Tantalus.

Even now, he had learned nothing. By stopping to have the last word, Giratina sprung the trap perfectly, as metal snapped. Now no longer held in place, the large container toppled silently through the air, and caught his charging form. It flattened him to the floor, the impact sounding out accompanied by a shockwave of air blowing up a cloud of various debris. A hysterical laugh escaped his lips, unbidden. Xerneas used the energy from that impact to flip himself over the float, gritting his teeth against the pain, building up enough distance between the two Pokemon to counteract the vulnerability he felt. Stumbling, he collapsed again around 15 feet from his enemy. It would have to do. A shrill roar rose up, as Giratina’s alien eyes fell on him once more.

Rising to his feet, shimmering rainbow threads began bursting from every cut and scrape, a large cluster emanating through the skin from his broken rib and more from the twisted muscle in his leg. As the injuries simply turned to light, the agony dulled sharply. “Even when painfully simple, you still fail the challenge. Remember this well. I do not beg.” Wounds repaired, an altogether different light washed over him, fierce, and slowly building. It exploded forth, whipping up a wind strong enough to clear a square foot around him of all debris. Eyes glimmering, voice distorting, he chose every word with extreme care. “Despite only possessing half of the power you once did, every shred of it has been used in these last few moments. So allow me to match you in kind.” Two more orbs of light formed, more than double the size of before. Rather than being pure pink, their core flickered the colours of the rainbow, seemingly all at once. A pressure flowed out, causing an audible thrum in the air. Darkness was dispelled around the condensed light from the moon itself. “I have only recently won back my freedom. Giving that up is not a possibility. Therefore, I will brook no such threat to my existence, especially from an oversized worm without even the slightest hint of tactical grace and decorum. Know that I will not go down so easy a second time.

From the fusion with humans, each Pokemon had lost a substantial chunk of power. One could no longer grant the fabled immortality which he had been written in song and story for, luckily for Giratina. One found bringing all of his strength to bear was difficult, borderline impossible, luckily for Xerneas. The power radiating from the two was enough to cause the stone around to crack and split. Every corner of Mauville shook with the sound of the roof collapsing down into the city proper. People wondered what the source of the racket could possible be.

As the Lord of Shadows and the King of Fairies locked horns.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The medics had wasted no time once Rebeca had calmed down. Within seconds she was bundled into an ambulance bound for Mauville Central Pokecenter, the Rhyhorn being given his ambulance due to his size, and with a little coaxing they even managed to pry the Kabuto from her grasp. In fact, it seemed that all the fight had gone out of her completely. Still, they weren't going to take any chances. A mild sedative that they determined would probably have the least likely chance of causing complications, a liberal use of Sleep Powder from one medic's Bellossom, and she was out cold.

Examining both Pokemon revealed that they had been very, very lucky. It seemed that Tantalus needed some practice when shooting small targets, as he hadn't scored a direct hit, rather almost skimming across the rear edge of the Kabuto's shell. Mercifully, while shell's mineral layers had been burned through, its soft body appeared to be relatively undamaged. The Rhyhorn was slightly worse off, having taken a direct shot to the face. However, while there did appear to be some damage to the skull, its sheer durability had succeeded in protecting the brain. For both cases, there was a special glue that was used to repair damage to mineral based armours and hides, and the Pokecenter had plenty stocked up in anticipation for the tournament.

As for Rebeca herself, while the Pokecenter staff were certainly deeply concerned over her condition, there was also a certain amount of excitement in the air. There had been very few opportunities in the two years since the emergence of the Avatars to conduct an in-depth examination of one, and actually see the changes that the originally human frame had undergone to accommodate and generate their new abilities. Most were understandably reluctant to subject themselves to even non-intrusive procedures, or simply had other plans occupying their time. So the doctors could be forgiven for chomping at the bit a little for a chance to examine an available subject, particularly one who had already demonstrated an obviously inhuman resiliency. While the patient's well-being and respect for her autonomy was still paramount, there was a certain degree of leniency if the lead surgeon had one of his assistants keep a recorder going for later review.

And what they found amazed them. Her overall body weight and density was much greater than a human of relatively comparable age, and there was even evidence of mineralization in her flesh and nails, and crystallization in her bones that was normally present in Rock, Ground and Steel types. There was some serious organ damage and internal bleeding, but as the lead surgeon commented, "She practically tanked a bomb to the face. There shouldn't BE anything left to fix.”

Most astonishing out of all their findings was the fact that her body was already undergoing remodeling in response to the trauma, more so than could be explained by the emergency field aid she had received in the field. Thick scar tissue and semi-tender new flesh was forming at rate that, while not quite comparable to rapid regeneration, was certainly not seen in humans or even most known species of Pokemon.

Once the surgeons had determined that they had done all they could, and Rebeca was moved to a recovery room (right next to the ones that were occupied by her Pokemon, at the suggestion of the Avatar who had accompanied them in the ambulance), the surgeons had gathered in one of the break rooms to discuss what they had found. “You could do a doctoral thesis on her alone! I’m pretty sure I even saw rudimentary modifications for flame production organs. I couldn’t begin to guess where she’s getting the energy for all these changes. This girl’s a monster.”

