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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Argleif Donchie

Argleif watched the visibly talented mage turn and leave with longing eyes, envying the clear control of magic acting on her own body. In his training, Argleif never had a need to learn how to levitate himself, though he had always yearned for the freedom to soar amongst the flock of sky. Due to his youth compared to the monks around him, teachings of flight had always been kept from him as even the slightest of mistakes could have been perilous to his mortality. He had only been trained on how to match his interests with the wind's natural will, subsequently mastering his control over the great breath of life without specific usages.

He only knew to guide winds, to cause them to grow and cease, to direct them. His foundations were firm, however the heights of his abilities were far from him. In addition, the monastery had never taught him to read or write outside of the ancient glyphs and carvings of the walls and centuries old transcripts and poems, which did very little to assist in his learnings of magic, as the only texts he could read were worth several times their weight in gold.

How he longed for the comforting presence and guidance of his Eldest, for her loving touch and firm guidance. How he wished to hear her simple teachings in times as these. However he knew that he would only ever see her again in his dreams and memories, that he could only ever feel the faintest ebs of her aura through his use of magic.

As he felt the sharp cut of sorrow and longing in his throat, he kneeled in the position of prayer he had always found peace in, summoning small upwards winds to carry his prayers to the ears of The Children of Ristoth.

"Börn elsti Guðs, heyra auðmjúkust mitt hrópað til viðmiðunar. Beina mér á vegi mínum við þolinmæði, samúð, fyrirgefning og auðmýkt, að ég megi enact vilja þinn. Leiða mig í lóðir yðar með hugrekki, tryggð og Honor, sem ég kann að koma þér stolt."

He whispered, tears beginning to well in his eyes as he finished. He stayed in the position of prayer for a moment and took in a deep breath, allowing himself to feel the kind and rejuvenating touch of the Gods before standing with serenity Anew.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"You filthy cheat! You coin swindling son of a whore!" exclaimed one of Stefano's gambling partners, after losing his bid in for the fourth time in a row. Stefano raised his eybrow and responded in a regal indignation, I beg you're pardon? Dear sir you've watched me roll this dice each and everytime. In what way could I be cheating?" he was genuinely curious. He contemplated cheating when the game started but unable to figure out a method he resided to trust chance like a true sportsman.

Fortune favored his faith by rewarding him with the first win. He lost the next cast, won the next two, lost one last time and then started his hot streak. The man who accused him was a large ox of a man who moments before expected to be filling his pockets with a strangers gold. He continued his rant, "Weighted dice, some sort of Dwarven magnets in the bowl all sorts of ways you Nobel bastards try to trick honest folks out of their coin!"

Good ideas.

Stefano responded, "My friend I assure you I am merely trying to create a little fun, and ease the tension of the camp. Would you like to roll your own dice..."

"No I want my coin and your's as well!" the man interrupted, reaching for the cudgel at his belt. Immediately Stefano's hounds roused themselves from their passivity and advanced menecingly, growling lowly and baring their teeth.

Stefano smiled at the man's panic. "Walk away. Unlike the sorry conscrips polluting this camp, I'm looking forward to the bloodshed tomorrow. Don't spoil my appetite."

The man and his gambling companions took his threat to heart and ran away into the camp. Stefano chuckled and collected the abandoned coins, entered his tent and grabbed a ornate gilded cage. A curious caw emminated from the the cage.
"Not tonight my sweet. Plenty of blood and sweets in the morning! Best not waste the bullets on the yokels." Stefano reassured the bird while grabbing his arquebus.

He returned to the camp and say the oaf embodied by a small cohort of his drinking buddies. Stefano not wanting to cause conflict on the eve of battle lead his little entourage into a different portion of camp. Seeing a man in a tricorn hat holding an awkward conversation. He approached the two with a smile.

"Hello comrades it seems my campsite has become overpopulated. Who is the good sport who is willing to part with a piece of campfire for tonight?"

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Well we will win the battle, of that I have no doubt. If each of our capable warriors were to take out three Orcs we will win easily. What I worry about is our casualties. As you said this Commander is a fool and if he doesn't play his cards right we will have a lot of dead militia on our hands. But I don't plan to let that happen, and if comes down to it I am going to be counting on strong people such as yourself to help me protect the weaker members of our group." He said agreeing with Violet's first comment. And it seemed that he had let a bit of his thoughts get away from him for a bit.

"You are indeed right miss Violet, I didn't come to you asking for tactical advice. But I did come for a reason, a message from one of your sisters, Iris." Silas said keeping his vision forward.

