Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

The small dark dorm room was filled with the soft hum of music as the brunette sat on her bed with her laptop sitting on her lap, staring at the blank Word document trying to figure out what to write. This stupid assignment was due within the week, and truth be told she hadn’t even been paying that much attention in the first place. With a groan Crystal moved her computer and laid back on her bed letting her fingers run through her hair as she closed her eyes. She really wasn't even interested in this stupid paper. She was just hoping to kill the next two hours until it was late enough that she didn't have to worry about anyone walking through the woods finding her...like last time she got the nerve up to actually try this.

It seemed like it had only been five minutes with her eyes closed before the dorm door opened, the loud music blaring over her dull hum and the light from the hallway shone in her eyes waking her up. With a loud groan she covered her eyes picking up one of her text books and throwing it at her roommate as she came into the room, getting drunken laughter and the sound of her falling over in response. "Dumbass." Crystal muttered to herself as she rolled over to on her other side, glancing at the clock before closing her eyes again. Already wasted by one, amateur.

"Oh fuck!" Crystal get up and started to get changed, she hadn't even realized that she had fallen asleep in the first place, nor that she had been out for the last three hours. Grabbing a tote bag, she stuffed a few of her notebooks full of notes and drawings, candles, salt, a spade, and a dagger inside before heading towards the door. Her roommate looked up at Crystal as she attempted move around her still sitting on the floor, mumbling at her drunkenly about how Crystal was great and that she loved her.

Crystal rolled her eyes a little bit sitting her bag down on the ground before helping her off the floor with a sigh. "I love you too Kim." She answered before sitting Kimberly in her bed. "Though you really need to hold your liquor better, you're such a light weight. Sleep it off." She added before grabbing her bag and leaving the dorm, locking Kim in so that she didn't have to worry about her wondering off or something happening to her.

It had taken her about an hour to get as far into the woods as she wanted, picking up sticks as she walked for the circle. Crystal looked around her happy with herself actually, the full moon shining down on the clearly she was standing in, giving off just enough light to make it possible to see her surroundings. A soft hum left her parted lips as she lit a candle and looked over the drawing and notes in her notebook, before setting of to making her circle, pouring the salt in her bag around where she would sit to protect herself. Using her spade she dug two holes in the ground placing a candle in each and making small circles with the sticks before lighting them. Before making the larger circle round herself the inside of the circle filled with candles lighting the inter part of the circle. Giving one more glance at her notebook she sat it out of the circle and returned to her ring of salt.

Crystal took a deep breath once more before taking the dagger out and slicing across the palm of her hand wincing in pain, her eyes still closed as she let a few drops of her blood drip into the hot wax of both the candles beside her. As soon as she felt the magic surround the circle she used some of her engery to heal the cut enough to stop the blooding. She looked around herself once more as she sat crossed legged in her salt ring and started chanting her summoning spell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So far today had been damn good. Al had gotten an early start on the day and use his charms to start several small arguments between a family and a couple in Starbucks as he waited for his triple espresso and muffin. He watched as the couple had angrily left the place, then five minutes later the family had left with the husband calling the wife a dumb bitch and the two children in tears. Mental manipulation was such fun. Just a few words in their ears and a nudge at the appropriate thought and everyone was having a bad day except for him. He smile as he sat down to enjoy his repast and thought about jut what he wanted to do today. He had only been topside for about a week so far and while he had caused some minor mischief, it was time to get down to business. He looked in the mirror and smiled. He had truly picked a nice meat suit to start with. He had been traveling in this little wimp of a man that worked at the local hospital when he saw him lying in a bed. He had checked the chart and saw that he was single, no living relatives and in a vegetative state scheduled to have the plug pulled in the morning. He had waited until the room was empty before leaving the wimp and finding a new home. Yes indeed I am a handsome devil. Every woman and even some of the men have the most delicious thoughts when they see me. I must keep this meat suit safe even when I travel. He is worth keeping.

