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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Caasicam
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Caasicam made mostly of bees

Member Seen 9 mos ago

A breath escaped Andromeda before she realized that she had been holding one in, fogging up the lower portion of the piece of metal that she had been holding up. Annoyed, Andromeda wiped away the condensation with a hand before giving one last once-over of the object.

She was camped out in the small common area just outside the building where her last class had been held. The area was only partially paved over, and a few intermittently planted trees that looked twice as old as she was provided shade from the sun above. It was quaint, and had looked rather inviting. Emphasis on the had. Up until the point where Andromeda claimed half the place as her own and then decided that it needed a new look. Numerous dark purple pieces of armor were scattered across the grass in a radius around her, forming a proverbial metallic minefield to dissuade people from coming too close. There was a sort of method to the madness, as the parts got smaller and smaller as they approached her spot where she ruled the area from beneath the largest of the trees. There she sat, cross-legged on her throne of dirt and grass, with her back to the trunk, as she inspected the part in her hand; which appeared to be a magazine; like some sort of monarch.

Andromeda's classes were done for the day, her time technically free for use however she saw fit. She should've been reading up on her subjects, or maybe getting started on the work that had been assigned, like a good student would. Though at this moment, Andromeda felt no inclination to be a good student, or put herself to sleep intentionally, her classes had done that easy enough earlier. Still, it made her fidgety to just sit around and do nothing, so in an attempt to do something at least partially productive with her time, or at least something she could convince herself was productive, Andromeda had broken out her armor and found a place to field-strip it.

It was armor now, Andromeda had made a point to keep it as such. In part because she had no intention of making her life harder by lugging around the hunk of metal when it was a giant cannon, and because it made her look slightly less insane than if she had been brandishing around an overt weapon through the academy. Not that it mattered now, pulled apart into a multitude of parts laid out around her as it was. Not the most ideal place to take it apart, nor the cleanest, but there was more than enough room to do so.

No one had really stopped her anyway, or gone out of their way to navigate their way over to her, not that Andromeda totally would have noticed it anyway, what with the suitably distracting music playing from her scroll. If the barely rhythmic noise could be called music, it was just loud enough to be pretty much the only thing she could hear, but not so much that it was completely annoying a few paces away.

Satisfied, Andromeda placed the magazine back in the depression in the grass where she had picked it up from, before turning around in her spot to grab her scroll from where she had propped it up on one of the tree's gnarled roots, and then laying down herself in the grass. She maneuvered around a moment, having inadvertently stabbed herself in the back with a piece of the armor, before holding her scroll up to see if anyone had tried to contact her in the meantime.

Woo, being productive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Survival Class
He’s on a boat (he should probably leave it)

”Gren Orchid. You must be new, I don’t think I’ve seen you around. I think? You look familiar…” Gren looked at Ashe more closely but before he could figure out where he recognized her, class started. He stepped away and waved Ashe goodbye. ”Looks like the fun is about to begin, I’ll see you around.” Gren went back to his seat as Estelle started class. Everyone finished their conversation and cupcakes as they returned to their seats. The teach wanted them to follow her, so Gren grabbed his gun and followed her.

He whistles as he arrives to the holo deck. He’s heard of tech like this but he’s never had the pleasure of using it himself. He wasn’t sure how “realistic” this stuff can get but chances are they’ll be up to snuff. Estelle told them to find a place to stand away from everyone else. Gren did so, and after about a minute they were on a flooded boat. ”Oh shit…” Gren gulped. He was not expecting this. But he wasn’t entirely unprepared either.

The first thing Gren analyzes was dry land. He could barely make it out on the horizon, but he could vaguely see what may be land. It was perhaps a mile or two off. He also took note that the ship they were on was sinking, and from the sound it was being attack by Grimm. So swimming wasn’t going to be safe. Fortunately Gren can use his semblance to just glide on the water, and with his thrusters he could get there in no time. If he was alone: the entire class was here, and Gren wasn’t going to leave them behind. Already people were scrambling to gather materials to help them off this shipwreck. Gren would do the same, going down the deck to try and find some life jackets, floaties, and maybe something that will help him if he goes for a dive.

What Gren finds with a cursory search is a bunch of rope, two life jackets that were way too small for him, and a whole lot of towels. He suppose if people get wet they could use the towels to keep themselves warm and dry. But by the time he grabbed these he could hear the water underneath his feet. Thus he ran to the top of the ship and looked to see what the other students had gathered. ”I hope y’all found a boat without a leak!”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Oswald Connoly- Survival of the Floatiest?

Annabelle's attack was not unsuccessful. The "gentle poke"- felt more like a jab, really, into his ribs made his mouth shoot open in in instant, only for his words to be stopped by another fucking cupcake. At least they were good. Grabbing the part of the cupcake that hadn't completely entered his mouth and holding it while he chewed, Oswald gave Anna a death glare. "And you're lucky I won't be at full steam until Friday, the earliest, or I'd take you to one of the sparring arenas and make you pay for that, you little shit." Letting the glare fade, he poked Anna on the forehead and smirked.