"Death, we heed your call
Divine Andraia - your daughters walk forth
To finally sit with you
We fall as martyrs
We perish in battle
We will dance at last
We are free

Silas gave the message almost like he had received it himself yesterday. "Now before you jump to conclusions, she isn't dead just gone." He said calmly, but tensed up a bit ready to react if Violet made a move at him. "A few years ago we meet.... well meet isn't exactly the right word, she was contracted to assassinate me. Obviously she failed in that attempt, and I'm kinda happy about that, and although I didn't kill her she botched an assassination which isn't exactly good for an assassin's reputation. My partner has some connections were able to fake her death and give her a new identity. She was much to kind to be an Assassin, hesitated on her approach I felt her intent. But she is alive and she wanted me to let one of you know if I ever found another one of you. She said some of you kept in contact and would spread the word." Silas said remembering the kind assassin that once spared his life.

He then turned to Violet with a smile under his mask. "Also if your half the fighter Iris was then I have a proposition for you. My partner and I have started ourselves a Mercenary Group "The Blood Rose Irregulars" I can get you a spot on our team if you wish. I don't need an answer today come see us tomorrow after the battle." Silas said before starting to walk away. "Ohh I almost forgot, Silas Rose at your service. If you ever need anything just call." He said with a quick turn and a bow knowing that Violet couldn't see the action but he did it anyway. Silas then went to continue on his way trying to read the mood of the camp and looking for any interesting individuals he may have missed earlier.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Forgive you father for you have sinned." Dixon said to Jan and chuckled abit. "You caught me. I'm not here to confess, but to brag." he chuckled and looked at Jan, taking a drink from the flask.

"It's very clear that, unlike you and me, the commander hasn't spilt blood. He would rather let everyone else do the work, and then take all the glory." he told him. "Between you and me, I want to live tomorrow, and for many days after that. And I think you would too." he said, taking another drink.

"My friend and I are starting a crew. We are currently looking for members, and we think you would be perfect for it." he got up, waving his hand when Jan offered the flask. "Just think about it. He and I will be happy to talk with you more after the battle tomorrow. Now, I'm off to try and sin abit more before bed." he chuckled and walked off, looking for trouble.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Skull
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Skull The Hollow Shovel Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ludivico felt a joy of relief at the opportunity to exit his current conversation.

"You are most welcome to join us." Ludivico said, interrupting the soldier, mid-sentence.

The wide-eyed soldier's story was starting to unravel details about sexploits far too explicit for his taste. It spoke volumes on how it made a man like Ludivico uneasy, who, for most of his life spent his time amongst some of the foulest swashbucklers known to man. The soldier glanced up at the newcomer, shrugged his shoulders, and talked the ear off of the other poor sap sitting next to him.

"My name's Ludivico Nyambaya Locche, but Ludi, or Locche, will do." He said, rising from his seated position around the campfire, hand extended to shake his. After they introduced themselves, Ludivico turned his attention toward the three animals tailing Stefano like an entourage.

"What fine companions you have here." He knelt to the grassy floor, extending an open palm full of leftover jerky for them to take. "Good breeds for hunting. That one there a wolf mix?" Ludivico then looked up at the man, eyeing the arquebus he was shouldering. "That's a nice piece you got there. Nothing like the Bremingtons or clumsy Faux rifles I peddle. Customization looks Dwarven."

@Cuddle Pot
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Stefano's hounds sniffed warily at Ludivico's outstretched hand until they caught the scent of meat and they began playfully fighting over the food. Stefano laughed at their enthusiasm, and took a seat around the fire and responded,"Ludi huh? I like it, it's endearing. My names Stefano Lorenzo di Lucca. Call me what you will. These beautiful girls... he pointed to the bloodhounds,
"are Agrippina, Livilla, he pointed to the wolfhound, "Incitatus, he petted her coat as he continued, "he's a Sheppard wolf mix, a good team the lot of them."

Stefano glowed with pride at the mention of his weapon. "Ludi My fast friend you know your firearms! The smith who made her based on the Bastion models, the barrel has also been lengthened to increase range. Course reloading is still a bigger pain then the shot!" Stefano smiled at his joke.

"Are you a marksman Ludi? How do you plan on us killing 75 orcs in the morning?"

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SimpleD
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Near the edges of the camp, a small figure wrapped in emerald greens crouched in front of a dying fire, the dwindling flame casting shadows across the white face of the woman’s mask as the flickering light began its final dance along the remaining dry wood in the pit. Hands outstretched, the woman’s fingers seemed to make small subtle motions as though plucking at unseen threads, each motion swift and with purpose. To the untrained observer it would make for a strange sight, but to a more patient watcher the link between the movements of the hands and the movement of the flame could be noticed.

Deep in thought, Sonya continued with the training exercise. Manipulating the air around the fire, Sonya starved the fire of the oxygen it needed, guiding the air into the flame when it was in danger of going out. Apart from having a more controlled fire, the exercise helped to train Sonya’s responses, acting only with as much force as was needed, when it was needed. Even under her careful control though, eventually the fire had burned through its fuel, the flame quickly lashing out as it shrunk, searching for more fuel before finally giving out, joining the sun in their retreat from the darkness of the night.

