Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kieran Hishamie

@aluminumdude@paulhaynek@chieri@suku@heckno12@eisenhorn@lugia@bright_ops@levias@leos klien

Kieran's gaze turned to the newest member of the their little group, at least he assumed it was their group now meaning he was included. and a smile formed on his face. He actually recognized her, from a little squabble he was in a slightly long time ago. Years and years ago in fact. Kieran cocked his head to the side, unsure what he should do next. He could out her right here, right now, just to add a little ore excitement but that would be super lame of him even in his mind. He could just let it slide, and not say anything. But.......that would be so boring as well. Kieran wrestled with many different opinions in his head that would help him decide what to do. Kieran ended up choosing his favorite option though......sly, witty, bullshit.

"Hi Li," Kieran with a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes ",Nice to meet you. I know your...occupation....will help us greatly especially since we will be doing lots of recon. You know, I have actually had to work in a similar occupation before. Let me tell you I remember this one time I was hired for a quest, something dumb like retrieving a stolen amulet or something, and I failed. Horribly. Mainly because by the time I arrived at the location, someone else had already stolen it. When I questioned the guards they said all the remember was talking to someone who was dressed like a man. When they made the comment of the persons gender it turned out she was quite the fighter. Anyways, funny story right?"

Kieran winked and looked at the rest of the group. When he spoke he spoke to everyone. "Man what a group. We have mages, soldiers, rogues, oh my!" Kieran laughed slightly. "All I have is some money, my quiver, my bow, and a couple of little things I can use to make traps out of. So I am prepared, but we can head out whenever I am fine to move at everyone else's pace."

"All in all though, I think everyone here is pretty cool. Definetely not boring to say the least!""

Kieran inwardly hoped that they would be able to do recon decently. He did not have much hope. He had a sneaking suspicion that a group this size and filled with so much power would no doubt attract all kinds of trouble and in no doubt attract the attention of the.......strange demons that now plagued their lands. The last time he saw they, the tore to shreds anything that gave off ill intent. Hopefully they can do better.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ansgar Staudinger

The woman who introduced herself, before the one that looked suspiciously like a rogue, thief type, had that familiar knot of foreboding forming in Ansgar's gut. A Solvnir pegasus warrior, eh? That would make evading her should she get her panties in a bunch rather tricky, those flying cavaliers, as most Solvnir Soldiers mockingly referred to them as, had a major mobility advantage over, well, just about anyone else that wasn't on some flying mount or could fly themselves. Get in the woods, though, and he could manage. Same with a dense enough city, moving from building to building worked against, well, anyone mounted but against the flying pegasus riders doubly so. Gods knows he had to apply that when being hounded by the Solvnir Army during his own escape of the island. No one ever got a solid bead on him, thankfully, but it was still cutting it rather close a few times. He hardly had any interest in spilling more blood of his former countrymen after all, and that applied to now as well as then. Thankfully, at least right now, either they had the sense to not bring it up, or hadn't recognized only his first name. Now it was a waiting game, though, until they realized it or proved they had no idea who he was. And that wouldn't be until their first fight, he suspected, unless she somehow identified him based on manner of speech. Which, well, was a possibility, but not like he could just back out and run now because of one person arriving.

"Flying cavalier, eh Miss Flos? Wonder if this shadow army has archers or not, might be a fairly glaring weakness if they don't..." Nothing in Ansgar's statement was malicious or hostile, rather, he was poking fun at a common problem that plagued any aerial cavalry, and at those that didn't usually track the differences between different cavalry groups, flight being barred as obvious of course. Archers, for varying reasons, perhaps due to the whole getting shot out of the sky being fatal thing, tended to cause them more than their fair share of grief. Then again, archers caused most people grief, right up until you got a lance into their throat. Not so good then, he mentally smirked at the thought, glancing at the iron lance resting on his shoulder. It lacked ornamentation, and was solely a working tool that had survived with him for this long. Of course, part of his mind questioned engaging her at all in any sort of interaction, but if he actively avoided her at all costs, it might seem a tad bit more suspicious than simply talking to her every now and again. He might be able to keep this from blowing up in his face yet, if the Gods were willing to be a bit more merciful than usual, at any rate. Since, as he said though, he had all of his belongings already on him, well, he had no reason to wander off yet, not until it was time to depart for the southern territories, to see what had specifically gone wrong back home. Home, strange, that he'd be going back at all, let alone under these circumstances...