Another nodded in agreement. “Did you see some of the scars she has? She looks like she could be the same age as my oldest. Just where has she been? I feel sorry for whoever tries to take her on in the tournament.”

Over two hours after the explosion that had nearly killed her, Rebeca awoke to a fuzzy brain and the taste of dry cotton in her mouth. She was sore everywhere, and she was lying on something soft, which was not the last thing she remembered at all. When she opened her eyes, she took in the small room that she had apparently been placed in, and spied Vuduin sitting in a chair beside her bed. She groaned, shifting as she pressed a hand to her head. “Ugh, where the fuck am I?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Vuduin was mildly surprised that she'd woken up so soon. The doctor had told him she'd probably be out for another hour or so but then again they were still fawning over their new subject and seemed to be surprised at every turn so it wasn't that unexpected. "You're at the Pokemon center after your incident. Your Pokemon are one room over, I don't think you're supposed to get up yet but I'm sure that won't stop you. I recommend you stay in bed and I can ask to have them brought over for you but if you insist on getting up I can give you a hand." Hopefully she wasn't still angry. Well in all honesty she probably was, but hopefully it was a controlled rather than mindless rage at this point. Vuduin's eyes flicked to the lights as they suddenly dimmed and went out briefly followed by a brief shuddering that ran through out the building. What was it now? More Avatars going at it? Or another alliance attack? Well it would be practically impossible to find the source of the conflict and Pokemon centers were built very stably so there was no danger there. Someone else would deal with it one way or another, Vuduin's main concern was making sure Rebeca didn't kill anyone. Yet at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In truth, Rebeca was only half-listening to Vuduin's words. Even before he had finished speaking, she had ripped the IV needle out of her arm and swung her feet over the edge of the bed. "Mikhail! Maya!" She tried to stand and almost immediately swayed on her feet, pressing a hand to her head as a wave of dizziness washed over her. Gritting her teeth, she stumbled through the door, each step growing more steady and sure. Mihkail! Are you okay?

Oh good, you're awake.

She froze, then turned. There, in the room right next to hers, was Mihkail, sitting beside a bed with a large brown patch glued to the front of his head. On the bed beside him was Maya, a similar patch plastered over her shell. Opening his eyes, the Rhyhorn turned his head slightly and peered at her through the glass pane that separated them. So, what new level of stupidity did you accomplish this time?

Rebeca stared through the glass, then a look sheer, unadulterated joy radiated from her face as she rushed through the door. Her fingers gingerly caressed Maya's shell, almost afraid to touch her. Is she...


She dropped to her knees, wrapping her arms around her brother's head and pressing her face into his hide. I'm so glad you're both alright! I was so worried!

Mihkail simply pressed his nose into his sister's stomach and thrummed. As was I.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Vuduin let out a half-sigh as Rebeca ignored him, removing things that were probably quite important and stumbling out of the room. He debated alarming the doctors but Rebeca seemed already capable of walking so additional treatment would probably only bother her and wasn't needed. So instead he stepped through the wall into the room her two Pokemon were in and watched the relief rush through her. The sudden display of caring from the stalwart women felt somehow embarrassing to watch. He patted Shade gently, the ball of gas was just solid enough for the gesture to mean something, and he leaned back in the corner feeling somewhat useless. He'd been feeling that way a lot lately. Rebeca would probably get back to storming anger as soon as remembered who had made her pokemon like that in the first place. Perhaps it would be better to let someone else deal with that. Ah well, he was already here, it wasn't like he had anything better to do, the festival probably wasn't very festive right now anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 14 days ago

As Kaze sat beside Lucas in the Pokemon Center, suddenly there came a large boom off in the distance. After a couple more moments, another sounded, this one from the direction of where the parade had been. He weighed his options, looking down at Lucas and wondering if he should stay. He still hadn't been able to properly thank the man, as he remained unconscious. It would have to wait, he decided.

"I'll be right back," Kaze said before turning and running out the door.

He ran past a room where he saw Rebeca cradling her Pokemon, and was barely able to note the joy she seemed to be experiencing before he had completely passed. Did she not hear the explosions? Kaze wondered. He ran with everything he had, seeming to have forgotten that he had needed a wheelchair only a short while earlier. He hoped the terrorists hadn't returned. He wasn't sure he could handle them again.

"Chiiime," Jingle worriedly voiced from behind him.

"I know, Jingle, you don't think I should be doing this so soon. But what else should I do? Someone needs to stop whatever's happening," Kaze explained.

With the help of his Tailwind, Kaze arrived at the site of the commotion. There before him stood . . . Tantalus? Something had changed about the man, aside from the bruises and other damages he had sustained from the battle he was in, but he wasn't sure what it was. But that wasn't the important part. That point went to the thing he was fighting: a monster beyond Kaze's comprehension; a massive beast that seemed to be some combination of an insect, a dragon, and a ghost. Whatever it was, it looked like it was out for blood, and scared Kaze senseless. Not knowing what else to do, Kaze staggered backward, looking for a place to hide.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The sound of footsteps clonked it’s way towards the town's unusually dead street. The street looked seemingly lifeless, what was going on?? Something didn’t feel right… As she swung herself around to adjust her eyes to the dead surroundings her dress fluttered amongst the manmade breeze, it was obvious to the female that she could possibly be in a volatile place at the moment. “Well then, I guess there is definitely something exciting happening here” she groaned to herself in her sarcastic tone of voice. “I wonder what it is…” It was clear that the lass was being curious, surely a place couldn’t be empty at all, could it?? Nonetheless she decided to continue on and try to find at least someplace where she can rest, but alas: there was none. Which was frustrating, where the hell can a girl rest these days? Thought the girl.

