Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Alexander Pacifier

The mission papers that he was given served merely as votes. Maya's decisions were final. But all turned out well, either by luck or plan. Alexander was given the desired task. And among the adventurers that he would be taking part in, there were a few outstanding individual that caught his attention. There was a girl with scale armor, and styled a fairly strange color to her waist-length hair. And there was a homunculus, who wasn't an adventurer, but was assigned with the party because he was the one who knew the location of the shipwreck. And he was pummeled by a wolf, owned by an orc, who was also part of the group.

The orc introduced himself as Korgath to the entire team. Judging by the physicals, he appeared strong and apparently cooperative. It was good trait for an adventure to an unknown location, where danger could befall on anyone, at any time, anywhere.

"It is a pleasure." He responded to the orc, in a slow and polite manner. "However, a correction is that I am not magic-sensitive. But I do certainly have a certain understanding of its capability. Also, it is unnecessary to call me by my species. I would prefer Alexander."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NobodiesHero
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NobodiesHero The Organization XIII Member That Never Was

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Goblin burrows close to town? Sweet. Yuel's face broke into a grin when she was assigned the combat mission that had been mostly ignored. She couldn't help but see some of these people as cowards for not wanting to deal with the goblin threat, but if they were cowards, they wouldn't be part of the guild for long. Of course the Meatshield was thrilled about both the combat mission, and the gold piece she would be recieving for completing it. With that she'd easily be able to pay her rent this month, feed herself, and pass on some coin to the city guard, who were always horribly under paid, and under armored.

Yuel stepped over to Laurence, the B rank who would be in charge. Standing there as well was some pretty blonde girl that she had never met before. Eyeing the girl for a moment told Yuel everything she needed to know. Her appearance, her attitude, everything about her screamed noble. At least to Yuel who knew the smell of noble bullshit very well. She also knew what it was like to want to hide that, so for once her life, the meatshield held her tongue about it. Instead, as she stepped past the noble, she slapped the girl on the back in what she thought was a friendly gesture.

"Laurence, nice to work with you again. You know the drill, give me an order and I'll follow it through to the end. Same goes for you Blondy, if you need me during the battle, just call out. They call me Meatshield for a reason." Yuel glanced around for their last member, Derrien. It was only four of them against the goblins, and Yuel had no idea what two of their team were capable of. This was going to be both fun, and a challenge. Just the kind of mission that Yuel liked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Grisia couldn't help but chuckle at Noelle's sudden reaction, failing to hide how amused he was by her usual antics. "Morning, sleepyhead.
Say hi to your team."
He quickly added in his usual joking tone, once more laughing as the B ranked adventurer managed to supress her panic attack and return to the usual deadpan.

It didn't take long for his chuckle to die though, as following the introductions of his new teammates - Diana and Clara (or Alchemy girl and Blue aoman, as his mind automatically classified them) - a fifth, unexpected member joined the party, making Grisia's face contort into a shocked expression for a moment before he managed to get a hold of his act. No.
Way. They've sent a monster like Baby Doll for a simple delivery mission? What kind of shit did I get into this time!?
He couldn't help but scream mentally when faced by the new addition to the team, clearly reaching the conclusion a that every single experient adventurer would come up with when faced by such an unexpectedly strong party for a D rank mission: The mission had a high chance of not being D ranked at all, and with such a composition it could as well become B ranked - something that would require quite the effort to complete, and thus brought quite the frustration to Grisia, who planned to laze around for the rest of the week and be paid for it.

It didn't take long for him to shrug off this pressing issue and return to his normal act though - after all, he didn't really think the mission would be specially dangerous for him anyway, as even if it turned out to be too difficult for him to handle he could easily run away - as he proceeded to adress the now considerably bigger team in the same nonchalant way as ever after the B ranked adventurer introduced himself. "Guess I'm the next one to talk then." He said, ignoring Granoda's unsatisfied mumbling as he voided his own introduction. "I'm Grisia, Grisia Greyrat - as I fancy calling myself as in despite of having no surname. My whole in a party is normally that of a scout and, when needed, assassin."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Eyes squeezed shut, Ahnci winced from the smelly doggo tongue smearing the bloody slime on his face before being promptly tackled off. Slowly opening an eye, he sat up and shuddered before drawing a small cloth from a pocket and dabbing a bit of liquid from a flask on it and proceeding to clean off his face. Silently finishing the process with his fingers, he tossed the now soiled rag over his shoulder and pulled his hood back down. "Iz...okay" Ahnci replied to the apology, unsure how to feel about what had transpired other than being marginally grossed out. The heavy cloak was likely stained, though Ahnci hardly respected its tatters beyond how it didn't smell quite as bad, before.
Senses willed him to just ditch it at this point, having grown accustomed to an otherwise clean lifestyle, but its sentimental value was still worth something.

The large green figure who both owned and rescued him from their beast 'Kitty' introduced themselves to the congregation and offered a hand to help him up. At about that point, Ahnci realized he'd been sitting on the floor still stunned, though he quizzically eyed Korgath's hand. The expression was foreign and seemed as though they were gesturing to him, causing the chimera to instinctively recoil for a moment before noticing how he stopped as if waiting for something.
While Korgath's words were warm with the implication of some kind of alliance, Ahnci numbly but curiously stared at him and followed their eyes to the wolf by the hearth. Kitty's wagging tail made Ahnci's cloak shift around his back and under the hood, ears quirking to a side with an accompanying flick of his own tail. "Ah. She seems nice. Not very talkative, zough" he commented, a statement which could have easily seemed like a joke of some sort.

Having failed to understand Korgath's offered hand, the cloaked chimera eased themselves back up on their own accord and took the hand in the process, giving it a shake in greeting. "Ehn iz a pleasure to meet you, Kor-gath" testing the name, Ahnci spoke up along with a rehearsed toothy smile which looked familiarly forced before introducing himself. "My name iz Ahnciel-" he began before Korgath's words clicked and the smile melted to a genuine look of interest at the mention of food, "...A meal sounds...good...I-I have coins if need be!"
Ahnci's voice held a barely contained desperation, bringing up the coins even though the orc offered to cover it as if to incentivize the promise of sustenance. Even so, he was composed and focused like a dog eyeing a treat, though he hadn't the slightest clue what the guild hall even served.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 6 days ago

With introductions out of the way, the adventurers had scattered across Swynport, collecting whatever supplies they needed. Those searching for food had been disheartened - after the incident with the omega cramp, the guild's kitchen had completely shutdown. They were worried that there might have been a case of food poisoning. Searching the streets for any food was a futile effort - all of the vendors had taken the day off to prepare for the festival. As a result, those who hadn't eaten before Wren was practically removed from existence had to make do with whatever supplies were on the cart.

Surprisingly, the general store and the armament shops were still open. Most likely due to the owners being extremely old and hating festivals. Everyone quickly did what they needed and hopped onto the carts (or, in the case of Laurence's group, met up again at the guild and left together).

Alex, Korgath, Liv/itus, Ahnci

The path to the shipwreck was uneventful. Leonore didn't speak to anyone during the trip. Rather, she intentionally ignored everyone else. The cart, pulled by a single steer, was extremely simple. It looked to be rather light, made from wood and resembling a simple platform with two wheels on it. If you didn't know any better, you would say that this baby was made for speed and handling. Funnily enough, to even get the thing to move, Korgath had to sit on one side, while everyone else sat on the other side. Luckily for those who didn't eat, the cart had some rations on it. Some stale bread and shredded jerky mixed with tallow and berries. It wasn't much, but it was something.

