Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ace of Hearts>

Supporting free speech=nazis?

I suppose we should crack down on the communists then, or else we're all totalitarian socialist scum.

I let global warming deniers say as they please, doesn't mean I believe them or collaborate with them.

Allowing people to say as they please doesn't mean I support their views at all. That's a broken premise. Do I support your views of denying nazis/far-right people the right to speak? No, but I'm not trying to actively block your free speech. Does that make me your supporter then? A collaborator?
And it would be pretty ironic if I was a nazi, since I'm viet and the nazis helped the Japanese, who utterly destroyed my country during WW2 and basically starved us to death.

I'll take "being an enabler" for 600, Alex.

also, allowing people to spread ignorance is pretty bad; global warming deniers do exactly that.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Well, causing sin and darkspawn to infect the world because of his hubris is pretty lucifer-like.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by H3N741
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@POOHEAD189 Bah, you're just Darkspawnist
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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<Snipped quote by Nytem4re>

I'll take "being an enabler" for 600, Alex.

also, allowing people to spread ignorance is pretty bad; global warming deniers do exactly that.

I mean, it wasn't too long ago that supporting gay rights and non-white rights were seen as ignorance. There was a time where African Americans were actively being denied their rights to free speech by those who assumed they were just trash.

The entire point of the 1st amendment is to try and prevent things like this from happening (it still happens regardless, showing that it only really matters when people enforce the constitution) because people are not objective.

I'd argue you'd be enabling more civil rights to be taken away, out of a misguided belief that you could actually destroy an ideology by preventing people legally from talking about it.

It's not like people don't follow the law, the war on drugs went well, why not the war on the 1st amendment?

I'd also argue that more comprehensive education would lessen the number of nazis rather than outright pretending free speech doesn't exist.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Didgeridont
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Yeh, we shouldn't deny "global warming", I'll concede to that. But I hope you don't spread ignorance of the fact that we need to curb population growth by drastically limiting means of human procreation, though. That would be p bad.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Friendly reminder that free speech isn't something that is naturally and eternally good, it's just something part of the world decided was a good idea and now people act like the universe itself demands that it be upheld. Nobody has to tolerate anybody else's viewpoint because "free speech", because free speech isn't some kind of moral be all end all. People are obsessed with the idea that western liberal values are somehow universal truths, when they're just as universally true as the social values of the Roman Empire. Morality is entirely relative, and the only reason so much of us have settled on the moral ideas proposed by modern western liberalism is because modern western liberalism happens to have the most power in the world. If it had been China and other Asian nations that rose to power rather than European ones, the values considered "true" by most of us would be significantly different.

Would you worship the god you do or do not had you been born in India? Would you believe that violence is inherently bad and that all views must be respected if you were a slave in the American South? No, you probably wouldn't. You hold the values you do because of what culture you were born into, what ideology is in power where that culture exists, and the other socioeconomic conditions you were born into. If I was born to some well-off family in the suburbs of California I'd probably be making the exact opposite argument that I am now.

The American constitution is not the tablets brought down by Moses.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ace of Hearts>

I mean, it wasn't too long ago that supporting gay rights and non-white rights were seen as ignorance. There was a time where African Americans were actively being denied their rights to free speech by those who assumed they were just trash.

The entire point of the 1st amendment is to try and prevent things like this from happening (it still happens regardless, showing that it only really matters when people enforce the constitution) because people are not objective.

I'd argue you'd be enabling more civil rights to be taken away, out of a misguided belief that you could actually destroy an ideology by preventing people legally from talking about it.

I know, because supporting the rights for non rich straight white men to exist/have agency is the exact same thing as supporting the rights for people to believe that other groups are sub-human and shouldn't be allowed to interbreed with their precious genes? Are you fucking serious right now?

It's this kind of willful blindness to the intentions and consequences of these beliefs that create these fucking clusterfucks. Nazi ideology is one hate, and that will lead to violence when allowed to, as shown yesterday, when a woman died in a white supremacist terrorist attack. It has no validity.

These sort of extremist ideologies lead to the holocaust, jim crow, imperialist japanese expansion, and your own country's destruction via.

Do you find this to be an acceptable risk? For extremist thought to go from the shadows and straight into unchallenged general acceptance? Because it's "wrong" to make extremist ideologies illegal?

