Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 24 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School – infirmary then towards the kitchen.

Amelia was just about to start cleaning her would when Sana basically send her away to bring the new girl to the kitchen. While it was a sound request, her wound wasn't going to take more than a few minutes to clean and maybe put a big bandaid or something on it, but it seemed it was not to be.

She put the medical supplies she was going to use a little out of and nodded.” Alright. Riley, please follow me.” Amelia quietly said as she walked out the door, waiting for just enough for the other girl to follow her.

“Well... I was a waitress... for like under a week.” Amelia replied to Riley's question with a sad face.” I'm from Little Rock, Arkansas... since this madness started I've been slowly moving in this direction. I stayed at a few places for a little while, but generally just kept moving.” She stated as she led the way through the corridors and towards the kitchen.

Once they reached the kitchen, she quickly explained Riley's condition to the staff in charge so they give her proper meal.” What about you?” Amelia quietly asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Outside Newnan, Southern Gate -> Parking Lot of Building 4 (nearest Gilbert St across from Building 1)

A lady ought to be free to die on her own terms, especially in this horrifying mockery of the world. Death was imminent for Astrid. In Ash's mind, she could do whatever the hell she wanted to from that point forward. If it was not her way to be surrounded by her people (or at least those that claimed her as their own), then so be it. If he had any regret with the situation (aside from his people getting killed, that is), it was that he could not provide for Astrid the clean, warrior's death that she had given her sister, Bridgette. She had her own plan, and he had to respect it.

Before entering Newnan, Ash opened the door to the Hordebuster and stepped out onto the dusty ground below. For the first time since accepting an order from Lieutenant Colonel Leann McCormick, the former Commanding Officer of the Newnan Safe Zone, snapped to attention and raised his arm in proud salute. Those women were every bit the soldier he was; the distinctions of training and specific disciplines notwithstanding. They were probably better fit to survive in this new world than himself. The irony of that thought was not lost on Ash, either. He held his position for as long as he dared, his duty to the survivors being the priority. It was time to come home.

Slowly at first, Ash pulled his massive truck into Newnan. They had a job to do. Within the Inner Wall, across from the Courthouse, Ash parked his 'Buster and switched into "incident mode" as people gathered to do what was needed. "Alright! Priority goes to the living. Smooth and easy, I need two gurneys from Medical brought around. Expect shock, expect that they cannot assist themselves much. Keep it gentle."

He looked to a few others assembled, continuing, "Casualties. Far more than are acceptable." As if any were, especially for mercy work such as they were attempting. "Prepare the deceased for interment. Lay them out, recover anything of use from them. Weapons, armor, tools, meds, whatever. Catalogue everything and report. If they haven't already taken a blade to the brain, make that happen."

Ashton turned his attention to his radio. "We're back. All stations, report in order of building assignment. Courthouse first, Mess, etc." His thumb had fallen away from the button on the walkie, indeed the apparatus was descending from his head when he spoke again, to no one really. His face remained the same stony vision as it had been for the past hour, more or less, but his voice felt vacant.

"We lost our girls."

Black James(!)

Location: Building 2, Mess Hall -> The Hordebuster, Building 4 Parking Lot

James had come to help out, as everyone else had who was respectful of Ashton's orders. What he saw was sadly familiar. Additionally, he saw that state that Ash was in, recognizing it from previous incidents. He was holding it together in a way that was both admirable and frightening, if you knew the man. If you didn't, it looked like the carnage didn't touch him. James was tempted to offer his services and take over the situation, let Ash get some rest and quiet, but he knew better. The man needed a project for his brain to push through logically, no matter how gruesome or stressful it might be.

At least he could give a basic report. "Hey, Boss. We gots Guy up top on a rifle. Fire's stopped, but there're heaps of shit 'cause of it. You need talk with Froggy. Nothin' we can do right now 'bout it, though, don't think. Oh! Gotta guest, set up in the Mess Hall. She seems aight, be we got a gun on her, same old, same old..."

James let his words trail off. There was a bit of work to be done before anyone could rest tonight. "Tellya what, Bossman... Everything gets offloaded, imma take a bucket to your truck, k? We can have a sit-down like last time. Talk stuff over."

The Captain didn't speak, merely giving the overall clad man the barest of nods.

"Okay! Let's get to it, then." There was indeed a lot to do.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jack and Chloe

Location: The Hordebuster, Building 4 Parking Lot

Ashton saluted Astrid before the Hordebuster pulled into Newnan, and for that moment, Jack could see that the soldier never really had left the war. It explained the structure of Newnan, but also its success. Some of the cops, former vets, had that look in their eyes. Ashton had asked him to share a drink with him later--the man looked like he needed some company, some friends.

"What'd you like me to help with, boss?" Jack asked, as he stepped out of the Hordebuster. His eyes went across the way to the courthouse, and seeing Tatiana standing there, right as rain, he couldn't help but beam in relief. The pain and suddenness of Bazhooli's death was momentarily forgotten. His solovey was just fine, even helping out with the people in Newnan. He gave Tatiana a cheery wave, before returning his attention to Ash.

He was still new to Newnan, and uncertain as to what he could do.

Meanwhile, Chloe could hardly keep herself from shouting Riley's name. More and more people were appearing in this place. With each new face she saw, she couldn't help but imagine the next one would be Riley. Her chances seemed good--fantastic, even, compared to making camp in the woods, and being terrified that each walker she encountered might be her twin. But she focused herself instead on her patients. Both of them would need to be moved carefully and slowly, with Ciel and Ray hardly retaining consciousness as it was.