Then, he groaned as Emerald shoved her entire cupcake into her mouth, slowly scarfing the treat down like some kind of massive predator. "Holy hells Emerald, slow the fuck down a second or you're gonna suffocate on that thing." It was like he was the only one on this team with any restraint in his bones. Such was his burden, he supposed. Be the straight man in a cast of loonies.

As class began, Oswald's mood slowly dropped as he remembered what usually happened in Survival class.

You survived. Which usually required moving. Shit. As their new professor explained what they'd be doing and the class shuffled over to the simulation machine, Oswald breathed a bit of a sigh of relief. Even if this machine was as realistic as could be, it wasn't the real thing, and thus his chances of being brutally turned into paste were minimal. However, that didn't address the problem of his being held up by a friggin cane and also unable to wear one of his gauntlets due to his swollen thumb. The damage had mostly healed, but his armor was a little snug as it was, and there was no way he'd be able to wear that gauntlet in his condition.

Ultimately, Oswald was almost fully-geared, but his shield was strapped to his back once more, as he wasn't confident enough in his ability to wear it with his messed-up thumb.

Soon enough, the simulation started, and Oswald frowned when he was that they were on a sinking ship. "I should've just left the fucking armor, huh...?" That was fitting.

Quickly looking around, Oswald tried to take a mental tally of everybody around, but he was unfamiliar with some people and their abilities. Aside from Gren and his own teammates, he only really recognized Robert, Lauren (who was also a hell of a contender for lewdest girl at Beacon), Bianca (she'd clearly been through a lot and he'd seen her at the infirmary), and Sangue, the weird girl who apparently now had an entire, new prosthetic arm? Weird.

Making sure he was near his teammates, Oswald groaned. "Fucking hell, this is gonna suck. Lead the way, wonder twins!"

@Abillioncats @FlitterFaux
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Abillioncats
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Abillioncats Nyahahah you found me!

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Holodeck...Danger Room, take your pick

Emerald sat down rather promptly when Stella asked to have the floor. Maybe she got a little carried away with her cupcake speech. She gave Oswald a shit-eating grin that probably only cemented Oswald's feelings of being the straight man in a sea of lunatics.

Speaking of seas, Emerald's jaw was wide open as the class was brought into a fucking holodeck! Emerald was well aware of their existence, but she had never been in one herself. She bounced on her heels a bit when a virtual Grimm was brought to life in a demonstration.

It didn't get really exciting until Stella left the room and the scenario was brought to life.

“In two minutes the ship will sink, the main objective is to head to the island 1600 meters west of your current location.

Good luck.”

Emerald looked around the ship, getting her bearings as she adjusted from being in a blank room to a sinking ship on the sea. The otter girl was already springing into action and using her semblance to push the water out of the ship. Water control, niiiiiice.... She didn't have time to admire it though, they only had about two minutes before they sank!

Emerald ran up to the ship's railing, looking out towards the island in the distance. It really wasn't that far, she could fly there in no time. Of course, they all needed to get across, and she assumed only her and Bianca could fly.

She looked down at the Grimm attacking the ship. They were completely focused on tearing it up, but that would likely change once they attempted to flee the ship. Emerald grinned, the open sky was the perfect opportunity to show off her new found power of flight.

The catgirl backflipped up onto the railing, before turning around to look at her fellow students. "I'm gonna try to keep the Grimm occupied while you guys figure out how we're all getting off this tub!"

She didn't give anyone a chance to respond as she leaped backward off the rails and flew around the ship once. She gave her weapons a quick check, making sure they were locked and loaded.

Then, she made her attack, she systematically fired single rounds at Grimm she flew close to before backing off, not to necessarily kill them as much as to irritate them enough to focus on her instead.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago



The classroom burst into conversation after their musclebound teacher made his introduction, along with a late student arriving. The teacher was, helpfully enough, aware that football could mean several things and explained what version they would be playing. Although Krysanthe wasn't familiar with this particular version it didn't sound too difficult, plus it was only PE, it wasn't like they'd be expected to play like professionals anyway. More importantly they were to be split into two teams, however the process for doing such was not explained. Benjamin and Trad eh? Krysanthe looked at the two individuals in question, as several other students likely would. Benjamin looked overall rather average, albeit slightly athletic: while Trad looked much the same, although perhaps a bit more mature. Krysanthe shrugged and walked over towards Benjamin, "Hey cap'n, are we shirts or skins?" she asked cheerily. Teach hadn't said anything to indicate teams otherwise so they were probably going with that. She didn't really mind either way and it was a decent ice breaker.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 5 days ago


Collab post between @Azereiah and @Ryonara

Ashe found herself irritably tapping her foot as Gren spoke. She definitely knew him. And she wanted him to go bother someone else. Before she could say as much though, the class moved forwards and Gren excused himself. Thank fucking god for that, she thought as she followed along with the rest of the class. A short demonstration of what the Survival room’s functions were and some directions to stand away from other students later, and Ashe found herself on a sinking ship -- and not a metaphorical one like before. Grimm were everywhere in the water, and off in the distance there was something resembling land. And without even stopping to formulate a plan, the entire class scattered, presumably to find supplies. Ashe instead stood there on the steadily sinking deck, thinking.