Having finished her exercise, Sonya looked up and blinked not having realised how much time had passed. After the commanders attempt, and the word attempt was most fitting, at a rousing speech, Sonya had drifted off to be alone for the moment. Though the gathered group tried to put on a strong front, the illusion of a merry atmosphere, it was clear to all that behind the facade was a growing unease and dread, knowing that not all of them would be surviving to see the sun set once more tomorrow.

‘I spent longer in my own little world than I thought, or perhaps I just didn’t want to return to such dreary undertones’ Sonya concluded to herself, though she had left her old life to escape such fake displays of emotion, even she found it hard to judge the gathered militia given the enormity of the situation before them. Taking a few moments to wander through her memories as the reach of the tree’s shadows grew longer against the setting sun, Sonya stood up from her position and began to wander amongst the camp, both to give her legs a stretch and to satisfy a bit of curiosity

Though this had been called a Militia group, it had a number of exciting individuals that Sonya had been surprised by. The majority were an assortment of those she had become familiar with growing up with, hopefully young men looking to have their name recorded in legends, stout hearted men wanting to defend their land and family and those grim lost souls who had already lost what was important to them already, risking what little they had left. These were the simple folk, driven by simple thoughts and were relatively easy for Sonya to figure out, almost having a small respect for plainly they wore what they thought and wanted on their persons.

But the other ones, exciting and strange to Sonya both made her curious and weary. Off to her right, she could see the priest talking with a man, whose name she had not caught yet. To Sonya both of them were more than they appeared, each had a roughness that no doubt had been earned from trials and tribulations of their past. Taking a moment to briefly ponder on what secrets the two of them might hide, her gaze spied another of the curious ones. By herself, casually atop a large rock in the middle of the camp, sat one of the other mages of this group.

Sonya recalled she had been surprised to learn this small group of 100 had quite a number of mages much like herself, during her upbringing she had met few others, and definitely none of her own age. Pausing she observed as Odessa absent-mindedly watched others drift on by, her face painted with the deep and possibly troubling thoughts. There was a brief moment of hesitation on Sonya’s part, she had never traded more than just customary greetings with this girl, both of them maintaining the construct of expected social edicat. Yet at this moment, Sonya could feel that whatever contemplation Odessa was doing, it would be her honest thoughts.

Decided on her course of action, Sonya made her way over to the boulder that Odessa had taken up temporary residence at. Glancing up at the woman as she regarded her approach, Sonya caught her eyes with her own for but a moment, the strength of her gaze quite impressive despite the somewhat sullen mood that seemed to hang in the air. Caught off-guard by the strength of her gaze, Sonya turned and leant back against the rock to adopt a more relaxed position while she recomposed herself. ”I can’t help but notice you seem worried “ Sonya spoke, her voice rather soft but it cut through the night air and reached its destination clearly ” are you nervous about the battle tomorrow or are you more concerned for the rest of us? “ Sonya asked, wanting to get to the heart of the matter and deciding to fish for the two most likely answers based on what little she had seen of Odessa so far
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Skull
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Skull The Hollow Shovel Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ludivico nodded in approval as Stefano listed the names of his hounds, committing them to memory as he petted each one with equal attention.

"Names of great women and noble mare of royalty. There is strength in such names. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Ludi perked up as Stefano gave details about his rifle. In an age where sword and shield is heralded as weapons of honor, the instant result (often anti-climatic) from a firearm was often frowned upon. Yet those who've tamed its power and explored its inner workings know the brilliance of such craftsmanship and ingenuity. They were the future, Ludi often said when he pitched his sale to businesses and potential buyers, but it had a long way to go before it became the standard weapon of use in Alestoth.

Stefano commented on the rifle's Bastion inspired design, noting its longer barrel and even longer reloading times compared to a standard rifle.

"I'm sure it packs a powerful, if not more accurate shot." Ludivico said.

"Are you a marksman Ludi? How do you plan on us killing 75 orcs in the morning?"

Ludivico patted Agrippina, Livilla, and Incitatus' bellies before he rose back up and sat next to Stefano at the campfire.

"It's not my best skill, but it is a skill nonetheless. I've had my fair share of hunts in the Shadowlands. I'm much better at selling them than firing them, being an arms dealer and all. My preference for dispatching foes isn't as fanciful as the aim of your rifle, I'm afraid." Ludivico almost felt ashamed to say that aloud. He prides himself to be a businessman of taste and professionalism, yet the brutal dual axes he's wielded since his pirating days never left him. They weren't even on his person, as they were rolled up in his traveling bag, hidden from prying eyes. "Prior time spent as a brash swashbuckler left me with a knack for the up-close-and-personal. A hypocritical notion, considering my interest in firearms."

"Though, I do have this when swifter conclusions are needed." Ludi reached under his leather coat and revealed a magelock pistol. "It does not pack the punch of your rifle, but the loading tube mechanism makes for a speedy rate of fire." He offered it to Stefano to hold and inspect. "Mind if I have a look at your arquebus?"