"Chloe," she greeted curtly at Meghna. "I can assist with medical. Stanford trained." Hopefully, that'd be enough to keep them prying into what she actually put her Stanford education to use with. Nursing drug addicts like herself back to health and smuggling product wasn't exactly the best first impression. And with the entire military vibe of this settlement, she wouldn't be surprised if they put her in lock up.

Beatrice Decker

Location: Building 2, Mess Hall

Beatrice stared at the armed guard, her only company since James left. He didn't look like much of a talker, but his station likely demanded that of him. She munched a bit on her trail mix, as well as slowly eating some of the food James brought out for her. Having lived on the streets as a kid, she knew better than to gorge herself. Her stomach wasn't prepared for something beyond a mix of walnuts and cashews just yet.

She paused for a moment, a bit of meat in her hand. Beatrice wasn't much of a talkative person, preferring to observe and then make her choice. But alone in the mess hall with the gunned man, she felt a bit curious about this place. "So, what's this place's deal?" She took another bite of her food. "You got a name, suit?"

It was almost just like juvi. The walkers were just an added bonus.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

The Hordebuster -> Newnan

She gave Ray a final hand squeeze before she got up to allow the others to transport the sick to where they needed to go. She also stood by and let those part of the Newnan group get their reports in. However, she wanted something to do, now that she was safely inside the walls. She watched the interactions of the people. Ash, the man driving the truck, seemed to be a leader. As good a place as any to start.

She walked up to him with a warm smile, "We didn't get a chance to talk much, given all that has happened. I'm Tiffany, thank you for helping us. I am truly sorry about those you lost. I am here though and I want to be helpful. Anything you want me to do?" She hoped he would maybe allow her to stick with Ray and the others, but if they needed more hands elsewhere she would do her part.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Newnan - Froggy looked up at Ash as he brought the Hoardbuster outside of the courthouse and parked, waiting to move. Then the announcement came through from Ash about the gurney's. Froggy's expression got worrisome. "Why are you asking me to bring out what is already here?" he asked incredulously before shaking his head. "You come to me this evening for a full evaluation," he added before hopping up into the back of the Hoardbuster to get a look to what was going on exactly. He had given Ash a look, one that basically said...I know you are the boss here but I am lead medical and I am not budging on this one."

As he climbed in he shot a look towards Meg. "No moving anyone until I do an assessment," he yelled as he hopped into the back with Tatiana close on his heels. Tatiana paused for a brief moment and looked over towards Jack, a wave of relief coming over her features to see he was back and alright, before scurrying along after the resident doctor. Froggy stopped for a moment as he saw Bridgette and it finally sunk, they had lost their girls but where was Astrid's body? He'd ask later.

Kneeling down by the boy he checked him over before looking at Meg and Tatiana. "Alright, now you may move him, keep him on the stretcher and be gentle," he said before radioing into the infirmary. "Niesha, we have one boy coming your way for what looks like Malnutrition," he said before turning towards Ray and sighing inwardly. "And an amputee, prop the OR door open for me and scrub up, you're assisting," he added before looking over towards Jack and Ash. "Alright, you two I need him moved into the OR. On the stretcher to the gurney and into the OR past the Infirmary, I gotta scrub," he said in his usual thick french accent before telling Tatiana to take care of anything else out there and then to get into the infirmary and help Kris with Ciel once he was moved. The ballerina nodded quickly as Victor headed out of the truck and bolted for the courthouse to get scrubbed up.

Miss Sally headed into the Mess Hall and headed over to the new comer. "Well we have a new person, that is nice compared to what happened outside," she said, having just caught the tail end of everything outside before she had come in. Sitting down across from Beatrice. "Welcome to Newnan, I am Miss Sally. Are you hungry? Of course you are, out on the road everyone is hungry. We have some wonderful deer thanks to James, let's get you some of that and some other things. Load you up," she said with a grandma like determination. Friendly but stern. "Come on girl, let's get you some food, follow me," she said as she stood up and limped towards the kitchen.

Franklin - Franklin was calm, people were walking in and out of the cafeteria to grab something small before heading out. Most of them were covered in dirt or blood or both. Medic had come in quickly, grabbed some chips and rushed back out. Mike took a deep breath as he came in and looked around, a smile breaking over his features as he spotted Amelia. "Heard you were in here, ran into Sana in the infirmary," he said brightly but you could tell that he was hiding the pain of just losing his father. Stepping over to her he reached up onto a high shelf as he looked over his shoulder making sure no one else could see before pulling down a box of valentine chocolates that had seen better says. Opening he up he grabbed a piece before holding it out to the girls. "Hurry, grab one so I can hide it," he said with a wink, whilst holding the piece between his teeth.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Crash site

Ciel coughed incoherently in a pathetic attempt to respond to a question from one of the women from Newnan. The question was soon answered by a man who Ciel was pretty sure had just entered. After a quick check, the man gave permission for the woman to move him to the infirmary. Whatever waited there wouldn't be pleasant, but it would help. Ciel doubted that anyone had proper medical supplies these days, but something was a lot better than nothing.

Ciel gritted his teeth, bracing himself for being moved again. He felt mostly fine when he was lying still, but as soon as he got jostled around he felt lightheaded and nauseous. The IV had done a good job of keeping him alive, but he'd lost a significant amount of weight and the nutrient and vitamin deficiencies had probably done a number on his immune system and possibly even cognitive functioning. He'd never been a particularly healthy kid, given his asthma and several allergies, but this latest mortal peril would probably bring on some long lasting annoyances.