Popping the last bite of the muffin in his mouth, he got up to leave. It was time to go out and see just what kind of trouble he could stir up. He walked down the street towards the college campus. He had made himself a student there with some minor hacking skills that he conned someone into doing for him before he erased their memories. It took a lot of effort to do that kind of trick on Earth but it had been worth it. Now he had a place to live and a smorgasbord of people to prey off of. College students were truly remarkable in their desires and urges. Not since a few centuries ago when he had been in Plymouth had he found so many sexually frustrated, miserable, and truly nasty people that hid behind masks of the happy and carefree. It was just delightful in its irony. He put his hands in his pockets and started to whistle when he saw a girl sitting on a bench reading a book. He could tell just by looking at her that she was a nobody; someone that lived her entire life through fantasy and hated real life. Plus the air of innocence that she gave off just shouted out that she was a virgin. There was nothing that he loved more than corrupting a virgin into giving it up to him when she had planned to save herself for marriage and then bailing on her right afterwards leaving her miserable and alone. It was one of his favorite hobbies.

Making a beeline for the girl, he put on his most charming smile and sat down on the bench. She looked up and her eyes widened before going right back to he book. He smiled to himself before saying, "That is a great book. I especially liked chapter 12." Her head popped back up and she looked at him in surprise.

"Are you talking to me?"

That's right my pet, talk to me. Let me in. Soon I will be all you can think about. Then once you are hooked I will leave you alone and miserable. If I am lucky you will never trust a man again. The thought of that made him shiver happily. "Of course. Do you see any other cute college girls reading on a bench nearby?" He winked at her and watched her blush.


When she once again looked away, he stepped up his game. For the next 30 minutes he spoke to her about books and her favorite authors until he suggested they go somewhere else more private to talk. She reluctantly agreed, although he could tell she was thrilled at the prospect. He led her to the dorms, and up to his floor. Before they had even got to his doorway she was all over him. I do so love these bookish girls. One drop of attention and they cant wait to drop their panties. If I play this right I can get her in bed before the hour is up. Two hours later she will be walking away depressed and alone thinking it is all her fault. He had just shut the door and was kissing her neck when he felt something strange. He ignored it and continued necking when it happened again. This time he realized what it was. Oh sweet Lucifer's balls. Not a summoning. Who the fuck dares to summon me now? I swear I will make them sorry they disturbed me. He grabbed the bookworm's chin and looked her deep in the eyes. He focused hard and with a little effort put her to sleep. He couldn't risk her being with his meat suit while he was otherwise engaged. He lay her on his bed and felt himself being pulled out of his meat suit towards something.

With a pop he felt himself appear in a circle within a clearing in the woods. He saw a girl sitting there chanting. He was in his original form and while it was nice, he had been interrupted and was miffed. " Is this going to take long? I was kind of busy." he bellowed in a deep and intimidating voice.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

The woods were fairly quiet around her as, Crystal chanted her spell. Part of her wondered if this was going to even work, never having tried any sort of spell like this before now. Nor had she ever seen or delt with demons before, to her knowledge anyway. However, she couldn't let herself get distracted in her train of thought, or else she could ruin the whole spell altogether. Crystal's gray eyes opened, peeking up in front of her, her chatting stopping as she felt a shift of power in the circle. An extra pull on her engery as the two barriers was lifted not only the one to keep him inside but one to protect her from him as well.

Yes she how done her homework like the cautious person she was. A proud smile on her face, as she saw that the spell had worked, the demon standing in front of her. Though she was a little surprised by its voice at it spoke to her, angry, deep, and intimating her smile disappeared at his question. Oh really and what could he have been doing in hell that was so important that he was unhappy being brought to earth?

She had always thought that it would be something demons would be happy about, it didn't even cross her mind for a moment that he might have already been out and about. "Actually yes it probably will." She answered him with a nod of her head as she stared up at him. Ungrateful bastard isn't he. Maybe it was foolish on her part, but she wasn't afraid of him at this very moment. She was protected by the salt circle and barrier around her for now, and even when that was gone she would be safe. After all he couldn't kill her after she bound him to her. "I didn't summon you here just to look at your face, ya know." She said her tone laced thickly with sarcasm, before closing her eyes and starting to chant once more a bind that she had made herself.