Ludivico decided that he could trust this man and proposed an idea. "Would you agree that our pairing would compensate for the tactical weaknesses we'd otherwise have as individuals? Out of the shoddy sort I've scoured in this band of oddities, you're the first sane man I'd prefer to have at my side for the coming battle. Plus, should you meet your end tomorrow morning, I would be more than willing to carry on your rifle's legacy." The last bit was clearly a joke. The old pirate in Ludivico couldn't help himself.

@Cuddle Pot
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Stefano accepted the weapon and offered his gun for inspection. It was a fine piece and would make the ideal hold out weapon. "Good piece you have here. Good to have in a pinch." When Ludivico mentioned pairing up for the coming battle Stefano looked him over a second time. His description of his skills, not to mention his career as a pirate, certainly appealed to Stefano's strategy for tomorrow.

At his joke Stefano laughed, and replied, "Ha hah! Yes if the gods have their way then may my rifle fall into your hand and claim many lives! And may you claim many maidens hearts with its gleam! You seem like the sort I could work with so let's talk strategy." Stefano leaned forward before continuing, "I plan on fighting the orcs the same way I'd hunt any large beast. I'll sic the hounds and Dru... Wait a second I've never introduced you to Drusilla!" at this Stefano removed the cover of the cage at his side reveling the regal form of a falcon. "Don't try to pet her she dislikes strangers. Anyway my lovelys will heel my The foes halting their advance while I line up a shot towards the strongest for. When I fire they are trained to return to me and defend while I reload. What I think we do with you is roughly the same. My hounds and will go with you and engage the enemy first. While the orcs are held up you will a few early kills. I'll teach you the whistle I use have them defend and they'll stay in the melee. You engage as many as you can handle and the orcs will be to busy dodging you that My pets will get some east free wounds. My role will be threat control. With my Arquebus, and by sending out Drusilla I'll take down the strongest foe or anyone who is getting past your guard. With you holding the enemy centered on you I'll be watching your back and not have to worry about my own. Just try not to pull in more then we can handle. Any objections?"

After listening to his reply Stefano said with the gusto of a merchant closing a solid deal, "But enough strategy let's toast to a new partnership, and an entertaining battle ahead of us!" Stefano reached for his wineskin only to remember he left it at his tent. Which was more than likely being looted by that day of and his cronies. "ahhh.. That is assuming you have the liquor? I appear to be tradicly dry at the moment."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lyla
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Lyla Shadowdancer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Slightly shaken from her thoughts, she noticed a small woman who wore a mask approached, easily drawing her attention from crowd watching. As she looked down, their eyes matched, causing Odessa to hold her gaze for a moment and sent a strange chill down her spine. For some reason the mysterious warrior made her feel more sure of herself, unable to pull away until her new companion finally looked the other way, making Odessa shake her head slightly. Feeling a tinge of heat on her cheeks, she pursed her lips and looked back over the crowd, dismissing any wandering thoughts.

"I'm a little nervous," she replied, gently folding her hands in her lap as she let out a sigh. "But I admit, it's mostly out of worry for everyone. There are a few warriors here who have experience or enough training to survive - I think.. that's common in most companies, I'd imagine, but the rest?" She distorted her expression back into worry, her shoulders slumping at the thought. "I fear for their lives.. I was just thinking.. this might be the last time anyone sees them alive. It won't be their sisters, brothers, parents, lovers... it'll be us, who see them breath their last."

Her gaze wandered back to the masked woman, her eyes betraying curiosity. ".. we could win, at a heavy cost..." Odessa had seen a few talented individuals since the march, including another man who masked himself, but nothing like this small woman. Though she did get gut feelings of some of them, from the knight to that bragger she ran into, her new companion seemed to have a particular aura that caught her attention. Not sure of what it was, she knew enough that she hoped that the masked warrior would survive the coming battle.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Skull
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Skull The Hollow Shovel Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Your army grows by the second!" Ludi smiled as his eyes fell upon the silent falcon perched within its cage. He listened as Stefano detailed his exact hunting method, nodding here and there as he described just how well-trained his pets can be. When the gambling noble finished, Ludivico gave himself a moment of contemplation before weighing in, arquebus still in his hands.

"...Just try not to pull in more then we can handle. Any objections?"

"You've a good system set. We'd do well not to disrupt it the night before we're put to the test. However, what we face are no ordinary beasts of the hunt. They've an intelligence close to man with regards to the battlefield. You'll be the better set of eyes surveying the landscape before me. If you sense a flank or doubling of enemy forces, signal me, as I'll do the same, and we'll reposition ourselves for a proper riposte." The weapons returned back into the hands of their original owners. Stefano wished for a toast to this new partnership, and Ludivico couldn't agree more. He chuckled as the man asked if he carried any liquor.

"I may not be a rum-drinking pirate anymore, but old habits do die hard." Ludivico reached for a bottle in his traveling pack and uncorked it. The smell of spiced caramel filled the air. "To new brothers in arms. May Ristoth keep our wits about us as we step feet first into the blight of our lands." Ludivico gave one jolly swig and passed it to Stefano.

