Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Goddamn it, I'm late as hell." Zach muttered to himself as he hurried into the room. He thought he could take a nap before the Social, but he forgot to set an alarm. He gave a yawn, as he quickly found himself in front of a group of people that seemed to be at their wits end with each other. "You owe my friend an apology." He heard somebody say, and he gave a laugh. These really were still kids, even if they had abilities beyond imagination.

Zach stepped towards the group, "I'm not sure that's quite how apologies work." He said pleasantly, and gave a look over at Adrian, who appeared to be shivering cold. "That being said, I think he'll calm down eventually" and patted him on the arm, and said, "Now what the hell happened here?" He asked. He hated missing out, and when he does, he needs to know what he missed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Stern Algorithm @Thundercrash
"N-nothing that concerns y-you" the boy managed to say defiantly between chatters. Jason cracked a psychotic grin. He secretly loved it when they wouldn't tell him what he wanted, and that's usually where the bone breaking started. That girl may be able to negate impact but I'd like to see her stop his fingers from snapping backwards. He almost reached for his hand, but he decided against it. This guy didn't quite deserve that, despite his defiance. Plus he figured the damn pacifist would try to stop him.
The girl and Ashleigh had consoled with the girl who was apparently named Paulina. They attempted to prompt Adrian to apologize. Jason chuckled at the thought. What makes them think this asshole feels any kind of remorse?
"I'm not sure that's quite how apologies work." Jason looked up to see a shorter blonde boy approach. No social apprehension, confident outgoing. But not in an arrogant way. Jason had already begun to analyze the stranger.

"That being said, I'm sure he'll calm down eventually." The boy said with a smile. "Now what the hell happened here?" He asked. Jason observed that the boy, much like himself, had no apprehension about getting himself involved in a situation. He could get along with him. He turned to the blonde boy.

"This asshole" he jerked his thumb at the boy on his knees. "Was picking on this girl here" he pointed to Paulina. "For reasons he refuses to disclose."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Boo!. What a cheap shot! What you don't have any powers too!?" Crown shouted as the fight ended and the crowd of students began to disperse. He was only joking of course, but still a little sad to see a fight ended so anticlimactically. Seeing the face the brute made when he dropped was pretty funny to Crown, so the fight was worth the energy to come over.

Seeing as how everything did just die down, Crown moved up to the little group that was forming and figuring out what was going on. After hearing a little bit of everything form everyone to his surprise, he still didn't know what the hell happened. Apparently some "asshole" was picking on (if you consider a punch to the face as picking on)...Paulina? Crown didn't even recognize her during all the Aura shielding and fire fists. Well shit, a familiar face among others.

Crown didn't join in just yet. He stood in the side lines, waiting to see if this character would come back from cryostasis and cause some more fun. If he did, maybe he'll just watch a very one sided fight, or Crown will put him a box and pull him a few meters under so the ECAY ground taskforce can deal with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Paulina Benson

@Hitman5455@Natsu@SomeoneSomewere@Stern Algorithm@Caits

When somebody guided her hand to her glasses, Paulina sighed in relief to find that they hadn’t been broken, and placed them back on her face. Now able to see properly, she stood up, collecting her laptop from where it had fallen before turning back to the crowd that had assembled around her, frowning. Damn it. Now I’ve gone and caused a scene.

“It’s alright guys.”
Placing her hand on Jason and Vedika’s shoulder, Paulina smiled kindly and slightly shook her head, indicating for them to stand down. ”We’re both somewhat at fault for this.” She turned her attention to the kneeling boy, whom she now recognized from his file as Adrian Beriff. The faculty had given her limited access to the files of various problematic students, like Ashleigh and Adrian, for the purposes of coming with better ways of managing their powers. Pyrokinetic. Poor control over his powers. Strangely vulnerable to entropy. Haven’t been able to come up with a theory of how he is able to generate such large amounts of thermal energy and create spontaneous ignition. As I recall, his belt acts as an intense thermal vacuum. “Adrian here simply overreacted when I ran into him, and I should have been watching where I was going. Nothing more than a misunderstanding, so let’s all calm down and not go all crazy, alright guys? Thanks for helping me out though.”

