Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jaina Sarbye

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay D3

Whether or not Jaina noticed Morgbra coming towards her, ultimately, was unclear. Her eyes were almost glazed over as she giggled, examining the results of her handiwork. She had nailed Kordath in the chest, and while her weapon had been on a lethal setting, the imperial officer wasn't dead. Not that she could have known, of course. As far as Jaina was concerned, the dead were simply just extra sleepy and extra lazy! It only took a few good kicks to get them motivated to get up, and even if that didn't work, her attention span didn't last long enough for her to investigate it.

"I'm busy, Morgbra~!" Jaina chimed in. "No more orders. No more 'do this' and no more 'do that.' And I know that it is you and I know that you think I'm crazy, but a fly is a fly is a fly. I was doing you a favor when I hit it with the sword, and it worked, didn't it~?"

She twirled around slightly, noticing that the number of rebels standing in formation had decreased. She mentally thought back to her actions, and she determined that she hadn't shot any of them. She had only shot Kordath. Oh, what fun that had been! Before that very moment, she had missed dearly the look of surprise and shock on the faces of those she aimed her blaster at. Her other targets always had this look of great sadness, and her elaborate schemes to give them a smile on their face while they were shot ultimately failed.

For instance, Jaina had proposed they get a tank of piranhas and lower the rebels into the tank. That way, when they saw the fish upside down, they could see those adorable little frowns turned upside down! Of course, no one had endorsed her plan, and they insisted that she continue to use a blaster like everyone else. The Empire could be such buzzkills sometimes, but....

But what? Jaina paused, for a moment considering why she worked for the people she did. She couldn't come up with an answer for it, but she kept her hand on the blaster, her finger on the trigger. At a whim, she might fire at another person, and if Kordath was any example, there was no telling who she might target. "Luke Teth of Alderaan, he loves cats and wookies and credits, attended the Imperial Academy on Coruscant..." Jaina murmured, almost as if back in the trance, as she unconsciously muttered the various bits of information on her former lover that had survived the grotesque therapy techniques of the asylum and her brother.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 29 days ago

Morgbra & Kayala

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Well shit had officially hit the fan and it was Kayala's job to keep the senator safe during this little exchange. The blaster fire had hit someone but she wondered why the woman had targeted one of her own. Maybe it wasn't one of her own. Maybe she was a prisoner of the Empire but if that was the case, then why in the hell was she packing a blaster? These were questions though that could wait until later, right now the Senator was priority one.

"Stay back Senator," Kayala muttered as she pushed the woman further back behind the crates and another blaster shot was fired. It was heading towards her group, or at least it sounded that way. She hated she had no blaster to help defend them, she had a shock whip but she was far too out of range to do anything helpful on that end. So sticking behind the half protection of the crates she ducked down and uncoiled it by her side as she kept the Senator out of harm.

Morgbra on the other hand was not going to get a chance to duck and cover. Someone was injured and he had to take to action, even if he might actually want the man to bleed to death. He had a job to do, he was a doctor damn it, not a helmet headed blaster firing soldier. Looking over at Jaina as he knelt down next to Kordath and applied pressure to the wound.

"No my little strawberry, I honestly believe you may be the sanest of all of us at this point," he said in all honesty before turning his attention back to Kordath and trying to ensure the man wasn't going to bleed to death. Oh the Commodore was going to be pissed when and if they got back to the ship.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Luke Teth

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Luke let in a sharp breath as he saw the Imperials down the hall start making their way toward him, nodding toward the Senator as Kayala made her suggestion, watching as the woman started to make her way to a more concealed and safer position while Luke cleared his throat and turned back toward the Imperials. For a moment or two he took on his usual facade, planning as always to talk his way out of this all, but that fell apart rather quickly as his eyes set upon one of the particular members of the Imperial entourage. Jaina had clearly recognized him already, the look on her face was rather clear in that regard. "Oh Kriff."

Stehrr seemed to have reacted a bit aggressively, grabbing his bowcaster as a few of the stormtroopers at the end of the hall rapidly moved to respond, seemed talking was not going to be an option here now. A pair of the stormtroopers brought their weapons up quickly, and unfortunately for Stehrr, the big wookiee made for an easy target as he took a pair of blaster bolts during his attempt to shield Luke and Sutton, one to the shoulder and another to the gut. It was lucky for him that he had a thick hide, they had burnt through the skin and would've hurt like hell, but they weren't fatal by any means. The third popped a shot toward Kayala, narrowly missing the woman as the shots flew over her shoulder, sparking on the wall further down the hall.

The shots kicked Luke into action, his hand wrapped tightly around his blaster as he brought it up, aiming toward one of the stormtroopers and managing to hit the trooper in his chest, leaving a smoking hole as he collapsed to the floor, dead, around the same point that Kordath hit the ground, holding his wound. The Chiss officer among the Imperials took his chance then, taking a knee as he took more careful aim toward Jaina, lucky for her, the commotion had meant he had little time to line up a proper shot, and he ended up shooting one of the crates between them and their Imperial foes. As he ducked back into cover and peered out toward their enemies, Luke quickly spoke up. "Don't shoot the girl who shot their officer, just stun her if you have to!"

