Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Haterade
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Haterade The reptilian wrangler

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As a afghan vet, real world gun nut, and a new role player I believe that this sounds like my cup of tea. need to know what squad positions are available and could provide some insight on squad level tactics to keep with realism. Anyway, very interested in joining and excited to make a character. Please pm me for the info will be logging on as much as possible.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Accepted, with some minor formatting tweaks to yours Foster.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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@Lady Selune So when are we going to get a start? I have a mental health day and want to make the best of it on my other RP's, and would love to get a bunch of writing done for this as well. Is there any way I can help with the intro? :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

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Greetings & Welcome, @Haterade! which branch? USMC or US Army? I spent some time in the US Army.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Accepted, with some minor formatting tweaks to yours Foster.

Yeah, I think I completely skipped NPC (mostly because mind went blank as I posted, forgetting we may want a 'marksman' with a scoped SKS or something)

Annnd then I remembered that PAVN soldiers would sometime make a "stringer" of hand-grenades fastened behind their chest-rig (it's just a cord with the 'nades secured via clove-hitches and a slip-hitch of choice fastening it to the rig. Most just as a means of carrying more on the march since your milage may vary when undoing a clove-hitch that's been on something dangling on a string)

Just in case he's ever expected to lay enough traps to allow his team to ambush an entire ARVN rifle platoon.

Greetings & Welcome, @Haterade! which branch? USMC or US Army? I spent some time in the US Army.

Will lol if he sez Soviet Army
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

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Gentlemen! Ladi- Wait, I'm the only chick.


Let's GO!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Spike bayonet monopods, deploy!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

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Spike bayonet monopods, deploy!

*Overly long jumpcut sequence with tons of clicking and clacking more reminiscent of a bag of bolts being rattled around*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

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I probably won't get a post up tomorrow; Krav Maga in the morning, children's Karate class and then driving to my mom's in the afternoon. Won't get home until late. I will definitely get something up Friday.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Sometime during the afternoon or evening Thursday I shall have a post up for our resident machine gunner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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Post up for the old guy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Really tempted to post a brief thing on how to employ a machine-gun "the soviet way". Just in case.

Lots of sciences and maths went into their instructions... they even show their work...
-They were big fans of enfilading-fire via positioning heavy weapons along the flanks, firing inwards; shifting fire outwards like a fan as friendlies advanced (in defense, from out to in as the enemy closes distance).

Anyways, more shovels to the shovel-gods. Ghe probably had plenty of time to learn how to throw one...
(In WW2, apparently there was a 2% chance that any given Russian [that would survive the war] was going to beat a German senseless with a pioneer's shovel [BSL-110])
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

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I was in a platoon life fire defense once and the call for "FPL!" went out, just as you mention it, @Foster. Some of the guys in their DFPs were like, you could reach out and touch the stream of lead flying past their position it was so close. It was during the hours of darkness and those tracers do make it look pretty fucking deadly. That is right before it turns to bayonets and E-tools. Keep both sharpened, just in case.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Foster
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So... after some digging... because as a nugget-owner I do such things...

Found out that in Vietnam it was not uncommon to take captured GI 22mm spigot launchers and weld them to the muzzles of their Mosins.
-Thus allowing them to use French/US rifle grenades (and later, chinese copies).

Missed an opprotunity, I guess...

^That's a Romey SKS, 59/66 if I'm not mistaken. Otherwise it's a crude Type 67 add-on.

Range was about 150 to 200 meters for lighter frag-nades. (175 max for modified hand grenades due to time-fuze)
-About 50 meters direct-fire with that heavy monster of a nade.

Others would just saw-off the barrel of their mosins until the barrel diameter was close enough to 22mm to function as a nade-launcher and appropriate ranging-grooves were then cut.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Foster
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School is in session:
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Its not a long post, but I wanted to get something out at least.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

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Its not a long post, but I wanted to get something out at least.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Foster
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tl;dr tactical situation: (correct me if I'm wrong) Just in case it helps other get an idea of the lay and get a post out.

September 1st, 1961: Provincial capitol of Kantum (less than 55 miles from Saigon): Infiltrating from Laos.
-Historically, this sparked a month of panic and terror in the region as the large enemy force was never decisively engaged and defeated.

If Ghe had the time, he'd probably go over the plan a few more times with the team.

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