Crouching in front of Adrian, she gave a friendly, if slightly nervous smile, considering that she was pretty sure he had been ready to burn her to a crisp. ”I’m sorry for running into you. And I do think that I could come up with a better system for helping you control your powers. Maybe one that doesn’t cause you so much pain?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister tilted down his glasses and closed his book. "What excitement" he said with a chuckle and put away his pen.

Alister cracked his neck and sat up cleaning his glasses. As he put them back on he scanned the room and smiled with pure excitement and happiness. "I love coming here" he said as he laughed. "Every year is always something new". He than stood and began slowly and calmly walking towards the others his head turned to the ground and his arms behind his back.

What a commotion that has been caused this year..... And is only the first day" he said laughing sinically
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Adrian narrowed his eyes at the large amount of people surrounding him. All seemed to be asking questions at the same time. "W-well crowding a-around me isn't h-helping!" He inhaled through his nose, focusing on the girl that seemed content in trying to force him to apologize for what he did. "Y-you expect a truthful apology... B-by telling me. Like the o-other boy said, t-that's not how that w-works."

His next focus was the boy that tried to punch him, who he just chose to ignore. He didn't find him worth the trouble of giving any heed to. However, one that did, was the girl he had focused his anger on. Which, was fading slightly, but still elevated. But the more his anger would fade, the greater the amount of dread and fear would be. The girl seemed to have gained her glasses, and so was now able to see him. However, the fact that she seemed to know him, threw him off. He didn't recall telling her his name.

"H-how do you my n-name..." He seemed confused as he looked at her, trying to figure out what she was talking about. However, the possibility of her being able to rid himself of the belt for something better was promising. If only she could control the mental issue as well. He grumbled," I-If only you could rid the reason of my overreactions... B-but that still sounds like something I'd be interested in..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Oh." Zach said flatly, and looked over at the bully, "So you think it's ok to pick on people?" He asked. He did not like bullies at all. He glared over to him, " Alright then, well, we can't make you sorry, but we all have abilities here, and I'm sure we can at least spark some regret and make sure this doesn't happen again." He was perhaps acting too quickly, but this was something he couldn't stand for.

"I for instance, can affect other's senses." He said, malice leaking out into his voice, "I'm still a bit new to this, but I've been wanting to do this to some jerk for a long while." He'd been thinking about doing this since he got his powers, and this seemed like the kind of person that deserved it. He was ready to make the bully miserable, but he saw him starting to soften. He held himself for a moment, waiting to see if he may apologize, but glared at him none the less. Maybe his threat would scare him enough at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Actually, I could make him feel remorse and apologetic" Ashleigh said with amusement, "I don't expect a truthful apology from the likes of you. Men like you don't tend to be sorry for beating people up" She said, anger entering her tone, a dangerous emotion for Asheligh. Still, she stepped back and sighed when Paulina came forward, and seemed ready to make amends.

I suppose, if I hadn't been contained, I could have seriously harmed people and caused great distruction. Asides from te nightmares, that is... She thought. What right had she to say that Adrain wasn't worthy of Paulina's help? She remembered just how close she had come...

"No, leave him be. I remember what it was like to be wild" She said softly, and she began to try and push everyone back, "You aren't helping, give him some air. Don't make me take this bracelet off" it was clear that was a threat, but it wasn't one Ashleigh was going to follow through on. They didn't have to know that. "I don't like it when its off, and neither would you. Don't feed fuel to the fire, now." despite herself, there was sympathy.

She turned back to Adrain and said "You even think about hurting my friend though, and you will regret it" She held out her hand, to help him up. "Paulina is a whiz with these things. The bracelet I wear stops me from making this place be filled with a bunch of snivelling, emotion filled messes. And helps me remain in control, so that doesn't happen"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Paulina Benson

@Natsu@Caits@SomeoneSomewere@Stern Algorithm

Paulina sighed heavily. Dammit, how stupid can you get. “Please excuse me for a moment,” she smiled sweetly, ”I need to deal with a small child.”