“I know where to go” she said to herself, she could probably rest AND find some information as to what the hell was exactly going on, there must be someone since the residents would naturally know everything as to local news, local contests, even if a flock of staravia decided to visit for a day. Even though that would probably never happen in centuries.

Finally making her way (after getting constantly lost) to the pokemon centre, she opened up the centre to find it unusually busy. “Woah…” she bit her lower lip, she judged from what she saw that something serious must have happened “Yup, too busy” she said to herself and just exited the pokemon centre quickly, seems like she may be stuck here for a few hours, but she has no other place to go. So she decided to go back into the pokemon centre and just wait for anything new. Or until she was in the way. One way or the other, staying in the place seemed like a safer option to the girl clad in an unusual red dress.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Tyson strode down the empty street, brooding eyes hidden behind a pair of sleek sunglasses. Things were not going according to plan at all. First his agent's friend had held him up at Violet City, making him late to the festival. Tyson sighed as he glanced down at Marina, the Wooper his agent roped him into training. The slimy, beady-eyed creature would need much training... and maybe some good luck with puberty... if she wanted to become a beauty queen. But, it could never be said that Tyson Dahl backed down from a challenge.

The young Wooper's oversized head swiveled about as she searched for any sign of a celebration.
"Are there any places that sell clothes for Pokemon?" Marina telepathically chattered, waddling along beside Tyson. "Brenda said there's people who make clothes just for Pokemon and take pictures of them, and their trainers can be in the picture too, but you're not really my trainer so I don't know if they'll let you. Do they have red dresses with glitter? Can Pokemon that don't have arms wear dresses?"

"I don't know," the man responded, unable to completely obscure the irritation in his tone. "If I see any Pokemon clothes booths, I'll ask them. But there aren't any open now 'cause of the attack."

"Oh..." Marina uttered. Her whimsical grin morphed into a pout. Why did those dumb terrorists have to attack at a time that was supposed to be so happy?

Tyson shared her feelings on the subject. With everyone cowering inside, eyes glued on the news, he wouldn't be able to make the grand entrance he imagined. The duo brooded in silence for another minute. Then, the blonde slowly smiled as a thought occurred to him.

Maybe this was actually great timing. These frightened people would need something to cheer them up. And what better to do that than a celebrity appearance?

Several minutes later, Tyson arrived near the door of the Pokemon Center, a place he figured would be full of distressed people in need of a reminder that beauty still exists in this dark world. Rather than go inside, he took a post directly in front of the lobby window, looking nonchalant in his sunglasses and denim jacket. A cool breeze picked up as the man focused on his abilities.

Suddenly, a boom of thunder rumbled outside the Pokemon Center. In the lobby, a young woman jumped and instinctively looked out the window, only to meet the deep blue eyes of a model who was beginning to be drenched by his own private rain cloud.

"Is that... omigosh, IT IS!" the girl squealed. She gleefully turned to announce her news to the rest of the lobby. "Tyson Dahl's right outside!"

Nearly a dozen people rushed outside to meet possibly the most famous avatar. Several more crammed near the window to take a peek. As the ladies swarmed around him, Tyson flashed a charming smile and whipped off his jacket. A tight white shirt clung to his soaked form, outlining a set of beefy pecs and abs. His strong arms were accented by an intricate design of red lines which glimmered slightly wherever a raindrop fell on them.

After striking a few poses, Tyson put on a fierce look as he reached for his pocket. With a flash of light and a thunderous roar, a Pokemon leaped out from its pokeball. Electricity crackled around the Manectric as he struck a fighting pose near his trainer. A new set of squeals erupted at the sight of the Pokemon Contest champion-- some from the women gathered around and some from their Pokemon. The man and his dog shared a proud smile before resuming their act.

Marina the Wooper shrunk back, initially terrified by the bombardment of fans. After a minute, she realized that now was her chance to shine. She boldly stood near Tyson, wagged her tail in her most alluring way possible, and batted her beady eyes at the towering humans above. But nobody gave her any attention, other than a few passing glances and mentions of the word "cute". Cute?? That's not the look she was going for!

Frustrated, the young Wooper stomped her way through her ignoring public. Her eyes stung for a second, but she shrugged off the feeling with an angry scowl. Clearly, she would have to find a more tasteful crowd who appreciated her refined style. Marina noticed a teen looking at her Pokegear as she approached the Pokemon Center. Evading everyone's notice, she slipped in behind the teen.

Marina stood by the door, scoping out her new venue. Within a seconds, she spotted something that completely turned her mood around. A young woman with a beautiful flowing red dress gazed at a television nearby. The Wooper immediately sneaked toward the dress, using her small size and slick slime to squeeze behind the crowd unnoticed. Marina came to rest behind the woman and gazed in awe at the dress. It was even more magnificent up close. The Wooper found herself wondering how much more magnificent it would feel to wear it.

