Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hello and welcome to The Crimson Legion. An elite group of mercenaries free from the ties of any Galactic Faction and work to make the galaxy a better place. Operating outside the law and taking any mission they feel requires their special touch. They are known to accomplish any mission no matter the odds. But as the galaxy starts to crumble can they stop it all from falling apart?

Galactic Tech

Character Sheets
Appearance: (preferred pic as long as it matches the Species)
Age: (>25 minimum)
Role: (pick an available one from above)
Equipment: (Weapons, Armor, Gear that you keep with you)
Bio: (Minimum of 3 paragraphs, must include some sort of military or combat background)

Thanks to anyone who read through everything and I hope this gets off the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 17 days ago

Is it okay for me to reserve this post for my CS?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Of course that is fine
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Mage

The Mage

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

reserved as well
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Mage

The Mage

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Name:Marcus Fletcher
Alias:Guardian Angel
Appearance:He is a short human male with black and hazel eyes. he has a prosthetic left leg
Equipment:Hybrid Armor Mk.XII
Compact Cartage Assault Rifle
Chainsaw knife
Cartage Pistol
Shield Gauntlet

Bio: born on a KOT planet and raised in a military family, Marcus has always seen a battlefield ever since he could identify himself as a human. at age 14 he joined a local militia in stopping a Mercenary group from taking over the village, assisting in many operations from counter/intelligence to sabotage. one time, he even snuck into a main FOB and took out their transportation and communication links.

At age 18 he put his skills he learned to the test as a mercenary scout,gathering intel in Urban environments and forests alike. His quick mind helped him with moves and escapes.In his first invasion, he managed to lower the morale of a governments military by sabotaging escaping takes, damaging atleast 2 ships..He continued to show this in the following invasions and ran-sackings to come.

at age 26 he lost his left leg after he was caught and interrogated from his failed Reconnaissance.Having all ties cut of from his Mercenary group, he was left for dead in a wilderness and was picked up by the Crimson Legion, giving his services to better the galaxy, as an Operator He continues to use his mind in helping out the front lines, but since he has aged quite a bit he is not like his old self.

I will post more if needed. It's late here, and I'm tired
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

space for my CS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character Sheet
Name: Jason Crimson
Alias: Crimson
Gender: Male
Species: Human

5'11" 175 lbs athletic build, is rarely seen outside his armor or uniform. but when he is he is in a black shirt and a pair of jeans
Age: 35
Role: Field Commander
-Cartage 44 Magnum
-Cartage Assault Rifle
-Combat Knife
-Hybrid Combat Armor
Bio: Jason was born on Mars to a poor family. While growing up every day was a struggle to survive and it wasn't long before he had to turn to thievery to even survive, and before long the young boy had a long rap sheet with the local police. And by the age of fourteen he was on his way to juvenile hall, but instead of his sentence Jason choose an alternative and was signed up for the Military Academy. And for the first time in his life Jason had a purpose in life and something to achieve.

During his years at the SSA Military Academy Jason made a big impression. He worked himself nearly to death training to become a soldier leaving his peers behind and impressing his supervisors. When he was 18 Jason graduated the Academy with top marks ready to do his finest for the SSA. And he would do that for the next eight years.
Over his eight years of service in the SAA army Jason served on the front line in many small battles. He even served in the two years of skirmishes against the Hissho, over the control of some outlying colonies that were far from worth the loss of life to hold them. And in the end the SSA were defeated leaving the colonies to the Hissho. Although he had been doubting the SSA already, the loss of the colonies after so much blood shed just didn't feel right. There were so many opportunities to reduce casualties and save civilians, but his orders always seemed to be to kill never to help. The SSA's disregard for life didn't sit well with Jason and he soon left the SAA and disappeared off the grid.

Two years later Jason returned to SSA space, but this time not as a soldier, but as a Mercenary of the Crimson Legion. Although at the time the Legion was little more then him and his friend Nate taking on small jobs. But in the ten years since then Jason had made sure that changed and has made the Crimson Legion one of the most well known and respected organizations in known space. But even he might not be ready for what the job might throw at him next.

Name: Raven Vallic

Alias: none

Gender: Female

Species: Human (Cybernetic Implants)


5'4" 95 lbs Petite Build

Age: 29

Role: Operator

-Twin LXR9 Cartridge Pistols
-Carbon Fiber Body Suit
-Twin Combat Knives

Bio: Raven was born to a military family on the Colony Ship Kallros 3. She was the oldest of three children to be born into the family. Being the first child Raven was treated much more strictly than her siblings and she turned out to be the rebellious one in the family. This rebellious streak landed her in quite a bit of trouble around the ship and by the time she was 16 Raven was close to being banished from the ship.

But Raven didn't stick around to be banished. She ended up stealing a small personal ship from the hanger and decided to make her own mark on the galaxy away from the colony. Although she did have to lay low for a little while, A lone colony ship didn't have much pull in the galaxy and Raven got away from her past. Finally on her own Raven decided to use some of the skills her parents had drilled into her and started work as a Mercenary.