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Chieri
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rosalia Flos

Rosalia had not expected to be directly addressed, especially not by the man who had prompted some sort of hazy recollection in the depths of her memories. With little else to go by than the fact his name rang a bell, which she acknowledged could easily be because one of the many soldiers she had met in the passing may have shared a name, she saw little reason to be anything besides pleasant.

The corners of her lips pulled upwards in a smile as a short, polite laugh escaped her. "I suppose it would be naive to believe that the opposing army would have such a hole in their defenses, but as an aerial combatant, I can at least dream that they would be so careless." She couldn't deny that even after all of these years, the very sight of a bow and arrow, even when off the battlefield, was enough to cause the muscles in her arms and shoulders to tense instinctively. Enemy fire wasn't particularly pleasant to deal with in the first place, nevermind when there was the threat of plummeting to the ground at heights where broken bones were among the best case scenarios.

Her voice took on a slightly more light-hearted as she continued, her arms coming u to fold across her chest. "I fear that I will simply have to impose on you to deal with the archers then, Mr...Ansgar," she said, momentarily faltering on his name. There was a beat of pause, and then she cocked her head to the side as her gaze drifted up to focus on the weapon he carried. Perhaps it was the apparent ease and comfort in which he carried the lance, but it led Rosalia to think that he likely had some familiarity with wielding the thing. "Though I have yet to see you in action, I somehow feel that you must be quite capable with your weapon. Have you had any formal training?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AluminumDude
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AluminumDude The Little Prince

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Markus Grey

Markus smiled at the group that had formed. This was perfect, but were they rushing into this a bit fast? His hair got caught on his nose, and he moved it out of the way. Like Kieran had mentioned, they had people from all backgrounds and skills, and they seemed to already have a leader, which Markus had no quarrels about. Being a leader put you in a rather precarious position. Not only would you be the face of the group, but if there were any would be assassins, you would more than likely be the target. Markus reflected on his time at Airi. He would try with all his might to keep this group safe, and if possible, keep it together long past when their adventure was over. After all, why let an evil primal army get in the way of some friendships and fun?

Ansgar had brought up a good point, the army they would be facing would probably have archers, which would definitely be something to watch out for. Markus certainly didn't pride himself on his agility in the air, not compared with a pegasus knight, but he might be able to dodge a few. The only problem in Markus' mind is the though of how powerful the monsters would be. "Well, while you two bicker about archers, be sure to tell me what you would like to have for food, or you won't get any. I'll be assuming role as chef from now on." He motioned across the whole group as he said this. "I'll be back in around twenty minutes, with supplies, and a wyvern. Til' then!"

Markus departed from the group, with a mental laundry list in his head. First, he'd gather the few remnants of his stuff from Airi, then he'd take some of the meats and vegetables from the kitchen. They wouldn't mind, right? Finally, last but not least would be the humongous task of getting his wyvern next to the group without causing too much of a panic. As he walked back into the shop, he found himself pocketing the old tarot cards he kept with him for practicing fortunes. It had been a while since he had started. He was taught by the leader of his last clan, about the meanings of the various arcana, and how to interpret them. He rolled out the deck and quickly shuffled it, placing six cards in the form of a cross. The Fool, Magician, Fortune, Death, Strength, and The World.

Markus took a deep breath and bit his lip, and put the major arcana back into his deck. He had to get ready to move his best friend out of the den she had been nesting in, for what seemed like ages.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Artyom Barkov

Artyom's eyes seemed to glaze over a little bit as one of the magic users of the party started to go into... technical details of the craft. Some spiel about different types of magic, good and evil, yadda yadda yadda. He didn't really take in a word of it until the discussion was thankfully over, at which point he blinked as he refocused on the present where he didn't need to he swallowed up with magical know how or debates. Seeing as he seemed to be the center point upon which this group was forming, he decided to make his feelings on the matter known. "Let me put it this way. You could carry around a sack of cute, adorable puppies everywhere you go. Every time you cast a spell, you could reach into that sack and pull out one of the puppies before breaking its neck... and as long as you did your job right, I wouldn't care."