Trying to push the thoughts of the uncertain future out of his head, he laid down to keep the movement to a minimum and silently observed the Newnan residents who had entered the truck. He assumed they must be Newnan's medical personnel, but perhaps they were just volunteers of some sort who had other jobs. Clearly if they cared this much about keeping him and Ray alive, they must intend for them to become at least temporary citizens. Chances of getting some semblance of a routine life still looked pessimistic, but this was far better than wandering in the woods starving to death.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


building one, the infirmary

"did...did you see Sophia when you were out there?" Niesha asked, as she finished up, washing her hands again, and sighing. Maybe it was selfish to ask, but she need to know. She didn't get a chance for an answer, instead she stood there, blinking as Froggy told her to scrub up. She stood there, her mind processing everything. Astrid had been coming back with the kid with malnutrition, with the other injured. Astrid should be here. Unless something had happened. Froggy wouldn't need her help in the surgery otherwise. She closed her eyes a moment, drawing in a deep breath. She could do this. Giving Kristina a wobbly smile, she went to get scrubbed up, tying her hair back properly before doing so, then thoroughly washing her hands, all the way up to her elbows.

She nudged the OR door open with a foot, keeping it open, she stood there thinking how earlier, Zoie had been in there, how Froggy and Astrid had saved her, only to have her die hours later. She drew in a deep breath, tired of all the death. Yet they'd carry on, because that was what they did. Making sure everything was set up. her mind went to the first amputation that she had dealt with. It had been a risk, that had paid off. And here, they had medical treatment. if the amputee had survived this long, he had good chances. Her mind went to Sophia. She'd been saved here, even if it had taken her a month to get out.

She really hoped Sophia was okay.

Drawing her attention back to what she needed to do, she waited for the patient to be brought in, so she could get some observations recorded, do what she could to ease everything for Froggy, her body weary, her mind spinning a million miles an hour.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 24 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School – the cafeteria.

“Yes, I just finished stitching her leg... and was told to help guide Riley to the cafeteria to have a meal.” Amelia replied to Mike's appearance with a small smile. She could see it in his eyes that he was affected by the loss of his father, Amelia herself felt it a little, but she barely knew him after all. Still he was a decent man and his death was a huge loss to the group.

“Thank you...” She stated when a chocolate was proposed to her and she carefully took one with a blush, before placing a hand on Mike's.” Mike, I'm sorry about your father. He was a good man.” She said quietly, looking at him with sad smile.” If you want, you can spend the night at my room, for you to not be alone?” She asked, not wanting him to be alone at this moment.

"When did you manage to hide...?" She then asked, throwing looks around, getting the idea that this was his secret.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

Kristina rubbed her sore ankle slightly she looked up towards Niesha asking about Sophia she was silent for a moment trying to think of what to say quickly, it was probably the worse case scenario for her to ask about Sophia. "Shes uh.." Before Kristina could say anything she heard Froggy's voice over the radio telling her to scrub up to assist him in the OR. Which was a surprise to her, usually it would have been Astrid that would be assisting Froggy if surgery happened something must have happened to her while out on the run to ask Niesha for assistance.

"I'll find out for you." Kristina finally managed to say to Niesha it was a lie though she already knew what had happened to Sophia her body was located just below them in the lockup for now. "You will be fine Niesha." Kristina finally said as she gave her a quick smile, she turned her attention towards the door as she saw Meg wheeling in the sick malnourished kid into the infirmary. She didn't know anything medical wise, so she couldn't be useful in the OR where Niesha was going to be working alongside Froggy with. Kristina looked over towards Meg as she went to get the food that she had made for Ciel earlier that Ashton had asked her to make as she gestured towards Kristina and Tatiana.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Meghna turned to look at Froggy and took a step back letting the medical lead give Ciel a quick look over to see if he was okay to move, once she was given the alright Meg gave a slight nod when she looked over at Tatiana. Meg as gently as she could moved Ciel onto the stretcher. "Carefully now." Meghna said as she carefully maneuvered herself out of the back of the Hordebuster and started moving Ciel, she looked over towards Chloe and smiled for a moment. "Nice to meet you, could use more medical people." Meg said as she managed to get herself out of the buster. "Once I get him situated i'll escort you to the Mess Hall, Ashton once he has time can vet you." Meg said as she motioned for Tatiana to follow her.

Once they were inside Meg turned to look at Kristina as she saw the younger girl getting up to assist. "So I made this for him earlier, some thin liquids and some thick stuff. Just ease him into it if he gets sick stop and then try something else, theres oatmeal and theres some broth as well." Meghna instructed looking at the two women and smiled at the two of them, before leaving the infirmary, she started making her way back towards Chloe and turned to look over at Ashton. "Chloe is new i'll take her to the Mess Hall for you to interview her when you get the chance to." Megnha said as she waved towards Chloe to follow her.

Meghna turned to look over at Chloe. "Your probably hungry as well, i'll set you up with something to eat if you are hungry." Meghna said as she made her way towards the Mess Hall she could see Ms. Sally there and yet another new face to Newnan as she approached the elderly woman. "How are you doing Sally?" Meg asked as she looked towards Beatrice and smiled at the other woman. "Nice to meet you i'm Meg." She said extending her hand towards her and then gestured towards Chloe. "This is Chloe she is also new."

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Building 1 (OR)

Raymond laid there he gave Tiffany's hand a quick squeeze as he watched her climb out of the Hordebuster as he looked over towards Froggy letting the older man look him over. "I'm not going to wake up with a missing kidney or something right?" Ray asked jokingly as he coughed slightly and groaned once more from another wave of pain shooting through the remaining part of his leg. He watched as Meg and Tatiana moved Ciel first and made their way towards the infirmary.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Heard County High School (Cafeteria)

Riley looked towards Amelia and smiled slightly towards her. "I was actually a singer, a band to be exact before it all happened." Riley answered as she followed her into the cafeteria. "I was finishing up my tour in LA which also happened to be where I lived at the time, saw my first walker tried to take a bite out of me if it weren't for the security detail." Riley said as she adjusted the strap to her crossbow and looked at the cafeteria staff giving them a friendly smile as they started to make her something light she was starving. Riley could see the people of Franklin scrambling some covered in dirt, blood or both she felt bad what had happened here some of them probably didn't trust her due to her timing getting into Franklin.