Very carefully, Marina tried to use her foot to drape one corner of the dress over her body. The material was very smooth, though, and it kept sliding off. The Wooper inwardly cursed her lack of arms for the millionth time. Finally, Marina managed to get the dress to stay... but only because it got stuck on one of the prongs on her head. Panicked, she tried in vain to pull it off. She froze in shock as the motion tugged on the dress in a way the woman would certainly notice. With no good way out of her situation, Marina looked up at her and flashed her best attempt at a charming smile.

Another boom shook the Pokemon Center. Marina ignored it, figuring it was just another one of Tyson's antics. The avatar, however, knew it came from somewhere else. Tyson took stock of his surroundings and just now realized Marina was gone. Some of the handsome tan drained from his face.

"Marina!" he yelled, eyes darting up and down the street. "Where are you? Come back here right now!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The blonde sighed softly, being here was so boring; nothing exciting was happening and she didn’t know how to comprehend the fact that the whole city was well… dead. At least it was dead until she heard the sound of thunder clashing outside. Which was strange in her opinion, wasn’t it meant to be sunny today? Alas, it was quickly followed by a squeal, the squeal sounded like the name Tyson?? “Must be that avatar celebrity” The red dressed girl said to herself, of course she has heard of Tyson, he was just like her: An avatar. Except that he was more famous than all the other avatars so seeing him was bound to happen sooner or later. In all honesty, she wasn’t that all impressed by the guy either so she decided to stay inside and mind her own business while she continued to look at the television for anything else that deemed more important.

In all honesty, Alexis; the red dressed girl, hasn’t actually met any other avatars. Not as far as she knows she hasn’t anyway. But that might be just the thing that will change today: if Tyson ever found out she was one. And even if Tyson found out, would he really care? He has a ton of girls outside, and that is what usually matters to celebs (in the girl’s opinion again)

While still looking at the television, she didn’t notice that her dress was getting messed around with from behind, letting it’s silks and other mother material just flop around. Only realising what happened when her dress was tugged: hard. Alexis turned around and saw a really adorable wooper: flashing the most child-like eyes that she possibly seen. “This dress isn’t a toy…” she said and sighed, realising that she may upset the wooper if the wooper didn’t understand sarcasm. So she kneeled down and patted the Wooper until she felt the need to stop “My name is Alexis, are you lost little one?? Cause this place is totally big, totally” she said sarcastically, as far as Alexis knows. This pokemon centre’s entrance is pretty small.

Then another boom could be heard and Alexis looked around quickly before sighing. “Time to pick up the untouchable” she joked, she knew that the pokemon was touchable and picked wooper up just so the wooper had less chance to get squished.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sickle-cell
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Sickle-cell Derailer of Plots

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The fight wasn’t as clear-cut as the initial showboating from Giratina let on. While the beast was certainly far stronger in terms of physical strength, and with an uncannily bolstered endurance, Xerneas did have his own advantages. Faster and more agile, he was able to simply dodge blows which carried the raw power to pulverize. In terms of non-physical strength, Xerneas again possessed the upper hand, but this was a somewhat moot point given Giratina’s hide was simply deflecting any attack thrown at it. As it was, no side was able to gain a clear majority over the other for more than a fleeting second, meaning only one thing. In order to sway the battle, the Embodiment of Life would need to fully utilise his trump card.


Spiked tentacles whipped past his head, as Xerneas deftly pirouetted under the oncoming assault, charging straight towards the foe. It was becoming harder to see with each passing moment, since the Distortion continued to engulf the area, nipping away at any light before swallowing it whole. A murky purple haze took precedence, air so thick it could almost physically choke you. Despite all that, Giratina’s entirely inhuman eyes continued to burn with a deathly fire. Pure red, like a bulls-eye. A shimmering orb of energy hit the ground just off to the left, and another burst of searing poisonous smoke engulfed the healer. The still-strong light from geomancy faded, distorted from the thick cloud, as he remained within a touch too long. Just enough to sow doubt as to whether he would ever emerge once more.

With a single flare of varicoloured light, Xerneas screeched forward-bound at Giratina. Slamming down hard on his foot, the Avatar came to a skidding stop directly in front of the monstrous form of the Lord of Shadows cracking and splintering the concrete with a mix of pressure and friction. A spiked tentacle rose up, preparing to lash down hard, as his hand struck the lower abdomen of the beast. As his power blossomed into life, Xerneas opened his eyes, and time itself seemed to become inert. Pain buffeted every single nerve cell within, as he ‘overclocked’ them, giving more of an opportunity to analyse the situation with his brain working beyond optimal capacity. Now, the vision of his adversary was utterly clear, a view of each individual component of its hulking mass, down to the very makeup of cells.

The biological form of Giratina was impossibly complex and downright alien. A sort of highly reinforced composite material made up the dazzling golden sections at the tips of his legs and head. It was polymer-based, and resembled bone in more ways than not despite the glint and raw density. Next up, the spiked tentacles appeared to be crafted from an organic, writhing leather. A solid core made up the interior, more of that composite bone, and it was that too which formed the spike. It’s colour was relevant, it would seem, as the red material was even more reinforced than the golden counterpart. The structure meant that it was both durable and flexible - a truly fearsome combination. Most surprising of all, however, was the natural armour covering. It had looked, at first glance, to be some kind of chitin-esque material. That wasn’t true. It simply was chitin. Under it all, Giratina was one big Crabby.