Turning to look at the man who claimed to have contacts, he grinned as he pointed to Cael. "Cael, you just became one of my favorite people here. Do what you can."

As the question of gaining a ship was raised, he grinned a little knowingly to himself. "Oh don't worry about it. Commandeering a vessel will be easy enough. After all, the ports are currently filled with more ships then they should strictly have and there are plenty of people who came on those ships who left everything back home to get to safety. I can sort out those arrangements easily enough while everyone else is getting things together."

@AluminumDude@PaulHaynek@Chieri@Suku@Heckno12@Eisenhorn@Lugia@Levias@Leos Klien@dabombjk
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Levias


Member Seen 13 days ago

Cael Augire

Cael grinned back at Artyom. "Alright then. I'll meet you in the port within a few hours, I'm trusting that you'll deliver on that promise of a ship." Cael's words came out as soon as Artyom had finished speaking. He knew they'd have to move fast in order to make sure that another group hadn't beaten them. This wasn't a race until they tied money into it. The young man chuckled, heading off towards a more prominent part of the capital, the mercantile district. A small portion of the arrogant merchants here owed Grey a pretty penny - he'd saved their lives. "And I think that it is high time I collect on that debt." He spoke to himself, smirking as he stepped up to the first building, knocking twice as he entered.

It took him only an hour to secure two large wagons and more than enough supplies, including a handful of extra weapons, all of which were to be delivered to the docks in another hour or so. Until then, Cael wanted to take care of some other business in the area. Patting up and down his person, he found his bag of coins, preparing to deliver them to the blacksmith that had fixed his blade. "Great work as usual, sir. Keep it up." He'd said politely to the burly man, before heading off towards the docks - there wasn't anything else he needed to take care of.

The group that had gathered had him curious, especially seeing how some of them seemed to have connections from the past. The archer had openly claimed to be on illegitimate business, not that Cael was on the good side of the law, but also seemed to reference that their 'scout' was involved as well.

Hopefully we don't run into any of my old 'friends'. Cael chuckled at the thought. He'd been a part of a mercenary band that had devolved into simple brigands. While he wasn't worried about most of them, the leader had been quite strong, at least a couple years prior.

Shaking his head, he finished getting to the port, taking back alleys and staying out of the bustling streets. Once at the port, he sat on one of the empty crates, waiting on the supplies and the party to get there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@aluminumdude@paulhaynek@chieri@suku@heckno12@eisenhorn@lugia@bright_ops@levias@leos klien
(This is the moving forward post, if you havent posted what you wanted to then you can backpost after this post/ EMBLEMERS F****ING ASSEMBLE)

An hour and a half later, after all supplies had been delivered to the dock and the ship they had arranged for was secured, they boarded it and made their accomidations. It was far from an impressive vessel, but the captain was one of the few willing to take them to Irinoth.

Their journey was long but not very treacherous. Over the next four days and four nights, our adventurers grew closer together as comrades, drinking together, singing songs of merriment, and learning more about each other. Some grew closer, while others realized that maybe possibly they hated another. They made a quick stop at Santorini, to buy more supplies and stretch their legs.


(We know it's a bit short, but it gets the point across and has us moving. If you want to post interactions onboard the ship and stuff like that, just be sure that it's clear that was where it happened) -Heckno12

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Troe Revinah

Over the next four days and four nights, our adventurers grew closer together as comrades, drinking together, singing songs of merriment, and learning more about each other. Some grew closer, while others realized that maybe possibly they hated another.

Yeah, no. While some of the others may have bonded over their four days, Troe didn't sing or anything like that. Most of his interactions were when he actually decided to go above deck for the better lighting the sun provided. During that time he of course finished getting introductions out of the way, though he was surprised to meet Rosalia Flos. Truthfully if he had noticed the dignity that she carried herself with, he would have probably realized that she was a noble from the start.