Standing up, Paulina turned around and planted herself directly in front of the blonde boy who had spoken, nearly nose to nose with him as she looked at him like a mother looking at a small child who had broken something. ”I don’t recognize you, so you must be a freshman,” she hissed, ”So I will forgive you just this once. But if you ever she leveled her finger at him, ”threaten someone like that again, I will not hesitate to report you to the faculty AND find a way to lock down your power completely. I can do it too, it wouldn’t be that hard. This entire situation was an accident. He acted out of anger, and I’ve forgiven him. YOU, however, have made a deliberate choice to antagonize him when the situation was already resolved, so as far as I am concerned, YOU are worse than HIM. Just because you have powers doesn’t mean that you get to dole out “justice” wherever you see fit. So don’t. Be. Stupid.”

Having said her piece, she sighed and pressed the fingers and thumb of one hand to her temples.”Ash, it’s fine. I’m okay, so please don’t threaten him, it doesn’t help things. Please?” Paulina raised her hands, speaking louder so that the entire group could hear her. ”Come on guys, it’s a new year! Let’s not start things off by being unpleasant, so break it up. Now, I think I recall hearing that there is food in there, and I’m starving.”

Bending over Adrian, she helped him to his feet, ignoring the sharp chill in his hand. ”Tell you what. When I’m not in classes, I’m usually either in my dorm or in the library. Drop by any time, my door’s always open.” She paused for a moment. ”Unless I’m sleeping. Then please knock first. But other than that, we’ll see what we can sort out for you, okay?” Leaning in closer, she let her voice drop to a whisper. ”As for the other stuff, if you ever want to talk, that works too.”

Giving Adrian one last smile, she drew away and proceeded to practically drag Ashleigh and Vedika into the gym by their arms. ”Thank you, guys, for trying to help back there.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I for instance can affect others senses. I'm still a bit new to this but I've been wanting to do this to some jerk for a while" The blonde boy proposed. Jason's eyes lit up just a little, he liked that idea. He could tell this boy shared a similar mindset to his own. He was about to say something along the lines of "Hell yeah!" But Paulina spoke first and began lecturing the boy intensely. Jason disagreed but didn't speak up. With Paulina's authority she could quickly make a dangerous enemy. And he didn't want to be pitted against the system on his first day. He didn't dislike Paulina however, he just thought she was too hard on the boy, who just wanted to help.

She offered to help the boy who was apparently named Adrian, taking pity on him. Jason might have shown some kind of pity, but Adrian appeared to feel no remorse for his actions, and refused to apologize.

"Thank you guys, for trying to help back there!" Paulina said. She then proceeded to drag away Vedika and Ashleigh, the only friend Jason almost made. Great. He thought about hitting the boy again now that they were gone, but decided to just let it go. He turned to the blonde boy who had gotten lectured.

"I'm starving, you wanna go grab some food?" He offered the blonde, jerking his thumb at the food table inside the gym.
@Natsu @caits @thundercrash @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"You're too much Paulina!" Crown said through his wide smile. It was too funny seeing her blow up. It would of been even better if she started walking away with the makeup artist who was going to give her a month long eye shadow. Crown stood right their way of the gym, but walking the opposite way. He had too much of today already, honestly he was just mostly bored and found more amusement in his room. It was a sad truth, but when school actually starts he can get some much needed training.

"We both know that their is no way to shut down all of someone's powers and the reporting system doesn't even work." Crown whispered low as he was passing Paulina. He flashed her a smile before throwing his shades back on his face. He made way to the group of guys there and just the look on their faces was priceless. A fun year was definitely to come.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Pyne

The situation appeared to have mostly diffused itself. With a slight smile Liam backed away from Paulina after he handed her glasses back. Stepping a bit further away Liam walked a bit down the hallway from the group of guys and rested his back against the wall. Hopefully no one would miss him. With a heavy sigh the young man slumped a little and with a sharp press of his will he expelled the spirits in his body.