Yue carried her armful of meager supplies with her as the ship began to rock from the grimm attacks, though more slowly than before thanks to the other students interfering. Yue could hear more students either dive into the water to fight or head into the ship to gather more supplies. Yue was tempted to join them, but no amount of supplies would be of any use if they couldn’t get off the ship. No doubt other students could easily reach land under their own power, but Yue couldn’t say the same for herself. She checked her dust cards and she had enough Ice dust to make maybe one small boat large enough to hold four students, maybe eight if she turned it into a raft. But it wouldn’t be very strong nor cut the water well. She needed to find the lifeboats.

Ashe was jogging towards the rear of the frigate when she spotted Yue. Yue’s use of Dust during Grimm Studies was even better than Ashe’s, so teaming up seemed like the best plan. Hopefully Yue would agree. “Hey, you looking for the lifeboats or something? I could use a hand with them,” she called.

Turning to the voice Yue recognized it as Ashe. She had spoken to her a bit during Grimm Studies. ”Ashe? Yes, I’m looking for the life boats. I’m sure there should be enough space for all of us, but I’m worried that these Grimm could easily capsize or destroy the boats while we’re in them. I have some dust I can use to reinforce them but I’m not sure if it’ll be enough. I only have enough dust to bolster my attacks, I’m not sure if it’ll be enough to do any important construction.” Yue took out her Dust Slips, revealing four dust infused sheets of laminated paper. She had used one in the last class and managed to freeze all the puddles in the room with one attack, though that drained all the dust from the card. ”If you happen to have any more ice dust on you, I could use it.”

“Unrefined water and air crystals, yeah. Guess those cards blend the powdered forms - not sure if we can make crystals work, but if you have any ideas, you can have them. Lifeboats should be this way,” Ashe stated as she continued her beeline towards the rear of the ship. A large mass under a blue tarp caught her attention roughly ⅔ of the way back the frigate -- possibly the lifeboats in question. A second tarp would be on the ship’s port side as well, no doubt.

“The life boats should be large enough to carry everyone to that landmass in the distance. The only trouble is making sure that the boats are sturdy enough to withstand any Grimm attack from underneath the boats, as well as getting it to the island. Life boats aren’t exactly known for their ability to cut water as much as their ability to just remain afloat. But if I had enough dust I can shape the boats a little, making them sturdier as well as help ensure we can get them to the island more swiftly.” Yue took out her Moonlight Greatsword and some dust. When she and Ashe found the covered bundle, Yue removed the tarp, revealing that they were indeed lifeboats. “Alright, boats! If I can use your crystals, I can shape the dust to make them more useful.”

Ashe simply nodded and pried the Water and Ice crystals free from her left glove, and handed them to Yue. Afterwards, she moved the remaining Gravity and Magma crystals from her tattered right glove to take their places, and silently got to work hauling one of the lifeboats off of the other. “...Can you make a few thin layers of ice instead of a large chunk?”

“Certainly. In fact making them into layer’s would make the ice harder than if I just made them into one huge chunk. Most people think Ice is rather brittle, but properly formed it can be harder than any metal. But I digress.” Taking the crystals from Ashe, Yue infused the dust into her sword. She imagined the shape of what she was looking for in her mind, and with one mighty swing she coated the bottom and hull of the lifeboats with layers of ice. It should provide enough durability to withstand quite a few attacks, and she shaped the ice in such a way that should they need to, the students would have an easy time rowing the boat in some direction. Yue even still had some ice dust left over to make some more ice constructs or fight the Grimm. “I think that’s it. All we need to do now is get everyone on these boats and go.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hana Dulcet


She envisioned a rather quiet day- boring, to be more exact. Boring wasn’t always bad, even if she hated it at times. It gave her time to get accustomed to environments unfamiliar to her. Beacon, and Vale as a whole, was no exception.

It all began with a simple transfer. She wasn’t going to start pointing fingers at why their team disbanded or why her family decided to move to Vale, but nevertheless, complications led to her transferring to Beacon.

Hana Dulcet liked attention. It fueled her with confidence, as impressing others usually meant there was something good about her.

She didn’t expect an army of girls to chase after her so rapidly, however.

This… Hana thought as she glanced over her shoulder before quickly throwing her gaze back on track. This isn’t good. Not at all. Not one bit! NOT A SINGLE OUNCE!!

In the most stereotypically unrealistic way of expressing infatuation, some of the girls screamed as they called out for her. Some of them even bust out their belongings to smack aside their competition as she ran down the halls.

Didn’t they have classes to attend to? Were they seniors like her, or were they just dropping classes just to bother her? Did they actually hate her and decided to disguise mass harassment on her?!

What is wrong with all these people?!

She felt sweat trickle down her neck. Oh God, I could just feel the stampede of feet and their creepy hivemind screams getting closer! H-Holy crap!