Xerneas smiled. Observing the carapace, it was a composition of chitin and calcium carbonate, identical to that which you would find in the shells of many arthropodic Pokemon. Chitin alone is quite tough, but too pliable to be efficient as armour. On the other hand, calcium carbonate is tough but exceptionally brittle, meaning any real force simply cracked the shell. Only together do they form an impressive barrier capable of staving off a horde of superpowered Moonblasts with such ease. The next course of action was clear. Xerneas removed the raw chitin from a small, circular patch of Giratina’s armour, directly around his placed hand.

Time, all at once, began to surge forth as the Avatar wound down the internal power overclocking his mental capabilities. Vibrant ribbons of light speared out from the chitin in all directions for but a few seconds. The spiked tentacle from earlier resumed its assault, driving straight towards Xerneas’s head. Dropping his right hand off from Giratina's abdomen, he blocked the blow. A crack sounded out as it collided with force into his now upraised arm, snapping straight through the radius bone. His left hand, however, gathered another Moonblast. Augmented with Fairy Aura, Geomancy and some of his own drained life from the Orb, Xerneas drove the radiant sphere directly onto the now-weakened patch of pure calcium carbonate. The pressure emanating from the attack shattered in the armour before the blow even connected. With the sickening sound of ripping organic matter, his glowing hand burrowed up inside the belly of the beast.

Only then did he loose the attack proper.

With an entry wound and nowhere to go, the Moonblast scoured inside Giratina, crashing hard against the chitin at the back of his abdomen. Dark red ichor spurted out from the neat circular phlebotomy, covering Xerneas’s entire left arm and splashing across his face and hair. A gentle heat washed out from the beast’s blood, and it seemed to glow faintly pink from the residual energy. The area was filled with the howling noise unleashed by Giratina in response. One part dire pain, another part shock horror and a solid helping of raw unbroken rage.

Xerneas stumbled back in the midst of a gleeful fit. Not only had he injured the beast at last, but in doing so, drawn blood. It was a statement, a motivational blow as much as a physical one. His left arm hung, limply, by his side. Willing some power into it, a glare of coloured ribbons sparked out into the sky above. Using it then to slick his hair back into place, using the blood in place of his silver circlet lost during the fall from Mauville’s roof, he walked towards the monster, slowly and deliberately.

Do you know what the humans say, oh brother mine?” Looking Giratina in the eye, his voice was a contained roar, dignified and fierce. “A proverb almost hand-crafted for such an occasion.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall!

The sheer pain that Giratina was feeling, it almost blinded him - it felt as if a searing blast of heat had pierced all the way through his body; at the same time his own body felt oddly alien to him ,as if that devious cretin had done something to it.
Giratina moved his massive frame backwards a few meters, destroying numerous pieces of the hallway in doing so - as well as crushing a few more floats.

Instinctively he used his tentacles, that were the closest things to arms he had, to cover the gaping wound in his movement he left a large trail of blackened blood and more continued to spew out of the wound - it wouldn’t heal very fast in this world, not before he lost a lot of strength or that bastard could amount another offensive; and Giratina would be damned if he would run from this foe.

He turned his blazing eyes back towards Xerneas - he would not anticipate this - with a surprising level of deftness and agility from such a large and wounded creature, Giratina flung his colossal frame at his target, the face of Xerneas gave a small twitch of surprise that looked like a grimace - the man's entire head and upper body was covered in a thick red blood, the very blood that had come from the wound he created
The graceful and handsome man was no more, he looked as if he had been fighting in a war, his clothes tattered, bruises, cuts and countless scratches littered his clothing and skin, as well as numerous scars from previous injuries that he healed in the fight.
Giratina would ensure that he would not be able to heal the next wound that would be inflicted.

As he reached Tantalus, his tentacles grabbed around him, twisting and covering his body, locking him in a small prison - he would not contain him for long, lest he perform a similar attack from last time, that seemed to render his natural defences useless.
Picking up the small adversary as if he were nothing more than a piece of waste, Giratina flung his massive frame around and threw with all the collective might he could muster towards to sky- bursting through another piece of roof, after piercing the ceiling, Xerneas headed for his destination like a bird without wings.
The large black portal that blotted out the sun opened up its maw to accept its arrival - all that could be glimpsed from the man's eyes was the reflection of the hulking creature fast on his tail - together they would enter the Distortion world, where the fight would be on Giratina's terms.

When Giratina pierced through the black veil into his world he soon spotted his adversary on a small island not far from him, Giratina moved his forme close enough to Xerneas so he could witness something.
Below, where the wound was, his flesh was knitting back together, the blood had stopped flowing and small layer of skin kept his innards in place as he naturally - or rather naturally healed his body back to what it should be, he would still be weak there - but it no longer posed an immediate threat to him.
“Welcome to my world, Xerneas - after that last attack of yours, I thought I should show you some hospitality - to treat you with respect as it were… now I shall show you my true power.”