"Gold Pyre, that brand is. One of many gifts I received from a Consiglieri's wife." He laughed as the warm drink lit up his throat and comforted his belly.

@Cuddle Pot
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Father Jan listened impassively as the stranger spoke. His offer seemed most intriguing. But he could not take up with another band of mercenaries. That part of his life was over. He had new duties. He would surely be reassigned to a new congregation, or kept on at his Order's motherhouse to do administrative work. Many of the priests could hardly read, and there was always more bookkeeping to do than there was men to do it. He was going to tell the stranger as much, as he started to walk away.

“Aye!” The priest called after the man instead. It just slipped out. And it kept slipping out.

“Find me horse, lance, and helm, before the battle tomorrow. Then my service ye shall win!”

Oh, what the Hell?

Jan could simply write to his Superior General of his exceptional opportunity to minister the faith to these godless heathens, and anyone else they meet. It would be criminal not to provide Mankind's last line of defense with even one chaplain. He would go along with that, wouldn't he? Of course he would. If not, well- Jan could just contest the issue and bring it to the Ecclesiastical Court. That pack of glorified bureaucrats could spend years dealing with it.

During his time studying, Jan had heard the Court once spent three years on a case, trying to decide whether or not to defrock a priest for stealing bread for a family of peasants. The matter had become moot before a decision could be rendered, as the priest in question had died. It was decided in the end that it would be inappropriate to punish a dead man.

Reasoning that it was rather late enough, the priest decided it was time to retire for the night. It seemed that he had no more confessions to hear, and that beside his evening had been sufficiently exciting.

Coming to his appointed spot, he knelt beside his bedroll. He took into his hands the silver medal about his neck. It was a simple thing, a little spoked wheel, with a star at its center. A reminder of eternity, and the light that shines on even in the darkness that often accompanies it. And Jan prayed solemnly, head bowed. He spoke the words he had first heard long ago, long before his life was marred by slaughter and death, and before he had come to appreciate that which lay beyond these things.

“Oremus.” He began, with the traditional call to prayer. “In principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum. hoc erat in principio apud Deum. Omnia per ipsum facta sunt et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est. In ipso vita erat et vita erat lux hominum.”

He became nearly overcome with emotion then, recalling the next line. It was strange that it never struck him so before. Very strange.

“Et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt.”

And the light shineth in darkness: and the darkness did not overcome it.

With that thought, the priest climbed into bed and fell to sleep.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Stefano nodded at Ludivico's plan. And accepted the bottle with a ear to ear grin, took a healthy swig of the rum and laughed after as the drink burned his throat. "Got some kick in that! I'm sure this wasn't the sweetest gift the she gave you!" he said in response to his joke.

He offered the bottle back to Ludivico and he offered his prayer as the former pirate drank hearteninly, "To a fruitful partnership, froth with gold and the pleasures of the world! May fortune guide our blows and Ristoth pick up our slack!" Stefano drank one last time , bade Ludivico goodnight, and turned over to sleep, eager for the battle to come.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

A cool breeze passed over the plains as the 100 man troop prepared for battle. For some a good nights sleep came as easy as any other, but for most the night before had been restless with fear, anticipation, and maybe a little of both. The 100 man Commander, Leroy Jenkins the 3rd, a young man in his mid 20's short golden hair perfectly combed to the side, stood before his gathered troops. "Today we will show these Orcs what it is to fear man! Our Numbers are superior to theirs and I trust in your "skills". I don't expect today to be easy, but we must fight for every inch that these beasts have taken from us!" He started his speech, and so far it wasn't to bad or so Silas thought. But then the Idiot had to open his mouth again. "Many of you shall die today and we will grieve your loss. But you will die in the Empire's name defending the lands of mankind!" And he had lost them with those two sentences the morale of the army plummeted now was the time to step up.

As Leroy started to explain his "strategy" of the common Militia producing a shield wall in the front while the Nobles made up the back ranks "... Enough of this... Come on Dixon" Silas said pushing his way to the front of the formation then walked out approaching Leroy. The Commander stopped his speech and turned his attention to the approaching Silas. "What nerve do you have? Return to your post or I'll have yo...." He was saying as Silas threw a nasty hook across the Commander's Jaw knocking the young noble out in a single blow. Silas then turned to the troops before him. "Well hello there Everyone, We are the Blood Rose Irregulars, and were going to make sure you all survive this mess." He announced as he moved to Dixon's side letting his partner take over from there.

Dixon looked at the knocked down commander, before turning to the crowd before him. Time to put that training as a bard to work.

"Ladies, gentleman, or whatever you identify yourself as, I am Dixon Cyder, but you can all call me, Daddy, and let me make this clear. Listening to that man" he points to the commander on the ground, "will get you killed. It's very clear that he has no intention on getting on the battlefield, and letting you all die for his glory. Is that how you want to be remembered? As his stepping stone to greatness?" He asked them. "Personally? I say fuck that." He smiled.