Skidding across a corner while leaving a trail of dust behind, she dashed forwards as she screamed,


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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
Avatar of Crimmy

Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shuai Taidan - Hallways

"Stop right there, you diabolical damsels~!"

A door slammed open with immense force, the loud slamming of wood against a wall heralding the sudden arrival of a costumed character who had chosen, in all their wisdom, to combat roll between the frail, fleeing filly and the malicious mob of malcontent maidens that sought to evilly ensnare their escaping exploitee. He rose powerfully to his feet, Bruce Lee noises echoing through the hall as he adopted the valiant and audacious attitude that was associated with his heroic bearing (one that could easily be found on highly merchandisable action figures).

His warm coloured helmet, slightly askew, was quickly adjusted, and once more he spoke, seeking to halt the horrendous hags before they could begin hostilities with the hysterical Hana.

"Hottie Ranger Red!" he declared (still very much in character), posing and allowing the crimson smoke to billow out from behind him. "Cease your attack at once, or I shall be forced to use force!"

His acting, on the other hand, was atrocious.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Sterling Johnson - Hallways

"Hold it, you barbarous broads~!"

At the exact same time, the door on the exact opposite end of the hallway from the first flung itself ajar hard enough to nearly embed the knob into the wall it had collided against, with equally thunderous report. This cantankerous crash was swiftly punctuated by the unique sight of a large, shining hero, deftly cartwheeling his powerful frame into the unenviable position of "between the escaping exchager and malicious mob of moonstruck maidens".

Low roars and grunts filled the air, harmonizing with the high-pitched Bruce Lee sounds of his helmeted comrade, as he flexed, posed, and slid into a boxer's boastful bounce on his boots, glorious and gleaming guise glamorous and gallant, guarding a girl from this gaggle of gristly gals.

"Hottie Ranger Silver!" He barked, smirk easily visible beneath his majorly merch-esque visor, which caught the metallic gleam of the silver ball bearings suspended in the air around him. "Let her go now, before I'm forced to take action, by force!"

The script was very improvised.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hana Dulcet


This is nuts! I can't just take them all at once! Somebody please-

Suddenly, two doors slammed open in perfect harmony. And from those doors came two helmeted figures practically burst into reality.

The doors were opened so loudly, Hana screamed even louder as she jumped and froze like a road runner struck by lightning.

Simply put, she had no idea what they were doing, or what they wanted.

But they mentioned of diabolical demons and barbarous broads. They flexed, grunted, made chicken(???) noises, and most importantly, flashed poses like there was no tomorrow.

”Hottie Ranger Red! Cease your attack at once, or I shall be forced to use force!”

"Hottie Ranger Silver! Let her go now, before I'm forced to take action, by force!"




Some of the girls at the very front tensed dramatically as they whispered out loud, “I-IT CAN'T BE-” at the sight of the two who stood in their way. But their moment of realization was for naught, for the girls behind them ran them over like wasps robbing a honeycomb, blinded for Hana.

Squees and chants arose as they continued to charge bravely.

And Hana, now staring at a scene straight out of some Warriors game, remained utterly still in shock. Her eyes wide and her mouth refusing to shut from her shock, she didn’t realize she stopped breathing until she thought,


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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
Avatar of Crimmy

Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shuai Taidan - Hallways

In a Warriors game, the lamentable legions of lasses would inevitably be capably countered by courageous champions of the correct, and no matter her incorrection imaginings of the calamitous condition in which horrified Hana sought to hide from, the fundamental laws of video gaming could not be so easily exterminated by evil. A rowdy rancor reverberated throughout the hallway, punctuated by the eerie, ear-splitting exclamations of the detestable dames.

And then, it stopped. Ceased. The frails had fallen flat onto the floor.

Another door opened. This time, it was gentle, depositing the handsome form of Shuai Taidan into the hall. He was a smiling young man, his long, pink-tipped black hair tied back into a flowing ponytail behind him. Large, bright eyes took one glance at the defeated damsels, before looking towards Hana.

"Wow, the Hottie Rangers must have been in town!" he remarked innocently.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Sterling Johnson - Hallways

"So they were..."

The sounds of unabashed war had ceased as quickly as they'd erupted, and once the flying forms of fighting females became fleeing figments of former foes and folly, leaving fallen friends to fend for themselves, the hall was empty of moving bodies once more— Save, of course, for the shellshocked and utterly nonplussed Hana.

As Taidan opened the door with a gentle smile and an innocent observation, regarding one of the school's many peculiarities, a second voice joined him.

It's owner was leaned against the wall across from the door, resting against an opened fourth. As if he had always been within it (even though he obviously had not), Sterling Johnson entered the shot. He was tall and strong, his grinning face more of a smirk than Taidan's earnest smiles, and he kicked his burly frame off from his rebellious lean against the wall to step forward and survey the damage. Folding his arms, one sinew and one steel, he gave the unconscious young women an understanding look before he coolly appraised Hana.

"Guess all the racket was them keeping the peace for us?"

He posed the question conversationally, teacupping his strong jaw in a musing way.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hana Dulcet


”Hey, dad? What are Huntsmen like?”

