Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi was tempted to chickle at Djinn's choice of words. Though he looked at her confused. Pegasus was able to talk to her like he could he wondered how. Though at the mention of his friends Yugi nodded. He gathered his cards together carefully and placed them in the golden egyptian box that the Millennium Puzzle came in. "Thats right we were going to visit Grandpa this evening." He did remember this and was ready to go knowing that it was time to close the shop anyway. Yugi locked up and headed for the hospital where he knew his friends were going to visit him.

Visiting Grandpa for the evening, Yugi and his friends visited and chatted the evening away till it came to dinner of which they ate late and still had fun. Yami had not surfaced nor shown himself in anyway. Though Yugi had at times tried to subtly interact with Djinn, not wanting to leave her out. He even would possibly say something she said (depending on what she said as a retort or comment of some sort). Later in the evening, the group would go their separate ways with Joey escorting Yugi home. With Yugi home and Joey going home, Yugi locked up the house before going to bed. Bidding Djinn and Yami goodnight even though Yami still hadnt appeared till late night to watch over his host.

Within the next day, Yugi had went to see his grandpa and walked with him home after he was released. Yugi's friends had met up with them. grandpa for the following week teaches Joey how to play duel monsters the proper way where he can become a good strategist and a good duelist all together. On the last week was another tournament. Weevil Underwood Versus Rex Raptor. The duel was neck and neck. Joey had dozed during the program and Yugi had only chuckled, knowing he had been working hard. "I think Grandpa's lessons have been too tough for him." Yugi guessed for how Joey had nodded off. Tristen smirked as he leaned over from where he sat towards his blonde friend. "That why you snooze you lose!" saying in a friendly, teasing tone of which Joey opened his eyes having heard Tristen and set a pouted glare at him though pointed haired brunette grinned sheepishly.

Yugi during this time and without his friends noticing, looking for Djinn and seeing how she was doing. He knew that she seemed to be doing alright, but he wanted to make sure when he had come to find out that this was not a time that she was originally apart of. Wanting to make sure that she was having a good time.

"Alright Joseph, its time for your next lesson!" Soloman called as soon as he came into the room which resulted Joey to turn to where he was kneeling on the couch and turned his back to the TV to face Grandpa. "Whhaaa?! More lessons?" He whined. Grandpa with a package in his hands, nodded. "Yes. But understand this Joseph, you have come a long way and that you will become a great duelist someday. I have no doubt about that." This made Joey teary eyed as Yugi smiled at Grandpa's encouraging words. "Ahhhh...Gramps!" He leaned forward fast and reached to give Grandpa a hug only just at the last minute, the elder moved away and out of Joey's reach. "That reminds me, Yugi, a package came in for you." Joey had by then stuck in midair and then fell to the ground with a thud and a groan.

Yugi looked to Grandpa with a curious look toward him and the package in question. "Does it say who its from?" he asked for this peeked Yami's curiosity if Djinn could notice. Grandpa shook his head. "No. It was a strange as well. I wonder who would do something like that." Yugi didn't know himself and opened the box, looking at the contents within.

A strange red and white fingerless glove with star holes in the large white cuff. There is 2 stars and a VCR Tape. Yugi looks at this with curiosity. Joey looked at the contents as did Tea and Tristen. "A glove?" Tea questioned. "And Stars?" Joey questioned next. Yugi took out the tape as he looked a bit hesitant and thinking. This peeked Yami's curiosity as well but he didn't surface. He wouldn't want to startle his host but this seemed a bit strange. His transparent figure appeared near Djinn with his arms crossed and focused on that one tape. Something this VCR Tape gave him a strange feeling within and it nagged at him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Djinn had absolutely no problem keeping her presence known for Yugi and, of course, Yami. Her obvious connection with darkness and shadows has allowed her to maneuver herself around in a variety of miraculous ways, sometimes to impress him; when he would make a move, his own projected shadow on the ground or wall would move differently, as if it had intelligence, and a life of its own. If he figured it out, Djinn merged herself into his own shadow, or shape-shifted on the spot. It was at that moment where she insisted to be simply called "Shadow".