Luckily, things began to be much more interesting when the shipwreck breached the horizon. The sun reflected off the water, revealing two things: half of the boat was on the shore. The other half had vanished. It may have been swept underwater, but there was no concrete evidence of it being underwater. However, there was no treasure in sight. Instead, the sand appeared to be littered with strange footprints. Even without a close investigation, you could easily tell that these prints weren't human. In fact, half of them seemed to be from boxes being dragged across the sand. The prints seemed to lead north across the sand to a rocky bluff that looked over the water.

Leonore was obviously unimpressed. In fact, the entire trip to the coast had left her feeling disgusted. She hated cows - something obvious by the constant scowl trying not to smell the farm animal "Off," she had commanded the others, "go investigate the ship, or whatever." Rather than the shipwreck, she appeared to be more interested in getting it all over with.

Burrow Destruction
Irene, Yuel, Derrien

For those heading off to destroy burrows, their walk outside the town had revealed two things - numerous corpses of livestock and enough cheap rusted weapons to outfit the world's worst military. Laurence, who had been carrying a bag of supplies he had acquired from Rolf, had lead the way to the first burrow, stopped to speak. "This is a small burrow. There should only be one exit, seeing how the hole is about one-goblin sized," he said while he dug through his bag, "if you'd like, I could teach you how to deal with these small goblin burrows. Or, you know, you could try on your own and get murdered by glorified rats wielding broken weapons."

It would appear that Laurence had some experience dealing with goblins. At least, judging by his bitter tone. Laurence had pulled out a torch and a vial of thick tar rather quickly. He began to shake the vial, almost as if he expected them to answer with them requesting that he teaches them the ropes.

Medicine Delivery
Diana, Clara, Lumi, Granoda, Grisia

The start of the trip was a disaster. Nobody had questioned Noelle driving the carriage. Once they had left the city, Noelle managed to fall asleep at the wheel. The two horses drawing the carriage had run off the dirt path, slamming the carriage between two trees. The front was extremely dented and the front wheels seemed to wiggle as the carriage moved. Lumi had taken the reins and a valuable lesson was learned that day.

Even with all of the problems, the party still pushed forwards. However, as they grew closer to the village, a thick fog seemed to roll in. Without any warning, it quickly enveloped them. This was no ordinary fog. The village was nowhere near any large body of water. All in the matter of three minutes, the adventurers were unable to see more than five meters ahead of them. They could only follow the road.

Noelle, of course, was comfortably asleep. She had stolen all of the blankets in the cart and had a fabric cocoon keeping out the frigid fog.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AdmrlStalfos19
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AdmrlStalfos19 Undead. Not Updated

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Granoda knew she should've opposed the idea of Noelle driving the cart more vocally. The fact that Noelle fell asleep at the wheel and crashed the cart didn't surprise Granoda at all. How she managed to get to B-rank despite such a heavy flaw in her ethics, Granoda had no idea; and even trying to speculate would wrack her brain into oblivion. She could only hope that Noelle proved competent when it counted. In any case, Granoda was surprised by the amount of damage that the cart had taken from the crash as a result of Noelle's negligence.

'How flimsy does that thing have to be to take that kind of hit from running into a tree of all things? Bloody hell...' Granoda shook her head in disgust, "Alright, someone take over for Madam Sleepalot. I don't care who..."


Sure enough, Lumi had presumably volunteered to take over cart-directing duties, and no problems had arose since then... as far as running off the road and colliding into anything went, that was. As they drew closer and closer to the village that they were meant to be, however, a mysterious fog had enveloped the area around everyone, preventing everyone from seeing more than five meters ahead at a time. The timing of this fog was highly suspicious; and if the threats Maya told Granoda had any truth behind them, now would be the time for those threats to come into play. Every fiber of Granoda wanted to wake Noelle the hell up... but at the same time, this was her chance to prove her capabilities as a respectable and effective leader. And if any of the three would give her such an opportunity, willingly or otherwise, Noelle would be the one to do so. That was the one silver lining to a field of black clouds. Granoda rallied the others.

"Alright lassies... and Grisia too, listen up!" she called, "As I'm sure most have you have noticed by now, this fog has gotten so thick that we can't see much of anything. It's at this state of reduced visibility in which our package would be at its most vulnerable, so we'll need to assume a defensive formation. Usually when I get people into formation, I'd have some at the front, some on each side and some at the back. However, if you'd each rather assume position near one corner of the wagon, that will also be acceptable in this situation. But whatever you do, stay vigilant and do not break formation until this fog clears up; it's only a surefire way to get whoever we're meant to escort killed. Now then, if anyone has any questions... preferably not involving why I've taken leadership over Noelle for the moment, then speak up now."

As Granoda finished her rousing speech, a long whistle resonated throughout the fog. The rattling of wood, steel, and rock seemed to pierce the grating whistle. Just as unprovoked as it appeared, the noise silenced itself. There was only one thing that could be gleamed from the noise - it was getting closer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 5 mos ago


After Diana finished praying at the local shrine for a safe journey, it was time to hit the road. She laid peaceably in the carriage, her mind drifting into emptiness, taking in the touch of the wooden carriage, the sounds of the horses walking briskly upon the soft earth and the birds chirping whimsically in their nests. The fresh scent of pine wafted through the cool air, rejuvenating and relaxing her. Gradually her mind drifted to a gentle slumber. However, this did not last long, as her state of relaxation was abruptly snapped when their carriage crashed into a tree. “Holy hell!” She said. It turns out the crash was caused by the neglectful Noelle who actually fell asleep at the wheel. The driver is the one person who shouldn’t be falling asleep on the job! The crash didn’t even wake her lazy ass up! Such callous abandon would be inexcusable in this circumstance, especially coming from someone who was supposed to be watching everyone else. Thankfully Granoda took charge and assigned Lumi to take the wheel. Diana decided to shift to the front seat next to Lumi, not because she believed Lumi didn’t possess a modicum of urgency or decency to actually keep her eyes on the road, but she didn’t want to take the chance of being jostled out of the blue again.

Despite the initial bumpy start, the rest of the trip was running smoothly. Diana looked up at the fresh blue sky, her smooth bald head absorbing the radiating rays of the life-giving sun. The warmth she felt within was reflected by the smile that adorned her face. Argus too was content in the basking, loosening himself up to relax. The sun seemed to vanish quickly however as a sudden cold fog begins to develop the forest path. Something about this fog didn’t add up. It was as if the cord, the rhythm of the earth had changed pitch abruptly, too abruptly for the occurrence to be natural.