“Ha ha, they’re powerful people who can fight the dangers of the world, Hana!”

“Any danger?”

“Yes. Except thirsty women. Not everyone can fight them.”

She now understood what her father meant.

Here she was, standing like a statue in the midst of an aftermath of total war.

In the beginning, Hottie Rangers Red and Silver created annihilation in the halls. And they said, “Let there be judgement,” and judgement they fell on the women who chased Hana. Each strike and deafening noise drew Hana further and further away from the real world as she could practically feel the river that separated the living and the dead.

When everything fell silent, however, she snapped back to reality.


Before her, the girls that chased her now lay on the ground, refusing to admit defeat as they twitched and whined in a mixture of sadness and annoyance. While they were sad that they couldn’t reach Hana, they couldn’t help not stay annoyed at the hotties who beat them up. With denial came the acceptance of terms, and the reality that came to be… with Hana far away from their reach.

Meanwhile, Hana wondered what to do with the girls. As if to remind her that she was not alone, the doors suddenly opened, though they were not slammed open at supersonic speeds this time. Instead, they were graceful, opening as they revealed two dashing men.

A slender, beautiful man with long, flowing hair tied into a ponytail, his eyes gentle and steady. Meanwhile, the devilish man who revealed himself from the other side stood tall, his rebellious presence and cool smirk making him contrast with the lean man.

They were…

…totally those guys from before!


Right!! They were those helmet-wearing hotties- er, people!

Did they think of her as a fool?! She just witnessed them wipe the floor on a bunch of students without holding back, and here they were, suddenly trying to be graceful. N-Not that she’d lose to them easily or anything, but still! How did they even end up behind those doors, anyway?

H-How did I almost get convinced by these… these… people? Hana barely managed to safely piece together the words as a pout slowly entered her face. It wasn’t just a pout- it was a signature pout, one she often used when she had something to say.

Though she wanted to get angry at them for thinking she’d be gullible enough to fall for the obvious lie, a part of her told her that they just wanted to help her. Whether it was for showing off their cool costumes or actual consideration for her, she did not know, but they still helped her in the end.

As a blush that indicated her surprise came to view, she grumbled, “T…Thanks, I guess. But you can’t fool me! I know you were the Rangers.”

Crossing her arms, she steadied her shaky voice as she continued,

“I didn’t know what to do with those girls. I mean, I’m not weak, so don’t think I am! I was just worried about hurting anyone. You guys helped me, though.”

She cleared her throat as her usual attitude slowly recovered from the utter shock she had been overwhelmed with.

“I’m Hana Dulcet. Who exactly are you guys?”

She knew she had some time to know about their names. They helped her, so why not? The headmaster informed her that she would be able to meet her team soon, anyway. They went by the names Taidan, Sterling, and Sarina. For some reason, he didn’t show her what they looked like, saying that it was impossible to miss them, but she figured she would eventually find out by asking around.

There was no way the two people in front of her were her teammates. She wouldn’t expect her team to dress up in crazy costumes and burst out of doors to take rabid girls by surprise in an attempt to defend a frightened student. They wouldn’t, right?


They wouldn’t.

So she stared at them expectantly, hoping to dear God that the bad feeling arising in her stomach wasn’t true.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
Avatar of Crimmy

Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shuai Taidan - Hallways

"A ranger? Me?"

Shuai Taidan smiled, reaching out with a delicate hand to brush his pinkish-brown bangs away from his large, cheery eyes. He was totally not a ranger, even if the ranger dude looked like a feisty, energetic guy with super cool digs who he sure would've wanted to be if he was a ranger. It was really fun though. Not that he knew it for sure, because he definitely wasn't that handsome-looking Hottie Ranger.

"I'm flattered, but a cute and cuddly guy like me isn't fiery enough to be a slick and awesome ranger, right?" he asked innocently. Then another thought came to him, and his purple eyes brightened. "Oh! I'm Taidan! Shuai Taidan! Nice to meetcha!"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Physical education - Cian

"I... I will try my best?" Cian said with a soft stutter and a tilt of her head she was still unsure on what football entailed and reading the pamphlet only answered a very small amount of her questions but she understood the basics at least it was a step forward right? She was still very unsure and she did not see the point of this sport yet either but no matter what she would face it with the same determination as anything else she supposed it was the least she could do. "What does it mean by shirts or skins?" Cian muttered aloud getting worried that perhaps she was in way over her head with this but she would face it forward no matter what yes that was her goal. As those thoughts passed her mind she stared forward and looked with determined glare that anyone can see showed quite a bit of worry in them as well.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Clearing an Area

@Lucius Cypher

With her equipment with her, Sangue remained still for a brief moment before quickly adapting to her surroundings.

Swimming was never a forte of Sangue’s. That much was clear when her Grimm Studies class tasked the students to fight the Megaladeus. Admittedly, it was probably because of the prosthetic she carried around that weighed her light body down. In this case, however, swimming wasn’t particularly the focus of the class.

All they had to do was make it to the other side.