Despite both being from opposing kingdoms' nobility, neither of them harbored any ill will toward the other. On the question of Rosalia's sister however, Troe had no answers. Though he did have one idea, he could check the records of the refugees from Rjaskav when they returned to New Capita. As a member of a noble family, he would be able to look into those that came from Rjaskav to check for prisoners, slaves, and others that may have been brought along. There was no guarantee, but at the very least he would try. Given the massive influx from both kingdoms, many wouldn't be on record, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Obviously, he couldn't do anything now. They had just arrived in Santorini to resupply, so of course Troe opted to stay on the ship. The place was essentially an island wide resort, and he had no interest in that. He was already relaxing just fine without a hot spring. With a sigh, he leaned back against the wooden railing of the ship with his book. It was a simple anthology of New Capitan legends, one that he had been eyeing since he had first walked into the library years ago. Unfortunately, back then so many other books had stolen his attention...of course he had also put work into studying. Back then, magic seemed more like a hobby than a skill. Now, however, it would be is tool to fight for his home. He only hoped that his inconsistent studying would still suffice.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ade Daybreak

Interacting with : Anyone who wants

Being in the capital had been such a blur. She knew she was put in a place along with other refugees, but that was all she could really remember. At some point she recalled hearing that their would be some decree from the king. She wasn't sure why but she ended up in the area where the decree was being given. Truthfully she was disgusted at what some of the people around were saying in regards to what the king was asking. When the messenger finished Ade resolved to find her way back. She had to find out what happened to her sister.

She walked around trying to see if there was anyone that might help her get there. She even asked a few but each time she asked they laughed in her face. Eventually she stopped asking and decided she'd just have to follow some group. She walked over towards the docks and waited for an opportunity to sneak onto one of the ships going south. When no one was looking she bolted for a boat that no one was watching. Not long after she had gotten aboard did the adventurers that were going to be using the vessel got on. There were a lot of people in this group. If she counted right there were ten if one didn't add in the animals or crew of the ship. It was odd to her that it seemed as if these adventurers didn't really know one another.

Over the next four days and nights she hid in the supply room concealing herself anytime someone walked in. She felt bad that she was technically stealing, but these people were going to be getting a lot of money so it would be fine. When the ship stopped she was jolted awake. She could hear a few members of the crew coming to the room so she quickly sneaked out before they arrived. She slowly made her way to the upper deck being sure not to alert anyone of her presence. However, before she could get off the boat she tripped over a small wooden pail bringing attention directly to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kieran Hishamie

[interacting with: @alexfangtalon]

@aluminumdude@paulhaynek@chieri@suku@heckno12@eisenhorn@lugia@bright_ops@levias@leos klien

Kieran was happily sitting on the side of the boat, his legs swinging off the side as he pretended to arch and arrow in his bow making like he was shooting an arrow, when he heard that fateful sound of someone tripping. He turned his head and widened his eyes when he saw a young women whom was not part of their group simply on the ground. Kieran became slightly excited at this, thinking about how they had a stow away! He thought this was really exciting for some reason, not expecting this. But this is why he wanted to do this, go away on this little adventure. To experience new things and have fun, go on adventures and be suprised. Kieran was definetly suprised.

Kieran swung his legs over the edge of the boat and landed back on the boat with a solid thud. He walked over to the fallen young lass and crouched down in front of her. He cocked his head sideways, and looked at her with immense curiosity. How was he going to handle this. "Hi! your new, you werent with us when we set sail.....or wait", Kieran said and scratched his head, "Well I mean you would have had to, not unless you snuck on board after swimming out to sea. That would have sucked."

Kieran eyed the women, realizing that she literally hid and could only eat and sleep and....other at precious few moments. Kieran reached over into his pouch and pulled out a wrapped up loaf of bread. He then offered it to the lady as he sat down in front of her. "My name is Kieran, whats yours. Oh and how come you snuck on to our boat? You could have asked."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Artyom Barkov

It turned out to be surprisingly easy to commandeer a ship... the key word of course being the word 'Commandeer'. While the Captain might have been a little grumpy at the fact that the King was giving him a mission that he couldn't refuse, the promise of compensation for a successful return with useful information helped lower tensions before they had a chance to raise to high. It wasn't even a lie either; Artyom fully did intend to pay the man for his time and efforts from the money they received from the bounty that the King offered, so in practice the King was in fact paying to send a team into dangerous terrain on a mission that he gave... The fact that the paycheck was also reliant of the ground team coming back mostly alive would also ensure that the boat didn't just abandon them after dropping them off.