Kordath Targon

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Kordath had certainly not expected to be shot, and certainly not by Jaina out of anyone. As the searing feeling of pain had hit him, it took a moment for it to actually override the shock and set in as he let out more of a pained groan than a scream or anything, falling back as his hand reached up to rest over the wound. He simply seemed confused, shocked almost at the turn of events which had suddenly unfolded. His eyes went up to Jaina, watching her curiously as he grit his teeth through the immense pain he was feeling. He saw the stormtrooper behind her take a blaster shot then, seemed that things were certainly hitting the fan.

As Morgbra came over, he groaned and moved his hand to let him do his work, clenching his fists and not worrying about combat at that exact moment while he was treated. The wound was bad, Kordath had reasonable armour but the shot had essentially been point blank and had gone through most of it, leaving a hell of a burn as well as some broken and bleeding skin around the wound. However, it didn't seem fatal, under Morgbra's care he had a fair chance.

Kyatrah meanwhile decided to take her chance with the suddenly more-insane-than-usual Jaina, moving closer as she brought her blaster up, this one actually set to stun as she fired at a distance almost identical to the distance from which Jaina had shot Kordath... And she missed. I guess it really was true what they said about a stormtroopers aim.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 7 days ago


Location: Anchorhead Spaceport, B1 ---> Hallway(?)

Jaina’s shooting of Kordath didn’t serve as a distraction for long, and soon the Imperial troopers had turned their guns onto the Raven’s crew, Stehrr letting out a roar of pain as two of the bolts tore through his skin and left a horribly uncomfortable burning sensation in their place. A quick glance behind him told Stehrr that Luke and Sutton had at least not been hit and that made the pain worth it to him. The Wookiee shifted his weight to regain his balance and raised his bowcaster again, taking aim at more of the stormtroopers and responding with some fire of his own.

He had no idea why Luke wanted them to avoid hurting Jaina, but as always he would do anything the Captain asked so he actively avoided aiming in her direction. His weapon didn’t really have a stun setting so he instead opted to not shoot in Jaina’s direction at all, focusing his efforts on the other members of her party that still had weapons poised on their group.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jaina & Sutton

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay D3

Sutton's eyes widened slightly as she saw the clownish girl fire on one of her own, but as Stehrr grabbed Luke and herself, she realized that they were in a fight they couldn't possibly win. Luke's exclamation of surprise at the clownish girl didn't go unnoticed, but she figured it was him recognizing that there had to be something wrong with her. "You know her?" Sutton asked, hearing Luke give the order to only stun the clown girl, rather than kill her.

Sutton's eyes darted over to Kayala, and from her boot, she grabbed one of her sporting blasters and tossed it to the Face. She kept it there for emergencies, and in this case, they needed everyone to be armed. With her own blaster, Sutton watched as the medic moved over to the injured man. She bit her lip slightly, before resolving to let the medic be. If he had a patient to tend to, he wouldn't be returning fire.

Jaina, meanwhile, felt the slight whoosh as blasts flew by her, colliding into crates as they missed her. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head slightly at the inconvenience. Until, of course, her face was plastered with a smile once more. "Why do you have to be so rude~?! Can't we just have some fun?" Jaina asked, before displaying the acrobatic prowess she was known for. Throwing herself into a cartwheel, Jaina used one hand for support, the other firmly clenched on her gun. As she spun upwards, her legs would come down on Kyatrah's arms, knocking the blaster to the ground. An eerie smile was plastered on her face, as she rapidly squeezed the trigger of her blaster, returning firing at just about everyone.

"You have to mean it, Tari," Jaina admonished, clicking her tongue slightly. As she landed gracefully on her feet, she rolled forward, coming up and aiming at Tari, pulling the trigger three times. By the time she did that, Jaina went back into the roll, taking shelter behind some of the crates. As she came to a crouched position, she gave a slight bow, as if there had been spectators to her performance.

"I wish Jes was here to see this....She'd love it," Jaina sighed happily. Remembering with a jolt the communicator she had on her, Jaina pulled it out, and attempted to open communication with Jes. If she was successful, she'd be sure to tell the Commodore all about everything, and urge her to come join in the fun for herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 29 days ago

Morgbra & Kayala

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Morgbra got to work as quickly as he could, cutting away what was left of the clothing so he could get a better look at it. "What in the bloody hell did you do to piss off Strawberry? I thought she liked your ass. I mean come on, out of everyone here, people would have laid bets that if one of us was going to shoot the other, you would have been the one shooting me," Morgbra said as he worked to quickly patch up Kordath as best he could before getting an arm under the man and dragging him off the side and out of the main line of fire. Hearing Jaina's words he took a deep breath. "Yes little one I am sure that the commodore would be yelling all sorts of colorful words," he said, knowing damn good and well that Jesmand would be livid right then, not at Jaina mind you but at the entire situation. It had gone from calm walk to death on a stick in one point five blasts.