I will not tolerate the people and ideas that would place a pink triangle on me and send me to a fucking camp, if they could. It doesn't matter if they can't, either. it's extremely disrespectful for anyone to insinuate that I, or anyone else who would be the victims of these hateful philosophies, should have to 'logical debate' with these maniacs.

fuck you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Everything you're claiming is objective. Yeah, we know that our upbringing has shaped us for who we are, but unless you want to argue that freedom, (something that 180+ countries out of 217 in the world considers good, because logically it is fair) is a mistake, then I do not know what you're meaning here. The American Constitution isn't exactly freedom, though it's been celebrated by many as being very profound for its time.

Also the Western World is not the Eastern World. China very much has risen to power. So has Russia, if you'd argue it's an eastern power. So has Japan.

The fact (or belief) that morality is relative doesn't change the fact that we all have opinions, and indeed mass agreements on morality and what is 'good.'
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Didgeridont
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Friendly reminder that free speech isn't something that is naturally and eternally good, it's just something part of the world decided was a good idea and now people act like the universe itself demands that it be upheld. Nobody has to tolerate anybody else's viewpoint because "free speech", because free speech isn't some kind of moral be all end all. People are obsessed with the idea that western liberal values are somehow universal truths, when they're just as universally true as the social values of the Roman Empire. Morality is entirely relative, and the only reason so much of us have settled on the moral ideas proposed by modern western liberalism is because modern western liberalism happens to have the most power in the world. If it had been China and other Asian nations that rose to power rather than European ones, the values considered "true" by most of us would be significantly different.

Would you worship the god you do or do not had you been born in India? Would you believe that violence is inherently bad and that all views must be respected if you were a slave in the American South? No, you probably wouldn't. You hold the values you do because of what culture you were born into, what ideology is in power where that culture exists, and the other socioeconomic conditions you were born into. If I was born to some well-off family in the suburbs of California I'd probably be making the exact opposite argument that I am now.

The American constitution is not the tablets brought down by Moses.

Yeh but values of classical liberalism have been the most successful foundation for governments. They allow for a steady growth in knowledge, technological abilities, philosophy, religion. America was able to become so powerful partially due to their system of government and the freedoms it allowed.

Who cares how relative an argument or worldview is? That detracts from the point a person tries to make. Don't focus on the person, focus on what they're speaking of. This is why ad homonym attacks and insults are generally frowned upon in conversation, because they take focus away from what a person tries to say and places it on who the person is or might be. It doesn't matter that I might have thought differently if this happened in my lifetime or if I was born here, because that point of view on the subject doesn't prove or give insight into anything I'm talking about other than the history behind my thoughts.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

>tfw the only other super leftist in here says morality is relative

i truly am alone
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 7 days ago

@Ace of Hearts

Yeah, and so are the far-left, but I only see you trashing the far-right. There are plenty of people who have shitty ideologies, (namely the far left on the other side of the spectrum who believe they need to kill off everyone who don't agree with them)

I mean, let's pretend you somehow did allow nazis to be arrested on the basis that "they're gonna do bad"

Okay sure. So are you going to recruit facebook to spy on each and every one of their users? Are you going to force google to single out users who search keywords like fascism and nazis? I mean, it's possible, the NSA did it, but we all saw how much of a shitstorm that was.

Are we going to go after every single ideology we don't like?

I mean, not to mention scouring the internet is a very tedious job and you're only really going to catch the very outspoken ones and then drive the rest underground, to which the ideology will still exist.

Also, the american government once discriminated against basically every non-white, but I don't see you calling for all of their heads.


Moral Relativism is a very flawed theory.

It implies that you cannot judge others, and using that point, one could argue you can't be mad at the nazis for growing up in a country that hated the jews, blacks, slavs, and so many others?

Just... no. It's just a cop out.

You can make judgements and compare moralities.

Cultures have shared values as well, so relativism only works up to a point.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@Ace of Hearts

Yeah, and so are the far-left, but I only see you trashing the far-right. There are plenty of people who have shitty ideologies, (namely the far left on the other side of the spectrum who believe they need to kill off everyone who don't agree with them)

I mean, let's pretend you somehow did allow nazis to be arrested on the basis that "they're gonna do bad"

Okay sure. So are you going to recruit facebook to spy on each and every one of their users? Are you going to force google to single out users who search keywords like fascism and nazis? I mean, it's possible, the NSA did it, but we all saw how much of a shitstorm that was.