Life as a Merc was more than Raven had originally expected, and she struggled for her first few years. But by the time she was 23 Raven had made herself quite a reputation and was approached by the Crimson Legion. Over the next three years Raven excelled in the Legion proving a great asset to her team. But her success wasn't meant to last and Raven was gravely injured while protecting a VIP during a mission. Luckily Raven was able to survive the ordeal, and the Legion doesn't leave their own to die. Raven spent the next two years recovering and getting used to the various Cybernetic Implants that the Legion had given her to save her life. Raven has finally been cleared to return to service. But for the time being she has been posted as an Operator, giving her a little more time to heal before being sent into the field.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character Sheet
Name: Nathaniel (Nate)
Alias: Fatman
Gender: Male
Species: Human

6'3" 235lbs, when not suited up he wheres a tank top and jeans, Nate is a big boy
Age: "Age is like a fine wine the older the better"
-Heavy plated metal armor (see Picture)
Bio: Not much is really known about Nate's past, and if you ask you get a different story every time. All that is known about him is that he has been with Jason from the beginning and Jason trusts the man with his life, and piloting the ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mage: He looks good I'll accept him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Mage

The Mage

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

I'm editing him. armor and everyfing
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Mage

The Mage

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

aaaannnd done
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Looks good, and I just noticed he has the same name as the pilot, I'll come up with another name for the pilot to avoid confusion
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Mage

The Mage

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

woops... didn't notice that :l
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lol its my bad just coppied and pasted the pilot from my archives file on my computer and didn't even look at names...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDrunkTank


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Malcolm Rowan
Alias: Sandman
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: See Here
Age: 26
Role: Scout
Equipment: Mk IV Recon Armor
Railgun Rifle - or - Silenced Cartadge Light Automatic Rifle (Depending on the mission)
Duel Cartadge Pistols
Combat Knife

Bio: Malcolm grew up on a small farm on one of the various inhabited rim planets. His parents were killed in a raid on his native town when he was a kid and adopted by him aunt and uncle. Life was dull, boring, and all around miserable on the farm. Malcolm wanted nothing more than to leave. He passed time shooting rodents that tended to get into the crops. When Malcolm was 15, the SSA established a military outpost on the planet as a staging area to quell the nearby riotous colonies. Seeing this as an opportunity to get off of that rock, Malcolm signed onto the SSA military two years later.

After proving himself as a superb marksman during training, he was assigned to the 132nd Infantry Corps as a sniper. He served three years with the 132nd, seeing a wide array of battles across the galaxy. Malcolm was transferred into a special operations squadron, the Green Mountain Boys, to provide reconnaissance/overwatch. The Green Mountain Boys conducted a handful of successful strikes over the next few years against various enemies of the SSA. Things were going too good however, and things took a turn for the worse for Malcolm. On the Green Mountain Boys last operation, Malcolm was forced to make a split-second decision between saving one of his squadmate's life or a civilian transport full of innocents, and chose the one unsatisfactory to the SSA.

Despite his heroism, Malcolm was dishonorably discharged because he did not "rise to the call of duty" and sentenced to serve in a prison among the rim planets. The Crimson Legion had been keeping their eye on the case since it started, and were not going to let Malcolm's talent rot away in jail. Thanks to the Crimson Legion, the SSA never saw Malcolm's arrival at the prison. Now being a wanted SSA convict, Malcolm had no choice but to join up with the Crimson Legion. He trained for several weeks to bring his skills back up to the satisfaction of the Crimson Legion and is now serving active duty with the mercenaries.

(I can change how he got into it if you want. I'm not sure if I understand correctly what the group is or not. Is it a full fledged organization or just the crew and the ship... Like Firefly or something?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm in... Was I going to help you Co-GM this still? Btw, sorry for being inactive, in hospital with pancreitis :S
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Drunktank: he looks good up to the end, although they wouldn't let the talent rot, staging a prison break for one man can't really be sold as for the betterment of the galaxy due to all the real inmates that would also be released in the act. But arranging for you to disapear before you got there, that would be more our style. As for the group its a small one basically the members of the ships crew, so although they are well known its not a full legion just yet.

Kye: hay welcome back. Ya I was planning for you to help me out and all that if you still want the part. As for inactive one day or so isn't bad especially since real life does come first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alrighty, cool. Thinking a disgraced Hissho Warlord character, me thinks :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

OOO fun our first non-human member :)

Also I didn't say this before, but can we try to fill out all the roles before we start doubling up on roles. having an army of scouts is nice until you have no medic to tend to the wounded and no demolition expert to help you out there. And I know I should of said it earlier to prevent some people getting their roles stolen and I do apologize for forgetting about it, so if you have a reserved spot please add your desired role as well so we know what we have. Again I'm sorry if someone's wanted role has already been taken and if it has please put that as a side note so if we get enough to start doubling up you will get the first choice to switch over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 17 days ago

I can be an Aranite healer, though I would love to have a Plasma Sword.
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