The students around her quickly acted, and in response, so did she. As soon as her eyes fell upon the Grimm, she quickly began analyzing them. A second passed before she let her prosthetic open up and reveal a sharp claw, its chains coming out of the palm. Raising it behind her, she swung it like a flail a single time before tossing the claw at one of the Grimm, throwing it uncontrollably to push off the Grimm from further damaging the ship for a moment.

It was clear that their numbers wouldn’t be dwindling, and with so many students around, there was bound to be something else to do to help with the situation. Her focus was always at its peak during combat- almost unnaturally so.

We need something to carry us over to the island, she thought.

She then remembered that one drama Mark showed her at the bar’s small television.

“…I should hold them off,” she spoke quietly, her words carefully mended together. She knew she had to speak and act faster, even if it was still troubling for her tongue.

Some of the students went to go grab the lifeboats, so she wouldn’t need to go through the hassle of trying to find things. According to Gren, they didn’t have much time. His dripping wet boots implied so just as easily as his words did. Her eyes remained sharp, though they were mostly because she wanted to help everyone get off the sinking structure.

Sensible people wouldn’t overthink about appearances when Grimm were trying to sink a ship. Perhaps some people would, but she didn’t.

Her gaze fell upon Emerald, who quite literally rained bullets on the Grimm like a raincloud of guns. Taking notice that she was more or less focusing on distracting the Grimm from their attacks, Sangue unsheathed her blade as her prosthetic’s palm opened once more.

She then remembered Gren. He made her an entirely new arm- it didn’t seem wrong to plan something with him.

“Gren,” she called out to the man in question. “I… think I need your help.”

Gren’s trip inside the ship was unfortunately unfortunate. He found some towels and one life jacket he could fit into and tore off a first aid kit from the wall, but aside from that the place was flooding too fast for him to delve further without proper preparation. No backup and no plan would mean he’d essentially be walking into a water grave, so he returned to the deck with his meager bounty.

Then figured his next best bet would be to find those lifeboats and protect them. That should be something he could easily do. But before he would go he heard Sangue’s quiet voice call out to him. This was a bit of a surprise, as he didn’t expect her to initiate a conversation. Trying to lighten the situation up a bit he cracked a joke. ”Things must be real bad if you’re asking me for help. What can I do for you?”

Needless to say, Sangue didn't understand the joke. She didn’t have anything to ask about it, however, so she pointed at the side of the ship with her blade. Several Grimm could be seen approaching to ship from afar, though some were most likely going to approach from below as well.

“Can you… hold onto this?” She asked as she looked away from the edge and lifted the harpoon that slid out of the prosthetic’s palm. Looking up to the man who towered over her, she continued carefully, “...I’m... going to jump off and deal with some of them. ...But I don’t want to damage… the ship.”

The extra effort she put into speaking could be noticeable, but she didn’t celebrate that at the slightest. She made far more mistakes and left out more information when she spoke faster, like how she didn’t mention that her original plan was to spike the harpoon on the ship before going out on her own.

Going out on her own could risk the Grimm attacking the chains. Though it was a simulation, she did not need to treat it as such and laze around while everyone was doing something. Working with others was key to making the most efficient work of an objective, as Ben always told her, so she followed his very words.

As much as her first thought was to ask Lauren for help, she figured that Gren would know how her prosthetic worked the most, considering he was one of the people who made it.

Gren looked at Sangue’s honestly surprised this time. Not that she was not only talking to him, but had a plan too. She didn’t seem the type to do that but then again he didn’t know her, so he just smiled and grabbed her harpoon. ”Got it! Go and slay em Sangue, I’ll make sure nothing jumps at you from behind.”

Once Sangue was ready, Gren went over to the side of the ship and activated his semblance to allow him to kneel on the side of the ship. He stuck the harpoon onto his chest and also used his semblance to ensure it was stuck firmly to his body. This way, both of his hands were free to wield his gun, which for now he’ll call Annabeth, and provide covering fire for Sangue. His helmet snapped over his head as he got ready to fight and looked to the crimson haired huntress.

”I’m in position. You’re good to go at anytime!”

Thankfully, Gren agreed to help her.

...I really need to think of something to give him, she thought, remembering that she had plans in paying him a favor. For now, however, she decided to make use of his help.

Walking over to the rail, she glanced over the ship, taking note of the Grimm. Some of them seemed stronger than the others, though most of them were threatening due to their numbers more than anything.

Moving away from the edge, she took several steps back and watched Gren… stick the harpoon on his chest. She presumed it was safe for him to do so, seeing how she herself couldn’t do that. As he readied his firearm, so did she with her blade.

With a bit of poison remaining in the prosthetic pauldron, she grabbed her blade with the prosthetic as venom oozed onto her blade. She slid the artificial hand across the whole weapon, the katana redder than its usual form. It could slow down any Grimm enough for Gren to finish off easily if she happens to not kill them in one blow.

Nodding at Gren, she took a brief moment to remain still.

She then leapt off the ship.

By no means did she have a power of flight. But she had someone to back her up, and it was enough to convince her to jump.