"Don't worry doc, only one that is hurt so far is one of theirs, not any of ours," she said into the com before making sure the Senator was safe and out of harms way for now. Peeking out from behind the stacks of crates she took notice of where everyone was, especially the one that for some damn reason Luke was demanding they not kill. Did he know her? Well she had shot one of the ones in her group, maybe she was just a hostage. Either way, Kayala just wanted to get this shit over with and get the Senator out of the this firefight.

This though was the type of situation that Kayala was made for. Not an all out firefight with blasters mind you but she had a laundry list of skills that would be of use during something that didn't exactly require death, just detainment. Stealth was her greatest asset as she moved from one place behind the crates to another, making her way towards the girl. Athletics and coordination, not to mention being able to keep cool and focused during a situation like this, came in handy as she sprung out from behind Jaina, launching her shock whip towards the girl in an attempt to wrap around her chest and arms. If this worked, Luke would owe her big fucking time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@The Elvenqueen: Stehrr manages to score a few lucky shots on the stormtroopers. As he takes careful aim, one of his charged shots slams square into the chestplate of a stormtrooper, the sheer force of the blast sending him flying back past the Imperial group, his body hitting the shuttle behind them and dropping to the ground in a heap. Another trooper would take a blast to the head as he dashed toward cover, sliding as his momentum carried him into a heap by the crate he charged toward. The last stormtrooper would be lucky though, avoiding the incoming fire as he fired back at the wookiee, narrowly missing.

@Morose: Jaina manages to disarm Kyatrah with relative ease, slamming her E-11 down into the dirt as the stormtrooper captain would stagger backward in response to the blow, having not expected it. Jaina's shots toward the Rebels go wide, slamming against the walls and crates, while her other shots slam into the falling corpses of the stormtroopers. As she takes more careful aim at the Chiss, he held up a hand as if to stop her, but the blasts were already on their way, two hit his chest, and a final to the head sent him falling back, dead in the sand.

@Lady Amalthea@Morose: Kayala manages to succeed where the Imperials were so desperately failing. As Kayala sprung out of cover, her whip would fly smoothly through the air, wrapping around Jaina's arms and torso almost like a lasso before the sparks ran through it, sending a shock through Jaina's body with an even stronger force than an average stun bolt.

Luke & Kordath

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Kordath groaned as he lay there, letting the medic get to work on dealing with his wound as he shook his head. "Believe me, my good man, if I had any remote idea what on earth has gotten into her, I would tell you." He said, letting his gaze turn over to the rest of his party as the stormtroopers and the Chiss officer would meet their demise to the Rebels accurate shots, things had rapidly fallen apart here, and it certainly hadn't helped that Jaina had suddenly decided to attack both sides for the pure fun of it. Luckily she seemed to be put down soon enough, Kordath watching as the shock whip curled around her and activated. He didn't much care who had done it, as long as she was out. The mention of the Commodore certainly didn't help things, Kordath was, to say the least, getting rather stressed as he lay there, his wounds tended to relatively well under Morgbra's skilled care.

"You know how everyone has their 'crazy ex'?" Luke explained rather plainly toward Sutton, shrugging his shoulders in an almost embarrassed manner as he peered around the crate he was behind, The Imperials truly seemed to be falling apart, not that it helped that Jaina had suddenly turned against them, which Luke assumed was perhaps due to his own presence. But also in no small part due to the efforts of their wookiee tearing through the stormtroopers. Luke did let out a momentary sigh of relief as he saw Kayala's shock whip wrap around Jaina, putting her out for the count as the last stormtrooper remained firmly in cover, seeming to contemplate what action to take next against the rebel onslaught.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 7 days ago


Location: Anchor head Spaceport, Bay B1 Hallway

As most of his shots hit their mark and reduced the numbers of the stormtroopers firing on their group, Stehrr let out a loud, triumphant roar. They’d been almost too easy to pick off, since most of them had been more focused on getting Jaina back under control. Only one of them managed to escape the bolts from the Wookiee’s bowcaster as he ducked for cover and returned fire, Stehrr narrowly avoiding taking another wound which he was grateful for. Spotting Luke close by, he ambled backwards to join his friend, hunkering down as much as he could behind the stack of boxes.

“《Luke! What we do now?! Must go, this dangerous for Naboo female!》” Looking immediately around them, he couldn’t see Corrina anywhere but since Kayala was occupied with subduing Jaina now and not protecting her, Stehrr could only guess that the Face had found somewhere for the Senator to take shelter until the fighting died down. Not only was he concerned about Corrina possibly getting injured (they couldn’t have that, they needed her alive and healthy to negotiate), but the two wounds he had received earlier were beginning to ache terribly and more than anything Stehrr just wanted to get this whole business over with and get on with their mission. “《Can't stay here, still outnumbered!》”

Their group appeared to have the advantage now, Jaina’s unexpected attack on Kordath had scrambled the stormtroopers and allowed Stehrr to pick most of them off, but Stehrr didn’t want to tempt fate by staying here longer than they had to.