Giratina began collecting collecting massive energy, an Ancient power began to swell up inside him, his massive forme appeared to bulk out, his already tough hide looked harder than Aggrons plate, his mandibles and claws appeared to gleam with energy and had the sharpness that cut through the very air - a keenness was found in his burning eyes - it appeared as if every element of what made him strong, was inexplicably raised to a new level.
“Behold! The power of an Ancient god!”

He opened up his chitinous maw and began to collect dark energy - but something was off- it didn’t have the same look or feel as the last time Dark pulse was used - it was the same move, without a doubt, and yet something was inherently different about it this time round.
Xerneas defiantly put up his Light screen, mirroring the defense from the previous attack. This time, though, the power was far stronger. That realisation happened a hair too late.

Giratina unleashed a powerful blast of dark energy that rippled space itself, a pure beam of dark energy pierced through the space between Giratina and Xerneas, with a force so strong that it pushed Giratina back as he used it.
The light barrier bent the dark energy around it, as if a paladin was burning the darkness away from himself; a star that was keeping the dark and cold space away from its forme.
But all stars die, the dwindle and sputter out and darkness reigns supreme in the end - when everything ends, when time itself stops flowing, all that will remain, is the darkness - it endures, it exists, if there was anything that existed first, it was the never ending darkness.

The barrier couldn’t maintain against a powerful torrent of energy that assaulted it, the very ground that Xerneas stood upon was splintering and cracking under the massive force and power, and as expected the beam shattered the power in a massive explosion of fluorescent light - a sound that could shatter the eardrums emanated from the resulting blast and the small body of Xerneas was engulfed in colossal energy.
It’s effect was dampened due to the barrier, but the sheer power was enough to blast his body down deeper into the Distortion world and eventually cracking on another island.

Giratina swiftly made his way down towards his prey, like a wolf stalking its prey in the dead of night, he could smell blood, and the weakness of its form, the frailty of the body.
The sight… was not what he wanted, the barrier, and the effects of Geomancy had negated a lot of the damage - it had stunted his foe, definitely but nothing the pompous bastard couldn't laugh off.

Naturally, that is exactly what he did.

“You arrogant fool.” Xerneas called out, wheezing slightly. “Even here in your seat of power, this is all you can muster?”

Quickly he encapsulated his foe once again, and held his trapped foe close to his face, his hot breath blistering Xerneas’ face.

Giratina pulled.

And with a sick crack the top half of Tantalus’ body found its way flying through the space of the Distortion world, in an almost serene manner, leaving behind a trail of bright red blood as the body soundlessly drifted through the Distortion world and plummeted towards the hole that he was flung from not moments ago - shortly after, his other half followed through with him.

His body had been separated from the waist.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thebastardbrasta


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Wells observed a familiar looking man walk past. Someone obviously dressed to impress, and if he was familiar to Wells, he would be famous to everyone else. In the chaos following the attack, a grand entrance or a staged battle would be quite insensitive and controversial - two things that he had learned to avoid. It seemed as if his desire for attention wouldn't be sated for a while. He kept his eyes on his presumed competitor, as he made a small raincloud just outside a Pokemon center. It made his skilled bodybuilding quite apparent. Like Johnny Bravo, he hoped to dazzle those who are easily distracted with empty muscle. After realizing the scope of his opportunity, Wells quickly walked next to him. After a few seconds of expressing confusion, he snickered for a moment, before shouting.

"Johnny Bravo!"

He smiled at the crowd, as he braced himself for a violent response from Tyson, his name judging by the audience.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
Avatar of Zanavy

Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Wells' comment cut through the air almost as clearly as Tyson's thunder. Some of the model's fans gasped, a couple gave Wells dirty looks, and most glanced uneasily between the two men, wondering how Tyson would respond. The blonde paused and stared at Wells for a few tense seconds. Then he burst into laughter.

"An understandable mistake, my friend," Tyson replied cheerfully, apparently unfazed by or unaware of the intended insult. "But no, I'm Tyson Dahl, av-AH!"

The blonde jumped and looked down at his leg, where the Manectric had given him a slight jolt of electricity. Then the canine Pokemon twitched his nose and pointed toward the Pokemon Center. Tyson's blank stare turned into a frown as he remembered his current predicament.

"Sorry," Tyson continued, "this isn't the time for former introductions. See ya around."

With that, the model hurried toward the Pokemon Center's front door, led by his Manectric.


Marina kept up a faint smile as Alexis talked to her. The Wooper felt a little peeved upon receiving the 'cute little baby' treatment again... but at least the woman wasn't yelling at her.

Marina's attitude changed in an instant, though, when the blonde called her 'untouchable'. She defiantly slipped out of Alexis' grasp, not even caring about the short fall or the possibility of being trampled. Fortunately, most people in the Pokemon Center lobby remained calm. The loud sound seemed too distant to cause immediate panic. Marina stuck her tongue out at Alexis, turned up her nonexistent nose in a very diva-like fashion, and slowly padded away.

Seconds later, a lone fangirl squeal erupted from somewhere in the crowd as Tyson walked in. His blue eyes scanned the area and came to rest on the young Wooper. Marina looked away and tried to act like she didn't see him.

"Marina!" Tyson privately scolded her as he approached. "I told you not to wander off. You could've gotten hurt."

"Like you care," the Wooper replied acidly. "All you care about is flexing your muscles."