Riley turned her head as one of them approached Amelia she gave him a soft smile and extended her hand towards him. "Riley nice to meet you." she said as he reached up to grab a box of valentine chocolates which made her face light up, she hadn't had any kind of chocolate in such a long time. Riley took one of them as she looked over at Amelia since she knew him more than she did Riley rubbed the back of her neck slightly he had lost someone in the attack. "Sorry for your loss." Riley said, which started to make her wonder if Chloe was here or not, maybe she could ask Lyon if anyone fit Chloe's description. "After I eat, and see the med staff is there anything I can do to help?" Riley asked Mike.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Hordebuster, Parking Lot of Building 4 (nearest Gilbert St across from Building 1)

Froggy had Medical, such as it was, up and running. Ash observed wearily that their "B" staff was handling things in this regard, but he also supposed that every piece of a medical team had to start out that way. They had a talented surgeon leading them, and they would learn. Come to think of it, it would behoove him to take some training under the man, himself. If there was one thing this world needed more of, it was medics.

Referring to the group as their "B" staff wasn't entirely fair, either. Astrid was dead, or as good as. Newnan still had a far greater setup than he would have ordinarily hoped, and people were being treated. What few remained alive after this random clusterfuck of a day. Sadly, neither one of them were his people; three of his had to die to bring two back. But now was not a time for pity, neither for himself nor the people of Newnan. It was time to take care of business, and hammer things back together. Ash nodded at Froggy when he insisted that he come in for a full evaluation. Sure. Couldn't hurt anything. Maybe his cholesterol was high. Maybe his cheese was beginning to slip off his cracker and he was hearing voices. Hard to say. Defer to the Frenchman's experience.

At this time, people came to him asking questions. Seemed as good a time as any to give answers. He kept them short and to the point. Jack inquired first as to what Ash required. "Medical has their end covered. If you would, help unload the bodies. Get as much useful stuff off of them as you can. Weapons, armor, meds, personal effects. Full nine. First, before the Infirmary gets too busy, go give your ladyfriend a hug. The dead can wait a minute longer."

"James! You are acting Security Lead." Ash said this loudly and clearly, so that everyone around them could hear plainly. "We have guests. Please insist that they disarm fully, and collect their weapons for temporary storage."

This last bit was spoken in such a way that left no doubt as to the depth of his sincerity. "Until they are fully vetted, no one keeps weapons here."

James nodded vigorously, responding with raised voice directed outward. "AIGHT! Y'ALL HEARD THE MAN! WE ALL FRIENDS HERE, AND WE KEEPIN' IT THAT WAY! DROP YO SHIT, I'LL BE ALONG IN A SEC!" Not the most professional approach, but if it got the job done, great. Ash followed up with James about the most recent surviving Newnanite, "Jack is ok, at least for now. Handle our Franklin guests."

Tiffany approached next, introducing herself, giving condolences, and asking what Ash wanted her to do. His response was without definable emotion, level and solid. "I appreciate, Tiffany. Thank you. If you want to be of help right now, you may surrender any weapons you have on your person, and keep out of the way. If you're from Franklin, you're going to want to find Beni. Unless you feel like relocating here, you should speak to him first. Come back after."

Other than directing traffic and handling questions, Ash calmly waited next to the Hordebuster until the patients were clear. As he had little skill assisting the injured, he intended to see to the dead alongside others. Everyone who is able, works.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Newnan - Alright little bit of a time jump folks. We are going to fast forward a few hours in RP - this is not the main time jump. When we pick back up we have gone through a lot but things are calm now. It is around 9 at night. Froggy and Neisha have been able to get through surgery just fine. Ray has blood in him, his leg has been fully stitched up now and cleaned. He is actually doing really damn well and is in the post op area now recovering. Ciel has been clean, the kitchen has brought over clear liquids for him - they actually have jell-o and chicken broth. Both are hooked up to IV's and various medications to make things easier on them. Beni was sitting outside of the courthouse with his people talking about who was lost and wondering how he is supposed to break it to Sana that her brother died. The Franklin folk have their deads bodies together and thanks to the people of Newnan have an old truck to drive back to Franklin. Beni thanks the people of Newnan, Ash especially and has headed out with his crew to go back to Franklin - telling Ash he will stop back by in later days to check on things and hopefully talk about opening trade between the two places and securing a safer route for everyone. Tatiana and Kris have been able to get through the minor things without issue and everyone is pretty much done for the evening. People have handed over weapons for now, been fed, and told they will be spoken to before being given a room assignment by the end of the night by Miss Sally after Ash is sure everyone is good for the evening.

Froggy has thanked Neisha for her quick work and stepping up to the plate when he needed her. "Astrid would have been proud of you," he says before slumping down in a chair looking ragged from the days work. Tatiana is told to stick around and help for a bit longer but Froggy has let Kris and Neisha go for the evening, knowing it is time for Kris to tell Neisha about Sophia...

Those on bed rest in the infirmary, you are feeling weak but better and like you might actually live now. Froggy and Tatiana are in there. The rest of you - if you are New to Newnan, will be in the Mess Hall now awaiting Ash. Everyone else who is a standard in Newnan is free to roam the inner wall for now and do or go where you wish. The orange cat is seen here and there just fine and meowing as if he lost something.

