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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

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@Roughdragon1 BC's is no shorter. XD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Roughdragon1
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll wait until 1:00, then I'll call it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Roughdragon1
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So... is it all right if I call it?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

So how's everyone doing tonight? We all feeling okay?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I'll wait until 1:00, then I'll call it.

I don't think a few extra minutes is going to make a difference. I'll go ahead and call it.

The Fungal Knight vs The Blood Devil Round 3 goes to Roughdragon1. Battle Score is 2-1 for Saria

And with that, I have my first two reviews to offer.

First is for you and @Banana:

It's good to see you both getting serious in this fight. In particular, I'm enjoying longer, more detailed writing from Banana. You'll notice, though, that I cast my vote for Saria in this fight. One of the factors here was characterization. In Roughdragon's piece, he depicted Bonesword pretty well, since Bonesword has only two listed personality traits and alcoholism isn't particularly predictable. Your version, Banana, I felt depicted Saria as a little too coherent and knight-like. In this fight, Saria is frenzied, filled with pain and power. Forming a good amount of full sentences, some of them resolutely taunting and some advisory, kinda downplayed this. In addition, Bonesword's able to match a frenzied, superpowered character blow for blow. Given Saria's state, I can't help but feel like Bonesword should be backed against the wall, really struggling to keep up. You're not utilizing his chloromancy as much as I would have imagined either. In short, you're writing pretty well, but there are some tools at your disposal that I felt you didn't utilize this round.

While you captured my attention by steering the fight into a climax, Rough, the amount of damage dealt to both combatants in your version plus Saria's own feeling of resignation makes me think that Round 4 is going to be short. Of course, that's if you win the next one. If Banana wins the next one, there's still a Round 5 that has to be done, and given both fighters' conditions it makes me a touch incredulous. just something to be aware of.

As for @ProPro and @BCTheEntity:

I suppose it doesn't need to be said that length /= quality? Doing too much in one round can create problems. Both fights were well-written, complete with a couple overlaps which in my book is good because it means people are understanding characters, but there are a few continuity problems. In both versions, Runch takes extreme damage, though even worse in ProPro's version; you outright state that he shouldn't be able to survive such an attack. He's charred and rotted black by an overwhelming infusion of corrupted hamon at point blank, then he blows himself up after getting a jumpstart from the power of friendship. Then he's essentially flushed down a toilet, and wakes up in Actaeon's catacombs (which as Lazo can tell you were retconned to exist at the bottom of the Justice Hub instead) with only "everything hurt something fierce" acknowledging what he just went through. How did Motley fare worse than him in that exchange? How did Erina get down there? Logically, getting grabbed by Motley seems to me like it would be curtains. I'm not trying to be mean here, but I am confused.

Something sort of similar occurs in BC's version. The overall damage Runch takes by the end, hobbling away as a pretty much fine Crue begins his pursuit, speaks to me of a fight winding down or at least about to reach its climax, when in fact if you take this round, you're only one third of the way there. That said, I did find it interesting that you decided to take on the challenge of entering Runch's brain to recall his memories for the purpose of forming a strategy. You did a good job with that.

Because one version leaves me with a better impression, fewer questions and -perhaps ironically- Runch in a logically better condition, my vote goes to BC this round. One bit of advice for both of you: to my knowledge Hamon doesn't allow a user to float in the air, and Runch doesn't make puns. He's more of a funny saying kind of guy. I'm interested to see whether or not anyone agrees with me. If I've made some mistake in my understanding, be sure to let me know.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Banana>

Two things: while general encouragement is fine, I really wouldn't call people out on not voting. It's optional. And Deadnaut was kicked for inactivity more than a week ago.

Sorry about the thing. Also sorry about pinging Deadnaut (The Char tab led me astray).

As for round four... yeah I dunno how I'm gonna pull it around. I'll be using more of Bonesword's arsenal though, let that be known.

Edit: I didn't say thank you for the appreciation. Thank you!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Lugubrious Actually, there is a scene in the Phantom Blood anime where the Ripple master Dire uses his Ripple to hover in the air, which is explicitly noted by Dio. Don't know if that translates to the manga as well, but it is at least an option for them, albeit not one I see Crue using when his foe can properly fly via cereal expulsion. As for Runch hobbling away, I do have an idea in my head regarding how he could keep fighting in the next round, assuming my version pulls through. No spoilers, though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As for @ProPro and @BCTheEntity:

I suppose it doesn't need to be said that length /= quality? Doing too much in one round can create problems. Both fights were well-written, complete with a couple overlaps which in my book is good because it means people are understanding characters, but there are a few continuity problems. In both versions, Runch takes extreme damage, though even worse in ProPro's version; you outright state that he shouldn't be able to survive such an attack. He's charred and rotted black by an overwhelming infusion of corrupted hamon at point blank, then he blows himself up after getting a jumpstart from the power of friendship. Then he's essentially flushed down a toilet, and wakes up in Actaeon's catacombs (which as Lazo can tell you were retconned to exist at the bottom of the Justice Hub instead) with only "everything hurt something fierce" acknowledging what he just went through. How did Motley fare worse than him in that exchange? How did Erina get down there? Logically, getting grabbed by Motley seems to me like it would be curtains. I'm not trying to be mean here, but I am confused.

Something sort of similar occurs in BC's version. The overall damage Runch takes by the end, hobbling away as a pretty much fine Crue begins his pursuit, speaks to me of a fight winding down or at least about to reach its climax, when in fact if you take this round, you're only one third of the way there. That said, I did find it interesting that you decided to take on the challenge of entering Runch's brain to recall his memories for the purpose of forming a strategy. You did a good job with that.