"Leg to leg, wrist to wrist, keep him. Mind to mine, strength to thine, confine him. And to my will bind him." Her chant started out loudly so the he could hear what she was trying to do to him, before her words went to be a quiet whisper as she continued to chat her spell over and over again until she started to feel it start pull at her engery as she completely ignored his reaction the best that she could. Sure he wasn't angry but wasn't as though her spell said anything about making him actually stay at her side like a attack dog as the other spells she had found did. Simply to have him be forced to come to her whenever she wanted to use him for something. Some of the things maybe he would even enjoy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The girl did not flinch when he used his best demonic voice to question her and Al was annoyed. How dare the wench not respond to his majestic presence with fear and cower before him like legions of others had. In fact, she just kept chanting and chanting and not even looking at him. Why did i bother showing up in my true form when I could have used the shape of a lessor demon for this? She was not impressed at all and now I am stuck here looking the fool while the witch says her nonsense. I doubt she even knows what she is doing. Stupid mortals. They have a little power and think that they can do anything. Just wait until she slips up and then I will show her just who she has dared to summon with her little spell. He was truly getting into his mental ran when he felt the pull of something and started to actually listen to her words. "You dare to try and bind me? Do you really think that someone like you could put a binding on a demon of my caliber? How dare you!" he spit out. He did not want to let her know that it seemed to be working at all. Maybe if he got hostile enough he could get her to mess up and the circle would be broken before she succeeded. When she looked at him with fear for a second but continued chanting, Al started to get truly pissed. With his enhanced hearing he heard a deer in the underbrush and knew that if he could coax it closer that it might breach the circle. He could not get the deer to move but maybe it would kick that branch enough to make a difference. He extended a bit of power towards it and was rewarded by it moving jut enough to get the branch to brush the edge of the circle and disturb the salt. It wasn't so much that the witch would notice but he felt the compulsion to obey her lesson somewhat, even though it did not go away. He was only partially bound and was no longer locked in the circle. He decided to wait a bit and let her think that she had succeeded before showing her just how wrong she was.

"Blah, blah, blah. You know that you are having no effect on me don't you little witch? All your words and nonsense that you are spouting just make my ass itch. I could leave at any time but you have a decent body and what I was doing before will be there when I get back. I figure maybe I will take you before I leave I promise that it will be the best you ever had." He made a lewd thrust of his hips and saw her turn red before looking away and continued to chant. Damn the chit is stubborn. She just keeps on yapping and yapping like a chihuahua. This is boring, Time to liven things u a bit.

He took one step closer to the edge of the circle and smiled as she looked his way. He took another and then another until he was right n the edge. Then he locked eyes with her and lifted his leg and placed it outside of the circle. He then laughed and started to sing. "You put your left leg in. You put your left leg out You put your left leg in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about." He danced the accompanying motions as he sang and when he shook it all about, turned so that he wagged his ass at her. With the last syllable he did a pelvic thrust and licked his lips. When he was done he stepped fully over the circle and walked towards her. He saw her backing up and reached out an arm to grab he but stopped when he was but inches away from her flesh. It would not be prudent to touch her with the partial binding in his true form.

"Let me make something clear to you little witch. You should never play with forces that are beyond your kin. It could get you into trouble. I would stay and show you the error of your ways, but you are simply not worth my time right now. Grow up a bit and then we might could really play." He smirked at her as he blew her a kiss and then smoked out. The look on her face when he blew that kiss was perfect. She would never know that her binding had been partially successful and even if she did he doubted that she would ever dare to summon him It was more fun than he had experienced in quite a while.