Her body now airborne, her prosthetic fingers abruptly clenched the chains. As she stopped moving further from the boat, her feet lightly landed on its side as she instantly beheaded two weak Grimm attacking the boat.

And she ran. Slashing with a fervor that could easily be mistaken for anger, she ran and ran, cutting apart the Grimm almost effortlessly. She stabbed one of the Grimm straight in its head before slashing in a perfectly parallel line to the side of the ship she ran on, slicing a weaker Grimm in half. While she did run quickly, it wasn’t to the point where it wouldn’t leave room for Gren to shoot down some of the Grimm that began to follow her trail.

One of the Grimm shot out of the water to attack her. Unfazed, she kicked herself off the ship before ramming her foot straight into its face, sending the thing into the air as she promptly landed and continued running. The plan did not seem like much at a first glance, but its goal was to grant breathing room for the lifeboats.

As she ran, a darker shadow approached Sangue from below, refusing to immediately lash out as it waited.

“Pull!” Sangue called out to Gren, much louder than before as she flipped her blade so that it faced behind her.

Laughing maniacally, Gren gunned down the Grimm with gusto. They chased after Sangue like bait, only to run into a hail of bullets from Annabeth. It was a good thing Sangue was drawing them to the surface, as he didn’t prep his underwater ammo. Still his usual bullets would be more than enough to shred the monsters that dared leave their murky depths. As he was shooting her heard Sangue about to him. It must have been something very important if she shouted loud enough to be heard over the roar of Annabeth.

Gren tossed his rifle towards his feet, where his semblance made sure it didn’t fall into the water. Grabbing the harpoon with both hands Gren yanked the chain with all his might, pulling Sangue up towards him as hard as he could, and hopefully enough for whatever Sangue needed. ”Everything okay Sangue?” The boar faunus shouted to Sangue.

Right before he pulled, Sangue dipped nearer to the water as her eyes sharpened.

And as soon as Gren did pull her, a Grimm that almost bore the resemblance of a Megaladeus popped out. It was much smaller and clearly less threatening than one, however, but having something like it around would be annoying if it got in the way of the boats. She couldn't lure it out safely because her chains would retract too slowly on their own, but Gren being around made it a different story.

Pulling her legs up as her skirt flapped wildly, she quickly plunged the katana between her stretched legs, stabbing the Grimm in the neck. Time froze for a moment for her as her eyes remained locked onto the creature that attempted to attack her- particularly at the direction of her chains.

As soon as she violently twisted the katana in the Grimm’s neck, Gren’s raw power threw her out of harm’s way as the sharp blade sharply cut upward across the Grimm’s head. The separated head dangled loosely as it fell on top of some of the Grimm.

As her feet landed on the ship again, this time much closer to Gren, she began to retract her chains before eventually hurling herself back onto the sinking ship. Water drenched her body, hair, and dress, making her somewhat heavier than before. She had focused mostly on one side that the Grimm could attack from, which would hopefully slow them down before their numbers grow again. They were still formidable enemies, regardless of whether they were considered weak or not by people.

Steadying herself, she unsheathed her weapon and looked back over the ship. There were still some of them left, though it would take a bit for more to gather, especially after Gren had shredded apart many of them. Emerald’s distraction proved to be useful since some of the Grimm were noticeably disoriented.

“...Thank you,” she told Gren, her voice quiet once more. “We… should get with the others.”

Gren smiled widely as he saw Sangue cut down the Grimm just moments before he pulled her up. That was quick thinking on her part. Once Sangue landed onto the deck he deactivated the friction on her harpoon so she could retracted it back into her hand. Gren picked up Annabeth and fired upon any stranglers, but for the most part this side was mostly clear. He was tempted to shoot some rockets into the water but refrained. Grimm weren’t the smartest creatures, but they could be cunning too. Last thing he needed was for them to grab his rockets and use them to damage the ship so he just kept shooting until he needed to reload, swapping out one huge crate of ammo for another on Gren’s back.

He got back to the deck and could feel the ship’s sinking slow down just a hint. It’s still going to sink, but Sangue brought them some time at least. The big green guy gave her a thumbs up. ”That was some hot stuff there Sangue. Good work! Now that you’ve thinned out the grimm it should be a bit safer for us to take the lifeboats off this deathtrap. Speaking of boats, let’s head to the lifeboats. Pretty sure I saw them near the backend of the ship.” Gren motioned towards the lifeboats waiting to see if Sangue wanted to go.

”Oh, and take this too, if you want. It’s a life vest. Too small for me but it should work fine for you.” It looked like a normal rubber vest at first, not something that could actually keep Sangue afloat. But there was a bright red tag in the chest that if Sangue pulled, it’ll inflate the vest and help her float to the surface. It was simply in its compact form right now.

Gently taking the vest, she nodded as she held it close to herself. It would help if things turned for worse, though she doubted the students would let that happen.