Diana stood up straight and put her hands together in the shape of a triangle, used it as a conduit to channel her energy into a spell. Between her hands was conjured a floating magical eye, invisible to all but Diana. This spell is the Arcane Eye, a spell that allows the caster to observe safely from a distance. She projects the eye forward to scout the road ahead. The eye can be controlled remotely using her mind. The eye can reveal that which is hidden from normal sight, and everything the eye sees so does Diana. When the road became too shrouded to drive through, Granoda roused the party to defensive action. Diana spoke aloud when it came time to ask questions. "Granoda, I don't know much about this fog, but it seems to be made entirely of magic. I suspect we might be dealing with one or more spell-casters to conjure a fog of this size. I casted a spell to see into the fog, though the farther my Arcane eye goes in, the dimmer the image. I'll guard the rear. If I can, I will also scout as far as I can. I recommend we all stay on our toes. There's no telling what the enemy wields, magic or otherwise." Diana may not be an expert with a blade, but she can hold her own in a fight. She secures the rear flank, taking a solid stance, her right hand grasping her sword, ready to strike at a moment's notice. No matter what happens, even if it costs her life, the medicine must not be lost, least the village perishes. She also had an obligation to protect her comrades around her. No one is going to die on her watch.

Argus was feeling too dizzy from visual overload to be of much help right now. Looks like she will have to rely on her own senses. Diana closes her eyes and forcefully inhales through her nose, taking the air into her chest and tightening her stomach before relaxing the stomach by exhaling, calming her nerves and emptying her mind. She needs to be calm but alert to protect her companions and the medicine. Focusing with her mind she draws the Arcane eye back to her, then has it slowly rotating in an ever expanding radius outward. Even with the fog they cannot hide from her Arcane eye. Hopefully she can find the enemy before they have a chance to strike. As her thoughts drifted from her mind, she begins to tap into the frequencies of everything around her. The party, the trees, the earth, the fog, everything. Diana's only priorities now we're protecting everybody first, identifying the enemy second.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Turns out that Grisia was terrifyingly correct when he guessed that this mission would be a disaster, with the first omen of chaos and destruction showing itself as soon as they boarded the carriage: Noelle insisted in being the driver and, in despite of Grisia trying his utmost to warn others about how disastrous doing that would be, most of the group agreed in letting the more experienced adventurer do the driving. Unsurprisingly, it was quickly revealed to be a stupid decision, as the sleepyheaded B ranked adventurer took about 3 swconds to sleep and crash the carriage, triggering the timely intervention of Granoda and the grumpy mumbles of Grisia, that surprisingly didn't even move in despite of the crash, having steadied his posture from the very start as he already expected something like that happening. "Serves you right. I said it was a stupid idea but y'all decided no one should pay attention to the thief's warning."


In the end, though, the trip was hardly as harsh as the thief expected, with him even managing to laze around during most of the trip, simply laying down above the carriage and passing time by doing extremely relevant for the mission activities, such as gazing clouds or sleeping - whoose the clear importance was mostly denyed by the other members of the party.

The time for leisure didn't take that long to end though: as soon as they started to approach their destination, an strangely eerie fog started to quickly thicken around the group in despite of the fact that the region lacked the required ambient to produce such an uncommon climate, letting the fact that this weird fog was man-made more than clear for the relatively experienced Grisia, whoose eyes quickly sharpened as he tried to get a grasp of his surroundings.

"Can't I just guard the interior of the blankets with Noelle?
I feel that she may need even more cover."
The thief laughed nervously at his own joke, putting up a guard with his sword - currently assuming its reduced form - as he continued to watch his surroundings while paying some faint attention to the conversation going on between the blue-skinned female - Diana, if he remembered her name correctly - and Granoda.

"She's right, Granoda. This fog isn't normal at all. I ain't even sure if I can blink amidst all this interf..." He quickly added as the blue skinned female finished talking just to be interrupted by a noise that could only be described as terrifying - specially when coupled with the already gloomy environment - and slowly grew louder and louder: it was getting closer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Clara Sol

Clara had hoped she would be able to eat something before they departed. Alas, it was not destined to be so, as due to some coincidental circumstances, there weren't any open restaurants or food stalls in the city. Thus, Clara departed feeling quite hungry, her stomach growling occasionally in protest.

Behind the carriage, Pam, the green bison-like creature was carrying her alchemy equipment and supplies. The beast might not be the quickest beast of burden, but it made it up easily with endurance, as it didn't complain even when it carried a heavy burden like that. And it was still able to keep up with the speed of the carriage.

"W-watch out!" Clara shouted when the carriage suddenly went off the road, slamming it between two trees, thanks to Noelle sleeping on the reins. Thankfully, the accident didn't result in any major damage. The medicines were still intact, though the carriage's front end was quite dented and the wheels on the front were damaged. Clara could fix them with alchemy but it would take quite a while. And they didn't have the time for that, not when they had to deliver these medicines as fast as possible.

After that incident, Lumi became the one to hold the reins instead. She hoped she wouldn't fall asleep as well. Come to think of it, she should be able to fix up some wake-up medicine for Noelle to prevent her from falling asleep. But once again, they had to stop for that so Noelle stayed in her dreams on the back of the carriage besides Clara, covered in blankets.

And then, the fog appeared.

The fog was clearly unnatural. There was no reason there would be a fog here since there weren't any lakes or rivers around. Hmm, an item to dispel fog. Well, you could make a fan to blow it away but that would be out of her league seeing how it would be similar to creating an item that could produce a small whirlwind. Her master could do it easily but she couldn't do it yet.

"Alright lassies... and Grisia too, listen up!" Granoda suddenly called. The girl had decided to take over leadership from Noelle, who were still sleeping. Take a defensive formation. Clara did as she told. She readied her bombs. Any movement and she would throw them at the invading presence.

A whistle's sound could be heard. Clara couldn't pinpoint the location from where it came from. Diana then spoke up, saying the fog was created by magic. Well, that just gave her the more reason to be cautious. They were definitely being attacked.

Pam began making her panicked groans, signalling that she too felt danger all around them. Any ordinary horse would've probably bolted but Pam's bond with Clara was strong. And she was no ordinary beast of burden herself as she was technically a monster. She could handle a couple of wolves by herself, using her strong horns.

And then, she heard it. There was something out there, getting closer and closer to their location.

Clara held a firm grip of one of her bombs in her right hand. Hopefully, she could gain a preemptive attack on whatever that was.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Etranger
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Irene Rendower

It seemed that whatever rumours their were of Laurence's kindness, they were overshadowed by the painful reality of his hostile demeanour. Irene did not show it, but being snapped at for such an innocent gesture did not sit well with her. Additionally, she could not fathom this nonsense about this being "dirty work". They were going to exterminate a group of subhumans for the good of civilization. What was dirty about that? The only dirty part would be that they might have to traipse through some filthy lair to get to them. The defeat of this creatures could only otherwise be described as good and glorious. Irene could not understand this man's character.

It was revealed that they were to be saddled with those that had not expressed any particular preference in task at this time. It was as though they were being served sloppy seconds. Her displeasure at this arrangement was only amplified upon learning the character of those that would stand with them. The first was the masculine "Yuel". From the slap on the back to the plain and uncouth speech, Irene could tell she was of an overtly boorish stock. The worst part was she heavily reminded her of her brother, Igmund. He had learned to act like a drunken commoner from spending his time among the household guard. This was going to be a tiresome partnership. Of course, like with all her family members, she simply gave her a pleasant smile and pretended she wouldn't prefer to leap into a pit of demons than associate with her. Their other compatriot was an elf. He was not bad to look at, but she imagined he would prove himself uncultured in due time.