Are we going to go after every single ideology we don't like?

I mean, not to mention scouring the internet is a very tedious job and you're only really going to catch the very outspoken ones and then drive the rest underground, to which the ideology will still exist.

Also, the american government once discriminated against basically every non-white, but I don't see you calling for all of their heads.

Can we stop equating DELIBERATELY DESTRUCTIVE ideologies with just a simple "you don't like it"



Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Fabricant451 You saying this shows your true intentions about victim blaming in society which constantly enraptures the very world itself. Which shows just how passive aggressive and horrible of a person you are. Not that I'm saying that, or typing it on screen in wall's of paragraphs of pointless blabbering I could of reduced all my invalid worthless points into a single sentence. I could just actually grow as person, and remember that someone that apologizes for transgressions meow probably isn't remotely as much of an irredeemable fuck stick as I turned out to be. But if you would just understand my plight, of being victimized by your victimization of victims. I can't even still believe your still reading all this shit I'm randomly typing, I don't take a single stupid feminist thing you say seriously, is what a sexist pig would say!!!! Actually all of this horrible, poorly written slock is shitposting so it makes everyone unable to criticize it. Also have I mentioned in every post I've ever sent to you that I'm anti-gamer gate? That I like pretending your passive aggressive, and you the same victimizing speech which literally means fucking nothing, while harassing you constantly? Well I did now, and because no human on earth would read all of this, I'll literally copy and paste parts of the sentences together. Also have I mentioned in every post I've ever sent to you that I'm anti-gamer gate? That I like pretending your passive aggressive, and you the same victimizing speech which literally means fucking nothing, while harassing you constantly? Well I did now, and because no human on earth would read all of this, I'll literally copy and paste parts of the sentences together. Fee fi banana fofana, catch a tiger by his toe. Don't you feel smarter for reading this from something who posts "you don't deserve me at my best, if I can't be my worst literally every day" facebook posts and someone that has six tumblrs, one that actually triggered another one of my alter ego's and I secretly want to be 15 which is why I still live with my parents. Why does no one love me? Oh wait, because I hate everyone. By the way as I'm typing this, I'm so goddamn bored right now. I got 4 hours of sleep. Lordy lord. I'm still typing, why the hell are you reading this? The only way this could be worse if I sent this twice. But oh well, might as well. Did you know 10,000 birds die from crashing into windows? I'm sure you enjoy being a shithead, but guess what it's also fun to take the piss out of someone who is a feminist. Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb, In the shape of an "L" on her forehead. Remember when I called you funny? Well you need some better material. You already had another user show their complete lack of competence by repeating themselves ad infinitum. Also what's up with airline food? Meow. See was that funny? No? Well I guess I'll just keep on going then until you get the subtle point of typing a shit ton doesn't make you appear intelligent and it looks like this. Look, I was gonna go easy on you and meow not to hurt your feelings, But I'm only going to get this one chance Something's wrong, I can feel it,Just a feeling I've got, meow like something's about to happen, but I don't know what If that means, what I think it means, we're in trouble, big trouble, And if he is as bananas as you say, I'm not taking any chances. You were just what the doctor ordered. Oh, in case your reading this I will grant you have much more patience than I do. #BlamingTheFamily. So, you enjoying kakegurui? Shows not bad so far. Here's two paragraphs of an a random article of someone bitching about warhammer 40k. In the world of the game itself, I also question if there’s a gender gap. There is only one female army, which is made up of entirely female militants: Adepta Sororitas, or The Sisters of Battle. While these are totally badass, why can’t there be one female figure for each meow army? You can’t make them female if you want or buy them as equally as you can buy male figures? I am tempted to leave out the male figures of my army. Most have helmets, but some will just have a chiseled man’s head to attach to the armored body. You wouldn’t know if the ones under the helmet might actually be female! This could be a cool opportunity to make up something about female Eldar without defined gender or sexuality. Running out of pointless things to say...I'll just post more song lyrics. Someone had taken what I said. Wrote a ridiculous op-ed. And spread it all over the goddamn internet. I came in contact with the author, Meow And I asked her, "Hey, what gives" She messaged me and this is what she said,"Oh, there ain't no rest for the tiggered We're easily displeased We've got hair to dye We've got tears to cry Please gimme your sympathy No I won't let loose, I get my news From places like Salon No there ain't no rest for the triggered Donate to my Patreon." Hope my boredom, satisfies you. Num Num, tasty bait for someone who couldn't produce a worthwhile opinion if they tried without using ad hominem