Denali Keesda

The Raven, medbay

Just as Denali was beginning to worry something awful had happened to the lot of them, Kayala’s voice crackled through his comlink:
"Don't worry doc, only one that is hurt so far is one of theirs, not any of ours,"
The doctor breathed a sigh of relief. “The Senator?” of course, he was concerned about the wellbeing of every one of their crew members, but Stehrr, Sutton, Luke and Kayala were at least capable of wielding a weapon in order to be able to hold their own in a firefight. Corrina was a diplomat, not a soldier. He doubted she had even picked up a weapon before in her life, though if he had thought to ask her Denali might have been pleasantly surprised. Regardless, being caught between two lines of active blasters wasn’t a good place for her to be. “Alright, I'm on standby if anyone does need anything patched up. You guys be careful out there.”

Kayala didn’t respond immediately to his second enquiry, which only meant she was preoccupied with fighting again. He could hear Stehrr roaring faintly over the sound of blaster fire and only hoped it didn’t mean he had gotten hit. Denali was still recovering from the last time the Wookiee had been in the medbay after being shot, he had dealt with many angry and/or delirious patients since he had begun his work as a medic but when a Wookiee was in a lot of pain...well, there wasn’t much anybody could do about it except duck out of the way of the flailing limbs as fast as you could. With some coaxing from Luke, they could usually get Stehrr to behave amicably enough (it helped that the Wookiee saw him as a friend, as well), but the slightest wrong move around an already painful wound could make Stehrr lash out and last time Denali had nearly lost his arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jaina & Sutton

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay D3

It hadn't been the first time that Jaina was hit. In her line of work, some of her targets would fight. She loved it when they attempted to hurt her, just as much as she loved it when they ran. It was the thrill of the chase, an animal like instinct. It was the same instinct that drove kids to play with their food, rather than properly consume it. But as Kayala's shock whip wrapped itself around her like a boa constrictor, Jaina gasped in surprise. The lick of electricity against her skin ripped a blood curdling scream.

The last place Jaina had felt the cold heat of electricity had been at the asylum. Her limbs convulsed as she continued to scream, struggling only mentally against her bonds. And then, she dropped like a rag doll, her arched back becoming flat and limp. She continued to draw breath, but her eyes were shut, and her skin clammy.

Sutton, meanwhile, watched as Kayala ignored the offered blaster. Well, she couldn't have expected much else. The woman was more experienced with the shock whip, and as she saw the crazy girl taken down by the Face, Sutton felt a little more at ease. There'd be no more random fire to deal with. She could hardly imagine why the Empire would have allowed such a person to be armed, but the Empire never made sense anyways. She should have known, after all--her mother had been one of their senators.

"I think 'crazy ex' is a bit of an understatement," Sutton said dryly, taking in the carnage. The girl had killed one of their officers, and Stehrr had taken down almost all of the storm troopers. With the girl taken down by Jaina, she figured now was as good a time as ever to escape. Whistling, Sutton motioned towards the ship to get Kayala's attention, and then she darted over towards where the Senator was hidden away.

"Come on, Senator, we're getting out of this shit hole," Sutton said gruffly, half carrying and half pushing the Senator back towards the Raven. She sent cover fire the entire time, glancing over to see if Kayala, Luke, and Stehrr were about ready to go. The wookie, she knew, could have easily continued on with the mayhem for another half hour--but that wasn't the smart thing to do.

It wouldn't be ages, Sutton realized, before the Empire learned what happened. She whistled again, twice this time, as a sort of hurry the fuck up we're losing our chance signal. The mission would have to be scrapped, but at least they were alive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 29 days ago

Morgbra & Kayala

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Kayala watched as the shock whip did its thing. She hadn't expected it to go off that well but she wasn't about to complain. Darting up behind Jania as she went limp, folding the woman's body over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes before dashing from her spot and back behind the confines of the crates. Seeing the Senator was in good hands she moved quickly. "Taking this one to the ship," she said in the com. The last thing she wanted was to tot this bitch around all day and try to play it off that it was a bounty. Granted that wouldn't exactly have been hard considering where they were but she wasn't one for extended heavy lifting.

"Shit!" Morgbra said as he saw Kayala run off with Jaina and head back the way the party had originally come from. "Get him back to the ship, my staff can finish him up. I'm going after Jania," he said and then ran off with his bag in hand before anyone could make a protest. He wasn't about to let his patient be taken off without him. If it meant putting his life on the line so be it. Jaina was far more delicate than she appeared and he knew if any one else even tried to get close to her she could flip out again. Especially considering that she had turned her weapon on one of her own just by the sight of this group. What in the hell had set her off? He was determined to find out. "That's my patient! You aren't taking her anywhere without me!" he shouted; taking a large gamble to come up to them without his weapon being drawn, just holding his medical bag in one hand and pointing to the doctors symbol on his jacket.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 7 days ago


Location: Anchor head Spaceport, Bay D3

It wasn't Luke that answered the Wookiee's question first, but rather Sutton who was already backing towards the bay where they had left the ship after whistling sharply to her other crewmates. Stehrr growled angrily again, he was always the last one to want to back down from a fight, but Sutton was the ship's second-in-command and she had far more combat experience than he did. So as much as he would have liked to keep blasting these stormtroopers into oblivion, Stehrr was forced to acknowledge that retreating was....probably a wise choice.