Reaching up Liam pressed the heels of his palms to his forehead and breathed slowly as emotions came seeping back into him. Gently beginning to rub his temples with the heels of his palms he let himself slide further down the wall until he was seated back against the wall. Multiplicity possessions we a massive drain on him. Hopefully the wave of fatigue would pass and he could slip back into the social before someone noticed his absence.

The spirits still lingered around him. Like moths to a flame when they were expelled from him they clung to the memory of life. Atleast that is what he told himself. Leaning back against the wall he closed his eyes for a moment. Enjoy the quiet away from the momentary drama. No doubt it wouldn't last.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"Yeah I know, I was making sure he stayed that way." He replied Cooley.
"Why are you feeling sorry for him anyways?"

"Ehh?" Vedika replied, dumbfounded, "Nah, s'nothing like that. I defend the helpless. And right now, he be. Helpless." Vedika grinned awkwardly at Jason when Adrian shifted himself out of her hold.

Vedika turned her attention back to Paulina and Ashleigh, when Liam came and returned Paulina's glasses. Another boy arrived and started trying to suss out the situation. Vedika sort of just backed off slightly at that point. Resolving interpersonal issues wasn't her forte. Each person was entitled to the contents of their own mind, Vedika protected bodies, not hearts, and that's the way it was supposed to be. To many people, Vedika acted like a callous, grinning superman, swooping in unwanted to prevent harm, and swooping out, leaving emotional matters unresolved. Though it seemed Paulina and Ashleigh were making up with Adrian, and Vedika nodded in mild approval.

Giving Adrian one last smile, she drew away and proceeded to practically drag Ashleigh and Vedika into the gym by their arms. ”Thank you, guys, for trying to help back there.”

"Hey, no worries," Vedika said, then declared in an emotionally obtuse fashion, "Everything is good if no one is hurt." Vedika turned her attention back to Jason, who seemed to be heading back to the gym as well with a new friend. "Hey," she yelled across the short distance, "I'm sorry for cock-blocking you. I know how unsatisfying it is when a punch doesn't connect. If you're still mad, I'll let you punch me later," She flashed him a thumbs up and a silly grin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Hey I'm sorry for cock-blocking you. I know how unsatisfying it is when a punch doesn't connect. If you're still mad, I'll let you punch me later!" The girl named vedika yelled to him with a grin. Jason chuckled.

"Maybe I'll take you up on the later!" He yelled back with a grin. The blonde it seemed was distracted and didn't hear his question. That was fine, he was ok by himself too.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister let out a small yawn as continued to walk around the gym. He stopped and looked around and his eyes turned blue as he started to focus on different people. Alister smiled and let out a small laugh "so that's what your really about" he said under his breath as he watched Ashley closely. He opened his book and wrote it down. He continued to watch around the room and write down small secrets about others that he could find quickly.

After he was satisfied with the results of this angle he changed perspective looking around the room to find more subjects to study. He sat back at the table where he started and began writing some more in his book. He chuckled and smiled a lot as he wrote. ""So much new material" he said aloud to himself "these new guys are as interesting as the others" he added in before looking up and changing his eyes back to normal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"I'll threaten him all I want. I know what it is to be beaten up, remember?" Ashleigh said softly, letting herself be dragged away. Sometimes there was no resisting Paulina. Spying Jason, who seemed a bit degected, Ashleigh couldn't seem to help herself. She gave him a smile, and a wave, grateful he had come to help her friend. "Especially since he feels no remorse at nearly doing so to you" When Paulina stopped dragging them alone, Ashleigh removed her hand, and drew in a deep breath.

