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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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  • Ren
    • Ssarak
    • Leith
  • Duuri
    • Alaira
    • Meirin
  • Xiah
    • E'nasha
  • Aarem
    • Uicle

Currently, the list of the chosen pawns. When all the students have been chosen then special god made gifts will start to appear. We still got a few pcs not picked but that will gradually change over the RP's course as the Gods start becoming more... active.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Say, anyone feel like meeting up with Ssarak and Mei to go talk with Lucilia? Presumably, people intending to join the diplomatic mission.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 28 min ago

Say, anyone feel like meeting up with Ssarak and Mei to go talk with Lucilia? Presumably, people intending to join the diplomatic mission.

Currently Lyn will be joining shortly after I get my ass in gear over the collab.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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@EliteCommander Keri will eventually get there though she will not step an inch inside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Annabeth Gultch

"Bwah!?" Annabeth shouted in surprise as she saw Auriel turn blue with a red nose. She watched the scene unfold in stifled silence, as she couldn't help but to laugh at Auriel predicament. She didn't think she had sticky fingers, but she supposed that's what she gets for trying to swipe from the wagon. Annabeth herself chose the green ring and nothing else. Apparently it would allow her to silence any noise from her body for a total of one hour a day. She'd have to test this out, but she could imagine all the possibilities she'd have with this ring once she figures it's limitations.

With Auriel and Aramir walking off however, that just left Annabeth, Colette, and the new girl to return to Lucilia. Annabeth honestly didn't want to do it, so she looked to Colette and the new girl. "I don't think I actually met you yet. But taken by the roc hmm? That must have been frightening for you. Colette, would you take her to Lucilia? Maybe she could help set her up for a room. Oh! I'm Annabeth by the way. I work at Underhaven, little tavern in the lower levels of the college. I actually have to head back there and check in, but come and meet me sometimes! Bye!" Annabeth waved at the two girls and dashed off to Underhaven. She was actually just going to go get some drinks for herself, maybe find Satori and test out this ring with her.

E'nasha laughed a little at the scene between the two elves, and was about to ask one of the remaining group members for help, when one of them beat her to it. She introduced herself as Annabeth before running off, and the next girl that spoke to her was called Colette. "I'm E'nasha, nice to meet you too. I suppose going to Lucilia first would be best, if she's busy I'll take you up on that tour though."

@Lucius Cypher Annabeth and E'nasha have met before! I kinda thought they did after the Roc mission, but I had to check to make sure
This is still the first time Annabeth's heard her name though so... not likely she would have remembered E'nasha at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I intend to make a post bringing Ssarak and Meirin to the dining hall. Is there anyone they can run into intending to go on the diplomacy mission?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Aye m8s, here's a question I made up go the giggles:

What type of person would you're characters be... in a regular highschool setting? No magic, though you can keep some racial traits or not. For example:

Tyrael would be the school bully. He's always picking on people he doesn't like and scaring people so that they don't try and mess with him. There are people he does like however, and he is both more friendly around them, but much more dangerous if people mess with them while he's nearby. He does okay in school, good enough to pass, but he hates listening to lectures and prefers actual work. His parents are still alive, but they both work very hard and Tyrael rarely ever sees them except on weekends. His father actually owns a factory but it's a very high stress job, and when be comes home he often yells at Tyrael over every little thing, which soured their relationship and makes Tyrael angry. He's better with his mom, but she works too and doesn't quite understand him, though she cares. His hobbies is making models and figurines and he's good at making cafeteria food taste good.

Lucilia is a stoner. She hangs out in the garden and forest a lot with her friends to smoke weed and drink. She leads her clique since shes the only one who actually knows where to get the good stuff. That being said, her grades are actually really good and she does well in school, mostly thanks to having help from her buddies. She also makes sure that no one in her group is lagging behind, if only so the school doesn't catch wind of their activities. Her parents never really grew out of the college life style and even work as professors as a local university. They're the ones who let her get weed and drink, figuring that she was going to do it anyways and if she was, she may as well be good at it. Her hobbies are video games and she's good at cleaning up messes fast and efficiently.

Annabeth is a pretty normal girl. She's cute, but doesn't really stand out. She's sporty but not athletic. Her grades are good but she isn't academically gifted. Socially people like her and would probably invite her to parties, but she's not going to he crowned prom queen. But even with all that said, Annabeth enjoys a peaceful and enjoyable highschool life. Her parents aren't rich but they do well for the family and the community. Annabeth has two brothers, one who goes to middle school and another that goes to college. Her dad is a pastor while her mother is a nurse. Annabeth's hobby is bike riding, and she's good at figuring out the words people want or are trying to say.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by May
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Helena would be a strange mix of labels. She'd be near the top of her class grades wise, taking advance placement classes and even some early college classes through the summers when she's not out exploring for great photography sites. Cross country champion. But also not unknown in detention for skipping class or getting into fights. Doesn't have a whole lot friends due to rumors about her family and some about her, only some of which are true. (Nor she did not sleep with the whole football team, but that doesn't mean she's ashamed of her body or the idea that she might have slept with them all) Mostly hangs out with friends from childhood or stoners, though there is a venn diagram there as she is one herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