Nonetheless, they were all to march off to find their quarry by foot. Why they were not allotted a carriage like the others, Irene did not know, but she would have preferred a more elegant form of transport than her own two feet. All she could do was smile and pretend she wasn't bothered by her comrades and keep her mind on the prize. Their walk demonstrated precisely why they needed to exterminate these vermin. Irene once again questioned the label "dirty work" in her own head. Soon enough, they came upon their first barrow, and Laurence offered to instruct them as to how to deal with them properly. "I for one would welcome your instruction, sir." She told him. Even if whatever solution he might have in mind could be most inelegant, it was for the best that they got the job done rather than fail to succeed. She could predict Laurence may be once again irked by her politeness, but while she was outwardly polite, inwardly she could care less if he didn't like it. It was the only "beautiful" thing to do to be polite, and damn him if he had a problem with that.

@SilverDawn @NobodiesHero @Bluetommy
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tominas
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex, Korgath, Liv/Vitus, Ahnci, Leonore

'Well she's just the friendliest out of the group, isn't she? Regular beam of sunshine.' Vitus commented dryly.

The trip had been rather uneventful, save for the two of them nearly getting jettisoned from the cart when the orc sat down. One of the downsides to being a small child; it was way easier to knock them around or launch them like a catapult...which didn't happen frequently, but once was too much for his liking.

'And you're not bored already? Half of this thing isn't even here.' Liv chimed. The initial view of the site was exactly what she'd expected. A shipwreck. On land, it seemed. At a distance, she could really only come up with one word for the entire endeavor. Boooooring. Regrets over the mission choice had been quick to form, but a few key things had managed to catch the warrior's attention. Drag marks. Footprints.

Very, very not human footprints.

'If we don't getta nice fight outta this...'

'Then I'd say everything went according to plan.' Vitus interrupted.

'According to plan? What kind of boring plan is that?!'

'The boring plan where I don't have to spend a thousand souls regrowing an arm.'

Despite her best efforts, Liv couldn't restrain the small huff of indignation at the thought of doing a job that was literally just scavenging for lost goods. The girl did nothing to pretend that it wasn't directed toward their temporary mentor's flippant behavior, but still did as they were commanded. After all, they were on a job, and if she came across some hostile entities first... A faint, predatory smile seemed to grow at the thought.

"Guess it could be worse than this."

Korgath dropped out of the cart, grunting as his legs popped from sitting in the constrained space. Landing beside Kitty in the soil bordering the sandy portion of the beach, the wagon whined in protest, briefly wobbling at the weight difference. After a few days of travel outside of the city and with a good meal of venison captured just two nights ago, the orc felt like a new man.

Truthfully, he had lucked out on that deer. He still couldn't believe that the entire city was closed, food production-wise, right after he had said he would cover a meal for the group. There were times when Kitty was a touch unreasonable, but this time she was an absolute blessing. After all, what is a Pack that does not eat together?

His traveling companions were strange ones, though they had not exactly had much time to talk. Kitty seemed to like the small employer man, which was enough for Korgath for now. He didn’t seem like a hunter or warrior, but he was paying, which meant the fluffy one did something that served somehow or another. The other ones, though… they were odd. The girl with scale armor seemed to be named Liv, but she struck a bizarre chord. It was like she was never entirely there, and that unnerved the hunter. The male, Alexander, seemed to be confident enough, but was cold and did not speak too much. It would not matter so long as he did his job, but it did seem to make campfire meals slightly awkward, at least as far as Korgath could tell. Finally, everything about this Leonore woman seemed to rub Kor the wrong way. She did little, she looked too fancy for what she was, and her sword was a toothpick. Blech. Still, maybe she was hiding something. After all, near as he could tell, Iron Rose was a place based on merit, not nepotism. Surely she would be lower than B-rank if she couldn't handle herself?

The orc ignored the posh woman as he stepped down from the cart, the entire affair turning slightly to the side before rocketing past its original position. Truthfully, it didn’t seem like it was built to handle the weight of two adults, the weight of two children, and one fully grown orc. Regardless, he walked over to the steer and briefly rubbed him down, massaging the creature's muscles as Kitty paced nervously beside them both. The wolf had only helped the group hunt a single deer in the last week. She was ready for some action, and the steer was ready for some rest.

Clearing his throat, the orc turned towards the group, his husky voice low as he glanced towards the bluff. “So, strange tracks. I see no blood, but no corpses either. Fluffy employer, do we know how many days ago this ship crashed? Also drag marks from crates, but not boots. Monsters, do we think?” His hands hovered over armor in the back of the cart, considering the chain shirt. At this point, he was already wearing the leathers and iron knuckles, not to mention sweating profusely. The sun was much stronger here in the Southlands.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Alexander replied, as he suddenly appeared behind the orc, looking at the trail. As the cart arrived to its destination, while Leonore was being ignorant of the surroundings, the green haired girl, who apparently was named Liv, along with Korgath, was busy examining the track, Alexander had already finished overviewing the wreck. Immediately, he knew that something wasn't normal. For a normal shipwreck sight, it was just too abnormal.

The disappearance of the treasure was pretty predictable, as the trail of footprint, and the dragging in the sand made pretty solid connections. What made the scene so abnormal was the ship itself. The ship definitely wasn't a small dinghy. The wooden frame size wasn't very large, but definitely wasn't small and for the entire ship to get stranded on land was a strange sign. Moreover, half of the ship was gone. Alexander hadn't taken the liberty to examine the water, but from the looks of it, the disappearance of half the ship was all in all strange. There should have been some traces of wood in the water to not catch his attention

"I'm not sure about the official record of the day the ship crashes, but judging by the broken wooden frame of the ship, which is not layered in heavy moss. Its density can suggest us the time of the crash. I would suggest around a week or less."

Alexander then bent down to look at the footprint. It's littered all over the place, and its shape and sizes were very irregular. The marks left on the sand had the shapes of the W letter, or like the front of a cow's footprint. But within all those littered footprints were a recognizable pattern. That there wasn't only one creature, but many of them. And they had indeed spent some times examining the ship, walking around it for a while before actually taking their treasures.

So it could mean that the creatures had taken it to the lair, which was led accordingly to the trail left behind. But there were a few details that could be worrying. That trail. The footprint. It looked very familiar. Alexander could tell for sure that he had come across such creatures in his book, but unfortunately, his memory was limited. But he could tell for sure it was from the book Senreku, written by Siune, about creatures of this region. But which exactly, he could not remember...

The rocking of the cart after Korgath jumped out shook Ahnci awake from having been sleeping off the fish stew and potatoes he'd gorged himself on back at the guild hall. Annoyed stirring after being abruptly woken up quickly gave way to confusion and redoubled distress as he noticed the scene.
Ahnci vaulted from the cart and ungracefully collapsed for a moment before quickly recovering and rushing out ahead of the group with his arms outstretched in exasperation. "Eit vahs just a day or two ago! How...?" he barked in frustration, noticing the ship. "Zee ship, too? Come on!" he continued, arms falling back to his sides with a groan. Looking back over his shoulder at the group, he pulled his hood down to better take in the scene. In truth, he'd lost track of time and was not completely sure how long it'd been since he washed up on shore, but it certainly did not feel like long ago.