As the stormtrooper fire seemed to lessen some, Stehrr stomped after his friends as they began to retreat though he was careful to remain facing their enemies and keep his weapon at the ready so he could help Sutton provide cover fire for the Senator and Kayala who seemed to be carrying the strange-acting female from before. Stehrr wasn't sure about that. The woman was...scary, to say the least. Luke had referred to her as a 'crazy ex' (he wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but he didn't need to ask any more), but that didn't make her behaviour any less unsettling for the Wookiee.

His small eyes glowered at Jaina, who still hung limply over Kayala's shoulder like a ragdoll.
"《Why we must bring strange human female with us?》" he asked, looking between Luke and Sutton expectantly as he waited for one of them to explain. As Morgbra sprinted after them, medical bag waving through the air, the Wookiee only became a little more agitated. He roared out loud as if to express this anger, though he didn't take aim at Morgbra; he was smart enough to know a medic's symbol when he saw one...though why he wanted to follow them with the prisoner they had taken was a mystery to Stehrr.
"《See? They all follow us, to take back strange female! Why not leave her?》"

Denali Keesda

The Raven, medbay

Denali quickly scrambled to change his scrubs and get everything ready and situated as Kayala's voice spoke firmly into the comm.
"Taking this one to the ship," her use of 'this one' rather than anyone's name in particular led him to believe that they had somehow landed up with a prisoner of some description, but he had to make sure.
"What's the situation, Kayala?" he asked the Face as he worked. "Not to sound like a mother hen, but from this end of the channel it sounds like you were caught in a complete shitstorm out there. What happened and who the hell are you dragging back with you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Luke Teth

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Once the Rebels retreat began, it was already in relatively swift motion. Kayala and Sutton did a good job of encouraging everyone to move off, and they didn't have a great deal of resistance, after all, there was only the one stormtrooper left with Kordath and Morgbra, and now he seemed much more concerned with staying in cover and living another day than trying his lucky taking down the Rebels as they retreated. As they began to pull back, Luke shrugged his shoulders to Stehrr, sighing at his question. "I'll explain it to you later, bud." Then he heard the voice back down the hall, getting closer.

Turning around and bringing his blaster up, Luke had it trained on Morgbra's head as he grew closer, if he hadn't seen the doctor symbol, he would have probably blasted him then and there. "Hold on there... Friend." Reaching out as Morgbra got closer, Luke moved to snatch the blaster from his holster, disarming him properly before looking to Stehrr. "If he tries anything, tear his arms off." He gave the Wookiee a nod, sending him with Morgbra up toward Jaina as they got back into their bay, Luke quickly moving to lock down the doors in case anyone tried to follow before they could escape.

Things had gone pear-shaped, but he figured having the hostages would help, if anything, it would be a bargaining chip if they did get captured. Then again, he half expected the Empire would just blow them out of the sky regardless.

Kordath Targon

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Kordath looked over the bay he still sat in, bodies littering the ground. This was not remotely how the mission was supposed to have gone, every one of those with them had been killed apart from the single stormtrooper, Jaina and Morgbra, who had just now run off traitorously, or been captured. Reaching out, Kordath fumbled in the sand for his holocommunicator, gripping at his wound with his free hand as he groaned, contacting Jesmand. Initially, he gave her a rapid recap of things that had happened, before recommending the course of action.

"Make your way over here, tractor beam that ship aboard and detain them all..." He groaned painfully, coughing as he had to take a moment or two to get his breath. Kordath was furious, he wanted to insist that Jesmand blew them out of the sky then and there, into space dust, but his better nature and judgement still had the better of him, for now...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jaina Sarbye

Location: Her Unconscious

While Jaina's body was as limp as a rag doll, and her eyes failed to flutter open, Jaina awoke in a mysterious new place. Her sparkly garb and get up, complete with smeared makeup, had entirely vanished. Her body felt almost sterilized, entirely clean and entirely tainted. Glancing around the room, it was oddly familiar. The door had scratch marks on it, and two guards stood next to it, armed with stunners.

"Is this hell?" Jaina asked, her eyes wide. She started to get up, only to discover restraints binding her in place. Shackled to what felt like a bed, she then noticed the men in white coats, staring at her without remorse. Two rods were in their hands, and the blue rubber gloves sent a chill down her spine for some reason. "Hey mistah, I asked you a question!" Jaina called out, stretching her neck slightly to watch the mysterious man, as he turned to motion towards an assistant, dressed similarly.

"Kick up the voltage," the man said strictly, paying no attention to Jaina. It was as if he couldn't hear her. Frowning slightly, Jaina strained again against her bonds, only to make no progress at all. However, something was placed in her mouth--she couldn't be sure what--and she was instructed to bite down on it. Finding the entire place silly and strange, Jaina bit down, the lights in the room flickering slightly.