"Many, many years ago. There was a general who had an army, of 50 soldiers. He knew that within hours, the other army, well into the hundreds, would be there. So, he told his army to hide in the houses, and opened the city gates, and sat on a roof to play his lute. When the enemy arrived, surprised to see one man playing an instrument. So what did the enemy army do? They turn and ran, convinced that this man had his large army hidden away." He smiled as he looked at the army. "You see, if you take two seconds, think of a descent plan," again, he looked towards the commander, "then you can win anything." He said.

"Orcs are a tough group. What they lack in brains, they make up for in muscle. But I don't intend on laying down and letting them have their way with me. Violet or Odessa on the other hand.....sorry, lost in thought." He said. "Now, Silas and I have been up all night, working on a plan to kickass and take names." He said, then looked at Silas, before looking at the crowd. "He and I shall make groups, and the groups will have specific jobs on the field. And yes, he and I shall be right next to you on the field. So now, we will go out and do that voodoo that we do so well!" He smiled, looking at the crowd.

"That, you stupid idiot, is how it's done." He said to Leroy before walking up to Silas.

Silas half sighed at Dixon's speech but it did get its point across. "Now with that being said lets get started making these teams, will all of you who have seen real combat, our veterans step forward first so I can select our team captains" Silas announced knowing they would have to work fast to have everything ready before the orcs came.

Silas would spend the next hour setting up teams and explaining the strategy. Each 5 man team would be lead by a veteran warrior who's job would be to ensure the safety and survival of the rest of their squad. There would be 17 of these 5 man squads set up in a V formation with the most experienced squads being on the flanks and dead center as those would be the points where the Orcs would funnel to. The remaining 15 men would act as reserves who's purpose would be to relieve the injured and tired as was needed. This group would also have use of the few horses the troop had in order to quickly get where needed.

The adventurers found themselves broken across 5 of these teams located in key locations of the fomation.
Team 1: Silas, Odessa, 3 NPC (Dead Center)
Team 2: Dixon, Violet, Argleif, 2 NPC (Center Right)
Team 3: Ludi, Stefano, 3 NPC, Stefano's pets (Right Flank) -No fair you guys get a small army...
Team 4: Jan, Ren, 3 NPC (Center Left)
Team 5: Amare, Sonya, Jehan, 2 NPC (Left Flank)

With the teams set and the plan explained the 100 man troop continued forward now ready to face the Orc threat. They had a bit more confidence than they had only an hour ago, but only time would tell if this new plan would bear the desired fruits.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Stefano woke up around Ludivico's fire and dusted himself of. Seeing Ludivico still asleep he whistled for his hounds and returned to his former tent to retrieve whatever was left. He found the site ransacked with whatever possessions not stolen were sprawled across the ground. He sighed and assesed the damaged. His wine, spare cloths, and lute were nowhere to be seen. His Lyre remained and was luckily undamaged. He looked for his paintings he had made since being kicked out of his home and he found them all, burned to ash in his own fire pit that is. The bastards had taking his pain and smeared it all over his bedroll as a final insult. The idiots did make one terrible mistake. They left all his gunpowder and musket balls.


Stefano found Ludi assembled in simple lines assembled to hear the commanders speech. Stefano was barely paying attention as his skin itches and his blood was boiling in anticipation for the battle. He did shift his focus when Leroy's head spun 90 degrees from the punch he received. Stefano listened to the newcomers plan and joked to Ludivico, My first mutiny! are they all this exciting?" he laughed at his response and turned his focus to the squad they were assigned to.

Three men one looked barely 16. The youth looked so nervous that Stefano was more worried about him slipping on his own urine rather than fighting. He looked like a village kid, not even a farmer based on his skinny arms. A shopkeepers boy perhaps. Stefano looked him over and knew what he needed. He had been given a way to survive in Silas' plan. What he needed was a reason. "Hey kid... How about a little wager?"

"Exc..excuse me sir?" he asked timidly. "You heard me. An honest bet between two soldiers. I say we both busy our coinpurses here. And whoever is still alive gets to retrieve them both." Stefano said matter of factly. "That's morbid! Why would I do something like that!" Stefano responded calmly, Because My dear imbecile there is no way you can lose! If I die you walk out of here with a heavy sack of gold to bring back to whatever hovel you climbed out of. If you die then you leave this world with the happy thought of making me a little richer. But more than likely all goes to plan and we meet back here shake hands like gentlemen and go on our merry ways alive and having lost nothing in the process! Come even an ignoramus like yourself can see the fun in this!"

The boy pondered for a few moments then smiled and outstretched his hand, "Alright mister you have a deal! Shake on it?" Stefano pushed his hand down, "I'll shake your hand when we meet back here." the boy nodded and they set to work burrying their money. "Imbecile? Hovel? Ignoramus? What do those words mean?"