Of course, even while Djinn performed said-actions, it remained unnoticeable to Yugi's friends; she was just being playful, or showing signs of cleverness. Plus, when it suits her, she would sometimes merge herself with his friends' own shadows, particularly Joey's, and make her owner laugh. However, the spirit gladly stopped whenever he, or even Yami, would subtly ask her to leave them be. That was the way of fun she shared with him. It seems that Djinn has a mischievous side, a trait of a fiend-monster, aside from her polite mannerisms when they first met.

Thankfully, she was patient with Yugi, and shifting herself back to her transparent form, Djinn gladly watched the event of a duel on the strange mechanism that Yugi told her about earlier. So this would be the television?, she thought, now knowing about the device before her. It was impressive, and the duel between Weevil Underwood and Rex Raptor. She didn't expect Underwood to win though; with a low-leveled monster, no dice. However, Djinn changed her perspective as soon as it came: he miraculously turned the tables, and defeated Rex with one clever move.

Noticing the transparent form of Yami next to her, she shared the spirit's curiosity when an unknown package came to both his host, and her owner. From Industrial Illusions, she heard them say, and this only made her have a mix of curiosity and worry. For once, Djinn shared the same nagging feeling that the spirit felt. "Don't you think that's a bit...odd, Yami?", she asked him when he appeared nearby.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami stood there, his features passive but there was a slight frown on his face as his thoughts looked far away. He heard Shadow' concern and closed his eyes. "Indeed. However there will be not much anyone can do by not touching it. The only way to see whats on it is by looking at the contents that the tape holds for any sort of answer to our answers. If anything should happen to harm Yugi, we will be there to help him and his friends. That is all we can do for now." Yami explained, his eyes open then and focusing on more than just the tape. But on his charge as well.

Yugi could slightly hear them through their bond with him but they werent the only ones. But he was more nervous than anything. They were right though. The only way to know was to play it. He went over to the VCR, turned it on, put the Tape in and pressed play. The group was somewhat gathered besides Yami who then faded and resided back to the puzzle. He had to be ready.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Djinn was worried, even after she felt Yami disappear back into the Puzzle, which still hung around her owner's neck. Many things have spurned within her mind of what this tape would show, but with the dandified and effeminate appearance of Maximillion Pegasus appearing on the television screen, her day was just getting darker and darker. "Greetings, little Yugi Muto, I am Maximillion Pegasus", he spoke in that proper voice that was suitable for someone of high status. Especially for someone like Pegasus.

The white, long-haired took notice of Djinn behind Yugi, and his gaze made her shudder. She will never forget all those times being tested on that holographic board of his. Not to mention that she felt her sister's pain during the same procedure. It was exhausting; non-stop training with no rest, and Pegasus' provocative comments don't help. With him to be able to read her mind with his Millennium Eye, she was powerless under his command. "I have heard of some terrible things about you, Yugi. Hearing of your victory against Seto Kaiba, I had to experience your skills personally", he was patronizing them now. And if he could read Djinn's mind right now, he would already, now that she's begging him. "Pegasus, please leave him alone", she indeed begged with a soft but small voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi and his friends were too in awe that there was a video of Maximillion Pegasus directing a message to Yugi. Grandpa was even surprised. The boy however was noticing that he was feeling this anxious, spine shuddering feeling at the back of his mind. He noticed that this wasn't his emotions, but anothers. He couldn't figure out whos for right now. He was curious asto why Pegasus would send this video to him. "My boy getting to being acknowledged by the creater of Duel Monsters himself? This is an honor!" Grandpa mused.

Being acknowledged as a Duelist was nice, but Yugi had no idea that beating Seto Kaiba was a big deal. He only wanted to teach Kaiba a lesson about the true eaning of Duel monsters and the Heart of the Cards. He did just that and with te help of Yami and Djinn. To be acknowledged by the Founder of Duel Monsters was a surprise and something he didn't know what to really. Though hewas wondering how Pegasus was going to test his skills. The way he spoke sounded like he was going to duel him by dueling a video. Joey even noticed this. "Wait, Yug'. How are you going to duel a video?" Wheeler asked to his friend of which the others had seemed to catch on and looked fro th video to Yugi.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"Right here, right now; we shall have a special duel with a strict time limit of fifteen minutes. The winner will be the one with the highest life-points, are you ready?", Shadow was already worried about this offer he was making, and she was being stared down, once he finished talking. Are you ready, Djinni?, she heard him say in her mind; it was a taunt. The shadow genie wondered about the same thing: how could they possibly duel through such a device? This question was echoed once to herself, and she didn't want to place her doubts of this man's abilities. She's seen what he can do. Many times.