"Grr, fine...eit cannot be helped" Ahnci sighed, pacing and running fingers through his hair as he looked over the scene, taking time to kick down a small impression of sand from where he had awoken. It was up the shore a short ways, farther than what the tide could have carried him as if something had carried him to that spot. "Iz...monsters, ah?" he asked, mostly stating the obvious though keying in on a likely useful detail. "Zehy ver...green, e-ehn like fish?" he offered, having gotten a good enough look at the beasts while being chased off with stears and nets.

"This does not sound like people to me." Korgath shoved his axe into his belt, sheathing Skinner-Gutter and leaving the chain on the cart. "Employer Ahnciel, why not tell us exactly what you remember? That way we know what to fight, and Observer Leonore can be rid of us sooner."


Alexander jerked his head. As if something clocked inside him.

'You don't say...' His mind spoke.

Obviously, there was no way Ahnci was going to tell them everything as it would make him look like a thief. Questions about what he was doing on the ship and where he was from could land him in trouble...or that was at least what his paranoia insidiously whispered of. "Eit...ah...eit vahz early evenink-"

I sat up, surprisingly sore from the pressure of a section of rubble having landed on a series of bruises. After recomposing myself upon the conclusion of heaving sea water from my lungs, I had an inelegant cheering fit. FREE! I was free! I was free and they were dead! I did it! I was never going back to that hellhole and nobody could make me, not in a million years! I would kill whoever I pleased if they even whispered a notion of such lunacy.

However, this was quickly broken by sounds growing from down the shoreline. I just barely had time to turn and notice the monsters crawling over rocks before a harpoon sailed right by me. They were rapidly approaching and I grabbed what I could before hurrying off. Between myself and the hideous fish people was the master's bow! It was mine! I earned it, but...the number of those creatures were growing by the second. There was no doubt they would catch me if I went for it. I was forced to abandon my prize...

"-Ehn I saw the wreck. Zehr ver bodies and boxes...ehn zeh horrid fish people eating corpses and dragging off crates. I left vehn zehy noticed me" Ahnci lied, having not actually seen any corpse-eating take place but expecting something of the sort from the ugly beasts. The lack of bodies was convenient in this lie, though surely such activity would have left a mess unless the tide came in to clean up. He looked over to the trail of cargo being dragged over in the direction of the distant rocks. "So much iz missink, zehy must not reside too far away" Ahnci mused, resting his hands on his hips.

'Fish people? Gross.' Vitus remarked, going over the situation in his head. Er...their head. There was something that didn't quite make sense to him about the whole situation.

How the hell does anybody steal an entire half a boat? That seems like a lot to steal.

The W shaped footprint. Fish people. That only fit one certain species.

The Sahuagin.

A part of Alexander was relieved that they weren't especially dangerous. Theoretically. They were only C-ranked, that meant that the group would be able to fend them off easily. But a part was still confused. The shipwreck. How come half of the ship was still missing?

But still, there was still a task at hand: recovering the supply. Figured that the entire group would have to barge into their lair for this, Alexander decided that it would be best to gave them a brief description of the creature.

"The guy here had reminded me. I knew these creatures. They are a certain scavenging species known as the Sahuagin." He began. "To my readings, they are...well, scavengers, and are not much of a threat unless we are breaching into their realm. So it is pretty much confirmed that they had taken the goods on this ship. But the problem is that to retrieve it, we must enter their territory." He placed a hand on his chin as he looked to the trail's lead.

"I don't know about their weaponry, tactics or cooperation, but I know that they are C-ranked threat within their cave, so we should be able to handle them well. And since they are fish, expect them to have scales or bones as weaponry."

The orc stepped back up to the cart, reaching towards the weapons on his belt. His mouth curled into a frown and he cocked an eyebrow, the same expression a noble's daughter, fresh onto the scene, would wear when unsure of how she should feel about a glass of wine. "Scholar Alexander, they are people? I am confused, and this is needed information. I would not be rude to them."
'Fish monsters? That doesn't sound like something we can eat.' Liv gave a mental frown, matched only by the traces of a physical one that formed at the information that they were receiving. Only C-ranked, if Alexander was right, meant that they weren't going to be a particularly long or good match. The only upside was that if, if they ended up having to storm through some monster territories, surely there would be at least one or two fresh, newly departed souls to add to her--goddamn it, their--collection. Surely.

"Kiiiiind of have t'be a little rude if we're going to get the job done." Understatement of the century. A little rude implied that they were going to try and be diplomatic about the entire situation. That, Liv acknowledged, was unlikely. "I don't take it our scaley friends will wanna share." A pause as Liv glanced over the wreckage again. No corpses. Apparently eaten by said scavengers--a little odd, considering they took the time to go ahead and steal half the damn ship. The entire ship. "Lookin' at this shit, must be plenty of 'em. Got pretty much everything and half the ship too."

'I wonder hoooow many of those we'll be able to add to our collection. Or how those monsters taste. Hmmm....'

'Probably most, and probably not great. Monsters don't tend to be a good source of eating, or there would be a lot less of them.'

"Sounds like fun."

"Not all are monstrous size, but generally, they won't be friendly. But don't go all the way and kill them all. They are a species after all. Nevertheless, if they go too far..."

Alexander didn't want to finish his point to Korgath, but if it was a necessity to the common goal, it had to go through.

He returned to the cart and placed a few of his books back into his bags, and left it there. All he brought with him was his prestigious one-handed crossbow.

"I'm ready when you are."

"...I will take my tools just in case, then." Korgath stepped away from the cart, buckling the final touches of his armor on. From the sound of things, the Sahuagin weren’t people nor beast enough for the etiquette to matter. Then again, things were strange and different here in the Southlands. Better to be safe than sorry.

While the hunter struggled with the etiquette of the kill, Kitty sniffed frantically along the beachline, something obviously piquing her interest. Whatever it was, she had a decent scent on it, and was ready to go. Korgath could get behind that. “The longer we wait, the more cargo rusts and rots. Come. Observer Leonore, is it within your powers to protect our cart? Or is that also part of our job, not something you will do?"

Leonore didn't respond. Rather, she shrugged and lifted her hand. A strange fire emerged from the tips of her fingers as a ball of fire seemed to take form in front of her. The ball quickly dropped to the ground, rolling around the cow and cart. In its wake, it left a scorched circle. The charred ground seemed to burn and flake as if it was embered. Just by looking at it, one could tell that it would be a bad idea to cross the line. As the ball dissipated, the flames on Leonore's fingers dulled. She walked over a large rock overlooking the surf and leaned against it.

"Well, have at it," she said. She had expected them to leave a lot earlier. After all, Sahuagin had a rather nasty reputation for eating things that weren't food.

Ahnci looked lost as the human gave a name to the things he saw after landing. Details of their tendencies were interesting, though lent little to the actual goal of retrieving the salvage...salvaging the salvage? Who knew how much of it could be ruined by now, but something would certainly pay for a very specific article if it was damaged.
Though he felt such heat, the motions of Korgath donning his armor and Alexander arming himself put it into perspective. This was no simple smash and grab, the crew was going to war. For a moment, Ahnci's hopes rose in favor of Leonore by her light that burnt a ring around the cart and its beast of burden, half expecting her display to hint that she had intentions of being useful.