The trip to Santorini was long and uneventful; While others might have taken the time to get to know each other, Artyom was content with simply learning what skills people had and making notes on how best to use them to their advantage once they arrived in truly dangerous turf. While names were given, he hadn't really bothered to remember all but a few, instead making use of nicknames for people more related to their abilities or some other noticeable feature then anything else.

As the ship took on more supplies after docking at Santorini, Artyom remained on the ship. While a part of it had to do with the island not having much he wished to indulge in, most of it was because he wanted to keep an eye on the ship... and make bets with himself to see how many of the people they started out with would disappear on the island and fail to continue the trip onwards.

Quietly, he took the time to enjoy a nap while there were relatively few people on the ship and it was nice and quiet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Fie Testarossa

It was somewhat of a bonding experience though unlike most she decided to keep to her room majority of the time unless it was a meal than she may have ventured out for a bit but beyond that she was often in her room. Experiments after all was not going to stop just because she was away. Sure it was minor things mainly testing out the limits of what she could and could not do. Beyond that it was often reading books she took along most of them legends of the outrealms among others such as legends about dark magic and other such titles. Deciding to stay on the ship she had little reason to head out after all. On the deck of the ship though she spotted Troe reading deciding to walk up she spoke up "Not heading out with the others?" She asked she wasnt sure on most people but he was a mage perhaps he would have some insight on where to start for looking about the history or legends of dark magic.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Troe Revinah

"I don't see any reason to." Troe said as he marked his spot in his book and set it down. "It's not our destination and I doubt we'd really have time for anything worthwhile. Besides, the closest library is way too far inland so I don't really have anything of interest here."

He looked out to the bright sunny beaches and elegant buildings that dotted the area. It was certainly a nice place, but without his sisters to coerce him he wouldn't even consider venturing into any of the bathhouses or spas. It was entirely possible that the library held many books he had never seen, but they were likely about massage techniques or some other information that didn't mean anything to Troe.

"So, how are you holding up?" He asked. Truthfully he had no idea if Fie had even traveled by ship before, and given that she had been even more reclusive than he had, it was entirely possible that she hadn't enjoyed it. They weren't friends or anything, they were barely even acquaintances, but Fie was the only person he had known among them before setting off.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Fie Testarossa

"As well as I can I never been on a boat before it hasnt been agreeing with me sadly." Fie answered truthfully she also discovered she wasn't one for sea travel who knew? "Beyond that I been trying to keep my stomach down as much as possible also catching up on old research I set aside a few ages ago. You wouldn't have books or knowledge on magic history and the legends behind it would you? Or better yet history and knowledge of the outrealms?" Fie asked if she was to keep herself busy from the thoughts of the sea and the constant rocking she might as well try and complete old research.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Troe Revinah

"Some of the New Capitan legends I've been reading mention some odd magical phenomena, but that's normal for legends. You can borrow that book once I'm done. As for Outrealms...Well There was a book I used to have at home, but...You know. There was one thing I recall from it though, and it's kind of driving the only theory I have with these strange things that took over Irinoth." He said, admittedly vague.

The sooner the group departed the sooner he'd be able to confirm it. Of course that reasoning was the best way to distract himself from the real point of going home. If there was a way to save or avenge his family, he'd at least try.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 19 min ago

---On A Ship---

Keerin had mostly kept to herself during the voyage while all others had began mingling with each other. No one appeared to be interested in talking to her though that was fine with the her. She had nothing to say to her party anyway.

The Sage-turned-Cleric found herself on the ship's deck and admiring the blue waves. It reminded her of her voyage away from home. She did not know how long it really lasted but to her, it was almost like an eternity. She had to struggle with all the feelings of regret and homesickness on that ship. Even now she struggled, fighting the urge to come back home to see her beloved prince once again.