“...Thank you,” she repeated, though her expression softened for a moment. Her serious look quickly returned as she headed to the other students who had prepared the lifeboats with Gren. They had to leave the ship as soon as possible.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

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@HereComesTheSnow @FlitterFaux @Plank Sinatra @Kaithas @Awesomoman64

Picking teams was pretty quick, all things considered. The teacher threw a coin to decide who'd pick first, and as luck would have it, he won. He got his top picks pretty easily. Not that Trad was making poor choices, either. This was gonna be fun. After a few moments he had Luke, Jericho, Skye, Amy, Ferris, Violet, Blaine gathered around him. It was good to have Luke backing him up, and he was definitely looking forward to seeing how Jer did. Amy was on his team, and Skye might have been really tired but it was great that she was going to get to stick with people she knew. Luke was her teammate, they could get acquainted.

Musing aside, though, it was time for a little friendly banter.

"Hey, Trad, shirts versus skins? Betcha I've got better muscles." He called out with a joking grin, before gesturing for his team to gather around. "Alright, guys, form up we've gotta plan a little.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tominas
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Physical Education
Team: Best Team

Stepping forward into the huddle, Blaine stooped down to join the rest of his team. He felt like he should say something, but had only had a little time to glance at the rules of this sport before the team was called to rally. Glancing around, he could tell that overall they were an athletic group, but no one particularly stood out. Or rather, it was that they all stood out, a motley crew, as should be expected.

Blaine took a deep breath, exhaling with closed eyes. It was his first day here, and already he had no clue what was going on. That wasn’t entirely unexpected, but he needed to try his damndest to make a good impression. Think, damn it all! His fists clenched and his jaw tightened, sharp canines showing in a slight grimace. Glancing up, his brows furrowed in an intense stare, he locked his gaze upon the black-haired student who had spoken. An idea had struck. “Team captain, I’ve a plan. We take the ball and bull-rush down the middle, our staunchest blasting through their opposition with extreme prejudice. While this occurs, we fake a pass to one of our easily concealed teammates, in truth pressing on with our forward offense. It would require our strongest and most agile, but I believe it has a strong chance of success. Overall, we do seem to carry a size advantage. What say you?”

The faunus spoke with a voice like a gravel suspended in molasses, deep baritone rumbling out from his throat. His eyes blazed with an inextinguishable fire. Blaine had forgotten to introduce himself or ask for his teammates’ names, but all was forgotten in the face of glory. By the way Coach Roy Roy Fitzroy spoke, this was serious business. Blaine would not fail his allies. Not today. Not ever.

For him, this was war.

This was football.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 5 days ago

Physical Education

Though he didn’t win the coin toss, Trad was still able to pick what he thought was a fairly solid team. When they finished he had assembled Sand, Cian, Krysanthe, Shiro, Sepia, Diamond, Yun, and Selena. It was no coincidence he chose mostly familiar faces. While this football was much different than the Maiden NFL video games he had played, he knew the key to a well rounded team in any sport was knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses and how to fully utilize them. With all their bases covered, Trad was confident this roster could rival the all star picks Ben had snagged.

As they separated into their huddles, Ben tossed a little trash talk Trad’s way claiming to have better muscles. “Oh really?” Trad said. A devious smirk slid across his face. Shirts versus skins eh? Well then. With one mad flex, Trad’s shirt exploded into tatters which he then ripped away fully revealing his own muscular form not unlike coach Roy. ”Are you sure about that?” Trad asked before turning to his team huddle. ”Alright, how do you guys want to play this?”

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

This entire time Selena had just been in the background, not really getting involved but not skipping out either. She let the other more interesting students take the spotlight. But soon teams were being chosen to play football. Selena tilted her head trying to think what sort of football the teacher was talking about. She knew that in some countries football is a game where teams kick a round ball into the opposing goal, while in others they have to carry the ball to the opposing goal instead, with tackles permitted. It seemed like it was going to be the second type of football, but with a ball that Selena associates with rugby. ”Eh. Maybe people in Vale just play it differently.”

This version of football was pretty unfamiliar to Selena. She didn’t know rugby very well either, but she at least knew that you had to catch the ball and get it to the other side without getting tackled. This one though had rules for dribbling, kicking, “handballing”, and other things that she wasn’t familiar with. She hoped that the teacher was going to give them a bit of a demonstration first but she doubts that. Beacon was a bit too hardcore to hold their student’s hands like that. Suited Selena fine she supposed; better to learn through experience then boring herself to tears watching a lecture. The only problem was the odd team matchup. While most of the students were getting picked out Selena noted that she was the odd woman out. She was too busy reading up on the rules that she didn’t go to the line up. ”Well damn.”

Selena didn’t let it bother her too much however. She just came over and looked at the two teams, with herself standing in the middle. ”Guess I’ll be the ref then.” But instead it seemed like she was going to be on Trad’s team. She watched as the two captains taunted each other, and Trad even ripped his shirt off with nothing but a flex. Not one to be outdone, Selena joined in this shirts vs skins game as well, taking off her gym blazer to reveal the sports bra underneath. She joined the huddle with a devious smirk. ”The rules are a bit weird, but I think we could make it weirder. Why don’t we use our Semblances while we play? That’ll be fun.”

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