The next thing she knew, the Millennium Eye made itself known, and the room became dark and cold, with her possessor's friends not being able to move. He couldn't have... "It's the Shadow Realm, an unseeable yet a dangerous place. This is where our fates are tested", Djinn informed Yugi, practically telling him that they were a bad situation. "Indeed, Djinni. I have taken you both here, a world far separate from the real one. Don't worry, I will return you back home, after our game", Pegasus chuckled, before Djinn kneeled down to Yugi's level on the ground, next to him. Whispering in his ear, sounding like an indistinctive sound, but something that only the boy could decipher: they can beat him together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi felt this cold and sudden dark presence that he couldn't figure and it ran shivers down his spine, feeling scared, wanting to do what his instincts told him which was to run and get somewhere safe. Yet felt it was too late for that for he looked behind him to see his friends frozen, like they had stopped from whatever they were doing and became statues. "Grandpa? Joey? Guys?" He called out to the but only got silence. These emotions made Yami within feel angered for hurting his charge, making him feel alone and scared. The young boy looked to Djinn as she explained what happened and where they technically were now. The fate that he heard Pegasus acknowledge her made his head turn back to the TV with a confused yet scared look. He could see Shadow? But how I thought this was only a Tape recording!

With Djinn having kneeled down next to him, hearing a sound he could somehow understand. Something that made him feel a bit better. 'Yugi, it is not safe for you to stay in the Shadow Realm for too long. Let me take over and lets beat Pegasus.' Yami spoke up. Yugi gave asmall nod to them both and Yami made his appearance ad making sutle changes like he had done many times before. Yami was serious, and ready to take on Pegasus. "Its time to Duel Pegasus!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Djinn smiled proudly at Yugi's sudden confidence, already knowing that it could either be her words, or Yami's words. She heard him speak to his host through their bond, and once again, the device responsible for her creation came to life. Throughout this transformation, the shadow genie was in the light with him, appearing solid next to Yami with her arms folded. Let's make this duel worthy for us, my friend, Djinn spoke to him with determination and a confident smirk, before phasing herself back into her partner's deck. Nonetheless, she still spoke to Yami in his ear. Be careful, Pegasus duels way more differently than Kaiba, she sounded slightly anxious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami nodded to Shadow slightly with the acnowledgement as to wht sh was telling him He had come to figure that this was would be much different than his duel wth Seto Kaiba considering that this was Maximillion Pegasus. The CEO of Industrial Illusions and the creator of Duel Monsters. He was going to be a tough opponent no doubt. 'It will be alright Shadow.' Yami reassured. He needed her to stay strong and not feel intimidated by Pegasus. He had come to notice that they knew each other and that whatever happened was giving Shadow doubt and bringing back memmmories that she would rather forget. "Start the timer and make your move Pegasus." Yami told him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Shadow Djinn was listening to him, carefully taking in his words, and tried to calm down. Remarkably, Yami was reassuring her; Pegasus, or any her previous masters in the past, have never expressed that towards her, especially since she was a 'servant' -- a slave, of some sort. Divine subtly did, but it was difficult, since she's always summoned to grant wishes every now and then. She never got a warning, or an upcoming sign, that her presence would be requested, and this made her leave Shadow behind to tend to her duties. That thought, however, made her think: 'What if she's in his deck right now?'

"Certainly. Let's begin", she heard her previous master announce, before the timer began to count down from fifteen minutes. She wanted to know -- no, she demanded to know. Does he have her? Shadow's transparent form appeared behind Yami, noticeable if one looked over his shoulder. She wasn't cowering, but she did try to suck it up, at least. She never felt such vulnerability.