He zeroed in on his meat suit and made himself at home again. He saw that the virgin was still asleep on his bed and moved over to it. He used his mental power to wake her and then said with a smile, "Now where were we before he kissed her."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Crystal couldn't lie, it was rather hard to concentrate on her chant with this demon talking to her nonstop. He had already tried to scare and embarrass her to get her stop her chanting but she wasn't scared of him, she was safe. She gave a roll of her eyes as she looked up at him the third time. What was he doing to try to distract her now? The hokey pokey? Really? It took her a second to realize that his foot was actually out of the circle, making her stop mid chant as her eyes widened watching him dance around for a moment before her eyes quickly looking over the circle. FUCK! How?! Where had she missed up? It took her an hour to get this fucking circle perfect! Crystal noticed the salt circle had been broken as well as the demon thrust his pelvis towards her once more and started to walk towards her. Okay she could understand that something from the outside had a chance to brake the circle but how the hell did he screw up the salt without her even noticing it.

For the first time night she was truly afraid as she backed up to get away from him, she was no longer protected and her binding spell hadn't worked. So she was in no way in control, which she hated. She noticed that he went to grab her but stopped short of her skin. Why? She wasn't wearing any protection on her. Though as he started to speak, it pulled her thoughts away from the fact he hadn't grabbed her. Crystal nodded her head a little listening to him at first before pursing her lips. She was very powerful for someone her age, and she was plenty grown up, she could have had him bind if something hadn't fucked up her circle! She didn't want to play with him, she wanted to use him.

She couldn't help the surprised look on her face though as he blew her a kiss and disappeared. "Wait...wait! Where the hell did he go! Are you kidding me!" He just poofed away from her! This was not how she wanted this night to end, she wanted to have a demon to use when she needed him damn it! Now she had no demon, no engery to even try again if she wanted, and this piece of shit circle that wasn't worth the time she put into it! Letting out a groan of frustration out of her mouth as picked up one of the sticks around the circle and threw it into the woods. "Stupid demon bastard!" She yelled before simply staring off into the woods for a moment, shaking her head she started gathering her stuff. She was to tired to even care about where he had went. She had things she had to do in the morning and if she didn't get more sleep she be dragging.

Crystal didn't even really remember the drive back to the college, that patch of woods was where she did most of her spells, she could drive back and forth half asleep by now. It wasn't really something she cared to do though, she really should have used her blood for the summoning or trying to bind him, normally it didn't take so much when a spell didn't even work. As soon as she got into her dorm, Crystal threw her bag by the door and walked over to her bed flopping down on it.


A hand on her arm shaking her arm was what woke her up, as she completely ignored the alarm that blared by her head. With a groan coming out of her lips as she opened her eyes to see one of her friends standing over her. "How did you get here Scarlett?" Crystal mumbled half asleep as she sat up rubbing her eyes. It felt almost like she had gotten no sleep, and she looked over at her clock to see it was already nine in the morning. You have got, to be kidding me!

Scarlett pursed her lips looking at her for a moment. "You promised that you would help me study for my test today." She said looking down at Crystal.

Crystal can't help but frown a little bit as she racked her tired brain for the test her friend was talking about. Honestly she had forgotten all about her asking for help a couple days ago. Through really she didn't even listen to Scarlett half the time anyway. With a sigh she got up and grabbed the red t shirt and black jeans that she had laid out for today off her dresser. "Fine, but let's go get some coffee before we start okay? I'm exhausted."

She knew a tisking sound as she walked into the bathroom. "You know, you shouldn't drink on school nights. Studies prove that..."

Studies prove that one friend out of every group is a murder, and driven to it by having to hear about fucking studies. Crystal thought as she closed her eyes blocking out Scarlett. If she had gotten that demon she could have stolen some of his engery. Forcing a bit on staying awake she felt a little bit of engery serge through her, making her blink a little bit, not realizing she had just stolen a little from the demon probably bind to her. She shook the confusion off a little bit before getting dressed. Scarrett had stopped talking and was snooping a bit around the room as she came out. "Studies also saw that people who shop and more often slapped than the ones that done Scar." Crystal said as she gathered the rest the things she needed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Al pushed back his sweaty hair and gave the twins one last lingering kiss each before getting dressed. He grinned as they pouted but he just waved and let himself out the door. They had been a nice midnight snack but he had other fish to fry right now. He still had to do some research on his little virgin girl before he corrupted her fully. When he had gotten back from the summon by the witch bitch, he had played with her a bit but reconsidered his plan and walked her home and gave her an almost chaste kiss goodbye before leaving her with his number. He planned to stretch things out a bit before he deflowered her and then left her brokenhearted. Sometimes it was all about the foreplay after all.