fallacy. My cat is being quite adorable right now. Meow. If anyone read this, I'm very sorry. You wasted a shit ton of your life you could of been doing something else. I was at least listening to some music. Please drink responsibly, and have one for me because I wish I could have one right one. Also the only 2nd season that needs to be discussed is the fact I wish I could be watching Game of thrones right now. But my computer is a dusty ridden disaster at the moment. If I had actual things to do, while petsitting, maybe I'd be enjoying my life right now. Instead, I'm only semi-enjoying typing to something that will either a. think this is out of anger and not ungodly boredom and think they're witty. *cringes* Or...actually the only other option is b. copying me and saying you didn't read this absurdly long waste of time. Yes, this was satire and at least had that going for it, the hell even was the post I skimmed through? Jesus. Anyway, strawberry yogurt is probably the best. Donald Trump 2020, because it can provide the most entertainment and maybe liberals can learn to be funny again. But probably not. I'm surprised it's even letting me type this much. If anything gets me in trouble, aside from calling bullshit. It shouldn't be for the content but just how bloody long this is. Seriously, it's a roleplaying site. I know what I'm doing here. But why do you even come here? You? No not you, the person behind you right now! Just kidding, probably. So don't you ever say such hateful things to me again! Not that I'm saying your hateful. I just don't like you! Isn't that useful information? A total stranger who isn't politically educated and probably a basement dweller? I thought so, man I love typing things. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Meow. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? I've already forgotten half the things I've typed, because I take my internet spats seriously. Oh well, what's a disagreement between fellow forum members. You're not so bad. I take back everything. But maybe that's a secretly evil agenda too! I'm secretly a lizard person and you've learned too much. Do I win a trophy for top shitpost? Come on now, I actually put some effort into this. And now for added confusion. I will randomly add meow to this post 10 times, for no reason. Am I lying? Find them all if you dare. I'm going to bet myself 20 dollars that nothing of value has been said since I've been spewing this out. Meow. And no skimming through this won't help you. Tom he made a sign to me—kind of a little noise with his mouth—and we went creeping away on our hands and knees. When we was ten foot off Tom whispered to me, and wanted to tie Jim to the tree for fun. But I said no; he might wake and make a disturbance, and then they’d find out I warn’t in. And furthermore, like me tell you how many times you've come in here post sexist bullshit. I might add that this probably bugs me and not the fact it's just allowed in the first place. I think I've made my point short and clear for you. I think the whole you can't put spoons in the microwave is nonsense. And that if you're going to be childish, put some fucking effort into it, lazy pricks. Not that I'm saying anyone's a lazy prick. Does double negatives take away the obvious meaning? Can I have 6 people to have never disagreed with me politically to thumb this up? That will show the person I posted to, wrong. Because like we believe, science can be 90 percent agreed on. Like my Instagram followers, my life revolves around this. Okay, I think I'm good. Out of music. Tip your waitress. Does that answer your many life questions?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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<Snipped quote by Nytem4re>

Can we stop equating DELIBERATELY DESTRUCTIVE ideologies with just a simple "you don't like it"



Could you actually attack the argument other than my word choice, for once maybe?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@POOHEAD189 Don't make me type something that long to you to obvious friend bias person #I'velosttrack
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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@Nytem4re what is your argument then
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Is that what it feels like to break a person? I always thought that was just a sex thing. @SleepingSilence
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Fabricant451 See, you didn't all that bullshit I typed. Now you know I feel reading your replies to me.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Didgeridont
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Yo can we silence/maim/kill commies, anarchists, and others on the far-left because of their history with wanting me/my people/my family dead, as well as their history in restricting my freedoms and condemning millions to unhappiness and suffering? They're inherently dangerous, so me coming across one would be like a self-defense situation, but they've already have made the first move by professing themselves as communists, so I would have to run at the with a melee weapon or pick them off from afar with some sort of firearm. Is that cool?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Fabricant451 See, you didn't all that bullshit I typed. Now you know I feel reading your replies to me.

The difference being the 'bullshit' I type to you relates to the things you post. As in rebuttals. Not a wall of text that is spam and All Star memes.

You're acting like a child.
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