"Nervous, Djinni?", the white-haired taunted, while laying down a face-down; all Shadow could do was narrow her eyes, trying to show courage. "You should be too, little Yugi, you've never faced a duelist like me", Pegasus was intimidating, but it wasn't gonna stop Shadow from showing a hint of anger. "He's threatened by you, Yami", she hissed to him, insisting. What's really interesting, is the ability in her whispers: she planted the command into his head, and made him think that he himself came up with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami smirked. "Then how about you focus less on Djinn and more on me Pegasus. You have insulted her long enough." Yami warned the CEO. He didnt take kindly to his intimidations to her nor himself. He seemed cocky. Yami would try to use that against him. "Make your move Pegasus." he almost growled out getting impatient with him. This was duel, not an insult contest and with the random thought of the fact that Pegaus seemed intimated by him made him wonder if that was indeed true, why he was insulting and intimidating him amd Djinn the way he was currently.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Pegasus made a smirk of deviousness, and his voice brought all sorts of arrogance to him. Making a chuckle at Yami's threat, all it did was bring him amusement. "You and Miss Djinn won't be getting out of here alive...not with that Dragon card, anyway", Shadow gasped in shock; she forget to warn Yugi about Pegasus' Millenium Eye: he had the power to read the mind. "That's right", she quietly said in realization. "Yami, Pegasus is in possession of a very dangerous power. One that can make this game very fatal for the both of us", she warned her friend, almost in confidence to stand by his side.

The white-haired man made another chuckle at them. "Oh, did I happen to mention that this Eye has other properties too?", he said rhetorically before his left eye began to glow once again. That is when the kneeling, now-solid form of Shadow began to whimper in pain, holding her head with one hand. "That's right; Djinni here is connected to this world: The Shadows. It can empower her, it can drain her. I can alter it to do whatever I wish, with various results", he chuckled; at this rate, due to the minor drain, the genie found herself leaning against Yami's shoulder, in order to support herself. "Yami..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami could feel a growl want to growl to form within his throat tough he remained calm and composed. he was feeling his need to protect not just Yugi now, but Shadow as well from Pegasus. He didnt know what this CEO was up to but it seemed his target was both, though he would keep his mind open as to Pegasus's agenda. What caught the spirit off guard was with what Pegasus said about his card that he was about to play. Glancing to Shadow upon the information she was giving him, the Spirit gave a small, curt nod in acknowledgement to her news.

Hearing Pegasus' chuckle felt like something Yami should be cautious about. To hear about this eye that Pegasus possessed, only to see it glow briefly. Suddenly hearing a soft thud the Spirit looked slightly behind him to see a now solid form of Shadow who looked to be in pain and knelt by her side. "Shadow!" Yami spoke out of concern. He could feel Yugi stirring within, worried for their new friend. He turned to Pegasus a cold glare, knowing hough that he needed to be calm. To know now what this place could do for Shadow and ho Pegasus can do what he wished in Shadow realm made his blood boil. A small weight was felt to Yami's shoulder where he looked over to see Shadow exhausted, drained and using him as support. His Crimson/Amathyst eyes softened at the sight. 'It will be alright. Stay strong for me. If this is your domain than you can find a way to overpower his ability. I believe in you. He will pay for this.' Yami told her through their link with a soft, encouraging smile. He looked to the Koumori Dragon in his hand. He may know the card was somehow in his hand but most likely didnt have anything to counter his dragon. That was hi thought anyway. "I sommon Koumori Dragon, in attack mode." He declared. The dragon's Attack Strength being 1500 and his Defence being 1200.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Shadow tried to keep her eyes open as she heard Yami speak to her. She leaned into him as long as she needed to, and with a nod of confirmation, and a groan, she gave it her all to get her strength back: by absorbing some of the realm's dark energy into her being, seeping into her skin, with her red eyes glowing slightly. With the energy she needed, Shadow knew that the Millennium Eye was vulnerable against individuals of impressive power. No doubt she was one of them in the Shadow Realm; all she needed, was a refill of her strength (since half of it was used up in their duel against Kaiba). With her strength back, she closed her eyes passively. 'I told you Pegasus was not to be underestimated', she reminded the spirit, as well as Yugi, who resided from within. 'Be careful', she added with a whisper.

Pegasus grew amused of Yami's latest play. With the artifact, he's able to decipher every card he plays before making any moves of his own. "Djinni is correct, little Yugi. I can plan for every you make before you can even perform it. Take the Dragon Capture Jar for instance", his face-down turns face-up, before a jar appeared, sucking up Yami's dragon inside. Shadow felt a knot in her stomach; the game was complete mismatch. Not matter what card her owner plays, it will always be noticed beforehand due to the white-haired man's psychic ability. Yami was now completely vulnerable. His opponent chuckled miscieviously as he drew a card, and set it down.