Because one version leaves me with a better impression, fewer questions and -perhaps ironically- Runch in a logically better condition, my vote goes to BC this round. One bit of advice for both of you: to my knowledge Hamon doesn't allow a user to float in the air, and Runch doesn't make puns. He's more of a funny saying kind of guy. I'm interested to see whether or not anyone agrees with me. If I've made some mistake in my understanding, be sure to let me know.

All perfectly fair, and I can acknowledge your criticisms. Allow me to rebut a number of them. The statement of "he should be dead" was not third person omniscient perspective, it was third person limited from Motley's perspective. As such, it was inherently flawed and skewed in his mindset. Additionally, Runch is explicitly stated to be able to take ungodly amounts of punishment in his CS, as well as being from the world of One Piece where that's the sort of thing that happens all the time.

In regards to the catacombs having been moved, fair enough, but the OOC still has them listed in Oldtown so you should update that to avoid future confusion. Not all of us can read every update made by every player to have been able to catch that detail. As for Erina getting there, that was left open ended on purpose to give us both opportunities to describe it in the third round. He had blacked out for a while there (not intended to be a few minutes, more like minimum an hour).

Re: Hamon and air floating, fair enough, If I made that mistake, then I apologize. I didn't see it listed on the Jojo wiki for ripple powers, but I was going with a statement that BC made previously since it was his character. If that breaks the power's canon, then it's my critical research failure and I own that. Also it was my understanding that "lightning mode" was Motley using actual electricity, not his dark ripple, so if what you say is true that my version of events would have him "charred and rotted black by an overwhelming infusion of corrupted hamon" then that was not my understanding of that particular ability at all, which again I'll totally own. Perhaps BC can clarify that himself.

Of course if you don't think any of these points change anything, then that's perfectly fine. I am aware that I went real hard into the "Runch takes massive damage" direction because, well, that's historically what he's done in the stories I've written for him. But this is a different sort of setting and if I have to make peace with that, so be it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

All perfectly fair, and I can acknowledge your criticisms. Allow me to rebut a number of them. The statement of "he should be dead" was not third person omniscient perspective, it was third person limited from Motley's perspective. As such, it was inherently flawed and skewed in his mindset. Additionally, Runch is explicitly stated to be able to take ungodly amounts of punishment in his CS, as well as being from the world of One Piece where that's the sort of thing that happens all the time.

In regards to the catacombs having been moved, fair enough, but the OOC still has them listed in Oldtown so you should update that to avoid future confusion. Not all of us can read every update made by every player to have been able to catch that detail. As for Erina getting there, that was left open ended on purpose to give us both opportunities to describe it in the third round. He had blacked out for a while there (not intended to be a few minutes, more like minimum an hour).

Re: Hamon and air floating, fair enough, If I made that mistake, then I apologize. I didn't see it listed on the Jojo wiki for ripple powers, but I was going with a statement that BC made previously since it was his character. If that breaks the power's canon, then it's my critical research failure and I own that. Also it was my understanding that "lightning mode" was Motley using actual electricity, not his dark ripple, so if what you say is true that my version of events would have him "charred and rotted black by an overwhelming infusion of corrupted hamon" then that was not my understanding of that particular ability at all, which again I'll totally own. Perhaps BC can clarify that himself.

Of course if you don't think any of these points change anything, then that's perfectly fine. I am aware that I went real hard into the "Runch takes massive damage" direction because, well, that's historically what he's done in the stories I've written for him. But this is a different sort of setting and if I have to make peace with that, so be it.

@Lugubrious Actually, there is a scene in the Phantom Blood anime where the Ripple master Dire uses his Ripple to hover in the air, which is explicitly noted by Dio. Don't know if that translates to the manga as well, but it is at least an option for them, albeit not one I see Crue using when his foe can properly fly via cereal expulsion. As for Runch hobbling away, I do have an idea in my head regarding how he could keep fighting in the next round, assuming my version pulls through. No spoilers, though.

Thank you both for the clarification. Typically, I do these as much to get further insight as to offer an opinion. The note I missed on Runch's endurance in particular, as well as forgetting about Lightning Mode, are significant mistakes on my part. As for Dire, I also totally forgot about that floating bit. I went back and checked, and sure enough, he floats.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Lugubrious@ProPro Lightning Mode is not Black Ripple, though it is to some extent a result of Black Ripple, since that's what gives him enough bodily control to do it in the first place. To be precise, and as stated in his sheet, he made the connection between nerve endings and electrical impulses, and can thus use his nerves to channel electricity through people, also using his own body as part of the circuit if needs must, primarily to stop them from fighting back.

That said, within a few meters, nothing's stopping him from also using Black Ripple as part of the attack, and if he really does want somebody dead-dead the way Pro implied in his post, he would use both at practically full force. That said, he does want to gather up as many allies as possible for future fights, just in case he needs the assistance, so he's not that likely to go full-force just to defeat one guy who's so far shown himself as being relatively weak, albeit nearly as skilled as himself and exceptionally hardy. Besides, there are ways to defeat people other than brute force. I've got something in mind that'll make itself more obvious as the rounds progress, so everybody knows.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@floodtalon when do you think you'll have your first round ready so we can post at a similar time?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


I should have my post ready by 12 PM PST. Been a little busy with work and getting ready for college.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


I'm posting now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


cool. got mine up as well now
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


So should we call it tomorrow at 12 PM PST?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Can you post first for this round? I've posted first for the other 3. If not, it's cool, I'll do it when I have everything finalized.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Roughdragon1
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Banana I have a project due thursday, so I'll be working on that for the next couple days, so my post will be a bit delayed. I'll post first, but it'll probably be on saturday.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@GreenGoat@DracoLunaris@Lazo@Roughdragon1@kapuchu It's been a little while since the second round of Motley Vs Runch started. Can I get you guys to vote in that, so we know who's got the right stuff this time around?
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