"Hit her."

She felt the electricity course through her body before she realized what happened. Her eyes crossed, and as much as she wanted to scream, she was practically gagged. A strange pink tint had been added to her vision, and Jaina laughed weakly, as the switch was flipped again, again, and again. The men would shake their heads at her, before hitting her once more. The pink tint had become blue, and then purple, and then a rainbow of dazzling colors. It was like waking up again for the first time.

"I like this game," Jaina thought she said. Only her mouth was still gagged, the men shook their heads sadly at her, and they flicked the switch once more, watching as her back arched, and her eyes became more and more unfocused.

They didn't stop.

Sutton Corandel

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport ---> the Raven

As they made it back into the bay, Sutton felt slightly relieved. The other stormtrooper appeared to have ran off, and the officer was in piss poor shape. There wouldn't be much chance for further fatality, except that Kayala had decided to bring a friend back with her. Although she would've liked to leave the girl behind, Sutton knew that Luke likely would want to save the girl from whatever mess she had gotten herself into. For now, she'd let the Face handle the colorful figure.

"A doctor? Well, this is awkward, but we already have one of those," Sutton muttered under her breath, not loud enough for most to hear. Still, as Luke disarmed the man, she chuckled a bit at his comment to Stehrr. No doubt the wookie would be more than happy to tear the arms off of the imperial doctor. But from the sound of Stehrr's growling, perhaps he'd do the same thing to the sparkly girl, if Luke didn't explain exactly what was going on soon.

As they walked back, Luke having sealed off the bay so no more surprises could occur, Sutton quickly caught up with him. Speaking in a hushed tone, her eyes darted back to Kayala's prisoner. "She's clearly more than your ex. And for all we know, they'll track the ship and kill us all to get those two back. Or maybe they'll just blast us out of space...She's a death sentence, Luke." However, Luke was her captain. And if he decided still, after hearing her caution, that they should bring the crazy girl and her doctor, then so be it.

They wouldn't be alive for Sutton to say I told you so anyways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 29 days ago

Morgbra & Kayala

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport -> Raven Medical Bay

"Situation; Woman fired at people, Luke said not to kill her. Shock Whipped her, she's unconscious, bringing her to you," Kayala said in a flat voice as she heft Jania better onto her shoulder and made her way as quickly and with as much cover as possible towards the Raven. She wasn't about to hang around to get shot or take too much time and risk the woman waking up with her still being a sack of potatoes over her shoulder. Her job was to protect the Senator, not lug girls about. Seeing the Senator rushing into the Raven gave Kayala a little bit of ease.

"As long as you don't get between me and my patient I don't give a damn," Morgbra stated as he was disarmed before proceeding after Jania and Kayala.

Kayala got to the entrance of the medical bay and froze in her tracks. Slowly lowering Jania to the ground and laying her there. Like hell she was stepping foot in there. She had a hard enough time around Denali, if she went into that room she knew she would lose any composure she had. Her brow breaking a sweat as she stood there while Morgbra came up.

"Get her away from the medical bay! She steps in there you won't have a medical bay left," he said and Kayala perked a brow nervously as she took a step back, wondering if he was talking about her or the woman she had brought in. Morgbra knelt down over Jania and started checking her vitals before turning his head and finally actually looking at the crew.


"What the fuck went down Kordath?" Jesmands voice broke through the com as she ordered the Vindicator into action.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

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Location: Anchor head Spaceport, Bay D3 --> The Raven

Stehrr grunted quietly in response to Luke’s assertion that the Wookiee could rip Morgbra’s arms off if the man made a single wrong step. He was a doctor, sure, but he was still an enemy and that meant he couldn’t be trusted. Stehrr stomped quickly up the ship’s loading ramp after the medic, grunting and growling the whole way as they chased after Kayala and Jaina. He was less than pleased with the whole arrangement, but he wouldn’t dare argue with Luke’s orders openly (he would only take great joy in putting either of them in their place should the opportunity arise).

Stopping just behind Kayala and the Imperial doctor, he was left even more perplexed as it would seem their very own doctor knew the other medic human?! This just kept getting more and more confusing for Stehrr the more people that showed up to this place. His anger subsiding somewhat, he peered over the tops of everyone’s heads to look at Denali.
“《Stehrr not understand. Denali and Luke know these people? How?》” thankfully, looking at Kayala and Sutton, they didn’t seem to know them any more than he did. That made him feel better.

Denali Keesda

The Raven, medbay --> The Raven, hallway/common area

Now that he had some explanation of the chain of events, Denali felt a bit better. Not quite at ease, of course, they were still bringing enemies onto the ship, but at least he knew what the hell was going on. If there was one thing Denali hated more than anything, it was not knowing things.
“Got it. I’ll have everything set up and ready when you get here.” he reassured Kayala, though knew it would mean little to the Face herself. Her pathological phobia of doctors and everything associated with them meant she would never willingly set foot inside the medbay, which begged the question of how they were going to get this patient settled so he could work. But they would deal with that once they had arrived.