Franklin - Things in Franklin are calm now, the dead are buried. Mike hides the chocolate and hangs out with the girls in the Cafeteria and then takes them back to the infirmary to get Riley cleaned up a bit. After which he shows them to the ladies shower area so they can get fully cleaned up. It's late and most are turning in. He accepts Amelia's offer to stay with her and suggests Riley stay with them as well so they can just relax and stay together. He pulls in cots into Amelia's room with extra blankets and pillows for them for the evening. Everything seems just fine, that is until there is a heart wrenching scream from outside. Mike tears off with his gun down the hall and out the front door to see Sana collapsed over a body in the back of an old pick up truck with Beni and Lyon standing next to her as she cries.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - The Infirmary

Ciel was relieved to be somewhere relatively safe for once, not being thrown around from place to place or wandering sick and dying in the forest. His nausea from being moved had started to fade off, and though he still wasn't feeling up to eating much he seemed to be improving. He looked up as Ray was moved in from the operating room. The man seemed to have survived, so with any luck both of them would make a full recovery... well, as full as one could recover from a severed limb.

Ciel lay back down on his side, no longer having the strength to continue sitting up and observing. He was exhausted, and certainly worse for wear. Besides, the weight of the situation had sunk in a little. He'd seen people die before, but that was hands-down the most casualties he'd witnessed in one day alone. He didn't even know any of them, and most were there to try and help him and Ray. Which basically means that if he'd died in the woods like he was supposed to, several people would still be alive. That was a little depressing and guilt inducing, to say the least, and definitely not a good start to being a helpful and productive member of whatever civilization was left in the world.

The eleven year old coughed a few times. Though he was much less dehydrated, a sharp ache still lingered in his chest to the point where he was pretty sure getting rest would be borderline impossible. Though he was pretty certain he'd be okay for the moment, he really wished someone had brought his things with them to Newnan. Among other useful things, he'd left his rifle, drawing utensils and his inhaler. He supposed he'd have to stop relying on the medical device eventually. There was probably no way to refill it anyhow, and he didn't have it with him anymore so he'd just have to buck up and tough his attacks out.

He kept his eyes open but didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular, idly twirling a strand of his pale hair. He was more confused than anything else, not really sure what to think of what just happened. While there was no possible way he could have helped, he couldn't help but wonder if the others wished he hadn't showed up. They were probably close with those who died trying to haul his incompetent ass to Newnan. Worst case scenario, he was now the least liked person in town, but even that was better than being dead, he supposed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Newnan Mess Hall

This seemed to be vastly different than Franklin's set up. Where in Franklin they were allowed to roam with their weapons on them with no trouble, Newnan seemed to have a system set up. She didn't like the idea of disarming herself, but she had very little choice. She handed over her gun, ammo, bow, and arrows and whatever else they wished from her and listened to their instructions.

She thought about it for a bit as they detailed the plan. Did she want to stay here? It seemed a far better place than anything else she's seen. And since Ray was now going to stay (she hoped they wouldn't force a legless man out into the open again), she figured she may as well see if she could be of use here. She could do well with a stable place to live.

She followed the others into the Mess Hall where she was given food. They had a better assortment of food here, it seemed, so there was a plus. She was worried for Ray and the other boy and would see if she could check on them when she was allowed to walk around. Though she figured they had a competent medical team here. She sat and waited for things to get underway. She was a bit tired and could do well with some rest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


building one, the infirmary

Niesha stood in the infirmary a moment, even after Froggy let her go. She looked over to the kid, worried for him even after he seemed better. And they'd so far managed to save the one-legged man, a miricale in itself. She should be happy about all that. And yet, she was worried. She knew that Sophia would have by now come and checked on her. Biting her lip, Niesha looked to Froggy, not wanting to leave, but...wanting to to find sophia. Yet the doctor looked about as bad as Niesha herself felt, yet she was younger then the doctor. She swallowed and approached him, giving him a quick hug where he sat, and a whispered "Thank you" Before she darted out the infirmary. She started to the apartment, hurrying inside, and seeing it empty.

Nothing could compare to the fear and panic Niesha felt when she saw that no one was in there, that it looked like no one had been in there, since they had left hours ago. "Sophia?" She called uselessly, knowing that the small apartment would have yielded something of her presence just as she came in the door. Sophia wasn't there. She spun, to head out, to check the mess hall, maybe Sophia was helping out there. She had to be. Niesha didn't know where else Sophia could be. She started out, letting the door slam shut.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Black James(!)

Location: The Hordebuster, Building 4 Parking Lot

There was blood splashed across the floor of the Hordebuster's dump body. It was expected. Actually, more blood was expected than what lay smeared below James's feet, but that was fine by him. The wet, crimson patterns and swirls were illuminated by a steadily burning hurricane lantern hanging from the wall above, flickering every once in a while. James had considered lighting a second one, Lord knew that Ash liked to keep his ride stocked with gear and provisions in redundancy, but decided against it until others showed up. Nights like this after a rough patch, the back of the 'Buster became a sort of public house.

The last time, standing members of Newnan's Leads drank fine liquor with newcomers. Stories of the dead were shared. People bonded. Those two Viking girls invited themselves in and... well, and James just made himself sad thinking about them. Suffice it to say, ever since joining up with Newnan and these people, he had grown to appreciate what this vehicle meant to its owner and to the people around here. Him taking a mop to clean out the back, that was part respect to Ash, part respect to the 'Buster. It saved lives. It brought people together. It was a home inside of a home, a fortress, a refuge. And apparently, sometimes a bar.