She quickly closed her eyes to keep the tears from leaking out and continued staring at the blue water, trying to think of nothing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chieri
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rosalia Flos

Docking at the island had come as a relief to the young woman; try as she might to like it, being on a ship simply didn't sit well with her. Perhaps she just had a weak constitution due to never having traveled by sea before, but after she had to spend one or two days curled up on her cot due to nausea, Rosalia was grateful for this short reprieve. She found it rather embarrassing to discover such a weakness in herself, but at the same time, she knew that there wasn't much that she could do about it besides cope.

Unless, of course, there was something that she could seek out while they were here to help with those days where the waves were particularly rough. Some ginger root, perhaps? She had heard that using them in a tea could potentially combat seasickness, and considering that it could be a while until they made their next destination, it seemed wise to take advantage of their current stop.

She had emerged from her cabin ready to go, and had made her way about halfway across the deck when she caught side of a familiar figure standing off to the side. That was...the cleric who had joined them, wasn't it? She stood there for a moment, trying to put a name to that face, but realized within seconds that she had no recollection of the other woman's name whatsoever. That aside though...was she alright? Although it was difficult to tell from where she presently stood, Rosalia wondered if something may have been troubling her.

In an instant, her plan to head ashore was dashed from her mind as Rosalia moved to stand alongside Keerin. Leaning her arms against the ship's railings, she cocked her head to the side. "Hello there. Are you...are you quite alright?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 19 min ago

---On A Ship---

"Hello there. Are you...are you quite alright?"

"Kyah!" Keerin was startled by the sudden greeting of the Pegasus Knight. Though, anything would be sudden to one so occupied handling her thoughts. "Oh, uh, forgive me milady. I meant no offense!" The Cleric quickly apologized, bowing her head. "I-I was merely startled. Again, my apologies."

While Keerin had seen her before introducing herself when the group first assembled, this was the first time the Cleric had taken a good look at her. In a way, Keerin was reminded of her best friend. The colors did not match but their figures were alike as well as how they carried themselves. "Is there something you need from me, milady?" She asked the Pegasus Knight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ade Daybreak

Interacting with : @dabombjk

Idiot! she thought to herself as soon as she hit the ground. When she looked up there was a guy standing right in front of her. He started talking casually about how she got here. She was scared that they were going to do something to her. She had been a stow away and stole a little of their food. Then he introduced himself and handed her a loaf of bread. However, what confused her most was the fact that he said she could have just asked to join them. What was he planning to do with her.

She repositioned to be sitting down then looked back and forth from the bread to Kieran. After a moment she snatched the bread out of his hands and started scarfing it down. She scooted a little ways back from the man before speaking, "I'm Adelinde." She looked away from him. She didn't want to tell him why she was here. She had to say something though because she may be in danger if she doesn't say anything. Meekly she said, "I want to help fight those monsters." She then looked up at him and the expression in her face showed severe anger. It was obvious there was more to it than just wanting to help fight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Artyom Barkov

Interacting with: @dabombjk@alexfangtalon

While the nap was in and of itself rather enjoyable, Artyom couldn't laze around all day; There were things to do, people to talk to, plans to make for when they arrived in hostile terrain, training drills to run; Sure there wasn't exactly much room on the ship for anything too advanced but even if they weren't a proper military unit didn't mean they could just slack the hell off. They were going into enemy held terrain, he needed to know that everyone under his command knew what they were doing!

People not knowing what they were doing led to people dying.

Dressing himself out of instinct and repetition, Artyom walked out onto the deck of the ship... and noticed that bowman was talking to a new girl. For a moment he considered the possibility that they were recruiting some more people from Santorini until he approached and got a better look at the girl... and caught a whiff of her. He quickly found himself labeling her as a refugee instead of as a possible recruit. "And I want to be able to eat bacon and poop emeralds. The difference between us is that I'm halfway successful." He quickly spoke up, having overheard the girl's intent.

Looking at her in a manner that was clearly judging her abilities and finding them wanting from what he could see, he simply asked "Do you have either a weapon, armor or training with either of those things?"
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