He would find that once they returned to the Raven, he wasn’t as prepared for what he would be greeted with as he had thought. He could hear Stehrr’s clumsy ambling gait, and the voices of Kayala, Luke, Sutton and another muffled one he thought was familiar but couldn’t quite place. Frowning to himself, the Echani doctor waited in the medbay entryway until Kayala set the unconscious woman down. Her choice of attire was...questionable, but he made no comment on it and instead moved to get to work checking over her vitals and looking for any immediate wounds or problems.

Denali was stopped in his tracks, however, as another man brushed abruptly past Kayala to do the exact same inspection, with an alarmed shout of:
"Get her away from the medical bay! She steps in there you won't have a medical bay left," the Raven’s medic was left to stand there, gawking at Morgbra as if he had seen a ghost (for all he knew, he had!) as he suddenly realised where he had heard that voice before.
“Mor-Morgbra...?!” it seemed like lightyears before Denali could make his jaw move to form the words. “But...But they said you were dead!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

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Jesmand Cartchri

Location: The Bridge

Jesmand was not exactly sure if it was wise for Kordath to be taking Jania with him on this. The woman could handle herself in a fight but she was so out in left field you couldn't be sure of what she would do. Walking a long route from the meeting she would eventually make her way up to the bridge, thankful that Morgbra was going with Jania. He was usually good at keeping her on even keel or at least could refocus her when needed. Thing was he wasn't sure that Kordath wasn't going to put a bullet into the doctors brain, hell she wasn't even sure that Morgbra wouldn't end up shooting Kordath if given the chance. Neither of them saw eye to eye, didn't matter that there was some bit of respect each had for the other. She was just waiting for the day when everything went down in a horrible way between those two.

Stepping onto the bridge the sounds of blaster fire crackled in through the communicators and Jesmand found herself facepalming before slowly dragging her hands down her face, groaning as she did before letting out a short huff and pulling on the ends of her uniforms coat. "Trackers on, monitor vitals, prep the medical bay for incoming injuries just in case," she ordered and the crew flew into work. She wasn't sure who was hit if anyone was at first but it quickly became clear to what was going on from the voices coming in.

Jania had shot Kordath? Well she hadn't been expecting THAT but hell, it was Jania - the woman was unpredictable. Kordath finally chimmed in with a quick recap but she felt there was more to it than that. Jania was unpredictable but things triggered her, what had trigger this? And just where in the hell was her doctor running off to? Then it dawned on her, if they had Jania then Morgbra would do what he had to so that he could remain with her. He looked at the girl like a daughter in some respects. It was good on one level because it meant that he could connect with her. It was bad because he ran off and did shit like this.

"Get back to the Vindicator now," she ordered Kordath. "Med Bay be ready to receive Kordath, secondary staff must take over. Get this boat moving people, we have a tractor beam to put into place!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Luke Teth

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport -> The Raven

Turning his gaze toward Sutton as she approached him, he sighed, she had a point, this was a big risk, but Luke's instincts had told him it was the right idea. Seeing Jaina shoot the Imperial she was with, he couldn't help but assume she'd been trying to get away from them, it didn't matter who she was, he wouldn't have left anyone if that was the case - and if the Imperials /did/ want them back, having them on board at least stopped the Imperials from just blowing them out of the sky. "Tell you what, this goes bad and you can have my cut." Despite the confidence of his bet, it was one Luke lost nine out of ten times he made it.

Looking back toward the ship, Luke sighed. "Come on, our best chance is getting out of the system before that ship can respond." He commented, hurrying for the ship as he ran up the ramp, not bothering to head to the medical bay, and trusting the others had everything in hand, Luke got to the cockpit, taking his seat as he started all the pre-flight diagnostics quickly, taking the ship through the process of taking off, starting to move it out of the atmosphere quick once they were off. Reaching up, he took hold of the PA, clearing his throat. "Stehrr, I need you in the cockpit if we need to evade any cruisers, you're the better pilot."

Kordath Targon

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport -> The Vindicator

Kordath spent some time explaining the situation to Jesmand, he knew he had time, he figured the Commodore would've started moving the Star Destroyer over the second that he called for help. As he spoke to her, the last Stormtrooper came to help him up, and he found himself appreciating that the soldier had chosen to save his own life, flying the shuttle back himself in his condition might not have gone too fantastically for Kordath, it had been a long time since he'd taken such a blaster shot. He nodded his head to Jesmand as she gave her order. "Be there soon, Catch that ship, Commodore." He was careful with his inflection to ensure it was a request, not an order. Kordath might've been ballsy, but not ballsy enough to dare order Jesmand.

As the trooper made his way to the cockpit of the shuttle, Kordath groaned as he took a sat, strapping himself in as the ship took off, it would be something of a shakey ride, the trooper not being the best pilot, but he knew well enough what he was doing, it might've been slow, and without grace, but at the very least the shuttle would reach the Vindicator before long, touching down in one of its hangars as Kordath staggered down the open ramp, heading toward the waiting medical team to be looked at before he could head off to the bridge, he wasn't sitting this one out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Jaina Sarbye

Location: In Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness

"All it takes is one bad day..."