He was almost done. The mop has turned red with its work, and slowly washed back out to an unimpressive grey. Only a thin sheen of moisture decorated the smooth floor, soon to evaporate into nothingness. The back of the dump body was wide open, creating an awning of sorts, and the loading ramp was fully extended. It made a sort of aluminum pathway down to the blacktop, where two large couches, a recliner, and a couple of utility boxes lay neatly. James paused and removed his t-shirt, utilizing it to wipe the sweat from his brow. Nighttime usually brought a gentle breeze and cooler temperatures, but some summer evenings just refused to give up the heat of the day. This seemed especially true when one performed an act of labor. James looked down at himself, for the first time in a while taking in the fact that he was already in his forties. His body was beginning to show it, too. No matter the amount of physical labor he endured, and he was no stranger to this, he couldn't seem to shake a certain amount of girth. Not that he was prideful. Maybe a little. James was strong, no doubt, and an industrious man, but it was well known that he hated running.

A moment to stretch his muscles and adjust a strap on his overalls over his otherwise bare torso brought his thoughts back to the present. Cleanup was all well and good, necessary pretty much all the time now. Blood seemed to get everywhere, so much so that people just stopped being offended by its presence. The concept of "squeamish" died off after the first couple of months of the apocalypse, and kept getting hammered down to a distant memory. People that got nervous around gore were oddities, as far as he was concerned.

Along those lines, more dead people had to be dealt with. Be it a bit morbid, James had the odd idea to burn them all. Burn them, and sow their ashes into the fields. A person of romantic bent would say that even in death, they continued to take care of the community. A pragmatic person would say that the additional rendered carbon compounds would mix excellently with pig shit and nitrogen fixing provided by alternating cover crops of legumes, resulting in reliably awesome soil for cold weather growth. He probably should lead his proposal with the more romantic angle. Definitely.

And didn't Bridgette want to be burned anyway? Yeah... and her soul was supposed to ascend in the smoke, not the ash. Okay, okay... more ideas for the proposal.

But first, he took a long, hard look down at the huge boxes and the furniture and various Hordebuster sundries. He removed his nigh-trademarked stetson cowboy hat, scratched the back of his head, and tried very hard to remember how he got all this crap out of the Hordebuster by himself in the first place. And more importantly...

"How the ass'm I gettin' this back in by myself, now?" James sighed. This had officially become more annoying than he wanted it to be.

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

That guy Beni was alright. Ash may have been a little hard on him. Yes, people did die, and though it was on a mission to help his people, it wasn't their doing. Everyone was still trying to survive as best they could, and he couldn't fault them for it. But the random, pointless death? That fucking tree that took out two people quite by accident, sitting in the middle of the road, slathered with their blood. He needed a drink. Big one.

Night was closing over Newnan, and he still had much to do. Interviews - A couple had already taken place, but more new people were in the church they were using as a Mess Hall. It was the last responsibility he had to tend to that evening, before he could crawl into the back of his Hordebuster with a bottle of decent hooch and try to blunt the metaphorical knife that the day's events were driving into his skull. Even before the last couple of interviews, he had one more stop to make, across the way from his 'Buster. Froggy apparently wanted to give him a checkup. Fine with him. It had been a good, long while anyway.

Ash looked across the street to see light spilling out of his truck, at least the back of it, and noted James was keeping true to his word, cleaning out the back. Probably the only man who could do that unannounced that he wouldn't put a knife into (or at least consider). It was his hope that James would be done by the time he was ready to clock out for the evening.

Turning back to the building, Ash considered the reality of his situation. He was essentially just a Lieutenant who got a battlefield promotion that stuck, fixed in a war that never quite ended, living off of his environment and constantly raising a militia. Everyone he cared about was dead or missing (some missing for years), and those few that he allowed into his heart since had gone from this world in horrifying ways. Ash was tired of the fight. His often overwhelming sense of duty prevented him from stopping. People still needed him. He wasn't done.

Ashton pushed open the doors to the makeshift infirmary. He recalled when it was set up by their first Doctor, Vivian. She was a morbidly frightening lady. More than a touch offputting, but damned effective. She had his respect. This new setup by their new Doctor was a little softer, more patient-friendly. More like a hospital, less like a laboratory. He actually preferred it this way, though he would rather have both Doctors alive and working than a cheerier locale. Knocking on the now opened door to announce his presence, he adopted a "parade rest" stance and cleared his throat.

"I'm here for that checkup, Doc. I'll want the Reader's Digest version, though - I only have a little time in between duties right now. Unless you'd rather do this tomorrow."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

After moving Ray into the OR with Ash's help, Jack had been set on the task of pulling items from the dead and cataloguing them. The morbid task reminded him of the way they'd sort evidence after a bust, bagging and tagging them to be moved into storage later on. Most of the items he found had been general, things that people kept on them during the apocalypse. Others had been a little odder. He found a Sci-Fi movie on the body of one girl, but looking through Bazhooli's belongings had been the worst.

He had glimpsed his cat a few times in the hours to come. The little orange rascal seemed to have known what happened, saving Jack from figuring out how the hell he was supposed to tell a cat that its master died. He recalled that Ash had invited him for a drink later, but once he finished with his tasks, he wanted nothing more than to find Tatiana and keep her within his sight. The newer newcomers had been set up in the Mess Hall. Froggy, the kind doctor they had met what seemed an eternity ago that day, had asked for Tatiana to stay in the infirmary longer that night.

While he wasn't technically certain if he was supposed to be bothering his fiancée, he figured that his solovey wouldn't mind his company that night. "Solovey, mind if I stick around?" Jack asked with a goofy grin, as soon as he had found her inside of the infirmary. He didn't want to think about Bazhooli if he could help it. Better to focus on the living. "I can teach you to speak Boston," he offered, as if that was an incredibly enticing skill to learn.