"Yami, Pegasus has the power to read the mind. He will use that to his advantage during this exploit. Try to not think but do", the genie whispered from next to him, giving him advice from the sidelines.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami was surprised of the sudden counter that Pegasus had, seeing that he did have something up his sleeve. With this strange ability. The Spirit had been warned and he knew it. he didnt doubt her, just had figured that there were odds that he would have such a counter. But to understand this better, to fight against it and gain the upper hand again. His eyes glanced away from Pagasus when she gave her advise on what to do. He looked back to his cards and then his deck. Her advise was sound, but this included risk and alot of faith within his deck. It was quite the theory he was willing to take and after looking at one of his cards he looked back to his deck and drew, placing it on the monster zone without the slightest peek. 'Thank you Shadow.' he felt his confidence come back, putting full faith in this deck of his and Yugi's.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"I flip-summon Dragon Piper! (200 ATK/1800 DEF)", Pegasus declared, already intrigued that Yami would take such a risk. 'Such a clever one', he amusingly thought to himself, with that smirk again. "With this card, your imprisoned Dragon (1700 ATK/1200 DEF) will be released, but now it will play on my side of the field", Yami's dragon manages to escape the jar, but reveals itself on Pegasus' side of the field in Attack Position. "Koumori Dragon, destroy that facedown!", the white-haired man declared before the reptile obliterated Yami's facedown; his life points dropping from 2000 to 1500. He gave a chuckle before setting down another card.

'Hang it there, Yami!', she told him.
'Don't forget; faith and the Heart of the Cards. You might just turn this duel around!'
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami watched Pegasus as he brought back his Koumori Dragon and to against him, destroying his face down card. He wasnt too thrilled that his defence monster was taken out and surprisingly taken out half his life points. He could turn this around and with the way it could go, he would be able to put this in his favor. When Pegasus' turn was over, he grabbed another card from the deck and placed it face down once again. Though he had thought about playing a different monster while looking to his hand though, he remembered to keep to his deck. "You havent discouraged me yet Pegasus. I have quite the faith in my cards." He told the CEO with a confident smirk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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"Do you, now?" The Eye was glowing again. 'So, he played Zombie Warrior', he concluded to himself with a chuckle, thinking he had the duel in his favor. "I activate my face-down", he declared as the card he placed face down was tilted up: Sun-Shower.

'You think you know everything, Pegasus?', Shadow asked the white-haired man, sounding more braver than before. 'There's more than meets the eye in this match', she added. The full-bodied spirit of the genie glanced back to Yami, knowing what he had in store.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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A smirk appeared on Yami's face when he noticed that Pegasus was becoming more confident than him. This he figured he would use in his favor for he could feel something about this card that would turn it around. He was sure of it. When he declared the face down card that he found to be Sun-Shower, Yami knew this next theory was working. He tricked him by thinking about a card he should play but played him. "You see Pegasus, you think I wouldnt get what you are up to, but it seemed you have fallen and I have faith in my deck. And my faith rewards me!" The Spirit turned over the face down. "The Dark Magician!" Revealing the said card, the Master Magician appearing and stood stoically an proud as a creature of magic. "Dark Magician, Dark Magic Attack!" Raising a hand, The Magician aimed it to the Dragon Piper of which was then shattered and the Dragon Jar and Kourmori Dragon vanished.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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"What!?", Pegasus was left aghast at his mistake. 'So he found a way around the Millenium Eye's power. We'll see about that', he thought with a sneer, as his life points dropped from 2000 to 1200. Groaning in frustration, he played his next card. "I summon Illusionist Faceless Mage (1200 ATK/2200 DEF) in Attack Mode!", he declared. "I then activate Eye of Illusion; with it, I equip the Mage. Go! Attack Dark Magician!", it attacks Yami's Magician but destroys itself. However, he didn't tell Yugi about the Eye of Illusion equipping itself to Dark Magician, giving him control over its being.

'Yami, something's not right about this attack', the genie told him.
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