Eyelids flutter. Waking up?

"If I weren't so crazy, I'd be insane..."

No. Asleep? Awake? No. Yes. Schrodinger's Patient. Drifting on the edge, aware and unaware, awake and asleep, conscious and unconscious, sane and insane, sweet and ugly, innocent and deadly...

"Just a little push..."

Eyelids flutter again.

"Morg...? Why so serious?" Jaina mumbled. "Is this what death is?"

Sutton Corandel

Location: Ancorhead the Raven (the Bridge)

"Your cut?" Sutton asked, incredulous. "I don't want your cut, and, how the hell would I be able to get it if we're both dead because the empire decided to kill us?!" She huffed slightly, before realizing she had overstepped her bounds. Luke was the captain--not her. It was up to him what decisions were made, who they brought on board, and what they did. "Forget I said that...Please."

As they went back onto the bridge, Sutton tried her best not to have the feeling of incoming doom and despair. On the bright side, if they did die, they wouldn't feel it very long....right? She tried her best not to grimace, instead busying herself with assisting Luke as they got ready to haul ass. She was slightly surprised that Stehrr wasn't there already. But then again, things had been a little hectic.

"Where are we running to, Captain?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 29 days ago

Morgbra & Kayala

Location: Raven Medical Bay

Morgbra looked over to Denali and furrowed his brows. "I should be," he said before turning his attention back over to Jania as Kayala stepped back and away from the girl and more than that the medical bay and the doctors. This was not her ideal setting and she could feel her nerves setting in. Each step away making things a little easier for her, like breathing, but not as much as she would have liked.

"I was tending to wounded. A jackass decided it wasn't worth my time. We got into it. He shot me and left me for dead," he explained before going into detail as quickly as he could about the Empire finding him and tending to his wounds and how after that he has been working for them. He didn't tell them why he was there only that they stayed out of his way when it came to his patients and let him do what he does: be a doctor.

As Jania started to speak between coming in and out of it he breathed a sigh of relief. "No little strawberry, you are as alive as I am. I won't let anything happen to you," he said before turning and looking at Kayala, his eyes narrowing some what.

"She will be fine, it wasn't like I had the whip on max," Kayala said as she rested her hand on its hilt. "She tries to shoot us though I will put her right back down." Her voice was flat but warning as she spoke.

Morgbra sighed as he looked back over at Denali. "I need to get Jania away from anything medical, she doesn't do well with it. Trust me, it won;t be pretty."

Kayala perked a brow, she knew that feeling all too well. "Move her to my room."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 7 days ago


Location: The Raven --> The Raven, cockpit

Stehrr was still standing awkwardly as he watched the scene unfolding with the strange prisoner female and the two medics, when he heard Luke’s voice summoning him to the ship’s controls over the PA system. At first reluctant to leave Denali and Kayala in the company of two of their supposed enemies, the Wookiee complied after some firm reassurance from the Echani medic that Morgbra and his patient wouldn’t be inclined to try and harm his friends. Shuffling back through the compartments until he made his way back to the cockpit, Stehrr arrived just in time to catch Sutton’s question to the captain.

"Where are we running to, Captain?"
”《Yes, what we do now, Luke?》” Stehrr grumbled in agreement as he settled into the pilot’s seat and took the controls, fully prepared to carry out evasive maneuvers once they broke the planet’s atmosphere. Now that the Imperials knew they were here, the chances of them slipping away unnoticed were very very slim. ”《Must go somewhere they not follow us. At least place they not find us quickly.》” their current situation was far from ideal, and with Morgbra and Jaina on board the Empire would come looking for them, but they could hope to lose them in the time being at least.

Denali Keesda

The Raven, medbay --> The Raven, hallway/common area

Stehrr disappeared off back to the bridge as the Raven’s engines hummed to life once again and Luke prepared to get them out of this sticky situation they had managed to find themselves in. The ship’s current course would be the least of Denali’s concern, instead he would have to focus on Morgbra and the young woman in front of him. He wanted to protest to the other doctor’s insistence that they keep her away from the medbay, after all how were they going to help her if they didn’t have access to the proper equipment and medicines? But taking in her….strange choice of attire, he didn’t have to do an awful lot of putting two and two together to conclude that she likely wasn’t in complete control of all her mental faculties.

Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he could see Kayala smirking.
“Well, that sounds familiar.” he shot the Face a teasing smirk of his own before the Echani man stepped back as Jaina began to stir and mumbled something to Morgbra. Kayala suggested moving her to her own quarters, and Denali nodded his agreement. If there was anywhere on the ship that was likely to look least like a medbay it would be Kayala's personal space. He kept his distance and let Morgbra talk to Jaina, hopefully he could encourage her along in the right direction with a few words; or failing that if she was too weak to walk still they could always carry her there. Denali thought it would be safer for him to keep his distance and just watch for now unless Morgbra actually asked him to do anything, the woman was his patient and he knew her better than Denali could have hoped to just by looking her over once.
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