"I'll tell you later."

After the deed was done Stefano turned to Ludivico,"I don't like this Ludi, the terrain is too flat for me to find a good during position. The hills behind me will keep me out of danger and able to provide the cover fire you need, but It will be difficult to signal each other should things go wrong. Thoughts?"

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Father Jan rose early, before dawn. He slept poorly, and an hour or two more would make little difference. Packing up his meager possessions, he decided that a little practice was in order. Eschewing cassock and cloak to better free his movements, he staked out a position at the edge of the camp.

Sword and shield in hand, he engaged in the simple drills he had learned long ago. He was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it all came back to him, how natural swordplay still felt to him. His timing was a little off, maybe, and he was a touch slower than he once was. But he was nearly as hale and hardy as he was in his prime.

Advance, sidestroke. Block, backstroke. Double back, feint, and upstroke. And anon, until the sun rose, waking the rest of the camp.

Jan joined the forming line, taking a place toward the front. Still without his cassock and cloak, he was clothed only by a short, sleeveless tunic and trousers. His shirt of dark mail gave him something of the look of a warrior, however.

The Priest listened, bemused, to the proposed strategy of their commander. Though surprised, he was not the least upset to see him cast down by the man who called himself Silas. Evidently a comrade of last night's false penitent, he was now in charge. For better or worse. For better, though, it would seem. The new plan was much more reasonable. And, though not given the horse he had hoped for, he knew better than to question their new leader in front of their mostly green troops. They needed to believe the new strategy was utterly unimpeachable.

That in mind, Jan fell in to his appointed position in the current formation, at the center left. He drew his sword. It was a little old, the blade in need of burnishing, but it seemed to be of rather fine make. Along with his mail, it was his last physical connection to his time with the Broken Blades. The hilt was inlaid with silver, and the grip well-worked leather.

Lifting his sword into the air, he called out to the squad assigned to him.

“To me, you lot. Look sharp! I reckon I am the most battle-tested among ye. Try to stay behind me, and attack by my flank.”

He stopped to count his little group.

“That's three of you. There should be a fourth- A woman in strange dress. A warlock, or some such, I think. Where is she?..”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lyla
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Lyla Shadowdancer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Odessa had gotten up early that morning as well, though she felt she had slept surprisingly well for what was looming in the near future. However instead of finding a way to train, she simply did some warmups, stretching to make sure her muscles wouldn't cramp, and watched the horizon and all of the beauty nature held within it's grasp. Her thoughts wandered to her worries, of blood-soaked armors, but felt much better than the night before - Sonya and she had made plans, to which she felt was the best way to utilize both of their talents. Before she realized how much time had passed, she found herself lining up in a formation in front of the commander.

At first, she could only think of how unusual he seemed, perhaps snobbish in his dress, almost reminding her of the nobles that loved to play knight but would never dare risk actual battle. As the man spoke of how everyone was going to die, she instantly frowned in disgust - 'how dare he! With some many lives at stake!' She knew that morale was important and this boy was destroying it. It only took a moment more before a man had climbed to his station and punched him right in the jaw! The man was gruff and ragged-edged to his speech, but she inwardly cheered to herself for the great timing.

Odessa smiled as the speech continued, glancing at the image of Sonya happily, until she suddenly heard her name in the middle of it. Blinking in slight surprise, even feeling her cheeks flush, she scoffed slightly at the idea - though as flattering as it was. Thankfully not many people knew what her name was - 'wait, how does he know?' She furrowed her brows slightly before just sighing and letting the slight fade away into her mind, listening to the rest of the plan.

As Silas started to divide people up, she made her way to Sonya, making sure they were near each other. Another surprise though as Silas directed her to take center field with him while Sonya took left flank, causing her to raise her hand and get the man's attention, "excuse me!" As the masked commander turned to her, she closed the distance between them just enough to be heard without yelling. "Normally I wouldn't question tactics... but Sonya and I.. well, I made a promise to her. She has the ability to control the field as she's practiced wind and water magics for those purposes exactly. While discussing last night.. we thought it best that I act as her guardian while she focuses on using her magic to help everyone." Taking in a breath, she continued, "the thing is, I think she trusts me. Especially considering the amount of concentration she'll need, I think that trust is important to her own morale, which benefits all of us.. so wherever you put us, please allow us to work together." Truth be told, Odessa was more pleading for the benefit it'd lead out in the battlefield, more than anything... even if she got amazing first impression from the masked warrior.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Silas listened to the girls request. This Sonya girl must of been the one with the mask, She seemed to be able to handle a knife but the magic she possessed changed his view of her. In-fact that bit of knowledge more cemented it in his mind that she would be better off where she was. The flanks needed to be secured for this plan to work, and a supporting mage could easily turn the tide of battle in their favor on that front. "I understand your promise, but I didn't know she was a mage. That will help that flank greatly in battle and..." He started but was stopped by one of the other members of his squad, Jasper, an older man in his late 40's. "Its alright, I'll go trade with the Lass, just make sure you keep my boys safe through this battle." he said putting his hand on Silas' shoulder then looked at Odessa, "Can't let these little ones go back on their promises now can we." He continued giving the girl a grin and patting her on the head. ".... Fine if you insist... Head on over there and send the girl this way. I'll protect your boys but you keep yourself safe old man." Silas said with a sigh. Jasper gave a little snicker then started off. "Those damned boys of mine better appreciate me trying to set them up with two pretty girls." he said out loud as he went to trade spots with Sonya in the formation.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Argleif Donchie