Tyson was in the process of coming up with a good comeback when he noticed the pretty girl standing near Marina. He picked up the Wooper, patted her fondly on the head (to her chagrin), and gave Alexis a charming look.

"Hey, babe. Thanks for keeping an eye on Marina for me."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
Avatar of Salrynn

Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Alexis struggled to keep the little bugger in her grasp “Oh my days stop, please!” She demanded, growling slowly and grunting. Watching the little wooper fall seemed devastating to the blonde but she kept her cool “Not good enough, I see how it is” She flicked her hair backwards, as if she was imitating the wooper’s diva-like behaviour “hmph!” Maybe if she acted like that, she would get the wooper’s attention. “Oh my! Oh me, oh me! Alas! It is the end of the world!” she continued to be falsly seeking attention until she saw a male enter the pokemon centre, and not just any male. It was Tyson. “Oh geez” she facepalmed herself, she has really done it this time if he noticed her being dramatic the way she was. Luckily it just seemed that he was interested in the wooper. Which was a relief.

The dude was flirting however, this was not on her watch and she didn’t even use Charm, something must be wrong here. Coughing lightly she grinned “Now, you talkin bout your muscles or me?” she asked sarcastically. “But I guess it’s no problem, she does seem a bit tempermental” her shoulders shrugged as she turned around and had a seat with no other intention of speaking to the male.

“You just got owned, boy” Alexis said in her head. “Shows him who to call babe”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sitting back on her heels, Rebeca wiped her eyes. Her fingers lingered over the bandage over Mihkail’s face. You know, I always knew you were hard-headed. You didn’t need to prove it to me. Are you alright?

A low rumble came from Mikhail’s throat as he continued to nuzzle his sister. Your jokes still need work. And from what I can tell, I’ll be fine, though I might not be earning myself a mate any time soon.

Rebeca grinned. Well, chicks dig scars, or so I’ve heard anyway.

From where? You live in the mountains.

She chuckled, then sighed, her expression falling. “I haven’t forgotten you.” Standing, she turned around to face Vuduin. “And I need to thank you.” She bit the inside of her cheek, her fingers rubbing at the back of her neck. “I remember what went on… before, whenever that was. I don’t usually get that crazy but… these two are the only family I have. And if you hadn’t gotten in my face back there…” She glanced Maya, still sleeping peacefully. “… then this might be going differently. And that’s something I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself for. So…” she abruptly darted forward, trapping the other Avatar in a tight, though not painfully so, embrace. “Thank you. I owe you for this, so if I can ever pay it back, then just name it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Vuduin shrugged, somewhat embarrassed himself by the women's obvious discomfort in thanking him. "It wasn't-" his statement was interupted by Rebecca suddenly hugging him. Vuduin's first reaction was to flinch backward and he half faded out of her constricting hug before controlling himself. His face turned red and he awkwardly hugged her back for a few moments. It felt surprisingly nice, even though he felt something about this whole thing was incredibly embarrassing, he wasn't sure what. How long had it been since he had hugged someone? Vuduin took a deep breath and slowly got his blushing under control, "Ahem, call that thanks enough. If that's all then I suppose I should leave." Clearly he wasn't needed anymore since Rebecca didn't seem to be in any danger of exploding anymore and had found her Pokemon so everything was under control. Job done. Time to make his way out of the Pokemon center and . . . Do something. His schedule was still in his hotel room and he was unsure of the festivities planned events after this incident. Perhaps some emergency services needed help clearing rubble or rescuing people, he would find something to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sickle-cell
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Sickle-cell Derailer of Plots

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The descent felt like an eternity.

A veritable storm of thoughts spun round inside Xerneas’s head, each one different from the last but all sharing one common aspect. They failed to take note of what had actually transpired over the last few moments. Various different attack strategies, or improvements to be made later, or very trivial things but never once did the fact his upper and lower half now fell in parallel to one another cross his mind. Blood streaked through the sky from both segments. Finally, his torso made contact with the ground, a sickening wet slosh sounding out from the pile of cloth and splintered wood which had caught him.

Time went by and Xerneas simply lay, facing the sky. Foggy thoughts slowly began to creep out amidst wisps of soft pain approaching from a far-off place. Or so it seemed. It grew closer and closer, finally reaching the Pokemon. Realisation began to dawn as something clicked into place. That pile of manged flesh over there belonged to him. Then came the question.


How had Giratina managed to pull of a stunt like that? Against him?

The anger began to fade. At this stage, that didn’t truly matter. A simple, dull throb pulsed out from where a pair of legs once rested. It was paltry, nothing more than a niggle, but the reasons for that weren’t comforting. A good deal of nerves had been damaged to the point of nonfunction, and for the time being at least, his body was in a state of shock. When that wore off, he was in real trouble. Of course, the blood spurting out from the gaping wound would kill him long before the pain became an issue.

It seemed such an odd time to note, but Xerneas was becoming aware of an incredible fatigue. So much power had been used up since this morning and he’d never really taken a break. The small meal in the cafe had been instantly burned with the round of aggressive alterations. Closing his eyes, a soft breeze washed over.