Beatrice and Chloe

Location: Building 2, Mess Hall

Each time a new person walked inside of the mess hall, Chloe's hopes raised. She expected Riley to come in through one of those doors, loud as ever, and faint at the sight of her sister. But it never was her. No one else kept inside of the Mess Hall to be interviewed seemed to have seen her sister. From what Chloe could tell, Riley just wasn't here. The settlement seemed to be the safest place in the apocalypse, and Chloe was torn. Should she stay? Or should she go keep on searching for Riley and leave the settlement behind?

She couldn't think of a good answer for that. Sighing a bit, Chloe folded her hands and propped her head on them. It had been years since she had a decent hit of anything, but old habits die hard. She was craving something to make her forget about all of her problems, and deer meat didn't have any hallucinogenic effects. Biting down hard on her lip, Chloe hoped that the feelings would pass soon enough.

Beatrice, meanwhile, had been keeping to herself, nibbling away at the food. Miss Sally had been kind enough to give her something to eat, acting like the stern Southern grandma she never had. She reminded her of a few foster parents she had growing up, and she noticed the ginger in the corner. Having grown up in Justice, it didn't take her too long to recognize an addict when she saw one. Drumming her fingers on the table, she couldn't help but note the irony. She'd really never set foot in a church before, and now, she had to stay here until the head honcho came around to verify she wasn't a murderer.

The mention of housing assignments, though, that perked her interest...This little colony seemed to have all the perks. And explosions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 24 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School – sleeping quarters.

After they visited the kitchen and Mike joined them, time passed quick for Amelia as things had to be done in fast succession. From doing whatever she can to help Riley and Mike and then actually getting to the showers to get properly cleaned up. A thing he really as glad for. If people just joined now, they'd think they were having a normal evening, especially considering what had happened just earlier. Still such events didn't just vanish from the mind like that. She still felt fear that someone might just come up and shoot them if she turned her back to the wrong direction by chance.

Finally when they were about to return to their quarters for the night, Amelia could take a deep breath of relieve. At least until she heard a heart wrenching cry. Her mind nearly turned blank for a moment, before she shook her head, threw a concerned look at Riley and asked.” Should we also go check what's happened?” She was frankly kind of afraid to move about alone right now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Outside of Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Kristina spent the last couple of hours with Tatiana tending to Ciel and giving whatever he needed to make him feel better, eyeing the little boy she felt bad she was sure that his family were long gone by now. Once Froggy had finished up with Raymond's surgery Kristina was let out, she gave Tatiana a friendly smile and nod as she headed down to the cells where Froggy and she had laid Sophia's body. Kristina pulled her body out of it looking at Ryan for a second until she was out leaving her body close to the stairs before looking for Niesha. It was something Kris had been dreading to tell her since she had found Sophia's body, she started making her way back up the stairs just as she saw Niesha leaving the Infirmary.

Seeing the frantic look for Sophia Kristina grabbed her crutches once more and quickly started making her way up the stairs and started going after Niesha. With her bad ankle Kris couldn't keep up as Niesha made it to their apartment before she could, sighing heavily as she followed Niesha until they were just outside of the Mess Hall. Kristina quickly grabbed onto Niesha's wrist to stop her looking up at her friend taking a shaky breath as she tried to think of how to say it.

"Niesha.." Kris said with a shaky breath as she looked down at her feet for a moment biting her lower lip she wiped a few tears from her face and finally took a deep breath. "Niesha, Sophia died.." Kristina said sadly looking at her friend and then pulled her into a hug.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Meghna spent the last couple of hours going between the mess hall and the infirmary to check in on Ciel and give him his liquid diet looking over at Kristina and Tatiana smiling at the two girls as they tended to him. Meg would take the empty dishes that they had used back to the Mess Hall. She would make sure that everyone who was new was fed and made sure that they were alright, and helped out with anything that Ms. Sally needed. Once she was finished Meg headed over looking between Chloe and Beatrice whenever someone came in she noticed Chloe look at the door as if she was looking for someone. Aside from briefly talking to Chloe when she first arrived and taking in the two wounded patients she didn't know her well other then her medical training.

"Can I get you anything else, Chloe was it right?" Meghna asked as she took a seat in front of her, she knew Ashton was busy with other things at the moment, she just wanted to get to know them a little bit more. Meg then turned to look at Beatrice and Tiffany. "How are you two doing?" Meg asked the other two girls who were sitting further away.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

Raymond had passed out at some point during the surgery as the doctor and the other woman assisted him stitching up the remaining part of his leg. By the time the surgery was done Ray slowly opened his eyes and turned his head slightly seeing Ciel there it looked like he was doing a lot better now then he was when they first met. He still remained very still as he looked around the infirmary he didn't notice it before but he could feel the cool air around the room it was AC which he hadn't felt in such a long time. Raymond felt very exhausted and weak, but also he felt very safe as he was hooked up to more IVs to fight off infection.