His eyes opened slowly as the vast sun loomed over the desert horizon, casting bright patterns onto his marked pupils. As the gears in his mind slowly accelerated, he yawned contently and wiped the sand in his eyes left by playful Landvættir of the eastern deserts. Looking around, he noticed that he had fallen asleep sitting on a boulder a few dozen metres from the outskirts of the encampment. As he stood, he felt a familiar rush fill his veins as his eyes pulsed once or twice. Due to his regenerative speeds, he often awoke anxiously brimming with new magic that flooded his spirit as he slept. With a burst of wind he found himself on his feet, stretching his arms and hands as small bursts of wind strayed from his fingertips, blasting sand from the ground as they made contact.

Holding his hand an arms length from his eye, he saw the sun was only four fingers above the horizon, indicating it was still quite early in the morning. Looking back towards the campsite, his eyes widened as he saw sever thin plums of smoke, and with a magically assisted leap he had returned to the encampment, kicking sand onto each of the fires still pluming smoke into the sky.

"These fools could've brought orcs to our doorstep before they had time to draw their own swords."
He murmured to himself as kicked out the last of the smoldering wood. Looking back to the sky, he began to slowly swirl wind above him, scattering the smoke until it disappeared into the morning sky. With a shake of his head, he leaped to the area they had all gathered, landing just in time to see the young Commander have his consciousness knocked from his skull. His eyes turned to the red clad warrior who had delivered the powerful blow, raising his hood as the man took control of the 100 man army.

After about an hour, he stood with the group he was to battle with, his eyes flaring blue with anticipation as wind swirled around his hands and ankles; A peaceful, but concentrated look on his face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Skull
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Skull The Hollow Shovel Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ludivico woke with a clear and rested mind, free from any sort of hangover. Thank the maker. He looked around and saw Stefano and his pets were nowhere in sight. It was a good night of shared laughter and storytelling, reminiscent of his jollier days sailing under a black flag. Today, the chase for coin placed him under a different banner, and he prayed to the pirate deities of Captain Nahrm that his greed would not see him fall on this day. Ludivico leapt to his feet and grabbed his traveler's pack, readying himself for battle.


When the man named Silas knocked down the now former Commander, Ludivico initiated a rallying holler that sent a small, but loud, wave of cheers.

"My first mutiny! are they all this exciting?"

"If it's anything like a pirate's mutiny, Ol'Jenkins will be paraded around the battlefield in the nude. Far more effective than his speeches, I'll tell you that much." Ludivico watched as another man stepped forward.

Dixon was his name, and he proceeded in Jenkin's place. After Dixon's speech ended Ludi wondered if Silas would knock him down too. He chuckled at the thought of a new replacement constantly going up to make a speech, only to get knocked down, leaving one soldier left to fight the horde of orcs. The next moments were spent reshaping troop tactics, adding a lot more structure that was to Ludi's liking. He was one of the few combat experienced people that stepped forward, and was immediately placed as a team captain. The formations were explained in careful detail, and Ludi was tasked to group together four more members into his squad. Well, three more, as he already had Stefano in mind. There was a lot going on, and there were many greenhorns standing about with confused looks on their faces. Of that lot, he picked the two that didn't look so out of their element, and marched back in Stefano's direction. When he arrived, he saw that the noble was making a wager with a beansprout of a man. No, not a man, a boy. He will have to do.

Ludivico relayed the information to Stefano. As he did, he brought up a good point about the lay of the land. Stefano will have to be out of formation to keep from harms way. Doing so will leave him just out of earshot. He looked at the three soldiers. Aside from the young farmer, the two he selected were adults in healthy shape. One was a bald, clean-shaven man named Ulri, while the other, Ojan, had a long beard. Both had swords and shields and introduced themselves as if they were twins.

"What we'll do is no different than a group of parrots." He gathered them around, first explaining to the farm boy what a parrot was, then described to the three soldiers their initial plan that involved Stefano's pets. "The only thing we've added now are extra bodies to plug up the holes between me and Stefano. You call the flanks as usual, good friend, only we'll have farm boy, Ojan, and Ulri, to relay that information to me. Like a group of parrots, see?" Ludivico glanced over at the farm boy who looked as lost as the clouds hovering above them. "Correction. Ojan and Ulri will be the parrots." Ludivico chuckled, awaiting Stefano's input.

@Cuddle Pot
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