"How much longer do we have to be here? Too many emotions, too much conflict. I'd rather be in my room, reading" She said, wearily. The use of her powers always left her tired, especially the healing aspect. And she had already interacted with people more then she normally would. She retrieved her book, but rather than walk over, she used her telekinesis to bring it over to her, catching it.

She yawned, and rubbed at her eyes with one hand. "acting out of anger is one thing, going straight for physical abuse is another, Paulina. And You know I don't do threats. They're promises. I don't want you hurt" She said softly, glancing about the gym. "I restrained myself. Because I know what it is to not be able to control my powers. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that it was his powers" She gave a shrug, and fell silent, yawning again

@Stern Algorithm@Thundercrash@Hitman5455
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Korie Weiss

Korie sighed as she made her way down the hall and towards the gym. She hadn’t intended to be late, but she’d lost track of time while watching Netflix. If anyone asks, I was reading, Korie thought as she rounded the corner to the back entrance of the gym. She was been hoping that she could sneak in and pretend like she’d always been there.

Having just started at ECAY earlier that day, Korie was still relatively new to the facility. While the classes ECAY had to offer were interesting enough, she wasn’t looking forward to having to make friends again. Her last friendships didn’t end well for her, but Korie didn’t want to give up the notion of having someone to trust and confide in.

As she walked closer, Korie noticed boy sitting against the wall of the hallway, looking pained. Korie hesitated before approaching him.

“Hello, are you alright?” Korie asked the boy. He looked up in surprise, and Korie gave him an awkward smile. “I’m Korie. Korie Weiss. I’m late to the social, and I’m looking to get inside but… If you need help that comes first. Should I get someone to come help you?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Pyne

Liam's head snapped up at the voice. Looking up he had to snap his mouth shut. Of course it's a pretty girl. That's just how my life goes now isn't it. With a sheepish grin Liam shook his head. "Hardly. Just a bit tired, lots of people tend to be a bit much for me. Well.." he trailed off. "Mostly tonight it was the giant fight several of our class mates got into." With a final sigh Liam pushed himself up off the ground and dusted his jeans.

"I'm being so incredibly rude." Extending his hand he smiled a little weakly. "I'm Liam Pyne it is a pleasure to meet you Korie. Your timely arrival means you got to dodge the showdown." Leaning just a bit against the wall he gave her another weak smile. "Sorry I look like death, I was trying to help but by the time I made it out here I was not needed and my abilities can be exhausting to maintain sometimes."

With that he finally managed to stand. "Do me a favor? Don't tell anyone I was using my abilities okay? They will put two and two together and realize what I had in mind and I'm not suppose to do it." Liam smiled a little sheepishly this time as he ran his hand through his hair. "Our secret?" H3 gave her a hopeful look.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Korie Weiss

“Nice to meet you as well, Liam,” Korie said, shaking the boy’s hand. “And I’m glad to hear that I missed a debacle that forced you to use your powers—doesn’t sound like something I’d enjoy.” Hearing Liam’s request, Korie gave him an amused smile. “Of course. I don’t want to have to lose the first friend I make. Besides,” the girl said, glancing off to the side, “I know what kind of trouble using your abilities brings.”

Korie looked around the corner into the gymnasium, eyes widening when she realized just what a “social” entailed. She’d been alone for so long after the government discovered her that she’d almost forgotten what it was like to be surrounded by people.

“You ready to go back in?” Korie asked, looking back at Liam. “I’m thinking you’d be a good person to follow around—you seem like you know your way around the place,” Korie said, grinning slightly. “At least more than a clueless new arrival. I hope you won’t mind me tagging along with you during the social.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 11 days ago

Zach shrunk back as he was scolded by Paulina, and his face quickly grew red. He looked down and away from her, embarrassed. "Sorry." He muttered, but in his head, he didn't think that he was anywhere near as bad as somebody who actually hurt people for no apparent reason. He stepped back and away from her as she moved on to the next person. He glanced over at Ashleigh, who said she could make him feel regret, "How could you do that, out of curiosity?" He inquired, "What can you do?"
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