He walked out of the girls dorm and gave a salute to the security guard who nodded with a "Night, Al." It paid to be a demon sometimes. All he had done to get the guard under his thumb was grant him one little wish and now he could come and go from the dorms whenever he pleased. Poor sucker did not even realize that he had sold his soul until after it but since he had been agnostic he hadn't seemed to care. He just wanted someone to love. Good thing I had a connection with a succubus that wanted a steady meal without having to work too hard for it. The guy gets laid and has his so called true love and she gets a place to stay on earth with an all you can eat buffet. I love it when things work out like that. Plus, now I don't owe her a favor anymore. All in all one of my better deals.

Picking up his pace once he was outside, he noticed that it was starting to get light outside. He stretched and felt the muscles in his back pop and sighed. Meat suits were so strange with all their quirks and such. One wrong twist or pull and they could be shattered so easily. It was awesome. However, he was fond of this one so he tried not to overuse it and keep it in relatively good shape as well. True, if the person it had been before had not been an athletic and handsome bastard he would not have even have this much to work with. Al was sure not about to possess just anyone if he had his choice. Shaking his head at his thoughts, he looked up and saw that he was almost to his usual coffee shop. They were just opening up and he was feeling the need for some caffeine and mischief anyways. A sudden chill alerted him that another demon was nearby and he looked up to see that a teenage boy across the street was staring at him. He turned and flashed his eyes at the whelp and saw him blanch as he realized just who he had been sizing up. "That's right kid. Fuck right off back to where you came from. This is my turf and my playground. Unless you want to be sent to hell the hard way find another place to be now.' he said just loud enough for the other demon to hear him and was gratified when the kid turned and ran off in the other direction. Grinning at his success and because it had just plain been fun, Al walked through the door to the coffee shop and took his usual seat. He nodded to the waitress who brought him his usual and sat it down with an extra muffin and a wink. He winked back and lent back in his chair to see just who would walk through the door and be the first one to get to play with him today.

An older couple came in but that was too easy. A yuppie corporate type was next but once again that was not even worth his time. However, the third group that came in the door made him sit up and take notice. It was a young couple that seemed like newlyweds. Perfect. Let me in your heads my pets and let me sow some discord in your love. He had just touched the man's mind when he felt a surge of energy being drained from him and he was pushed out. He almost dropped his coffee it had been so sudden. "What the fuck was that? Don't tell me the witch knows about the binding sort of working and is using me as a damn battery to recharge herself. I think I need to move her to the top of my list of things to take care of after all." he muttered to himself and took a sip to calm down. He watched as the couple left the store but his mind was no longer on them but instead on the witch from last night. As if his thoughts had conjured her, he heard the bell above the door chime and in walked the bitch herself. He clenched his fist when he saw her and was going to stand up but she was with another girl and did not seem to know he was there. He gave her a puzzled look and then watched as they took a seat nearby. She glanced up and caught his eye and he smiled but she looked away after seconds. Does she not know who I am or what she did? I guess it would be hard for her to know me after all since she saw my true form and not this meat suit but still. Maybe I will just watch her a bit and maybe follow her back home. After all, if she does not know what happened I do not want to bring it to her attention. Yes, that will do. I will watch and bide my time as I learn more about her until I can find a way to break the binding completely.

He pinched off a bit of muffin and chewed it thoughtfully as he continued to stare at the witch and her friend. He could be patient when he had to be although it surely was not one of his virtues, if he had any at all what with virtue being so overrated and all.

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