"Killink?" Ahnci asked, taking a few steps to follow the tracks and watching Alexander for confirmation. "Zehy are beasts, but...I szought..." he began, unsure of what he had thought. The way the 'sow-hog-in's were played up made them seem unagreeable at best, and known to be a pest with little redemption. Still, enough blood had been spilled for the damn crossbow, already...though this was obviously becoming about more than just a crossbow. There was no way or reason Ahnci had to explain the point of the task without seeming selfish and base. It was a catch-22 that he couldn't back out of, but thankfully had 'heroes' to do the heavy lifting.
It did not sound fun in the least, but surely it would be interesting.

'I really don't like her.'

'More fun for us though, right?'

Stretching herself out, Liv glanced between the preparation of the others, fingers tracing lightly over the space where her soul gem rested, lingering just beneath the scalemail. It wasn't time yet, but the girl felt a sense of warm comfort wrap around her as she delved just beneath the surface of the waiting souls. Familiarity at the motion and the feeling of magic coursing up and through her veins like blood as the warrior started walking, her pace slowed to give ample time for the others to start their motions too. So much talking and not enough doing. Ugh.

'God you're impatient'

'C'moooon, we just have to follow the tracks, right?'

'Some of us don't like walking into strange situations blind. Surprises are less fun when they start lopping your arms off.'

"Can we walk and talk about that? I, for one, want to have something to salvage."

Korgath shook his chain shirt once, secure in his armor before following Liv along the tracks. "We do not have to kill them all, just some. Then they will understand. Or not. But probably yes." Kitty walked beside him, hackles raising as they made their way to the bluff jutting from the beach.

Expecting that everyone had finished their preparation, Alexander simply followed the group down the track. It didn't really take long before the group reached the cave, and by the time he reached it, the iconic and fishy smell had rushed to his lungs. A clear sign that they were about to trespass into new and potentially very unpleasant land.

Slowly, the group approached the cave entrance, ears and noses perked, weapons ready. It was time for some spelunking.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NobodiesHero
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NobodiesHero The Organization XIII Member That Never Was

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

There wasn't much Yuel needed to do in order to prepare. All she needed was her weapons, Fluffy served her well in battle, and her hunting knife served her well outside of it. She could survive with just those and the land around her. Yuel may not have been good at most things, but man could she survive. It was all thanks to the members of the city watch who trained her. She waited impatiently for the rest of the group to prepare before heading out with them.

Yuel had worked with Laurence before and knew what to expect from him, but she had never met her other two companions before. Blondy had an instant dislike from Yuel, not because of the fact that she was clearly a noble, but because the way the woman reacted to her. Despite the fact that Yuel couldn't read body language in the slightest, she could easily see the fact that the woman didn't like her. She was judged for being different, for being barbaric, as if being gifted physically made her lesser. It reminded her so much of her family that it took every ounce of Yuel's nearly none existant self control to not strangle the woman. Instead, every time Blondy looked at her, Yuel growled, curling her lips back and baring her teeth like some sort of animal.

The Elf on the other hand, Yuel wasn't sure what to think of him. He had been relatively quiet thus far, obviously nervous and new to the world of adventuring. Yuel offered him a slap on the back, a bit more gently than the one Blondy had gotten, and a promise that she would make sure he got through his first mission alive and well. She intended to keep that promise, even if it meant that she wouldn't be making it back.

On the way to the burrow, Yuel saw the usual destruction that Goblins brought with them. It was tragic to see so many livestock destroyed, that was a lot of food gone to waste. When they stopped, Laurence offered to teach them how to deal with Goblin burrows, in his usual way. Yuel shrugged, "I mean, last time I dealt with one of these I ran in screaming and it worked just fine. But if you've got a better method, I'd love to hear it." It was a miracle that Yuel had made it this far in life. Either she was made of some pretty damn tough stuff, or there was some sort of higher power looking out for her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 6 days ago

Alex, Korgath, Liv/itus, Ahnci

As the quartet approached the cave, the first thing that they noticed was the smell. A deep sea brine seemed to emanate from the cave, covering up everything except a brief tinge of rotten fish. The harsh knife of a scent seemed to only increase as the four adventurers reached the entrance.

As they peered at the entrance, they saw two things. The first being that the sea seemed to spill into the cave, carving out a deep inlet to the left half of the cave. The second being the corpse of a large sahuagin, its scales reflecting what light shone on the cadaver. Obviously dead, the beast was being eaten by more sahuagin. Six, to be exact. Cannibalism wasn't exactly common among the fishy beasts. As soon as the six fish saw that their precious meal had been spotted, they instantly turned to fight.

Two sahuagin carried broken swords. The rust and unknown filth on the swords would, if you were stricken by them, afflict one with sepsis and most likely kill oneself. One sahuagin was armed with a large broken crossbow, used as a sword. The last three sahuagin, each of them large and tall, seemed to use their hands. They quickly charged the group. There would be no time to prepare.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tominas
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex, Korgath, Liv/itus, Ahnci

Watching the beasts charge towards the group, Korgath’s reaction was swift, stemming from a lifetime of stalking dangerous game. Uttering a low growl, the hunter lunged towards the Sahuagin furthest to the right, one wielding a blade. Remembering his training, Korgath seized the creature’s wrist with his right hand and twisted as hard as he could, hearing bones pop inside the fishy skeleton. The abomination cried out in pain before Korgath’s ironclad fist plunged into its jaw, splintering the bone and cracking the beast’s skull against the cold, stone wall. It slumped to the floor, blood oozing from the shattered body. It was a strange victory, and the creature seemed more delicate than it should have been, almost like its bones were made of glass... Or fishbone, if he was being honest. All the same, it was dead. “One!”

As her Alpha had been tearing through one of the front-liners, Kitty slipped through, effortlessly tucking behind the orc’s legs in a motion well rehearsed. The shewolf had witnessed the larger beasts coming from behind the smaller fishmen, and knew trouble when she saw it. There was a flash of grey as Kitty leapt up to her full height, chomping at the farthest sahuagin to the right on the back line before it was knocked down below her weight, barely managing to keep her at bay. It looked like she was having a hard time getting her teeth to actually stay on the creature’s throat...

Korgath grimaced as he moved to stand between the smaller members of the group and the sword-wielding monster, leaving himself open to the crossbow carrier and hoping his armor would take the brunt of the punishment. He panted, sweat dripping from his brow. Between the layer of leather and this damnable humidity, he had already soaked through his armor, a small puddle forming at his feet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alex, Korgath, Liv/itus, Ahnci

Cringing, Ahnci observed the creature's feeding on one of their own, unsure of a way to get their attention by introducing the group while composing himself and remaining polite. The smell was abhorrent and the grizzly scene compounded on the chimera's comparatively pampered senses to the point where he was glad that they noticed the group on their own volition. "Good, yes. Zehr iz-" he began to explain before the gurgling growls and raking screech of rusted metal on stone accented their lack of compliance. Confused at first, Ahnci held up his hands to begin attempting to ease the tension before watching Korgath charge in to swiftly undo one of the garbage-wielding things.
By how their associate charged, it was clear that diplomacy might have to take a back seat for the time being, the insistence of violence asserting itself to center stage.