Hazy eyes snapping back open, things became clear. This exhaustion, this defeat, it wasn’t him talking. Not truly. The shock was working on more than simply pain. Every thought felt like it were wrapped up in cotton wool, fuzzy, soft and unclear. Xerneas was dying. That was a fact and if he was unable to remedy it by the time the shock wore off, he would be dead. Past tense. That was another fact. Which put the clock at roughly 4 minutes. Now was not the time to be wallowing in self-pity.

A plan was needed. And fast.

Knitting the wound closed with his natural power was possible, but it would take every ounce of energy left inside. Sure, it’d save him, at least for the time being, however Giratina would go unpunished for this act of sacrilege. Whatever he was going to do had to deal with both problems, or none at all. Being unable to put the healing bill on his tab, as usual, was going to make things much more difficult.

For a moment, countless possibilities swam through his mind like fish, each one as utterly useless as the last. There was simply no way to do this. Hilariously, both parts of his body still pusled with the soft glow from Geomancy. Willing his legs to move on their own, regrettably, did nothing. So, he was back to square one. Growling under his breath, with all the strength in his lungs, Xerneas began to lay out the actual obstacles in an itemised list.

The first issue was his arteries. Various vital ones had been severed clean through. This was going to result in him bleeding to death, sooner rather than later. Next up, we had the hole itself. The more blood running out of that, the more likely a vital organ was going to up sticks and leave at any given moment.

And they weren’t going to fetch his legs.

Last and most certainly least, was Giratina himself, whose hulking form was once more beginning to poke through the portal into the Distortion World. Stopping himself from dying wasn’t enough. Giratina needed to be made an example of. Xerneas found a familiar fire in his gut - or rather, where his gut could once be found - and that determination to succeed was going to ensure his victory. But how?

His familiar smirk returned - albeit blood-stained - even in the face of this adversity.

A burst of coloured ribbons tore out from his wound, stitching together severed arteries and veins as closely as he could. It would never be perfect, of course, but it would stop him from continuing to pulse blood out, and cost but a sliver of remaining energy. What came next was inspired.

He reached down, into the cavity and focused an entirely different power into it. Once more came colourful light. Soft pain rippled through his lower chest as the blood around it began to freeze. More and more power poured into the gap as the ice crystals expanded. Creating the cold beam was easy compared to manually repairing the skin. Finally, the entire wound was encased with a layer of medium-thickness ice. That would keep him alive. Rehabilitation and full recovery could come later.

Xerneas had a job to do.

With a cackling, uncontrollably-hysterical laugh, he repositioned himself bolt-upright. Trying to speak, words couldn’t bear through the twisted laughter acting as a focal point for all his efforts. It was soothing, a reminder that he wasn’t dead yet.

Xerneas gathered every scrap of his remaining energy, funnelling it into a last-ditch attack. This would either work perfectly, or fail miserably, but he was confident. Raising both hands skyward, each one shrouded in a varicoloured energy, a single lance erupted from both hands, bathing the street in vibrant colour. The individual strands twirled into a double-helix style beam as it ascended through the sky and crashed into the underbelly of the beast.

The assault was relentless and ongoing, accompanied by a soundtrack of utterly hellish laughter. Ice-cold energy focused directly onto a single spot of Giratina’s frame, the lance of brilliant colour providing little force, yet a lot of power. The aim of the attack was simple. Nothing Xerneas had could pierce his hide, and certainly not at this range. However, his foe currently floated high above the ground. No direct attack would work.

But the beast was cold-blooded.

His own stabilisation was a test. If the beam would freeze the blood of a human, enough focus would allow the same to be true of Giratina’s, despite the carapace separating the two. He would find himself suddenly weighted down by a tremendous extra load, and tumble from the sky, slamming into the ground in a storm of shattering body parts, made brittle by the ice. His face contorted in mad glee as he launched this attack borne not of body, but of mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 14 days ago

Kaze had watched part of the destructive battle only moments before they disappeared into a portal. A few moments later, Tantalus came falling out of the portal, only, not in one piece. With a loud shout that likely neither of the two combatants heard, he began to rush over to Tantalus, only to be interrupted when Tantalus began coating his wounds with ice to stop the bleeding. The blood-swirled frost certainly could not have been comfortable. Stopping in his tracks, Kaze could only gaze at the maniacal thing before him.

Tantalus . . . was no longer Tantalus. He had been changed into some crazed creature. Rather than perhaps healing, he was set on destruction. Then, Kaze's mind returned to the previous night. Xerneas. That was the only answer to this insanity. As the thing let loose an Aurora Beam that arced through the sky toward the massive monstrosity, Kaze felt the urge to stop the attack. He knew not why, but he figured Suicune was behind the impulse. Giving a ring of his Soothe Bell, he calmed his trembling nerves before doing what he felt he had to do.

Channeling what energy he could, Kaze fired a Bubble Beam into the rainbow light. The result was a crystalline light show. While some of the attack still made it through to the monster hanging through the portal, it was spared the brunt of the attack. Hoping to have distracted the two long enough for them to perhaps listen, Kaze called to the not-Tantalus. "Xerneas!" he cried. "What have you done to Tantalus?"

Inside, Kaze couldn't believe what he was doing. If he couldn't calm these two titans, he'd be dead. Yet somehow, the 13-year-old stood firm, determined to fix the wrongs of the situation in any way he could.
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