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Baulder would be the kid that shows up to class then promptly passes out for the whole duration. For some reason he has a 4.0 GPA even though you never see him doing his homework in other classes. The only time you see him outside of school is in full rave attire going to the store to get eggs. No one is really even sure if he has parents or not but you can at the least guess that he is well off. His only friends are kids from the rich school on the hill but when you actually try to talk to him he just says weird shit that dosent really make sense so you just don't talk to him again. For whatever reason though he's on a first name basis with the government teacher and in the rare case he's not sleeping he's shooting the shit with the teacher causing no one to get proper lectures in that class. There is also a rumor that he eats the still beating hearts of deer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Mar would be the outsider and loner, the student that took things far too literal. She would shrug off what others have and not seem to be able to relate, likely giving the wrong impression that she believes she's better than everyone else. She's not popular enough to be the school's top dog, but she's not the lowest mutt there either.

Lyn would be the actual popular kid. The one that gets along with everyone and seems the extremely happy, no matter what life tosses out at her. She's into making friends with everyone and actively in nearly everything she is asked to be in. However, she's not able to say no. This risks her life becoming overwhelmed with her choices and responsibilities, but she's too kind and doesn't want to let anyone down by saying she's not able to do it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Meirin is the foreign student who doesn't have a good grasp of the language and tries really hard to not disappoint her family and teachers. While she can speak English, she doesn't understand big words or complex sayings. She's very athletic though and is part of the volleyball team. When playing volleyball she's much more aggressive and confident since she doesn't need to use words.

Myrn is that one student who always seems to be participating in every school or social function around town. She's either in the journalism or drama club, possibly even the student counsel, and acts like she's a member of every other club too. Myrn is a smart girl and likely has one of the best grades in the school, but she also ends up getting involved in too many things and has to either quit or run herself ragged trying to keep up. Also dresses and acts like a hipster.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Althalus is the joker. Always with a quip, a sarcastic reply, or snarky comment. His witticisms and pranks make him as many friends as they do enemies, and the way his peers view him varies wildly on a case by case basis. He often uses his quips to defend others and provoke their attackers, leading to confrontations. Physically fit, he's into free running and parkour and often uses it as his main, and sometimes unnecessary, mode of travel. Grade wise, he's C average or below. His family is poor so it's well known he works, goes to school, and does...less than legal things on the side to help keep them afloat. As such, he has connections to the criminal parts of town, such as they are, and uses them to peddle drugs through the school. Nothing harder than weed, however. He's no stranger to fights (illegal fighting rings bring in cash) but he's not a toe to toe fighter and will cheat at every available opportunity. For some reason, he's in love with Mar and hangs out (as he abruptly announces without her prior knowledge of) with her every available opportunity.

Aramir is the shy girl. She's quiet, easily flustered, awkward and likes to hide behind her long hair (that she clearly keeps well groomed). She wants to make friends, she really does! She's just bad at it. Tries not to oogle other girls, her family upbringing teaching her it's wrong, but catches herself doing it all the time. Avoids parties after a couple incidents where she got a little tooooo buzzed (can't hold her liquour at all) and ended up in a couple regrettable/immensely enjoyable situations with another woman that would make her family disown her should they find out. Average student, nothing academical of note. She's one of the shining stars of the school's archery team. With a bow and a target shyness is replaced by confidence and fluster is replaced with icy calm. Doesn't like confrontation and avoids it by any means necessary, even at the expense of letting people walk all over her or insult her at their leisure.

Uicle is the teacher that has been at the school for as long as anyone can remember, and wields considerable influence with the School Board. The only reason he's not the principal or superintendent is that he hates administrative work. The oldest teacher in the school he's taught student's parents and some of their parents before them. He's seen it all and everyone knows better than to try cheating in his classroom or breaking his established rules, as he can get imaginative with punishments (seeing as hitting fingers with rulers or pelting people with erasers is frowned upon.). Acidic Sarcasm and Dark humor are trade marks of his teaching style. All that being said, everyone knows they can come to him with anything and he will do his absolute best to help. The school's unofficial counselor, students go to him when they don't want to go to the School Counselor themselves (Be it from fear of retribution, embarrassment, or simply not wanting to talk to someone they don't know particularly well.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

And now for Twilight Highschool part 2! New relationship charts between our alt universe characters, put into hiders due to their length.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I think you accidentally listed one of your headers in your post as Meirin instead of Myrn, @Ryonara
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Ok, finally posted. I wanted to get El'kan in the picture as I almost have his CS done and so I can actually use him in the IC rather than have him just be plot fodder for E'nasha.

yay, progress!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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That I did. That's what I get for just copy/pasting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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@Anarchy: Hun, I think you posted in our IC by mistake instead of your own OoC.... >_>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Nah, he's spamming all over the place. You should just ignore him, I've already sent the report.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 28 min ago


Nah, he's spamming all over the place. You should just ignore him, I've already sent the report.

Ah, I thought it was like last time where a user accidently posted in our IC when they were replying to their own OoC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Based on his post history, I'm guessing the account was compromised.
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