However, Ahnci hesitated, locking eyes with the second monster. "Stop!" he barked as the creature swung into the chimera's backstep, catching on the thick tapestry and carving a messy tear into the fabric.
In a moment of stillness, a formless wind caught the cloak which billowed towards the monster while a low hiss slithered from the sahuagin's target. The breeze spewed forth as a fog from the tear, tiny ice crystals rapidly crawling up the attackers sham of a blade and arm before Ahnciel roared, "I said stop!"

The glittering scales of the stone and scales dulled in a brief wave heralded with a symphony of chains echoing quietly from seemingly all directions. What appeared as a large hand of darkness reached down from the ceiling, the shadows peeling away to reveal a cacophony of barbed hooks clutching onto Ahnci's attacker. The chime of fine chains growing taught deafeningly cracked for the instant they needed to circumvent the sahuagin's scaly defense and messily wrench it from its feet and into the ceiling of stalactites. Groans of strained metal whispered for a moment as the writhing and screaming beast was punished and subsequently silenced with a chorus of foul fish blood pouring from its now impaled corpse.

Ahnci growled, looking down at the new broad hole in his tattered adornment as the fog manifested lightly across the stone. For brief instants, hoarfrost from the humidity skipped along the warm stone before evaporating. "Fine! I vill help myself, zehn..." he growled, ears folding back. Ahnci gripped the edges of his cloak and opened the garment enough for a bubble to accumulate before throwing his arms forward and forcing a jet of frigid wind into the cave to consume the beasts farther back. The gesture made the surf caught in its collateral cone of effect to crackle as tiny bubbles rapidly froze and melted in a light fizz. Powerful wild magic in its nature, wielded by a novice user, no doubt forced the temperature of the cave to plummet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chasers115
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Chasers115 The FatCat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex, Korgath, Liv/itus, Ahnci

There were moment when Liv was relieved that she didn't have to breathe. Abandoning the habitual act of inhaling in the blink of an eye, the warrior felt every instinctive need to fight overwhelm her. It clogged her throat, filled her head, deafened her to the outside world, and Liv couldn't help but feel a smile creep across her face. Sharp blades, a broken crossbow, and fresh souls for the taking. Her hand swept over the gem again, magic coursing through her faster, more deliberately, and more rapidly than when she'd only lightly brushed the surface before.

'Easy pickings. Hope they're better than those rusty pieces of crap.'

'Oh boy. Here we go again.' came Vitus's amused reply. There was nothing he could do to help out here, so he mentally took a step back. Liv didn't need silly things like 'tactics' when she was fighting, so all he could really do was enjoy the show.

Already, Liv was moving, a one-handed sword twisting into shape in her grip as her hand moved away from the gem, the materialization making it seem as though she'd drawn the weapon from nowhere. It wasn't the best she owned, lacking any magical properties of its own, but it was sturdy, and it was sharp, and that was plenty until proven otherwise. The steel seemed to gain a frosted appearance in the instant before she swung--odd, was the cave that cold? Liv didn't make it a point to focus on their rather dulled senses when it came to the middle of combat.

Steel sang as it sliced through the air, quickly moving in a graceful arc toward one of the scaly beasts, the sound of its movement drowned out by a brief giggle that accompanied the usual hunger that the warrior-mage felt whenever combat was in the cards. Much better prey than mere goblins, after all.

'God, you're a creepy little child. Less maniacal giggling in front of the client next time, if that's at all possible.' Vitus piped up.

'Please, this is the most fun I've had in weeks. It's hardly maniacal,' Liv scoffed while her blade found its mark, the edge biting deep into flesh, meeting resistance that did not stop the motion. Blood followed the remainder of the arc, and the familiar sense of dying overrode the warrior's senses, eliciting another round of ravenous greed. Muscle memory had Liv pull her blade free, the smell of blood distant in the onslaught of a waking urge to go wild.

'They won't be opposed if I steal just a few of these souls, right?'

'Just try not to make it too obvious. Don't want people getting the wrong impression of a psychopathic soul stealing girl that pulls swords out of her heart'

'Why do you think that's a wrong impression?'

'Because I prefer coin over pitchforks, Liv.' Vitus said, exasperation in his nonexistant voice.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Alex, Korgath, Liv/itus, Ahnci

His adventure was soon met with a fierce resistance from the Sahuagin. It wasn't out of the surprise zone, however, as he didn't really expect them to appear this soon. But thankfully, there were his allies. The three of his teammates were preemptive, as they all took on the creatures with finesse and grace. As they were busy fighting, Alexander felt no need to enter the combat theatre. They were handling it well, and his presence would be a hinder.

Instead, he stood firmly on the ground, and analysed through the Sahuagin's movements. Their first entry did not form into any specific formation, as positions were irrational. They also did not coordinate well in their attacks, some of them attacked separately, allowing his allies to mow them down. This may help that the upcoming battles may also have the same tactics, with no particular leaders of the school.

'Their poses.'

Despite the fight escalating into an individual one on one, with each and every combatants being a strategist and tactician of their own, there still existed a pattern, small but visible: the Sahuagin's combat poses. They have the tendency to have their shoulders and heads slightly leaned towards their opponents, their backs angled slightly forward. Their attacking movements were also weird, as if they were trying to cover something.


Alexander then noticed as Korgath's wolf, Kitty, preying on a Sahuagin, but was suffering from trying to get through to it, due to some sort of scaly armor. But there was also the sword swing by Liv, which cut through the Sahuagin with ease. And there were Korgath's fist onto the fish's jaw at the very beginning. It gave Alexander the strange perception of the Sahuagin's scaled armor being both good and bad at the same time. A wolf's bite, a sharp sword's swing and a powerful uppercut, despite the difference, showed an abnormal contrast.

Connecting the dots together, there was one hypothesis that Alexander had been suspecting.

As the group was busy fighting, two Sahuagins at the very end of the cave began to join the battle as well. Realizing the threat, Alexander charged forward towards one of the Sahuagin. As he was near one, he planted one of his foot firmly on the ground, and rammed the other one onto the Sahuagin. Despite not really a combatant himself, his experience in martial art allowed him to send the Sahuagin tumbling onto the ground. As the other was mildly baffled by the sudden entry of a new combatant, Alexander quickly drew the one-handed crossbow from his waist holster. Pointing it directly straight towards the Sahuagin's head, he open fired. But the arrow simply ricocheted off the scale on top of it. But the force was enough to stun the fish creature for a few moments. Enough for Alexander to deal with the other beast.

The creature had the time to stand up, but not for a counter-attack, as Alexander gave it a beautifully executed axe kick. The beast was stunned, but eventually come unharmed. Alexander then decided to take a more brutal approach. The creature charged at him, as it tried to deliver an upward swing to Alexander. But having seen through the move, Alexander simply took a step back, and took advantage of the move, as he held the crossbow with his two hands, the arrow, having reloaded automatically, pointing forward, and stabbed it into the Sahuagin's lower jaw, direction upward.

The creature froze for a second before falling to the ground, motionless.

Just as he thought...

As the final creature was trying to stand up, Alexander calmly and simply turned to address the team of the result of his analysis.