It was a really long day for him, Ray remembered finding that fox in the abandoned church to bad he never got a chance to eat it now. It was most likely still in his bag back in Franklin. Ray knew it would have probably been put to better use now then he could, then he bumping into Tiffany earlier in the day. Then the day just went south from there falling into that trap with a chunk of his leg getting bit, then having the leg itself being chopped off. Raymond turned his head to the doctor who was sitting in a chair he seemed to be really worn out. "Thanks doc." Ray managed to say he felt like he had a better chance at surviving now then he did while traveling alone, he was behind walls which made things feel a lot safer. "Where is Tiffany?" Ray asked he just wanted to make sure that she was alright.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Heard County High School (Cafeteria)

Riley didn't mind spending time with both Mike and Amelia they seemed to be pretty nice people that didn't want to just gut her or try and shoot her unlike the other people she had bumped into the last three years out on the road. After Riley had gotten the food that she wanted in her, she got up and followed the two of them to get herself checked up and cleaned up in their makeshift infirmary. Riley smiled and thanked Sana for it, eventually she went and followed Mike to the women's shower which her face lit up Riley had not had a nice long shower in what felt like years. To have a place with working water was a miracle most place she had been into never had any working water, without much of a word Riley quickly stripped down and got to work with cleaning herself. The only times she ever had an actual shower was if it rained or she found a creek or moving stream and cleaned herself from that, but nothing beat an actual shower.

Once she was finished Riley dried herself off, she was still wondering if her sister was here so far she couldn't find any other redheads aside from Amelia. Riley tied her hair into a pony tail, she accepted the offer of sharing a room with Mike and Amelia since she didn't know anyone else as well. Riley was laid out on her cot as she took a drink of her water setting the bottle down next to where she had placed her machete, handgun and crossbow. Riley was about to turn in for the night when she opened her eyes hearing a bloody scream coming from outside.

Riley watched as Mike bolted out of the room with a handgun in hand, she turned to look at Amelia and gave her a quick nod at her question. "Yeah lets check it out." Riley said as she quickly got up and held her baretta in her hand and followed shortly after Mike to the front of the school. Riley quickly came to a stop seeing Lyon, the guy she assumed was named Beni and Sana over a body she bit her lower lip for a moment she assumed that the body was close to Sana which she felt bad for. Riley didn't know how it felt to lose a loved one, she knew the feeling of being disowned by her parents except for one person she would get along with which was her sister Chloe. Riley slowly made her way over looking at Lyon and Beni. "What happened?" She finally asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Newnan - Tatiana looked up and over to Ash when he came in, apparently there to get a check up from the Doctor. She didn't know who was or was not lost so far, she heard things but she wasn't asking. It wasn't her place. All she did know was that Jack was back safely. Standing up she smoothed out her pants and wrapped her arms around herself, looking around nervously. "Thank you for bringing Jack back safe," she said meekly before giving the man a rather abrupt but heartfelt hug. It was quick the way she moved, but she held it, not caring if he returned it. She would have given him or done anything he wanted right then to show her gratitude that Jack was back safe but all she had right then was a hug. And frankly the way his face was, it seemed like he could use one.

Turning as she heard Jack enter she released Jack, smiling brightly to him before rushing over to him and wrapping her arms around his chest and burying her face there. "Ve stay together," she said letting out a shuddering breath as she squeezed much tighter than one would think possible from such a small girl. Looking up at him she forced a smile, biting her bottom lip. Hearing Ciel cough some she let Jack go and headed over to the boy, brushing his hair back with her finger tips. "That cough not sound good, you have cold?" she asked Ciel as she pulled another blanket up on him and adjusted his pillow.

Things in the rest of the city seem to be calm, Miss Sally making sure those waiting on Ash in the Mess Hall were fed and had plenty to drink. Making the rounds to take names down and who was comfortable with who so she could get to work on sleeping quarters for each of them. Fanning herself a few times she stepped over to the AC unit and cranked the AC on. "There, that's better," she said with a smile. "Figure we could make it more comfortable in here while we wait. Now, other than food, drink, and sleep - is there anything any of you all need for the evening? Ash will be by shortly for interviews, then we will get you to rooms where you can sleep. Sadly we don't have AC everywhere but you will be able to take a hot shower in your rooms and there will be some clean clothing for you all to change into. There will be a basket in your rooms to put your dirty laundry marked with your room number, you will need to bring those with you in the morning here to drop off so that Domestics can get them washed for you."

Franklin - Beni sighed deeply as he looked over towards the girls and Mike as they came out of the school. "A hoard, Newnan lost 3 of theirs helping us get the kids and Ray to their doctor, we lost Marx," one of the crew that was part of the group that went to Newnan and back. Lyon rubbed his face as Lyon knelt down and scoped Sana up in his arms before carrying her weeping into the school. "Marx was Sana's brother," Beni said and Mike looked down at the ground for a minute before shaking his head. "Damn.. alright, well I can bury Marx for Sana. She shouldn't have to right now. Amelia, Riley, are you girls any good at making things? Like crafty? Would be nice for Sana if we could make a grave marker for her brother," he asked the girls as he went over to the truck and ordered a few of the guys to take Marx's body out to the grave plots behind the school.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - The Infirmary

Ciel cringed back a bit as he was asked a question. He hadn't said a word in hours, and it felt a bit odd breaking his silence. "I'm fine..." He said, though instead of his typical curt stiffness he sounded meek and indecisive. "Probably just allergies. Or asthma... or something." The sound of his own voice brought a slight blush to his face and he flinched back. His mind was full of conflicting thoughts and worries and his usual haughty demeanor had diminished for it.

Even though he'd barely said anything, he felt like he'd been rambling nonsensically for hours. He realized what kind of disgustingly pathetic position he'd been thrown into by disease and malnutrition. Even worse than these people possibly disdaining him for passively causing the deaths of their friends, there was a horrifying possibility that they pitied him. He ducked his head down, refusing to make eye contact with the woman, afraid of what he might see in her expression. He was losing control and he knew it. He fought to stifle another bout of coughs, the redness on his pale face intensifying. His malnutrition would take a while to heal, but his sense of dignity was probably going to be a tougher recovery.
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