"These creatures have a weakness. And that is they don't have protection against upward attacks." He said. "Just attack from the bottom up, and we'll mop up the cave of these beasts."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 6 days ago

Medicine Delivery
Diana, Clara, Lumi, Granoda, Grisia

Thanks to Granoda's leadership, the trip to your destination was long, arduous, but safe. The noises in the fog seemed to come and go, making the four hour walk extremely stressful. However, the fog seemed to be lifting. The thick air seemed to disperse into a subtle haze. Out in the distance, no less than ten minutes away, was the village.

As one approached the village, a large plume of smoke and fire became visible. However, the small wood huts seemed to be untouched by the fire. Instead, the large pyre seemed to be placed in the center of the village square. There, however, was a man tending to the flame. Clad in thick black cloths and wearing a white bird mask, this man was undoubtedly an outsider. From the crackles of the flame and the shifting of the fuel inside, the unknown man was unaware of the presence of others. He continued on with his business, stoking the flame and pushing the logs inside around.

Beneath his feet seemed to be a man wrapped and bound tightly in cloth. Not a single bit of his flesh was exposed. Not even Diana could feel a breadth of life exuding from the cloth-covered figure - not a breath or movement. The outsider continued with his work, unaware of the group behind him.

Alex, Korgath, Liv/itus, Ahnci

As the group of six Sahuagin were slaughtered, it became apparent - the munching of the beasts were the only thing one could hear. The echoes of the adventurer's voices seemed to reverberate in the cave, coming back as faint traces. The question was - why was it that it was so quiet? The loud snarling of Sahuagin was expected to come in response, but there was no noise. The pitch dark of the cave made any further a mystery. It would be a good idea to get torches for the exploration. Though, Alexander should have remembered another important fact about Sahuagin - they're rather flammable when dry.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chasers115
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Chasers115 The FatCat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex, Korgath, Liv/itus, Ahnci

'Well...that seemed easy enough.' Vitus commented, surverying the situation as best he could from Liv's eyes. He couldn't hear anything in the cave, which either meant that there had only been six of the Sahuagin, or something else had already slaughtered the rest. Even he knew that monsters were usually not great at stealth.

However, he couldn't do much about surveying the darkness; being limited to Liv's eyes meant that he had to stare at the same things she was. In this case, the recently fallen bodies of the monsters, which she seemed to be paying more attention to than anything else.

'Talk about boring. Thought there'd be more than six.' But six was still six. Letting the previous weapon dissolve back into its incorporeal form, the scale-clad warrior took a glance around the cave, finding nothing of more importance, before giving a slight shrug of the shoulders. Dead or alive, she didn't have the best night vision. Easily solved with either torches or magic--the latter was more appealing, but even Liv's mighty arsenal didn't carry something convenient like a perpetually glowing staff. Not one that would feasibly light the path, at least.

"Well, before I get ahead 'f myself here..." Towering over the recent kills, Liv let herself delve into the sensation of death. Eerie as it sounded, it was the only way that the girl could ever describe the oddly familiar prickle of knowing that there was something ready to be taken. Two weren't worth the effort it would take to divert, another two so measly that they were immediately pressed down to the bottom of the list. A few steps, and Liv raised an arm, inky wisps of an ethereal crimson and smoky black trailing from her palm, off her fingertips, and then down to her preferred corpse, reaching and twining together into a hazy pathway.

Never waste anything, after all.

'Ah yes. Subtlety. Don't mind us gentleman; we're just over here preforming strange voodoo rituals on dead things, you folks go about your business!'

Internally, Vitus rolled his eyes; a sensation that would no doubt come across to Liv's part of the conciousness.

'Do you at least want to ask if anybody here has a torch or some magic? One of them might have a perpetually glowing staff or something. Might let you borrow it if you flutter your eyelashes and say 'pretty please'.' There was a tone of irritating smugness to his voice; if only for the reminder that there were no thoughts that Liv could hide from him any more.

'Oh boo-hoo, I'm taking the souls of some fish shit that tried to kill us. What a terrible loss,' Liv shot back without stopping her actions. If there were a way to somehow extract Vitus for long enough to punch him... Thankfully the thought was distracted by the feeling of another presence being guided to the gem in her chest, a chaotic sense of relief following directly after. The adventurer made a mental note--well, not quite. It was more like a demand from the fellow soul-fueled magician in her head--to reforge it when they returned from their little excursion.

Happily, she ignored the roll of the eyes, but countered with a sweet venom of her own.

'You think all of us need to carry torches? God forbid there's something else in here waiting to lop our heads off once they see light coming at them in this dark cave.' The girl stretched her limbs, feeling slightly refreshed by the quick bout of combat, but far from satisfied. 'Besides, I'm sure one of them has it handled. If we split up, I'll just take it then.'

Vitus also felt the distraction of a soul coursing through their shared body. The fact that the gem was implanted directly into their chest made getting new souls an interesting experience to say the least. Like the smallest hit of a backalley drug; a sudden sense of clarity and strength that lasted far too short of a time for his liking.

'You need to think ahead more, unless you want to end with thinking without a head' Vitus joked. Her impulsiveness was basically expected at this point in their mutual cooperation, but it certainly didn't stop him from nagging at her about it.

"Haha, so funny. Really. Unbelievably so.' Liv was certain that one didn't have to be Vitus to detect the sarcasm in the thought. One just had to be a noun to detect it. "'sides, I thought that was your job."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tominas
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


LOCATION: Shipwreck Cave
INTERACTING WITH: Ahnciel@Hawlin, Liv/Vitus@Chasers115, Alexander@Conscripts

The cave began to settle into a quiet as there was a dull, gurgling crunch, Kitty’s teeth not penetrating skin but the throat of the monster demolished beneath her powerful jaws. The shewolf huffed in disdain, unsatisfied with the lack of blood. She glanced over her shoulder towards Korgath, an expression of distaste evident across the species gap.

As Kitty made her way back to the group, she ended up back beside Korgath, though pointedly focused on the small girl with the scale mail. A slight growl issued from her muzzle as she nudged the orc’s side, gesturing with her nose. The green-haired girl didn’t smell right, and she was doing something strange.

Korgath stood straight once more, no longer bracing for the impact that never came. It seemed his newfound friends would be plenty capable in combat. Not a Hunting Pack, but something that he could live with. That was good. Still, it seemed Kitty was unhappy with something going on with ...Mage Liv? He thought her a mage, though to be honest, he wasn’t sure if the title did her justice. Regardless, it seemed she was hovering over one of the corpses of Sahuagin. Ordinarily nothing that the hunter would concern himself with, but Kitty always did have sharper instincts. He glanced back to his friend and gave a quick cutting motion with his hand, a clear order to keep things civil. He would keep his eyes open.

Still, now that the fish folk were gone, he was surprised. It had seemed previously like this would be similar to raiding goblin burrows, hordes of smaller creatures all striking at once… but there were only six. This seemed odd. Korgath turned to the group, shaking the blood from Skinner-Gutter and absentmindedly scratching Kitty behind her ears. “...Six. This is not many. Scholar Alexander, do you think there will be more?” He leaned against the wall of the tunnel for a moment, appreciating the feeling of cold stone against the back of his neck. He co He was regretting the decision to wear the chain more and more… Still, the cool air from the small one’s spell helped with the heat as blood drained from the orc’s skin, returning its normal verdant hues. He smiled, making eye contact with the short figure. “Employer Ahnciel, I thank you for cold. If you keep it up, I would certainly not mind.”
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